Document 12121092

“our learning strategies, your professional success”
November/December 2015
Volume 1, Issue 7
FEATURED classes and programs
T o r e g i s t e r , v i s i t u c l e a r n i n g . u c s d . e du .
Effective Business Writing
Friday, December 4, 2015, 8:30am-4:30pm
Learning Center, Torrey Pines Center South
Learn effective business writing techniques during the
interactive and engaging course, including tips to compose
dynamic letters and email messages. This workshop is
intended for those who want their business communication to
reflect confidence and professionalism. Fee — $70
For managers/supervisors
New Supervisor Orientation
Monday, December 7, 2015, 8:30am-4:00pm
Atkinson Pavilion, UCSD Faculty Club
This training will provide an overview of the key principles,
policies, and practices that supervisors need to be aware of in
order to be effective. This training is for those who have recently
become an officially designated supervisor* or manager, either
by reclassification or as a new hire.
*Please note this training is only available to non-Health
Sciences staff at this time. Health Sciences employees are
encouraged to contact Health Sciences HR for applicable
policies and available resources.
This month with Take 10
Have you wanted to manage
your work load to accomplish
more each day? Would you like
some tips to increase your
The Take 10 suggested resources which are highlighted this
month will suggest some ways to boost your personal
productivity. Check them out on Skillsoft!
Updates from Skillsoft
Your Free online learning tool
Did you know… November is
National Career Development Month!
Staff Education and Development is here to help all UCSD staff
achieve their career development goals.
Check out our Creating an
Individual Development Plan class
to learn about the 70:20:10
strategy, an organized approach
to learning experiences designed
to help build or enhance the skills
you need to advance in your
B a s i c E l e m e nt s o f
R e c o r d s M a n ag e m e n t
1 1 / 6/ 1 5
M o t i v a t i n g t h e S t u d e nt E m p l o y e e
1 1 / 6/ 1 5
R i s k M a n a g e m e nt : Y o u r R o l e i n
M a n a g i n g D e p a r t m e n t al E x p o s u r e s
1 1 / 12 / 15
M a n a g i n g W o r k p l ac e Co n f l i c t s
1 1 / 18 / 15
C h a n g e M a n a g e m e nt Or i e n t a t i o n
for Employees
1 2 / 1/ 1 5
L o n g - T e r m C a r e a nd O t h e r
Insurance Plans
1 2 / 3/ 1 5
R a d y : C r o s s - C u lt u r a l C om m u n i ca t i o n
1 2 / 9/ 1 5
J o b A c c om m o d at i o ns : Sa v i n g J o b s
1 2 / 10 / 15
UCSD Staff Education and development
recognized with 2015 PEAK Award
New Features Just Added!
Executive Book Summaries – These are short book summaries
(most are approximately 8 pages in length) that highlight best
practices in business and leadership.
Blink SkillSoft Page – Direct link spreadsheet highlighting
courses to help you utilize Word, PPT, Excel and Outlook
portions of the MS Office Suite.
Coming Soon!
New Course Player for SkillSoft courses – December 2015.
The Association for Talent Development (ATD) San Diego honors
outstanding learning and performance achievements through its
Performance Excellence and Applied Knowledge (PEAK)
performance awards. Staff Ed was recognized for building
change management capacity at UC San Diego through the
“Delivering the Future of UC San Diego” change management