What You Can Report:
Protec on from Retalia on:
Any ac vity by UC or a UC employee that;  violates University policy If you believe you have been retaliated against for blowing the whistle on improper ac vity, you may file a complaint with your Locally Designated Official, your Human Re‐
sources Department, your Academic Personnel office or your supervisor. 
violates a state or federal law or regula on, such as;  corrup on  malfeasance  bribery  the or misuse of government property  fraud  coercion  conversion  wastes money, or
 involves gross misconduct, gross incompetence, or gross inefficiency. 
The University’s Whistleblower and Whistleblower Protec on policies, and addi onal informa on, can be found online at h p://www.ucop.edu/uc‐whistleblower/. Other Repor ng Mechanisms:
Where To Report:
For More Informa on:
Systemwide Whistleblower Hotline 800‐403‐4744 universityofcalifornia.edu/hotline The UCSD Local Designated Official for the Whistle‐
blower and Whistleblower Protec on Polices: wbcontact@ucsd.edu Your Supervisor Audit & Management Advisory Services Human Resources State Auditor’s Whistleblower Hotline, at 800‐952‐5665 www.auditor.ca.gov/hotline  California A orney General’s Hotline, at 800‐952‐5225 You may also report fraud, waste & abuse involving specific federal programs directly:  Recovery Act Fraud Hotline (Misuse of S mulus Spending), at (877) 392‐3375 
In wri ng or orally
Department of Homeland Security Hotline, at 800‐323‐8603 How To Report:
Department of Defense Hotline, at 800‐424‐9098 Rights & Remedies for Whistleblowers under the Federal Acquisi on Regula on (FAR) Pilot Program — h p://ucal.us/far With as much specific factual informa on as possible (Report what you know, but don’t inves gate—leave that to the experts!)
Anonymously, if preferred
Confiden ality will be maintained, to the extent possible. 
Rights & Remedies for Whistleblowers under the Defense Federal Acquisi on Regula on Supplement (DFARS) — h p://ucal.us/dfars 
Enhanced Whistleblower Protec on under the NASA Federal Acquisi on Regula on Supplement (NFS) ‐ h p://ucal.us/nasa 