General Two and Three Dimensional Motion Consider an object moving in three dimensions. y Position vector r r xiˆ yˆj zkˆ If the object is moving r then x, y, and z may be functions of time. r x y x z z General Two and Three Dimensional Motion Consider an object moving with a position given by r 2t iˆ 4.9t 2 3 ˆj and where the units are such that the position is in meters. a. What are the velocity and acceleration as functions of time? dr v t dt d v t 2t iˆ 4.9t 2 3 ˆj dt d 2t ˆ d 4.9t 3 ˆ v t i j 2 dt dt dv a t dt d a t 2iˆ 9.8t ˆj dt d 2 ˆ d 9.8t ˆ a t i j dt dt v t 2iˆ 9.8t ˆj a t 9.8 ˆj Notice : vx constant v y constantly changing Notice : uniform a y 9.8 m Projectile Motion! s2 General Two and Three Dimensional Motion Consider an object moving with a position given by r 2t iˆ 4.9t 2 3 ˆj and where the units are such that the position is in meters. b. What is y x ? Graph the resulting motion. x t 2t x t 2 yt 4.9t 2 3 2 x y 4.9 3 2 x2 y 4.9 3 4 y 1.225x 2 3 y 1.225x 2 3