Name Period Date The Disk on an Incline Lab PURPOSE: To create graphical and mathematical representations of the relationship between the position and the time for a disk rolling down an incline. Open your metronome app and set it for 2 sec clicks. Using the dry erase marker, place a dash on the rail below the golf tee. This is your starting position xo 0 cm, when t 0 s . Release the disk from rest at a click and then place a dash below the golf tee every click (every 2 sec). DATA Position (cm) Time (s) Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 0 0 0 0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10. 12 14 16 18 Disk on an Incline Lab page 2 EVALUATION OF DATA Average Position (cm) 0 Using LoggerPro, graph Position vs. Time. The graph should be a curve since the velocity changes. Linearize the data. (See the help sheet for instructions.) Get your graphs approved, then sketch the graphs below, write the regression information for the linear graph, and create a math model. Position vs. Position (cm) Position (cm) Position vs. Time Time (s)