First Year Educator
November 7, 2011
by: Glenda Hensley
CEO Reminders
Transitions – A first-year LLC Exhibit
Opening & Reception: Gallery 130 of the Fine Art Museum
Wednesday, November 9th from 4:00-6:00 pm
The exhibit will explore the theme of “Transitions” as
reflected through color, values, individuality, leadership, and
group dynamics as first-year students experience the
transition to college life. Click here to see the event trailer.
----------------------------------------------Hunger Banquet
November 14, 2011 – 6:00 pm – Blue Ridge Multipurpose Room – see more details in ‘Opportunities’
----------------------------------------------Student Life Calendar: For a complete listing of what's going on for students from intramurals, to
concerts and lectures, to organizations, arts and culture, and so much more....
----------------------------------------------Events Calendar: For detailed information on the arts and culture scene at WCU - plays, concerts, art
exhibits, films, and more...
3rd Annual Native American Heritage Expo
Monday, November 7 to Wednesday, November 9
Visually explore the rich and vast culture of the Native American experience with the gallery and
presentations that focus on values, traditions, and social justice. Sponsored by the Office of
Intercultural Affairs. Please see the full calendar of events planned
-------------------------------------ACE@WCU presents the The Miles Davis Experience
Tickets at the BAC box office
Join your first-year colleagues to share expertise and inspiration over a ‘brown-bag lunch’
This I Believe – Friday, November 18th from 12:00-2:00 in the UC Rogers Room.
-----------------------------------THE WCU POVERTY PROJECT ----- So many wonderful opportunities to engage…. Press on.
Many ideas are sparking - many of which are posted on the WCU Poverty Project website.
November 14, 2011 – 6:00 pm – Blue Ridge Multipurpose Room
Gain a new perspective on the root causes of hunger and
poverty—and get motivated to do something to help!
Participants will randomly select a card that assigns them an
income class and will be seated accordingly. Meals will be served
based on the income class they have selected. There is no cost to
attend this event, but donations of money or nonperishable food
items are encouraged. For more information:
------------------------------------Wednesday - November 9: 6:30 in room 130 in the Bardo Arts Center:
A presentation on the obligation of hospitals to the uninsured and the undocumented. Mary Caldwell,
the Clinical Ethics Coordinator for Mission Hospital, will lead the discussion.
------------------------------------Fall 2011 ANTHROPOLOGY & SOCIOLOGY BROWNBAG SERIES
Wednesday, November 9 ---- McKee Building 110 -- 12:20-1:15 PM
“The Kenya Experience: Development in a Small Village”
Tony Hickey & Nyaga Mwaniki (and students who traveled to Kenya in Summer 2011)
-------------------------------2011-INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION WEEK
International Education Week is a joint initiative of the U.S. Departments of
State and Education. International Programs and Services is lining up
presentations by faculty and staff on various topics, in line with the theme for
2011 IEW. Empowering People: Voices in Transition. Presentations will be at
the UC catamount room on Tuesday November 15th, Wednesday November
16th and Thursday November 17th.
Time: 10-4pm, each presentation will be allocated 30minutes.
EYE on FYE: Celebrate the Creed
Encourage students to creatively express their
commitment to the WCU Community Creed
We tell our incoming freshmen about the
creed when they arrive in August and we have
posters all over campus – but what does this
really mean to students? How do they
internalize the intent and core values stated?
The theme of this year’s EYE on FYE contest
and celebration is Celebrate the Creed!
See the website for more details.
I SEE STORIES (submitted by Glenda Hensley)
If you plan to have your students attend this week’s Transitions
exhibit (or any other for that matter) and want to integrate it into a
lesson plan, you may enjoy adapting this one….. You can play with
many variations and tailor to your course themes. Feel free to
contact me if you want more information about integrating artsbased teaching strategies!
Gallery Tour:
a. Tour fine art gallery – view several collections.
b. Select one piece to discuss with the whole group and how it can be interpreted.
c. Small groups select an adjective & emotion descriptor.
d. Whole group discussion.
Art to Story: (small groups)
a. Tour independently and select one artwork for which they will devise a story.
b. Brainstorm a list of thoughts and words for selection.
c. Individually: write a paragraph to identify the artwork objectively – then a second paragraph to
describe the artwork subjectively.
Story Forms: (small groups)
a. Mapping responses: create a visual of thoughts and words.
b. Using the map, create a story outline that includes a beginning, middle, and end thought or phrase.
c. Create a tableaux for each sentence – remind that each posture, gesture, shape conveys something
d. Link with a movement transition and share with the class – can the group see your story unfold?
e. Option: Select appropriate music to orchestrate the story.
Discussion: Evaluate – analyze - reflect
Regular registration opens November 18 for freshmen.
Please remind students to meet with their advisor if they have not yet done so. Some may need
assistance with the on-line scheduling process and others may simply need a nudge to act. The first
time they register on their own can be a challenge for students. The Advising Center is ready to assist
students and answer questions – yours too!
“FYE Transition Pathways” – for all transition course instructors:
Located at the bottom of your Blackboard course list, you will see “My Organizations”
 In the left menu go to “Course Content” –
 “Core Elements” –
 “Academic Components and Policy” – in this file you will see “Advising Day Fall 2011”
----------------------------------------------------TRANSITION PATHWAYS: The Blackboard Commons: If you are teaching a transition course, you
will see it on your Blackboard menu under organizations. Take a few minutes to review how it is
organized to assist you with teaching your transition course. And please consider sharing your best
practice tips and strategies to be posted for your colleagues in FYE! Questions: contact Glenda Hensley
The Transitions Commons: Are you interested to connect a learning project with another course or
perhaps to share a guest lecture, being mindful that our experts are in high demand with over 50
freshman transition classes. Click this link to see which classes with whom you share time.
Blackboard --- reference and participate in the Transition Pathways Course site....
CFC on the Web --- help with teaching, technology, and more--- helping you do what you do better!
FYE on the Web --- many resources and network links to help you along the way …..
QEP on the Web --- discover the possibilities - find the resources you need - find your path.....
The next regular publication date is November 21, 2011 --- please let me know if you want to share
updates about programs, events, or other opportunities for teaching and learning in FYE!
Glenda Hensley, FYE Director