Some papers on Wildfire in Kananaskis and related areas. In

Some papers on Wildfire in Kananaskis and related areas.
Pruden, M.A., G.I. Fryer, and E.A. Johnson. 1986. Fire frequency and old trees in the southern
Canadian Rockies. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Ecological Aspects of
Tree-Ring Analysis (G.C. Jacoby and J.W. Hornback, Eds.) Conf - 8608144. U.S.
Department of Energy, Office of Energy Research. Available from National Technical
Information Service, Washington, DC.
Johnson, E.A., and G.I. Fryer. 1987. Historical vegetation change in the Kananaskis Valley,
Canadian Rockies. Canadian Journal of Botany 65: 853-858.
Fryer, G.I., and E.A. Johnson. 1988. Reconstructing fire behaviour and effects in a subalpine
forest. Journal of Applied Ecology 25: 1063-1072.
Johnson, E.A., and G.I. Fryer. 1989. Population dynamics in lodgepole pine - Engelmann spruce
forests. Ecology 70: 1335-1345.
Johnson, E.A., G.I. Fryer, and M.J. Heathcott. 1990. The influence of man and climate on
frequency of fire in the Interior Wet Belt Forest, British Columbia. Journal of Ecology 78:
Johnson, E.A., and D.F. Greene. 1991. A method for studying dead bole dynamics in Pinus
contorta var. latifolia - Picea engelmannii forests. Journal of Vegetation Science 2: 523-530.
Johnson, E.A., and C.P.S. Larsen. 1991. Climatically-induced change in fire frequency in the
southern Canadian Rockies. Ecology 72: 194-201.
Johnson, E.A., and S.L. Gutsell. 1993. Heat budget and fire behaviour associated with the
opening of serotinous cones in two Pinus species. Journal of Vegetation Science 4: 745-750.
Johnson, E.A., and D.R. Wowchuk. 1993. Wildfires in the southern Canadian Rocky Mountains
and their relationship to mid-tropospheric anomalies. Canadian Journal of Forest Research
23: 1213-1222.
Johnson, E.A., and S.L. Gutsell. 1994. Fire frequency models, methods and interpretations.
Advances in Ecological Research 25: 239-283.
Johnson, E.A., K. Miyanishi, and H. Kleb. 1994. The hazards of interpretation of static age
structures as shown by stand reconstructions in Pinus contorta - Picea engelmannii forest.
Journal of Ecology 82: 923-931.
Bessie, W.C., and E.A. Johnson. 1995. The relative importance of fuels and weather on fire
behavior in subalpine forests. Ecology 76: 747-762.
Johnson, E.A., and K. Miyanishi. 1995. The need for consideration of fire behavior and effects in
prescribed burning. Restoration Ecology 3: 271-278.
Johnson, E.A., K. Miyanishi, and J.M.H. Weir. 1995. Old growth, disturbance, and ecosystem
management. Canadian Journal of Botany 73: 918-926.
Gutsell, S.L., and E.A. Johnson. 1996. How fire scars are formed: coupling a disturbance process
to its ecological effect. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 26: 166-174.
Johnson, E.A., and G.I. Fryer. 1996. Why Engelmann spruce does not have a persistent
seedbank. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 26: 872-878.
Nash, C.H., and E.A. Johnson. 1996. Synoptic climatology of lightning-caused forest fires in
subalpine and boreal forests. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 26: 1859-1874.
Johnson, E.A., K. Miyanishi, and J.M.H. Weir. 1998. Wildfires in the western Canadian boreal
forest: Landscape patterns and ecosystem management. Journal of Vegetation Science 9:
Weir, J.M.H., and E.A. Johnson. 1998. Effects of escaped settlement fires and logging on forest
composition in the mixedwood boreal forest. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 28: 459467.
Reed, W.J., C.P.S. Larsen, E.A. Johnson, and G.M. MacDonald. 1998. Estimation of temporal
variation in fire frequency from time-since-fire data. Forest Science 44: 465-475.
Johnson, E.A., K. Miyanishi, and N. O’Brien. 1999. Long-term reconstruction of the fire season
in the mixedwood boreal forest of western Canada. Canadian Journal of Botany 77: 11851188.
Reed, W.J., and E.A. Johnson. 1999. Reply—Reverse cumulative standing age distributions in
fire frequency analysis. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 29: 1812-1815.
Bridge, S.R.J., and E.A. Johnson. 2000. Geomorphic principles of terrain organization and
vegetation gradients. Journal of Vegetation Science 11: 57-70.
Webster, K.L., and E.A. Johnson. 2000. The importance of regional dynamics in local
populations of limber pine (Pinus flexilis). Ecoscience 7: 175-182.
Weir, J.M.H., E.A. Johnson, and K. Miyanishi. 2000. Fire frequency and the spatial age mosaic
of the mixedwood boreal forest in Western Canada. Ecological Applications 10: 1162-1177.
Gutsell, S.L., E.A. Johnson, K. Miyanishi, J. Keeley, M. Dickinson, and S.R.J. Bridge. 2001.
Varied ecosystems need different fire protection. Nature 409: 977.
Johnson, E.A., K. Miyanishi, and S.R.J. Bridge. 2001. Wildfire regime in the boreal forest and
the idea of suppression and fuel buildup. Conservation Biology 15: 1554-1557.
Miyanishi, K., and E.A. Johnson. 2001. A re-examination of the effects of fire suppression in the
boreal forest. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 31: 1462-1466.
Chipman, S.J., and E.A. Johnson. 2002. Understory vascular plant species diversity in the
mixedwood boreal forest of western Canada. Ecological Applications 12: 588-601.
Dymond, C.C., and E.A. Johnson. 2002. Mapping vegetation spatial patterns from modeled
water, temperature and solar radiation gradients. Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing 57:
Gutsell, S.L., and E.A. Johnson. 2002. Accurately ageing trees and examining their heightgrowth rates: implications for interpreting forest dynamics. Journal of Ecology 90: 153-166.
Miyanishi, K., and E.A. Johnson. 2002. Process and patterns of duff consumption in the
mixedwood boreal forest. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 32: 1285-1295.
Miyanishi, K., S.R.J. Bridge, and E.A. Johnson. 2002. Wildfire regime in the boreal forest.
Conservation Biology 16: 1177-1178.
Johnson, E.A. 2003. Towards a sounder fire ecology. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment
1: 271 (This is part of four articles in a series which I organized.)
Bridge, S.R.J., K.Miyanishi, and E.A. Johnson. 2004. A critical evaluation of fire suppression
effects in the boreal forest of Ontario. Forest Science 51: 41-50.
Dickinson, M.B., and E.A. Johnson. 2004. Temperature-dependent rate models of vascular
cambium cell mortality. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 34: 546-559.
Reed, W.J., and E.A. Johnson. 2004. Statistical methods for estimating historical fire frequency
from multiple fire-scar data. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 34: 2306-2313.
Tchir, T., E.A. Johnson, and K. Miyanishi. 2004. A model of fragmentation in the Canadian
boreal forest. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 34: 2248-2262.
Simonson, J.T., and E.A. Johnson. 2005. Development of the cultural landscape in the forestgrassland transition in southern Alberta controlled by topographic variables. Journal of
Vegetation Science 16: 523-532.
Charron, I., and E.A. Johnson. 2006. The importance of fires and floods on tree ages along
mountainous gravel-bed streams. Ecological Applications 16: 1757-1770.
Macias Fauria, M., and E.A. Johnson. 2006. Large-scale climatic patterns control large lightning
fire occurrence in Canada and Alaska forest regions. Journal of Geophysical Research 111:
G04008 (doi: 10.1029/2006JG000181).
Michaletz, S.T., and E.A. Johnson. 2006a. Foliage influences forced convection heat transfer in
conifer branches and buds. New Phytologist 170: 87-98. Commentary by Grace on this
paper in New Phytologist.
Michaletz, S.T., and E.A. Johnson. 2006b. A heat transfer model of crown scorch in forest fires.
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 36: 2839-2851.
Richards, S., and E.A. Johnson. 2007. Using decomposition rates to infer how far back tree
populations can be reconstructed. Ecology 88: 1582-1586.
Michaletz, S.T., and E.A. Johnson. 2007. How forest fires kill trees: A review of the fundamental
biophysical processes. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 22: 500-515. (doi:
Michaletz, S.T., and E.A. Johnson. 2008. A biophysical process model of tree mortality in
surface fires. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 38: 2013-2029.
Johnson, E.A., and K. Miyanishi. 2008b. Testing the assumptions of chronosequences in
succession. Ecology Letters 11: 419-431.
Keeley, J.E., G.H. Aplet, G.H., Christensen, N.L., S.G. Conard, S.G., Johnson, E.A., Omi, P.N.,
Peterson, D.L., and Swetnam, T.W. 2009. Ecological Foundations for Fire Management in
North American Forest and Shrubland Ecosystems. United States Department of Agriculture
Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, General Technical Report PNW-GTR779.
Macias Fauria, M., and E.A. Johnson. 2009. Large-scale climatic patterns and area affected by
mountain pine beetle in British Columbia, Canada. Journal of Geophysical Research 114:
G01012 (doi: 10.1029/2008JG000760).
Gallaway, J.M., Y.E. Martin, and E.A. Johnson. 2009. Sediment transport due to tree root throw:
Integrating tree population dynamics, wildfire and geomorphic response. Earth Surface
Processes and Landforms 34: 1255–1269 (doi: 10.1002/esp.1813).
Keith, D.M., E.A. Johnson, and C. Valeo. 2010a. A hillslope forest floor (duff) water budget and
the transition to local control. Hydrological Processes 24: 2738–2751. (doi:
Keith, D.M., E.A. Johnson, and C. Valeo. 2010b. Moisture cycles of the forest floor organic
layer (F and H layers) during drying. Water Resources Research 46: Article Number:
W07529 (doi: 10.1029/2009WR007984).
Macias Fauria, M., S.T. Michaletz, and E.A. Johnson. 2010. Predicting climate change effects on
wildfires requires linking processes across scales. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Climate
Change 2: 99-112 (doi: 10.1002/wcc.92).
Charron, I., E.A. Johnson, and Y.E. Martin. 2011. Tree establishment on bars in low-order
gravel-bed mountain streams. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 36: 1522-1533.
Martin, Y.E., E.A. Johnson, J.M. Gallaway, and O. Chaikina. 2011. Negligible soil erosion in a
burned mountain watershed, Canadian Rockies: Field and modelling investigations
considering the role of duff. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 36: 2097-2113.
Michaletz, S.T., E.A. Johnson, and M.T. Tyree. 2012. Moving beyond the cambium necrosis
hypothesis of post-fire tree mortality: Cavitation and deformation of xylem in forest fires.
New Phytologist 193: 254-263. (doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2011.04021.x).
Chase, M.N., E.A. Johnson, and Y.E. Martin. 2012. Influence of geomorphic process on plant
distribution and abundance as reflected in plant tolerance curves. Ecological Monographs
82: 429–447.
Michaletz, S.T., E.A. Johnson, W.E. Mell, and D.F. Greene. 2012. Timing of fire relative to seed
development controls availability of non-serotinous aerial seed banks. Biogeoscience
Discussions 9: 16705-16751.
Keith, D.M., E.A. Johnson, and Y.E. Martin. 2013. Comparing measured duff moisture with a
water budget model and the Duff and Drought Codes of the Canadian Fire Weather Index.
Forest Science. in press.
Macias Fauria, M., and E.A. Johnson. 2013. Warming-induced upslope advance of subalpine
forest is severely limited by geomorphic processes. Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences of the United States of America. in press.