Where Liberal Studies at WCU and CAA Meet WCU Course THE CORE (21 HOURS) C1. Writing, 6 hours Writing and Rhetoric ENGL 101 Writing and Critical Inquiry ENGL 202 C2. Mathematics, 3 hours Mathematical Concepts MATH 101 MATH 170 C2 Credit C2 Credit C2 Credit C2 Credit C2 Credit C2 Credit C2 Credit C2 Credit C2 Credit C2 Credit Applied Statistics MATH 146 MATH 145 MATH 270 MATH 140 MATH 153 MATH 255 MATH 256 MATH 362 NCCC Course ENG 111 ENG 112 ENG 113 ENG 114 Writing & Inquiry MAT 143 MAT 167 MAT 152 MAT 141 MAT 142 MAT 171 MAT 172 MAT 252 MAT 263 MAT 271 MAT 272 MAT 273 MAT 280 Quantitative Literacy COM 110 COM 231 COM 120 Introduction to Communication HEA 110 PED 110 Personal Health/Wellness AST 251 AST 151 AST 152 BIO 150 BIO 140 BIO 110 Observational Astronomy Writing/Research in the Disciplines Litarture-Based Research Prof. Research and Reporting Discrete Mathematics Statistical Methods I Mathematical Concepts I Mathematical Concepts II Precalculus Algebra Precalculus Trigonometry Statistics II Brief Calculus Calculus I Calculus II Calculus III Linear Algebra CAA Designator UGETC UGETC Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. UGETC Pre-major UGETC Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. UGETC UGETC Pre-major UGETC Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Pre-major (Satisfied if student passes any MATH course 101 or higher, except for MATH 190-199, MATH 301, and MATH 400.) C3. Oral Communication, 3 hours Foundations of Communication COMM 201 C3 Credit COMM 150 C4. Wellness, 3 hours Health & Wellness HEAL 123 PE 19A C4 Credit Public Speaking Intro Interpersonal Com Fit and Well for Life Gen. Ed. UGETC Gen. Ed. Pre-major Pre-major C5. Physical & Biological Sciences, 6 hours The two courses taken to meet the C5 requirement must be from two different disciplines. Other 100-200 level science courses from AST, BIOL, CHEM, ENVH, GEOL, NRM and PHYS (with the exceptions of BIOL 132, CHEM 241, and courses numbered from 190-199) meet this requirement. AST 102 AST 103 AST 104 BIOL 102 BIOL 103 BIOL 105 Introductory Observational Astronomy The Solar System Cosmic Evolution Human Genetics Environmental Biology Biology in the 21st Century General Astronomy I General Astronomy II Genetics in Human Affairs Environmental Biology Principles of Biology Pre-major UGETC Gen. Ed. Pre-major Gen. Ed. UGETC rev. 10/15/14 C5 Credit C5 Credit C5 Credit C5 Credit C5 Credit C5 Credit C5 Credit C5 Credit CHEM 101 C5 Credit C5 Credit C5 Credit C5 Credit C5 Credit C5 Credit C5 Credit C5 Credit C5 Credit GEOL 140 GEOL 150 C5 Credit C5 Credit NRM 140 PHYS 105 C5 Credit C5 Credit C5 Credit C5 Credit BIOL 140 BIOL 141 BIOL 19A BIOL 19A BIOL 291 BIOL 292 BIOL 291 BIOL 292 Chemistry in Society CHEM 132 or CHEM 139 CHEM 132 CHEM 133 CHEM 132 CHEM 140 CHEM 139 CHEM 140 CHEM 241 CHEM 242 Investigations in Environmental Geology Methods in Geology GEOL 19A GEOL 155 Natural Resource Conservation & Management Contemporary Physics PHYS 130 PHYS 131 PHYS 230 PHYS 231 THE PERSPECTIVES (18 HOURS) P1. Social Sciences, 6 hours Courses must be taken in two different disciplines P1 credit Strategy First BA 133 Microeconomics & Social Issues ECON 231 Macroeconomics ECON 232 ELEC 19A P1 credit American Government & Politics PSC 150 P1 credit PSY 150 P1 credit P1 credit P1 credit P1 credit PSY 331 (ULP) SOC 103 SOC 235 PSC 19A General Psychology PSY 309 PSY 19S PSY 19D PSY 19C Human Sexuality Human Society Social Problems BIO 111 BIO 112 BIO 120 BIO 130 BIO 165 BIO 166 BIO 168 BIO 169 CHM 115 CHM 130 CHM 131 CHM 132 CHM 135 CHM 136 CHM 151 CHM 152 CHM 251 CHM 252 GEL 230 GEL 120 PHS 130 GEL 111 GEL 113 BIO 242 PHY 110 PHY 151 PHY 152 PHY 251 PHY 252 General Biology I ANT 210 BUS 110 ECO 251 ECO 252 ECO 151 POL 110 POL 120 POL 210 PSY 150 PSY 237 PSY 239 PSY 241 PSY 281 PSY 259 SOC 210 SOC 220 General Anthropology General Biology II Introductory Botany Introductory Zoology Anatomy and Physiology I Anatomy and Physiology II Anatomy and Physiology I Anatomy and Physiology II Concepts in Chemistry Gen., Org., & Biochemistry Introduction to Chemistry Organic and Biochemistry Survey of Chemistry I Survey of Chemistry II General Chemistry I General Chemistry II Organic Chemistry I Organic Chemistry II Environmental Geology Physical Geology Earth Science Introductory Geology Historical Geology Natural Resource Concervation Conceptual Physics College Physics I College Physics II General Physics I General Physics II Introduction to Business Prin of Microeconomics Prin of Macroeconomics Survey of Economics Intro to Political Science American Government Comparative Government General Psychology Social Psychology Psychology of Personality Developmental Psych Abnormal Psychology Human Sexuality Introduction to Sociology Social Problems UGETC UGETC Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Pre-major Pre-major Pre-major Pre-major Pre-major Pre-major Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. UGETC UGETC Pre-major Pre-major Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Pre-major UGETC Gen. Ed. Pre-major UGETC UGETC UGETC UGETC UGETC Gen. Ed. Pre-major UGETC UGETC Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. UGETC Gen. Ed. UGETC Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Pre-major UGETC Gen. Ed. rev. 10/15/14 P1 credit P1 credit SOC 414 (ULP) SOC 365 SOC 245 Minority Groups SOC 213 SOC 225 SOC 230 Sociology of the Family Social Diversity Race and Ethnic Relations Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. P2. Category Has Changed to Core 5 (Physical & Biological Sciences) P3. History, 3 hours European History to 1517 HIST 221 HIST 222 HIST 231 HIST 232 PAR 146 European History Since 1517 American History to 1865 American History Since 1865 Western Religious Traditions P3 Credit P3 Credit P4. Humanities, 3 hours Literature of Place ENGL 206 Popular Literature & Culture ENGL 207 ENGL 209 ENGL 290 P4 Credit P4 Credit P4 Credit P4 Credit P4 Credit P4 Credit PAR 101 PAR 102 PAR 230 P4 Credit P4 Credit P4 Credit P4 Credit P4 Credit P4 Credit P4 Credit P4 Credit Past Times: Literature & History Literature & The Sacred ENGL 241 ENGL 240 ENGL 240 Western Philosophical Traditions Western Moral Traditions Legal Scientific & Critical Reasoning ENGL 278 HIS 111 HIS 121 HIS 112 HIS 115 HIS 122 HIS 131 HIS 132 REL 112 REL 211 REL 212 REL 221 HUM 121 HUM 122 World Civilizations I ENG 272 ENG 271 ENG 274 ENG 275 ENG 131 ENG 233 ENG 243 ENG 253 ENG 231 ENG 232 ENG 241 ENG 242 ENG 251 ENG 252 PHI 210 PHI 215 PHI 220 PHI 240 PHI 230 HUM 110 HUM 120 HUM 130 HUM 150 HUM 160 HUM 161 LAT 141 LAT 142 Southern Literature Western Civilizations I World Civilizations II Intro to Global History Western Civilizations II American History I American History II Western Religions Intro to Old Testament Intro to New Testament Religion in America The Nature of America Southern Culture Contemporary Literature Literature by Women Science Fiction Introduction to Literature Major American Writers Major British Writers The Bible as Literature American Literature I American Literature II British Literature I British Literature II Western World Literature I Western World Literature II History of Philosphy Philosophical Issues Western Philosophy I Introduction to Ethics Introduction to Logic Technology and Society Cultural Studies Myth in Human Culture American Women's Studies Introduction to Film Advanced Film Studies Culture and Civilization Lit. & the Roman Republic UGETC Gen. Ed. UGETC Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. UGETC UGETC Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Pre-major Pre-major Pre-major Pre-major Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Pre-major UGETC UGETC Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. UGETC Gen. Ed. UGETC Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. rev. 10/15/14 P4 Credit P5. Fine & Performing Arts, 3 hours Introduction to The Visual Arts ART 104 ART 136 P5 Credit ART 137 P5 Credit ART 19A P5 Credit Dance Appreciation DA 259 Music Appreciation MUS 101 Music in American Culture MUS 102 MUS 19A P5 Credit MUS 19A P5 Credit MUS 19A P5 Credit MUS 19A P5 Credit MUS 19A P5 Credit MUS 19A P5 Credit The Theatre Experience THEA 104 THEA 271 P5 Credit P5 Credit P5 Credit P5 Credit P5 Credit Theatre in Education Workshop I THEA 19A THEA 19A THEA 19A ELEC 19A ELEC 19A LAT 232 Imperial Literature Gen. Ed. ART 111 ART 114 ART 115 ART 116 DAN 110 MUS 110 MUS 113 MUS 112 MUS 114 MUS 210 MUS 211 MUS 212 MUS 213 DRA 111 DRA 115 DRA 128 DRA 112 DRA 122 DRA 126 DRA 211 DRA 212 Art Appreciation UGETC UGETC UGETC Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. UGETC Gen. Ed. UGETC Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Pre-major Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. ANT 220 ANT 221 ART 117 ENG 261 ENG 262 FRE 111 FRE 112 FRE 211 FRE 212 GEO 111 GEO 112 GER 111 GER 112 GER 211 GER 212 JPN 111 JPN 112 JPN 211 JPN 212 LAT 111 Cultural Anthroplogy Art History Survey I Art History Survey II Survey of American Art Dance Appreciation Music Appreciation American Music Introduction to Jazz Non-Western Music History of Rock Music History of Country Music American Musical Theatre Opera and Musical Theatre Theatre Appreciation Theatre Criticism Chidlren's Theatre Literature of the Theatre Oral Interpretation Storytelling Theatre History I Theatre History II P6. World Cultures, 3 hours Satisfied if student passes MFL 101, 102, 110, 231, 232, 240, or 301. Only three of the six credit hours earned in FREN, GER, and SPAN 110 apply to P6 category. ANTH 120 Comparative Cultural Systems P6 Credit ENGL 204 ART 19A FREN 101 FREN 102 P6 Credit P6 Credit P6 Credit P6 Credit GER 101 GER 102 P6 Credit P6 Credit JPN 101 JPN 102 P6 Credit P6 Credit LAT 101 The Literature of Culture French & The Francophone World French & The Francophone World II FREN 231 FREN 232 GEOG 19A German & The German-Speaking World German & The German-Speaking World II GER 231 GER 232 Beginning Japanese I Beginning Japanese II Beginning Lat I Comparative Cultures Non-Western Art History World Literature I World Literature II Elementary French I Elementary French II Intermediate French I Intermediate French II World Regional Geography Cultural Geography Elementary German I Elementary German II Intermediate German I Intermediate German II Elementary Japanese I Elementary Japanese II Intermediate Japanese I Intermediate Japanese II Elementary Latin I Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. rev. 10/15/14 LAT 102 P6 Credit P6 Credit P6 Credit PAR 145 Beginning Latin II P6 Credit SPAN 101 SPAN 102 P6 Credit P6 Credit P6 Credit P6 Credit P6 Credit P6 Credit P6 Credit P6 Credit P6 Credit P6 Credit P6 Credit P6 Credit P6 Credit P6 Credit P6 Credit P6 Credit P6 Credit P6 Credit P6 Credit P6 Credit P6 Credit P6 Credit P6 Credit P6 Credit P6 Credit P6 Credit P6 Credit PSC 19A Eastern Religious Traditions Spanish & Spanish-Speaking World Spanish & Spanish-Speaking World II SPAN 231 SPAN 232 LAT 112 LAT 211 LAT 212 LAT 231 REL 110 REL 111 POL 220 SPA 111 SPA 112 SPA 211 SPA 212 ARA 111 ARA 112 ARA 211 ARA 212 ASL 111 ASL 112 ASL 211 ASL 212 CHI 111 CHI 112 CHI 211 CHI 212 COM 140 ITA 111 ITA 112 ITA 211 ITA 212 POR 111 POR 112 POR 211 POR 212 RUS 111 RUS 112 RUS 211 RUS 212 Elementary Latinin II Intermediate Latin I Intermediate Latin II Reading and Composition World Religions Eastern Relgions International Relations Elementary Spanish I Elementary Spanish II Intermediate Spanish I Intermediate SPanish II Elementary Arabic I Elementary Arabic II Intermediate Arabic I Intermediate Arabic II Elementary ASL I Elementary ASL II Intermediate ASL I Intermediate ASL II Elementary Chinese I Elementary Chinese II Intermediate Chinese I Intermediate Chinese II Intro Intercultural Communication Elementary Italian I Elementary Italian II Intermediate Italian I Intermediate Italian II Elementary Portuguese I Elementary Portuguese II Intermediate Portuguese I Intermediate Portuguese II Elementary Russian I Elementary Russian II Intermediate Russian I Intermediate Russian II Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. Gen. Ed. rev. 10/15/14