Deans’ Council Meeting November 19, 2015

Deans’ Council Meeting
November 19, 2015
Attendees: B. Barnett, E. Daffron, E. Saiff, S. Perry, L. Chakrin, A. Lorenz, S. Rice, C.
Romano. Guest: J. Teigen.
C. Romano and J. Teigen presented Understanding Student Attributes that Shape Student
Retention from 1st to 2nd Year.
They presented the data, and discussion ensued.
Future plans for student retention include using predicative analytics, Student Success will
identify potentially at-risk students in the first semester and provide appropriate support and
resources. Also, expand analysis into Hispanic males (Gates Grant). Future iterations of this
study will pull Starfish (Connect) data into model.
DWF Report
C. Romano presented a report on courses with high percentages of students receiving Ds, Ws,
and Fs.
It was suggested to have conversations about placement testing related to Math, Gen Ed
gateway courses and enhanced support or Tutoring Services.
Pathways Program
There are program challenges with the division of tasks between Cahill and Pathways
There are not clear outcomes for Pathways Coordinators.
Need better clarification and collaboration between Cahill Counselors and Pathways
Deans’ List Dinner
C. Naporano updated the deans on preparations for the deans’ list dinner and the need to
include faculty as invitees. Deans asked for specific questions that they could use to focus
their remarks to the audience at the beginning of the program.
Deans were also reminded to update Joan Capizzi of all payments for professional
development completed by adjuncts.
E. Daffron presented three Graduate policies and procedures.
Admissions Criteria
Graduate Student Credit Load Policy
Student Appeals of Academic Nature
There were no changes from the deans and these policies/procedures will move to Provost’s
Council next month.
Undergraduate Teaching Responsibilities Policy was also discussed. This policy was drafted
in 2009 but had no procedure. E. Daffron will draft a procedure to accompany this policy and
will circulate to all deans for their review.
Faculty Athletic Representative (FAR)
A full time member of the faculty is needed to act as the Faculty Athletic Representative to the
National Collegiate Athletic Association.
C. Romano is currently soliciting nominations.
B. Barnett will put out a call to all faculty with nominations going to C. Romano.
Latin America Grants
Dean Lorenz presented proposals for Latin America travel from two SSHS professors, Michael
Bitz and Michael Edelstein. Both proposals were approved for funding.
B. Barnett mentioned that a rubric will be developed for assessing proposals for the spring
semester. She also noted that recipients of the grant will be expected to share their experience
in some form with their dean.
Finally, a reception for all who received Latin America travel grants will be held some time
during the spring semester.