4.6 DoD Space Planning Criteria for Health Facilities Psychiatric Units FUNCTION Room Code AUTHORIZED m2 nsf PLANNING RANGE/COMMENTS 4.6.01 PURPOSE AND SCOPE: This section provides draft guidance for the space planning criteria for psychiatric activities in DoD medical facilities. 4.6.02 DEFINITIONS: 4.6.03 POLICY: 4.6.04 SPACE CRITERIA: Psychiatric units do not usually require isolation rooms. INPATIENT BEDROOMS Psych, Bedroom 1 Bed Psych Bedroom 2 Bed Psych Seclusion Bedroom Psych Seclusion, Anteroom Toilet - Psychiatric Toilet/Shower - Psychiatric BRNP1 BRNP2 BRNP5 BRNP6 TLTP1 TLTP3 17.19 26.01 13.01 5.57 5.57 5.57 185 280 140 60 60 60 One per inpatient bed NURSING/ADMINISTRATIVE AREAS (PER NURSING UNIT) Nurse Station NSTA1 13.94 150 Central Monitor Server CMP02 5.57 60 TRGM1 MEDP1 NCWD1 WRCH1 CRA01 WRCH1 DUTY1 TLTS1 OTDL1 DAYR1 OPMH1 OFA01 OFA02 OFA01/2 OFA01/2 OFA03 16.26 9.29 9.29 11.15 18.58 7.43 11.15 5.57 11.15 23.23 23.23 11.15 11.15 11.15 11.15 5.57 175 100 100 120 200 80 120 60 120 250 250 120 120 120 120 60 Treatment room (GP) Medication Preparation Nourishment Center (GP) Nurse Workroom Conference / Report Room Physicians’ Charting / Dictation On-Call Room (GP) On Call Toilet & Shower Kitchen Group Activity Room Group Therapy Nurse Supervisor’s Office, NCOIC/LCPO/LPO Office Private Office Administrative work area Minimum, for the first 6 beds. Add 5 nsf for each bed over 6. One per unit May be provided if central monitoring is required for telemetry, patient monitors, etc. One per unit. For minor procedures. One per unit One per unit One per unit One per unit One per unit If required One per On-Call room One per unit Min. One per unit an 10nsf for each bed over 10 Min. One per unit an 10nsf for each bed over 10 Private office, standard furniture: One per unit Private office, system furniture One per unit For authorized FTE Cubicles for authorized FTE 4.6 DoD Space Planning Criteria for Health Facilities Psychiatric Units FUNCTION Room Code AUTHORIZED m2 nsf PLANNING RANGE/COMMENTS SUPPORT AREAS (PER NURSING UNIT) Staff Lounge Staff Toilets Staff Locker SL001 13.01 140 varies varies LR001 Clean Supply UCCL1 11.15 120 Soiled Utility Clean Linen Equipment Storage Patient property storage Crash cart storage Stretcher and Wheelchair Storage USCL1 UCCL1 SRSE1 SRPB1 RCA01 SRLW1 9.29 5.57 9.29 3.72 3.72 7.43 100 60 100 40 40 80 One per unit See Section 6.1 See Section 6.1 Minimum, for the first 12 beds. Add 5 nsf per bed over 12. One per unit One per unit One per unit One per unit One per unit One per unit