Reliable InP-based Geiger-mode Avalanche Photodiode Arrays The MIT Faculty has made this article openly available. Please share how this access benefits you. Your story matters. Citation Smith, Gary M. et al. “Reliable InP-based Geiger-mode avalanche photodiode arrays.” Advanced Photon Counting Techniques III. Ed. Mark A. Itzler & Joe C. Campbell. Orlando, FL, USA: SPIE, 2009. 73200R-10. © 2009 SPIE As Published Publisher Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers Version Final published version Accessed Thu May 26 07:55:43 EDT 2016 Citable Link Terms of Use Article is made available in accordance with the publisher's policy and may be subject to US copyright law. Please refer to the publisher's site for terms of use. Detailed Terms Reliable InP-based Geiger-mode Avalanche Photodiode Arrays Gary M. Smith, K. Alex McIntosh, Joseph P. Donnelly, Joseph E. Funk, Leonard J. Mahoney, and Simon Verghese MIT Lincoln Laboratory, 244 Wood Street, Lexington, MA USA 02402 ABSTRACT Arrays as large as 256 x 64 of single-photon counting avalanche photodiodes have been developed for defense applications in free-space communication and laser radar. Focal plane arrays (FPAs) sensitive to both 1.06 and 1.55 μm wavelength have been fabricated for these applications. At 240 K and 4 V overbias, the dark count rate (DCR) of 15 μm diameter devices is typically 250 Hz for 1.06 μm sensitive APDs and 1 kHz for 1.55 μm APDs. Photon detection efficiencies (PDE) at 4 V overbias are about 45% for both types of APDs. Accounting for microlens losses, the full FPA has a PDE of 30%. The reset time needed for a pixel to avoid afterpulsing at 240 K is about 3-4 μsec. These devices have been used by system groups at Lincoln Laboratory and other defense contractors for building operational systems. For these fielded systems the device reliability is a strong concern. Individual APDs as well as full arrays have been run for over 1000 hrs of accelerated testing to verify their stability. The reliability of these GM-APDs is shown to be under 10 FITs at operating temperatures of 250 K, which also corresponds to an MTTF of 17,100 yrs. Keywords: single photon detector, photon imager, Geiger-mode, avalanche photodiodes, reliability 1. INTRODUCTION Single photon sensitive detectors and arrays have substantial applications in laser radar and free-space optical communications as well as other uses. Devices sensitive to near-infrared (NIR) photons are not as well developed as those made of silicon and sensitive to visible photons. NIR sensitive arrays can be fabricated in the InP-based material system and the wavelength sensitivity can be tailored by changing the bandgap of the InGaAsP absorber layer while maintaining a lattice-match to the InP substrate. Unlike linear-mode avalanche photodiodes (APDs), Geiger-Mode (GM) APDs are temporarily biased above their breakdown voltage so that a single absorbed photon results in a large current pulse. These current pulses are sufficiently large to switch CMOS digital logic, hence allowing arrays of these devices to be directly bonded to readout integrated circuits (ROICs). This paper describes the reliability of GM-APD arrays. Unlike linear-mode APDs that have low-level currents, GMAPDs can sustain current pulses of many milliamperes through small-diameter devices (15 μm) resulting in current densities of over 5000 A/cm2 and corresponding power densities of over 300 kW/cm2. Even with very short pulse widths (~2-20 ns) these currents can lead to degradation of GM-APDs over time if the device is not properly designed and fabricated. We have previously demonstrated that mesa-etched GM-APDs can be made reliable with proper passivation and care during fabrication [1,2]. In this paper detailed reliability studies are used to establish a failure rate model and determine the fitting parameters to extrapolate failure rates at operating conditions. 2. DEVICE DESIGN AND ARRAY FABRICATION Many of the details of the design and fabrication of GM-APD arrays have been published previously [1,2]. Devices described here use a separate absorption and multiplication region (SAM) structure to absorb the photons in a narrow bandgap material then multiply the carriers in a larger bandgap avalanche region (see Fig. 1). A highly doped field-stop layer is used between the absorber and avalanche region to control the electric field in various parts of the device. Depending on the intended application, the absorber is either lattice-matched InGaAsP (1.06 μm) or InGaAs (1.5 μm). The APD mesa is defined by etching through the epitaxial layers into the highly p-doped InP contact layer. Edge passivation is then applied and metal contacts deposited. The edge passivation process is critical to the reliability of the devices. Polyimide coated with silicon nitride has been found to be a very stable passivation for these devices [2]. Advanced Photon Counting Techniques III, edited by Mark A. Itzler, Joe C. Campbell, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7320, 73200R · © 2009 SPIE · CCC code: 0277-786X/09/$18 · doi: 10.1117/12.819126 Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7320 73200R-1 Downloaded from SPIE Digital Library on 15 Mar 2010 to Terms of Use: n-Contact Edge Passivation 10-nm n+ InGaAs Contact n+ InP ≈ 4 μm p-Contact n- InGaAsP Absorber n- InP Avalanche n+ InP Field Stop p+ InP n InP substrate AR Coating Back Illumination Fig. 1. Schematic of a mesa-etched InP-based Geiger-mode APD. 7.5 mm Fig. 2. Hybridized 128x32 GM-APD array. Indium bumps are deposited and patterned on top of the mesas for bonding to the ROIC. The substrate is then thinned and an anti-reflective coating is applied to the back side. After arrays are cut from a fabricated wafer, they are individually flip-chip bonded to ROIC die and epoxied together. Finally microlenses are actively aligned to the array and epoxied in place. A picture of a hybridized 128x32 array is shown in Fig. 2. 3. ARRAY AGING AND FAILURE RATE DETERMINATION Lincoln Laboratory has established the capability for simultaneous accelerated aging of 120 GM-APDs in three different aging chambers. The DC and AC overbias voltage can be independently controlled on each device while the pulse width, repetition rate, and temperature are variable for each chamber. These tools have been used to characterize a large number of arrays from many fabrication lots. Analyzing these results has led to the development of a failure rate model that fits the data and allows extrapolation of expected failure rates for fielded devices. Some insight into the degradation mechanics is also described in this section. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7320 73200R-2 Downloaded from SPIE Digital Library on 15 Mar 2010 to Terms of Use: 10000 Sam ple A 30 um Diam eter APD Polyim ide Passivated 9000 8000 1000+ Hrs, GM Aging 4 V Overbias, 23 C 300 nsec pulse, 1 kHz DCR (kHz) 7000 6000 5000 0-1000 Hrs, Linear-mode Aging 45 V, 85 C 2 V Below Breakdow n 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 0 200 400 600 Hours 800 1000 1200 Fig. 3. Dark count rate as a function of time while aging several GM-APDs. The first 1000 hrs were aged in linear-mode at 85 C and no degradation was seen. Post-1000 hrs devices were aged in Geiger-mode and degradation was seen within several hours. 3.1 Linear-mode versus Geiger-mode aging Avalanche photodiodes used for telecommunications applications have been shown to be very reliable [3-5]. However, these devices are aged below breakdown in the linear-mode regime and have fairly low currents flowing through them. Conversely, Geiger-mode APDs are DC biased just below breakdown and AC pulsed over breakdown for a short period of time. High overbias voltages can generate several mA of current through very small device diameters that can cause tremendous localized stress. To draw a direct comparison between aging in below-breakdown linear-mode, and Geigermode, several GM-APDs were aged for 1000 hrs at 2 V below breakdown in an 85 C environment and periodically tested in Geiger-mode to determine the dark count rate (DCR) [Fig. 3]. Then the same devices were Geiger-mode aged with a DC bias of 2 V below breakdown (the same as linear mode) but with a moderate 4 V AC overbias for 300 nsec at 1 kHz in a 23 C environment. Within hours the DCR rapidly increases and does not recover. The stark contrast of the degradation of APDs in Geiger-mode where the field in the APD is only slightly higher than it is in linear-mode suggests that the degradation mechanism is not one accelerated by the field magnitude. Follow-up experiments with varied overbias, pulse width, and repetition rate pointed to the charge flowing through the device (i.e. current) as the accelerating mechanism. Surprisingly, in another experiment, DC current was found to not accelerate failures; degradation is only seen when operated in Geiger-mode. A group of GM-APDs that were from a fabrication lot known to degrade under Geiger-mode aging were operated with DC currents of 10’s of uA with no signs of degradation. Hence, all aging must be done in Geiger-mode, which somewhat complicates the aging system design since both AC and DC sources must be coupled to each channel. 3.2 Aging of Geiger-mode APD arrays The majority of the controlled aging done at MIT-LL has been accelerated aging. This aging is done by mounting GMAPD arrays to fan-out boards then mounting the fan-out board in a package and wirebonding a sampling of the APDs for subsequent testing (up to 40 in each round of testing). The GM-APDs are then operated at various conditions of overbias voltage, pulse width, repetition rate, and temperature. The customized test board used for this aging has independent DC and AC power supplies for each APD. The device is operated in Geiger-mode for some time then the DCR is periodically measured. An example of this type of aging sampled from a 32x32 array is shown in Fig. 4. This plot shows Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7320 73200R-3 Downloaded from SPIE Digital Library on 15 Mar 2010 to Terms of Use: aging of 37 GM-APDs for over 300 hours with a very high overbias of 10 V. Six failures are evident in this aging sample. A limited number of unaccelerated aging tests have also been performed. These tests are performed with arrays bumpbonded to ROICs and more closely operated as they would be in a fielded system. With the ROIC and associated electronics, a large number of GM-APDs can be aged and evaluated. However, there is limited ability to increase the acceleration for this type of aging since the ROIC limits the amount of charge flowing through the APD substantially. An example of aging on a 32x32 GM-APD array on a ROIC is shown in Fig. 5 which plots both the average and standard deviation of the DCR for the full array. The average DCR and its standard deviation initially increases then decreases to a relatively stable value over the period of 1000 hrs. No failures were measured. 4.0E+05 3.5E+05 3.0E+05 DCR (Hz) 2.5E+05 2.0E+05 1.5E+05 1.0E+05 5.0E+04 0.0E+00 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Hours 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 37 38 39 40 Fig. 4. Dark count rate as a function of time for 37 GM-APDS aged at 23 C, 10 V overbias, 30 kHz, 300 nsec pulses. 6000 1.06 μm GM-APD Array 15 um Dia, 32x32 Poly/Nit Passivation 5C Dark Count Rate (Hz) 5000 Average DCR DCR St Dev 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Time (Hours) Fig. 5. Dark count rate as a function of time for 1024 GM-APDS aged continuously on a ROIC with a 4 V overbias. The triangles indicate the average DCR while the boxes are the standard deviation. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7320 73200R-4 Downloaded from SPIE Digital Library on 15 Mar 2010 to Terms of Use: 3.3 Degradation characteristics and mechanism Some insight into the degradation mechanism of these devices can be gained by more closely examining the characteristics of the device while it is degrading. Figure 6 shows the DCR as a function of time and the current-voltage (I-V) characteristics at several different points during the aging period. The DCR remains relatively constant for this device from 0 to 20 hrs. However the dark current during this time increases four orders of magnitude. Then at 20 hrs of elapsed aging the DCR begins to increase rapidly with only modest continued increases in the dark current. It is likely that the increasing dark current is only a surface leakage along the sidewalls of the APD. If this is the case then electrons could conduct along the perimeter of the device without ever going through the very high field avalanche region of the device where they would cause an avalanche event (i.e. a dark count). Figure 7 is a schematic of a biased GM-APD and illustrates a possible origin of the degradation in these devices. Ions or charges may be accumulating on the perimeter of the GM-APD while it is operating. Over time these ions could accumulate to a sufficient quantity that they start acting as a pathway for charge to flow along the perimeter of the device and increasing the leakage current dramatically. Initially the surface conduction does not interfere with the Geiger-mode operation since the carriers never penetrate into the avalanche region of the device to initiate a breakdown event. Eventually the charge on the surface accumulates so much that it begins to bend the electric field in the device and starts drawing the carriers into the avalanche region leading to a sudden large increase in DCR despite only very small further increases in dark current. 3000 23.1 hr 23 C, Dry N2 4 V Overbias 300 nsec pulse, 1 kHz 2500 ↓ DCR (kHz) 2000 1500 ↓ 0 hr ↓ 7.2 hr 1000 ↑ 2.7 hr 500 0 0 5 10 Hours 15 20 25 1.E-04 10-4 1.E-05 10-5 1.E-06 10-6 Current (A) 1.E-07 10-7 23.1 hr 1.E-08 10-8 1.E-09 10-9 7.2 hr 1.E-10 10-10 1.E-11 10-11 2.7 hr 1.E-12 10-12 0 hr 1.E-13 10-13 50 55 60 65 Voltage (V) 70 75 Fig. 6. Dark count rate as a function of time (top) and dark current as a function of voltage at a number of times during the aging (bottom). The arrows in the top plot indicate the points at which the dark current was measured. The dark current curves indicate the leakage increases several orders of magnitude before any increase in DCR is measured. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7320 73200R-5 Downloaded from SPIE Digital Library on 15 Mar 2010 to Terms of Use: + - E↑ Fig. 7. Schematic cross-section of a GM-APD accumulating charge along the sidewall of the device. As the surface charge accumulates it eventually leads to charge injection into the avalanche region. Enlarged 4.0E+07 4.0E+07 1.06 μm GM-APD Polyimide Passivated 200 um Dia Vob = 4 V 300 nsec, 1 kHz 3.5E+07 3.0E+07 3.5E+07 3.0E+07 2.5E+07 DCR (Hz) DCR (Hz) 2.5E+07 2.0E+07 2.0E+07 1.5E+07 1.5E+07 1.0E+07 1.0E+07 5.0E+06 5.0E+06 0.0E+00 16 hrs @ 175 C 43 hrs @ 190 C 0.0E+00 0 20 40 Hours 60 80 100 87 87.5 88 Hours 88.5 89 89.5 Fig. 8. Dark count rate as a function of time for a degraded GM-APD. The right plot is zoomed in around 88 hrs when the device was baked at high temperature for long periods to diffuse the surface charge accumulated on the sidewalls away from the device. To further investigate this degradation mechanism, a high temperature bake was performed on a degraded GM-APD to see the effect on the DCR of the device (Fig. 8). A GM-APD was aged and degraded until the firing rate was saturated (i.e. it fired every gate, indicated in the plot by the DCR plateau at 70 hrs). The GM-APD was removed from the aging chamber and baked for 16 hrs at 175 C then placed back in the aging chamber for more testing. The GM-APD returns to its original pre-aged DCR and maintains that for a short period of time then begins to degrade very quickly again. The test was stopped yet again and another bake was performed, this time at a higher temperature and longer time. After the bake, the GM-APD again returns to its original DCR and maintains that performance for a bit longer but finally degrades rapidly. This experiment further supports the theory of ions accumulating on the sidewall of the device and they diffuse away from the mesa somewhat during the high temperature bakes. They do not move very far away as the onset of the degradation on these subsequent rounds is much more rapid than the initial degradation but the charges do move far enough away that their effect on the fields in the APD are negligible – recovering to the initial DCR before degradation. These characteristics of the degradation of the device and the baking experiment agree well with a theory of charge accumulation around the perimeter of the device. The evidence suggests that the failure is not being caused by an epitaxial defect which could not repair itself at the modest temperatures used for the bake cycle. It also is probably not the formation of conductive surface oxides since these also would not have a recovery of performance at modest bake temperatures. However, we have not yet determined the physical origin of the ions that are accumulating on the sidewalls or what causes the substantial variation in reliability of different fabrication lots which nominally are fabricated with the same process. More work is ongoing to determine the origin of the degradation and improve the fabrication process to further improve the reliability of these devices. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7320 73200R-6 Downloaded from SPIE Digital Library on 15 Mar 2010 to Terms of Use: 3.4 Failure rate model and aging statistics With the accumulation of a substantial database of aging results at multiple conditions, it becomes possible to develop a failure rate model for the devices. Typical semiconductor devices have failure rate models that take into account both electrical stress on the device as well as the operating temperature. These models are exclusively experimental in origin as the physical processes that cause these failures are very difficult to determine and then impossible to translate into a mathematical model. MIT-LL has experimentally developed a failure rate model that has good agreement with the measured aging data and is similar to models used for traditional photodiodes and laser diodes. Equation 1 is this model which is simply that the failure rate of the device is proportional to the Geiger-mode current through the device times an Arrhenius factor for thermal acceleration. The remainder of this section will discuss the application of this model to GMAPD array aging data to determine the fitting parameters such that extrapolations can be made of the failure rate at real operating conditions. ⎛ E ⎞ FailRate ∝ I × exp⎜ − A ⎟ ⎝ kT ⎠ (1) When applying a failure rate model to aging data, the failure rate being measured should be fairly constant with time. If the devices are experiencing a high rate of infant mortality there will be many failures early in the aging cycle with a decreasing failure rate over time. If the failure rate is substantially increasing with time then the population is said to be in the “wear-out” regime and is also not a very good data set to which to fit a model. A way to characterize the failure rate as a function of time is using a Weibull plot and calculating the Beta of the data. Beta is proportional to the slope of the Weibull plot and if it is unity then the failure rate is constant. Shown in Fig. 9 is an example Weibull plot of a particularly poor aging lot in which all of the devices under test failed within 50 hours. The failure characteristics of this lot are typical of other lots with failures, although most lots only have a handful of failures and are not sufficient to produce a good Weibull plot. This Weibull indicates that the failure rate remains constant as a function of time with a Beta of 1.1. No evidence of infant mortalities has been seen during any of the aging performed. Table 1 lists several examples of how the charge flow acceleration factor is calculated for each aging test. The pulse height when the GM-APD fires is used to calculate the current flow through the device per firing. The charge per firing assumes a firing pulse width of half of the applied AC overbias pulse width (i.e. randomly distributed). All of the aging to date has occurred in the dark and relies on random dark firings to age the device. The DCR can be easily translated into a fraction of the applied pulses that actually fire. Finally, using the pulse repetition rate, a charge flow in electrons / sec can be calculated. The ratio is then taken with the charge flow rate when operating on a ROIC to result in the acceleration for that particular test just from the current acceleration. The highest acceleration factors are for high overbias voltage (the ROIC is typically 4 V) and for larger diameter devices which have high current flow which is proportional to the area of the device. MIT-LL has aged over 1100 GM-APDs from 31 arrays from 12 fabrication lots accumulating over 140,000 actual device hours. The failure rate of these devices tends to vary from lot to lot with some very poor reliability lots even though they had very good performance at the beginning of life. The lots with good reliability tend to have similar failure rates to each other, suggesting that there is a baseline failure rate for our fabrication process that produces uniformly good material, with the occasional bad lot. Data thus far indicates that arrays on good fabrication lots have similar failure rates and arrays on bad fabrication lots can have largely varying failure rates, but all substantially higher than failure rates on good lots. Hence the reliability of any particular GM-APD array can be assured by aging sample arrays from each lot to verify the failure rate is below a certain threshold. This lot verification is a routine procedure used in commercial telecommunication laser diode manufacturing and is now being applied to our GM-APD array programs. Device reliability can be described by the hazard rate which is the number of failures divided by the number of hours aged. Frequently quoted is the mean-time-to-failure (MTTF) which is the inverse of the hazard rate (i.e. hours aged / failures). A useful metric is also the failure rate in FITs (Failure-In-Time) which is the number of failures expected in 1E9 device hours. Since failure rates are based on sampling with fairly small populations and relatively few failures, a statistical confidence factor is frequently applied to the failure rate. This factor effectively increases the reported failure rate for aging data with few failures and has no effect when there are a large number of failures. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7320 73200R-7 Downloaded from SPIE Digital Library on 15 Mar 2010 to Terms of Use: Examples of the reliability of good GM-APD array fabrication lots are shown in Table 2. This table indicates the conditions during aging for the devices, the number of APDs aged, the number of failed devices, the maximum time on test for the lot, the total accumulated device hours, the failure rate with 60% statistical confidence, and the raw failure rate (point estimate). The italics rows take into account the current acceleration of that population to extrapolate a failure rate at room temperature (23 C). The extrapolated failure rates for these three lots operating on a ROIC at 23 C are 1122, 475, and 376 FITs. ReliaSoft Weibull++ 7 - Probability - Weibull 99.000 Probability-Weibull Data 1 Weibull-2P RRX SRM MED FM F=34/S=0 Data Points Probability Line 90.000 Unreliability, F(t) 50.000 10.000 5.000 Gary Smith MIT-LL 2/12/2009 8:19:57 PM 1.000 0.100 1.000 10.000 100.000 Time, (t) β=1.1108, η=14.1386, ρ=0.9693 Fig. 9. Fraction of failed devices as a function of time; a Weibull plot from the aging of GM-APDs. The fit to the data indicates the failure rate is constant as a function of time (i.e. Beta = 1.1). Table 1. Example calculations of the acceleration factors from aging of GM-APDs. The acceleration is calculated from the peak current, pulse width, repetition rate, and DCR. Acceleration ranges from 10’s to over 1000. Fab Variant Reference ROIC 482G 1.06 um, Poly/nit, n+ sub 516A 1.06 um, Poly/nit, p- sub 516C 1.06 um, Poly/nit, p- sub 521B 1.06 um, Poly/nit, p- sub 583G 1.06 um, Poly/nit, p- sub 583G 1.06 um, Poly/nit, p- sub 583G 1.06 um, Poly/nit, p- sub 583G 1.06 um, Poly/nit, p- sub 583G 1.06 um, Poly/nit, p- sub 583G 1.06 um, Poly/nit, p- sub 583G 1.06 um, Poly/nit, p- sub APD Rep Pulse Pulse Sense Peak Array Dia Temp. Rate Width Vob Height Resistor Current Charge / DCR % firing Charge Flow Size (um) C (kHz) (nsec) (V) (mV) (ohms) (mA) firing (kHz) / gate (e-/sec) Acceleration 15 3.00E+06 50 2.25E+10 1 32x32 15 23 30 300 8 250 50 5 4.69E+09 63 1.9% 2.63E+12 117 32x32 15 23 30 300 8 260 50 5.2 4.88E+09 200 5.8% 8.52E+12 379 32x32 30 23 30 300 8 675 50 13.5 1.27E+10 400 11.3% 4.29E+13 1908 32x32 15 23 30 300 8 260 50 5.2 4.88E+09 100 3.0% 4.32E+12 192 128x32 20 23 30 300 8 130 25 5.2 4.88E+09 90 2.7% 3.90E+12 173 128x32 20 77 30 300 8 155 35 4.4 4.15E+09 1100 28.1% 3.50E+13 1556 128x32 20 57 30 300 8 155 40 3.9 3.63E+09 400 11.3% 1.23E+13 548 128x32 20 47 30 300 8 155 35 4.4 4.15E+09 255 7.4% 9.17E+12 408 128x32 20 3 30 300 8 210 40 5.3 4.92E+09 40 1.2% 1.76E+12 78 128x32 20 -3 30 300 8 165 35 4.7 4.42E+09 30 0.9% 1.19E+12 53 128x32 20 23 30 300 4 50 25 2.0 1.88E+09 30 0.9% 5.04E+11 22 Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7320 73200R-8 Downloaded from SPIE Digital Library on 15 Mar 2010 to Terms of Use: Table 2. Summary of aging populations from several good fab lots of GM-APDs sampled from several arrays from each fab lot. The failure rate is calculated with the number of failures on each test and the accumulated hours of all devices on test from that sample. The failure rates with a statistical confidence of 60% are circled and are around 500 FITs. Diameter Rep Rate Pulse Width (um) Temp C (kHz) (nsec) 15 23 30 300 Acceleration Vob (V) 8 379 Sample Size 107 Max Fail Rate Fail Rate Time on (kFITs, (kFITs, Fails Test Hours 60% CL) point est.) 1000 13 34384 425 378.08283 13 13031536 1.122 0.998 Fab 516A Variant Poly/nit, p- sub Size 32x32 Array Sum 521B Poly/nit, p- sub 32x32 Sum 15 23 30 300 Acceleration 8 192 84 0 0 665 10047.5 1929120 91 0.475 0 0 516C Poly/nit, p- sub 32x32 Sum 30 23 30 300 Acceleration 8 1908 118 11 11 286 17503 33399533 717 0.376 628 0.329 1.E+05 Failure Rate Scaled for Charge Flow (kFITs) 583G 0109 583G 0204 1.E+04 680G 0206 Ea = 0.8 1.E+03 Ea = 0.45 1.E+02 1.E+01 1.E+00 1.E-01 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 Temperature (K) Fig. 10. Failure rate as a function of temperature for three different GM-APD arrays. The raw failure rate was scaled by the charge flow acceleration factor then plotted on this graph. The dotted lines correspond to 0.45 and 0.8 eV thermal activation energies. The thermal acceleration factor is also quite strong for these devices. Figure 10 shows the failure rate as a function of temperature for GM-APDs aged from the same arrays. Three arrays were aged at different temperatures ranging from 270 to 350 K. The failure rate was appropriately scaled at each temperature for the acceleration due to the charge flowing through the device, then this result plotted in Fig. 10. With the current acceleration properly removed, the remaining difference in failure rate as a function of temperature can be fit with the Arrhenius factor to extract the thermal activation energy of the failure rate. The dashed lines in Fig. 10 correspond to activation energies of 0.45 and 0.8 eV, with two of the arrays aged falling along the 0.8 eV line and one falling along the 0.45 eV line. Due to the uncertainty of the reliability measurements it is likely that the real thermal activation is the same for all of the devices and the difference is due to sampling fluctuations. Hence a mid-range value of 0.6 eV is likely a reasonable approximation for the thermal activation of these devices. Ongoing tests will provide more data and a more accurate estimate of this activation energy. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7320 73200R-9 Downloaded from SPIE Digital Library on 15 Mar 2010 to Terms of Use: 4. CONCLUSIONS With the determination of an expected failure rate at room temperature of about 500 FITs and a thermal activation of 0.6 eV, the predicted failure rate at any operating temperature can be calculated using the failure rate model in Equation 1 and the result is plotted in Fig. 11. At a typical operating temperature of a GM-APD array used in laser radar of 250 K, the predicted failure rate is 6.5 FITs. This is a very low failure rate, similar to that reported at room temperature for telecom-style linear-mode APDs. Other equivalent metrics to this failure rate are an MTTF of 17,100 years or an expected pixel failure rate of 0.005% per year for an array of these devices. This failure rate of GM-APD arrays is now in the regime that these devices can be strong candidates for fielded systems for both military applications as well as commercial systems where reliability is of critical importance. 10000 Predicted Failure Rate (FITs) 1000 100 10 1 EA = 0.6 eV Fail Rate @ 23 C = 500 FITs 0.1 0.01 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 Temperature (K) Fig. 11. Predicted failure rate as a function of temperature for a GM-APD operating on a ROIC. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This work has been sponsored by the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Project Agency under Air Force contract number FA8721-05-C-0002. The opinions, interpretations, conclusions, and recommendations are those of the authors and are not necessarily endorsed by the United States Government. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] S. Verghese, J.P. Donnelly, E.K. 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