S ta f f E d u c...

S ta f f E d u c at i o n a n d D e v e l o p m e n t N e w s l e t t e r
“our learning strategies, your professional success”
January/February 2016
Volume 2, Issue 1
FEATURED classes and programs
To register, visit uclearning.ucsd.edu.
Conversations with Campus Leaders
featuring Alma Palazzolo, Assistant Dean
of the Division of Arts and Humanities
Tuesday, March 1, 2016, 12:00pm-1:00pm
Huerta Vera Cruz Room, Original Student Center
At this program, our featured guest will offer their thoughts on
topics such as characteristics of effective leadership and the
unique challenges and opportunities of leadership. This
program will be moderated by Linda Veliz, Principal Consultant
at Staff Education and Development. We hope you can join us
for this valuable professional development leadership series.
For managers/supervisors
The Manager’s Role in Employee Development
Thursday, February 25, 2016, 8:30am-11:30am
Training Center North, Torrey Pines Center North
This course articulates the manager’s role and responsibility in
developing employees for professional achievement. You will
learn how realizing talent in others and driving productive
learning can foster organizational success. Topics include: the
engagement conversation, the 70:20:10 learning approach,
and the IDP process from the manager’s perspective.
Updates from Skillsoft
Your Free online learning tool
This month we feature a few keys to organizational
effectiveness: teamwork and collaboration. This month we have
featured our newest SkillSoft library addition, Executive
Summaries, as a book featured asset. We encourage you to
take a look at all of these promoted assets in addition to the
Take 10 folder that can be located under the Featured Topics
menu found on the left side of your SkillSoft home page.
As a reminder,
Executive Book Summaries are short
summaries of best-selling business books now included with
our SkillSoft subscription. Most summaries are 8 pages in
length. They are sure to prove useful informing our best
practices in business and leadership. To view them, please
search: Soundview Executive Book Summaries in the SkillSoft
home portal search field. We included one of them in this
month’s featured assets (above) along with other suggestions
in our Take 10 Teamwork Collaboration resource folder.
It’s that time of the year...
Make your professional development
resolution today!
Staff Education and Development is here to help all UCSD staff
achieve their career development goals. Here are some ideas!
Create an Individual Development Plan (IDP)
Check out our Creating an Individual Development Plan class to
learn about the 70:20:10 strategy, an organized approach to
learning experiences designed to help build or enhance the
skills you need to advance in your career.
Meet with a mentor or supervisor regularly
Make a plan to meet with your mentor or supervisor to share
ideas and discuss your progress toward your goals. If you don’t
have a someone who is invested in your professional growth,
check out the Career Connection Staff Mentorship Program.
Know your resources!
Take initiative and find out what professional development
opportunities are available to you. From classes and trainings
offered by Staff Education and Development, continuing
education options through Educational Benefits, and financial
award opportunities through the SEOEP Program, take
advantage of what’s available to you on campus.
U s in g th e C a m p u s C M S
Designing Workplace Training
S T A R : U C S D F o u n d at i o n a n d R e g e n t s
G i f t F un d S y s t e m
Change Management Coaching
H e a r i n g L o s s : W h a t E m p lo ye e s a n d
S u p e r v i so r s N e e d to K n o w
C h a n g e M a n ag e m e n t O r i e n t a t i o n
f o r Em p lo y e e s
Training Adults at Work
Creating an Effective Individual
D e v e l o p m e n t P la n
UC San Diego Performance
A p p r a i s a l Pr o c e s s