Dr. Detlef Virchow
GlobalHort – The Global Horticulture Initiative
Center for Development Research (ZEF), University of Bonn
Walter-Flex-Str. 3
D - 53113 Bonn, Germany
Curriculum Vitae - Detlef Virchow
 Management of research, training and development programs: needs
assessment, strategy development, proposal writing, implementation,
managerial leadership, monitoring and evaluation;
 Economic and interdisciplinary research and teaching in the field of natural
resources (esp.: biodiversity, sustainable land use systems), rural and
agricultural development, horticulture for sustainable development (H4sD);
 Organizational development: change management, institutional capacity
strengthening, training of trainers, capacity building, vocational training
 Human resources development: analysis and assessment of the capacity
building needs in the field of agricultural and regional development;
 Facilitation and steering of groups (e.g., research workshops, stakeholder
meetings, conflict mediation);
 Working experience and collaboration in: Benin, Botswana, DR Congo,
Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Namibia, Senegal,
South Africa, Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia; Jordan, Syria, Yemen;
Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, PR Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, The
Philippines; Costa Rica, Honduras.
10.1992 – 10.1993
Vocational training in Kiel, Germany
Certificate: Management of Non-Profit Organizations.
06.1994 – 12.1997
Institute of Food Economics and Consumption Studies, Chair for Food Economics
and Food Policy, Christian-Albrechts University of Kiel, Germany
academic distinction: Dr. sc. agr.:
Conservation of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture: Costs and
Implications for a Sustainable Utilization.
10.1983 – 04.1988
Faculty of Agriculture, Technical University of Berlin, Germany
academic distinction: Master of Sc. agric.
Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten der Nomaden Ostafrikas: Das Beispiel der Maassai des
Kajiado-Distrikts in Kenia. [Development Possibilities of the Nomads in East Africa: The
Example of the Maassai of Kajiado-District, Kenya.]
10.1981 – 11.1983
Faculty of Agriculture, University Göttingen, Germany
academic distinction: Intermediate Diploma (Vordiplom ~ BSc.)
03.1981 – 09.1981
Agricultural internship on a farm in a district of Lower Saxony, Germany
09.1980 – 02.1981
Agricultural internship on farms in Transvaal and Cape Province, Republic of
South Africa
01.1979 – 06.1980
Social service in a youth center in Aumühle, Hamburg, Germany
07.1978 – 12.1978
Agricultural internship in a farmers' cooperative in British Columbia, Canada
High-school diploma from Hölty Gymnasium, Celle, Germany
Curriculum Vitae - Detlef Virchow
08.2013 – to present
Senior Researcher and Project Coordinator at the Center for Development
Research, ZEF Bonn; University of Bonn, Germany:
– Project coordinator of research projects, e.g.:
Program of Accompanying Research for Agricultural Innovation – PARI
Improving food security in Africa through increased system productivity of
biomass-based value webs – BiomassWeb
– Backstopping of research and development projects, e.g.:
Developing food and nutrition security criteria for biomass standards and
certifications – ESSZert
– Project proposal development for donors such as EU, German Government
(BMZ, BMEL, BMBF), e.g.:
FarmingFuture: A system approach of development pathways for farms and
enterprises towards sustainable food and nutrition security
05.2013 – to present
Executive Secretary, GlobalHort – The Global Horticulture Initiative:
Chief administrative officer of the GlobalHort Secretariat to implement projects
in the frame of GlobalHort’s mission:
– Advocacy for horticulture for sustainable development and greater support
for horticulture for sustainable development (H4sD) initiatives worldwide,
– Networking, connecting and informing the diverse and dispersed community
of H4sD professionals,
– Facilitating capacity development, education and training to foster the
implementation of R&D results concerning H4sD, thereby supporting
smallholders investing in horticultural production, processing and trading,
– Supporting research that aims at improving smallholder horticulture and
H4sD as well as instigating and coaching applied research projects – always
in partnership with other organizations;
Project leader of research and capacity development projects, e.g.:
NutriHAF – Africa: Diversifying agriculture for balanced nutrition through fruits
and vegetables in multi-storey cropping systems
11.2009 – 04.2013
Executive Manager, Food Security Center (FSC) at the University of Hohenheim:
Provide managerial leadership with oversight of FSC’s activities, staff, and
budget (incl. general program management based on impact-oriented
mechanisms, short- and long-term scholarship program, preparation of work
Curriculum Vitae - Detlef Virchow
02.2008 – 10.2009
Senior Project Manager at InWEnt - Capacity Building International, Department of
Environment, Natural Resources and Food, Berlin, Germany:
01.2006 – 01.2008
Design and set up of the program Regional rural development in Cambodia and
PR Laos;
Further development and adaptation of the program Support of the reform
process in the water sector of the MENA region (Middle East and North Africa);
Analyze and assess the development stage of country partners and the capacity
building needs in the area of strategic planning of human resources development;
Design and implement, manage, monitor and evaluate short and long-term
training courses, dialog events, networking and workshops as well as fundraising;
Advisor for partner organizations and BMZ.
Director, Regional Center for Africa of AVRDC - The World Vegetable Center,
Arusha, Tanzania:
07.2003 – 12.2005
plans, budgets as well as financial and technical reports for donors and other
Collaborate, coordinate, promote and strengthen FSC’s strategic and other
partners in Asia, Africa and Latin America as well as in Europe and from
international agricultural research and capacity development organizations;
Promote the topic of food and nutrition security and FSC’s achievements
through public awareness efforts, international conferences and workshops;
Lead fund raising for FSC (including engagement with the donor community)
and coordinate calls for proposals;
Establish and manage FSC’s PhD program „Global Food Security“, conduct
interdisciplinary teaching and training as well as demand-driven and impactoriented research;
Strategic partners: Kasetsart University / Thailand, Southeast Asian Regional
Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) / The
Philippines, Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture
(RUFORUM) / Uganda, Universidad de Costa Rica / Costa Rica, Centro
Agronómico tropical de investigación y enseñanza (CATIE) / Costa Rica.
Lead and manage RCA’s administrative, research and training activities and
represent AVRDC in Africa in line with the AVRDC mission;
Coordinate and monitor R&D activities from RCA in Africa;
Interact with regional and international institutions and with current and
potential donors to develop and expand AVRDC’s research and development
activities and impact in Africa.
Senior Project Manager at InWEnt - Capacity Building International, Department of
Environment, Natural Resources and Food, Feldafing, Germany:
Curriculum Vitae - Detlef Virchow
01.1998 – 06.2003
Design and set up the internal Centre of methodological competence on change
Establish and improve cooperation with local, national and international partner
organizations (e.g., FAO, IFAD, Moshi University College for Cooperatives and
Business Studies etc.);
Design and implement, manage, monitor and evaluate short and long-term
training courses, dialog events, networking and workshops as well as fundraising (esp. for Tanzania, Kenya, North Africa, Middle East);
InWEnt’s country coordinator for Kenya;
Advisor for partner organizations and BMZ.
Senior Researcher at the Center for Development Research, ZEF Bonn, University
of Bonn, Germany:
– Project coordinator of research projects – e.g.:
Conservation and use of the wild populations of Coffea arabica in the montane
rainforests of Ethiopia.
’Controlled In Situ Conservation’: An Institutional Approach to Maintain Plant
Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture on Farm-Level.
The Economics of Conservation and Sustainable Utilisation of Plant Genetic
Resources for Food and Agriculture in Low-Income Countries with a Focus on
Biotechnology: Development of Concepts and their Application to Selected
Countries: Uganda, Kenya, Columbia and India.
– Project coordinator of events, e.g.:
The Global Dialogue: The Role of the Village in the 21st Century: Crops, Jobs
and Livelihood at the World Exposition EXPO 2000, Hannover, Germany.
– Project support for events, e.g.:
XXIII International Conference of Agricultural Economists in Sacramento, USA
International Technical Conference on Plant Genetic Resources in Leipzig
06.1994 – 12.1997
Research Fellow at the Institute of Food Economics and Consumption Studies,
Chair for Food Economics and Food Policy, Christian-Albrechts University of Kiel,
– Research on PhD Thesis:
Conservation of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture: Costs and
Implications for a Sustainable Utilization.
– Research on:
Policies for Promoting Sustainable Soil Management in Developing Countries.
Academic distinction: Dr. sc. agr., Title of PhD Thesis:
Conservation of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture: Costs and
Implications for a Sustainable Utilization.
Curriculum Vitae - Detlef Virchow
08.1988 – 06.1992
Head of the agricultural department of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the
Democratic Republic of Congo:
– Set up of the department, research and demonstration farm and agricultural
extension and rural development system (70 staff members),
– Support of the regional development, self-help groups and rural institutions,
– Capacity building of local staff,
– Technical advisor for a road construction project in the administrative district of
Tanganjika, Zaire (Government of Zaire & World Bank).
08.2012 – 03.2013
Consultancy for GIZ:
– Nutrition-sensitive agriculture: A pillar of improved nutrition and better
(with experts from 10 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and
08.2010 – 10.2010
Consultancy for GTZ/BMZ:
– Food sovereignty: A concept for development cooperation?
(with Tina Beuchelt)
02.2002 – 06.2002
Consultancy for the United Nations Volunteers
– The Impact of Volunteerism on Sustainable Development
Background report for the World Summit on Sustainable Development in
Johannesburg, 2002
07. 1999
Consultancy for the Friedrich-Ebert Foundation:
– Does Agricultural Biotechnology feed the world? Challenges for
Research, Politics and Society.
(with Matin Qaim)
Consultancy for GTZ/BMZ:
– The contribution of biotechnology to a sustainable development.
(with Matin Qaim)
– Policies for Promoting Sustainable Soil Management in Developing
– Allocation of Financial Resources for Promoting Sustainable Soil
Management in Developing Countries. A Strategy paper.
Consultancy for FAO, Rome. Background Paper for the Commission on
Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture:
– Financing of the Implementation of the Global Plan of Action.
– The Sharing of Benefits Derived from the Utilization of PGRFAs.
– Costing the Global Plan of Action for the Conservation and Sustainable
Utilisation of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture.
– National and International Expenditures for Conservation and
Utilisation of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture in
Conflict moderation and facilitation of the Social Democratic Party in Kiel
Organizational development for the Workers' Welfare Association (AWO),
Curriculum Vitae - Detlef Virchow
04.1999, 05.1998,
12.1997, 04.1997
05.1994 – 06.1994
07.1993 – 12.1993
Planning and implementation of vocational training for:
– In-service training for teachers:
Structure and perspectives of the EU-agricultural market regulations.
Development tendency of agricultural world markets.
– German Foundation for International Development:
Agricultural economic training for agricultural students from
developing countries.
– Deutsches Paritätisches Bildungswerk, Schleswig-Holstein:
Organizational analysis and development.
– Deutsches Paritätisches Bildungswerk, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern:
Techniques for negotiations and conferences.
– Carl Duisberg Society, Kiel:
Training for agricultural trainee from East Europe.
10.2010 – to present Global food and nutrition security
Seminar at ZEF’s Doctoral Program: Winter Semester (WS) 2014/2015;
2013/2014; 2012/2013; 2011/2012; 2010/2011
10.2010 – 03.2011 Interdisciplinary aspects of food security
Seminar at FSC’s PhD Program: WS 2012/2013; 2011/2012; 2010/2011
04.2011 – 06.2012 Concepts of hunger and malnutrition: Measurement approaches and nutritionhealth linkages
Lecture in MSc module Food and nutrition security: Summer Semester
(SS) 2012; 2011
01.1998 – 10.2003 The economic aspects of conservation and sustainable utilization of natural
Seminar at ZEF’s Doctoral Program: WS 2003/04; 2002/03; 2001/02;
2000/01; 1999/2000
06.1994 – 12.1997 Food Economics and Food Policy
Lecture (standing in for Prof. J. von Braun) and Seminar: SS 1997, WS
1996/97; SS 1996; SS 1995; WS 1994/95
06.1994 – 12.1997 World Food Economics and Policy
Lecture (standing in for Prof. J. von Braun) and Seminar: SS 1997, WS
1996/97; SS 1996; SS 1995; WS 1994/95
02.1994 – 07.1994 Social Management and Organizational Development
Teaching Assignment at Kiel University of Applied Sciences, SS 1994
Curriculum Vitae - Detlef Virchow
mother tongue
mother tongue
mother tongue
08.1994 – 07.2003
06.1975 – to present
Soccer & sailing
Coach of youth soccer teams of SV Knudde 88 Giekau
Community based social work
04.2015 – to present
05.2014 – to present
03.2014 – to present
05.2013 – to present
05.2013 – to present
06.1994 – to present
06.1994 – to present
06.1994 – to present
01.2003 – 07.2003
01.2003 – 07.2003
04.1998 – 07.2003
Editorial committee of “rural21”
Member of the Selection Committee of BMEL for the Associate Professional
Officer (APO) at FAO
International Advisory Board of Horticulture Innovation Lab
since June 2015: Board Chair
GlobalHort’s Board of Directors (ex officio)
International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS)
International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE)
Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaus e.V.
(GeWiSoLa) [German Agricultural Economics Association]
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Tropische und Subtropische Agrarforschung e.V.
[German Council for Research on Tropical and Sub-tropical Agriculture]
District synod (Plön, Germany)
Local parish council (Lütjenburg, Germany)
Local council (Giekau, Germany)
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture
Curriculum Vitae - Detlef Virchow