Math 1050 Section 1 Puzzle 6 Name:

Math 1050 Section 1 Puzzle 6
Sitting on a golf course are 12 barrels of golf balls labeled 1-12 with over 1000
golf balls in every barrel. Each golf ball in each barrel has a weight of exactly 2 oz.
However, there is exactly one barrel in which all the golf balls weigh exactly 1.9 oz
or 2.1 oz. The golf course has provided you with a scale that can measure the exact
weight in oz of any number of golf balls placed upon it, but it costs you $10 each time
you use the scale. The manager of the golf course has promised to give you $100 if
you can tell him which barrel contains the heavy or light golf balls and whether or
not the balls are light or heavy. Is there a way to turn a prot? And if so what is
the most amount of money you can walk away with?