Western Carolina University Steam and Water Master Plan Code 40429 Item 320E1 FINAL November 1, 2006 2310 Langhorne Road Lynchburg, Virginia 24501 Phone: 434.947.1901 www.wileywilson.com Contact: Stevens M. Terry, P.E. Project Manager 434.455.3206 sterry@wileywilson.com Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................1 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ......................................................................................................2 2.1 WATER SYSTEM .............................................................................................................3 2.2 STEAM SYSTEM ..............................................................................................................5 3 WATER SYSTEM .................................................................................................................8 3.1 EXISTING CONDITIONS ..................................................................................................8 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 3.2 CAMPUS WATER REQUIREMENTS.............................................................................21 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.3 Existing Domestic Water Usage ................................................................................................ 22 Existing Fire Flow Demands ...................................................................................................... 25 Irrigation Water Usage............................................................................................................... 29 FUTURE REQUIREMENTS............................................................................................29 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.3.4 3.3.5 3.4 General Information ................................................................................................................... 29 Water System Capacity ............................................................................................................. 29 Fire Flow .................................................................................................................................... 32 Treatment and Storage.............................................................................................................. 33 Distribution System.................................................................................................................... 33 WATER SYSTEM SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................36 3.4.1 3.4.2 3.4.3 4 General Description ..................................................................................................................... 8 Raw Water Intake Facility ............................................................................................................ 8 Water Treatment and Storage Facilities .................................................................................... 10 Water Distribution System ......................................................................................................... 19 Recommendations..................................................................................................................... 36 Proposed Implementation Schedule.......................................................................................... 41 Opinion of Probable Cost........................................................................................................... 42 STEAM SYSTEM................................................................................................................44 4.1 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.1.5 4.1.6 4.1.7 4.2 4.2.1 4.3 4.3.1 EXISTING CONDITIONS ................................................................................................44 General Description ................................................................................................................... 44 Plant Capacity............................................................................................................................ 44 Steam Generating Equipment ................................................................................................... 45 Fuel and Storage ....................................................................................................................... 46 Auxiliary Equipment ................................................................................................................... 47 Distribution System.................................................................................................................... 48 Operation ................................................................................................................................... 51 CAMPUS STEAM REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................55 Individual Building Steam Consumption .................................................................................... 55 FUTURE REQUIREMENTS............................................................................................57 General Information ................................................................................................................... 57 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.3.4 4.4 STEAM SYSTEM SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS .........................................65 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.3 5 Future Building Steam Loads .................................................................................................... 57 Future Steam Distribution Requirements .................................................................................. 58 Future Steam Plant Requirements ............................................................................................ 65 Recommendations..................................................................................................................... 65 Proposed Implementation Schedule.......................................................................................... 68 Opinion of Probable Cost........................................................................................................... 70 APPENDIX..........................................................................................................................71 A. WATER SYSTEM ...........................................................................................................71 B. STEAM SYSTEM ............................................................................................................71 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Wiley & Wilson would like to acknowledge and express appreciation for the extensive efforts and input provided by Western Carolina University Staff which was essential to the success of this project. Special thanks go to Andy DeGrove who served as the Project Manager for Western Carolina University on this project. The cooperative and friendly response to requests for information and the timely responses helped make this project one we very much enjoyed working on. Joe Walker III, P.E. Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities Management Bill Manware Director of Facility Operations and Maintenance Wiley Harris, AIA, NCARB Director of Facility Planning, Design, and Construction Andy Degrove Project Manager Kenny Cook Water Plant Operator Responsible Charge Mike Hoyle Steam Plant Supervisor Mike Powell Plumbing/HVAC Shop Supervisor Rosie Greenwood Administrative Assistant Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN 1 INTRODUCTION Western Carolina University (WCU), a part of the University of North Carolina system, is located at Cullowhee, North Carolina, at the juncture of the Blue Ridge and Smoky Mountains. The University presently has 7,000 students attending classes on Campus, with approximately 3,900 living on Campus. Distance learning programs bring the current total to 9,000 students. Future plans are to accommodate 10,000 on-campus students and a total of 16,000, including distance learning. WCU has an unusually high percentage of students living on Campus, but the trend is toward more students living off Campus and utilizing the distance education program. The Campus presently has buildings heated by steam generated in a central boiler plant. The boiler plant equipment is old and space for expansion appears to be limited at the current site. Approximately 50 percent of the steam and condensate distribution system is also old, and piping leaks cause persistent maintenance problems and increased boiler fuel costs. The Campus domestic and fire water requirements are provided by water withdrawn from the Tuckasegee River, which flows past the edge of Campus, and treated in the University Water Treatment Plant. Most of the components of the water treatment, storage, and distribution system are also old and its condition and capacities need to be assessed. The University commissioned Wiley & Wilson to prepare a Master Plan for the Campus steam heating system and domestic water systems in early 2006. The Plan identifies and addresses existing deficiencies in these systems and provides guidance to the University as growth, anticipated in the Campus Master Plan, is implemented. 1 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This Master Plan reviews the existing steam and water systems which provide heating and domestic water to the Western Carolina University Campus. Only the main Campus is included in this report; the West Campus located across Route 107 was not considered. Visual examinations were made of the existing systems, and these observations with information from interviews of University Staff and from various reports and data provided by the University, were used to determine the capability of the steam and water systems to provide for the existing and future needs of the Campus. The water and steam distribution systems were analyzed using computer modeling to determine the adequacy of line sizes to serve Campus demands. Areas where the systems need improvements to assure present requirements are provided with adequate reliability and reserves were identified. Heating and domestic water requirements were estimated for buildings shown on The Campus Wide Master Plan dated April 2006 provided by the University and upgrades and expansions to serve future Campus needs were determined. Where future Campus requirements are discussed in this Master Plan, the future Campus as envisioned in the Campus Wide Master Plan serves as the basis of the discussion. Recommendations are grouped into items that should be implemented in the near term and long term as the Campus grows and budgetary costs are shown for each recommendation. The steam plant and significant portions of the steam and condensate distribution system need to be replaced to address serious concerns with existing reliability and capacity and to accommodate Campus growth. The domestic water treatment and distribution system needs some improvements, but in general, is able to reliably meet the needs of the existing and future needs of the University. The most significant recommendations are as follows: • Build a new steam plant to replace the existing plant which lacks adequate reserve capacity to serve the existing Campus or capability to expand to accommodate planned Campus growth. Reliability issues due to the age and condition of equipment and lack of redundancy could result in disruption of heating to Campus buildings. • Replace old sections of steam and condensate lines. • Improve water distribution lines to various areas of the Campus. • Replace some pumps and other equipment in the water treatment plant and river intake. • Investigate a separate source of Campus irrigation water. 2 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN An overview of the findings and recommendations is presented in the following paragraphs of this section with more detailed information being contained in the main report sections. 2.1 WATER SYSTEM The University owns the low head dam and raw water intake structure on river, and the treatment, storage and distribution system which provides domestic and fire water to the Campus. While much of this system is approaching 70 years old, in general the system is well maintained and able to provide the water needs for the existing and planned Campus growth. The system, with relatively minor repairs and upgrades will provide adequate water supply for the present and future Campus growth. The most significant findings and recommendations include: • Two raw water pumps at the river intake should be replaced with higher capacity pumps. A power receptacle and transfer switch should be installed to allow easier and safer connection of the portable emergency generator during power outages to allow operation of the raw water pumps. Presently the generator must be temporarily hard wired in which takes more time and which could pose personnel hazards during an emergency. The cost of these recommendations is approximately $71,000. • A number of recommendations for improvements to the water treatment plant were identified which will maintain the integrity and extend the life of the plant and improve operations. None of these recommendations are considered major cost or difficult to implement but can have a significant impact on the plant. Included in the recommendations is replacement of three finished water pumps to increase pumping capacity and reliability and converting one finished water pump to serve as a backup to the single filter backwash pump. Changes and upgrades to the plant sludge handling system, soda ash feed system are recommended, as well as maintenance on the sedimentation basin walls and addition of ladders and safety kick plates at the hand railings. The raw water mixer should be replaced with a variable speed unit, and the flocculation basin baffles should be replaced. The total cost of water plant recommendations is approximately $611,000. • Water storage tank capacity is adequate, but maintenance is needed on the concrete roof of the 1 million gallon tank on the hill above Campus. The 200,000 gallon tank needs a detailed inspection to determine if this tank should have cracks in the walls and possibly other repairs made or if the tank should be removed from service and demolished. Our 3 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN review indicates that while this tank does provide some additional capacity which has operational advantages, adequate capacity does exist without this tank. The estimated cost of these recommendations is approximately $196,000. • The water distribution system presently needs upgrades in several areas to increase capacity for fire protection requirements, to eliminate dead ended sections of line, to provide looping with increased reliability, and to improve service to campus buildings. The estimated cost of these recommendations is approximately $1,902,000. • The present Campus irrigation water is provided by the treated domestic water system. WCU should evaluate the possibility of constructing attractive ponds near the stream running through Campus or other sources of untreated water for irrigation. Future construction stormwater discharge systems might also be designed to allow use of stormwater for irrigation. Using a non-treated water source would provide lower cost water for irrigation and reduce the load on the domestic water system which could be especially beneficial during drought periods when the river flow could be diminished. The estimated cost of pond development along with intake, pump, and piping improvements is approximately $1,285,000. 4 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN 2.2 STEAM SYSTEM Four boilers at the Central Plant provide steam for Campus building heating through an underground distribution and condensate return system. The Boiler Plant was originally constructed in the 1920s and has been expanded over the years. Boilers range in age from 1951 to 1973, and the boilers and auxiliary equipment in the plant are near or past the normal service life. The condition of Boiler No. 1 is poor, with a number of tubes plugged, and frequent tube failures having been experienced. The controls on this boiler are also very old and unreliable. The other boilers are generally well-maintained, but also are nearing the end of their normal service life. The University indicated that the total present steam production that the boilers can reliably provide is 107,000 PPH. The peak load experienced to date was in January of 2006 when demand reached 101,000 PPH. With any of the three largest boilers out of service, the plant will not be able to meet the current peak demand. The generally accepted practice is to provide sufficient spare boiler capacity to allow peak demand to be met when the largest boiler out of service. A new steam load of approximately 50,000 PPH will be added when proposed buildings come on line, which will far exceed the capacity of the existing plant. Due to the configuration and age of the building, electrical switchgear and auxiliary equipment, it is not feasible to increase the capacity of the existing plant in order to provide either the redundancy needed for the present load or the future load requirements. We have developed recommendations and a cost estimate for a new steam plant at a location on the north side of Old Cullowhee Road. At the request of Western Carolina University, we also compared the life cycle costs of the new steam plant and extension of the steam distribution system with the alternative of converting the Campus to utilize electric boilers in individual buildings. It should be noted that we assumed that only adequate electric boilers to serve building loads would be installed. Redundant equipment to provide heating upon failure of a building boiler was not included in the cost estimates. A properly designed steam plant would provide a backup boiler capable of continuing service to the Campus, should any single boiler be out of service. • The project scope did not include study of the cost to provide space and electrical upgrades in each building necessary to incorporate electric boilers. However, cost information furnished by the University for installation of electric boilers in Ramsey was used as the 5 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN basis of the estimated costs for the other buildings on Campus. Electric boiler sizes and electrical loads were determined from the steam heating loads. The estimated capital cost for the new steam plant and distribution system expansions is approximately $14.6 million. 1 The cost for conversion of existing buildings and installing electric boilers in future buildings is estimated at $11.5 million. Additional significant costs will likely be required for electrical service upgrades to meet the additional 46 MW electrical load of electric boilers and to provide space for the boiler equipment in buildings. The total capital cost of the electric boiler option would likely exceed that of the new steam plant and distribution system. The annual operating and maintenance costs are estimated to be $583,000 higher for the electric boilers than for the central steam plant option based upon present electrical and natural gas costs and the ratio of electricity to gas costs is expected to remain relatively stable over the planning period. 2 Based upon the economics and further advantage that redundant equipment in a steam plant provides, we recommend that Western Carolina University build a new steam plant fueled with natural gas and with No. 2 fuel oil as a backup fuel. • Parts of the steam distribution and condensate return system have been replaced and additional condensate lines are corroded and leaking. The present boiler efficiency reported by Western Carolina University is running around 60 percent. New, properly tuned boilers should operate at an efficiency above 80 percent, which represents a significant fuel savings. Condensate leakage is a significant contributor to the loss in boiler efficiency. The leaking and corroded sections should be replaced to improve the operating economics of the steam system. Sections of leaking condensate lines and associated steam line sections needing replacement and other improvements that should be made soon are detailed in the main body of the report. The savings in steam plant operating costs to be achieved by condensate leak repairs are estimated to be $100,000 per year. It should be noted that steam lines running in the same areas as the corroded condensate lines are old and should 1 Detailed budget cost estimates are in the Appendix. The cost estimate for the new steam plant option includes installation of distribution lines to the new plant and new lines to be installed as part of future building projects (items 3 and 5 in Table 4-11 on page 70). The short term repairs and upgrades to the existing steam system (items 1, 2, and 4 in Table 4-11) are assumed to be sunken costs since they should be done before the decision is made on electric boilers vs. steam system options. 2 Refer to the Energy Information Administration (EIA) Annual Energy Outlook 2006 with Projections to 2030, Release Date December 2005 in the Appendix. 6 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN be replaced at the same time. The combined cost to replace both condensate and steam line sections is $1,757,000. • Another concern has to do with the existing staffing levels for the steam plant. The steam plant is old and proper maintenance, monitoring and operation is an essential element of the reliability of this critical system. A number of unrelated tasks are assigned to the operators even when only one operator is on duty. This might prevent the operator from detecting and correcting problems that could result in equipment failure, steam outages and possible risk to people in the area. We recommend that duties be limited to those associated with the operation and maintenance of the steam plant and that operating and maintenance staffing levels be reviewed as measures to reduce the risk of curtailment of the heating supply to the Campus. A minimum of two people per shift would be a more normal staffing level to handle operations and maintenance of this type of plant. • Due to the age of the equipment and the lack of redundancy, a contingency plan should be developed and in place to address actions to provide temporary boilers, should an equipment failure result in curtailment of heating capacity to the Campus until a new steam plant can be built. • Corrosion rates in the condensate system should be investigated and chemical treatment changes may be needed to reduce corrosion in this system. Quantifiable data on corrosion rates was not available but the Campus history of failures of condensate lines indicates that additional corrosion reduction measures are needed. Regular checks of the iron content in the condensate return and corrosion coupons at strategic points in the system should help determine and monitor corrosion. The use of chemicals such as amines possibly fed into condensate returns in some building mechanical rooms as well as in the steam plant steam system should be discussed with your chemical treatment company. 7 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN 3 WATER SYSTEM 3.1 EXISTING CONDITIONS 3.1.1 General Description Western Carolina University owns and operates a water treatment and distribution system consisting of raw water intake facilities; a treatment facility, rated at 1.0 mgd (million gallons per day); three concrete storage tanks, with a total capacity of 2.2 mg (million gallons); and a distribution system comprised of 2- to 12-inch diameter lines of varying ages and materials. These facilities provide service to the University Campus. The water system facilities were evaluated by visual inspection during a Campus site visit that took place February 6-8, 2006. During this site visit, the intake, treatment, and storage facilities were visually inspected. Operational and maintenance issues were discussed with University water system personnel, historical information was provided, and existing field conditions were documented. 3.1.2 Raw Water Intake Facility The raw water intake is located on the Tuckasegee River, northeast of the Campus, and upstream of Old Cullowhee Road. The intake facility includes a dam structure, to provide backwater to the intake screen; a concrete intake structure; bar screen; traveling screen; three vertical turbine pumps; and a concrete valve vault structure. The dam structure, intake structure, and property around the intake structure are owned by the University. Photo 1 Raw Water Intake The intake structure is located on the south bank of the Tuckasegee River within a locked, fenced site. The pumps, traveling screen, and control panels are located outdoors, on top of the intake structure, where they are exposed to weather and susceptible to vandalism. According to design drawings, the top of the structure is approximately 1 foot above the maximum flood water level elevation. However, facility personnel reported at least one flood event that surrounded the intake structure so that it could not be accessed during the flood. There is no emergency back-up power supply at this facility. However, the University does have a portable generator for this facility that can be wired into the main power disconnect panel by hand. 8 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN The concrete intake structure is comprised of an intake chamber containing a traveling screen, a pump chamber containing three vertical turbine pumps, and a valve vault. The concrete structure was constructed in 1977 and appears to be in good condition; not showing significant signs of deterioration or weathering. Some sediment has accumulated in the vicinity of the bar screen, reducing the area of the opening into the intake structure. Accumulation of sediment in this location limits the head range of water entering the structure. Concerns were expressed by water system personnel that, if the intake pool level were to decrease, either due to low river flow conditions or damage to the dam structure, adequate water would not enter the intake structure. Evaluation of the dam structure was not Photo 2 Intake Screen included in the scope of this report. However, water system personnel expressed concerns regarding erosion around the dam embankment on the north side of the river and regarding the integrity of the dam. In addition, some erosion has taken place along the south side of the river around the raw water intake structure. The traveling screen was originally operated automatically based on head loss through the screen. However, the automatic operation of the screen is no longer functional. Western Carolina prefers the current practice of operating the screen locally. This requires water plant personnel to visit the intake structure routinely to operate and inspect the screen. During normal river conditions, the screen is operated approximately once per week. The debris that collects on the screen is flushed back into the river during operation of the screen. Three vertical turbine pumps provide the raw water pumping capacity from the intake structure to the water treatment facility. Pump Nos. 1 and 3 are 30horsepower (hp) pumps and Pump Nos. 2 is a 50-hp pump. The capacity of Pump Nos. 1, 2, and 3 are 550 gpm, 690 gpm, and 500 gpm, respectively. Operation of all three pumps is controlled by switches at the water treatment plant. Pump No. 2 is capable of supplying 0.8 mgd to the treatment plant 9 Photo 3 Raw Water Pump Station Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN when operated alone. Pump Nos. 1 and 3, when operated concurrently, provide approximately 1.0 mgd. Pump No. 2 was installed when the intake structure was constructed in 1977 and is the newest of the three pumps. Pump Nos. 1 and 3 were moved from the old intake structure to the current structure when it was built. The age of these two pumps is not known. Improvements to these pumps have been made in the last several years including piping cooling water away from the pump bases and rebuilding Pump Nos. 1 and 3. A separate structure is located within the fenced area, downstream and adjacent to the raw water intake structure. This structure was previously utilized by the University for power generation; however, the power generation equipment was damaged during a flood event. 3.1.3 Water Treatment and Storage Facilities Raw water is pumped from the raw water intake structure to the University’s water treatment facility, located south of the intake structure on the west side of Old Cullowhee Road. The treatment plant is rated for 1.0 mgd. The treatment facility includes a mixer, baffled flocculation basin, three sedimentation basins, three filters, chemical feed systems for raw and finished water, backwash and finished water pumps, and finished water storage. The plant utilizes a SCADA system for recording and monitoring the plant operations, but is not currently utilized for control of plant operations. The individual components of the water treatment plant were observed and notes taken from discussions with plant personnel. Based on water production records from January 2003 to December 2005, the average daily finished water production is approximately 0.40 mgd. The peak flow day for each month during this time period ranged from approximately 0.42 mgd to 0.86 mgd with the average monthly peak day flow for this three-year period approximately equal to 0.61 mgd. The plant is currently either operated at design capacity or turned off. This method of operation allows the plant to be operated for 10 to 12 hours, two shifts, on an average day, and then shut down overnight. When the plant is operating, the average water production rate is approximately 0.90 mgd. The plant is normally operated during the day as needed at this rate to meet demands and then into the evening long enough to fill the water storage tanks prior to being shutdown for the night. Standard practice had been to operate the plant for 6 days per week, Monday through Saturday, and then shut down on Sundays. However, beginning in the fall of 2005, the plant has generally been operating 7 days per week while school is in session, so that the storage tanks are also filled on Sundays. The annual average plant production data from 2003 through 2005 is summarized in Table 3-1. Monthly water plant summary data for this time period is included in Appendix A for reference. 10 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN Table 3-1 Water Plant Annual Average Summary Total Water Production (mg) Days In Operation Average Day Flow (mgd) Average Operational Hours Per Day 2003 119.130 293 0.405 10.5 0.621 2004 123.328 315 0.391 10.6 0.604 2005 126.942 323 0.391 11.2 0.614 3-Year Average 123.133 310 0.395 10.8 0.613 Year Max Day Flow (mgd) Raw Water Mixing Raw water is pumped from the raw water intake into the mixing basin at the head of the plant. Soda ash, alum, and chlorine are added to the raw water in this basin. Mixing is accomplished by a constant speed, vertical-axis, and paddle-type mixer. According to plant personnel, the motor and paddles have been replaced since the plant was constructed. Plant personnel have explored replacing the drive unit with a variable speed drive to improve control of flocculation and mixing as raw water quality and Photo 4 Raw Water Mixer temperature vary. However, they have been told that a variable speed drive is not available for this motor and gear box unit. Raw water leaves the mixing basin and travels through a baffled flume that provides a vertical serpentine flow path and promotes flocculation. Baffling is provided by wooden baffles placed within the concrete flume. The wooden baffles near the water surface appeared to be showing signs of deterioration due to age and wear. 11 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN Sedimentation There are three sedimentation basins that receive flow from the baffled flume. These sedimentation basins are each 13 feet wide by 53 feet long by 12 feet deep (bottom to normal water surface). Based on plans dated July 1973, two of the basins were constructed as part of the original plant and the third basin was constructed when the plant was expanded. Photo 5 Sedimentation Basins Water enters the sedimentation basins from the flume through a concrete stilling wall. Each basin can be isolated for cleaning or maintenance by closing 10-inch diameter plug valves in the basin influent flume. There is some cracking apparent in the interior Photo 6 Sedimentation Basin Cracks concrete walls of the sedimentation basins. Photographs of the cracks, which were taken when the Basin No. 3 was taken down to remove sludge, were provided by plant personnel subsequent to the February site visit. There is an existing chain link fence surrounding the concrete basins and flumes. There are also handrails located around each of the three individual basins and mixing flume; however, there are no kick-plates attached to these handrails. During inclement weather, the concrete deck surrounding the sedimentation basins could become treacherous. There is a danger of slipping on the concrete deck and sliding under the existing handrail. Photo 7 Sedimentation Basins 12 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN Overflow and basin drain piping conveys wastewater from the sedimentation basins to a wastewater pump station located in the facility parking lot on the south side of the plant. Each basin can be isolated from its associated filter by closing the 10-inch plug valves located in the filter influent flume. The sedimentation basins are periodically taken off-line and drained to perform inspections and remove accumulated sludge. The existing ladders extending from the concrete deck into the sedimentation basins are in poor condition. Filters Flow from the sedimentation basins enters three filters. Each filter is 12 feet long by 10 feet wide, providing a total surface area of 360 square feet. All three filters have recently been rebuilt, including new Wheeler bottoms and filter media, and the filter control consoles have been updated. In addition, all three filters have had their surface wash piping and supports replaced with stainless steel. According to water plant records, the average flow through the filters generally ranges from Photo 8 Filter No. 1 Console 1.7 to 1.9 gpm/sf, which equates to a plant flow of 0.88 to 0.98 mgd. During the site visit, the rate of flow through each filter was approximately 200 gpm, which equates to a plant flow rate of approximately 0.86 mgd. In addition to the rebuilt filters, the filter valves, valve actuators, controls and instrumentation, rate of flow control, and backwash rate of flow control have been replaced for all three filters. At the time the site visit was made, the only filter valves that had not been replaced were the filter angle waste valves. According to University personnel, these valves have now been replaced as well. Photo 9 Filter Operating Level Photo 10 Filter No. 2 Piping and Valves 13 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN Filter run times vary, depending on the turbidity of the Tuckasegee River, but have averaged approximately 60 hours over the last 3 years, based on plant records. Backwashing of the filters is accomplished by one filter backwash pump that is located in the filter pipe gallery. The existing backwash pump is a vertical turbine pump with a 30-hp motor that is original plant equipment. Chemical Feed Systems Chemicals are currently fed to raw and finished water at the treatment plant. Raw water chemicals including chlorine, soda ash, and alum Photo 11 Filter Backwash Pump are fed into the raw water mixing basin. Chlorine, soda ash, and phosphate are fed into the finished water prior to the water entering the distribution system. Chlorine (Raw and Finished) Chlorine is fed to raw and finished water for disinfection and to maintain a chlorine residual in the distribution system. The chlorine feed system for raw and finished water is a 150-pound gas cylinder system. This equipment appeared to be in good condition, and plant personnel indicated that the system was working well. According to plant data sheets, the chlorine dose typically ranges from 1 to 2 mg/L for raw water and approximately 0.5 mg/L for finished water. The typical total chlorine usage for raw and finished water is generally one to two 150-pound cylinders per month. Plant personnel reported that the chlorine cylinder scale does not function well during cold weather. For safety reasons, the chlorine cylinder room is vented by an exhaust fan in the wall and is exposed to ambient temperature air making it difficult to climate control this space. Soda Ash (Raw and Finished Water) Soda ash is fed to raw and finished water to adjust (raise) the alkalinity of the water prior to entering the distribution system. This has the effect of raising the pH level and softening the water. Soda ash is currently fed manually in the dry, powdered form by dumping 50-pound bags into the hopper of a dry chemical feeder system. According to plant data sheets, the raw water soda ash dose is typically approximately 30 mg/L and the finished water dose is typically approximately 20 mg/L. The total typical soda ash usage for raw and finished water is generally 150 to 200 pounds per day. 14 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN The existing system is a BIF Omega dry feed system, which includes a hopper and elevator on the first floor that carries dry soda ash to solution mixers and feeders located on the second floor of the plant. An integral dust collection system is also included with the feed system. This system is original to the plant. Although the system is currently operational, the equipment is old and finding spare or replacement parts will likely become increasingly more difficult. In addition, the 50-pound bags of soda ash are manually opened and dumped into the hopper on the first floor, which is a labor intensive process. Also, manually emptying bags into the feeder hopper increases the risk of plant personnel coming into direct contact with the chemical. Photo 12 Soda Ash Equipment Alum Alum is fed into the raw water and is utilized to promote flocculation. Liquid alum is delivered in bulk and stored in a double-walled 5,000-gallon tank located immediately adjacent to the raw water mixing basin, baffled flocculation flume, and sedimentation basins. Alum leaves the bulk tank and flows by gravity into a day tank located on the first floor of the plant. A concrete knee wall provides secondary containment for this tank. Alum is pumped from the day tank into the raw water mixing basin by two Wallace & Tiernan Encore 700 – 44 Series diaphragm metering pumps. Photo 13 Alum Bulk Photo 14 Alum Day Tank Storage Tank 15 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN Phosphate Phosphate is added to the finished water for corrosion control within the water distribution system. Phosphate is fed from 55-gallon drums by two shelf-mounted LMI metering pumps. Pump No. 1 is rated to provide a feed rate of 0.42 gallons per hour (gph) and Pump No. 2 is rated to provide 0.21 gph. According to plant records, the feed pumps have been adjusted to maintain a constant dosage of 1.8 mg/L. Water Plant Wastewater Process wastewater from the water plant including filter backwash, alum sludge from the sedimentation basins, sedimentation basin overflow and drains, and filter drains, is routed to an existing pump station located at the far side of the parking lot on the south side of the plant. The pump station pumps the wastewater to a dewatering and bagging facility located at the south end of the parking lot behind the plant. The dewatering facility includes a concrete settling basin from which clear water can be decanted and settled sludge can be pumped into a bagging apparatus. The newly filled bags are located on a rack that allows water seeping from the bags to drain back into the concrete settling basins. After the bags have been allowed to drain for a time, they are moved onto pallets in the yard area next to the dewatering facility where they continue to dry until they are taken to the landfill for disposal. Decanted clear water from the concrete settling basins is drained by gravity through an outfall into the Tuckasegee River. This dewatering process is labor intensive and time consuming for the limited number of water plant staff. Photo 15 Phosphate Feed System Photo 16 Sludge Bagging Apparatus Photo 17 Concrete Settling Basin Domestic wastewater from the water treatment facility is disposed of by an on-site septic tank and drainfield. 16 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN Staff indicated that there have been previous conversations with the Tuckasegee Water and Sewer Authority regarding allowing water plant process and domestic wastewater to be discharged into the Authority’s wastewater collection system so that the dewatering facility could be taken out of service and the septic tank and drainfield can be abandoned. No progress has been made on this issue and there may now be issues with the capacity of the wastewater treatment plant to receive the water plant wastewater load. Finished Water Pumps The water plant pump room contains four vertical turbine finished water pumps that pump water out of a 100,000-gallon clearwell located under the water plant into the distribution system. Two of these pumps, Pump Nos. 1 and 2, are original plant equipment. These two pumps are Worthington 7-stage pumps with 30-hp motors. Pump Nos. 3 and 4 were installed when the plant was expanded in 1973. These pumps are Aurora Vertiline 10-stage pumps with 60-hp motors. Each of these pumps has a rated capacity of 700 gpm at 260 feet total dynamic head (TDH). Only two of the four pumps are capable of pumping at a rate similar to rated capacity of the water plant. Staff expressed concerns over the ability of the existing pumps to adequately supply water to the distribution system during peak demand periods. Photo 18 Finished Water Pumps Water Storage There are four water storage ground tanks or clearwells currently in service that provide pressure and fire protection to the distribution system. Two of these tanks provide pump suction storage for the finished water pumps located at the water treatment plant. Filtered water leaves the filters and flows by gravity to a 1-million gallon (mg) rectangular ground storage tank located just south of the water plant. Water flows by gravity from this tank into the 100,000-gallon clearwell located under the treatment plant where finished water chemicals are added. The finished water pumps pump directly out of this clearwell into the distribution system. 17 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN The 1.0-mg rectangular tank appeared to be in good condition. According to plant personnel, there were problems with the roof of this tank, and a free-standing roof structure was recently constructed over the tank to prevent further weathering and spalling of the concrete roof surface. Also, plant personnel reported problems with the existing clearwell inlet valve and operator. There are also two ground storage tanks located at the high point of the hill that is approximately in the geographic center of Campus. These tanks are located on WCU property, but the land surrounding the tank site is private property. The tanks located at this site include a round 200,000-gallon concrete tank and a 1.0-mg concrete tank. The round tank was constructed in the mid-1920s, and the 1.0-mg square tank was constructed in the early 1970s. The high water level in the round tank is approximately 20-feet above the high water level in the adjacent square tank. The 200,000-gallon round tank generally appeared to be in fair condition. Visual inspection of the exterior walls of this tank revealed some cracking in the concrete. In addition, the overall tank exterior appeared to be stained and weathered. Water plant staff indicated that as the water level in this tank rises, there is leakage from some of the wall cracks. However, leakage was not observed during the February 2006 site visit. WCU staff indicated that the standpipe was lowered in this tank due to leaking cracks in the tank’s walls and that the usable capacity of this tank is approximately 175,000 gallons. Photo 19 200,000-gallon Tank The 1.0-mg square tank generally appeared to be in good condition, with the exception of the roof surface. The concrete roof surface appeared weathered and spalled. Photo 20 1.0-mg Tank Roof 18 Photo 21 1.0-mg Tank Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN In addition, previous repairs to the roof were spalling and delaminating from the concrete surface. Some cracks were also observed in the roof and walls. The 1.1-mg pump suction storage in the two clearwells (located at the water treatment plant) and the 1.2-mg finished water storage in the two ground storage tanks (located on top of the hill in the center of Campus) provide a total water storage volume of 2.3 mg. The following sections of this water system evaluation will allocate a portion of the available storage for fire flow demands and the remaining storage will be allocated for domestic demands. If the entire storage volume was allocated to domestic demands at the current in-session average daily flow of 0.42 mg, there are approximately 5.5 days of storage in the water system, with 2.5 days of pump suction storage and 3.0 days of finished water storage. This volume of storage, along with the current plant operational practice of operating the plant daily to fill the tanks, allows the plant to be temporarily shut down if there are problems with the raw water source, such as increased turbidity due to large storm events or pollution due to an upstream spill, without curtailment of water supply to the Campus. At the time of the site visit an additional 300,000-gallon elevated storage tank was located in the parking area on the south side of Robertson Residence Hall. This tank has since been demolished. 3.1.4 Water Distribution System The February 2006 site visit included gathering information about the existing water distribution system. The existing system is comprised of 3/4-inch to 12-inch diameter water lines of varying ages and materials. The distribution system has generally been expanded as new buildings have been constructed and the Campus has grown. There are two main water lines, one 12-inch diameter, and one 10-inch diameter that comprise the backbone of the distribution system. The 12-inch water line extends west from the water treatment plant to the 1.0 mg and 200,000-gallon tanks located on top of the hill between Forest Hills Road and Central Drive. The lower section of this line, from the water plant to Central Drive, was constructed in 1965 when the water plant was constructed. This line was extended to the tank site in 1975. 19 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN The 10-inch diameter line branches off of the 12-inch line at Central Drive. This line extends north along Central Drive, then west along Old Centennial Drive and University Way. This 10inch line has been extended several times to serve additional areas of Campus and currently extends to the University Camp Building 3 on the east side of NC Route 107. There is a valved connection to a 12-inch TWSA water line at this location that is normally closed. There is one additional valved connection to the TWSA water system just south of the Ramsey Activity Center on Forest Hills Road. This connection is also normally closed. In addition to these two main lines, there are several sections of the 8-inch diameter water line that have been extended from the 12-inch water line and from the 1.0-mg tank site to serve different areas of Campus. However, the majority of the distribution system is made up of 6inch diameter lines. Pipes of this size have normally been installed to serve new areas as the Campus expanded. There are also a number of structures on Campus that utilize 6-inch lines for domestic and/or fire service connections as well. Building service connections are generally 3/4-inch to 4-inch diameter lines with a significant number of these being 2-inch to 3-inch diameter or less. These lines are typically fairly short runs from 6-inch or larger distribution lines. However, there are a number of these small diameter lines that extend fairly long distances to serve different buildings. A WaterCAD water model of the distribution system has been developed as part of this Utilities Master Plan. During the February 2006 site visit, an extensive tour of Campus was made for the purpose of discussing the water distribution system with staff in order to develop as accurate a model as possible. A copy of the current water system map was provided during the site visit. There are a number of areas within the water system, such as the old section of Campus along Chancellor’s Drive, that are known by staff to routinely experience problems. These problems include inadequate pressure and flow, old small diameter lines, and deteriorated piping that has historically required many repairs. In some cases, such as the intersection of Joyner Drive and Chancellor’s Drive, it is unknown exactly where the water lines are located or how they interconnect with other known water lines in the vicinity. 3 This building name was changed from Outreach Center to Camp Building by Western Carolina University during the time the UMP was being developed. The water and steam models and some information in the appendix were not updated to reflect the name change. 20 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN During the site visit, a number of corrections to the mapping of the existing water system, including pipe sizes, locations, interconnections, and abandonment of old lines, were noted by WCU staff. The water system mapping has been updated by WCU staff and was utilized for developing the Campus water model. In addition, alternatives for strengthening the water system by adding additional water lines to create loops within the system or replacing existing small diameter water lines with larger lines were discussed. Modeling has been performed to evaluate available fire flows and potential water system upgrades. A record of fire hydrant flow tests that were performed in June 2005 was provided by WCU. Static pressures ranged from 50 to 155-pounds per square inch (psi). The flow rates during the tests ranged from approximately 750 to 1,500 gpm with residual pressures ranging from 40 to 145 psi. Staff indicated that static system pressure was generally not a problem, but during high demand times pressures drop significantly in certain areas. This is likely related to the small diameter service lines serving a number of structures around Campus. 3.2 CAMPUS WATER REQUIREMENTS Water treatment plant production records were provided for January 2003 through December 2005. Based on these records, the existing in-session average day water system demand for this time period was approximately 0.42 mgd. This demand is generated by a combination of domestic and fire demands, as well as irrigation of University facilities. The water production records were analyzed for annual water production patterns. Average daily water use for institution with large seasonal residential populations, such as universities, may vary significantly from months when school is in-session to months when the majority of student are on break. The monthly average day water production was graphed for each of the 3 years for which data was provided, as well as the 3-year average (See Figure 3-1). 21 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN Figure 3-1 Water Plant Average Daily Production 0.500 0.450 MGD 0.400 0.350 0.300 0.250 m be r ec e D N ov em be r be r ct o O be r pt em Se Au gu st Ju ly Ju ne M ay ril Ap h M ar c ar y Fe br u Ja nu ar y 0.200 Month 2003 2004 2005 3-Year Average This figure indicates that the average daily flow for the seven months each year when school is in session (January through April and September through November) is approximately 0.42 mgd. The average daily flow for the five months over the summer and winter breaks (May through August and December) is approximately 0.35 mgd. Therefore, when analyzing current conditions and considering future conditions, the in-session demands should be considered, as well as the annual average demands. 3.2.1 Existing Domestic Water Usage The University presently has approximately 7,000 students taking courses on Campus with approximately 3,900 (56 percent) of these students living on Campus. Based on the existing insession average daily system demand of 0.42 mgd, the average daily demand per student is approximately 60 gpd. In-session demands represent the highest average daily water demand time periods experienced on Campus. Therefore, for the purposes of this report, the in-session water demands will be considered in lieu of the annual average daily demands. 22 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN The water distribution system does not currently include water meters for every structure served. According to staff, meters are being added as existing structures are being renovated or new structures built. Meters may also be added to the system as water line work is performed. Water meter records were provided for 31 meters serving various structures. Based on the records provided, the average daily in-session flow that is metered is approximately 0.27 mgd, or approximately two-thirds of the average daily in-session water produced at the water treatment plant. The largest two metered services are the Scott Residence Hall meter, with an average daily in-session flow of approximately 36,000 gpd and the steam plant with an average daily flow during the fall and winter months of approximately 36,300 gpd. The University categorizes buildings into three groups; academic buildings, housing, and auxiliaries. The auxiliaries include the cafeterias, Hinds University Center, the Print Shop, and the Student Book Store. Housing consists of all of the dorms/residents halls and the on-campus apartments and rentals, and all the rest fall into the academic category. Buildings for which meter data is available primarily fall into the housing and auxiliary categories. The in-session average monthly and average daily metered flows are included in Table 3-2 Existing Water Meter Data Summary. A complete table of monthly meter reading data for each of these buildings is included in Appendix A for reference. 23 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN Table 3-2 Existing Water Meter Data Summary Building In-session Average Monthly In-session Average Daily (gallons) (gallons) 341,553 209,079 57,041 299,074 122,529 506,953 547,782 7,854 1,105,120 2,457 258,679 297,087 52,556 399 505,829 1,095,129 422,588 491,143 10,700 3,706 281,622 39,759 15,891 17,817 334,580 911,700 197,500 8,136,129 11,228 6,873 1,875 9,831 4,028 16,665 18,007 258 36,329 81 8,504 9,766 1,728 13 16,628 36,000 13,892 16,145 352 122 9,258 1,307 522 586 10,999 29,970 6,492 267,460 Albright-Benton Res. Hall Buchanan Residence Hall Madison Residence Hall Reynolds Residence Hall Robertson Residence Hall Helder Residence Hall Leatherwood Residence Hall Bird Health and Counseling Steam Plant Graham Building (old part) Brown Cafeteria Dodson Cafeteria Camp Building Old Student Union Hinds University Center Scott Residence Hall Harrill Residence Hall Walker Residence Hall Jordan-Phillips Field House University Book Store Ramsey Activity Center NCCAT Main Core Bldg NCCAT Residence Hall A NCCAT Residence Hall B Central Drive Residence Hall Village Residence Hall Norton Residence Hall Total Existing This metered water usage data for the various structures has been utilized to define demands within the WaterCAD model. Demand data has been extrapolated from the metered structures to the un-metered structures, based on the function each structure serves and the size of the structure. The remaining un-metered demands were then allocated to nodes within the WaterCAD model to simulate the Campus water system average daily in-session conditions. A drawing of the water system model is included in Appendix A for reference. Data tables for 24 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN demand nodes, pipes, and tanks within the water model are included in Appendix A for reference. 3.2.2 Existing Fire Flow Demands As previously discussed, a record of fire hydrant flow tests that was performed in June 2005 was provided. Static pressures ranged from 50 to 155 psi (pounds per square inch) and hydrant flow rates during the tests ranged from approximately 750 to 1,500 gpm with residual pressures ranging from approximately 40 to 145 psi. This data was utilized to calibrate the water model and available fire flows were then evaluated using the WaterCAD model. A number of structures on Campus currently have sprinkler systems. In addition, as existing structures are renovated and new structures are built, sprinkler systems are being included with the construction. It is expected that within 10 years every structure on Campus will be sprinkled. Typical required fire flows for Campus buildings range from 500 to approximately 3,000 gpm for non-sprinkled structures. The Hunter Library is the only structure on Campus with a calculated required fire flow greater than 3,000 gpm. Required fire flow for sprinkled structures is 500 gpm, which is considerably less than that required for non-sprinkled structures. Therefore, the system fire flow demand will be reduced as sprinkler systems are added to existing buildings. Required fire flows for existing and future buildings are based on the Insurance Services Office (ISO) Needed Fire Flow documents. The ISO procedure for calculating required fire flows is based on the type of construction; structure contents; building area; and the proximity to, and communication with adjacent buildings. The procedure calculates the required exterior hose flow. A fire flow simulation was run with the WaterCAD model and has been utilized to determine available fire flows around Campus. Currently, WCU does not have any fire hydrants located on water lines smaller than 4 inches. Therefore, fire flows were not calculated for nodes located on water lines smaller than 4 inches. Based on the model output, and maintaining a minimum residual pressure of approximately 40 psi, the available fire flows range from approximately 500 to over 3,000 gpm. The calculated fire flow demands and the modeled available fire flows at the various buildings on Campus are summarized in Table 3-3 Existing Fire Flow Demand Summary. 25 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN Table 3-3 Existing Fire Flow Demand Summary Building Albright-Benton Residence Hall* Buchanan Residence Hall* Madison Residence Hall* Moore Building* Reynolds Residence Hall* Robertson Residence Hall* Helder Residence Hall Leatherwood Residence Hall Hunter Library Stillwell Building* Hoey Auditorium* McKee Building* Reid Gym (Fitness Center, Pool) Breese Gym (Dance, Pool) Bird Health and Counseling Grounds Maintenance/Paint Shop Graham Building Chancellors Residence Brown Cafeteria Dodson Cafeteria Killian Ed & Psy Building Camp Building/Annex/Gym* Old Student Union Triplex Apartments Young Drive Faculty Apartments Hinds University Center* Killian Annex* Scott Residence Hall* Print Shop Forsyth Building Belk Building (Art Complex) Harrill Residence Hall* Walker Residence Hall* Facilities Management Jordan Phillips Field House Natural Science Building* Coulter Building Calculated Required Fire Flow (GPM) 500 500 500 500 500 500 3000 3000 4500 500 500 500 3000 1500 750 1750 750 500 2000 2250 2250 500 500 1000 1000 500 500 500 1250 2250 3000 500 500 1750 1000 500 2500 26 Modeled Available Fire Flow (GPM) 2280 3260 1960 1900 630 630 2620 670 2240 2210 2180 2250 2620 2260 2260 2290 1880 1620 2000 670 1450 1550 2000 2140 760 720 1290 1430 1140 2750 1650 890 1670 2650 1630 1000 1450 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN Building Bird Alumni House* Robinson Admin Building Jenkins House – University Club University Book Store Ramsey Activity Center* Central Stores/Warehouse* NCCAT Core NCCAT Residence Hall A* NCCAT Residence Hall B* Center of Applied Technology* Fine & Performing Arts Center* Central Drive Residence Hall* Village Student Housing* Norton Road Residence Hall* • • Calculated Required Fire Flow (GPM) 500 2500 500 2000 500 500 2250 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 Modeled Available Fire Flow (GPM) 1220 1300 1530 1360 1700 2050 850 730 730 1430 2620 770 820 1010 Note 1: * Indicates a sprinkled structure Note 2: Bolded entries indicate that the current fire flow requirements are not being met by the available fire flows. As indicated above in Table 3-3, fire flows are generally very good around Campus. However, there are some areas that do not meet the calculated fire flow requirements or generally have lower available fire flows. These areas include areas served by small diameter (less than 6inch) water lines, areas at higher elevations, and areas that are somewhat hydraulically remote from the main part of the water distribution system. The modeled available fire flows indicated in Table 3-3 are based on a model run with the 200,000-gallon round tank half full, the 1.0-mg square tank full, and no pumps running at the water treatment plant. The fire flow simulation was run in conjunction with average daily insession system demands and the minimum residual pressure was set at 40 psi. The modeled available fire flows for buildings that are sprinkled was taken at the face of the building. The available fire flows for non-sprinkled structures were taken at the single nearest available hydrant based on the water system mapping provided by WCU. The fire flows listed are the available flows at the hydrant. The structures, for which the modeled available fire flow is less than the calculated required fire flow, are indicated by red circles in Figure 3-2 Inadequate Available Fire Flows. 27 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN Figure 3-2 Inadequate Available Fire Flows In some cases, the nearest hydrant to a building may not provide the required fire flow for that building independently. In these cases, additional nearby hydrants could be utilized to increase the available fire flow during a fire event. For example, the available fire flow listed for Leatherwood Residence Hall is from Hydrant #22. The flow from this hydrant does not satisfy the required fire flow for this building independently. However, there are other hydrants nearby, including Hydrant #23 and Hydrant #24 that could also be utilized during a fire event at Leatherwood Hall. The available fire flow values listed in Table 3-3 are based only on the single nearest available hydrant to the building. In other cases, the listed available fire flow is considerably higher than the flow that could realistically be delivered to a particular structure due to the location of the nearest hydrant. For example, the available fire flow listed for the Chancellors Residence is based on Hydrant #4, which is located approximately 500 feet north of the building, at a much lower elevation than the building. In this case, the lower elevation at the hydrant location results in increased pressure and available flow at the hydrant location. This value does not reflect what could be delivered through a fire hose from the hydrant to the building, without the aid of additional pressure such as could be supplied by a pumper type fire truck. 28 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN Detailed fire flow calculation sheets are included for each structure listed in Appendix A for reference. A model output table of available fire flows at individual nodes in the model is included in Appendix A for reference. 3.2.3 Irrigation Water Usage Irrigation water for the University’s athletic facilities (ball fields) is currently taken from the water distribution system. This water usage makes up a large percentage of the water used by the athletic department. According to staff, during dry periods, irrigation of the various athletic fields is a significant demand on the water treatment and distribution system. This usage is not currently metered, but has been estimated so that it can be accounted for in the water model. Irrigation demands likely typically peak during the dryer late summer and early fall months of the year when students are back on Campus. However, irrigation demands will also take place as needed year round to maintain the various athletic fields and landscaped areas. 3.3 FUTURE REQUIREMENTS 3.3.1 General Information The Campus Master Plan lists buildings and additions that are planned for construction in future years. These buildings and additions are assumed to be supplied water service from WCU’s water distribution system for domestic service and fire flow demands. Therefore, the condition and capacity of the water system must be examined in this context. A computer model has been developed that includes the addition of these future demands in order to examine the adequacy of the current distribution system to serve the future needs of the Campus. This section will describe the anticipated future needs of the Campus and make recommendations for necessary improvements. 3.3.2 Water System Capacity The Campus development Master Plan that was recently completed calls for construction of new facilities, including classrooms, private space, housing, dining, and other auxiliary buildings, to meet the projected Campus needs as the University expands enrollment. Water demands have been estimated for the future buildings based on the projected size and intended use of the various buildings and the existing demands for similar type buildings currently served by the Campus water system. Table 3-4 provides a list of the new buildings included in the Master Plan and their estimated water demands. 29 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN Table 3-4 Master Plan New Building Water Demands Summary Building Number B C K J I C H G J I E D Estimated Model Water Use (gpm) New Building Name/Use Neighborhood Estimated Water Use (gpd) New Classroom New Classroom Private Space New Student Housing - 200 Beds New Student Housing - 400 Beds New Steam Plant New Private Space Reid Addition Student Housing - 400 Beds New Dining Hall Student Housing - 400 Beds Hospitality Management Shops/Restaurants/Commercial Office/Private Mountain Heritage Museum 6 6 6 7 7 Services E 8 8 8 8 9 9 Town Center E Town Center E Town Center E 764 764 430 11,060 26,545 66,636 426 17,470 26,548 15,088 29,866 374 42,834 246 67 0.53 0.53 0.30 7.68 18.43 46.28 0.30 12.13 18.44 10.48 20.74 0.26 29.75 0.17 0.05 239,118 166.07 Total 30 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN The Master Plan also calls for the demolition of certain existing facilities that have exceeded their useful life. The existing water demands that are associated with the buildings to be demolished are included below in Table 3-5. Table 3-5 Master Plan Existing Building Demolition Water Demands Summary Estimated Model Water Use (gpm) Building Number Existing Building Name/Use (To be Demolished) Neighborhood Estimated Water Use (gpd) 2 23 39 40 41 64 69 17 19 7 8 24 26 Buchanan Res Hall Brown Dining Hall Triplex Apartments Young Drive Faculty Apartment Young Drive Faculty Apartment Bird Alumni House Jenkin's House Ground / Maintenance/Paint Steam Plant Helder Res Hall - 400 Beds Leatherwood Res Hall - 400 Beds Dodson Dining Hall Camp Building 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 Town Center E 8,316 10,289 1,240 1,822 797 157 145 335 43,958 20,165 21,789 11,817 2,091 5.78 7.15 0.86 1.27 0.55 0.11 0.10 0.23 30.53 14.00 15.13 8.21 1.45 122,921 85.37 Total The projected water use associated with the new buildings exceeds the existing water use that will be removed from the system when the existing buildings are demolished. The projected increase in water use is estimated to be approximately 116,000 gpd (81 gpm). Adding this demand to the existing average day in-session demand of 0.42 mgd yields a projected future average day in-session demand of 0.54 mgd. The current peak day flows in each month have a peaking factor of 1.0 to 2.0 over the average daily in-session flows during the last three years. The peak factors were calculated by dividing the monthly peak day demand by the average day in-session demand. Utilizing the highest historical peaking factor of 2.0, the projected future peak day demand would be approximately 1.08 mgd. The Campus Master Plan includes proposed locations for the structures listed in Table 3-5. The majority of the proposed structures are located adjacent to or near existing Campus water lines. 31 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN However, the location of the proposed steam plant on the east side of Old Cullowhee Road across from the old Campus entrance does not currently have water service available. A water line extension will be required from the existing distribution system to serve the proposed steam plant. An 8-inch diameter water line was added to the water system model along with the updated demands to reflect demolition and construction described in the Campus Master Plan and to evaluate adequacy of the distribution system to provide service to these structures. 3.3.3 Fire Flow The water system model was utilized to evaluate the adequacy of the distribution system to provide fire flow demands, as well as domestic service, to the proposed structures. It is assumed that all new structures will be provided with sprinkler systems for fire protection. Available fire flows are listed in Table 3-6 for each of the proposed structures. Table 3-6 - Master Plan New Building Available Fire Flow Summary Building Number B C K J I C H G J I E D New Building Name/Use New Classroom New Classroom Private Space New Student Housing - 200 Beds New Student Housing - 400 Beds New Steam Plant New Private Space Reid Addition Student Housing - 400 Beds New Dining Hall Student Housing - 400 Beds Hospitality Management Shops/Restaurants/Commercial Office/Private Mountain Heritage Museum Neighborhood 6 6 6 7 7 Services E 8 8 8 8 9 9 Town Center E Town Center E Town Center E Available Fire Flow (gpm) 2310 2310 760 2490 520 2860 780 510 1020 2390 2590 1240 2430 2430 2430 The American Waterworks Association (AWWA) Manual M5, Water Utility Management, contains guidelines for the required duration of fire flows based on the required fire flow rates. The highest typical calculated fire flows for structures on Campus are 3,000 gpm. However, the majority of structures on Campus have fire flows less than 2,500 gpm. For required fire flows of 2,500 gpm and less the required duration is 2 hours and for required fire flows of 3,000 gpm the 32 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN required duration is 3 hours. Required fire flow storage for 3 hours of 3,000-gpm fire flow is equal to 540,000 gallons. 3.3.4 Treatment and Storage As previously discussed, there is approximately 1.2 mg of storage in two concrete tanks located at the top of the hill roughly in the center of Campus. Additionally, there is 1.1-mg of pump suction storage located in a tank and clearwell at the water treatment plant. Subtracting fire flow storage from the total storage volume available yields 1.76-mg of storage available for domestic demands. Therefore, the existing 2.3-mg storage in the water system provides approximately 3 days of finished water storage at the projected average daily flow rate and 1.5 days of storage at the projected peak day flow rate. There is an emergency power generator at the water treatment plant that allows the full 1.1-mg pump suction storage at the water treatment plant to be available to the water system at all times. Although the projected peak daily flow to serve the future expanded Campus exceeds the 1.0-mgd water treatment plant capacity there is adequate storage within the water system to meet the projected peak day demands. Therefore, the water treatment plant and finished water storage capacity are adequate to serve the projected future Campus demands. As the population increases, the water treatment plant will have to be operated in a more continuous manner to keep up with daily demands. Average and peak daily demands should continue to be monitored by water plant personnel so that as demands approach the existing water treatment capacity planning can begin for expansion of the water treatment plant. In addition, measures such as installation of low-flow fixtures in new and renovated structures can be taken to reduce the per student demand. Any water saving measures that can be implemented will increase the service life of the existing water treatment plant. 3.3.5 Distribution System In addition to the water line extension to serve the proposed steam plant, there are additional water line extensions that could be made to improve the overall reliability of the water distribution system. The existing distribution system has a number of dead-end water line extensions serving various areas of Campus, including: a 6-inch water line extending north from Memorial Drive along Norton Road that serves the Village student housing area at the north end of Campus; a 6-inch water line extending northwest from Memorial Drive to serve the NCCAT area; a 10-inch line extending southwest along University Way to serve the Camp Building area; and an 8-inch water line extending southwest from the 1.0-mg water tank to serve the Ramsey Regional Activity Center and baseball field areas at the south end of Campus. 33 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN Also, there are a number of structures located between Centennial Drive and Memorial Drive from Hoey Auditorium to Reid Gym that are served by a 10-inch water line extending from Centennial Drive. Service to these areas of Campus can be improved with the construction of water lines to loop these dead-end areas. These water line loops will provide secondary water supply routes to maintain service to these areas during peak demand times, improve available fire flows in these areas, improve system reliability, and improve water quality by eliminating stagnant zones within the dead-end pipes. Four 8-inch diameter water line extensions are proposed to interconnect the dead-end lines described above. The proposed water lines will create loops between the Village and NCCAT water lines, the Camp Building and Ramsey Regional Activity Center water lines, the Ramsey Regional Activity Center and Centennial Drive water lines, and the Memorial Drive and Centennial Drive water lines. These proposed water lines are indicated by heavy blue lines in Figure 3-3 Proposed Water Line Extensions. In addition, the new 8-inch line described in Section 3.3.3 that is required to serve the proposed steam plant site is also indicated in Figure 3-3 as a heavy blue line. 34 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN Figure 3-3 Proposed Water Line Extensions 35 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN 3.4 WATER SYSTEM SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS 3.4.1 Recommendations An evaluation of Western Carolina University’s water system was made by visual inspection during a Campus visit. These facilities include raw water intake facilities, a 1.0-mgd rated water treatment plant, three concrete storage tanks with a total capacity of 2.2-mg storage, and a distribution system comprised of 2- to 12-inch diameter lines. Based on this evaluation and information provided by WCU staff, a number of recommendations can be made. Raw Water Intake (1.) The existing raw water intake pump station is not equipped with an emergency back-up power supply. The University does have a portable generator for this facility that can be wired into the main power disconnect panel by hand. It is recommended that an electrical quick-connect receptacle and manual transfer switch be installed to facilitate connection of the portable generator. Conditions that would cause an extended power outage at the intake pump station would most likely be due to inclement weather. Installation of a quick-connect receptacle and transfer switch would facilitate connection of the generator so that hands-on work within the electrical panel would not be required to connect the generator and restore service to the intake pump station. (2.) There are three existing raw water pumps. Pump No. 2 has a capacity of 0.8 mgd and Pump Nos. 1 and 3 have a combined capacity of approximately 1.0 mgd when operated concurrently. It is recommended that Pump Nos. 1 and 3 be replaced with pumps rated at 1.0 mgd each, matching the capacity of the treatment plant, to provide a more reliable raw water delivery to the treatment plant. Raw Water Mixing (3.) The existing vertical-axis paddle-type mixer is a single speed unit. It is recommended that the flash mixer motor/drive unit be replaced with a variable speed drive unit to improve control of mixing and flocculation. A variable speed mixer would allow water plant personnel to control the amount of mixing based on the influent water quality and chemical feed rates. (4.) The existing flocculation basin is a concrete flume with baffling provided by wooden baffles inserted into the flow path. These wooden baffles provide a vertical serpentine flow path to promote flocculation. The baffles located near the water surface are 36 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN showing signs of deterioration. It is recommended that the wooden baffles be replaced with new wooden or aluminum baffles. Sedimentation (5.) The existing sedimentation basin walls are showing some signs of cracking and spalling. It is recommended that these areas be monitored and concrete repaired as needed to minimize deterioration of the concrete surface. Maintenance of the existing basin walls will lengthen the useful life of the existing treatment facility. (6.) The existing handrail around the flocculation and sedimentation basins is not equipped with kick plates. Without kick plates, there is a danger during icy conditions of falling and sliding under the handrail into the basins. In addition, these kick plates would provide some protection from tools or other items being dropped or kicked accidentally into the basins. When the basins are in service, any items dropped into them would be difficult to retrieve. When the basins are taken out of service for maintenance activities, there is a danger of items falling onto any person who may be working in the basins. It is recommended that kick plates be installed along all existing hand rails located around the flocculation and sedimentation basins. (7.) The existing ladders extending from the walkways into the sedimentation basins are in poor condition. According to plant personnel, these existing ladders have not been used for quite some time and access into the basins to perform maintenance activities requires the use of portable ladders. It is recommended that new ladders be mounted in the sedimentation basins to provide safe access for maintenance activities and also to provide exit locations for anyone who may accidentally fall into the basins. Chlorine Feed (Raw and Finished) (8.) Plant personnel reported that the chlorine cylinder scale does not function well during cold weather. It is recommended that the chlorine cylinder scale be replaced. Soda Ash (Raw and Finished Water) (9.) The soda ash system is still working well but the equipment is old and replacement parts are difficult to find. It is recommended that the soda ash feed system be replaced with a new dry chemical hopper, feeder, and solution tank system in the same location as the existing equipment. This would allow continued feeding of dry soda ash into the feeder hopper located on the first floor. A second option would be to replace the dry soda ash 37 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN feed system with a liquid caustic soda (sodium hydroxide) feed system. Plant personnel discussed this alternative with the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and it was recommended by DENR that soda ash continue to be used at this plant due to corrosion and lead level issues that have been reported with the use of caustic soda. Water Plant Wastewater (10.) The existing sludge dewatering facility involves a labor intensive and time consuming process of bagging sludge for dewatering, which is difficult for the limited number of water plant staff. It is recommended that WCU enter into negotiations with TWSA to allow the discharge of the WWTP plant and domestic waste into the TWSA wastewater collection system. It is our understanding that some conversations have been had with TWSA over the years to discuss this issue. This would allow WCU to abandon the existing sludge handling facility and septic tank drainfield that are currently being utilized. Finished Water and Backwash Water Pumps (11.) There are four existing finished water pumps and one existing filter backwash pump. Two of the finished water pumps were installed when the plant was expanded in 1973 and have rated capacities of 700-gpm, approximately matching the rated capacity of the plant. The other two finished water pumps are original plant equipment. It is recommended that three of these pumps (Pump Nos. 1, 3, and 4) be replaced with new finished water pumps with capacities of at least 700-gpm each. It is further recommended that the other pump (Pump No. 2) should be converted to a filter backwash pump. This could be accomplished with minor discharge piping modifications in the pump room and would provide pump redundancy for the filter backwashing operation. With the current single filter backwash pump, if the pump were to fail, there would be no means of backwashing the filters until the pump is replaced. The combination of replacing the finished water pumps and providing a backup filter backwash pump will increase the pumping capacity and reliability of the plant. General Building Improvements (12.) According to plant personnel, the existing plant boiler has operation and maintenance problems and is not reliable. In addition, the boiler is fed by a buried oil tank located adjacent to the water plant. It is recommended that HVAC improvements be made to the plant building that would include the removal of the existing buried tank and replacement of the boiler with a new gas or electric boiler. In addition, a number of other 38 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN general building improvements could be made, including glass partition walls between the filter console gallery and the filters and pump gallery, laboratory upgrades, and security cameras at the remote pumping and storage sites with display at the plant. Photo 22 Glass Partitions at WTP Filters (Harrisonburg, VA) Water Storage Facilities (13.) It is recommended that a detailed inspection of the existing 200,000-gallon tank be performed to determine if the tank should continue being utilized. The tank overflow elevation is well above that of the adjacent 1.0-mg tank, which causes operational issues when utilizing the tank. Also, according to WCU personnel, the tank has cracks in the walls that leak when the water level in the tank is too high, reducing its usable capacity. Water plant personnel have suggested demolishing this tank and replacing it with a new 500,000-gallon tank at this site. This alternative should be explored pending the results of the detailed evaluation of the existing 200,000-gallon tank. (14.) There is an existing 1.0-mg square concrete tank located on top of the hill, roughly in the center of Campus. This tank was constructed in the early 1970s. The concrete roof of this tank is weathered and spalled. In addition, previous repairs to the roof are spalling and delaminating from the concrete surface. It is recommended that the roof be evaluated to verify that it is structurally sound. If the roof is sound it can then be repaired by clearing the roof of all loose concrete material, building up and leveling the surface, and covering the tank roof with a membrane roofing system. This type of repair will significantly increase the useful life of the existing tank. (15.) Plant personnel reported problems with the inlet valve and operator on the existing 1.0mg clearwell located adjacent to the plant. It is recommended that this valve and operator be replaced to improve operational control of the existing clearwell. 39 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN Water Distribution System (16.) According to WCU personnel, improvements are being made around Campus to the water distribution system as well as fire protection systems within individual structures as buildings are being constructed and renovations are taking place. It is recommended that sprinkler systems be installed in all new and renovated structures, and that they be considered for retrofitting existing structures that are not scheduled for major renovation in the near future. Sprinkler systems reduce the fire flow demands of individual structures and provide a safer environment for the students, faculty, and staff, as well as protect valuable Campus assets. (17.) A number of existing structures are served by small diameter water service lines, 2-inch diameter or less in size. Many additional structures are served by 3-inch diameter water service lines. It is also recommended that, as structures are constructed or renovated, that water service lines supplying these structures be upsized from the structure back to the water distribution mains. This will improve pressure and flow within the structures during peak demand times. (18.) There are a number of water distribution lines around Campus that are 3- to 4-inch diameter lines of varying ages. It is recommended that, as construction activities take place on Campus, that these lines be replaced with minimum 6-inch diameter water lines, and any of these lines that are main lines should be replaced with minimum 8-inch diameter lines. This will improve the ability of the distribution system to meet peak domestic and fire flow demands. In addition, the location of existing water lines in the vicinity of Joiner Plaza may not be well documented. There is a history, including a recent repair, of undocumented water lines being uncovered in this area. Consideration should be given to replacing the water lines in this area and properly documenting the lines. (19.) The existing 3-inch diameter service lines to Reynolds and Robinson Residence Halls have experienced a number of leaks due to corrosion problems. It is recommended that these service lines be replaced with 6-inch service lines. In addition, the existing 6-inch diameter service line to Brown Cafeteria has leaking valves located in sections of old pitcast piping. It is recommended that the service line and valves be replaced. (20.) There are a number of dead-end water line extensions that have been made as the Campus has expanded. These are described in Section 3.3.5. Water line extension to 40 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN create loops between these dead-end lines are recommended to provide secondary water supply routes to maintain service to these areas during peak demand times, improve available fire flows in these areas, improve system reliability, and improve water quality by eliminating stagnant zones within the dead-end pipes. The recommended water lines are indicated in Figure 3-3 by heavy blue lines. (21.) Irrigation water for the University’s athletic facilities (ball fields) is currently taken from the water distribution system. This water usage makes up a large percentage of the water used by the athletic department. According to staff, during dry periods, irrigation of the various athletic fields is a significant demand on the water treatment and distribution system. It is recommended that a raw water source be developed to serve these irrigation needs and remove these demands from the finished water distribution system. A small creek runs through the west side of Campus near the majority of the athletic fields that are irrigated. Developing a pond or other aesthetically pleasing water feature to provide irrigation storage at the north end of Campus near the Village student housing area should be considered. 3.4.2 Proposed Implementation Schedule The recommendations described above have been divided into two categories. Near-term improvements are those that are recommended to be performed within the next 3 years, and long-term improvements are those recommended to be performed within the next 10 years. Recommendations classified as near-term include items necessary to maintain safe and effective operation of the water treatment, storage, and distribution system in order to serve the existing Campus. Long-term improvements are those that will improve the overall reliability of the water system and enable it to meet future Campus demands, as well as improve the efficiency of the system. These include Recommendation Nos. 17, 18, and 20, which are all related to distribution system improvements to be made as construction activities take place around Campus. Table 3-7 - Summary of Implementation Timeframe categorizes the above-described recommendations into near- or long-term. 41 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN Table 3-7 - Summary of Implementation Timeframe No. Recommendations Timeframe 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Raw Water Intake – electrical quick-connect Raw Water Intake – raw water pumps Raw Water Mixing – flash mixer motor/drive unit Raw Water Mixing – wooden baffles Sedimentation – concrete repair Sedimentation – handrail kickplate Sedimentation – basin ladders Chlorine Feed – cylinder scale Soda Ash – dry feed system Wastewater – negotiate with TWSA Plant Pumps – replace finished water, re-pipe backwash pump General Building Improv. – HVAC, lab, glass partition, security Water storage – detailed inspection of 200,000-gal tank Water Storage – repair roof 1.0-mg tank Water Storage – 1.0-mg clearwell inlet valve and operator Distribution – sprinkler systems during renovations Distribution – service lines during renovations Distribution – main replacement (renovations, Joyner Plaza) Distribution – service line replacement Distribution – water line loops Distribution – irrigation water source development Near-term Near-term Near-term Long-term Long-term Near-term Near-term Near-term Near-term Long-term Near-term Long-term Long-term Near-term Near-term Long-term Long-term Long-term Near-term Long-term Long-term 3.4.3 Opinion of Probable Cost An opinion of probable cost for each of the recommendations described has been prepared and is summarized in Table 3-8 - Summary of Opinion of Probable Costs. Detailed cost estimates are included in Appendix A for reference. The total estimated costs for near-term and long-term recommendations are approximately $735,000 and $3,330,000, respectively. 42 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN Table 3-8 - Summary of Opinion of Probable Costs No. Near-Term Recommendations Cost 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 11 14 15 19 Raw Water Intake – electrical quick-connect Raw Water Intake – raw water pumps Raw Water Mixing – flash mixer motor/drive unit Sedimentation – handrail kickplate Sedimentation – basin ladders Chlorine Feed – cylinder scale Soda Ash – replace feed system Plant Pumps – replace finished water, re-pipe backwash pump Water Storage – repair roof 1.0-mg tank Water Storage – 1.0-mg clearwell inlet valve and operator Distribution – service line replacement $8,500 $62,000 $9,500 $11,050 $10,920 $11,800 $146,600 $173,000 $154,000 $7,200 $140,000 Near-Term Sub-total No. 4 5 10 12 13 16 17 18 20 21 $734,570 Long-Term Recommendations Raw Water Mixing – wooden baffles Sedimentation – concrete repair Wastewater – negotiate with TWSA General Building Improv. – HVAC, lab, glass partition, security Water storage – detailed inspection of 200,000-gal tank Distribution – sprinkler systems during renovations Distribution – service lines during renovations Distribution – main replacement (renovations, Joyner Plaza) Distribution – water line loops Distribution – irrigation water source development Long-Term Sub-Total • • • Cost $11,560 $32,000 See Note 3 $204,460 $35,000 See Note 2 See Note 2 $491,725 $1,270,000 $1,285,000 $3,329,745 Note 1: Total cost for individual item shown in the above table includes 40 percent markup for engineering and contingencies. Note 2: Implementation of this recommendation is currently underway by WCU staff. Therefore, a cost estimate has not been prepared for this item. Note 3: The cost of this item will be determined by the cost of service from TWSA and will be based on negotiations with TWSA. Therefore, a cost estimate has not been prepared of this item. 43 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN 4 STEAM SYSTEM 4.1 EXISTING CONDITIONS 4.1.1 General Description The steam plant is the primary steam generating facility on Campus. Part of the plant was built during the 1920s, and most of the equipment is reaching the end of its useful life. Significant portions of the steam and condensate distribution systems are also old and in need of replacement, especially the condensate lines. The plant has four boilers, whose total capacity has decreased from 141,000 pounds per hour (pph) of steam to approximately 107,000 pph primarily due to de-rating of Boiler No. 1. The boilers are equipped to burn either natural gas or No. 6 fuel oil. Oil has been less expensive to burn recently and is currently the primary fuel. During cold weather, the plant burns approximately 7,000 gallons of No. 6 fuel oil per day. Summer usage is approximately 3,000 gallons per day. Photo 23 View from Steam Plant Similar to most of the other equipment in the plant, the electrical switchgear is very old. This makes replacement parts hard to find and decreases the reliability of the plant. 4.1.2 Plant Capacity The steam plant has four boilers rated at 141,000 pph (actual reliable capacity is 107,000 pph). Each boiler’s rated capacity is as follows 4: Boiler No. 1: Boiler No. 2: 35,000 pph (10,000 pph reliable capacity) 40,000 pph (39,000 pph reliable capacity) Boiler No. 3: Boiler No. 4: 22,000 pph (22,000 pph reliable capacity) 44,000 pph (36,000 pph reliable capacity) 4 Reliable capacity ratings and comments on equipment condition were obtained in discussions with Mr. Mike Hoyle, Steam Plant Supervisor, in interviews on February 7 and 8, 2006. 44 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN All boilers have the capability of being fired with either natural gas or No. 6 fuel oil. The ages of the boilers range from 33 years to 55 years old. More detailed information on the boilers is presented in the next section of this report. 4.1.3 Steam Generating Equipment The steam plant has four boilers for producing steam. All boilers are Babcock & Wilcox. Boiler No. 1 is brick-set and the other three are D-type package boilers. The boilers are all fueled with natural gas and No. 6 fuel oil. Boiler No. 1 and two additional boilers are required to meet the normal Campus steam demand during cold weather. Boiler Nos. 2, 3, and 4 are all required to meet the peak Campus demand of 101,000 pph. Boiler No. 1 was built in 1951 and, per the nameplate, has a nominal capacity of 35,000 pph at a pressure of 180 psi at saturation temperature. Its present reliable capacity is 10,000 pph. The boiler, originally coal-fired, was converted in 1966 to accommodate natural gas and No. 6 fuel oil. Seventeen of its tubes are plugged, and additional tube failures continue to be a concern. Tube locations near the mud drum have external pitting, which make them susceptible to failure. The boiler is base-loaded at low loads, and boiler loads are changed slowly in order to reduce the chances of additional tube failures due to stress. Controls for Boiler No. 1 are very old and outdated and the boiler has to be lit off manually. If any control component fails to the point where parts are needed, the boiler must be taken off-line until replacement parts can be obtained or complete new control devices are obtained, if the University feels the investment is justified. Due to age and obsolescence some parts almost certainly will not longer be available. A steam flow meter used on the boiler is mercury filled which carries the risk of a spill and a difficult and expensive cleanup. Boiler No. 2 was built in 1966 and, per the nameplate, has a nominal capacity of 40,000 pph at 406 degrees F and 250 psi with 3,850 square feet of heating surface. Its present reliable capacity is 39,000 pph. This boiler has new controls and a new burner. The economizer for this boiler has been gutted and is no longer used. There are minor burner problems when oil is used, but no major problems. 45 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN Boiler No. 3 was built in 1969 and, per the nameplate, has a nominal capacity of 22,000 pph at 406 degrees F and 250 psi with 2,503 square feet of heating surface. This boiler also has new controls and a new burner. There is a small breaching leak, but no major problems. Boiler No. 4 was built in 1973 and, per the nameplate, has a nominal capacity of 44,000 pph at 406 degrees F and 250 psi with 3,850 square feet of heating surface. Its present capacity is 36,000 pph. The gas burner on Boiler No. 4 is designed to be fueled with propane and is not very efficient when burning natural gas. The cost to replace the burner with one designed for efficient operation on natural gas is more than the University is willing to invest. The boiler operates efficiently using No. 6 fuel oil. Boiler No. 4 has new controls and was re-tubed in 1988. There is a small breaching leak but no major problems. Photo 24 Boiler No. 3 4.1.4 Fuel and Storage The primary fuels for the plant are natural gas and No. 6 fuel oil. These are burned alternately, based on cost and availability. Fuel oil is stored in three 75,000-gallon storage tanks, located inside a concrete containment wall with a gravel floor. The oil tanks are steam-heated to 150 degrees F and further heated to 200 degrees F inside the plant before being distributed to the boilers. Natural gas is supplied by PSNC, a local gas distribution company. A limited amount of propane is stored in a tank near the main Photo 25 Fuel Oil Storage fuel tanks and is provided for use only for pilots in the event that natural gas is unavailable. During cold weather, the plant burns approximately 7,000 gallons of No. 6 fuel oil per day. In the summertime, usage drops to approximately 3,000 gallons per day. Photo 26 Feedwater Pumps 46 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN 4.1.5 Auxiliary Equipment A single Cochrane deaerator and 2,095-gallon storage tank, serves the plant’s feedwater system. A turbine-driven pump and two electric pumps serve as feedwater pumps. At the time of the survey, only the steam-driven feedwater pump was running to serve the three operating boilers. A single condensate receiver and three electric condensate pumps comprise the condensate collection system of the plant. At the time of the survey, only two of the pumps were running. Two water softeners, which appeared to be approximately 15 cubic feet each, were installed in 1998 and provide make-up water to the deaerator. A single 4-inch water line serves the plant’s make-up water needs. During very high steam loads, it is necessary to partially bypass the softeners to obtain adequate make-up water. This high load on the make-up water system is due to the low amount of condensate being returned to the plant from the Campus system. Photo 27 Water Softeners Photo 28 Condensate Tank Two air compressors in a duplex arrangement serve the plant. Only one compressor is needed to handle the plant’s compressed air needs with the other compressor serving as a standby. Chemicals that are currently being used to treat the water system at the plant are as follows: • 560 sodium hydroxide (for pH) • IS100 oxygen scavenger • NA701 blend of amines (for condensate treatment) • SP531 polymer sludge conditioner • CL361 Chelant Photo 29 Chemical Treatment 47 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN Small amounts of Chelant are being used in Boiler No. 4 only to clean up some minor deposits in the tubes. The use of Chelant will be discontinued after the remaining chemical on hand is used up. A tabulation of chemical usage for 2005 obtained from Rosie Greenwood (WCU) is included in the Appendix. The current chemical treatment contractor is G. E. Betz, but a decision has been made to switch to AJ Chemical. The three newest boilers (2, 3, and 4) have Kentube economizers installed in their exhaust ducts; however, the economizer for Boiler 2 has been gutted. These economizers are used to preheat feedwater from the deaerator. 4.1.6 Distribution System Saturated steam is distributed at 120 psi to most of the Campus. Low pressure steam (30 psi) is distributed from the plant to serve Hoey Auditorium, Breeze Gym, Graham Building, Albright-Benton Dorm, and Harrill Dorm. Steam is sent to Upper Campus through an 8-inch line located in a walkable tunnel that is approximately 4 feet wide by 6-feet high. This tunnel is approximately 570 feet in length. The lines are in tiles between manholes after leaving the tunnel. Takeoffs in this tunnel distribute steam to buildings on the Upper Campus. A pressurereducing station in Brown provides 30-psi steam through some of the Photo 30 Tunnel to old steam distribution system to Albright-Benton and Harrill Dorms Upper Campus which are the only two buildings on Upper Campus still using low pressure steam. A 4-inch condensate return line is also located in this tunnel and serves as a header for bringing condensate from the Campus back to the steam plant from a combination pumped and gravity return system. Steam is sent to Lower Campus through both an 8-inch high pressure (120 psi) line leaving the steam plant and running along the sidewalk on the north side of Central Drive and a low pressure line running through a small tunnel (LP Tunnel), running from the steam plant to the McKee Building mechanical room. Low pressure steam serves the Hoey Auditorium, Breeze Gym, and Graham Building on Lower Campus. Condensate returns from the Lower Campus buildings through two lines (6 inch and 3 inch) running in the LP Tunnel into the steam plant. 48 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN The Center for Applied Technology is heated using hot water supplied from heat exchangers in Belk. This is the only building that is heated using hot water from another building. Over the years, condensate lines have frequently failed, with the primary cause of the failures being corrosion due to oxygen pitting and carbonic acid being present in the condensate. Steam lines have also had some problems but to a much lesser extent than the condensate system. Data from a water meter on the make-up water system confirms this steady degradation. Table 4-1 shows usage data and also illustrates how the required amount of make-up water has steadily increased over the past 3 years of operation. Table 4-1 Year Totals (2003, 2004, and 2005) Calendar Year Total Steam Produced, Pounds Total Make-up Water, Pounds Percent Make-up 2003 2004 2005 140,126,383 145,319,028 142,775,225 48,228,201 64,983,163 92,156,456 34% 45% 65% For the 3 years listed, the amount of steam produced remains relatively constant, between 140 million pounds and 145 million pounds annually. Make-up water for these years, however, has almost doubled. This is due to a failing condensate system that is unable to return condensate back to the plant. The costs associated with this failure include the cost of the make-up water, the cost of heating up the make-up water to the temperature of condensate (~180 ºF), and the cost of chemical treatment. During the site visit, University personnel indicated particular condensate lines that have recurring leakage problems. These problems are summarized in the following table: 49 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN Table 4-2 Problems Areas on Steam and Condensate Distribution System Line Description Description of Problem Dodson Cafeteria Leaking badly; Manhole 121 (located in this line) had a significant amount of steam flowing through and steam vapor coming out of the manhole and nearby storm drains in the shrubbery Manhole 122 outside Scott Dorm Water present in manhole; steam vapors coming out of the manhole and from the roof downspout nearby Manhole 117 to Manhole 119 Bad pipe leaks; line has been cut and capped with a temporary direct-buried steel line installed; corrosion on original pipe occurred externally where pipe support rollers were made using galvanized pipe over all thread rods instead of using proper rollers Manhole 114 to Manhole 115 This section of piping has leaks. Lines from Manhole 114 to Coulter also leak. Manhole 115 was flooded and had steam vapors coming out. Manhole 108 Water infiltrates into the tile between manhole 108 and Hinds University Center. Manholes 108 and 109 Will be relocated due to the building demolition and replacement projects in the area. Manhole 101 The condensate line between Manhole 101 and the Steam Plant is eaten up and has been abandoned. The condensate return has been re-routed from Manhole 104 through the low pressure steam tunnel back to the Plant. Manhole 102 Both steam and condensate lines from Manhole 102 to Bird are direct buried. These are in bad shape and need replacing from manhole 102 to 142 and Bird. Stillwell will have a new steam service from manhole 102 as part of the renovation project underway Manhole 104 All steam to lower Campus goes through manhole 104. The lines in this manhole are not accessible and the manhole needs replacing. The main condensate line runs 50 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN Line Description Description of Problem into the low pressure steam tunnel from the vicinity of manhole 104 back to the steam plant. It is possible to crawl through this small tunnel. Only an 8” steam line runs from manhole 102 to 104. Manhole 104A Manhole 104A has stubs for running steam and condensate lines up the road to tie in to the upper Campus system but this has not been done. The manhole was installed around 2002. Manhole 116 Installation of a loop from manhole 116 to 123 should be considered. Manhole 126 The lines from manhole 126 run under Breese Gym to Graham Building and they need replacing. These need replacing and upgrading from the present LPS to HPS. Manhole 117 The condensate line from manhole 117 to 119 is cut and capped and needs replacing. Manhole 137 Manhole 137 is an old and was constructed of rock. This manhole remains in service with old 30 psi steam and condensate lines active. 4.1.7 Operation The steam plant is the primary source for Campus heating and is therefore operated continuously, with only a short three-day outage for maintenance occurring in May. This outage was originally a two-week period, but over time, it has been shortened, compressing the timeframe in which needed maintenance can occur. Most maintenance of individual boilers is possible on a single boiler at a time, and most auxiliary systems in the steam plant have backup equipment. The main requirement for a complete shutdown of the steam plant and steam system is to do maintenance on the distribution system. The minimal size of the operating and maintenance staff would seem to severely limit the amount of maintenance that can be accomplished on idle equipment while the steam plant is still in operation. A shutdown of the steam plant for less than a week seems short, considering the time required for systems to cool sufficiently to allow maintenance, and considering the small maintenance staff. 51 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN Currently, five boiler operators and one supervisor operate and maintain the plant. Aside from the tasks associated with steam plant operation, these individuals also must serve as the switchboard operators for the Facilities Management Department after normal office hours 5 p.m. until 8 a.m.). During holidays, these steam plant personnel serve as the switchboard operators for the entire Campus. In addition, plant personnel serve as dispatch for emergency personnel during fire alarms and other trouble signals. The motor pool is also managed by plant personnel. Even with the added responsibilities, the steam plant office does not have e-mail, internet, or computer communications with the rest of the Campus. Data has been obtained from Western Carolina University 5 that shows the amount of steam generated by each of the four boilers located at the plant. This data for the most recent full calendar year is shown in Figure 4-1. Figure 4-1 Total Steam Generation (2005) 2005 Steam Generation 20,000,000 18,000,000 16,000,000 14,000,000 Pounds 12,000,000 Boiler 4 10,000,000 Boiler 3 Boiler 2 8,000,000 Boiler 1 6,000,000 4,000,000 2,000,000 December November October September August July June May April March February January 0 5 Data on steam and water production and usage as well as cost data in this report was obtained from various reports provided by Ms. Rosie Greenwood in the WCU Facilities Department. 52 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN According to this graph, Boiler Nos. 2 and 4 are used to produce most of the steam for the Campus, with Boiler No. 3 following close behind. Boiler No. 1, which is only used during periods of high steam demand, shows steam production in January only for this particular year. This is due to the poor condition of Boiler No. 1. Costs for operating the plant, not including personnel cost, was also obtained from the University. This is shown in Figure 4-2 for the year 2005. This figure illustrates some key factors in how the Campus steam system is operating. Electric power and make-up water are fairly minor costs compared to the fuel cost. Also, this figure shows that the costs of oil and natural gas are fairly equal over the course of the year. As mentioned previously, the choice of fuel is determined by the cost to operate on that fuel. What is not shown in this figure is the true cost of make-up water with respect to heat input and chemical treatment. Instead, this figure only shows the cost to produce the make-up water. If the total cost of the make-up water is taken into account, then some of the cost attributed to fuel would be shifted to the make-up water cost. In other words, the high amount of make-up water needed at the plant becomes an unnecessarily high steam load for the plant causing the plant to be extremely inefficient. If the amount of make-up water was reduced to a “reasonable” level, then the cost of fuel would decrease also for every month shown in Figure 4-2. Annually, this savings would be approximately 9,787 million Btu’s, or roughly 9.8 million cubic feet of natural gas. At $7.00 per thousand cubic foot of natural gas, the savings would be approximately $68,500 annually. 53 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN Figure 4-2 Steam Plant Operating Costs (2005) 2005 Itemized Costs 250,000.00 200,000.00 Dollars 150,000.00 Electric Power Make-Up Water Oil 100,000.00 Natural Gas 50,000.00 54 December November October September August July June May April March February January 0.00 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN 4.2 CAMPUS STEAM REQUIREMENTS 4.2.1 Individual Building Steam Consumption The metering of steam allows for the total Campus consumption to be known on an annual basis but not an hourly basis so as to give peak steam demands for individual buildings. In order to properly analyze the steam distribution system, the peak hourly steam load would need to be known. Based upon historical weather data for Asheville, NC, a day in the heating season was selected where the peak heating load would most likely occur. Data from the boilers was collected for this day, along with data for the day before and the day after. This data was collected for 3 years (2004, 2005, and 2006) for January 26, 27, and 28. According to this data, the peak steam production is approximately 100,000 pph. Since the peak heating demand of the Campus is approximately 100,000 pph; and, since the plant sees the Campus load through the effect of diversity, diversity must be assumed. Dividing the maximum steam demand as seen by the plant (100,000 pph), results in the total Campus load. Assuming a diversity of 80 percent, which is typical of similar universities, the total Campus steam load is 125,000 pph. Actual steam load factors compiled by the U.S. Department of Energy were used as a basis to correlate this maximum steam load to individual building loads. The resulting distribution of Campus steam demand per building based upon building size and use is shown in Table 4-3. The steam usage per square foot of gross building area for the entire Campus, including the boiler plant loads, is 0.060 PPH/sq.ft. This is higher than a typical Campus of similar size where a range of 0.040 to 0.050 PPH/sq.ft. would be expected. On an annual basis, WCU uses approximately 68 MBH/SF of steam. According to data from the Department of Energy, this is over 7 percent higher than the average building located in an area with more than 7000 annual heating degree days such as Cullowhee, NC. The higher steam usage per square foot indicates that there may be significant opportunity for energy savings by making changes within the buildings. If the steam usage could be reduced by 7 percent, then annual savings could be nearly $70,000 per year, assuming a rate of $0.007/CF for natural gas. An energy audit could be performed to identify projects that would result in energy savings. In addition, a project could be implemented where sub-meters are installed on buildings to record energy usage (steam, electricity, or both) on a per building basis in order to identify buildings with excessive energy usage. A detailed energy audit could then be conducted on the buildings where payoff in the form of energy savings would be the most significant. 55 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN Table 4-3 Existing Building Steam Loads Name Albright-Benton Residence Hall Buchanan Residence Hall Madison Residence Hall Moore Building Reynolds Residence Hall Robertson Residence Hall Helder Residence Hall Leatherwood Residence Hall Hunter Library Stillwell Building Hoey Auditorium McKee Building Reid Gym Bird Building Steam Plant Graham Building Brown Cafeteria Dodson Cafeteria Killian Building Old Student Union Hinds University Center Killian Annex Scott Residence Hall Forsyth Building Belk Building Harrill Residence Hall Walker Residence Hall Natural Sciences Building Coulter Building Fine & Performing Arts H.F. Robinson Admin Bldg Central Drive Residence Hall Church Grounds Maintenance/ Paint Shop Total Pounds per Hour, (PPH) 4,642 2,125 1,269 3,017 2,902 1,637 4,034 4,037 7,507 5,762 1,112 2,667 6,509 728 12,541 644 2,507 3,365 2,657 378 2,469 1,557 7,103 3,183 5,453 3,497 3,491 3,708 3,718 7,905 3,612 5,697 1,376 2,096 Gross Building Area, (sq.ft.) 92,730 40,457 24,448 56,107 55,248 31,360 80,144 80,144 155,400 106,884 18,178 49,559 99,337 14,655 13,192 9,378 30,239 40,656 51,277 6,604 44,300 31,034 141,790 62,816 107,824 71,072 71,160 73,273 74,620 128,465 72,500 100,852 1,560 34,048 Steam Load Factor, (PPH/sq.ft) 0.050 0.053 0.052 0.054 0.053 0.052 0.050 0.050 0.048 0.054 0.061 0.054 0.066 0.050 0.951 0.069 0.083 0.083 0.052 0.057 0.056 0.050 0.050 0.051 0.051 0.049 0.049 0.051 0.050 0.062 0.050 0.056 0.050 0.062 124,905 2,098,768 56 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN 4.3 FUTURE REQUIREMENTS 4.3.1 General Information The Campus Master Plan lists buildings and additions that are planned for construction in future years. These buildings and additions are assumed to utilize steam for their heating needs. Therefore, the condition and capacity of the plant must be examined in this context. A computer model has been developed that includes the addition of these future loads in order to examine the adequacy of the current steam plant and distribution system to serve the future needs of the Campus. This section will describe the anticipated future needs of the Campus and make recommendations for necessary improvements. 4.3.2 Future Building Steam Loads Based upon the latest Campus Master Plan, the new buildings and additions that will be served by the Campus steam system have been listed in Table 4-4. These buildings are assumed to be served by high pressure steam (120 psig). Table 4-4 Master Plan New Building Steam Demands Summary Building Number B C K J I C H G J I E New Building Name/Use Neighborhood New Classroom New Classroom Private Space New Student Housing - 200 Beds New Student Housing - 400 Beds New Steam Plant New Private Space Reid Addition Student Housing - 400 Beds New Dining Hall Student Housing - 400 Beds Shops/Restaurants/Commercial Office/Private Mountain Heritage Museum 6 6 6 7 7 Services E 8 8 8 8 9 Town Center E Town Center E Town Center E Total Estimated Steam Use (pph) 6,240 6,240 3,443 2,550 6,120 17,300 3,417 4,831 6,120 4,307 6,885 5,745 2,007 546 75,751 57 Estimated Gross Area (sq.ft.) 120,000 120,000 67,500 50,000 120000 20,000 67,000 73,200 120,000 51,890 135,000 110,480 38,600 10,500 1,104,170 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN Also indicated by in the Campus Master Plan are plans for existing buildings that are currently served by the Campus Steam Plant to be demolished. These buildings are shown in Table 4-5. Table 4-5 Master Plan Existing Building Demolition Steam Demands Summary Building Number Existing Building Name/Use (To be Demolished) Neighborhood Estimated Model Steam Use (pph) 2 Buchanan Res. Hall 6 2,125 23 Brown Dining Hall 6 2,507 17 Grounds Maintenance / Paint Shop 7 2,096 19 Steam Plant 7 12,541 7 Helder Res. Hall - 400 Beds 8 4,034 8 Leatherwood Res. Hall - 400 Beds 8 4,037 24 Dodson Dining Hall 8 3,365 Total 30,705 The net increase in steam demand as a result of the changes proposed by the Campus Master Plan is 45,045 pph. A computer model was developed to simulate how the existing steam piping distribution system would react to this increase in load and to develop recommendations for improving the ability of this system to handle future loads. Further discussion of the output of these models is in Section 4.3.3. 4.3.3 Future Steam Distribution Requirements Aside from the condition of the steam distribution system, the sizes and routing of the existing system are adequate for supplying steam to the various buildings that consume steam. As future steam loads are added, the capacity of the existing steam distribution system will be utilized more. A computer model was developed using Pipe2000 software in order to simulate how the existing steam distribution system would respond to the planned future increases in steam demand. Additional models were developed in order to evaluate the options for improving the existing steam distribution system. Since some proposed buildings are to be located in areas without existing steam piping, new steam lines were added in the model to allow for distribution of steam to the newer buildings, especially in the southwestern portion of the Campus. The exact route of the steam piping is subject to change due to factors regarded by WCU, but is representative for this analysis. 58 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN Future Steam Loads with Existing Lines Sizes This model represents the present steam system with the inclusion of all future loads. The high pressure system supports all low pressure loads associated with the lower Campus due to the Campus’ decision to convert all low pressure loads to become high pressure loads. This and all of the following future models, reflect all low pressure system main piping as abandoned. Low pressure building piping ties into existing high pressure main piping by way of pressure reducing stations. The steam plant will be demolished to provide space for Building ”J” and a new steam plant will be located further north across from the main entrance with the addition of a 12-inch high pressure line that connects to the existing 8” high pressure piping east of the new Building “J”. The 12-inch high pressure line from the plant also connects to the “Upper Campus” via a new 8” line that meets at the curve in the road above the new Building “J” (see Figure 4-3). Figure 4-3 59 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN The result is that major existing steam lines are undersized for the new proposed loads. Figure 4-4 illustrates this. Steam lines shown in red indicate pipe in which velocities exceed 200 feet per second. Associated detailed output data and an enlarged drawing of the model will be located in the Appendix. Figure 4-4 The steam lines where these velocities are a major problem are shown in the following Figures. 60 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN Figure 4-5 In Figure 4-5, the red lines indicate pipes whose velocities exceed the recommended maximum velocity of 200 fps. After examining the layout of the steam piping system, pipe P-34 was suspected to be a bottleneck in the system that was constricting flow to the lower parts of the Campus. By increasing the size of that line (P-34), the velocity within the pipe should be decreased below 200 fps, thereby allowing more flow to pipes that are downstream and also lower the operating velocities of those downstream pipes. Table 4-6, which follows, lists the recommended size for this pipe (P-34). 61 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN Figure 4-6 In Figure 4-6, the red lines indicate pipes whose velocities exceed the recommended maximum velocity of 200 fps. This is the main high pressure line that leaves the existing steam plant and serves the majority of the Campus. The excessive velocity causes excessive pressure drops in the line, thereby making less pressure available to the downstream piping. After evaluating the computer model, it was determined that by increasing the size of the main steam line (pipes P98, P-18, P-24, P-21, P-26, and P-19), much of the high velocity issues could be alleviated. Table 4-6, which follows, lists the recommended size for this main. 62 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN Future Steam Loads with New Line Sizes In order to avoid high operating velocities and resulting high pressure losses in steam lines, existing pipe sizes would need to be increased and/or additional piping would be required. Another model was developed in which existing pipe sizes were increased in order to reduce the velocities in the piping to be below 200 fps. In order to achieve this, changes listed in Table 4-6 were made. In the previous model (Future Steam Loads with Existing Lines Sizes), some new pipes added for distribution of steam to new buildings show up as red (high velocity) due to high pressure losses in existing lines that are upstream. By making the changes listed in Table 4-6, the velocities in these lines decreased to be below 200 fps, which is within desirable limits. Table 4-6 Modifications to Existing Steam Piping Pipe 2006 Label(s) Approximate Location Current Size (inches) New Size (inches) Approximate Length (feet) P-98, P-18, P-24, P-21, P-26, P-19 Steam Plant to Manhole 104 8 10 750 P-34 Manhole 114 to Manhole 117 6 10 230 Future Steam Loads with New Line Sizes and Redundancy No existing redundancy is provided to the southwestern area of the Campus. If Pipe P-34 failed, then steam would be cut off from all steam consumers located downstream of this line. This model provides a 10-inch line for redundancy, called Pipe P-73, which connects from the wye upstream of Scott Residence Hall to the wye upstream of Reid Gym. This model operates under the assumption that Pipe P-34 has failed and is unable to deliver steam. The entire load for this region in this model is being handled by the new 10-inch line. Table 4-7 Additional Steam Line for Redundancy Pipe 2006 Label P-73 Approximate Location Between Manhole 117 Size (inches) 10 Approximate Length (feet) 260 and Manhole 121 63 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN Table 4-8 lists the new piping that will be required to supply future buildings with steam. If installed, the actual routing of steam lines may differ from the routing that was used to estimate piping lengths in this report; however, for the purposes of this report, this estimation is seen as valid. Table 4-8 Proposed New Steam Lines Approximate Length Pipe 2006 Label Approximate Location P-17 Southwest of Manhole 124 6 615 P-61 Connection to P-17 & P-92 5 290 P-91 Connection to P-61 5 75 P-92 Connection to P-61 & P-91 2-1/2 95 P-78 Connection to P-92 & P-88 2-1/2 115 P-88 Connection to P-92 & P-78 2-1/2 70 P-82 Bldg 62 to Bldg H 4 395 P-81 Bldg 62 to Bldg I 6 95 P-60, P-95, & P-79 Steam Main Near Church to New Steam Plant 12 915 P-62 South Side of Bldg J to connect with P-60 & P-95 8 354 64 Size (inches) (feet) Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN 4.3.4 Future Steam Plant Requirements The age of the steam plant is such that much of the plant equipment is outdated and replacement parts are not always readily available. Since the reliable capacity of the plant is now roughly equivalent to the Campus steam demand, an outage of a boiler could mean that the Campus steam load will not be satisfied. The chance of an extended outage or failure which is not economically feasible to repair is highly probable for Boiler No. 1, which already has issues with multiple tube failures. Expanding and updating the present steam plant to meet Campus steam demands of the existing or future Campus is not practical due to the advanced age and design of the building and equipment. 4.4 STEAM SYSTEM SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS 4.4.1 Recommendations The condensate return lines should be repaired. This will reduce the amount of condensate that is lost between the individual buildings and the central steam plant. Replacing the lost condensate with treated make-up water is significantly increasing the cost to produce steam. From records provided by WCU, it can be estimated that the current make-up water accounts for 65 percent of the total steam output. A reasonable expectation would be that a system of this type would require 25 percent make-up water. With a 40 percent reduction in make-up water, the excess amount of condensate currently being lost from the system is approximately 6.85 million gallons per year. Based upon the cost of water, fuel and chemicals as provided by WCU personnel, the annual cost of this additional make-up water is approximately $100,000. The energy associated with this condensate loss equates to approximately 6.6 percent of the total energy from the central steam plant. Reducing the make-up requirement to the central steam plant will effectively reduce the load on the water treatment facilities and eliminate the need for water bypass of the existing water softeners. A cost analysis was undertaken to estimate the payback of repairing the condensate return system to eliminate the current leaks. The cost to replace the affected condensate lines is estimated and compared with the annual savings in make-up water, boiler fuel and chemicals, and a simple payback was calculated. The cost analysis is discussed in Section 4.4.3 Opinion of Probable Cost on page 70, and detailed calculations are contained in the Appendix Section B. Since the central steam plant is currently operating at or above the maximum reliable capacity, additional capacity is required, or future steam demand must be maintained at current levels. Some additional steam capacity will be gained when the condensate 65 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN return system is improved; however, this gain is not sufficient to allow future Campus expansion and improvement. Adding additional capacity to the existing steam plant is not recommended, as the age of the existing boilers and ancillary equipment are nearing the end of their useful life. Replacement of the existing steam generating capacity would be advisable. At the direction of WCU, a cost analysis was undertaken to evaluate the economic feasibility of replacing the existing steam plant with a new steam plant, as well as replacing the existing steam plant with individual electric steam boilers per building. The complete analysis is contained in the Appendix Section B. Electric boilers would require a significant increase in the electric power service available to the WCU Campus. Approximately 46 MW of additional service would be required to power boilers in all of the buildings currently served by the central steam plant and future buildings that are currently planned. The cost to WCU for this additional service has not been evaluated since this was not in the scope of this study; however, it is typical for a large commercial power consumer to incur a portion of the expenses in adding or upgrading electric infrastructure in order to use this amount of power. It would be expected that a new service or the addition of a substation to the existing service would be required to add this amount of electrical capacity to WCU. The availability of space to add boilers and associated equipment was assumed and any necessary building modifications were not included in the cost estimates. Excluding the upgrade of the electrical service, the addition of electric boilers to each building is not recommended. The cost analysis performed indicates that when compared with a traditional gas-fired steam plant, individual electric boilers would cost more in annual energy, and likely require more initial capital expense to install, as shown in Table 4-9. 66 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN Table 4-9 Estimated Costs of Heating Plant Options Type of Heating Plant(s) Initial Installation Cost Annual Operating Cost Electric Boilers $11,529,740 6 $2,229,362 Natural gas-fired Central Plant Distribution system to new buildings Total Central Plant Option $12,134,000 $2,519,000 $14,653,000 $1,646,476 The estimated cost for the new steam plant is based on a single-story 5,400 square foot building. The building will be constructed of structural steel with a brick exterior, CMU interior partition walls and a built-up roof. The building will include a maintenance/parts storage area, office, and toilet/locker facilities. Three packaged, D-type natural gas/number two fuel oil fired watertube boilers are included. Each boiler will be designed for 250 psig and will produce saturated steam at approximately 120 psig. The boilers will have a combination low excess air/low NOx burner with a variable speed forced draft fan. One feedwater pump will be turbine driven as requested by WCU. The boiler furnace will have a positive pressure with flue gas leaving the boiler and first passing through a stack economizer and then exiting through a stub stack. The stack economizer will utilize heat in the flue gas to preheat feedwater prior to entering the boiler. A boiler blowdown heat exchanger will be utilized to maximize fuel efficiency. Each boiler will have a steam generating capacity of 70,000 pph of steam for a total plant capacity of 210,000 pph. This size selection will enable two boilers to meet the peak steam demands for the future Campus and allow one unit to be out of service for repair or maintenance. Fuel oil storage tanks (3 at 30,000 gallons) will provide capacity for full load operation of 5 days. An emergency generator will provide adequate power to allow full load operation of the complete boiler plant during a power outage. 6 Does not include cost of an additional electrical substation or power company feeders, or building renovations to accommodate boiler equipment if required. 67 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN Another advantage of the central steam plant option which should be of significant importance to Western Carolina is the redundancy provided by standby boiler capacity in the steam plant. This will allow the heating load to be picked up with no disruption to the Campus during most failure scenarios. No such redundant boilers were assumed nor included in the cost estimates for the electric boilers in individual buildings. With electric, gas, and oil prices currently changing, various gas and electric rates were used to determine at what point electric boilers would become a no-cost option to WCU. The electric boilers per building would be a break-even life cycle cost if electric rates fall to $0.033/kWh with gas remaining at $.007/CF, or if gas rates increase to $.0097/CF with electric rates remaining at $.047/kWh. Typically, however, increases in electric rates correspond to an increase in fuel rates. The EIA forecasts for electricity and gas indicate that through the year 2030, gas pricing for large commercial power consumers will increase only 0.1 percent from the base price in 2004. The EIA also predicts that electricity will decrease in price by 0.1 percent in the large commercial segment, over the same term. See Appendix Section B for full report. While these percentage changes are certainly open for interpretation, the trend is that gas and electricity prices will remain relatively competitive, with respect to one another. There is not a large increase predicted for one utility versus the other. Using this logic, it is reasonable to assume that the electric rate changes and gas rate changes for WCU will remain proportional to one another. Therefore, it is recommended that the existing steam plant be replaced with a new steam generating plant consisting of new combination gas/oil boilers. These boilers will be housed in a new facility, and would tie-in to the existing steam distribution system. New ancillary equipment and storage tanks will also be replaced with new equipment at the new steam plant facility. 4.4.2 Proposed Implementation Schedule Based on the economic analysis performed, the repair work required for the existing condensate return lines should be undertaken immediately. Otherwise, the cost of not performing the repair work is estimated at approximately $100,000 annually. The existing steam plant should be utilized as required until a new steam plant can be constructed. It is recommended that the University begin the process of obtaining funding and initiating the construction of the new steam plant immediately to minimize the risk of not being able to provide adequate heating of Campus buildings caused by possible outages of existing steam plant equipment. Adequate reserve capacity does not exist at the present steam plant. The new steam plant will be constructed and the new boilers installed in phases to allow a 68 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN changeover period of 2 years as new boilers are brought on-line, and existing boilers are taken out of service. The existing steam boilers will be removed when the new steam plant is capable of meeting the full peak demand of the WCU distribution loop. Table 4-10 Summary of Implementation Time Frame No. Recommendations Time Frame 1 2 3 Repair sections of existing steam and condensate lines Construct new steam plant Install additional line to SW Campus for redundancy Distribution - install new steam lines during building construction projects Near-term Near-term Near-term 4 69 Long-term Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN 4.4.3 Opinion of Probable Cost As shown in Appendix B, repair of the leaking sections of the condensate return system and the steam lines in the same areas is estimated to cost approximately $1,758,000. These repairs are estimated to save 6.8 million gallons of water per year, equating to just under $100,000 per year in operating costs which includes the cost of water, fuel and chemicals. The total estimated costs for near-term and long-term recommendations are $16,306,000 and $2,519,000, respectively. Table 4-11 Summary of Opinion of Probable Costs No. Near-Term Recommendations Cost 1 Upsize sections of existing steam lines $1,981,000 2 Replace leaking sections of existing condensate and associated steam lines $1,758,000 3 Construct new steam plant and connect to distribution system 4 Install additional line to SW Campus for redundancy Near-Term Sub-total No. 5 $12,134,000 $433,000 $16,306,000 Long-Term Recommendations Cost Distribution - Install new steam and condensate lines during building construction projects Long-Term Sub-Total $2,519,000 $2,519,000 70 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 STEAM AND WATER UTILITY MASTER PLAN 5 APPENDIX A. WATER SYSTEM B. STEAM SYSTEM 71 Steam and Water Utility Master Plan Western Carolina University Comm. No. 205204.00 Western Carolina University - Water Treatment Plant Summary Average Average WTP Total Water Days WTP Average Hours Operational Flow When In Year Month Production In Day WTP In Hours Per Day Operation (MGD) Operation (MGD) Operation Operated (MGD) 2003 January 10.685 26 0.411 268 10.3 0.96 February 10.122 24 0.422 266 11.1 0.91 March 9.929 26 0.382 261 10.0 0.91 April 10.579 26 0.407 278 10.7 0.91 May 7.198 23 0.313 201 8.7 0.86 June 7.462 19 0.393 199 10.5 0.90 July 7.89 18 0.438 219 12.2 0.86 August 10.544 25 0.422 266 10.6 0.95 September 12.867 30 0.429 323 10.8 0.96 October 13.002 28 0.464 321 11.5 0.97 November 11.271 25 0.451 278 11.1 0.97 December 7.581 23 0.330 202 8.8 0.90 03 Totals 119.130 293 3082 03 Average 9.928 24.417 0.405 256.833 10.523 0.923 2004 January February March April May June July August September October November December 04 Totals 04 Average 9.193 9.484 10.241 10.187 7.668 7.725 8.342 11.767 13.379 13.145 12.299 9.898 123.328 10.277 26 24 25 24 25 26 27 25 29 31 27 26 315 26.250 0.354 0.395 0.410 0.424 0.307 0.297 0.309 0.471 0.461 0.424 0.456 0.381 2005 January February March April May June July August September October November December 05 Totals 05 Average 11.914 11.114 11.395 12.052 8.054 7.608 8.254 11.165 13.569 12.307 11.096 8.414 126.942 10.579 28 27 27 26 26 23 24 28 30 31 28 25 323 26.917 0.426 0.412 0.422 0.464 0.310 0.331 0.344 0.399 0.452 0.397 0.396 0.337 3-Year Average 10.261 In-Session 3-year Average 11.420 0.391 233 240 268 282 222 213 234 330 375 355 323 264 3339 278.250 Max Day Min Day Hours WTP Hours WTP Flow per Flow per In Operation In Operation Month Month on Max Day on Min Day (MGD) (MGD) 0.640 15.75 0.202 4.75 0.613 15.75 0.124 3.50 0.653 17.00 0.094 2.25 0.611 15.75 0.136 3.50 0.467 15.25 0.111 3.00 0.601 15.50 0.205 5.75 0.665 16.00 0.177 4.25 0.668 16.75 0.155 4.00 0.626 15.51 0.242 6.00 0.658 15.75 0.243 6.25 0.658 15.75 0.270 6.50 0.595 14.60 0.123 3.50 0.621 15.780 0.174 4.438 9.0 10.0 10.7 11.8 8.9 8.2 8.7 13.2 12.9 11.5 12.0 10.2 0.95 0.95 0.92 0.87 0.83 0.87 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.89 0.91 0.90 0.590 0.656 0.661 0.639 0.552 0.419 0.450 0.864 0.582 0.603 0.633 0.598 15.75 15.75 16.00 17.75 16.00 12.00 13.00 20.00 16.00 16.00 17.00 16.00 0.139 0.167 0.146 0.252 0.135 0.250 0.144 0.270 0.249 0.151 0.204 0.151 4.50 4.00 4.00 7.00 4.00 6.00 4.00 8.00 7.00 4.00 3.00 4.00 10.572 0.887 0.604 15.938 0.188 4.958 12.9 11.1 12.9 13.1 8.7 9.6 10.9 12.0 12.0 10.7 10.8 9.2 0.79 0.89 0.79 0.85 0.85 0.83 0.76 0.80 0.90 0.89 0.88 0.87 0.595 0.564 0.597 0.664 0.568 0.563 0.565 0.678 0.718 0.603 0.579 0.672 17.00 15.25 18.50 18.75 16.00 15.75 15.75 18.00 19.00 16.00 15.75 18.25 0.195 0.153 0.144 0.258 0.090 0.171 0.167 0.202 0.227 0.194 0.183 0.194 7.00 4.50 4.00 7.25 2.50 4.75 6.00 6.75 6.00 5.25 5.00 5.25 0.391 361 299.3 347.3 341.8 226.5 220.3 261.3 336.3 360.3 332 302.5 231 3619.6 301.633 11.162 0.842 0.614 17.000 0.182 5.354 25.861 0.395 278.906 10.752 0.884 0.613 16.239 0.181 4.917 27.048 0.422 305.486 11.274 0.901 0.626 16.465 0.189 5.012 Western Carolina University - Water Meter Data for Academic and Auxiliary Structures Bird Building 6,940 5,500 7,710 10,700 7,100 8,140 3,760 5,250 5,530 8,500 5,260 Book & Supply 8,800 1,800 1,800 1,000 3,800 3,700 1,400 1,900 2,300 1,500 1,900 1,500 3,900 2,000 1,500 1,800 2,300 4,000 2,200 2,400 3,400 3,400 3,800 9,400 6,900 4,500 5,100 6,900 6,500 7,900 6,000 5,300 3,493 6,763 11 115 39,759 399 734 1,307 0.51 Dodson Cafeteria 287,600 225,300 256,400 321,000 385,700 348,000 431,400 650,200 767,300 675,000 682,300 719,300 451,000 590,700 571,900 393,800 405,300 341,800 Average Monthly (gallons) 667,462 243,991 212,947 15,814 40,394 338 Average Daily (gallons) 21,942 8,021 7,000 520 1,328 School In-session Average Monthly (gallons) 1,105,120 258,679 274,764 22,324 School In-session Average Daily (gallons) 36,329 8,504 9,032 Modeled Average Daily Demand (gpm) 25.23 5.91 6.27 Square Foot 13,192 30,239 40,656 Steam Plant Jan-06 Dec-05 Nov-05 Oct-05 Sep-05 Aug-05 Jul-05 Jun-05 May-05 Apr-05 Mar-05 Feb-05 Jan-05 Dec-04 Nov-04 Oct-04 Sep-04 Aug-04 Jul-04 Jun-04 May-04 Apr-04 Mar-04 Feb-04 Jan-04 Dec-03 Nov-03 Oct-03 Sep-03 Aug-03 Jul-03 Jun-03 1,307,200 1,589,800 1,182,800 997,200 448,600 598,700 471,800 392,600 34,040 189,600 159,000 325,400 278,100 82,000 242,000 199,700 169,900 275,800 308,200 348,100 160,100 4,900 6,100 Dodson Food Mart 15,780 7,280 17,080 20,100 31,340 9,850 720 600 4,900 37,600 31,020 30,930 18,130 14,020 24,780 33,510 25,580 6,120 NCCAT Old Student Main Core Union 55,700 450 32,700 330 38,300 990 44,900 460 34,600 290 35,800 200 46,300 150 96,900 260 34,600 170 37,900 210 46,200 210 44,400 150 26,200 200 30,200 150 36,000 350 44,200 160 30,600 300 36,600 380 39,100 240 38,400 100 26,900 460 37,300 240 45,800 230 40,800 260 36,600 390 27,200 290 33,400 300 67,500 1,120 31,200 920 30,900 310 41,500 280 43,900 260 Brown Cafeteria 109,600 92,500 194,500 166,300 239,800 208,700 321,900 335,400 84,300 231,300 196,500 189,300 154,800 129,200 188,900 186,400 183,700 266,900 355,000 404,100 254,000 283,800 357,300 172,200 167,100 323,400 322,600 371,500 366,400 279,500 288,800 382,000 Date 8,530 17,310 20,970 16,880 7,670 4,300 12,430 13,240 20,930 6,100 900 Total General Facilities Average Monthly (gallons) 2,042,884 Total General Facilities Average Daily (gallons) 67,156 Graham (old part) Hinds Center 139,710 162,260 177,350 361,890 358,430 385,990 335,020 758,840 646,200 518,440 382,470 303,580 334,920 358,910 739,370 826,750 915,300 932,550 826,580 828,390 696,890 472,170 410,460 281,340 279,030 299,080 606,120 292,940 341,560 339,300 392,310 282,050 Camp Outreach Center 38,600 28,600 71,500 23,000 60,000 49,400 50,600 64,400 56,500 3,769 468,319 48,535 21,392 309,668 222 124 15,395 1,596 703 10,180 2,457 7,854 3,706 505,829 52,556 10,700 281,622 13 81 258 122 16,628 1,728 352 9,258 0.91 0.01 0.06 0.18 0.08 11.55 1.20 0.24 6.43 45,511 6,604 9,378 14,655 23,520 78,348 55,618 10,430 800 800 400 9,800 400 500 1,000 200 500 6,600 7,600 7,000 5,700 7,600 Hinds University 439,100 368,000 345,000 245,600 202,100 206,200 204,700 442,800 502,300 573,500 569,000 500,100 481,100 405,000 310,400 271,100 187,800 179,800 191,100 375,800 44,300 Hinds University 139,710 162,260 177,350 361,890 358,430 385,990 335,020 319,740 278,200 173,440 136,870 101,480 128,720 154,210 296,570 324,450 341,800 363,550 326,480 347,290 291,890 161,770 139,360 93,540 99,230 107,980 230,320 292,940 341,560 339,300 392,310 282,050 34,048 Total General Facilities In-Session Average Monthly (gallons) 2,565,769 96,500 49,900 42,700 33,000 44,300 51,500 55,100 43,500 39,500 51,600 36,200 46,000 57,800 84,100 17,100 25,500 45,400 38,300 57,700 48,600 37,700 60,000 Jordan Phillips 7,200 5,200 11,100 17,600 95,800 69,600 28,200 6,100 6,400 9,300 11,500 7,900 10,300 10,700 5,900 14,400 14,200 25,900 13,000 5,400 3,700 8,200 8,700 12,300 7,700 139,900 Liston Ramsey 185,170 260,070 200,270 276,580 379,950 471,570 282,260 276,720 258,350 272,050 311,430 198,340 196,120 212,820 251,450 295,090 271,580 327,340 255,160 249,940 215,760 121,450 184,850 170,990 104,810 95,040 190,050 320,420 348,730 343,220 297,110 369,700 Liston Ramsey 21,000 17,000 23,000 36,000 33,000 52,000 11,000 27,000 23,000 30,000 24,000 19,000 13,000 18,000 24,000 38,000 27,000 28,000 12,000 17,000 23,000 15,000 27,000 24,000 14,000 12,000 77,000 35,000 39,000 44,000 882,000 30,000 Liston Act Ctr 206,170 277,070 223,270 312,580 412,950 523,570 293,260 303,720 281,350 302,050 335,430 217,340 209,120 230,820 275,450 333,090 298,580 355,340 267,160 266,940 238,760 136,450 211,850 194,990 118,810 107,040 267,050 355,420 387,730 387,220 1,179,110 399,700 Legend Total General Facilities In-Session Average Daily (gallons) 84,345 In-Session Months Total General Facilities Modeled Average Daily Demand (gpm) 58.57 Data value not included in In-Session calcs Western Carolina University - Water Meter Data for Housing Structures AlbrightBenton 226,800 168,800 262,100 279,300 287,000 183,600 152,000 132,100 111,000 305,100 269,600 296,900 265,900 216,100 335,300 331,400 340,800 402,800 306,800 190,800 99,300 341,000 327,900 379,100 281,600 176,400 657,900 408,500 437,000 206,600 135,800 37,300 Harrill High Rise Dorm 331,000 245,000 384,000 437,000 622,000 223,000 55,000 54,000 121,000 421,000 330,000 366,000 337,000 276,000 475,000 426,000 442,000 286,000 96,000 215,000 402,000 410,000 434,000 322,000 205,000 415,000 451,000 510,000 276,000 87,000 64,000 Robertson Hall Eff. 92,400 77,100 80,900 98,200 118,000 120,700 268,300 95,000 108,400 65,200 102,300 516,400 52,100 49,300 54,200 53,100 45,200 155,000 36,700 42,000 56,500 113,000 111,000 119,000 136,000 55,000 141,000 122,000 155,400 91,100 151,000 143,500 Reynolds Total 240,900 177,000 282,300 322,100 305,055 242,300 244,400 281,600 309,900 274,800 321,000 268,200 288,400 296,500 319,300 268,500 244,800 213,400 75,100 169,900 151,600 317,000 300,700 427,400 129,400 144,700 299,200 329,700 386,400 173,800 90,200 123,900 Madison Hall 41,500 31,700 47,800 54,900 58,400 45,900 26,100 26,300 26,600 41,500 48,000 46,000 43,700 35,200 50,300 60,600 58,500 81,000 21,900 30,400 18,300 60,000 52,500 59,500 38,600 29,800 54,400 66,000 129,000 31,200 16,200 40,800 Average Monthly (gallons) 267,269 313,484 113,281 250,608 46,019 349,320 Average Daily (gallons) 8,786 School In-session Average Monthly (gallons) 10,305 3,724 8,238 1,513 341,553 422,588 122,529 299,074 School In-session Average Daily (gallons) 11,228 13,892 4,028 Modeled Average Daily Demand (gpm) 7.80 9.65 Square Foot 92,730 71,072 Date Jan-06 Dec-05 Nov-05 Oct-05 Sep-05 Aug-05 Jul-05 Jun-05 May-05 Apr-05 Mar-05 Feb-05 Jan-05 Dec-04 Nov-04 Oct-04 Sep-04 Aug-04 Jul-04 Jun-04 May-04 Apr-04 Mar-04 Feb-04 Jan-04 Dec-03 Nov-03 Oct-03 Sep-03 Aug-03 Jul-03 Jun-03 Reynolds Dorm 134,000 105,700 165,900 192,000 188,300 242,300 244,400 213,300 309,900 274,800 321,000 268,200 288,400 296,500 319,300 268,500 244,800 213,400 75,100 105,500 102,700 163,000 166,800 180,100 129,400 82,000 163,600 175,300 198,600 88,800 49,800 52,800 Reynolds Dorm 106,900 71,300 116,400 130,100 116,755 Walker High Scott High Rise Hall Rise Dorm 681,800 608,300 802,100 990,600 1,011,400 702,000 307,500 90,000 156,800 192,000 433,100 472,000 975,700 395,000 822,900 454,000 957,600 491,000 867,700 541,000 844,500 619,000 1,223,400 533,000 1,147,200 510,000 1,169,300 226,000 590,800 96,000 200,100 48,000 237,800 137,000 534,100 443,000 1,089,700 452,000 1,390,500 495,000 1,264,100 377,000 874,900 227,000 663,500 479,000 1,266,100 607,000 1,325,500 549,000 1,438,500 246,000 688,300 36,000 257,300 18,000 184,700 Central Drive Dorm 327,900 218,000 318,200 389,600 408,800 222,600 144,300 177,800 134,900 380,300 298,800 248,200 309,300 207,800 349,100 331,400 312,100 384,400 Greek Village 934,000 738,000 554,000 700,000 780,000 821,000 576,000 620,000 773,000 1,015,000 1,158,000 1,011,000 1,090,000 1,174,000 1,037,000 843,000 929,000 798,000 Norton Road Residence 189,900 135,000 176,400 218,600 149,569 286,861 863,944 179,975 14,620 4,917 9,430 28,401 5,916 506,953 547,782 209,079 334,580 911,700 197,500 586 16,665 18,007 6,873 10,999 29,970 6,492 0.36 0.41 11.57 12.51 4.77 7.64 20.81 4.51 10,441 10,441 80,144 80,144 40,457 100,852 NCCAT Res Hall 1 17,800 14,200 18,500 16,900 12,800 12,900 17,100 18,900 10,500 19,500 18,600 21,300 17,100 13,600 17,800 20,400 13,200 10,500 15,900 18,800 10,000 15,000 14,200 NCCAT Res Hall 2 21,500 11,500 14,900 21,800 14,700 17,200 16,700 20,900 13,500 17,200 25,400 23,500 17,000 14,000 16,300 19,100 18,900 14,400 19,400 20,500 6,700 17,200 27,500 4,500 3,200 32,400 67,500 6,700 19,000 20,800 4,800 803,369 11,483 57,041 9,831 2.80 31,360 Total Residential Average Monthly (gallons) 4,473,595 Total Residential Average Daily (gallons) 147,061 68,300 64,400 48,900 154,000 133,900 247,300 62,700 135,600 154,400 187,800 85,000 40,400 71,100 Leatherwood Dorm 416,600 346,500 443,600 529,700 532,700 257,200 107,500 144,900 181,600 504,300 491,400 596,400 334,500 366,900 508,400 489,400 606,800 362,400 237,100 149,700 187,900 513,700 559,000 591,900 642,800 574,600 674,300 678,400 615,000 483,800 462,000 641,100 Buchanan Dorm 177,400 134,100 202,400 226,500 233,300 88,800 34,900 28,600 53,500 196,400 166,800 150,200 189,900 140,267 7,400 7,100 62,000 15,800 21,300 Helder Dorm 388,100 289,700 390,500 506,300 569,900 345,400 70,100 69,900 161,000 498,100 402,800 435,000 424,000 315,300 514,500 527,300 526,600 235,000 77,400 54,800 164,000 532,800 518,900 562,000 155,600 502,400 501,800 601,600 950,500 302,800 126,400 107,000 17,320 18,214 369,609 444,753 26,409 569 599 12,150 491,143 1,095,129 15,891 17,817 1,875 16,145 36,000 522 6.83 1.30 11.21 25.00 55,248 24,448 71,160 141,790 Total Residential In-Session Average Monthly (gallons) 5,570,360 1,600 71,700 229,400 172,800 192,400 210,300 201,400 209,900 268,700 278,100 142,200 14,300 22,500 Legend Total Residential In-Session Average Daily (gallons) 183,115 In-Session Months Total Residential Modeled Average Daily Demand (gpm) 127.16 Data value not included in In-Session calcs 71,068 Scenario: WCU Current Campus Steady State Analysis Junction Report Label ADMIN ALBRIGHT BASEBALL BASEBALL TOILETS BELK ART BENTON BIRD ALUMNI BIRD HEALTH BOOKSTORE BREESE GYM BROWN CAFETERIA BUCHANAN C.A.T. CENTRAL DRIVE RES HALL CHANCELLORS HOUSE COULTER DODSON CAFETERIA DUGOUT 2 FACILITY APT. 6 FACULTY APT. 1 FACULTY APT. 2/3 FACULTY APT. 4 FACULTY APT. 5 FOOTBALL FORSYTH GARAGE GRAHAM BUILDING GREENHOUSE 1 GREENHOUSE 2 HARRILL 1 HARRILL 2 HELDER HINDS 1 HINDS 2 HOEY 1 HOEY 2 HYDRANT 1 HYDRANT 2 HYDRANT 3 HYDRANT 4 HYDRANT 6 HYDRANT 7 HYDRANT 9 HYDRANT 10 HYDRANT 12 HYDRANT 13 HYDRANT 14 HYDRANT 15 HYDRANT 16 HYDRANT 17 HYDRANT 18 HYDRANT 20 HYDRANT 21 HYDRANT 22 WCU Water Model Comm # 205204.00 July 2006 Elevation (ft) Type 2,110.00 2,174.00 2,100.00 2,102.00 2,120.00 2,174.00 2,226.00 2,182.00 2,146.00 2,180.00 2,190.00 2,250.00 2,102.00 2,250.00 2,324.00 2,150.00 2,136.00 2,100.00 2,260.00 2,268.00 2,268.00 2,264.00 2,262.00 2,120.00 2,150.00 2,186.00 2,212.00 2,112.00 2,112.00 2,190.00 2,190.00 2,126.00 2,140.00 2,140.00 2,154.00 2,154.00 2,210.00 2,222.00 2,227.00 2,294.00 2,290.00 2,275.00 2,226.00 2,208.00 2,226.00 2,198.00 2,183.00 2,160.00 2,152.00 2,158.00 2,176.00 2,154.00 2,154.00 2,136.00 Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand © Bentley Systems, Inc. Base Flow Calculated Pressure Pressure (gpm) Hydraulic Grade (psi) Head (ft) (ft) 0.320 4.715 0.000 0.000 0.480 4.715 0.110 0.220 0.100 3.400 7.150 5.780 0.120 9.240 0.340 0.330 8.210 0.000 0.261 0.261 0.458 0.261 0.261 1.300 0.280 0.230 0.070 4.410 1.470 5.835 5.835 14.000 6.985 6.985 0.040 0.040 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Haestad Methods Solution Center 2,443.86 2,444.49 2,444.85 2,444.85 2,443.41 2,444.49 2,444.57 2,444.32 2,443.73 2,444.45 2,444.47 2,444.56 2,444.87 2,444.45 2,444.54 2,443.99 2,443.66 2,444.85 2,444.51 2,444.50 2,444.50 2,444.51 2,444.51 2,444.86 2,444.13 2,444.52 2,444.46 2,444.83 2,444.83 2,444.47 2,444.46 2,443.88 2,443.95 2,443.98 2,444.01 2,444.33 2,444.54 2,444.55 2,444.55 2,444.55 2,444.51 2,444.56 2,444.51 2,444.46 2,444.47 2,444.48 2,444.49 2,444.33 2,444.36 2,444.36 2,444.36 2,443.98 2,444.01 2,443.62 144.45 117.03 149.20 148.33 139.92 117.03 94.57 113.49 128.81 114.41 110.10 84.18 148.34 84.13 52.15 127.20 133.11 149.20 79.83 76.36 76.36 78.10 78.96 140.55 127.26 111.85 100.57 144.00 144.00 110.10 110.09 137.53 131.50 131.52 125.47 125.61 101.47 96.29 94.12 65.14 66.85 73.36 94.54 102.30 94.52 106.64 113.13 123.02 126.49 123.89 116.11 125.46 125.47 133.09 333.86 270.49 344.85 342.85 323.41 270.49 218.57 262.32 297.73 264.45 254.47 194.56 342.87 194.45 120.54 293.99 307.66 344.85 184.51 176.50 176.50 180.51 182.51 324.86 294.13 258.52 232.46 332.83 332.83 254.47 254.46 317.88 303.95 303.98 290.01 290.33 234.54 222.55 217.55 150.55 154.51 169.56 218.51 236.46 218.47 246.48 261.49 284.33 292.36 286.36 268.36 289.98 290.01 307.62 Watertown, CT 06795 USA Project Engineer: DENNIS KNIGHT WaterCAD v7.0 [] Page 1 of 6 +1-203-755-1666 Scenario: WCU Current Campus Steady State Analysis Junction Report Label HYDRANT 23 HYDRANT 24 HYDRANT 25 HYDRANT 26 HYDRANT 27 HYDRANT 28 HYDRANT 29 HYDRANT 30 HYDRANT 31 HYDRANT 32 HYDRANT C IRRIGATION BASEBALL IRRIGATION SOCCER J-1 J-3 J-4 J-5 J-9 J-10 J-12 J-14 J-16 J-18 J-19 J-24 J-27 J-29 J-30 J-31 J-32 J-33 J-37 J-41 J-42 J-44 J-48 J-51 J-52 J-56 J-59 J-60 J-61 J-63 J-64 J-66 J-67 J-68 J-69 J-70 J-71 J-72 J-73 J-74 J-75 WCU Water Model Comm # 205204.00 July 2006 Elevation (ft) Type 2,124.00 2,130.00 2,120.00 2,106.00 2,098.00 2,098.00 2,094.00 2,099.00 2,104.00 2,143.00 2,112.00 2,110.00 2,088.00 2,290.00 2,294.00 2,322.00 2,322.00 2,292.00 2,274.00 2,200.00 2,174.00 2,418.00 2,290.00 2,290.00 2,230.00 2,206.00 2,198.00 2,194.00 2,158.00 2,186.00 2,186.00 2,188.00 2,152.00 2,156.00 2,160.00 2,150.00 2,168.00 2,170.00 2,170.00 2,166.00 2,180.00 2,176.00 2,158.00 2,152.00 2,152.00 2,148.00 2,144.00 2,136.00 2,128.00 2,128.00 2,122.00 2,120.00 2,120.00 2,120.00 Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand © Bentley Systems, Inc. Base Flow Calculated Pressure Pressure (gpm) Hydraulic Grade (psi) Head (ft) (ft) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 21.010 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Haestad Methods Solution Center 2,443.41 2,443.91 2,443.86 2,443.75 2,443.86 2,443.86 2,443.86 2,443.86 2,444.85 2,444.85 2,443.50 2,444.85 2,438.58 2,444.55 2,444.55 2,444.55 2,444.55 2,444.55 2,444.56 2,444.58 2,444.67 2,444.88 2,444.51 2,444.51 2,444.51 2,444.54 2,444.53 2,444.53 2,444.52 2,444.52 2,444.52 2,444.44 2,444.36 2,444.36 2,444.36 2,444.36 2,444.34 2,444.33 2,444.32 2,444.30 2,444.47 2,444.49 2,444.25 2,444.14 2,444.07 2,444.02 2,444.00 2,443.95 2,443.91 2,443.88 2,443.86 2,443.86 2,443.86 2,443.86 138.19 135.81 140.12 146.13 149.64 149.64 151.37 149.21 147.47 130.60 143.42 144.87 151.68 66.87 65.14 53.02 53.02 66.00 73.79 105.82 117.11 11.63 66.85 66.85 92.81 103.21 106.66 108.39 123.97 111.85 111.85 110.95 126.49 124.76 123.03 127.35 119.56 118.69 118.68 120.41 114.42 116.16 123.85 126.39 126.37 128.07 129.80 133.24 136.68 136.67 139.26 140.12 140.12 140.12 319.41 313.91 323.86 337.75 345.86 345.86 349.86 344.86 340.85 301.85 331.50 334.85 350.58 154.55 150.55 122.55 122.55 152.55 170.56 244.58 270.67 26.88 154.51 154.51 214.51 238.54 246.53 250.53 286.52 258.52 258.52 256.44 292.36 288.36 284.36 294.36 276.34 274.33 274.32 278.30 264.47 268.49 286.25 292.14 292.07 296.02 300.00 307.95 315.91 315.88 321.86 323.86 323.86 323.86 Watertown, CT 06795 USA Project Engineer: DENNIS KNIGHT WaterCAD v7.0 [] Page 2 of 6 +1-203-755-1666 Scenario: WCU Current Campus Steady State Analysis Junction Report Label J-77 J-78 J-79 J-84 J-86 J-88 J-91 J-93 J-103 J-104 J-105 J-106 J-107 J-108 J-112 J-113 J-120 J-127 J-128 J-131 J-134 J-136 J-137 J-138 J-141 J-144 J-146 J-151 J-154 J-155 J-158 J-159 J-160 J-166 J-167 J-168 J-176 J-181 J-183 J-187 J-190 J-191 J-195 J-203 J-205 J-206 J-207 J-208 J-209 J-210 J-247 J-249 J-250 J-251 WCU Water Model Comm # 205204.00 July 2006 Elevation (ft) Type 2,110.00 2,106.00 2,106.00 2,142.00 2,150.00 2,150.00 2,154.00 2,155.00 2,156.00 2,106.00 2,110.00 2,105.00 2,092.00 2,092.00 2,156.00 2,146.00 2,098.00 2,110.00 2,114.00 2,140.00 2,148.00 2,142.00 2,138.00 2,112.00 2,108.00 2,100.00 2,100.00 2,099.00 2,096.00 2,096.00 2,096.00 2,096.00 2,096.00 2,096.00 2,098.00 2,100.00 2,104.00 2,112.00 2,110.00 2,110.00 2,080.00 2,134.00 2,142.00 2,132.00 2,142.00 2,138.00 2,138.00 2,138.00 2,132.00 2,136.00 2,134.00 2,130.00 2,140.00 2,152.00 Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand © Bentley Systems, Inc. Base Flow Calculated Pressure Pressure (gpm) Hydraulic Grade (psi) Head (ft) (ft) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Haestad Methods Solution Center 2,443.76 2,443.75 2,443.75 2,443.99 2,443.98 2,443.98 2,443.98 2,443.98 2,444.87 2,444.87 2,444.87 2,444.87 2,444.87 2,444.87 2,444.86 2,444.86 2,443.86 2,444.86 2,444.86 2,444.85 2,444.85 2,444.85 2,444.84 2,444.83 2,444.85 2,444.85 2,444.85 2,443.86 2,443.86 2,443.86 2,443.86 2,443.86 2,443.86 2,443.86 2,443.86 2,443.86 2,443.86 2,443.86 2,443.82 2,443.76 2,443.70 2,443.70 2,443.70 2,443.77 2,443.73 2,443.71 2,443.70 2,443.64 2,443.61 2,443.56 2,443.65 2,443.90 2,444.01 2,444.01 144.40 146.13 146.13 130.66 127.19 127.19 125.46 125.03 124.98 146.61 144.88 147.04 152.67 152.67 124.98 129.30 149.64 144.88 143.15 131.90 128.43 131.03 132.76 144.00 145.74 149.20 149.20 149.21 150.50 150.50 150.50 150.50 150.50 150.50 149.64 148.77 147.04 143.58 144.43 144.40 157.36 133.99 130.53 134.89 130.54 132.27 132.26 132.24 134.82 133.07 133.97 135.81 131.53 126.34 333.76 337.75 337.75 301.99 293.98 293.98 289.98 288.98 288.87 338.87 334.87 339.87 352.87 352.87 288.86 298.86 345.86 334.86 330.86 304.85 296.85 302.85 306.84 332.83 336.85 344.85 344.85 344.86 347.86 347.86 347.86 347.86 347.86 347.86 345.86 343.86 339.86 331.86 333.82 333.76 363.70 309.70 301.70 311.77 301.73 305.71 305.70 305.64 311.61 307.56 309.65 313.90 304.01 292.01 Watertown, CT 06795 USA Project Engineer: DENNIS KNIGHT WaterCAD v7.0 [] Page 3 of 6 +1-203-755-1666 Scenario: WCU Current Campus Steady State Analysis Junction Report Label J-254 J-256 J-257 J-258 J-259 J-261 J-264 J-266 J-267 J-270 J-272 J-273 J-274 J-275 J-276 J-277 J-278 J-280 J-281 J-282 J-283 J-284 J-285 J-286 J-287 J-288 J-289 J-291 J-292 J-293 J-294 J-295 J-296 J-297 J-298 J-299 J-300 J-301 J-302 J-303 J-304 J-305 J-309 J-310 J-311 J-312 J-313 J-317 J-323 J-G-211 J-G-212 J-G-213 J-G-214 J-G-217 WCU Water Model Comm # 205204.00 July 2006 Elevation (ft) Type 2,154.00 2,188.00 2,184.00 2,182.00 2,180.00 2,178.00 2,200.00 2,192.00 2,192.00 2,210.00 2,210.00 2,212.00 2,226.00 2,222.00 2,228.00 2,136.00 2,232.00 2,202.00 2,208.00 2,210.00 2,240.00 2,244.00 2,275.00 2,244.00 2,242.00 2,244.00 2,154.00 2,220.00 2,138.00 2,226.00 2,152.00 2,245.00 2,105.00 2,112.00 2,276.00 2,270.00 2,268.00 2,112.00 2,268.00 2,264.00 2,110.00 2,138.00 2,080.00 2,210.00 2,090.00 2,090.00 2,120.00 2,214.00 2,083.00 2,115.00 2,094.00 2,086.00 2,080.00 2,078.00 Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand © Bentley Systems, Inc. Base Flow Calculated Pressure Pressure (gpm) Hydraulic Grade (psi) Head (ft) (ft) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Haestad Methods Solution Center 2,444.01 2,444.51 2,444.50 2,444.49 2,444.49 2,444.49 2,444.48 2,444.47 2,444.47 2,444.47 2,444.54 2,444.58 2,444.58 2,444.57 2,444.57 2,443.62 2,444.57 2,444.47 2,444.46 2,444.48 2,444.47 2,444.46 2,444.56 2,444.46 2,444.45 2,444.45 2,443.98 2,444.46 2,443.64 2,444.45 2,444.07 2,444.51 2,444.87 2,443.86 2,444.51 2,444.51 2,444.50 2,443.86 2,444.51 2,444.51 2,444.87 2,443.71 2,443.70 2,444.55 2,443.70 2,443.70 2,444.85 2,444.46 2,443.70 2,443.50 2,443.49 2,443.47 2,443.45 2,443.44 125.47 110.98 112.71 113.57 114.43 115.30 105.77 109.23 109.23 101.44 101.47 100.62 94.57 96.30 93.70 133.09 91.97 104.91 102.30 101.45 88.46 86.73 73.36 86.73 87.59 86.73 125.46 97.11 132.24 94.51 126.37 86.32 147.04 143.58 72.90 75.50 76.36 143.58 76.37 78.10 144.88 132.27 157.36 101.48 153.03 153.03 140.55 99.71 156.06 142.13 151.21 154.66 157.25 158.11 290.01 256.51 260.50 262.49 264.49 266.49 244.48 252.47 252.47 234.47 234.54 232.58 218.58 222.57 216.57 307.62 212.57 242.47 236.46 234.48 204.47 200.46 169.56 200.46 202.45 200.45 289.98 224.46 305.64 218.45 292.07 199.51 339.87 331.86 168.51 174.51 176.50 331.86 176.51 180.51 334.87 305.71 363.70 234.55 353.70 353.70 324.85 230.46 360.70 328.50 349.49 357.47 363.45 365.44 Watertown, CT 06795 USA Project Engineer: DENNIS KNIGHT WaterCAD v7.0 [] Page 4 of 6 +1-203-755-1666 Scenario: WCU Current Campus Steady State Analysis Junction Report Label J-G-218 J-G-219 J-G-220 J-G-221 J-G-222 J-G-223 J-G-224 J-G-225 J-G-226 J-G-307 JENKINS JP FIELD HOUSE KILLIAN 1 KILLIAN 2 LEATHERWOOD RES HALL LIBRARY 1 LIBRARY 2 MADISON HALL MAINTENANCE MCKEE MOORE BUILDIONG N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 N9 N10 N11 N12 N13 NATURAL SCIENCES NCCAT NCCAT 1 NCCAT 2 NORTON HALL OLD STUDENT UNION OUTREACH 1 OUTREACH 2 OUTREACH ANNEX PERFORMING ARTS CENTER PRINT SHOP RAMSEY CENTER REID GYM 1 REID GYM 2 REYNOLDS 1 REYNOLDS 2 ROBERTSON SCOTT 1 SCOTT 2 SCOTT 3 WCU Water Model Comm # 205204.00 July 2006 Elevation (ft) Type 2,078.00 2,078.00 2,110.00 2,110.00 2,110.00 2,110.00 2,110.00 2,110.00 2,110.00 2,080.00 2,214.00 2,104.00 2,155.00 2,155.00 2,124.00 2,150.00 2,150.00 2,220.00 2,194.00 2,154.00 2,248.00 2,120.00 2,126.00 2,136.00 2,130.00 2,065.00 2,134.00 2,202.00 2,203.00 2,270.00 2,152.00 2,146.00 0.00 2,096.00 2,146.00 2,134.00 2,140.00 2,140.00 2,080.00 2,240.00 2,096.00 2,096.00 2,102.00 2,050.00 2,134.00 2,130.00 2,124.00 2,124.00 2,294.00 2,294.00 2,294.00 2,120.00 2,120.00 2,120.00 Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand © Bentley Systems, Inc. Base Flow Calculated Pressure Pressure (gpm) Hydraulic Grade (psi) Head (ft) (ft) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.300 0.070 0.070 15.130 0.345 0.345 1.580 0.230 0.220 0.250 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.320 1.100 0.440 0.490 5.460 0.010 0.483 0.483 0.483 3.340 0.020 7.780 8.230 8.230 4.130 4.130 3.380 10.083 10.083 10.083 Haestad Methods Solution Center 2,443.44 158.11 365.44 2,443.43 158.11 365.43 2,443.43 144.26 333.43 2,443.43 144.26 333.43 2,443.43 144.26 333.43 2,443.43 144.26 333.43 2,443.43 144.26 333.43 2,443.43 144.26 333.43 2,443.43 144.26 333.43 2,443.43 157.24 363.43 2,444.58 99.76 230.58 2,444.86 147.48 340.86 2,443.98 125.03 288.98 2,443.98 125.03 288.98 2,443.35 138.17 319.35 2,444.36 127.35 294.36 2,444.36 127.35 294.36 2,444.51 97.13 224.51 2,444.53 108.39 250.53 2,444.32 125.61 290.32 2,444.45 85.00 196.45 2,444.85 140.55 324.85 2,443.88 137.53 317.88 2,443.66 133.11 307.66 2,443.50 135.64 313.50 2,443.86 163.92 378.86 2,443.75 134.01 309.75 2,444.47 104.91 242.47 2,444.58 104.52 241.58 2,444.51 75.50 174.51 2,444.36 126.49 292.36 2,444.36 129.09 298.36 2,444.52 1,057.63 2,444.52 2,443.86 150.50 347.86 2,444.36 129.09 298.36 2,443.70 133.99 309.70 2,443.70 131.40 303.70 2,443.70 131.40 303.70 2,443.50 157.27 363.50 2,444.51 88.48 204.51 2,443.86 150.50 347.86 2,443.86 150.50 347.86 2,443.86 147.91 341.86 2,443.86 170.41 393.86 2,443.61 133.95 309.61 2,444.85 136.22 314.85 2,443.26 138.13 319.26 2,443.79 138.36 319.79 2,444.50 65.11 150.50 2,444.50 65.11 150.50 2,444.55 65.13 150.55 2,443.81 140.10 323.81 2,443.80 140.09 323.80 2,443.82 140.10 323.82 Watertown, CT 06795 USA Project Engineer: DENNIS KNIGHT WaterCAD v7.0 [] Page 5 of 6 +1-203-755-1666 Scenario: WCU Current Campus Steady State Analysis Junction Report Label STEAM PLANT STILLWELL TRIPLEX APARTMENTS VILLAGE 101-A VILLAGE 101-B VILLAGE 104 VILLAGE 106 VILLAGE 112 VILLAGE 114 VILLAGE 116 VILLAGE 118 WALKER 1 WALKER 2 WAREHOUSE WATER PLANT WCU Water Model Comm # 205204.00 July 2006 Elevation (ft) Type 2,176.00 2,150.00 2,274.00 2,090.00 2,090.00 2,092.00 2,090.00 2,110.00 2,110.00 2,110.00 2,110.00 2,110.00 2,110.00 2,230.00 2,220.00 Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand © Bentley Systems, Inc. Base Flow Calculated Pressure Pressure (gpm) Hydraulic Grade (psi) Head (ft) (ft) 30.530 0.470 0.712 3.148 3.148 3.148 3.148 3.148 3.148 3.148 3.148 6.785 6.785 1.010 8.680 Haestad Methods Solution Center 2,444.38 2,444.34 2,444.51 2,443.45 2,443.44 2,443.44 2,443.43 2,443.43 2,443.43 2,443.43 2,443.43 2,443.75 2,443.76 2,444.55 2,444.55 116.12 127.35 73.77 152.92 152.92 152.05 152.91 144.26 144.26 144.26 144.26 144.40 144.40 92.83 97.15 268.38 294.34 170.51 353.45 353.44 351.44 353.43 333.43 333.43 333.43 333.43 333.75 333.76 214.55 224.55 Watertown, CT 06795 USA Project Engineer: DENNIS KNIGHT WaterCAD v7.0 [] Page 6 of 6 +1-203-755-1666 Scenario: WCU Current Campus Steady State Analysis Pipe Report Label P-1 P-2 P-3 P-4 P-5 P-6 P-7 P-8 P-9 P-10 P-11 P-12 P-13 P-14 P-15 P-16 P-17 P-18 P-19 P-20 P-21 P-22 P-23 P-24 P-27 P-28 P-29 P-30 P-32 P-33 P-34 P-35 P-36 P-37 P-38 P-39 P-40 P-41 P-42 P-43 P-45 P-46 P-47 P-48 P-49 P-50 P-51 P-52 P-53 P-55 P-56 P-58 P-59 P-60 P-61 Length (ft) 90.00 16.00 137.00 622.00 128.00 199.00 163.00 129.00 199.00 116.00 276.00 742.00 96.00 656.00 40.00 473.00 103.00 725.00 203.00 40.00 160.00 240.00 218.00 246.00 470.00 38.00 53.00 969.00 1,067.00 56.00 10.00 124.00 21.00 79.00 196.00 118.00 29.00 33.00 306.00 271.00 38.00 67.00 126.00 298.00 10.00 191.00 147.00 179.00 576.00 743.00 320.00 81.00 85.00 60.00 223.00 WCU Water Model Comm # 205204.00 July 2006 Diameter Control (in) Status 4.0 4.0 4.0 6.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 1.5 1.5 2.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 8.0 6.0 6.0 4.0 2.5 8.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 8.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 10.0 10.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open © Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA Project Engineer: DENNIS KNIGHT WaterCAD v7.0 [] Page 1 of 6 +1-203-755-1666 Scenario: WCU Current Campus Steady State Analysis Pipe Report Label Length (ft) P-62 P-63 P-64 P-65 P-66 P-67 P-68 P-69 P-70 P-71 P-73 P-74 P-75 P-76 P-77 P-78 P-79 P-80 P-81 P-82 P-83 P-84 P-85 P-86 P-87 P-88 P-89 P-90 P-91 P-92 P-93 P-94 P-95 P-96 P-97 P-98 P-99 P-100 P-101 P-102 P-103 P-104 P-105 P-106 P-107 P-108 P-109 P-110 P-111 P-112 P-113 P-114 P-115 P-116 P-117 WCU Water Model Comm # 205204.00 July 2006 65.00 75.00 19.00 50.00 362.00 24.00 53.00 91.00 82.00 213.00 22.00 67.00 9.00 49.00 79.00 59.00 37.00 20.00 116.00 241.00 87.00 51.00 10.00 41.00 172.00 281.00 143.00 40.00 10.00 151.00 62.00 20.00 51.00 434.00 169.00 127.00 326.00 10.00 206.00 105.00 50.00 49.00 44.00 301.00 573.00 51.00 143.00 110.00 316.00 155.00 10.00 127.00 117.00 190.00 102.00 Diameter Control (in) Status 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 12.0 6.0 12.0 12.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 6.0 2.0 6.0 2.0 2.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 2.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 3.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open © Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA Project Engineer: DENNIS KNIGHT WaterCAD v7.0 [] Page 2 of 6 +1-203-755-1666 Scenario: WCU Current Campus Steady State Analysis Pipe Report Label Length (ft) P-118 P-119 P-120 P-121 P-122 P-123 P-124 P-125 P-126 P-127 P-128 P-129 P-130 P-131 P-132 P-133 P-134 P-135 P-136 P-137 P-138 P-139 P-140 P-141 P-142 P-143 P-144 P-145 P-146 P-147 P-148 P-149 P-150 P-151 P-152 P-153 P-154 P-155 P-156 P-157 P-158 P-159 P-160 P-161 P-162 P-163 P-164 P-165 P-166 P-167 P-168 P-169 P-170 P-171 P-172 WCU Water Model Comm # 205204.00 July 2006 157.00 252.00 133.00 307.00 163.00 145.00 49.00 176.00 223.00 116.00 127.00 12.00 9.00 27.00 30.00 363.00 62.00 18.00 20.00 72.00 616.00 89.00 513.00 551.00 97.00 120.00 920.00 21.00 147.00 93.00 41.00 522.00 282.00 101.00 196.00 606.00 80.00 76.00 151.00 104.00 285.00 19.00 185.00 286.00 23.00 277.00 88.00 193.00 17.00 23.00 112.00 62.00 141.00 397.00 127.00 Diameter Control (in) Status 6.0 6.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 4.0 6.0 1.5 6.0 3.0 3.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 2.0 10.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 8.0 6.0 3.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 8.0 6.0 6.0 8.0 8.0 6.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 12.0 12.0 8.0 Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open © Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA Project Engineer: DENNIS KNIGHT WaterCAD v7.0 [] Page 3 of 6 +1-203-755-1666 Scenario: WCU Current Campus Steady State Analysis Pipe Report Label Length (ft) P-173 P-174 P-175 P-176 P-177 P-178 P-179 P-180 P-181 P-182 P-183 P-184 P-185 P-186 P-187 P-188 P-189 P-190 P-191 P-192 P-193 P-194 P-195 P-196 P-197 P-198 P-199 P-200 P-201 P-202 P-203 P-204 P-205 P-206 P-207 P-208 P-209 P-210 P-211 P-212 P-213 P-214 P-215 P-216 P-217 P-218 P-219 P-220 P-221 P-222 P-227 P-228 P-229 P-230 P-231 WCU Water Model Comm # 205204.00 July 2006 474.00 126.00 50.00 404.00 10.00 488.00 66.00 10.00 275.00 239.00 41.00 247.00 180.00 241.00 47.00 24.00 23.00 328.00 105.00 87.00 302.00 211.00 32.00 336.00 17.00 106.00 321.00 220.00 40.00 166.00 10.00 144.00 20.00 577.00 145.00 811.00 42.00 45.00 30.00 30.00 320.00 23.00 36.00 14.00 167.00 211.00 44.00 112.00 231.00 223.00 62.00 161.00 10.00 491.00 50.00 Diameter Control (in) Status 8.0 8.0 6.0 10.0 6.0 2.0 1.5 1.0 6.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 4.0 4.0 6.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 10.0 6.0 10.0 10.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 2.0 6.0 6.0 4.0 4.0 1.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 4.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open © Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA Project Engineer: DENNIS KNIGHT WaterCAD v7.0 [] Page 4 of 6 +1-203-755-1666 Scenario: WCU Current Campus Steady State Analysis Pipe Report Label Length (ft) P-232 P-233 P-234 P-235 P-236 P-237 P-238 P-239 P-240 P-241 P-242 P-243 P-244 P-247 P-248 P-249 P-250 P-251 P-252 P-253 P-254 P-255 P-256 P-257 P-258 P-259 P-260 P-261 P-262 P-263 P-266 P-267 P-268 P-269 P-270 P-271 P-272 P-273 P-274 P-275 P-276 P-277 P-278 P-279 P-280 P-281 P-282 P-283 P-284 P-285 P-286 P-287 P-288 P-289 P-290 WCU Water Model Comm # 205204.00 July 2006 229.00 327.00 107.00 42.00 398.00 225.00 411.00 459.00 129.00 199.00 355.00 676.00 112.00 90.00 146.00 25.00 143.00 92.00 401.00 255.00 19.00 329.00 333.00 463.00 40.00 69.00 245.00 177.00 59.00 116.00 53.00 140.00 56.00 57.00 158.00 162.00 97.00 224.00 50.00 111.00 102.00 46.00 210.00 47.00 129.00 49.00 49.00 337.00 48.00 23.00 518.00 21.00 240.00 81.00 396.00 Diameter Control (in) Status 6.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 1.5 2.5 2.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 3.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 12.0 4.0 Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open © Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA Project Engineer: DENNIS KNIGHT WaterCAD v7.0 [] Page 5 of 6 +1-203-755-1666 Scenario: WCU Current Campus Steady State Analysis Pipe Report Label Length (ft) P-291 P-292 P-293 P-294 P-295 P-296 P-297 P-298 P-299 P-300 P-301 P-302 P-303 P-304 P-305 P-306 P-307 P-308 P-309 P-310 P-311 P-312 P-313 P-314 WCU Water Model Comm # 205204.00 July 2006 16.00 112.00 10.00 286.00 165.00 299.00 438.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 228.00 619.00 169.00 10.00 198.00 10.00 10.00 947.00 Diameter Control (in) Status 1.5 2.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 8.0 Open Open Closed Open Closed Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Closed © Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA Project Engineer: DENNIS KNIGHT WaterCAD v7.0 [] Page 6 of 6 +1-203-755-1666 Scenario: WCU Current Campus Steady State Analysis Tank Report Label Zone Base Minimum Initial Maximum Inactive Tank Inflow Elevation Elevation HGL Elevation Volume Diameter (gpm) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (gal) (ft) 1 MG TANK Zone 2,418.00 2,420.00 2,432.00 2,433.00 0.2 MG TANK Zone 2,438.50 2,439.50 2,445.00 2,451.00 WTP CLEAR WE Zone 2,250.00 2,252.00 2,265.40 2,265.50 WCU Water Model Comm # 205204.00 July 2006 © Bentley Systems, Inc. 0.00 0.00 0.00 Current Calculated Calculated Status Hydraulic Grade Percent (ft) Full (%) N/A 0.000 Steady 55.00 292.796 Draining N/A 0.001 Filling Haestad Methods Solution Center 2,432.00 2,445.00 2,265.40 Watertown, CT 06795 USA 92.3 47.8 99.3 Project Engineer: DENNIS KNIGHT WaterCAD v7.0 [] Page 1 of 1 +1-203-755-1666 INSURANCE SERVICES OFFICE, INC. NEEDED FIRE FLOW 300 Date May-2006 Community Building County Fire Flow Number Western Carolina University Helder Residence Hall PFX Low # High # State Dist Area Risk I.D. Dir. NC Thoroughfare Name Type Address Nearest 2 Intersecting Sts. Occupancy Non MFG - INSTITUTIONS: State or Federal Penitentiaries, Libraries, Museums, Art Galleries or Police Stations Height-Stories 4 Effective Area* 50,090 Const. Class 4 From Table (Ci) 3250 gpm 310 Occupancy factor (Oi) 0.85 320 Sq. ft.; 2 Occupancy (Building) Combustibility Factor Factor for Exposure (Xi): X Non Chargeable Exposure Charge from SCOPES = Factor for Communication (Pi): X 0.0007 = Xi = X 0.0 330A 0.0 330B Non Chargeable Communication charge from SCOPES = Pi = Exposures (Xi) and Communication (Pi) Factors: 3250 310 Wood Shakes Present X 0.85 320 X 1 1 330 + ** = 340 330 2763 (check for Yes - adds 500 gpm when the roof has a wood shingle covering) NEEDED FIRE FLOW (NFFi) = 3000 gpm 340 Comments: NFF Batch Report Residential Manual Override Hydrant Distribution total - 614 = * If the building has not been surveyed on SCOPES, use the other side. Edition 2: 5/01/02 Helder-Leatherwood © ISO Properties, Inc., 2001 INSURANCE SERVICES OFFICE, INC. EVALUATION OF HYDRANT DISTRIBUTION HDi Large Diameter Hose credited: Hydrant Distribution Adequate: No. Outlets Hydrant Location 4 or 4½ * *Max Credit gpm 2½ 0' - 300' 1000 gpm Distance 301' - 600' 670 gpm 601' - 1000' 250 gpm Credit gpm Total = 614 = Pumper (4" or 4½") outlet - - - - - - - - - 1000 GPM Two or more hose (2½") outlets only - - - 750 GPM One hose (2½") outlet only - - - - - - - - - 500 GPM If the building has not been surveyed on the SCOPES: Fire area considered: Basement? If yes, used? Construction Class 4 Yes Yes Class of Floor Openings Ground Floor Area 2nd Floor Area 3rd Floor & above 20036 20036 40072 Effective Area 50090 Edition 2: 5/01/02 Number of Stories Helder-Leatherwood No No X X u/p 4 © ISO Properties, Inc., 2001 INSURANCE SERVICES OFFICE, INC. NEEDED FIRE FLOW 300 Date May-2006 Community Building County Fire Flow Number Western Carolina University Hunter Library PFX Low # High # State Dist Area Risk I.D. Dir. NC Thoroughfare Name Type Address Nearest 2 Intersecting Sts. Occupancy Non MFG - PAPER AND PAPER PRODUCTS: Paper in rolls, Books, Greeting Cards, Maps, Sheet Music, Stationery Height-Stories 5 Effective Area* 93,240 Const. Class 4 From Table (Ci) Sq. ft.; Occupancy factor (Oi) 3 Occupancy (Building) Combustibility Factor Factor for Exposure (Xi): X X 0.0007 = Xi = X 1 320 0.0 330A 0.0 330B Non Chargeable Communication charge from SCOPES = Pi = Exposures (Xi) and Communication (Pi) Factors: 4500 310 Wood Shakes Present X 1 320 X gpm 310 Non Chargeable Exposure Charge from SCOPES = Factor for Communication (Pi): 4500 1 1 330 + ** = 340 330 4500 (check for Yes - adds 500 gpm when the roof has a wood shingle covering) NEEDED FIRE FLOW (NFFi) = 4500 gpm 340 Comments: NFF Batch Report Residential Manual Override Hydrant Distribution total - 614 = * If the building has not been surveyed on SCOPES, use the other side. Edition 2: 5/01/02 Hunter © ISO Properties, Inc., 2001 INSURANCE SERVICES OFFICE, INC. EVALUATION OF HYDRANT DISTRIBUTION HDi Large Diameter Hose credited: Hydrant Distribution Adequate: No. Outlets Hydrant Location 4 or 4½ * *Max Credit gpm 2½ 0' - 300' 1000 gpm Distance 301' - 600' 670 gpm 601' - 1000' 250 gpm Credit gpm Total = 614 = Pumper (4" or 4½") outlet - - - - - - - - - 1000 GPM Two or more hose (2½") outlets only - - - 750 GPM One hose (2½") outlet only - - - - - - - - - 500 GPM If the building has not been surveyed on the SCOPES: Fire area considered: Basement? If yes, used? Construction Class 4 Yes Yes No No Class of Floor Openings Ground Floor Area 2nd Floor Area 3rd Floor & above 31080 31080 93240 Effective Area 93240 Edition 2: 5/01/02 Number of Stories Hunter X X u/p 5 © ISO Properties, Inc., 2001 INSURANCE SERVICES OFFICE, INC. NEEDED FIRE FLOW 300 Date May-2006 Community Building County Fire Flow Number Western Carolina University Reid Gym PFX Low # High # State Dist Area Risk I.D. Dir. NC Thoroughfare Name Type Address Nearest 2 Intersecting Sts. Occupancy Non MFG - RECREATION: Health Studios, Health Clubs, Archery, Gun Clubs, Fraternal and Social Clubs and Lodges Height-Stories 3 Effective Area* 66,224 Const. Class 4 From Table (Ci) 3750 gpm 310 Occupancy factor (Oi) 0.85 320 Sq. ft.; 2 Occupancy (Building) Combustibility Factor Factor for Exposure (Xi): X Non Chargeable Exposure Charge from SCOPES = Factor for Communication (Pi): X 0.0007 = Xi = X 0.0 330A 0.0 330B Non Chargeable Communication charge from SCOPES = Pi = Exposures (Xi) and Communication (Pi) Factors: 3750 310 Wood Shakes Present X 0.85 320 X 1 1 330 + ** = 340 330 3188 (check for Yes - adds 500 gpm when the roof has a wood shingle covering) NEEDED FIRE FLOW (NFFi) = 3000 gpm 340 Comments: NFF Batch Report Residential Manual Override Hydrant Distribution total - 614 = * If the building has not been surveyed on SCOPES, use the other side. Edition 2: 5/01/02 Reid Gym © ISO Properties, Inc., 2001 INSURANCE SERVICES OFFICE, INC. EVALUATION OF HYDRANT DISTRIBUTION HDi Large Diameter Hose credited: Hydrant Distribution Adequate: No. Outlets Hydrant Location 4 or 4½ * *Max Credit gpm 2½ 0' - 300' 1000 gpm Distance 301' - 600' 670 gpm 601' - 1000' 250 gpm Credit gpm Total = 614 = Pumper (4" or 4½") outlet - - - - - - - - - 1000 GPM Two or more hose (2½") outlets only - - - 750 GPM One hose (2½") outlet only - - - - - - - - - 500 GPM If the building has not been surveyed on the SCOPES: Fire area considered: Basement? If yes, used? Construction Class 4 Yes Yes Class of Floor Openings Ground Floor Area 2nd Floor Area 3rd Floor & above 33112 33112 33112 Effective Area 66224 Edition 2: 5/01/02 Number of Stories Reid Gym No No X X u/p 3 © ISO Properties, Inc., 2001 INSURANCE SERVICES OFFICE, INC. NEEDED FIRE FLOW 300 Date May-2006 Community Building County Fire Flow Number Western Carolina University Breese Gym PFX Low # High # State Dist Area Risk I.D. Dir. NC Thoroughfare Name Type Address Nearest 2 Intersecting Sts. Occupancy Non MFG - RECREATION: Health Studios, Health Clubs, Archery, Gun Clubs, Fraternal and Social Clubs and Lodges Height-Stories 2 Effective Area* 15,450 Const. Class 4 From Table (Ci) 1750 gpm 310 Occupancy factor (Oi) 0.85 320 Sq. ft.; 2 Occupancy (Building) Combustibility Factor Factor for Exposure (Xi): X Non Chargeable Exposure Charge from SCOPES = Factor for Communication (Pi): X 0.0007 = Xi = X 0.0 330A 0.0 330B Non Chargeable Communication charge from SCOPES = Pi = Exposures (Xi) and Communication (Pi) Factors: 1750 310 Wood Shakes Present X 0.85 320 X 1 1 330 + ** = 340 330 1488 (check for Yes - adds 500 gpm when the roof has a wood shingle covering) NEEDED FIRE FLOW (NFFi) = 1500 gpm 340 Comments: NFF Batch Report Residential Manual Override Hydrant Distribution total - 614 = * If the building has not been surveyed on SCOPES, use the other side. Edition 2: 5/01/02 Breese Gym © ISO Properties, Inc., 2001 INSURANCE SERVICES OFFICE, INC. EVALUATION OF HYDRANT DISTRIBUTION HDi Large Diameter Hose credited: Hydrant Distribution Adequate: No. Outlets Hydrant Location 4 or 4½ * *Max Credit gpm 2½ 0' - 300' 1000 gpm Distance 301' - 600' 670 gpm 601' - 1000' 250 gpm Credit gpm Total = 614 = Pumper (4" or 4½") outlet - - - - - - - - - 1000 GPM Two or more hose (2½") outlets only - - - 750 GPM One hose (2½") outlet only - - - - - - - - - 500 GPM If the building has not been surveyed on the SCOPES: Fire area considered: Basement? If yes, used? Construction Class 4 Yes Yes Class of Floor Openings Ground Floor Area 2nd Floor Area 3rd Floor & above 10300 10300 Effective Area 15450 Edition 2: 5/01/02 Number of Stories Breese Gym No No X X u/p 2 © ISO Properties, Inc., 2001 INSURANCE SERVICES OFFICE, INC. NEEDED FIRE FLOW 300 Date May-2006 Community Building County Fire Flow Number Western Carolina University Garage/Maintenance PFX Low # High # State Dist Area Risk I.D. Dir. NC Thoroughfare Name Type Address Nearest 2 Intersecting Sts. Occupancy Non MFG - INSTITUTIONS: Municipal Garages, Maintenance Buildings, Repair Shops or Municipal Storage Buildings (Other auxiliary to Recreation Property) Height-Stories 1 Effective Area* 13,443 Const. Class 4 From Table (Ci) Sq. ft.; 3 Occupancy (Building) Combustibility Factor Factor for Exposure (Xi): Occupancy factor (Oi) X X 0.0007 = Xi = X 1 320 0.0 330A 0.0 330B Non Chargeable Communication charge from SCOPES = Pi = Exposures (Xi) and Communication (Pi) Factors: 1750 310 Wood Shakes Present X 1 320 X gpm 310 Non Chargeable Exposure Charge from SCOPES = Factor for Communication (Pi): 1750 1 1 330 + ** = 340 330 1750 (check for Yes - adds 500 gpm when the roof has a wood shingle covering) NEEDED FIRE FLOW (NFFi) = 1750 gpm 340 Comments: NFF Batch Report Residential Manual Override Hydrant Distribution total - 614 = * If the building has not been surveyed on SCOPES, use the other side. Edition 2: 5/01/02 Garage-Maintenance © ISO Properties, Inc., 2001 INSURANCE SERVICES OFFICE, INC. EVALUATION OF HYDRANT DISTRIBUTION HDi Large Diameter Hose credited: Hydrant Distribution Adequate: No. Outlets Hydrant Location 4 or 4½ * *Max Credit gpm 2½ 0' - 300' 1000 gpm Distance 301' - 600' 670 gpm 601' - 1000' 250 gpm Credit gpm Total = 614 = Pumper (4" or 4½") outlet - - - - - - - - - 1000 GPM Two or more hose (2½") outlets only - - - 750 GPM One hose (2½") outlet only - - - - - - - - - 500 GPM If the building has not been surveyed on the SCOPES: Fire area considered: Basement? If yes, used? Construction Class 4 Yes Yes Class of Floor Openings Ground Floor Area 2nd Floor Area 3rd Floor & above 8962 Effective Area 13443 Edition 2: 5/01/02 Number of Stories Garage-Maintenance No No X X u/p 1 © ISO Properties, Inc., 2001 INSURANCE SERVICES OFFICE, INC. NEEDED FIRE FLOW 300 Date May-2006 Community Building County Fire Flow Number Western Carolina University Brown Cafeteria PFX Low # High # State Dist Area Risk I.D. Dir. NC Thoroughfare Name Type Address Nearest 2 Intersecting Sts. Occupancy Non MFG - FOOD AND BEVERAGE SERVICE OCCUPANCIES: Restaurants, Beverage dispensing, Bars, Taverns, Salad Bars, Ice Cream Parlors, Coffee Houses, Sandwich Shops, Bakeries (Sales only, no Baking) Height-Stories 3 Effective Area* 20,160 Const. Class 4 From Table (Ci) Sq. ft.; 3 Occupancy (Building) Combustibility Factor Factor for Exposure (Xi): Occupancy factor (Oi) X X 0.0007 = Xi = X 1 320 0.0 330A 0.0 330B Non Chargeable Communication charge from SCOPES = Pi = Exposures (Xi) and Communication (Pi) Factors: 2000 310 Wood Shakes Present X 1 320 X gpm 310 Non Chargeable Exposure Charge from SCOPES = Factor for Communication (Pi): 2000 1 1 330 + ** = 340 330 2000 (check for Yes - adds 500 gpm when the roof has a wood shingle covering) NEEDED FIRE FLOW (NFFi) = 2000 gpm 340 Comments: NFF Batch Report Residential Manual Override Hydrant Distribution total - 614 = * If the building has not been surveyed on SCOPES, use the other side. Edition 2: 5/01/02 Brown Cafeteria © ISO Properties, Inc., 2001 INSURANCE SERVICES OFFICE, INC. EVALUATION OF HYDRANT DISTRIBUTION HDi Large Diameter Hose credited: Hydrant Distribution Adequate: No. Outlets Hydrant Location 4 or 4½ * *Max Credit gpm 2½ 0' - 300' 1000 gpm Distance 301' - 600' 670 gpm 601' - 1000' 250 gpm Credit gpm Total = 614 = Pumper (4" or 4½") outlet - - - - - - - - - 1000 GPM Two or more hose (2½") outlets only - - - 750 GPM One hose (2½") outlet only - - - - - - - - - 500 GPM If the building has not been surveyed on the SCOPES: Fire area considered: Basement? If yes, used? Construction Class 4 Yes Yes Class of Floor Openings Ground Floor Area 2nd Floor Area 3rd Floor & above 10080 10080 10080 Effective Area 20160 Edition 2: 5/01/02 Number of Stories Brown Cafeteria No No X X u/p 3 © ISO Properties, Inc., 2001 INSURANCE SERVICES OFFICE, INC. NEEDED FIRE FLOW 300 Date May-2006 Community Building County Fire Flow Number Western Carolina University Dodson Cafateria PFX Low # High # State Dist Area Risk I.D. Dir. NC Thoroughfare Name Type Address Nearest 2 Intersecting Sts. Occupancy Non MFG - FOOD AND BEVERAGE SERVICE OCCUPANCIES: Restaurants, Beverage dispensing, Bars, Taverns, Salad Bars, Ice Cream Parlors, Coffee Houses, Sandwich Shops, Bakeries (Sales only, no Baking) Const. Class Height-Stories 3 4 Effective Area* 27,104 From Table (Ci) Sq. ft.; Occupancy factor (Oi) 3 Occupancy (Building) Combustibility Factor Factor for Exposure (Xi): X X 0.0007 = Xi = X 1 320 0.0 330A 0.0 330B Non Chargeable Communication charge from SCOPES = Pi = Exposures (Xi) and Communication (Pi) Factors: 2250 310 Wood Shakes Present X 1 320 X gpm 310 Non Chargeable Exposure Charge from SCOPES = Factor for Communication (Pi): 2250 1 1 330 + ** = 340 330 2250 (check for Yes - adds 500 gpm when the roof has a wood shingle covering) NEEDED FIRE FLOW (NFFi) = 2250 gpm 340 Comments: NFF Batch Report Residential Manual Override Hydrant Distribution total - 614 = * If the building has not been surveyed on SCOPES, use the other side. Edition 2: 5/01/02 Dodson © ISO Properties, Inc., 2001 INSURANCE SERVICES OFFICE, INC. EVALUATION OF HYDRANT DISTRIBUTION HDi Large Diameter Hose credited: Hydrant Distribution Adequate: No. Outlets Hydrant Location 4 or 4½ * *Max Credit gpm 2½ 0' - 300' 1000 gpm Distance 301' - 600' 670 gpm 601' - 1000' 250 gpm Credit gpm Total = 614 = Pumper (4" or 4½") outlet - - - - - - - - - 1000 GPM Two or more hose (2½") outlets only - - - 750 GPM One hose (2½") outlet only - - - - - - - - - 500 GPM If the building has not been surveyed on the SCOPES: Fire area considered: Basement? If yes, used? Construction Class 4 Yes Yes No No Class of Floor Openings Ground Floor Area 2nd Floor Area 3rd Floor & above 13552 13552 13552 Effective Area 27104 Edition 2: 5/01/02 Number of Stories Dodson X X u/p 3 © ISO Properties, Inc., 2001 INSURANCE SERVICES OFFICE, INC. NEEDED FIRE FLOW 300 Date May-2006 Community Building County Fire Flow Number Western Carolina University Killian Building PFX Low # High # State Dist Area Risk I.D. Dir. NC Thoroughfare Name Type Address Nearest 2 Intersecting Sts. Occupancy Non MFG - INSTITUTIONS: Educational Institutions maintaining academic curricula, Commercial Training Institutions, (Occupancies 526711 and 526722) Height-Stories 3 Effective Area* 34,184 Const. Class 4 From Table (Ci) 2750 gpm 310 Occupancy factor (Oi) 0.85 320 Sq. ft.; 2 Occupancy (Building) Combustibility Factor Factor for Exposure (Xi): X Non Chargeable Exposure Charge from SCOPES = Factor for Communication (Pi): X 0.0007 = Xi = X 0.0 330A 0.0 330B Non Chargeable Communication charge from SCOPES = Pi = Exposures (Xi) and Communication (Pi) Factors: 2750 310 Wood Shakes Present X 0.85 320 X 1 1 330 + ** = 340 330 2338 (check for Yes - adds 500 gpm when the roof has a wood shingle covering) NEEDED FIRE FLOW (NFFi) = 2250 gpm 340 Comments: NFF Batch Report Residential Manual Override Hydrant Distribution total - 614 = * If the building has not been surveyed on SCOPES, use the other side. Edition 2: 5/01/02 Killian Building © ISO Properties, Inc., 2001 INSURANCE SERVICES OFFICE, INC. EVALUATION OF HYDRANT DISTRIBUTION HDi Large Diameter Hose credited: Hydrant Distribution Adequate: No. Outlets Hydrant Location 4 or 4½ * *Max Credit gpm 2½ 0' - 300' 1000 gpm Distance 301' - 600' 670 gpm 601' - 1000' 250 gpm Credit gpm Total = 614 = Pumper (4" or 4½") outlet - - - - - - - - - 1000 GPM Two or more hose (2½") outlets only - - - 750 GPM One hose (2½") outlet only - - - - - - - - - 500 GPM If the building has not been surveyed on the SCOPES: Fire area considered: Basement? If yes, used? Construction Class 4 Yes Yes Class of Floor Openings Ground Floor Area 2nd Floor Area 3rd Floor & above 17092 17092 17092 Effective Area 34184 Edition 2: 5/01/02 Number of Stories Killian Building No No X X u/p 3 © ISO Properties, Inc., 2001 INSURANCE SERVICES OFFICE, INC. NEEDED FIRE FLOW 300 Date May-2006 Community Building County Fire Flow Number Western Carolina University Print Shop PFX Low # High # State Dist Area Risk I.D. Dir. NC Thoroughfare Name Type Address Nearest 2 Intersecting Sts. Occupancy Non MFG - PRINTING AND ALLIED INDUSTRIES: Electrotyping, Lithographing, and Photoengraving Shops, Bookbinders, and Job Printers, Height-Stories 1 Effective Area* 7,209 Const. Class 4 From Table (Ci) Sq. ft.; 3 Occupancy (Building) Combustibility Factor Factor for Exposure (Xi): Occupancy factor (Oi) X X 0.0007 = Xi = X 1 320 0.0 330A 0.0 330B Non Chargeable Communication charge from SCOPES = Pi = Exposures (Xi) and Communication (Pi) Factors: 1250 310 Wood Shakes Present X 1 320 X gpm 310 Non Chargeable Exposure Charge from SCOPES = Factor for Communication (Pi): 1250 1 1 330 + ** = 340 330 1250 (check for Yes - adds 500 gpm when the roof has a wood shingle covering) NEEDED FIRE FLOW (NFFi) = 1250 gpm 340 Comments: NFF Batch Report Residential Manual Override Hydrant Distribution total - 614 = * If the building has not been surveyed on SCOPES, use the other side. Edition 2: 5/01/02 Print Shop © ISO Properties, Inc., 2001 INSURANCE SERVICES OFFICE, INC. EVALUATION OF HYDRANT DISTRIBUTION HDi Large Diameter Hose credited: Hydrant Distribution Adequate: No. Outlets Hydrant Location 4 or 4½ * *Max Credit gpm 2½ 0' - 300' 1000 gpm Distance 301' - 600' 670 gpm 601' - 1000' 250 gpm Credit gpm Total = 614 = Pumper (4" or 4½") outlet - - - - - - - - - 1000 GPM Two or more hose (2½") outlets only - - - 750 GPM One hose (2½") outlet only - - - - - - - - - 500 GPM If the building has not been surveyed on the SCOPES: Fire area considered: Basement? If yes, used? Construction Class 4 Yes Yes Class of Floor Openings Ground Floor Area 2nd Floor Area 3rd Floor & above 4806 Effective Area 7209 Edition 2: 5/01/02 Number of Stories Print Shop No No X X u/p 1 © ISO Properties, Inc., 2001 INSURANCE SERVICES OFFICE, INC. NEEDED FIRE FLOW 300 Date May-2006 Community Building County Fire Flow Number Western Carolina University Forsyth Building PFX Low # High # State Dist Area Risk I.D. Dir. NC Thoroughfare Name Type Address Nearest 2 Intersecting Sts. Occupancy Non MFG - INSTITUTIONS: Educational Institutions maintaining academic curricula, Commercial Training Institutions, (Occupancies 526711 and 526722) Height-Stories 4 Effective Area* 39,260 Const. Class 4 From Table (Ci) 2750 gpm 310 Occupancy factor (Oi) 0.85 320 Sq. ft.; 2 Occupancy (Building) Combustibility Factor Factor for Exposure (Xi): X Non Chargeable Exposure Charge from SCOPES = Factor for Communication (Pi): X 0.0007 = Xi = X 0.0 330A 0.0 330B Non Chargeable Communication charge from SCOPES = Pi = Exposures (Xi) and Communication (Pi) Factors: 2750 310 Wood Shakes Present X 0.85 320 X 1 1 330 + ** = 340 330 2338 (check for Yes - adds 500 gpm when the roof has a wood shingle covering) NEEDED FIRE FLOW (NFFi) = 2250 gpm 340 Comments: NFF Batch Report Residential Manual Override Hydrant Distribution total - 614 = * If the building has not been surveyed on SCOPES, use the other side. Edition 2: 5/01/02 Forsyth Building © ISO Properties, Inc., 2001 INSURANCE SERVICES OFFICE, INC. EVALUATION OF HYDRANT DISTRIBUTION HDi Large Diameter Hose credited: Hydrant Distribution Adequate: No. Outlets Hydrant Location 4 or 4½ * *Max Credit gpm 2½ 0' - 300' 1000 gpm Distance 301' - 600' 670 gpm 601' - 1000' 250 gpm Credit gpm Total = 614 = Pumper (4" or 4½") outlet - - - - - - - - - 1000 GPM Two or more hose (2½") outlets only - - - 750 GPM One hose (2½") outlet only - - - - - - - - - 500 GPM If the building has not been surveyed on the SCOPES: Fire area considered: Basement? If yes, used? Construction Class 4 Yes Yes Class of Floor Openings Ground Floor Area 2nd Floor Area 3rd Floor & above 15704 15704 31408 Effective Area 39260 Edition 2: 5/01/02 Number of Stories Forsyth Building No No X X u/p 4 © ISO Properties, Inc., 2001 INSURANCE SERVICES OFFICE, INC. NEEDED FIRE FLOW 300 Date May-2006 Community Building County Fire Flow Number Western Carolina University Belks Art Complex PFX Low # High # State Dist Area Risk I.D. Dir. NC Thoroughfare Name Type Address Nearest 2 Intersecting Sts. Occupancy Non MFG - INSTITUTIONS: Educational Institutions maintaining academic curricula, Commercial Training Institutions, (Occupancies 526711 and 526722) Height-Stories 4 Effective Area* 67,390 Const. Class 4 From Table (Ci) 3750 gpm 310 Occupancy factor (Oi) 0.85 320 Sq. ft.; 2 Occupancy (Building) Combustibility Factor Factor for Exposure (Xi): X Non Chargeable Exposure Charge from SCOPES = Factor for Communication (Pi): X 0.0007 = Xi = X 0.0 330A 0.0 330B Non Chargeable Communication charge from SCOPES = Pi = Exposures (Xi) and Communication (Pi) Factors: 3750 310 Wood Shakes Present X 0.85 320 X 1 1 330 + ** = 340 330 3188 (check for Yes - adds 500 gpm when the roof has a wood shingle covering) NEEDED FIRE FLOW (NFFi) = 3000 gpm 340 Comments: NFF Batch Report Residential Manual Override Hydrant Distribution total - 614 = * If the building has not been surveyed on SCOPES, use the other side. Edition 2: 5/01/02 Belk Building © ISO Properties, Inc., 2001 INSURANCE SERVICES OFFICE, INC. EVALUATION OF HYDRANT DISTRIBUTION HDi Large Diameter Hose credited: Hydrant Distribution Adequate: No. Outlets Hydrant Location 4 or 4½ * *Max Credit gpm 2½ 0' - 300' 1000 gpm Distance 301' - 600' 670 gpm 601' - 1000' 250 gpm Credit gpm Total = 614 = Pumper (4" or 4½") outlet - - - - - - - - - 1000 GPM Two or more hose (2½") outlets only - - - 750 GPM One hose (2½") outlet only - - - - - - - - - 500 GPM If the building has not been surveyed on the SCOPES: Fire area considered: Basement? If yes, used? Construction Class 4 Yes Yes Class of Floor Openings Ground Floor Area 2nd Floor Area 3rd Floor & above 26956 26956 53912 Effective Area 67390 Edition 2: 5/01/02 Number of Stories Belk Building No No X X u/p 4 © ISO Properties, Inc., 2001 INSURANCE SERVICES OFFICE, INC. NEEDED FIRE FLOW 300 Date May-2006 Community Building County Fire Flow Number Western Carolina University Physical Plant PFX Low # High # State Dist Area Risk I.D. Dir. NC Thoroughfare Name Type Address Nearest 2 Intersecting Sts. Occupancy Non MFG - INSTITUTIONS: Municipal Garages, Maintenance Buildings, Repair Shops or Municipal Storage Buildings (Other auxiliary to Recreation Property) Height-Stories 1 Effective Area* 13,500 Const. Class 4 From Table (Ci) Sq. ft.; Occupancy factor (Oi) 3 Occupancy (Building) Combustibility Factor Factor for Exposure (Xi): X X 0.0007 = Xi = X 1 320 0.0 330A 0.0 330B Non Chargeable Communication charge from SCOPES = Pi = Exposures (Xi) and Communication (Pi) Factors: 1750 310 Wood Shakes Present X 1 320 X gpm 310 Non Chargeable Exposure Charge from SCOPES = Factor for Communication (Pi): 1750 1 1 330 + ** = 340 330 1750 (check for Yes - adds 500 gpm when the roof has a wood shingle covering) NEEDED FIRE FLOW (NFFi) = 1750 gpm 340 Comments: NFF Batch Report Residential Manual Override Hydrant Distribution total - 614 = * If the building has not been surveyed on SCOPES, use the other side. Edition 2: 5/01/02 Physical Plant © ISO Properties, Inc., 2001 INSURANCE SERVICES OFFICE, INC. EVALUATION OF HYDRANT DISTRIBUTION HDi Large Diameter Hose credited: Hydrant Distribution Adequate: No. Outlets Hydrant Location 4 or 4½ * *Max Credit gpm 2½ 0' - 300' 1000 gpm Distance 301' - 600' 670 gpm 601' - 1000' 250 gpm Credit gpm Total = 614 = Pumper (4" or 4½") outlet - - - - - - - - - 1000 GPM Two or more hose (2½") outlets only - - - 750 GPM One hose (2½") outlet only - - - - - - - - - 500 GPM If the building has not been surveyed on the SCOPES: Fire area considered: Basement? If yes, used? Construction Class 4 Yes Yes Class of Floor Openings Ground Floor Area 2nd Floor Area 3rd Floor & above 9000 Effective Area 13500 Edition 2: 5/01/02 Number of Stories Physical Plant No No X X u/p 1 © ISO Properties, Inc., 2001 INSURANCE SERVICES OFFICE, INC. NEEDED FIRE FLOW 300 Date May-2006 Community Building County Fire Flow Number Western Carolina University Jordan-Phillips Field House PFX Low # High # State Dist Area Risk I.D. Dir. NC Thoroughfare Name Type Address Nearest 2 Intersecting Sts. Occupancy Non MFG - RECREATION: Health Studios, Health Clubs, Archery, Gun Clubs, Fraternal and Social Clubs and Lodges Height-Stories 2 Effective Area* 7,823 Const. Class 4 From Table (Ci) 1250 gpm 310 Occupancy factor (Oi) 0.85 320 Sq. ft.; 2 Occupancy (Building) Combustibility Factor Factor for Exposure (Xi): X Non Chargeable Exposure Charge from SCOPES = Factor for Communication (Pi): X 0.0007 = Xi = X 0.0 330A 0.0 330B Non Chargeable Communication charge from SCOPES = Pi = Exposures (Xi) and Communication (Pi) Factors: 1250 310 Wood Shakes Present X 0.85 1 320 X 1 330 + ** = 340 330 1063 (check for Yes - adds 500 gpm when the roof has a wood shingle covering) NEEDED FIRE FLOW (NFFi) = 1000 gpm 340 Comments: NFF Batch Report Residential Manual Override Hydrant Distribution total - 614 = * If the building has not been surveyed on SCOPES, use the other side. Edition 2: 5/01/02 Jordan-Phillips Field House © ISO Properties, Inc., 2001 INSURANCE SERVICES OFFICE, INC. EVALUATION OF HYDRANT DISTRIBUTION HDi Large Diameter Hose credited: Hydrant Distribution Adequate: No. Outlets Hydrant Location 4 or 4½ * *Max Credit gpm 2½ 0' - 300' 1000 gpm Distance 301' - 600' 670 gpm 601' - 1000' 250 gpm Credit gpm Total = 614 = Pumper (4" or 4½") outlet - - - - - - - - - 1000 GPM Two or more hose (2½") outlets only - - - 750 GPM One hose (2½") outlet only - - - - - - - - - 500 GPM If the building has not been surveyed on the SCOPES: Fire area considered: Basement? If yes, used? Construction Class 4 Yes Yes Class of Floor Openings Ground Floor Area 2nd Floor Area 3rd Floor & above Effective Area Edition 2: 5/01/02 5215 5215 Number of Stories No No X X u/p 2 7822.5 Jordan-Phillips Field House © ISO Properties, Inc., 2001 INSURANCE SERVICES OFFICE, INC. NEEDED FIRE FLOW 300 Date May-2006 Community Building County Fire Flow Number Western Carolina University Coulter Building PFX Low # High # State Dist Area Risk I.D. Dir. NC Thoroughfare Name Type Address Nearest 2 Intersecting Sts. Occupancy Non MFG - INSTITUTIONS: Educational Institutions maintaining academic curricula, Commercial Training Institutions, (Occupancies 526711 and 526722) Height-Stories 4 Effective Area* 46,638 Const. Class 4 From Table (Ci) 3000 gpm 310 Occupancy factor (Oi) 0.85 320 Sq. ft.; 2 Occupancy (Building) Combustibility Factor Factor for Exposure (Xi): X Non Chargeable Exposure Charge from SCOPES = Factor for Communication (Pi): X 0.0007 = Xi = X 0.0 330A 0.0 330B Non Chargeable Communication charge from SCOPES = Pi = Exposures (Xi) and Communication (Pi) Factors: 3000 310 Wood Shakes Present X 0.85 320 X 1 1 330 + ** = 340 330 2550 (check for Yes - adds 500 gpm when the roof has a wood shingle covering) NEEDED FIRE FLOW (NFFi) = 2500 gpm 340 Comments: NFF Batch Report Residential Manual Override Hydrant Distribution total - 614 = * If the building has not been surveyed on SCOPES, use the other side. Edition 2: 5/01/02 Coulter Building © ISO Properties, Inc., 2001 INSURANCE SERVICES OFFICE, INC. EVALUATION OF HYDRANT DISTRIBUTION HDi Large Diameter Hose credited: Hydrant Distribution Adequate: No. Outlets Hydrant Location 4 or 4½ * *Max Credit gpm 2½ 0' - 300' 1000 gpm Distance 301' - 600' 670 gpm 601' - 1000' 250 gpm Credit gpm Total = 614 = Pumper (4" or 4½") outlet - - - - - - - - - 1000 GPM Two or more hose (2½") outlets only - - - 750 GPM One hose (2½") outlet only - - - - - - - - - 500 GPM If the building has not been surveyed on the SCOPES: Fire area considered: Basement? If yes, used? Construction Class 4 Yes Yes Class of Floor Openings Ground Floor Area 2nd Floor Area 3rd Floor & above Effective Area Edition 2: 5/01/02 18655 18655 37310 Number of Stories No No X X u/p 4 46637.5 Coulter Building © ISO Properties, Inc., 2001 INSURANCE SERVICES OFFICE, INC. NEEDED FIRE FLOW 300 Date May-2006 Community Building County Fire Flow Number Western Carolina University H.F. Robinson Administration Building PFX Low # High # Dir. State Dist Area Risk I.D. NC Thoroughfare Name Type Address Nearest 2 Intersecting Sts. Occupancy Non MFG - INSTITUTIONS: Educational Institutions maintaining academic curricula, Commercial Training Institutions, (Occupancies 526711 and 526722) Height-Stories 6 Effective Area* 42,291 Const. Class 4 From Table (Ci) 3000 gpm 310 Occupancy factor (Oi) 0.85 320 Sq. ft.; 2 Occupancy (Building) Combustibility Factor Factor for Exposure (Xi): X Non Chargeable Exposure Charge from SCOPES = Factor for Communication (Pi): X 0.0007 = Xi = X 0.0 330A 0.0 330B Non Chargeable Communication charge from SCOPES = Pi = Exposures (Xi) and Communication (Pi) Factors: 3000 310 Wood Shakes Present X 0.85 1 320 X 1 330 + ** = 340 330 2550 (check for Yes - adds 500 gpm when the roof has a wood shingle covering) NEEDED FIRE FLOW (NFFi) = 2500 gpm 340 Comments: NFF Batch Report Residential Manual Override Hydrant Distribution total - 614 = * If the building has not been surveyed on SCOPES, use the other side. Edition 2: 5/01/02 H.F. Robinson Admin. Bldg. © ISO Properties, Inc., 2001 INSURANCE SERVICES OFFICE, INC. EVALUATION OF HYDRANT DISTRIBUTION HDi Large Diameter Hose credited: Hydrant Distribution Adequate: No. Outlets Hydrant Location 4 or 4½ * *Max Credit gpm 2½ 0' - 300' 1000 gpm Distance 301' - 600' 670 gpm 601' - 1000' 250 gpm Credit gpm Total = 614 = Pumper (4" or 4½") outlet - - - - - - - - - 1000 GPM Two or more hose (2½") outlets only - - - 750 GPM One hose (2½") outlet only - - - - - - - - - 500 GPM If the building has not been surveyed on the SCOPES: Fire area considered: Basement? If yes, used? Construction Class 4 Yes Yes Class of Floor Openings Ground Floor Area 2nd Floor Area 3rd Floor & above 12083 12083 48333 Effective Area 42291 Edition 2: 5/01/02 Number of Stories H.F. Robinson Admin. Bldg. No No X X u/p 6 © ISO Properties, Inc., 2001 INSURANCE SERVICES OFFICE, INC. NEEDED FIRE FLOW 300 Date May-2006 Community Building County Fire Flow Number Western Carolina University University Bookstore PFX Low # High # State Dist Area Risk I.D. Dir. NC Thoroughfare Name Type Address Nearest 2 Intersecting Sts. Occupancy Non MFG - PAPER AND PAPER PRODUCTS: Paper in rolls, Books, Greeting Cards, Maps, Sheet Music, Stationery Height-Stories 2 Effective Area* 17,640 Const. Class 4 From Table (Ci) Sq. ft.; Occupancy factor (Oi) 3 Occupancy (Building) Combustibility Factor 2000 Factor for Exposure (Xi): 1 Factor for Communication (Pi): X 0.0007 = Xi = X 330A Non Chargeable Communication charge from SCOPES = Pi = 0.0 Exposures (Xi) and Communication (Pi) Factors: 310 Wood Shakes Present X 320 Non Chargeable Exposure Charge from SCOPES = 2000 gpm 310 1 320 X 1 1 330 + ** = 340 330B 330 2000 (check for Yes - adds 500 gpm when the roof has a wood shingle covering) NEEDED FIRE FLOW (NFFi) = 2000 gpm 340 Comments: NFF Batch Report Residential Manual Override Hydrant Distribution total - 614 = * If the building has not been surveyed on SCOPES, use the other side. Edition 2: 5/01/02 University Bookstore © ISO Properties, Inc., 2001 INSURANCE SERVICES OFFICE, INC. EVALUATION OF HYDRANT DISTRIBUTION HDi Large Diameter Hose credited: Hydrant Distribution Adequate: No. Outlets Hydrant Location 4 or 4½ * *Max Credit gpm 2½ 0' - 300' 1000 gpm Distance 301' - 600' 670 gpm 601' - 1000' 250 gpm Credit gpm Total = 614 = Pumper (4" or 4½") outlet - - - - - - - - - 1000 GPM Two or more hose (2½") outlets only - - - 750 GPM One hose (2½") outlet only - - - - - - - - - 500 GPM If the building has not been surveyed on the SCOPES: Fire area considered: Basement? If yes, used? Construction Class 4 Yes Yes Class of Floor Openings Ground Floor Area 2nd Floor Area 3rd Floor & above 11760 11760 Effective Area 17640 Edition 2: 5/01/02 Number of Stories University Bookstore No No X X u/p 2 © ISO Properties, Inc., 2001 INSURANCE SERVICES OFFICE, INC. NEEDED FIRE FLOW 300 Date May-2006 Community Building County Fire Flow Number Western Carolina University NCCAT Core PFX Low # High # State Dist Area Risk I.D. Dir. NC Thoroughfare Name Type Address Nearest 2 Intersecting Sts. Occupancy Non MFG - INSTITUTIONS: Educational Institutions maintaining academic curricula, Commercial Training Institutions, (Occupancies 526711 and 526722) Height-Stories 2 Effective Area* 34,125 Const. Class 4 From Table (Ci) 2750 gpm 310 Occupancy factor (Oi) 0.85 320 Sq. ft.; 2 Occupancy (Building) Combustibility Factor Factor for Exposure (Xi): X Non Chargeable Exposure Charge from SCOPES = Factor for Communication (Pi): X 0.0007 = Xi = X 0.0 330A 0.0 330B Non Chargeable Communication charge from SCOPES = Pi = Exposures (Xi) and Communication (Pi) Factors: 2750 310 Wood Shakes Present X 0.85 320 X 1 1 330 + ** = 340 330 2338 (check for Yes - adds 500 gpm when the roof has a wood shingle covering) NEEDED FIRE FLOW (NFFi) = 2250 gpm 340 Comments: NFF Batch Report Residential Manual Override Hydrant Distribution total - 614 = * If the building has not been surveyed on SCOPES, use the other side. Edition 2: 5/01/02 NCCAT Core © ISO Properties, Inc., 2001 INSURANCE SERVICES OFFICE, INC. EVALUATION OF HYDRANT DISTRIBUTION HDi Large Diameter Hose credited: Hydrant Distribution Adequate: No. Outlets Hydrant Location 4 or 4½ * *Max Credit gpm 2½ 0' - 300' 1000 gpm Distance 301' - 600' 670 gpm 601' - 1000' 250 gpm Credit gpm Total = 614 = Pumper (4" or 4½") outlet - - - - - - - - - 1000 GPM Two or more hose (2½") outlets only - - - 750 GPM One hose (2½") outlet only - - - - - - - - - 500 GPM If the building has not been surveyed on the SCOPES: Fire area considered: Basement? If yes, used? Construction Class 4 Yes Yes Class of Floor Openings Ground Floor Area 2nd Floor Area 3rd Floor & above 22750 22750 Effective Area 34125 Edition 2: 5/01/02 Number of Stories NCCAT Core No No X X u/p 2 © ISO Properties, Inc., 2001 Scenario: WCU Current Campus Fire Flow Analysis Fire Flow Report Label Zone ADMIN Zone ALBRIGHT Zone BASEBALL No Fire BASEBALL TOILETS No Fire BELK ART No Fire BENTON Zone BIRD ALUMNI No Fire BIRD HEALTH Zone BOOKSTORE Zone BREESE GYM Zone BROWN CAFETERIA Zone BUCHANAN Zone C.A.T. Zone CENTRAL DRIVE RES Zone CHANCELLORS HOUS No Fire COULTER Zone DODSON CAFETERIA Zone DUGOUT 2 No Fire FACILITY APT. 6 No Fire FACULTY APT. 1 No Fire FACULTY APT. 2/3 No Fire FACULTY APT. 4 No Fire FACULTY APT. 5 No Fire FOOTBALL Zone FORSYTH No Fire GARAGE Zone GRAHAM BUILDING No Fire GREENHOUSE 1 Zone GREENHOUSE 2 Zone HARRILL 1 Zone HARRILL 2 Zone HELDER Zone HINDS 1 Zone HINDS 2 Zone HOEY 1 No Fire HOEY 2 Zone HYDRANT 1 Zone HYDRANT 2 Zone HYDRANT 3 Zone HYDRANT 4 Zone HYDRANT 6 Zone HYDRANT 7 Zone HYDRANT 9 Zone HYDRANT 10 Zone HYDRANT 12 Zone HYDRANT 13 Zone HYDRANT 14 Zone HYDRANT 15 Zone HYDRANT 16 Zone HYDRANT 17 Zone HYDRANT 18 Zone HYDRANT 20 Zone WCU Water Model Comm # 205204.00 July 2006 Needed Fire Flow (gpm) 500.000 500.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 500.000 10.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 10.000 500.000 500.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 500.000 10.000 500.000 10.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 10.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 Available Fire Flow (gpm) 1,171.089 2,933.849 123.703 285.716 412.734 2,279.736 50.809 2,267.037 1,487.020 1,586.948 2,742.289 3,253.480 1,435.131 768.823 47.805 973.581 766.349 80.005 202.467 180.102 214.965 281.553 467.100 1,065.499 185.542 1,919.240 212.880 763.663 703.445 1,520.297 889.097 2,350.303 725.703 1,603.379 68.422 2,210.596 3,117.249 2,479.564 2,279.391 1,623.234 2,093.868 3,253.462 2,771.838 2,984.404 2,322.257 1,528.547 2,920.402 2,264.494 2,267.394 1,573.448 1,239.248 1,452.996 © Bentley Systems, Inc. Total Flow Needed (gpm) 500.320 504.715 10.000 10.000 10.480 504.715 10.110 500.220 500.100 503.400 507.150 505.780 500.120 509.240 10.340 500.330 508.210 10.000 10.261 10.261 10.458 10.261 10.261 501.300 10.280 500.230 10.070 504.410 501.470 505.835 505.835 514.000 506.985 506.985 10.040 500.040 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 Total Flow Available (gpm) 1,171.409 2,938.564 123.703 285.716 413.214 2,284.451 50.919 2,267.257 1,487.120 1,590.348 2,749.439 3,259.260 1,435.251 778.063 48.145 973.911 774.559 80.005 202.728 180.364 215.423 281.814 467.361 1,066.799 185.822 1,919.470 212.950 768.073 704.915 1,526.132 894.932 2,364.303 732.688 1,610.364 68.462 2,210.636 3,117.249 2,479.564 2,279.391 1,623.234 2,093.868 3,253.462 2,771.838 2,984.404 2,322.257 1,528.547 2,920.402 2,264.494 2,267.394 1,573.448 1,239.248 1,452.996 Haestad Methods Solution Center Residual CalculatedCalculated Pressure Residual Minimum (psi) Pressure Zone (psi) Pressure (psi) 40.00 40.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 40.00 10.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 10.00 40.00 40.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 40.00 10.00 40.00 10.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 10.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.03 40.00 10.00 10.02 10.03 40.00 10.40 40.00 40.00 40.02 40.00 47.82 40.00 40.00 10.18 40.01 40.01 11.00 10.01 10.02 10.02 10.03 10.11 40.00 10.01 40.00 10.01 40.00 40.00 40.03 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.62 11.20 40.00 63.22 43.46 41.30 40.00 40.00 48.17 57.60 41.36 40.00 51.66 40.00 40.02 40.02 47.79 40.01 40.00 61.43 48.82 11.58 11.50 11.41 54.48 11.23 53.98 43.67 57.93 47.42 40.00 49.73 63.21 11.61 62.35 43.98 11.60 11.54 11.55 11.54 11.50 11.37 64.29 11.55 53.89 11.54 43.69 57.71 40.43 59.03 45.14 63.34 40.06 11.60 54.31 40.01 40.00 40.00 57.87 40.17 40.00 40.00 40.00 51.61 40.00 49.19 53.86 52.71 40.00 51.26 49.57 Watertown, CT 06795 USA Minimum Zone Junction Minimum System Junction HYDRANT 4 J-16 HYDRANT 4 J-16 J-16 J-16 J-16 J-16 J-16 J-16 HYDRANT 4 J-16 J-278 J-278 HYDRANT 4 J-16 J-205 J-16 HYDRANT 6 J-16 HYDRANT 6 J-16 HYDRANT 4 J-16 J-108 J-16 HYDRANT 4 J-16 J-16 J-16 HYDRANT 4 J-16 J-277 J-16 J-16 J-16 J-16 J-16 J-16 J-16 J-16 J-16 J-16 J-16 J-16 J-16 HYDRANT 4 J-16 J-16 J-16 HYDRANT 6 J-16 J-16 J-16 GREENHOUSE J-16 GREENHOUSE J-16 CENTRAL DRIVJ-16 CENTRAL DRIVJ-16 N2 J-16 HYDRANT 4 J-16 KILLIAN 1 J-16 J-16 J-16 HYDRANT 4 J-16 HYDRANT 4 J-16 WAREHOUSE J-16 WAREHOUSE J-16 J-9 J-16 J-19 J-16 HYDRANT 4 J-16 HYDRANT 6 J-16 HYDRANT 6 J-16 HYDRANT 6 J-16 CENTRAL DRIVJ-16 HYDRANT 4 J-16 HYDRANT 4 J-16 HYDRANT 6 J-16 HYDRANT 18 J-16 J-48 J-16 KILLIAN 1 J-16 Project Engineer: DENNIS KNIGHT WaterCAD v7.0 [] Page 1 of 6 +1-203-755-1666 Scenario: WCU Current Campus Fire Flow Analysis Fire Flow Report Label Zone HYDRANT 21 Zone HYDRANT 22 Zone HYDRANT 23 Zone HYDRANT 24 Zone HYDRANT 25 Zone HYDRANT 26 Zone HYDRANT 27 Zone HYDRANT 28 Zone HYDRANT 29 Zone HYDRANT 30 Zone HYDRANT 31 Zone HYDRANT 32 Zone HYDRANT C Zone IRRIGATION BASEBAL Zone IRRIGATION SOCCER No Fire J-1 Zone J-3 No Fire J-4 No Fire J-5 No Fire J-9 Zone J-10 Zone J-12 Zone J-14 Zone J-16 No Fire J-18 Zone J-19 Zone J-24 Zone J-27 Zone J-29 Zone J-30 Zone J-31 Zone J-32 Zone J-33 Zone J-37 Zone J-41 Zone J-42 Zone J-44 Zone J-48 Zone J-51 Zone J-52 Zone J-56 Zone J-59 Zone J-60 Zone J-61 Zone J-63 Zone J-64 Zone J-66 Zone J-67 Zone J-68 Zone J-69 Zone J-70 Zone J-71 Zone WCU Water Model Comm # 205204.00 July 2006 Needed Fire Flow (gpm) 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 10.000 500.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 10.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 Available Fire Flow (gpm) 562.598 682.751 461.510 2,625.702 2,978.561 1,645.991 1,298.536 2,656.638 1,546.858 1,733.469 1,101.313 1,758.290 961.131 699.576 176.298 3,033.708 1,612.046 71.982 56.338 3,138.824 3,215.105 3,826.104 4,585.258 1,612.026 1,359.245 1,704.065 2,771.792 3,100.963 3,097.974 3,084.446 2,975.486 2,927.509 2,927.497 2,973.839 1,836.346 1,645.036 1,516.245 1,021.466 2,563.095 2,648.455 2,833.903 3,768.459 3,874.900 4,005.885 3,768.465 3,768.384 3,685.801 3,498.960 3,442.242 3,351.246 3,166.871 3,082.291 © Bentley Systems, Inc. Total Flow Needed (gpm) 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 31.010 500.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 10.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 Total Flow Available (gpm) 562.598 682.751 461.510 2,625.702 2,978.561 1,645.991 1,298.536 2,656.638 1,546.858 1,733.469 1,101.313 1,758.290 961.131 699.576 197.308 3,033.708 1,612.046 71.982 56.338 3,138.824 3,215.105 3,826.104 4,585.258 1,612.026 1,359.245 1,704.065 2,771.792 3,100.963 3,097.974 3,084.446 2,975.486 2,927.509 2,927.497 2,973.839 1,836.346 1,645.036 1,516.245 1,021.466 2,563.095 2,648.455 2,833.903 3,768.459 3,874.900 4,005.885 3,768.465 3,768.384 3,685.801 3,498.960 3,442.242 3,351.246 3,166.871 3,082.291 Haestad Methods Solution Center Residual CalculatedCalculated Pressure Residual Minimum (psi) Pressure Zone (psi) Pressure (psi) 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 10.00 40.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 10.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.01 40.00 40.00 49.59 50.59 40.03 40.87 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.02 40.00 40.00 10.00 41.73 52.37 11.47 12.06 40.84 48.63 80.67 91.86 10.00 40.00 40.00 49.31 67.54 65.63 67.14 82.30 70.70 61.93 53.90 50.38 48.65 46.92 40.01 40.00 40.00 45.19 65.22 78.30 72.66 61.38 47.12 41.34 43.05 44.77 44.35 47.79 47.78 57.58 40.01 58.41 51.28 40.00 40.00 45.28 40.00 41.59 45.20 62.58 44.73 40.10 64.69 11.56 40.00 10.00 10.60 11.20 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 50.52 46.92 40.42 40.00 40.01 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 44.50 47.79 44.33 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 Watertown, CT 06795 USA Minimum Zone Junction Minimum System Junction J-251 J-16 J-277 J-16 N4 J-16 HYDRANT 4 J-16 J-195 J-16 J-195 J-16 J-176 J-16 J-168 J-16 OUTREACH 1 J-16 J-151 J-16 J-313 J-16 J-131 J-16 J-G-211 J-16 HYDRANT 4 J-16 J-16 J-16 HYDRANT 4 J-16 J-16 J-16 CHANCELLORSCHANCE CHANCELLORSCHANCE HYDRANT 4 J-16 HYDRANT 4 J-16 HYDRANT 4 J-16 HYDRANT 4 J-16 CHANCELLORSCHANCE TRIPLEX APAR J-16 J-18 J-16 HYDRANT 6 J-16 HYDRANT 4 J-16 HYDRANT 6 J-16 HYDRANT 6 J-16 HYDRANT 6 J-16 HYDRANT 6 J-16 HYDRANT 6 J-16 MOORE BUILD J-16 HYDRANT 18 J-16 HYDRANT 18 J-16 HYDRANT 18 J-16 NATURAL SCIEJ-16 STILLWELL J-16 HYDRANT 15 J-16 BIRD HEALTH J-16 HYDRANT 6 J-16 HYDRANT 6 J-16 HYDRANT 4 J-16 HYDRANT 6 J-16 HYDRANT 6 J-16 KILLIAN 1 J-16 KILLIAN 1 J-16 KILLIAN 1 J-16 BOOKSTORE J-16 BOOKSTORE J-16 BOOKSTORE J-16 Project Engineer: DENNIS KNIGHT WaterCAD v7.0 [] Page 2 of 6 +1-203-755-1666 Scenario: WCU Current Campus Fire Flow Analysis Fire Flow Report Label J-72 J-73 J-74 J-75 J-77 J-78 J-79 J-84 J-86 J-88 J-91 J-93 J-103 J-104 J-105 J-106 J-107 J-108 J-112 J-113 J-120 J-127 J-128 J-131 J-134 J-136 J-137 J-138 J-141 J-144 J-146 J-151 J-154 J-155 J-158 J-159 J-160 J-166 J-167 J-168 J-176 J-181 J-183 J-187 J-190 J-191 J-195 J-203 J-205 J-206 J-207 J-208 WCU Water Model Comm # 205204.00 July 2006 Zone Needed Fire Flow (gpm) Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone No Fire Zone Zone Zone No Fire No Fire No Fire Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 10.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 Available Fire Flow (gpm) 2,997.654 2,990.036 2,990.036 2,990.037 1,739.326 1,645.982 1,645.985 2,063.167 1,604.009 1,573.005 1,499.195 1,311.281 2,734.886 2,119.436 1,649.441 1,634.771 1,505.888 1,474.901 2,459.995 1,954.675 2,653.273 2,045.841 1,963.615 1,794.948 1,181.588 1,075.282 900.253 778.853 897.258 742.383 131.510 1,781.109 2,449.240 1,559.329 538.738 300.265 230.139 2,402.139 1,135.754 794.492 1,334.876 1,419.934 1,664.752 1,722.722 1,033.306 855.987 731.732 1,750.963 1,505.695 1,433.187 1,376.474 1,185.348 © Bentley Systems, Inc. Total Flow Needed (gpm) 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 10.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 Total Flow Available (gpm) 2,997.654 2,990.036 2,990.036 2,990.037 1,739.326 1,645.982 1,645.985 2,063.167 1,604.009 1,573.005 1,499.195 1,311.281 2,734.886 2,119.436 1,649.441 1,634.771 1,505.888 1,474.901 2,459.995 1,954.675 2,653.273 2,045.841 1,963.615 1,794.948 1,181.588 1,075.282 900.253 778.853 897.258 742.383 131.510 1,781.109 2,449.240 1,559.329 538.738 300.265 230.139 2,402.139 1,135.754 794.492 1,334.876 1,419.934 1,664.752 1,722.722 1,033.306 855.987 731.732 1,750.963 1,505.695 1,433.187 1,376.474 1,185.348 Haestad Methods Solution Center Residual CalculatedCalculated Pressure Residual Minimum (psi) Pressure Zone (psi) Pressure (psi) 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 10.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 50.36 51.23 50.92 49.99 53.87 55.60 53.22 45.63 42.16 42.16 40.49 40.00 40.00 41.77 40.06 40.07 44.41 44.41 40.00 40.90 40.00 44.34 42.62 41.37 40.01 40.01 40.00 40.00 41.05 40.00 10.00 40.00 41.73 40.00 10.00 10.09 10.04 41.73 40.95 40.00 40.06 40.00 44.33 40.00 66.83 43.46 40.01 46.03 41.73 40.11 40.02 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.06 40.00 40.00 40.04 52.68 52.46 40.08 40.08 43.45 40.03 40.25 40.02 40.03 40.07 42.60 41.73 51.25 40.00 40.18 64.65 10.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 10.00 10.09 11.53 40.00 40.08 63.08 42.66 40.87 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 63.32 40.00 40.00 40.08 40.00 40.00 Watertown, CT 06795 USA Minimum Zone Junction Minimum System Junction BOOKSTORE J-16 BOOKSTORE J-16 BOOKSTORE J-16 BOOKSTORE J-16 J-195 J-16 J-195 J-16 J-195 J-16 KILLIAN 1 J-16 KILLIAN 1 J-16 KILLIAN 1 J-16 KILLIAN 1 J-16 KILLIAN 2 J-16 J-112 J-16 J-105 J-16 J-304 J-16 J-296 J-16 C.A.T. J-16 C.A.T. J-16 J-134 J-16 J-134 J-16 J-168 J-16 FOOTBALL J-16 FOOTBALL J-16 HYDRANT 32 J-16 J-136 J-16 J-137 J-16 GREENHOUSE J-16 GREENHOUSE J-16 IRRIGATION BAJ-16 HYDRANT 4 J-16 BASEBALL BASEBA HYDRANT 30 J-16 J-168 J-16 OUTREACH 1 J-16 J-160 J-160 J-160 J-160 J-16 J-16 J-168 J-16 J-168 J-16 HYDRANT 4 J-16 HYDRANT 27 J-16 ADMIN J-16 SCOTT 1 J-16 WALKER 2 J-16 J-195 J-16 J-195 J-16 HYDRANT 4 J-16 BOOKSTORE J-16 BOOKSTORE J-16 J-208 J-16 J-208 J-16 J-292 J-16 Project Engineer: DENNIS KNIGHT WaterCAD v7.0 [] Page 3 of 6 +1-203-755-1666 Scenario: WCU Current Campus Fire Flow Analysis Fire Flow Report Label J-209 J-210 J-247 J-249 J-250 J-251 J-254 J-256 J-257 J-258 J-259 J-261 J-264 J-266 J-267 J-270 J-272 J-273 J-274 J-275 J-276 J-277 J-278 J-280 J-281 J-282 J-283 J-284 J-285 J-286 J-287 J-288 J-289 J-291 J-292 J-293 J-294 J-295 J-296 J-297 J-298 J-299 J-300 J-301 J-302 J-303 J-304 J-305 J-309 J-310 J-311 J-312 WCU Water Model Comm # 205204.00 July 2006 Zone Needed Fire Flow (gpm) Zone Zone No Fire Zone Zone Zone No Fire Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone No Fire No Fire No Fire No Fire Zone No Fire Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone No Fire Zone No Fire Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone No Fire No Fire 500.000 500.000 10.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 10.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 500.000 10.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 10.000 500.000 10.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 10.000 10.000 Available Fire Flow (gpm) 1,102.388 1,011.132 460.063 822.416 2,022.625 633.143 451.007 3,875.738 3,881.821 3,914.619 3,963.399 3,872.639 1,528.523 1,528.546 1,528.550 1,218.736 2,660.541 125.211 62.237 55.680 50.427 673.908 48.388 3,306.659 2,293.400 3,158.550 2,480.999 2,246.447 2,138.261 2,258.283 2,348.131 1,988.782 1,552.449 2,019.985 1,140.668 2,500.626 2,750.705 2,811.929 1,748.254 1,567.292 431.256 793.676 225.768 1,479.608 772.627 771.991 1,768.862 1,357.336 1,065.088 3,061.247 363.514 335.480 © Bentley Systems, Inc. Total Flow Needed (gpm) 500.000 500.000 10.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 10.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 500.000 10.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 10.000 500.000 10.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 10.000 10.000 Total Flow Available (gpm) 1,102.388 1,011.132 460.063 822.416 2,022.625 633.143 451.007 3,875.738 3,881.821 3,914.619 3,963.399 3,872.639 1,528.523 1,528.546 1,528.550 1,218.736 2,660.541 125.211 62.237 55.680 50.427 673.908 48.388 3,306.659 2,293.400 3,158.550 2,480.999 2,246.447 2,138.261 2,258.283 2,348.131 1,988.782 1,552.449 2,019.985 1,140.668 2,500.626 2,750.705 2,811.929 1,748.254 1,567.292 431.256 793.676 225.768 1,479.608 772.627 771.991 1,768.862 1,357.336 1,065.088 3,061.247 363.514 335.480 Haestad Methods Solution Center Residual CalculatedCalculated Pressure Residual Minimum (psi) Pressure Zone (psi) Pressure (psi) 40.00 40.00 10.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 10.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 40.00 10.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 10.00 40.00 10.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 10.00 10.00 41.75 40.00 10.02 40.01 46.06 41.01 10.00 78.44 68.58 50.67 57.89 40.00 61.65 50.58 42.86 57.31 40.00 19.22 13.77 16.66 14.08 40.01 10.00 48.23 40.00 52.31 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 42.60 41.73 40.28 40.00 40.00 47.58 40.01 55.13 40.01 40.00 10.00 40.00 10.07 40.05 40.00 40.59 40.01 40.00 66.83 72.47 10.00 10.00 40.00 49.06 11.38 62.98 40.00 40.14 10.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.37 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 46.05 10.57 11.17 11.61 11.61 42.15 11.61 40.00 49.83 40.00 48.61 42.76 52.91 42.24 40.00 40.00 40.07 48.48 46.07 40.00 50.15 40.00 40.01 40.00 11.40 40.00 10.07 50.21 41.70 40.06 40.01 48.54 40.00 40.01 10.00 11.47 Watertown, CT 06795 USA Minimum Zone Junction Minimum System Junction J-210 J-16 J-G-211 J-16 J-16 J-16 HYDRANT 4 J-16 HYDRANT 21 J-16 HYDRANT 21 J-16 HOEY 1 HOEY 1 HYDRANT 4 J-16 CENTRAL DRIVJ-16 HYDRANT 4 J-16 HYDRANT 4 J-16 HYDRANT 4 J-16 CENTRAL DRIVJ-16 CENTRAL DRIVJ-16 CENTRAL DRIVJ-16 CENTRAL DRIVJ-16 HYDRANT 4 J-16 J-278 J-278 J-278 J-278 J-16 J-16 J-16 J-16 HYDRANT 22 J-16 J-16 J-16 HYDRANT 6 J-16 HYDRANT 6 J-16 HYDRANT 6 J-16 HYDRANT 6 J-16 J-286 J-16 HYDRANT 4 J-16 J-284 J-16 MOORE BUILD J-16 MOORE BUILD J-16 KILLIAN 1 J-16 J-286 J-16 J-208 J-16 MOORE BUILD J-16 HYDRANT 4 J-16 HYDRANT 6 J-16 J-106 J-16 J-181 J-16 J-16 J-16 N9 J-16 FACULTY APT. FACULTY J-181 J-16 J-299 J-16 J-302 J-16 J-105 J-16 J-292 J-16 J-195 J-16 HYDRANT 4 J-16 J-312 J-312 J-16 J-16 Project Engineer: DENNIS KNIGHT WaterCAD v7.0 [] Page 4 of 6 +1-203-755-1666 Scenario: WCU Current Campus Fire Flow Analysis Fire Flow Report Label Zone J-313 Zone J-317 Zone J-323 Zone J-G-211 Zone J-G-212 Zone J-G-213 Zone J-G-214 Zone J-G-217 Zone J-G-218 Zone J-G-219 Zone J-G-220 Zone J-G-221 Zone J-G-222 Zone J-G-223 Zone J-G-224 Zone J-G-225 Zone J-G-226 Zone J-G-307 Zone JENKINS No Fire JP FIELD HOUSE No Fire KILLIAN 1 Zone KILLIAN 2 Zone LEATHERWOOD RES No Fire LIBRARY 1 Zone LIBRARY 2 Zone MADISON HALL Zone MAINTENANCE Zone MCKEE Zone MOORE BUILDIONG Zone N1 Zone N2 Zone N3 Zone N4 Zone N5 Zone N6 Zone N7 Zone N8 Zone N9 Zone N10 Zone N11 Zone N12 Zone N13 Zone NATURAL SCIENCES Zone NCCAT Zone NCCAT 1 No Fire NCCAT 2 No Fire NORTON HALL Zone OLD STUDENT UNION Zone OUTREACH 1 Zone OUTREACH 2 No Fire OUTREACH ANNEX No Fire PERFORMING ARTS CZone WCU Water Model Comm # 205204.00 July 2006 Needed Fire Flow (gpm) 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 10.000 10.000 500.000 500.000 10.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 10.000 10.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 10.000 10.000 500.000 Available Fire Flow (gpm) 1,264.632 1,049.561 1,241.698 961.664 959.744 916.628 888.653 871.672 852.458 845.019 824.198 821.496 819.756 820.013 821.078 826.139 832.990 826.567 98.966 357.808 720.254 1,288.266 493.791 894.263 2,245.708 1,960.597 3,084.429 2,253.268 1,902.883 1,243.138 2,423.012 785.344 520.714 2,997.675 1,634.979 3,226.761 3,670.068 759.810 2,523.321 1,039.193 0.000 2,478.499 1,001.620 855.579 338.551 471.664 961.033 2,352.473 1,373.936 671.273 226.911 2,621.039 © Bentley Systems, Inc. Total Flow Needed (gpm) 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 10.100 10.300 500.070 500.070 25.130 500.345 500.345 501.580 500.230 500.220 500.250 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.320 501.100 10.440 10.490 505.460 500.010 500.483 10.483 10.483 503.340 Total Flow Available (gpm) 1,264.632 1,049.561 1,241.698 961.664 959.744 916.628 888.653 871.672 852.458 845.019 824.198 821.496 819.756 820.013 821.078 826.139 832.990 826.567 99.066 358.108 720.324 1,288.336 508.921 894.608 2,246.053 1,962.177 3,084.659 2,253.488 1,903.133 1,243.138 2,423.012 785.344 520.714 2,997.675 1,634.979 3,226.761 3,670.068 759.810 2,523.321 1,039.193 0.000 2,478.499 1,001.940 856.679 338.991 472.154 966.493 2,352.483 1,374.419 671.756 227.395 2,624.378 Haestad Methods Solution Center Residual CalculatedCalculated Pressure Residual Minimum (psi) Pressure Zone (psi) Pressure (psi) 40.00 40.00 40.00 55.58 40.00 65.53 40.00 40.00 40.00 46.95 40.00 50.40 40.00 52.99 40.00 53.85 40.00 53.85 40.00 53.85 40.00 40.05 40.00 40.05 40.00 40.05 40.00 40.05 40.00 40.05 40.00 40.05 40.00 40.05 40.00 52.81 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.01 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 10.00 10.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 60.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.03 40.00 40.00 40.00 55.87 40.00 45.20 40.00 51.63 40.00 79.32 40.00 40.00 40.00 50.38 40.00 41.79 40.00 1,057.63 40.00 41.73 40.00 40.00 40.00 42.95 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 40.00 42.23 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.04 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 41.30 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.55 40.05 40.05 40.69 40.05 40.05 40.34 40.00 11.59 11.45 63.36 42.67 11.35 62.51 52.94 52.12 40.00 54.09 45.17 43.13 40.00 40.01 42.56 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 42.71 40.00 40.06 65.14 40.00 45.76 40.08 11.46 11.37 40.02 47.16 60.36 11.21 11.53 51.32 Watertown, CT 06795 USA Minimum Zone Junction Minimum System Junction N1 J-16 CENTRAL DRIVJ-16 J-195 J-16 HYDRANT C J-16 VILLAGE 114 J-16 VILLAGE 114 J-16 VILLAGE 114 J-16 VILLAGE 114 J-16 VILLAGE 114 J-16 VILLAGE 114 J-16 VILLAGE 112 J-16 VILLAGE 112 J-16 VILLAGE 114 J-16 VILLAGE 114 J-16 VILLAGE 116 J-16 VILLAGE 118 J-16 VILLAGE 118 J-16 J-G-220 J-16 J-16 J-16 J-16 J-16 HYDRANT 4 J-16 J-93 J-16 J-16 J-16 HYDRANT 4 J-16 HYDRANT 6 J-16 HYDRANT 6 J-16 HYDRANT 6 J-16 HYDRANT 4 J-16 J-288 J-16 J-313 J-16 HELDER J-16 HYDRANT 22 J-16 HYDRANT 23 J-16 BOOKSTORE J-16 BOOKSTORE J-16 HYDRANT 6 J-16 HYDRANT 4 J-16 J-299 J-16 HYDRANT 18 J-16 J-48 J-16 HYDRANT 4 J-16 J-168 J-16 J-48 J-16 J-195 J-16 J-16 J-16 J-16 J-16 HYDRANT C J-16 HYDRANT 6 J-16 HYDRANT 4 J-16 J-16 J-16 J-16 J-16 HYDRANT 4 J-16 Project Engineer: DENNIS KNIGHT WaterCAD v7.0 [] Page 5 of 6 +1-203-755-1666 Scenario: WCU Current Campus Fire Flow Analysis Fire Flow Report Label Zone PRINT SHOP Zone RAMSEY CENTER Zone REID GYM 1 No Fire REID GYM 2 No Fire REYNOLDS 1 No Fire REYNOLDS 2 No Fire ROBERTSON No Fire SCOTT 1 Zone SCOTT 2 Zone SCOTT 3 Zone STEAM PLANT Zone STILLWELL Zone TRIPLEX APARTMENT Zone VILLAGE 101-A Zone VILLAGE 101-B Zone VILLAGE 104 Zone VILLAGE 106 Zone VILLAGE 112 Zone VILLAGE 114 Zone VILLAGE 116 Zone VILLAGE 118 Zone WALKER 1 Zone WALKER 2 Zone WAREHOUSE Zone WATER PLANT Zone WCU Water Model Comm # 205204.00 July 2006 Needed Fire Flow (gpm) 500.000 500.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 500.000 Available Fire Flow (gpm) 1,101.864 1,698.052 236.184 481.441 632.877 767.803 627.399 1,432.116 832.427 1,604.859 2,962.807 2,209.183 1,044.595 888.657 871.672 852.462 826.569 816.143 814.550 815.396 814.995 1,290.954 1,669.192 2,036.387 3,061.385 © Bentley Systems, Inc. Total Flow Needed (gpm) 500.020 507.780 18.230 18.230 14.130 14.130 13.380 510.083 510.083 510.083 530.530 500.470 500.712 503.147 503.147 503.147 503.147 503.147 503.147 503.147 503.147 506.785 506.785 501.010 508.680 Total Flow Available (gpm) 1,101.884 1,705.832 244.414 489.671 637.007 771.933 630.779 1,442.199 842.510 1,614.942 2,993.337 2,209.654 1,045.307 891.805 874.820 855.610 829.717 819.290 817.697 818.543 818.143 1,297.739 1,675.977 2,037.397 3,070.065 Haestad Methods Solution Center Residual CalculatedCalculated Pressure Residual Minimum (psi) Pressure Zone (psi) Pressure (psi) 40.00 40.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.12 40.00 10.02 10.20 10.00 10.00 10.00 40.00 40.01 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.01 46.89 47.12 46.23 47.19 40.04 40.04 40.04 40.04 40.00 40.00 40.00 66.99 40.08 48.83 11.52 11.36 11.24 11.11 11.24 60.04 62.94 46.33 42.52 54.08 41.74 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 41.25 41.22 41.32 42.53 60.81 45.70 51.04 40.01 Watertown, CT 06795 USA Minimum Zone Junction J-210 HYDRANT 32 J-16 J-16 J-16 J-16 J-16 HYDRANT 4 HYDRANT 4 SCOTT 1 HYDRANT 6 HYDRANT 6 N9 VILLAGE 114 VILLAGE 114 VILLAGE 114 J-G-220 J-G-221 J-G-222 J-G-224 J-G-225 HYDRANT 4 J-187 HYDRANT 3 HYDRANT 4 Minimum System Junction J-16 J-16 J-16 J-16 J-16 J-16 J-16 J-16 J-16 J-16 J-16 J-16 J-16 J-16 J-16 J-16 J-16 J-16 J-16 J-16 J-16 J-16 J-16 J-16 J-16 Project Engineer: DENNIS KNIGHT WaterCAD v7.0 [] Page 6 of 6 +1-203-755-1666 Western Carolina University Water System Recommendations - Preliminary Opinion of Probable Costs No. Unit Unit Price Quantity Total Near-Term 1. Raw Water Intake – add electrical quick-connect receptacle/trasfer switch Description LS $8,500.00 1 $8,500 $8,500 2. Raw Water Intake – replace raw water pumps No. 1 and 3 EA $31,000.00 2 $62,000 $62,000 3. Raw Water Mixing – replace flash mixer motor/drive unit LS $9,500.00 1 $9,500 $9,500 4. Raw Water Mixing – replace wooden baffles Long-Term SF $17.00 680 $11,560 $11,560 5a. Sedimentation – concrete repair - linear crack grout injection LF $225.00 100 $22,500 $22,500 5b. Sedimentation – concrete repair - wall top weathering concrete cap patching LF $95.00 100 $9,500 6. Sedimentation – add handrail kickplate - 4" tall, 1/4" thick LF $17.00 650 $11,050 7. Sedimentation – replace basin ladders with aluminum VF $130.00 84 $10,920 $10,920 8. Chlorine Feed – replace cylinder scale (digital, 1000# platform) LS $11,800.00 1 $11,800 $11,800 9. Soda Ash – Alt 1. replace dry feed system (elevator + 2 solution tank feeders) LS $146,600.00 1 $146,600 $146,600 10. Wastewater – negotiate with TWSA $9,500 $11,050 See Note 3 See Note 3 11a. Plant Pumps – replace finished water pumps No. 1, 3, & 4 with 700-gpm pumps EA $35,300.00 3 $105,900 $105,900 11b. Plant Pumps – repipe and replace finished water pump No. 2 with backwash pump EA $67,100.00 1 $67,100 $67,100 12a. General Building Improv. – HVAC LS $50,000.00 1 $50,000 $50,000 12b. General Building Improv. – lab LS $71,500.00 1 $71,500 $71,500 12c. General Building Improv. – glass partition SF $60.00 966 $57,960 $57,960 12d. General Building Improv. – security LS $25,000.00 1 $25,000 $25,000 13. Water storage – detailed inspection of 200,000-gal tank LS $35,000.00 1 $35,000 14. Water Storage – repair roof 1.0-mg tank with EPDM membrane LS $154,000.00 1 $154,000 $154,000 15. Water Storage – 1.0 mg clearwell inlet valve and operator LS $7,200.00 1 $7,200 $7,200 $35,000 16. Distribution – sprinkler systems during renovations See Note 2 See Note 2 17. Distribution – service lines during renovations See Note 2 See Note 2 $291,725 18a. Distribution – replace small mains during renovations with 6-inch diameter pipe LF $175.00 1667 $291,725 18b. Distribution – 8" water lines - Joyner Plaza LF $200.00 1000 $200,000 19. Distribution - service line replacement LF $175.00 800 $140,000 20a. Distribution – 8" water line loop - Village to NCCAT LF $200.00 1240 $248,000 20b. Distribution – 8" water line loop - Outreach Center to Ramsey LF $200.00 1730 $346,000 $346,000 20c. Distribution – 8" water line loop - Ramsey to Centennial Drive LF $200.00 1140 $228,000 $228,000 20d. Distribution – 8" water line loop - Memorial Drive LF $200.00 1290 $258,000 $258,000 20e. Distribution – 8" water line extension to new steam plant site LF $200.00 950 $190,000 $190,000 21. Distribution – irrigation water source development LS $1,285,000.00 1 $1,285,000 $1,285,000 Totals $4,064,315 Note 1: Total cost for individual item shown in the above table include 40% markup for engineering and contingencies. Note 2: Implementation of this recommendation is currently underway by WCU staff. Therefore, a cost estimate has not been prepared for this item. Note 3: The cost of this item will be determined by the cost of service from TWSA and will be based on negotiations with TWSA. Therefore, a cost estimate has not been prepared of this item. $200,000 $140,000 $248,000 $734,570 $3,329,745 1 Present Western Carolina Steam.txt *** STEAM2000 *** STEAM DISTRIBUTION NETWORK ANALYSIS VERSION 2.0 - June 1999 COPYRIGHT - J. E. FUNK, D. J. WOOD, 1999 1 Present Western Carolina Steam INPUT DATA FILE NAME FOR THIS CASE = P:\2005PR~1\205204~1\CALCUL~1\Mech\PIPE20~1\Runs\1_Presen.DAT OUTPUT FILE NAME FOR THIS CASE = P:\2005PR~1\205204~1\CALCUL~1\Mech\PIPE20~1\Runs\1_Presen.OT2 DATE FOR THIS COMPUTER RUN - 06-23-2006 NUMBER OF PIPES = 76 NUMBER OF JUNCTION NODES = 75 STEAM CONDITIONS - SATURATED VAPOR SPECIFIED STEAM LOAD UNITS = LB/HR GLOBAL LOAD FACTOR = 0.8 ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE = 14.7 PSIA REFERENCE PRESSURE = 125 PSIG REFERENCE DENSITY = 0.314 LB/ft^3 **** SUMMARY OF INPUT DATA *** ______________________________________________________________ PIPE NODE NODE LENGTH DIAM. ROUGHNESS SUM-M NO. #1 #2 (feet) (in.) (millifeet) FACT. ______________________________________________________________ P-1 J-4 J-1 355 6.065 1 0 P-10 J-12 J-10 483 8.071 1 0 P-11 J-14 J-12 15 8.071 1 0 P-12 J-12 J-13 260 5.047 1 0 P-13 J-14 J-11 163 3.068 1 0 P-14 J-15 J-14 176 8.071 1 0 P-15 O-RV-1 J-22 139 4.026 1 0 P-16 O-RV-2 J-4 997 8.071 1 0 P-17 J-19 J-21 57 4.026 1 0 P-18 J-35 J-28 176 8.071 1 0 P-19 J-23 J-24 318 4.026 1 0 P-2 J-4 J-3 13 4.026 1 0 P-20 J-23 J-20 207 3.068 1 0 P-21 J-22 J-23 339 4.026 1 0 P-22 J-25 J-35 162 8.071 1 0 P-23 J-28 J-27 53 6.065 1 0 P-24 J-28 J-30 266 8.071 1 0 P-25 J-30 J-69 131 4.026 1 0 P-26 J-30 J-32 227 8.071 1 0 P-27 J-32 J-45 208 8.071 1 0 P-28 J-32 J-33 216 8.071 1 0 P-29 J-33 J-34 68 3.068 1 0 P-3 J-4 J-2 204 4.026 1 0 P-30 J-33 J-39 761 8.071 1 0 P-31 J-36 J-40 321 4.026 1 0 P-32 J-35 J-18 27 3.068 1 0 P-33 J-30 J-37 190 3.068 1 0 P-34 J-39 J-49 227 6.065 1 0 P-35 J-39 J-36 157 6.065 1 0 P-36 J-39 J-41 227 8.071 1 0 P-37 J-36 J-42 201 4.026 1 0 Page 1 P-38 P-39 P-4 P-40 P-41 P-42 P-43 P-44 P-45 P-46 P-47 P-48 P-49 P-5 P-50 P-51 P-52 P-53 P-54 P-55 P-56 P-57 P-58 P-59 P-6 P-60 P-61 P-62 P-63 P-64 P-65 P-66 P-67 P-68 P-69 P-7 P-70 P-71 P-72 P-73 P-8 P-9 J-41 J-44 J-16 J-44 J-45 J-46 J-47 J-47 J-49 J-49 J-20 J-51 J-51 J-8 J-52 J-55 J-55 J-46 J-38 J-38 J-58 J-58 J-61 J-61 J-9 Stm Plt Stm Plt Stm Plt Stm Plt J-6 J-16 J-62 J-62 J-64 J-64 J-8 J-67 J-67 J-69 Stm Plt J-10 J-10 J-47 J-43 J-6 J-55 J-31 J-53 J-44 J-9 J-52 J-67 J-26 J-54 J-46 J-64 J-38 J-45 J-56 J-48 J-61 J-58 J-59 J-60 J-57 J-63 J-50 J-25 J-19 J-15 I-RV-1 I-RV-2 J-62 J-17 J-65 J-5 J-66 J-16 J-51 J-68 J-29 J-71 J-8 J-7 1 Present 116 14 225 661 232 169 240 103 162 209 181 415 448 410 458 215 88 13 267 286 19 136 349 450 18 81 45 103 81 4 381 119 852 99 125 278 119 56 208 22 181 46 Western Carolina Steam.txt 8.071 1 0 4.026 1 0 6.065 1 0 6.065 1 0 3.068 1 0 5.047 1 0 6.065 1 0 6.065 1 0 6.065 1 0 6.065 1 0 1.61 1 0 5.047 1 0 5.047 1 0 4.026 1 0 6.065 1 0 8.071 1 0 3.068 1 0 4.026 1 0 6.065 1 0 6.065 1 0 6.065 1 0 6.065 1 0 6.065 1 0 6.065 1 0 6.065 1 0 8.071 1 0 4.026 1 0 8.071 1 0 4.026 1 0 6.065 1 0 4.026 1 0 3.068 1 0 4.026 1 0 3.068 1 0 4.026 1 0 6.065 1 0 6.065 1 0 4.026 1 0 4.026 1 0 6.065 1 0 8.071 1 0 3.068 1 0 _____________________________________________________________ Junction Node Title Load FPN-Pres. Node No. ( LB/HR ) (psig) _____________________________________________________________ J-1 Harrill Residence Hall 3497 J-10 0 J-11 Madison Residence Hall 1269 J-12 0 J-13 Moore Building 3017 J-14 0 J-15 0 J-16 0 J-17 Buchanan Residence Hall 2125 J-18 Church 1373 J-19 0 J-2 Albright-Benton Residence Hall 2321 J-20 0 J-21 Grounds Maint/Paint Shop Page 2 J-22 J-23 J-24 J-25 J-26 J-27 J-28 J-29 J-3 J-30 J-31 J-32 J-33 J-34 J-35 J-36 J-37 J-38 J-39 J-4 J-40 J-41 J-42 J-43 J-44 J-45 J-46 J-47 J-48 J-49 J-5 J-50 J-51 J-52 J-53 J-54 J-55 J-56 J-57 J-58 J-59 J-6 J-60 J-61 J-62 J-63 J-64 J-65 J-66 J-67 J-68 J-69 J-7 J-71 J-8 J-9 I-RV-1 1 Present Western Carolina Steam.txt 2096 0 0 Hoey Auditorium 1112 0 Graham Bldg 644 Hunter Library 7507 0 Natural Science Building 3708 Alright-Benton Residence Hall 1 2321 0 Killian Annex 1557 0 0 McKee Building 2667 0 0 Bird Bldg 728 0 0 0 Coulter Building 3718 0 Forsyth Building 3183 Hinds University Center 2469 0 0 0 0 Leatherwood Residence Hall 4037 0 Robertson Residence Hall 1637 Reid Gym 6509 0 0 Belk Building 5453 Helder Residence Hall 4034 0 Killian Building 2657 Fine & Performing Arts 7905 0 Scott Residence Hall 7103 Brown Cafeteria 2507 Walker Residence Hall 3491 0 0 H.F. Robinson Admin Bldg 3612 0 300 Bed Residence 5697 Reynolds Residence Hall 2902 0 Dodson Cafeteria 3365 Stillwell Bldg 5762 Old Student Union 378 Plant Load 12541 0 0 0 Page 3 O-RV-2 Stm Plt O-RV-1 I-RV-2 1 Present Western Carolina Steam.txt 0 Steam Plant 0 120 0 0 THERE IS A PRV IN LINE RV-1 THERE IS A PRV IN LINE RV-2 U/S NODE = I-RV-1 U/S NODE = I-RV-2 SET PRESSURE = SET PRESSURE = 30 30 PSIG PSIG ================================================================================ **** THE RESULTS FOR THIS CASE FOLLOW **** Convergence Accuracy = 0 Pipe Results: ________________________________________________________________________________ PIPE NODE NODE FLOW LOSS VELOCITY DENSITY FRICTION AREA NO. #1 #2 (LB/HR) (PSI) (FT/S) (LB/CU FT) FACTOR RATIO ________________________________________________________________________________ P-1 J-4 J-1 2797.6 0.26 37.43 0.1 0.024 0.039 P-10 J-12 J-10 18708 1.21 48.88 0.29 0.021 0.05 P-11 J-14 J-12 21121.6 0.04 54.94 0.3 0.021 0.056 P-12 J-12 J-13 2413.6 0.13 16.05 0.3 0.025 0.016 P-13 J-14 J-11 1015.2 0.2 18.27 0.3 0.029 0.018 P-14 J-15 J-14 22136.8 0.61 57.45 0.3 0.021 0.059 P-15 O-RV-1 J-22 1404.8 0.22 41.85 0.1 0.027 0.044 P-16 O-RV-2 J-4 6511.2 0.88 48.61 0.1 0.022 0.051 P-17 J-19 J-21 1676.8 0.04 17.4 0.3 0.027 0.017 P-18 J-35 J-28 63572 5.53 178.4 0.27 0.021 0.183 P-19 J-23 J-24 889.6 0.21 26.93 0.1 0.027 0.028 P-2 J-4 J-3 1856.8 0.03 56.27 0.1 0.026 0.059 P-20 J-23 J-20 515.2 0.19 26.85 0.1 0.029 0.028 P-21 J-22 J-23 1404.8 0.55 42.19 0.1 0.027 0.044 P-22 J-25 J-35 64670.399 5.06 174.3 0.29 0.021 0.178 P-23 J-28 J-27 6005.6 0.06 30.28 0.27 0.023 0.031 P-24 J-28 J-30 57566.4 7.2 169.79 0.26 0.021 0.174 P-25 J-30 J-69 7576 2.46 93.04 0.25 0.026 0.096 P-26 J-30 J-32 49408 4.74 152.98 0.25 0.021 0.157 P-27 J-32 J-45 17524.978 0.55 55.26 0.24 0.022 0.057 P-28 J-32 J-33 31883.021 1.92 101.31 0.24 0.021 0.104 P-29 J-33 J-34 2133.6 0.45 47.32 0.24 0.028 0.049 P-3 J-4 J-2 1856.8 0.58 56.6 0.1 0.026 0.059 P-30 J-33 J-39 29749.421 6.11 97.99 0.23 0.021 0.101 P-31 J-36 J-40 2974.4 1.04 40.71 0.22 0.026 0.042 P-32 J-35 J-18 1098.4 0.04 20.73 0.28 0.029 0.021 P-33 J-30 J-37 582.4 0.09 12.16 0.25 0.029 0.012 P-34 J-39 J-49 31200 9.9 197.81 0.21 0.023 0.203 P-35 J-39 J-36 5520.8 0.2 33.09 0.23 0.023 0.034 P-36 J-39 J-41 -6971.379 0.1 -23.57 0.23 0.022 0.024 P-37 J-36 J-42 2546.4 0.48 34.76 0.23 0.026 0.036 P-38 J-41 J-47 -6971.379 0.05 -23.55 0.23 0.022 0.024 P-39 J-44 J-43 1975.199 0.01 26.43 0.23 0.026 0.027 P-4 J-16 J-6 8516.8 0.54 40.36 0.29 0.023 0.041 P-40 J-44 J-55 -14153.779 5.34 -81.58 0.24 0.023 0.084 P-41 J-45 J-31 1245.6 0.52 27.29 0.24 0.029 0.028 P-42 J-46 J-53 4362.4 0.42 44.41 0.19 0.025 0.046 P-43 J-47 J-44 -12178.579 1.48 -72.41 0.23 0.023 0.075 P-44 J-47 J-9 5207.199 0.11 31.15 0.23 0.023 0.032 Page 4 P-45 P-46 P-47 P-48 P-49 P-5 P-50 P-51 P-52 P-53 P-54 P-55 P-56 P-57 P-58 P-59 P-6 P-60 P-61 P-62 P-63 P-64 P-65 P-66 P-67 P-68 P-69 P-7 P-70 P-71 P-72 P-73 P-8 P-9 RV-1 RV-2 Stm Plt J-49 J-52 J-49 J-67 J-20 J-26 J-51 J-54 J-51 J-46 J-8 J-64 J-52 J-38 J-55 J-45 J-55 J-56 J-46 J-48 J-38 J-61 J-38 J-58 J-58 J-59 J-58 J-60 J-61 J-57 J-61 J-63 J-9 J-50 Stm Plt J-25 Stm Plt J-19 Stm Plt J-15 Stm Plt I-RV-1 J-6 I-RV-2 J-16 J-62 J-62 J-17 J-62 J-65 J-64 J-5 J-64 J-66 J-8 J-16 J-67 J-51 J-67 J-68 J-69 J-29 Stm Plt J-71 J-10 J-8 J-10 J-7 I-RV-1 O-RV-1 I-RV-2 O-RV-2 Stm Plt Stm Plt 1 Present Western Carolina Steam.txt 17688.8 2.38 118.74 13511.2 1.78 90.28 515.2 5.38 103.77 3227.2 0.54 31.7 7592 3.29 75.78 3631.2 1.54 38.63 17688.8 7.1 125.08 -16279.379 0.49 -51.57 2125.6 0.57 46.81 3229.6 0.05 51.57 9213.6 1.17 68.14 8475.199 1.06 62.63 5682.4 0.03 42.24 2792.8 0.05 20.75 6324 0.73 47.27 2889.6 0.2 21.52 5207.2 0.02 31.18 64670.399 2.45 169.52 1676.8 0.03 17.39 22136.8 0.35 57.25 1404.8 0.04 14.57 6511.2 0 30.92 6257.6 4.35 68.32 1700 0.43 32.52 4557.6 5.37 51.62 1309.6 0.2 24.14 2321.6 0.19 24.85 14774.4 1.99 69.43 10819.2 0.66 73.19 2692 0.16 41.18 2966.4 0.61 36.85 10032.8 0.07 45.89 18405.6 0.44 48.38 302.4 0 5.48 1404.8 0 0 6511.2 0 0 99921.599 0 0.01 0.2 0.2 0.09 0.2 0.2 0.29 0.19 0.24 0.24 0.19 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.23 0.29 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.29 0.28 0.28 0.27 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.2 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.29 0.29 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.023 0.023 0.035 0.025 0.024 0.026 0.023 0.022 0.028 0.026 0.023 0.023 0.023 0.024 0.023 0.024 0.023 0.021 0.027 0.021 0.027 0.023 0.026 0.028 0.026 0.029 0.026 0.023 0.023 0.026 0.026 0.023 0.021 0.031 0.096 0.044 0.021 0.123 0.093 0.109 0.033 0.078 0.039 0.129 0.053 0.048 0.053 0.071 0.065 0.044 0.021 0.049 0.022 0.032 0.173 0.017 0.059 0.015 0.031 0.07 0.033 0.053 0.024 0.025 0.071 0.076 0.042 0.038 0.047 0.049 0.005 0 0 0 Node Results: ________________________________________________________________________________ Junction Node Load Load Pressure Pressure Density No. Title (LB/HR) M-BTU/HR (PSIA) (PSIG) (LB/ft^3) ________________________________________________________________________________ J-1 Harrill Residence Hall 2797.6 2610.512 J-10 0 0 J-11 Madison Residence Hall 1015.2 881.052 J-12 0 0 J-13 Moore Building 2413.6 2094.641 J-14 0 0 J-15 0 0 J-16 0 0 J-17 Buchanan Residence Hall 1700 1482.971 J-18 Church 1098.4 957.022 J-19 0 0 J-2 Albright-Benton Residence Hall 1856.8 1733.264 J-20 0 0 J-21 Grounds Maint/Paint Shop 1676.8 1454.259 Page 5 43.545 132.456 28.845 117.756 0.1 0.29 133.521 133.675 133.543 133.723 134.34 130.018 118.821 118.975 118.843 119.023 119.64 115.318 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.29 125.229 127.14 134.664 110.529 112.44 119.964 0.28 0.28 0.3 43.229 43.729 28.529 29.029 0.1 0.1 134.618 119.918 0.3 1 Present Western Carolina Steam.txt J-22 0 0 44.475 J-23 0 0 43.924 J-24 Hoey Auditorium 889.6 829.947 43.712 J-25 0 0 132.241 J-26 Graham Bldg 515.2 483.764 38.341 J-27 Hunter Library 6005.6 5251.107 121.577 J-28 0 0 121.645 J-29 Natural Science Building 2966.4 2611.247 111.36 J-3 Alright-Benton Residence Hall 1 1856.8 1732.164 43.775 J-30 0 0 114.443 J-31 Killian Annex 1245.6 1098.518 108.619 J-32 0 0 109.699 J-33 0 0 107.776 J-34 McKee Building 2133.6 1883.338 107.325 J-35 0 0 127.181 J-36 0 0 101.46 J-37 Bird Bldg 582.4 511.644 114.351 J-38 0 0 82.263 J-39 0 0 101.663 J-4 0 0 43.812 J-40 Coulter Building 2974.4 2638.322 100.411 J-41 0 0 101.768 J-42 Forsyth Building 2546.4 2257.764 100.979 J-43 Hinds University Center 1975.2 1748.445 103.283 J-44 0 0 103.303 J-45 0 0 109.142 J-46 0 0 86.013 J-47 0 0 101.821 J-48 Leatherwood Residence Hall 3229.6 2895.904 85.954 J-49 0 0 91.756 J-5 Robertson Residence Hall 1309.6 1138.828 130.257 J-50 Reid Gym 5207.2 4614.645 101.682 J-51 0 0 89.309 J-52 0 0 89.371 J-53 Belk Building 4362.4 3912.775 85.591 J-54 Helder Residence Hall 3227.2 2887.45 88.759 J-55 0 0 108.643 J-56 Killian Building 2125.6 1875.317 108.068 J-57 Fine & Performing Arts 6324 5696.064 80.349 J-58 0 0 81.196 J-59 Scott Residence Hall 5682.4 5114.781 81.163 J-6 Brown Cafeteria 2005.6 1744.915 129.474 J-60 Walker Residence Hall 2792.8 2513.875 81.139 J-61 0 0 81.085 J-62 0 0 125.663 J-63 H.F. Robinson Admin Bldg 2889.6 2601.546 80.884 J-64 0 0 130.465 J-65 300 Bed Residence 4557.6 3988.333 120.289 J-66 Reynolds Residence Hall 2321.6 2018.849 130.269 J-67 0 0 89.97 J-68 Dodson Cafeteria 2692 2406.666 89.802 J-69 Stillwell Bldg 4609.6 4056.035 111.974 Page 6 29.775 29.224 29.012 117.541 23.641 106.877 106.945 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.29 0.09 0.27 0.27 96.66 0.25 29.075 99.743 93.919 94.999 93.076 92.625 112.481 86.76 99.651 67.563 86.963 29.112 85.711 87.068 86.279 0.1 0.25 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.28 0.23 0.25 0.18 0.23 0.1 0.22 0.23 0.22 88.583 88.603 94.442 71.313 87.121 0.23 0.23 0.24 0.19 0.23 71.254 77.056 0.19 0.2 115.557 86.982 74.609 74.671 70.891 0.29 0.23 0.2 0.2 0.19 74.059 93.943 93.368 0.2 0.24 0.24 65.649 66.496 0.18 0.18 66.463 114.774 0.18 0.29 66.439 66.385 110.963 0.18 0.18 0.28 66.184 115.765 105.589 0.18 0.29 0.27 115.569 75.27 75.102 97.274 0.29 0.2 0.2 0.25 1 Present Western Carolina Steam.txt J-7 Old Student Union 302.4 262.612 132.451 J-71 Plant Load 10032.8 8701.221 134.628 J-8 0 0 132.011 J-9 0 0 101.703 I-RV-1 0 0 134.654 O-RV-2 0 0 44.699 Stm Plt Steam Plant 0 0 134.7 O-RV-1 0 0 44.699 I-RV-2 0 0 129.469 117.751 119.928 117.311 87.003 119.954 29.999 119.999 29.999 114.769 0.29 0.3 0.29 0.23 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.29 * adjacent to density column designates the use of default density in low pressure region THE NET SYSTEM LOAD = 99921.6 LB/HR SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) ___________________________________________________________ PIPE NO. MASS FLOW (LB/HR) FPN LABEL FPN TITLE ___________________________________________________________ Stm Plt 99921.599 Stm Plt Stm Plt ___________________________________________________________ Regulating Valve Results: _________________________________________________________________________________ RV Set Status U/S D/S Flow Name Pressure Pressure Pressure Rate _________________________________________________________________________________ RV-1 30 Open 119.9 29.9 1404 RV-2 30 Open 114.7 29.9 6511 _________________________________________________________________________________ MAXIMUM MACH NUMBER = 0.143 IN LINE NO. P-34 ******* END OF THIS CASE ******* Page 7 *** STEAM2000 *** STEAM DISTRIBUTION NETWORK ANALYSIS VERSION 2.0 - June 1999 COPYRIGHT - J. E. FUNK, D. J. WOOD, 1999 INPUT DATA FILE NAME FOR THIS CASE = P:\2005PR~1\205204~1\CALCUL~1\Mech\PIPE20~1\Runs\5_Future.DAT OUTPUT FILE NAME FOR THIS CASE = P:\2005PR~1\205204~1\CALCUL~1\Mech\PIPE20~1\Runs\5_Future.OT2 DATE FOR THIS COMPUTER RUN - 08-04-2006 NUMBER OF PIPES = 95 NUMBER OF JUNCTION NODES = 93 STEAM CONDITIONS - SATURATED VAPOR SPECIFIED STEAM LOAD UNITS = LB/HR GLOBAL LOAD FACTOR = 0.8 ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE = 14.7 PSIA REFERENCE PRESSURE = 125 PSIG REFERENCE DENSITY = 0.314 LB/ft^3 CLOSED LINES - PIPE NOS: P-34 **** SUMMARY OF INPUT DATA *** ______________________________________________________________ PIPE NODE NODE LENGTH DIAM. ROUGHNESS SUM-M NO. #1 #2 (feet) (in.) (millifeet) FACT. ______________________________________________________________ P-1 J-4 J-1 355 6.065 1 0 P-10 J-12 J-10 483 8.071 1 0 P-11 J-14 J-12 15 8.071 1 0 P-12 J-12 J-13 260 5.047 1 0 P-13 J-14 J-11 163 3.068 1 0 P-14 J-15 J-14 176 8.071 1 0 P-15 J-19 J-57 19 6.065 1 0 P-16 O-RV-2 J-4 997 8.071 1 0 P-17 J-19 J-71 614 6.065 1 0 P-18 J-35 J-28 176 10.14 1 0 P-19 J-22 J-30 103 10.14 1 0 P-2 J-4 J-3 13 4.026 1 0 P-20 J-20 J-22 225 3.068 1 0 P-21 J-23 J-32 78 10.14 1 0 P-22 J-25 J-94 85 10.14 1 0 P-23 J-28 J-27 53 6.065 1 0 P-24 J-28 J-22 163 10.14 1 0 P-25 J-30 J-69 131 4.026 1 0 P-26 J-30 J-23 149 10.14 1 0 P-27 J-32 J-45 208 8.071 1 0 P-28 J-32 J-33 216 8.071 1 0 P-29 J-33 J-34 68 3.068 1 0 P-3 J-4 J-2 204 4.026 1 0 P-30 J-33 J-39 761 8.071 1 0 P-31 J-36 J-40 321 4.026 1 0 P-32 J-35 J-18 27 3.068 1 0 P-33 P-34 P-35 P-36 P-37 P-38 P-39 P-4 P-40 P-41 P-42 P-43 P-44 P-45 P-46 P-47 P-48 P-49 P-5 P-50 P-51 P-52 P-53 P-54 P-55 P-56 P-57 P-58 P-59 P-6 P-60 P-61 P-62 P-63 P-64 P-65 P-66 P-67 P-68 P-69 P-7 P-70 P-71 P-72 P-73 P-74 P-75 P-76 P-77 P-78 P-79 P-8 P-80 P-81 P-82 P-83 P-84 J-30 J-39 J-39 J-39 J-36 J-41 J-44 J-16 J-44 J-45 J-46 J-47 J-47 J-49 J-49 J-20 J-51 J-51 J-8 J-52 J-55 J-55 J-46 J-38 J-38 J-58 J-58 J-61 J-61 J-9 J-91 J-71 J-15 R-1 J-6 J-16 J-62 J-62 J-64 J-64 J-8 J-67 J-67 J-69 J-47 J-6 J-72 J-72 J-62 J-21 R-1 J-10 J-77 J-77 J-77 J-79 J-79 J-37 J-49 J-36 J-41 J-42 J-47 J-43 J-6 J-55 J-31 J-84 J-44 J-9 J-52 J-67 J-26 J-79 J-82 J-64 J-38 J-45 J-56 J-48 J-61 J-58 J-59 J-60 J-19 J-63 J-50 J-94 J-87 J-91 J-95 I-RV-2 J-72 J-17 J-65 J-5 J-66 J-16 J-51 J-68 J-77 J-52 J-70 J-62 J-73 J-74 J-89 J-92 J-8 J-29 J-78 J-80 J-54 J-81 190 227 157 227 201 116 14 225 661 232 59 240 103 162 209 181 300 106 410 458 215 88 13 267 286 19 136 329 450 18 403 286 354 63 4 265 119 852 99 125 278 119 56 192 261 26 115 42 28 115 415 181 16 91 392 113 126 3.068 10.14 6.065 8.071 4.026 8.071 4.026 6.065 6.065 3.068 6.065 6.065 6.065 6.065 6.065 1.61 5.047 6.065 4.026 6.065 8.071 3.068 4.026 6.065 6.065 6.065 6.065 6.065 6.065 6.065 12.09 5.047 8.071 6.065 6.065 4.026 3.068 4.026 3.068 4.026 6.065 6.065 4.026 4.026 10.14 6.065 4.026 6.065 4.026 2.469 12.09 8.071 4.026 6.065 4.026 5.047 6.065 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P-85 P-86 P-87 P-88 P-9 P-91 P-92 P-95 P-97 P-98 J-82 J-82 J-84 J-21 J-10 J-87 J-87 J-92 J-24 J-94 J-46 J-83 J-53 J-90 J-7 J-88 J-21 J-91 J-23 J-35 343 36 109 67 46 73 95 90 66 77 6.065 6.065 5.047 2.469 3.068 5.047 2.469 12.09 4.026 10.14 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 _____________________________________________________________ Junction Node Title Load FPN-Pres. Node No. ( LB/HR ) (psig) _____________________________________________________________ J-1 Harrill Residence Hall 3497 J-10 0 J-11 Madison Residence Hall 1269 J-12 0 J-13 Moore Building 3017 J-14 0 J-15 0 J-16 0 J-17 Buchanan Residence Hall 0 J-18 Church 1373 J-19 0 J-2 Albright-Benton Residence Hall 2321 J-20 0 J-21 0 J-22 0 J-23 0 J-24 Hoey Auditorium 1112 J-25 New Student Housing-200 Beds 2550 J-26 Graham Bldg 644 J-27 Hunter Library 7507 J-28 0 J-29 Natural Science Building 3708 J-3 Alright-Benton Residence Hall 1 2321 J-30 0 J-31 Killian Annex 1557 J-32 0 J-33 0 J-34 McKee Building 2667 J-35 0 J-36 0 J-37 Bird Bldg 728 J-38 0 J-39 0 J-4 0 J-40 Coulter Building 3718 J-41 0 J-42 Forsyth Building 3183 J-43 Hinds University Center J-44 J-45 J-46 J-47 J-48 Leatherwood Residence Hall J-49 J-5 Robertson Residence Hall J-50 Reid Gym J-51 J-52 J-53 Belk Building J-54 New Dining Hall J-55 J-56 Killian Building J-57 Fine & Performing Arts J-58 J-59 Scott Residence Hall J-6 J-60 Walker Residence Hall J-61 J-62 J-63 H.F. Robinson Admin Bldg 2469 0 0 0 0 0 0 1637 11340 0 0 5453 4307 0 2657 7905 0 7103 0 3491 0 0 3612 J-64 0 J-65 300 Bed Residence 5697 J-66 Reynolds Residence Hall 2902 J-67 0 J-68 Dodson Cafeteria 0 J-69 Stillwell Bldg 5762 J-7 Old Student Union 378 J-70 New Classroom B 6240 J-71 0 J-72 0 J-73 New Classroom C 6240 J-74 Private Space 3443 J-77 0 J-78 New Student Housing-400 Beds 6120 J-79 0 J-8 0 J-80 New Private Space 3417 J-81 Student Housing-400 Beds E 6885 J-82 0 J-83 Student Housing-400 Beds 6120 J-84 0 J-87 0 J-88 Shops/Restaurants/Commercial 5745 J-89 Mountain Heritage Museum 546 J-9 0 J-90 Office/Private 2007 J-91 J-92 J-94 J-95 R-1 O-RV-2 I-RV-2 New Steam Plant Load New Steam Plant THERE IS A PRV IN LINE RV-2 0 0 0 17300 0 0 0 U/S NODE = I-RV-2 120 SET PRESSURE = 30 PSIG ================================================================================ **** THE RESULTS FOR THIS CASE FOLLOW **** Convergence Accuracy = 0 Pipe Results: ________________________________________________________________________________ PIPE NODE NODE FLOW LOSS VELOCITY DENSITY FRICTION AREA NO. #1 #2 (LB/HR) (PSI) (FT/S) (LB/CU FT) FACTOR RATIO ________________________________________________________________________________ P-1 J-4 J-1 2797.6 0.26 37.43 0.1 0.024 0.039 P-10 J-12 J-10 27740.8 2.89 78.46 0.27 0.021 0.08 P-11 J-14 J-12 30154.4 0.1 84.32 0.27 0.021 0.086 P-12 J-12 J-13 2413.6 0.14 17.24 0.27 0.025 0.017 P-13 J-14 J-11 1015.2 0.21 19.62 0.27 0.029 0.02 P-14 J-15 J-14 31169.6 1.3 86.69 0.28 0.021 0.088 P-15 J-19 J-57 6324 0.04 50.28 0.17 0.023 0.052 P-16 O-RV-2 J-4 6511.2 0.88 48.61 0.1 0.022 0.051 P-17 J-19 J-71 6638.399 1.53 53.29 0.17 0.023 0.055 P-18 J-35 J-28 87810.4 3.23 158.81 0.27 0.02 0.162 P-19 J-22 J-30 81289.599 1.68 153.13 0.26 0.02 0.156 P-2 J-4 J-3 1856.8 0.03 56.27 0.1 0.026 0.059 P-20 J-20 J-22 -515.201 0.08 -10.48 0.26 0.03 0.01 P-21 J-23 J-32 64611.999 0.82 124.4 0.25 0.02 0.127 P-22 J-25 J-94 -2040 0 -3.59 0.28 0.023 0.003 P-23 J-28 J-27 6005.6 0.06 30.58 0.27 0.023 0.031 P-24 J-28 J-22 81804.799 2.65 151.38 0.26 0.02 0.154 P-25 J-30 J-69 15205.6 10.3 191.72 0.24 0.026 0.195 P-26 J-30 J-23 65501.599 1.59 124.85 0.25 0.02 0.127 P-27 J-32 J-45 23950.523 1 73.18 0.25 0.021 0.075 P-28 J-32 J-33 40661.476 3.04 125.63 0.25 0.021 0.128 P-29 J-33 J-34 2133.6 0.43 46.16 0.25 0.028 0.047 P-3 J-4 J-2 1856.8 0.58 56.6 0.1 0.026 0.059 P-30 J-33 J-39 38527.876 10.2 126.21 0.23 0.021 0.129 P-31 J-36 J-40 2974.4 1.06 41.22 0.22 0.026 0.042 P-32 J-35 J-18 1098.4 0.04 21.3 0.27 0.029 0.021 P-33 J-30 J-37 582.4 0.09 12 0.26 0.029 0.012 LINE NO.P-34 IS SHUT OFF P-35 J-39 J-36 5520.8 0.2 33.5 0.22 0.023 0.034 P-36 J-39 J-41 33007.076 2.36 114.62 0.22 0.021 0.118 P-37 J-36 J-42 2546.4 0.48 35.18 0.22 0.026 0.036 P-38 P-39 P-4 P-40 P-41 P-42 P-43 P-44 P-45 P-46 P-47 P-48 P-49 P-5 P-50 P-51 P-52 P-53 P-54 P-55 P-56 P-57 P-58 P-59 P-6 P-60 P-61 P-62 P-63 P-64 P-65 P-66 P-67 P-68 P-69 P-7 P-70 P-71 P-72 P-73 P-74 P-75 P-76 P-77 P-78 P-79 P-8 P-80 P-81 P-82 P-83 P-84 P-85 P-86 P-87 P-88 P-9 J-41 J-44 J-16 J-44 J-45 J-46 J-47 J-47 J-49 J-49 J-20 J-51 J-51 J-8 J-52 J-55 J-55 J-46 J-38 J-38 J-58 J-58 J-61 J-61 J-9 J-91 J-71 J-15 R-1 J-6 J-16 J-62 J-62 J-64 J-64 J-8 J-67 J-67 J-69 J-47 J-6 J-72 J-72 J-62 J-21 R-1 J-10 J-77 J-77 J-77 J-79 J-79 J-82 J-82 J-84 J-21 J-10 J-47 J-43 J-6 J-55 J-31 J-84 J-44 J-9 J-52 J-67 J-26 J-79 J-82 J-64 J-38 J-45 J-56 J-48 J-61 J-58 J-59 J-60 J-19 J-63 J-50 J-94 J-87 J-91 J-95 I-RV-2 J-72 J-17 J-65 J-5 J-66 J-16 J-51 J-68 J-77 J-52 J-70 J-62 J-73 J-74 J-89 J-92 J-8 J-29 J-78 J-80 J-54 J-81 J-46 J-83 J-53 J-90 J-7 33007.076 1975.199 11503.2 -20579.324 1245.6 4362.4 -18604.124 9072 -18212 18212 515.2 8953.6 9258.4 3631.2 24327.199 -22704.924 2125.6 0 15851.999 8475.199 5682.4 2792.8 12962.399 2889.599 9072 90948.799 6638.4 -31169.601 13840 6511.2 12304 0 4557.6 1309.6 2321.6 23807.2 18212 0 10596 42539.2 4992 7312 4992 2754.4 436.8 122118.4 27438.4 2966.4 4896 2733.6 3445.6 5508 4362.4 4896 4362.4 1605.6 302.4 1.23 0.02 1.12 11.3 0.5 0.05 3.59 0.37 2.43 3.23 1.98 3.11 0.44 1.69 13.09 0.94 0.55 0 3.53 1.06 0.03 0.05 3.02 0.2 0.06 3.02 1.91 2.59 0.38 0 13.99 0 6.92 0.22 0.21 5.78 1.89 0 7.88 1.4 0.02 2.29 0.04 0.08 0.15 5.41 1.07 0.05 0.09 1.12 0.17 0.19 0.32 0.04 0.26 1.21 0 116.67 27.17 61.89 -118.75 26.48 30.33 -115.11 57.1 -117.77 121.29 38.37 90.83 64.02 42.35 166.9 -69.95 45.57 0 119.13 62.61 42.23 20.75 101.29 22.13 57.22 111.38 78.75 -85.42 63.4 35.17 159.68 0 66.45 26.5 27.28 124.81 124.68 0 144.5 96.41 26.97 102 30.28 38.79 22.74 143.92 78.83 41.84 30.43 38.75 35.54 39.35 30.27 33.92 43.89 84.35 5.97 0.22 0.22 0.25 0.23 0.25 0.19 0.22 0.21 0.21 0.2 0.26 0.19 0.2 0.26 0.2 0.25 0.25 0.19 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.17 0.18 0.21 0.28 0.16 0.28 0.3 0.25 0.24 0.22 0.21 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.2 0.2 0.23 0.21 0.25 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.16 0.29 0.27 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.15 0.27 0.021 0.026 0.023 0.023 0.029 0.024 0.023 0.023 0.023 0.023 0.035 0.024 0.023 0.026 0.023 0.021 0.028 0 0.023 0.023 0.023 0.024 0.023 0.024 0.023 0.019 0.024 0.021 0.023 0.023 0.026 0 0.026 0.029 0.026 0.023 0.023 0 0.026 0.02 0.024 0.026 0.024 0.026 0.031 0.019 0.021 0.026 0.024 0.026 0.025 0.023 0.024 0.024 0.025 0.03 0.031 0.12 0.028 0.063 0.122 0.027 0.031 0.118 0.059 0.121 0.125 0.039 0.094 0.066 0.043 0.171 0.071 0.046 0 0.123 0.065 0.043 0.021 0.105 0.023 0.059 0.113 0.082 0.087 0.064 0.036 0.163 0 0.068 0.027 0.028 0.127 0.128 0 0.148 0.099 0.027 0.105 0.031 0.04 0.023 0.146 0.08 0.043 0.031 0.04 0.036 0.04 0.031 0.035 0.045 0.088 0.006 P-91 P-92 P-95 P-97 P-98 R-1 RV-2 J-87 J-87 J-92 J-24 J-94 R-1 I-RV-2 J-88 J-21 J-91 J-23 J-35 R-1 O-RV-2 4596 2042.4 122118.4 -889.6 88908.799 135958.4 6511.2 0.23 2.72 1.2 0.01 1.42 0 0 55.26 104.53 147.51 -10.8 157.9 0.02 0 0.16 0.16 0.28 0.25 0.27 0.3 0.1 0.025 0.03 0.019 0.027 0.02 0.02 0.044 0.057 0.108 0.15 0.011 0.16 0 0 Node Results: ________________________________________________________________________________ Junction Node Load Load Pressure Pressure Density No. Title (LB/HR) M-BTU/HR (PSIA) (PSIG) (LB/ft^3) ________________________________________________________________________________ J-1 Harrill Residence Hall 2797.6 2610.512 J-10 0 0 J-11 Madison Residence Hall 1015.2 886.307 J-12 0 0 J-13 Moore Building 2413.6 2107.202 J-14 0 0 J-15 0 0 J-16 0 0 J-17 Buchanan Residence Hall 0 0 J-18 Church 1098.4 959.169 J-19 0 0 J-2 Albright-Benton Residence Hall 1856.8 1733.264 J-20 0 0 J-21 0 0 J-22 0 0 J-23 0 0 J-24 Hoey Auditorium 889.6 781.475 J-25 New Student Housing-200 Beds 2040 1779.76 J-26 Graham Bldg 515.2 452.21 J-27 Hunter Library 6005.6 5255.319 J-28 0 0 J-29 Natural Science Building 2966.4 2636.182 J-3 Alright-Benton Residence Hall 1 1856.8 1732.164 J-30 0 0 J-31 Killian Annex 1245.6 1095.905 J-32 0 0 J-33 0 0 J-34 McKee Building 2133.6 1879.691 J-35 0 0 J-36 0 0 J-37 Bird Bldg 582.4 511.096 J-38 0 0 J-39 0 0 J-4 0 0 J-40 Coulter Building 2974.4 2640.782 J-41 0 0 43.545 121.179 28.845 106.479 0.1 0.27 123.961 124.073 123.932 124.178 125.487 114.318 109.261 109.373 109.232 109.478 110.787 99.618 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.28 0.28 0.25 98.032 123.592 75.717 83.332 108.892 61.017 0.22 0.27 0.17 43.229 117.663 69.547 117.746 114.46 114.442 28.529 102.963 54.847 103.046 99.76 99.742 0.1 0.26 0.16 0.26 0.25 0.25 125.056 115.676 120.333 120.402 110.356 100.976 105.633 105.702 0.28 0.26 0.27 0.27 97.808 83.108 0.22 43.775 116.059 112.124 113.637 110.594 110.154 123.634 100.179 115.968 82.284 100.384 43.812 99.117 98.016 29.075 101.359 97.424 98.937 95.894 95.454 108.934 85.479 101.268 67.584 85.684 29.112 84.417 83.316 0.1 0.26 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.24 0.27 0.22 0.26 0.18 0.22 0.1 0.22 0.22 J-42 Forsyth Building 2546.4 J-43 Hinds University Center 1975.2 J-44 0 J-45 0 J-46 0 J-47 0 J-48 Leatherwood Residence Hall 0 J-49 0 J-5 Robertson Residence Hall 1309.6 J-50 Reid Gym 9072 J-51 0 J-52 0 J-53 Belk Building 4362.4 J-54 New Dining Hall 3445.6 J-55 0 J-56 Killian Building 2125.6 J-57 Fine & Performing Arts 6324 J-58 0 J-59 Scott Residence Hall 5682.4 J-6 0 J-60 Walker Residence Hall 2792.8 J-61 0 J-62 0 J-63 H.F. Robinson Admin Bldg 2889.6 J-64 0 J-65 300 Bed Residence 4557.6 J-66 Reynolds Residence Hall 2321.6 J-67 0 J-68 Dodson Cafeteria 0 J-69 Stillwell Bldg 4609.6 J-7 Old Student Union 302.4 J-70 New Classroom B 4992 J-71 0 J-72 0 J-73 New Classroom C 4992 J-74 Private Space 2754.4 J-77 0 J-78 New Student Housing-400 Beds 4896 J-79 0 J-8 0 J-80 New Private Space 2733.6 J-81 Student Housing-400 Beds E 5508 J-82 0 J-83 Student Housing-400 Beds 4896 J-84 0 J-87 0 2259.851 99.692 84.992 0.22 1752.084 0 0 0 0 100.362 100.382 112.632 87.049 96.783 85.662 85.682 97.932 72.349 82.083 0.22 0.22 0.25 0.19 0.22 0 0 87.049 92.944 72.349 78.244 0.19 0.21 1147.597 8070.758 0 0 3909.3 3093.092 0 1871.402 118.178 96.343 87.813 95.378 86.725 84.516 111.691 111.131 103.478 81.643 73.113 80.678 72.025 69.816 96.991 96.431 0.26 0.21 0.2 0.21 0.19 0.19 0.25 0.25 5718.206 0 75.674 81.217 60.974 66.517 0.17 0.18 5114.694 0 81.185 113.197 66.485 98.497 0.18 0.25 2513.832 0 0 81.16 78.747 98.032 66.46 64.047 83.332 0.18 0.18 0.22 2606.55 0 4070.465 78.539 118.405 91.11 63.839 103.705 76.41 0.18 0.26 0.2 2034.392 0 0 4073.361 264.477 4388.98 0 0 4428.363 2447.527 0 118.191 89.708 89.708 105.75 121.173 113.172 74.185 100.328 100.283 97.951 97.862 103.491 75.008 75.008 91.05 106.473 98.472 59.485 85.628 85.583 83.251 83.162 0.26 0.2 0.2 0.24 0.27 0.25 0.17 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 4351.116 0 0 2431.194 97.765 84.695 120.101 96.74 83.065 69.995 105.401 82.04 0.22 0.19 0.27 0.22 4944.551 0 84.502 87.372 69.802 72.672 0.19 0.19 4385.414 0 0 87.329 86.994 72.27 72.629 72.294 57.57 0.19 0.19 0.16 J-88 Shops/Restaurants/Commercial 4596 4168.723 J-89 Mountain Heritage Museum 436.8 397.112 J-9 0 0 J-90 Office/Private 1605.6 1461.096 J-91 0 0 J-92 0 0 J-94 0 0 J-95 New Steam Plant Load 13840 12005.417 R-1 New Steam Plant 0 0 O-RV-2 0 0 I-RV-2 0 0 72.031 57.331 0.16 69.389 96.409 68.328 128.08 129.285 125.057 54.689 81.709 53.628 113.38 114.585 110.357 0.16 0.21 0.15 0.28 0.29 0.28 134.313 134.7 44.699 113.19 119.613 119.999 29.999 98.49 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.25 * adjacent to density column designates the use of default density in low pressure region THE NET SYSTEM LOAD = 135958.4 LB/HR SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) ___________________________________________________________ PIPE NO. MASS FLOW (LB/HR) FPN LABEL FPN TITLE ___________________________________________________________ R-1 135958.4 R-1 R-1 ___________________________________________________________ Regulating Valve Results: ________________________________________________________________________________ _ RV Set Status U/S D/S Flow Name Pressure Pressure Pressure Rate ________________________________________________________________________________ _ RV-2 30 Open 98.4 30 6511 ________________________________________________________________________________ _ MAXIMUM MACH NUMBER = 0.137 IN LINE NO. P-25 ******* END OF THIS CASE ******* Economic Analysis of Condensate Line Repair Base Existing CR Option #2 Repair CR Option Cost $ - $ 434,617 Net Cost $ - $ 434,617 M/U water #/yr 92,803,896 M/U water energy (btu) M/U water energy $ 35,693,806 15,905,262,047 $ M/U water (gal/yr) 111,337 6,117,408,480 $ 11,135,277 42,822 4,282,799 M/U water $ $ 34,519.36 $ M/U chemicals $ 16,369 $ 6,296 Annual Op Cost $ 162,225 $ 62,394 Energy savings (btu/yr) 9,787,853,568 % energy savings (vs total) Yearly Operating Cost Savings Simple Payback in Years Data: 142,775,225 0.65 0.25 0.047 0.007 70 62.34 3.1 1.47 Western Carolina University Steam & Water Master Plan 13,276.68 6.56% $ 99,831 4.35 Current steam production Current M/U % Future M/U % $/kWh for electricity $/CF for gas % Gas boiler efficiency lb/ft3 water density at 60F $/1000 gal for water $/1000 gal for chem Wiley & Wilson Comm. No. 205204.00 H F-XC A N GE H F-XC A N GE N y bu to k lic c u-tr a c k November 1, 2006 Comm. No. 205204.00 Base Case Existing Connected Loads .d o m w .c o Western Carolina University Utility Master Plan Steam Production and Distribution C m .c o .d o w w w w w C lic k to bu y N O W ! PD O W ! PD c u-tr a c k H F-XC A N GE H F-XC A N GE N y bu November 1, 2006 Comm. No. 205204.00 Future Recommended Case Future Loads lic .d o m w .c o Western Carolina University Utility Master Plan Steam Production and Distribution k to c u-tr a c k C m .c o .d o w w w w w C lic k to bu y N O W ! PD O W ! PD c u-tr a c k Economic Analysis of Individual Electric Boilers Base Bldg Elec Blrs Option #2 New Boiler Plt Option Cost $ 11,529,740 Boiler replacement @ 15 yrs $ 3,458,922 $ Net Cost $ 14,988,662 $ Annual energy $ 2,166,862 $ Boiler Maint. Every 7 yrs $651,990 M/U water #/yr 22,586,835 M/U water energy (btu) M/U water energy $ 12,134,488 M/U water (gal/yr) 37,316 1,573,510 37,644,725 2,709,742,595 $ 12,786,478 6,451,768,083 $ 2,710,130 45,162 4,516,884 M/U water $ $ 8,401.40 $ 14,002.34 Annual PM Cost $ 12,800 $ 7,161 M/U chemicals $ 3,984 $ 6,640 Annual Op Cost $ 2,229,362 $ 1,646,476 Yearly Operating Cost Savings Data: 0.047 0.007 70% 62.34 3.1 1.47 $ 582,887 No Payback Simple Payback in Years $/kWh for electricity $/CF for gas Gas Boiler efficiency lb/ft3 water density at 60F $/1000 gal for water $/1000 gal for chem Western Carolina University Steam & Water Master Plan Wiley & Wilson Comm. No. 205204.00 CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE SUMMARY LABOR, MATERIAL, AND EQUIPMENT COST PROJECT: Western Carolina University Future Steam to Future Bldgs LOCATION: Cullowhee, NC DESIGN STATUS: Conceptual FORM #507-6/98 Architects Engineers Planners COMM. NO. DATE 205204.00 10/30/06 TOTAL LABOR COST $25,134 $0 $0 $0 $467,995 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL EQUIPMENT COST $20,098 $0 $0 $0 $17,597 $0 $0 $0 $0 $493,129 SUBTOTAL $775,145 CONTINGENCY 30% $232,544 $147,939 SUBTOTAL $1,007,689 $641,068 MATERIAL TAX 4.5% $45,346 $0 EQUIPMENT TAX 4.5% LABOR MARK UP 25% $0 $0 $641,068 SUBTOTAL $1,053,035 OVERHEAD 15% SUBTOTAL PROFIT 10% TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST (ENTIRE PROJECT) SITE ADJUSTMENT 3% (labor, material storage and handling) (labor, clearances, parking, site delays) DESIGN FEES 10% Escalation 0 Months @ 2.5% on $2,190,725 GRAND TOTAL $37,695 $0 $37,695 $0 $1,305,969 $380,483 $1,686,452 $45,346 $0 $37,695 $0 $1,731,798 $259,770 $1,991,568 $199,157 $2,190,725 $54,768 DESCRIPTION CIVIL ARCHITECTURAL STRUCTURAL PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL TOTAL MATERIAL COST $23,382 $0 $0 $0 $751,763 $0 $0 $0 $0 Wiley & Wilson TOTAL COST $68,614 $0 $0 $0 $1,237,355 $0 $0 $0 $0 $219,072 $2,190,725 $54,768 $2,519,333 Wiley & Wilson Architects Engineers Planners DETAIL CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE PROJECT: Western Carolina University Future Steam to Future Bldgs COMM. NO. LOCATION: Cullowhee, NC DATE Description Unit Quantity Material Cost Unit Total Material Cost Labor Cost Unit Total Labor Cost Equipment Unit Cost Total Equipment Cost 205204.00 10/30/06 Total Unit Cost Subtotal Cost CIVIL Calculation by: JPH Checked by: MR Design Status: Conceptual 1. Mobilization (overall) EA 1 $10,000.00 $10,000 $75.50 $76 $175.00 $175 $10,250.50 $10,251 2. Trench Excavation & Backfill LF 2,175 $0.00 $0 $6.60 $14,355 $4.40 $9,570 $11.00 $23,925 3. Inlet Protection EA 10 $50.00 $500 $50.00 $500 $0.00 $0 $100.00 $1,000 4. Pipe Bedding CY 402 $4.21 $1,692 $7.00 $2,814 $4.50 $1,809 $15.71 $6,315 5. Pavement Removal SY 800 $0.00 $0 $2.97 $2,376 $1.99 $1,592 $4.96 $3,968 6. Concrete Sidewalk Removal SY 300 $0.00 $0 $4.90 $1,470 $3.28 $984 $8.18 $2,454 7. Rubbish Handling (10 mile haul) CY 60 $0.00 $0 $9.80 $588 $8.71 $523 $18.51 $1,111 8. Dump Charges TN 10 $70.00 $700 $0.00 $0 $0.00 $0 $70.00 $700 9. Asphalt Pavement SY 800 $11.00 $8,800 $2.20 $1,760 $6.60 $5,280 $19.80 $15,840 10. Concrete Sidewalk SF 300 $3.30 $990 $1.65 $495 $0.55 $165 $5.50 $1,650 11. Light Grading & Seeding SY 300 $1.00 $300 $1.00 $300 $0.00 $0 $2.00 $600 12. Restore Landscaping LS 2 $200.00 $400 $200.00 $400 $0.00 $0 $400.00 $800 TOTAL CIVIL $23,382 $25,134 $20,098 $68,614 Wiley & Wilson Architects Engineers Planners DETAIL CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE PROJECT: Western Carolina University Future Steam to Future Bldgs COMM. NO. LOCATION: Cullowhee, NC DATE Description Unit Quantity Material Cost Unit Total Material Cost Labor Cost Unit Total Labor Cost Equipment Unit Cost Total Equipment Cost 205204.00 10/30/06 Total Unit Cost Subtotal Cost MECHANICAL Calculation by: JPH Checked by: DAN Design Status: Conceptual 1. Precast Concrete Vault EA 10 $22,000.00 $220,000 $13,200.00 $132,000 $660.00 $6,600 $35,860.00 $358,600 2. 6" Pre-Insulated Steam Piping System LF 1,415 $135.00 $191,025 $80.00 $113,200 $2.00 $2,830 $217.00 $307,055 3. 4" Pre-Insulated Steam Piping System LF 420 $115.00 $48,300 $50.00 $21,000 $1.85 $777 $166.85 $70,077 4. 2" Pre-Insulated Steam Piping System LF 340 $85.00 $28,900 $35.00 $11,900 $1.75 $595 $121.75 $41,395 5. 3" Pre-Insulated Cond Piping System LF 1,415 $53.43 $75,603 $45.00 $63,675 $1.98 $2,802 $100.41 $142,080 6. 2" Pre-Insulated Cond Piping System LF 420 $45.00 $18,900 $35.00 $14,700 $1.75 $735 $81.75 $34,335 7. 1" Pre-Insulated Cond Piping System LF 340 $38.00 $12,920 $20.00 $6,800 $1.50 $510 $59.50 $20,230 8. 6" Pre-Insulated Field Joint/End Seal EA 50 $260.70 $13,035 $85.00 $4,250 $5.40 $270 $351.10 $17,555 9. 4" Pre-Insulated Field Joint/End Seal EA 20 $253.00 $5,060 $75.00 $1,500 $5.08 $102 $333.08 $6,662 10. 3" Pre-Insulated Field Joint/End Seal EA 50 $242.00 $12,100 $70.00 $3,500 $4.18 $209 $316.18 $15,809 11. 2" Pre-Insulated Field Joint/End Seal EA 29 $235.00 $6,815 $65.00 $1,885 $3.85 $112 $303.85 $8,812 12. 6" Class 250 Gate Valve EA 5 $2,825.00 $14,125 $330.00 $1,650 $0.00 $0 $3,155.00 $15,775 13. 4" Class 250 Gate Valve EA 2 $1,675.00 $3,350 $220.00 $440 $0.00 $0 $1,895.00 $3,790 14. 2" Class 250 Gate Valve EA 2 $890.00 $1,780 $50.00 $100 $0.00 $0 $940.00 $1,880 15. 3" Class 150 Gate Valve EA 5 $920.00 $4,600 $140.00 $700 $0.00 $0 $1,060.00 $5,300 16. 2" Class 150 Gate Valve EA 2 $650.00 $1,300 $45.00 $90 $0.00 $0 $695.00 $1,390 Wiley & Wilson Architects Engineers Planners DETAIL CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE PROJECT: Western Carolina University Future Steam to Future Bldgs LOCATION: Cullowhee, NC Description Unit Quantity EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS 2 5 5 3 3 10 10 10 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Material Cost Unit COMM. NO. DATE Total Material Cost Labor Cost Unit Total Labor Cost Equipment Unit Cost Total Equipment Cost Design Status: Conceptual $2,640 $0.00 $1,000 $0.00 $625 $0.00 $660 $20.00 $480 $15.00 $3,500 $0.00 $2,250 $0.00 $3,500 $125.00 $2,200 $70.00 $7,500 $0.00 $7,500 $0.00 $3,750 $0.00 $3,750 $0.00 $7,500 $0.00 $7,500 $0.00 $7,500 $0.00 $5,000 $0.00 $3,750 $0.00 $7,500 $0.00 $5,000 $0.00 $7,500 $0.00 $0 $0 $0 $60 $45 $0 $0 $1,250 $700 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Unit Cost 205204.00 10/30/06 Subtotal Cost MECHANICAL 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. Calculation by: JPH Steam Trap Assembly 6" Expansion Joint 4" Expansion Joint Pipe Anchor for 6" Pre-Insul Pipe Pipe Anchor for 4" Pre-Insul Pipe Pipe Sleeve/Link Seal for 6" Pre-Insul Pipe Sleeve/Link Seal for 4" Pre-Insul Core Drill for 6" Pre-Insul Pipe Core Drill for 4" Pre-Insul Pipe Steam Conn to New Classroom B Steam Conn to New Classroom C Connection to Mount Heritage Museum Connection to Office/Private Connection to Shops/Rest/Commer Steam Connection to Student Housing I Steam Connection to Student Housing E Steam Conn to New Private Space H Conn to Student Housing J-200 Beds Conn to Student Housing J-400 Beds Steam Connection to Dodson Cafeteria Steam Connection to New Dining Hall TOTAL MECHANICAL Checked by: DAN $1,100.00 $2,200 $740.00 $3,700 $630.00 $3,150 $650.00 $1,950 $500.00 $1,500 $450.00 $4,500 $320.00 $3,200 $0.00 $0 $0.00 $0 $7,500.00 $7,500 $7,500.00 $7,500 $3,750.00 $3,750 $3,750.00 $3,750 $7,500.00 $7,500 $7,500.00 $7,500 $7,500.00 $7,500 $5,000.00 $5,000 $3,750.00 $3,750 $7,500.00 $7,500 $5,000.00 $5,000 $7,500.00 $7,500 $845,713 $1,320.00 $200.00 $125.00 $220.00 $160.00 $350.00 $225.00 $350.00 $220.00 $7,500.00 $7,500.00 $3,750.00 $3,750.00 $7,500.00 $7,500.00 $7,500.00 $5,000.00 $3,750.00 $7,500.00 $5,000.00 $7,500.00 $558,600 $19,652 $2,420.00 $940.00 $755.00 $890.00 $675.00 $800.00 $545.00 $475.00 $290.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $7,500.00 $7,500.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $10,000.00 $7,500.00 $15,000.00 $10,000.00 $15,000.00 $4,840 $4,700 $3,775 $2,670 $2,025 $8,000 $5,450 $4,750 $2,900 $15,000 $15,000 $7,500 $7,500 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $10,000 $7,500 $15,000 $10,000 $15,000 $1,668,189 CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE SUMMARY LABOR, MATERIAL, AND EQUIPMENT COST PROJECT: Western Carolina University New Boiler Plant LOCATION: Cullowhee, North Carolina DESIGN STATUS: Conceptual FORM #507-6/98 Architects Engineers Planners COMM. NO. DATE TOTAL LABOR COST $277,065 $382,455 $93,587 $36,550 $968,800 $69,699 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL EQUIPMENT COST $80,956 $27,000 $14,615 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 SUBTOTAL $4,225,684 $1,828,156 CONTINGENCY 20% $845,137 $365,631 SUBTOTAL $5,070,821 $2,193,787 $0 MATERIAL TAX 4.5% $228,187 EQUIPMENT TAX 4.5% LABOR MARK UP 25% $0 $548,447 SUBTOTAL $5,299,008 $2,742,234 OVERHEAD 15% SUBTOTAL PROFIT 10% TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST (ENTIRE PROJECT) SITE ADJUSTMENT 5.0% (labor, material storage and handling) (labor, clearances, parking, site delays) DESIGN FEES 10.0% Escalation 24 Months @ 2.5% on $10,327,224 GRAND TOTAL $122,571 $0 $122,571 $0 $5,516 $0 $122,571 DESCRIPTION CIVIL BUILDING SHELL STRUCTURAL - PLATFORMS PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL TOTAL MATERIAL COST $482,692 $426,015 $150,322 $48,300 $2,955,490 $162,865 $0 $0 $0 Wiley & Wilson 205204.00 10/30/06 TOTAL COST $840,713 $835,470 $258,524 $84,850 $3,924,290 $232,564 $0 $0 $0 $6,176,411 $1,210,768 $7,387,179 $228,187 $5,516 $548,447 $8,163,813 $1,224,572 $9,388,385 $938,839 $10,327,224 $516,361 $1,032,722 $10,327,224 $258,181 $12,134,488 Wiley & Wilson Architects Engineers Planners DETAIL CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE PROJECT: Western Carolina University New Boiler Plant COMM. NO. LOCATION: Cullowhee, North Carolina Description DATE Unit Quantity Material Cost Unit Total Material Cost Labor Cost Unit Total Labor Cost Equipment Unit Cost Total Equipment Cost 205204.00 10/30/06 Total Unit Cost Subtotal Cost Civil Calculation by: JPH Checked by: MJG DESIGN STATUS: Conceptual 1. Mobilization LS 1 $0.00 $0 $15,000.00 $15,000 $5,000.00 $5,000 $20,000.00 $20,000 2. Borrow CY 4,306 $3.00 $12,918 $3.00 $12,918 $3.00 $12,918 $9.00 $38,754 3. Excavation CY 8,092 $0.00 $0 $4.00 $32,368 $3.00 $24,276 $7.00 $56,644 4. Fill CY 12,398 $0.00 $0 $1.00 $12,398 $1.00 $12,398 $2.00 $24,796 5. Asphalt Pavement SF 17,000 $1.42 $24,140 $0.16 $2,720 $0.21 $3,570 $1.79 $30,430 6. Light Grading/Seeding SY 370 $0.68 $252 $0.55 $204 $0.00 $0 $1.23 $456 7. Concrete Sidewalk CY 62 $106.00 $6,572 $50.50 $3,131 $0.35 $22 $156.85 $9,725 8. Trench Excavation CY 3,700 $0.00 $0 $2.56 $9,472 $1.39 $5,143 $3.95 $14,615 9. 18" Corr Mtl Drainage Pipe LF 40 $16.05 $642 $6.80 $272 $1.10 $44 $23.95 $958 10. 6" DI Water Line LF 1,000 $15.65 $15,650 $8.60 $8,600 $3.35 $3,350 $27.60 $27,600 11. 6" DI Sewer Line LF 700 $8.90 $6,230 $4.12 $2,884 $1.61 $1,127 $14.63 $10,241 12. 6" Gas Line Extension LF 950 $17.35 $16,483 $4.19 $3,981 $1.64 $1,558 $23.18 $22,022 13. 12" Pre Insul HPS LF 950 $170.00 $161,500 $74.00 $70,300 $5.30 $5,035 $249.30 $236,835 14. 8" Pre Insul HPS LF 350 $115.00 $40,250 $51.00 $17,850 $3.64 $1,274 $169.64 $59,374 15. 6" Pre Insul PR LF 950 $97.00 $92,150 $42.00 $39,900 $3.01 $2,860 $142.01 $134,910 16. 4" Pre Insul PR LF 350 $70.00 $24,500 $22.00 $7,700 $2.47 $865 $94.47 $33,065 17. 12" Pre Insul 45 Deg EL EA 2 $2,510.00 $5,020 $480.00 $960 $34.50 $69 $3,024.50 $6,049 18. 8" Pre Insul 45 Deg EL EA 1 $1,740.00 $1,740 $320.00 $320 $23.00 $23 $2,083.00 $2,083 19. 6" Pre Insul 45 Deg EL EA 2 $1,300.00 $2,600 $241.00 $482 $17.30 $35 $1,558.30 $3,117 FORM #507-6/98 Wiley & Wilson Architects Engineers Planners DETAIL CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE PROJECT: Western Carolina University New Boiler Plant COMM. NO. LOCATION: Cullowhee, North Carolina Description DATE Unit Quantity Material Cost Unit Total Material Cost Labor Cost Unit Total Labor Cost Equipment Unit Cost Total Equipment Cost Total Unit Cost 205204.00 10/30/06 Subtotal Cost Civil Calculation by: JPH Checked by: MJG DESIGN STATUS: Conceptual 20. 4" Pre Insul 45 Deg EL EA 1 $1,053.00 $1,053 $207.00 $207 $23.00 $23 $1,283.00 $1,283 21. 8" Pre Insul 90 deg EL EA 1 $1,313.00 $1,313 $320.00 $320 $23.00 $23 $1,656.00 $1,656 22. 4" Pre Insul 90 Deg EL EA 1 $625.00 $625 $207.00 $207 $23.00 $23 $855.00 $855 24. 12" Class 300 Gate Valve EA 1 $8,025.00 $8,025 $600.00 $600 $0.00 $0 $8,625.00 $8,625 24. 8" Class 300 Gate Valve EA 1 $4,425.00 $4,425 $400.00 $400 $0.00 $0 $4,825.00 $4,825 25. 6" Class 150 Gate Valve EA 1 $1,775.00 $1,775 $320.00 $320 $0.00 $0 $2,095.00 $2,095 26. 4" Class 150 Gate Valve EA 1 $1,150.00 $1,150 $205.00 $205 $0.00 $0 $1,355.00 $1,355 27. Steam Trap Assembly EA 4 $1,100.00 $4,400 $1,320.00 $5,280 $0.00 $0 $2,420.00 $9,680 28. 18" Pipe Sleeve/Link Seal EA 3 $282.00 $846 $118.00 $354 $0.00 $0 $400.00 $1,200 29. 14" Pipe Sleeve/Link Seal EA 3 $225.00 $675 $96.00 $288 $0.00 $0 $321.00 $963 30. 12" Pipe Sleeve/Link Seal EA 3 $196.00 $588 $85.50 $257 $0.00 $0 $281.50 $845 31. 10" Pipe Sleeve/Link Seal EA 3 $140.00 $420 $77.00 $231 $0.00 $0 $217.00 $651 32. 12" Expansion Joint EA 2 $1,375.00 $2,750 $268.00 $536 $0.00 $0 $1,643.00 $3,286 33. Precast Concrete Manhole EA 2 $22,000.00 $44,000 $13,200.00 $26,400 $660.00 $1,320 $35,860.00 $71,720 TOTAL CIVIL FORM #507-6/98 $482,692 $277,065 $80,956 $840,713 Wiley & Wilson Architects Engineers Planners DETAIL CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE PROJECT: Western Carolina University New Boiler Plant COMM. NO. LOCATION: Cullowhee, North Carolina Description Unit DATE Quantity Material Cost Unit Total Material Cost Labor Cost Unit Total Labor Cost Equipment Unit Cost Total Equipment Cost 205204.00 10/30/06 Total Unit Cost Subtotal Cost BUILDING SHELL Calculation by: JPH Checked by: MJG Design Status: Conceptual 1. Building shell - brick, block, steel SF 5,400 $75.00 $405,000 $70.00 $378,000 $5.00 $27,000 $150.00 $810,000 2. Role-up Doors EA 3 $6,750.00 $20,250 $360.00 $1,080 $0.00 $0 $7,110.00 $21,330 3. Office Area SF 450 $1.70 $765 $7.50 $3,375 $0.00 $0 $9.20 $4,140 4. $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 5. $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 6. $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 7. $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 8. $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 9. $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 10. $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 11. $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 12. $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 13. $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 14. $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 15. $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $426,015 $382,455 $27,000 TOTAL ARCHITECTURAL FORM #507-6/98 $835,470 Wiley & Wilson Architects Engineers Planners DETAIL CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE PROJECT: Western Carolina University New Boiler Plant COMM. NO. LOCATION: Cullowhee, North Carolina Description DATE Unit Quantity Material Cost Unit Total Material Cost Labor Cost Unit Total Labor Cost Equipment Unit Cost Total Equipment Cost 205204.00 10/30/06 Total Unit Cost Subtotal Cost STRUCTURAL Calculation by: JPH Checked by: MJG 1. Catwalks, Platforms SF 2. 4" Pipe Column EA 3. W12X22 Beams Design Status: Conceputal $47.00 $0 $86.60 $0 $16.70 $0 $150.30 $0 12 $171.00 $2,052 $37.50 $450 $24.50 $294 $233.00 $2,796 LF 170 $23.00 $3,910 $2.48 $422 $1.62 $275 $27.10 $4,607 4. 1 1/4"X3/16" Bar Grating SF 766 $7.20 $5,515 $3.63 $2,781 $2.38 $1,823 $13.21 $10,119 5. 2 Rail 3'-6" High 1 1/2" Guardrail LF 285 $26.00 $7,410 $5.10 $1,454 $0.35 $100 $31.45 $8,964 6. C8X11.5 LF 200 $6.55 $1,310 $27.00 $5,400 $2.48 $496 $36.03 $7,206 7. Ladder LF 20 $31.50 $630 $15.25 $305 $10.50 $210 $57.25 $1,145 8. Stair RI 10 $218.00 $2,180 $37.00 $370 $2.55 $26 $257.55 $2,576 9. Pipe Supports EA 40 $250.00 $10,000 $1,000.00 $40,000 $200.00 $8,000 $1,450.00 $58,000 10. Trench Drains EA 200 $470.00 $94,000 $80.00 $16,000 $0.00 $0 $550.00 $110,000 11. Footings/Foundations CY 115 $121.00 $13,915 $79.00 $9,085 $0.44 $51 $200.44 $23,051 12. DA Support Platform SF 200 $47.00 $9,400 $86.60 $17,320 $16.70 $3,340 $150.30 $30,060 TOTAL STRUCTURAL FORM #507-6/98 $150,322 $93,587 $14,615 $258,524 Wiley & Wilson Architects Engineers Planners DETAIL CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE PROJECT: Western Carolina University New Boiler Plant COMM. NO. LOCATION: Cullowhee, North Carolina Description Unit DATE Quantity Material Cost Unit Total Material Cost Labor Cost Unit Total Labor Cost Equipment Unit Cost Total Equipment Cost 205204.00 10/30/06 Total Unit Cost Subtotal Cost PLUMBING Calculation by: BWG Checked by: MJG Design Status: Conceptual 1. Water Closet EA 2 $1,000.00 $2,000 $700.00 $1,400 $0.00 $0 $1,700.00 $3,400 2. Lavatory EA 2 $300.00 $600 $600.00 $1,200 $0.00 $0 $900.00 $1,800 3. Urinal EA 1 $500.00 $500 $600.00 $600 $0.00 $0 $1,100.00 $1,100 4. Shower EA 2 $1,100.00 $2,200 $700.00 $1,400 $0.00 $0 $1,800.00 $3,600 5. 4" Service EA 1 $1,000.00 $1,000 $500.00 $500 $0.00 $0 $1,500.00 $1,500 6. 4" RPZ EA 1 $3,400.00 $3,400 $300.00 $300 $0.00 $0 $3,700.00 $3,700 7. 60 Gal Water Heater EA 1 $1,200.00 $1,200 $1,100.00 $1,100 $0.00 $0 $2,300.00 $2,300 8. 3" RPZ EA 1 $2,700.00 $2,700 $200.00 $200 $0.00 $0 $2,900.00 $2,900 9. Emer Shower/Eyewash EA 2 $1,000.00 $2,000 $300.00 $600 $0.00 $0 $1,300.00 $2,600 10. 4" Floor Drain EA 8 $300.00 $2,400 $100.00 $800 $0.00 $0 $400.00 $3,200 11. Hose Bibb EA 4 $100.00 $400 $50.00 $200 $0.00 $0 $150.00 $600 12. Wall Hydrant EA 3 $100.00 $300 $50.00 $150 $0.00 $0 $150.00 $450 13. Oil/Water Interceptor EA 1 $2,000.00 $2,000 $300.00 $300 $0.00 $0 $2,300.00 $2,300 14. Service Sink EA 1 $500.00 $500 $600.00 $600 $0.00 $0 $1,100.00 $1,100 15. 2" Floor Drain EA 2 $100.00 $200 $100.00 $200 $0.00 $0 $200.00 $400 16. Kitchen Sink EA 1 $400.00 $400 $600.00 $600 $0.00 $0 $1,000.00 $1,000 17. Elec Water Cooler EA 1 $1,100.00 $1,100 $500.00 $500 $0.00 $0 $1,600.00 $1,600 18. Cleanout EA 6 $200.00 $1,200 $100.00 $600 $0.00 $0 $300.00 $1,800 19. 4" Roof Drain EA 4 $400.00 $1,600 $1,000.00 $4,000 $0.00 $0 $1,400.00 $5,600 20. 4" CI Pipe LF 200 $9.00 $1,800 $11.00 $2,200 $0.00 $0 $20.00 $4,000 21. 3" Copper Pipe LF 200 $25.00 $5,000 $12.00 $2,400 $0.00 $0 $37.00 $7,400 22. Sprinkler System SF 5,400 $2.00 $10,800 $3.00 $16,200 $0.00 $0 $5.00 $27,000 24. 6" RPZ EA 1 $5,000.00 $5,000 $500.00 $500 $0.00 $0 $5,500.00 $5,500 TOTAL PLUMBING FORM #507-6/98 $48,300 $36,550 $0 $84,850 Wiley & Wilson Architects Engineers Planners DETAIL CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE PROJECT: Western Carolina University New Boiler Plant COMM. NO. LOCATION: Cullowhee, North Carolina Description DATE Unit Quantity Material Cost Unit Total Material Cost Labor Cost Unit Total Labor Cost Equipment Total Unit Equipment Cost Cost 205204.00 10/30/06 Total Unit Cost Subtotal Cost MECHANICAL Calculation by: DAN Checked by: MJG DESIGN STATUS: 1. Boilers - 70,000 pph @ 120 psig EA 3 $700,000.00 $2,100,000 2. Deaerator - 140,000 pph (10-15 min stor) EA 1 $162,000.00 3. Cond. Tank - ASME pressure rated, 3,000 Gall EA 1 4. Condensate Pumps EA Conceptual $150,000.00 $450,000 $0.00 $0 $850,000.00 $2,550,000 $162,000 $50,000.00 $50,000 $0.00 $0 $212,000.00 $212,000 $40,000.00 $40,000 $15,000.00 $15,000 $0.00 $0 $55,000.00 $55,000 3 $6,090.00 $18,270 $2,500.00 $7,500 $0.00 $0 $8,590.00 $25,770 5. Controls (Condensate) LS 1 $10,000.00 $10,000 $10,000.00 $10,000 $0.00 $0 $20,000.00 $20,000 6. Boiler Feedwater Pumps (VFD Control) EA 3 $11,540.00 $34,620 $2,500.00 $7,500 $0.00 $0 $14,040.00 $42,120 7. Water Softener System (100 GPM) LS 1 $30,000.00 $30,000 $10,000.00 $10,000 $0.00 $0 $40,000.00 $40,000 8. Blowdown Tank and Heat Exchanger LS 1 $15,000.00 $15,000 $4,000.00 $4,000 $0.00 $0 $19,000.00 $19,000 9. Plant Controls - 300 pts LS 300 $175.00 $52,500 $450.00 $135,000 $0.00 $0 $625.00 $187,500 10. 30,000 gallon tanks - fuel storage & pumps EA 3 $60,000.00 $180,000 $5,000.00 $15,000 $0.00 $0 $65,000.00 $195,000 11. Propane for Pilot LS 1 $4,000.00 $4,000 $0.00 $0 $0.00 $0 $4,000.00 $4,000 12. Steam Plant Piping and Insulation LS 1 $250,000.00 $250,000 $250,000.00 $250,000 $0.00 $0 $500,000.00 $500,000 13. Steam Vent Valve & Muffler LS 1 $15,000.00 $15,000 $1,400.00 $1,400 $0.00 $0 $16,400.00 $16,400 14. Air Compressor and Dryer EA 2 $10,000.00 $20,000 $1,500.00 $3,000 $0.00 $0 $11,500.00 $23,000 15. Unit heaters EA 2 $800.00 $1,600 $200.00 $400 $0.00 $0 $1,000.00 $2,000 16. Ventilation roof exhaust fans EA 2 $2,000.00 $4,000 $500.00 $1,000 $0.00 $0 $2,500.00 $5,000 17. Chemical feed tanks and metering pumps EA 5 $1,500.00 $7,500 $500.00 $2,500 $0.00 $0 $2,000.00 $10,000 18. Office Area HVAC EA 1 $5,000.00 $5,000 $5,000.00 $5,000 $0.00 $0 $10,000.00 $10,000 19. Boiler automatic blowdown controllers EA 3 $2,000.00 $6,000 $500.00 $1,500 $0.00 $ $0 $2,500.00 $7,500 TOTAL MECHANICAL FORM #507-6/98 $2,955,490 $968,800 $0 $3,924,290 CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE SUMMARY LABOR, MATERIAL, AND EQUIPMENT COST PROJECT: Western Carolina University Future Steam Redundancy Line LOCATION: Cullowhee, NC DESIGN STATUS: Conceptual Architects Engineers Planners COMM. NO. DATE 205204.00 10/30/06 TOTAL MATERIAL COST $13,422 $0 $0 $0 $121,838 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL LABOR COST $4,957 $0 $0 $0 $77,880 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL EQUIPMENT COST $3,551 $0 $0 $0 $2,639 $0 $0 $0 $0 SUBTOTAL $135,260 CONTINGENCY 30% $40,578 SUBTOTAL $175,838 MATERIAL TAX 4.5% $7,913 EQUIPMENT TAX 4.5% LABOR MARK UP 25% $0 SUBTOTAL $183,751 OVERHEAD 15% SUBTOTAL PROFIT 10% TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST (ENTIRE PROJECT) SITE ADJUSTMENT 3% (labor, material storage and handling) (labor, clearances, parking, site delays) DESIGN FEES 10% Escalation 0 Months @ 2.5% on GRAND TOTAL $82,837 $24,851 $107,688 $0 $6,190 $0 $6,190 $0 $224,287 $65,429 $289,716 $7,913 $0 $107,688 $0 $6,190 $0 $297,629 $44,644 $342,273 $34,227 $376,500 $9,413 DESCRIPTION CIVIL ARCHITECTURAL STRUCTURAL PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL FORM #507-6/98 Wiley & Wilson TOTAL COST $21,930 $0 $0 $0 $202,357 $0 $0 $0 $0 $37,650 $376,500 $376,500 $9,413 $432,976 Wiley & Wilson Architects Engineers Planners DETAIL CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE PROJECT: Western Carolina University Future Steam Redundancy Line COMM. NO. LOCATION: Cullowhee, NC DATE Description Unit Quantity Material Cost Unit Total Material Cost Labor Cost Unit Total Labor Cost Equipment Unit Cost Total Equipment Cost 205204.00 10/30/06 Total Unit Cost Subtotal Cost CIVIL Calculation by: JPH Checked by: MR Design Status: Conceptual 1. Mobilization (overall) EA 1 $10,000.00 $10,000 $75.50 $76 $175.00 $175 $10,250.50 $10,251 2. Trench Excavation & Backfill LF 260 $0.00 $0 $6.60 $1,716 $4.40 $1,144 $11.00 $2,860 3. Inlet Protection EA 3 $50.00 $150 $50.00 $150 $0 $100.00 $300 4. Pipe Bedding CY 260 $4.21 $1,095 $7.00 $1,820 $4.50 $1,170 $15.71 $4,085 5. Pavement Removal SY 100 $0.00 $0 $2.97 $297 $1.99 $199 $4.96 $496 6. Concrete Sidewalk Removal SY 10 $0.00 $0 $4.90 $49 $3.28 $33 $8.18 $82 7. Rubbish Handling (10 mile haul) CY 10 $0.00 $0 $9.80 $98 $8.71 $87 $18.51 $185 8. Dump Charges TN 4 $70.00 $280 $0 $70.00 $280 9. Asphalt Pavement SY 100 $11.00 $1,100 $2.20 $220 $6.60 $660 $19.80 $1,980 10. Concrete Sidewalk SF 150 $3.30 $495 $1.65 $248 $0.55 $83 $5.50 $826 11. Light Grading & Seeding SY 150 $0.68 $102 $0.55 $83 $0 $1.23 $185 12. Restore Landscaping LS 2 $100.00 $200 $100.00 $200 $0 $200.00 $400 TOTAL CIVIL $13,422 $0 $4,957 $0.00 $3,551 $21,930 Wiley & Wilson Architects Engineers Planners DETAIL CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE PROJECT: Western Carolina University Future Steam Redundancy Line COMM. NO. LOCATION: Cullowhee, NC DATE Description Unit Quantity Material Cost Unit Total Material Cost Labor Cost Unit Total Labor Cost Equipment Unit Cost Total Equipment Cost Total Unit Cost 205204.00 10/30/06 Subtotal Cost MECHANICAL Calculation by: JPH Checked by: DAN Design Status: Conceptual 1. Precast Concrete Vault EA 1 $22,000.00 $22,000 $13,200.00 $13,200 $660.00 $660 $35,860.00 $35,860 2. 10" Pre-Insulated Steam Piping System LF 260 $186.00 $48,360 $120.00 $31,200 $2.66 $692 $308.66 $80,252 3. 6" Pre-Insulated Cond Piping System LF 260 $91.56 $23,806 $80.00 $20,800 $2.21 $575 $173.77 $45,181 4. 10" Pre-Insulated Field Joint/End Seal EA 10 $350.00 $3,500 $120.00 $1,200 $7.50 $75 $477.50 $4,775 5. 6" Pre-Insulated Field Joint/End Seal EA 10 $260.70 $2,607 $85.00 $850 $5.40 $54 $351.10 $3,511 6. 10" Sched 80 Flanged Steel Pipe LF 10 $167.00 $1,670 $70.00 $700 $4.94 $49 $241.94 $2,419 7. 6" Sched 80 Flanged Steel Pipe LF 10 $72.00 $720 $45.00 $450 $3.01 $30 $120.01 $1,200 8. 10" Class 250 Gate Valve EA 1 $6,000.00 $6,000 $455.00 $455 $0.00 $0 $6,455.00 $6,455 9. 6" Class 150 Gate Valve EA 1 $1,775.00 $1,775 $320.00 $320 $0.00 $0 $2,095.00 $2,095 10. 10" Weld Joint, Butt, Extra Strong Tee EA 1 $555.00 $555 $545.00 $545 $39.50 $40 $1,139.50 $1,140 11. 10" Weld Joint, Bitt, Extra Strong Elbow EA 4 $405.00 $1,620 $385.00 $1,540 $27.50 $110 $817.50 $3,270 12. 6" Weld Joint, Butt, Standard Elbow EA 3 $69.00 $207 $200.00 $600 $13.80 $41 $282.80 $848 13. 300 lb Welding Neck Flange for 10" Pipe EA 4 $220.00 $880 $200.00 $800 $13.80 $55 $433.80 $1,735 14. 150 lb Welding Neck Flange for 6" Pipe EA 4 $44.00 $176 $100.00 $400 $6.90 $28 $150.90 $604 15. Calcium Silicate with Cover LS 1 $542.00 $542 $500.00 $500 $0.00 $0 $1,042.00 $1,042 16. Steam Trap Assembly EA 1 $1,100.00 $1,100 $1,320.00 $1,320 $0.00 $0 $2,420.00 $2,420 17. 10" Expansion Joint EA 2 $1,075.00 $2,150 $250.00 $500 $0.00 $0 $1,325.00 $2,650 18. 6" Expansion Joint EA 2 $740.00 $1,480 $200.00 $400 $0.00 $0 $940.00 $1,880 19. Pipe Anchor for 10" Pre-Insul Pipe EA 1 $650.00 $650 $220.00 $220 $20.00 $20 $890.00 $890 20. Pipe Anchor for 6" Pre-Insul Pipe EA 1 $500.00 $500 $160.00 $160 $15.00 $15 $675.00 $675 21. Pipe Sleeve/Link Seal for 10" Pre-Insul EA 2 $450.00 $900 $350.00 $700 $0.00 $0 $800.00 $1,600 22. Pipe Sleeve/Link Seal for 6" Pre-Insul EA 2 $320.00 $640 $225.00 $450 $0.00 $0 $545.00 $1,090 23. Core Drill for 10" Pre-Insul Pipe EA 1 $0.00 $0 $350.00 $350 $125.00 $125 $475.00 $475 24. Core Drill for 6" Pre-Insul Pipe EA 1 $0.00 $0 $220.00 $220 $70.00 $70 $290.00 $290 TOTAL MECHANICAL $121,838 $77,880 $2,639 $202,357 CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE SUMMARY LABOR, MATERIAL, AND EQUIPMENT COST PROJECT: Western Carolina University Condensate Line Replacement LOCATION: Cullowhee, NC DESIGN STATUS: Conceptual FORM #507-6/98 Architects Engineers Planners COMM. NO. DATE 205204.00 10/30/06 TOTAL LABOR COST $36,758 $0 $0 $0 $344,660 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL EQUIPMENT COST $24,021 $0 $0 $0 $11,850 $0 $0 $0 $0 $381,418 SUBTOTAL $498,094 CONTINGENCY 30% $149,428 $114,425 SUBTOTAL $647,522 $495,843 MATERIAL TAX 4.5% $29,138 $0 EQUIPMENT TAX 4.5% LABOR MARK UP 25% $0 $0 $495,843 SUBTOTAL $676,660 OVERHEAD 15% SUBTOTAL PROFIT 10% TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST (ENTIRE PROJECT) SITE ADJUSTMENT 3% (labor, material storage and handling) (labor, clearances, parking, site delays) DESIGN FEES 10% Escalation 0 Months @ 2.5% on $1,528,593 GRAND TOTAL $35,871 $0 $35,871 $0 $915,383 $263,853 $1,179,236 $29,138 $0 $35,871 $0 $1,208,374 $181,256 $1,389,630 $138,963 $1,528,593 $38,215 DESCRIPTION CIVIL ARCHITECTURAL STRUCTURAL PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL TOTAL MATERIAL COST $27,907 $0 $0 $0 $470,187 $0 $0 $0 $0 Wiley & Wilson TOTAL COST $88,686 $0 $0 $0 $826,697 $0 $0 $0 $0 $152,859 $1,528,593 $38,215 $1,757,882 Wiley & Wilson Architects Engineers Planners DETAIL CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE PROJECT: Western Carolina University Condensate Line Replacement COMM. NO. LOCATION: Cullowhee, NC DATE Description Unit Quantity Material Cost Unit Total Material Cost Labor Cost Unit Total Labor Cost Equipment Unit Cost Total Equipment Cost 205204.00 10/30/06 Total Unit Cost Subtotal Cost CIVIL Calculation by: JPH Checked by: MR Design Status: Conceptual 1. Mobilization (overall) EA 1 $10,000.00 $10,000 $75.50 $76 $175.00 $175 $10,250.50 $10,251 2. Trench Excavation & Backfill LF 2,365 $0.00 $0 $6.60 $15,609 $4.40 $10,406 $11.00 $26,015 3. Inlet Protection EA 10 $50.00 $500 $50.00 $500 $0.00 $0 $100.00 $1,000 4. Pipe Bedding CY 262 $4.21 $1,103 $7.00 $1,834 $4.50 $1,179 $15.71 $4,116 5. Pavement Removal SY 200 $0.00 $0 $2.97 $594 $1.99 $398 $4.96 $992 6. Concrete Sidewalk Removal SY 322 $0.00 $0 $4.90 $1,578 $3.28 $1,056 $8.18 $2,634 7. Underground Piping Removal LF 2,355 $0.00 $0 $4.40 $10,362 $1.51 $3,556 $5.91 $13,918 8. Rubbish Handling (10 mile haul) CY 100 $0.00 $0 $9.80 $980 $8.71 $871 $18.51 $1,851 9. Dump Charges TN 10 $70.00 $700 $0.00 $0 $0.00 $0 $70.00 $700 10. Asphalt Pavement SY 800 $11.00 $8,800 $2.20 $1,760 $6.60 $5,280 $19.80 $15,840 11. Concrete Sidewalk SF 2,000 $3.30 $6,600 $1.65 $3,300 $0.55 $1,100 $5.50 $11,000 12. Light Grading & Seeding SY 300 $0.68 $204 $0.55 $165 $0.00 $0 $1.23 $369 TOTAL CIVIL $27,907 $36,758 $24,021 $88,686 Wiley & Wilson Architects Engineers Planners DETAIL CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE PROJECT: Western Carolina University Condensate Line Replacement COMM. NO. LOCATION: Cullowhee, NC (Replacement of Deteriorated Sections) DATE Description Unit Quantity Material Cost Unit Total Material Cost Labor Cost Unit Total Labor Cost Equipment Unit Cost Total Equipment Cost 205204.00 10/30/06 Total Unit Cost Subtotal Cost MECHANICAL Calculation by: JPH Checked by: DAN Design Status: Conceptual 1. 8" Pre-Insulated Steam Pipe System LF 265 $150.00 $39,750 $110.00 $29,150 $2.50 $663 $262.50 $69,563 2. 4" Pre-Insulated Cond Pipe System LF 265 $64.80 $17,172 $85.00 $22,525 $3.14 $832 $152.94 $40,529 3. 6" Pre-Insulated Steam Pipe System LF 1,400 $135.00 $189,000 $80.00 $112,000 $2.00 $2,800 $217.00 $303,800 4. 3" Pre-Insulated Cond Pipe System LF 1,400 $51.60 $72,240 $70.00 $98,000 $2.47 $3,458 $124.07 $173,698 5. 3" Pre-Insulated Steam Pipe System LF 700 $55.00 $38,500 $45.00 $31,500 $2.00 $1,400 $102.00 $71,400 6. 1 1/2" Pre-Insulated Cond Pipe System LF 700 $42.00 $29,400 $45.00 $31,500 $1.54 $1,078 $88.54 $61,978 7. 8" Pre-Insulated Pipe System Elbow EA 2 $1,800.00 $3,600 $100.00 $200 $10.00 $20 $1,910.00 $3,820 8. 4" Pre-Insulated Pipe System Elbow EA 2 $625.00 $1,250 $210.00 $420 $23.00 $46 $858.00 $1,716 9. 6" Pre-Insulated Pipe System Elbow EA 20 $1,300.00 $26,000 $220.00 $4,400 $25.00 $500 $1,545.00 $30,900 10. 3" Pre-Insulated Pipe System Elbow EA 20 $537.50 $10,750 $180.00 $3,600 $19.75 $395 $737.25 $14,745 11. 3" Pre-Insulated Pipe System Elbow EA 10 $870.00 $8,700 $180.00 $1,800 $19.75 $198 $1,069.75 $10,698 12. 1 1/2" Pre-Insulated Pipe System Elbow EA 10 $412.50 $4,125 $70.00 $700 $7.70 $77 $490.20 $4,902 13. 4" Pre-Insul Field Joint/End Seal EA 10 $253.00 $2,530 $75.00 $750 $5.08 $51 $333.08 $3,331 14. 3" Pre-Insul Field Joint/End Seal EA 50 $242.00 $12,100 $70.00 $3,500 $4.18 $209 $316.18 $15,809 15. 1 1/2" Pre-Insul Field Joint/End Seal EA 35 $230.00 $8,050 $65.00 $2,275 $3.50 $123 $298.50 $10,448 16. 3" Class 150 Gate Valve EA 6 $920.00 $5,520 $140.00 $840 $0.00 $0 $1,060.00 $6,360 17. Piping in Manholes LS 1 $1,000.00 $1,000 $1,000.00 $1,000 $0.00 $0 $2,000.00 $2,000 18. Calcium Silicate with Cover LS 1 $500.00 $500 $500.00 $500 $0.00 $0 $1,000.00 $1,000 TOTAL MECHANICAL $470,187 $344,660 $11,850 $826,697 CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE SUMMARY LABOR, MATERIAL, AND EQUIPMENT COST PROJECT: Western Carolina University Upsizing Steam System LOCATION: Cullowhee, NC DESIGN STATUS: Conceptual (Upsizing Existing System to Meet Future Requirements) TOTAL MATERIAL DESCRIPTION COST CIVIL $22,815 ARCHITECTURAL $0 STRUCTURAL $0 PLUMBING $0 MECHANICAL $581,184 ELECTRICAL $0 $0 $0 $0 FORM #507-6/98 Wiley & Wilson Architects Engineers Planners COMM. NO. DATE 205204.00 10/30/06 TOTAL LABOR COST $27,240 $0 $0 $0 $365,205 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL EQUIPMENT COST $19,362 $0 $0 $0 $11,976 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $392,445 SUBTOTAL $603,999 CONTINGENCY 30% $181,200 $117,734 SUBTOTAL $785,199 $510,179 MATERIAL TAX 4.5% $35,334 $0 EQUIPMENT TAX 4.5% LABOR MARK UP 25% $0 $0 $510,179 SUBTOTAL $820,533 OVERHEAD 15% SUBTOTAL PROFIT 10% TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST (ENTIRE PROJECT) SITE ADJUSTMENT 3% (labor, material storage and handling) (labor, clearances, parking, site delays) DESIGN FEES 10% Escalation 0 Months @ 2.5% on $1,722,994 GRAND TOTAL $31,338 $0 $31,338 $0 $1,027,782 $298,934 $1,326,716 $35,334 $0 $31,338 $0 $1,362,050 $204,308 $1,566,358 $156,636 $1,722,994 $43,075 COST $69,417 $0 $0 $0 $958,365 $0 $0 $0 $0 $172,299 $1,722,994 $43,075 $1,981,443 Wiley & Wilson Architects Engineers Planners DETAIL CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE PROJECT: Western Carolina University Upsizing Steam System COMM. NO. LOCATION: Cullowhee, NC DATE Description Unit Quantity Material Cost Unit Total Material Cost Labor Cost Unit Total Labor Cost Equipment Unit Cost Total Equipment Cost 205204.00 10/30/06 Total Unit Cost Subtotal Cost CIVIL Calculation by: JPH Checked by: MR Design Status: Conceptual 1. Mobilization (overall) EA 1 $10,000.00 $10,000 $75.50 $76 $175.00 $175 $10,250.50 $10,251 2. Trench Excavation & Backfill LF 1,580 $0.00 $0 $6.60 $10,428 $4.40 $6,952 $11.00 $17,380 3. Inlet Protection EA 10 $50.00 $500 $50.00 $500 $0.00 $0 $100.00 $1,000 4. Pipe Bedding CY 290 $4.21 $1,221 $7.00 $2,030 $4.50 $1,305 $15.71 $4,556 5. Pavement Removal SY 800 $0.00 $0 $2.97 $2,376 $1.99 $1,592 $4.96 $3,968 6. Concrete Sidewalk Removal SY 300 $0.00 $0 $4.90 $1,470 $3.28 $984 $8.18 $2,454 7. Underground Piping Removal LF 1,580 $0.00 $0 $4.40 $6,952 $1.51 $2,386 $5.91 $9,338 8. Rubbish Handling (10 mile haul) CY 60 $0.00 $0 $9.80 $588 $8.71 $523 $18.51 $1,111 9. Dump Charges TN 10 $70.00 $700 $0.00 $0 $0.00 $0 $70.00 $700 10. Asphalt Pavement SY 800 $11.00 $8,800 $2.20 $1,760 $6.60 $5,280 $19.80 $15,840 11. Concrete Sidewalk SF 300 $3.30 $990 $1.65 $495 $0.55 $165 $5.50 $1,650 12. Light Grading & Seeding SY 300 $0.68 $204 $0.55 $165 $0.00 $0 $1.23 $369 13. Restore Landscaping LS 2 $200.00 $400 $200.00 $400 $0.00 $0 $400.00 $800 TOTAL CIVIL $22,815 $27,240 $19,362 $69,417 Wiley & Wilson Architects Engineers Planners DETAIL CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE PROJECT: Western Carolina University Upsizing Steam System COMM. NO. LOCATION: Cullowhee, NC DATE Description Unit Quantity Material Cost Unit Total Material Cost Labor Cost Unit Total Labor Cost Equipment Unit Cost Total Equipment Cost Total Unit Cost 205204.00 10/30/06 Subtotal Cost MECHANICAL Calculation by: JPH Checked by: DAN Design Status: Conceptual 1. Precast Concrete Vault EA 3 $22,000.00 $66,000 $13,200.00 $39,600 $660.00 $1,980 $35,860.00 $107,580 2. 10" Pre-Insulated Steam Piping LF 1,100 $190.00 $209,000 $120.00 $132,000 $2.66 $2,926 $312.66 $343,926 3. 8" Pre-Insulated Steam Piping LF 230 $150.00 $34,500 $100.00 $23,000 $2.50 $575 $252.50 $58,075 4. 6" Pre-Insulated Steam Piping LF 250 $135.00 $33,750 $80.00 $20,000 $2.00 $500 $217.00 $54,250 5. 6" Pre-Insulated Cond Piping LF 1,100 $83.00 $91,300 $80.00 $88,000 $1.77 $1,947 $164.77 $181,247 6. 4" Pre-Insulated Cond Piping LF 230 $70.00 $16,100 $55.00 $12,650 $2.10 $483 $127.10 $29,233 7. 3" Pre-Insulated Cond Piping LF 250 $55.00 $13,750 $45.00 $11,250 $1.98 $495 $101.98 $25,495 8. 8" Pre-Insulated Pipe Elbow EA 4 $1,800.00 $7,200 $100.00 $400 $10.00 $40 $1,910.00 $7,640 9. 6" Pre-Insulated Pipe Elbow EA 6 $1,508.10 $9,049 $95.00 $570 $8.64 $52 $1,611.74 $9,671 10. 10" Pre-Insul Field Joint/End Seal EA 40 $350.00 $14,000 $120.00 $4,800 $7.50 $300 $477.50 $19,100 11. 8" Pre-Insul Field Joint/End Seal EA 10 $300.00 $3,000 $100.00 $1,000 $6.00 $60 $406.00 $4,060 12. 6" Pre-Insul Field Joint/End Seal EA 50 $260.70 $13,035 $82.50 $4,125 $5.40 $270 $348.60 $17,430 13. 4" Pre-Insul Field Joint/End Seal EA 10 $260.00 $2,600 $71.50 $715 $5.08 $51 $336.58 $3,366 14. 3" Pre-Insul Field Joint/End Seal EA 10 $250.00 $2,500 $66.00 $660 $4.18 $42 $320.18 $3,202 15. 10" Class 250 Gate Valve EA 5 $6,000.00 $30,000 $455.00 $2,275 $0.00 $0 $6,455.00 $32,275 16. 6" Class 150 Gate Valve EA 5 $1,775.00 $8,875 $320.00 $1,600 $0.00 $0 $2,095.00 $10,475 17. Steam Trap Assembly EA 5 $1,100.00 $5,500 $1,320.00 $6,600 $0.00 $0 $2,420.00 $12,100 18. 10" Expansion Joint EA 5 $1,075.00 $5,375 $241.00 $1,205 $0.00 $0 $1,316.00 $6,580 Wiley & Wilson Architects Engineers Planners DETAIL CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE PROJECT: Western Carolina University Upsizing Steam System LOCATION: Cullowhee, NC Description Unit Quantity Material Cost Unit COMM. NO. DATE Total Material Cost Labor Cost Unit Total Labor Cost Equipment Unit Cost Total Equipment Cost Total Unit Cost 205204.00 10/30/06 Subtotal Cost MECHANICAL Calculation by: JPH Checked by: DAN Design Status: Conceptual 19. 6" Expansion Joint EA 5 $740.00 $3,700 $193.00 $965 $0.00 $0 $933.00 $4,665 20. Pipe Anchor for 10" Pre-Insul Pipe EA 3 $650.00 $1,950 $220.00 $660 $20.00 $60 $890.00 $2,670 21. Pipe Anchor for 6" Pre-Insul Pipe EA 3 $500.00 $1,500 $160.00 $480 $15.00 $45 $675.00 $2,025 22. Pipe Sleeve/Link Seal for 10" Pre-Insul EA 10 $450.00 $4,500 $350.00 $3,500 $0.00 $0 $800.00 $8,000 23. Pipe Sleeve/Link Seal for 8" Pre-Insul EA 2 $400.00 $800 $300.00 $600 $0.00 $0 $700.00 $1,400 24. Pipe Sleeve/Link Seal for 6" Pre-Insul EA 10 $320.00 $3,200 $225.00 $2,250 $0.00 $0 $545.00 $5,450 25. Core Drill for 10" Pre-Insul Pipe EA 10 $0.00 $0 $350.00 $3,500 $125.00 $1,250 $475.00 $4,750 26. Coe Drill for 8" Pre-Insul Pipe EA 2 $0.00 $0 $300.00 $600 $100.00 $200 $400.00 $800 27. Core Drill for 6" Pre-Insul Pipe EA 10 $0.00 $0 $220.00 $2,200 $70.00 $700 $290.00 $2,900 TOTAL MECHANICAL $596,834 $382,160 $14,931 $1,238,149