UCL Suggested Athena SWAN timeline UCL Suggested Athena SWAN timeline The following is a suggested timeline for Departments to follow to ensure they can complete an Athena SWAN application to a good standard before the deadline. A significant commitment is required from the HoD and members of the SAT to ensure that the following is undertaken, and we would suggest that the timeline below represents the minimum time required. Athena SWAN have two application deadlines a year: the last working day of April and the last working day of November. More time is required for a silver application. For a bronze award, departments need to show that they have analysed their data, consulted with staff and have identified actions to address key career transition points for female scientists. In response to this analysis, an action plan should be created spanning the next three years. For a silver award, the department needs to evidence the impact of actions that are already in place. Please take this into consideration when planning your SWAN application and choosing a realistic application deadline. See the UCL Athena SWAN toolkit and the UCL Athena SWAN website for more information and guidance. Start Athena SWAN process: o If the process has not been initiated by Head of Department (HoD), meet with HoD to discuss Athena SWAN, and to gain their support. o Identify Self Assessment Team members (SAT) o Request SWAN data from Harriet Jones, UCL’s Athena SWAN Policy Adviser, in the Equalities and Diversity Team harriet.jones@ucl.ac.uk o Set a date for first Self Assessment Team (SAT) o Invite Harriet to first SAT meeting to help discuss and introduce Athena SWAN to members of the SAT, and how she can support the SAT First SAT meeting: o Head of Department is present at first SAT meeting o Discuss Athena SWAN, the process and what is required for a bronze or silver application. o Have initial discussions including whether the SAT want to aim for a silver or a bronze award, and identify a realistic deadline for submitting the application (there are two deadlines each year: last working day of April or November) o Analyse data sets in preparation for second SAT meeting Second SAT meeting: o Identify gender equality issues in the statistical data o Identify gaps in the data or additional data sets required, suggest how this data might be collected o Discuss other gender equality issues that staff are already aware of o Suggest ideas and actions for tackling the issues – use these to start to draft your action plan o Aim to collect any outstanding data before third SAT meeting Harriet Jones, Policy Adviser for Athena SWAN Ext: 58860 Email: harriet.jones@ucl.ac.uk UCL Suggested Athena SWAN timeline Third SAT meeting: o Discuss any additional data that had been requested and analysed o Create a draft action plan – this should include short term goals (those which you will put in place before the application deadline), and long term goals (those which you plan to include in your action plan submitted as part of your application, which will be put in place after the application deadline) o Decide who is responsible for each action and a realistic timescale Fourth SAT meeting: o Discuss issues that need exploring further as a result of statistical analysis o Agree qualitative methods e.g. anonymised survey or focus groups (please see SWAN survey template, and contact Harriet for any further support with qualitative data) o Decide who is responsible for taking forward actions with realistic timescales Fifth SAT meeting: o Assess progress made on actions to date o Suggest improvements/adjustments to actions o Nominate individuals to complete sections of the application form o Undertake qualitative data collection Sixth SAT meeting: o Feedback on qualitative data, discuss any actions as a result, and areas where feedback was positive o Make any updates to the draft action plan o Review decision whether to apply for silver or bronze, and when to apply. Key decision, will be whether you will be able to show impact of supportive culture and actions in order to apply for silver. o Start to draft application Seventh SAT meeting: o Discuss progress with draft application and any areas that still need improvement o Review action plan, make any updates and identify o Send draft application to SAT and Harriet for comments Eighth SAT meeting: o Make any amendments to the application based on feedback o Discuss any final actions to be implemented or planned before the submission deadline. Ninth SAT meeting: o Send second draft to Harriet Tenth SAT meeting: o Final amendments and review of application. o Final draft of application gets signed off by HoD Harriet Jones, Policy Adviser for Athena SWAN Ext: 58860 Email: harriet.jones@ucl.ac.uk UCL Suggested Athena SWAN timeline Submit application: o Application sent to athenaswan@ecu.ac.uk by last working day of April or November. Please refer to the UCL Athena SWAN checklist on the UCL Athena SWAN website. Other Considerations: o Progress will be slow over the Summer, and at the start of a new academic year – take this into consideration when discussing a realistic submission date. o Staff data is circulated in October/November each year, and student data will be circulated to departments in January/February each year. o Athena SWAN ask that departments inform them of their intention to submit at last 2 months before the deadline. Harriet will coordinate this. A draft application should have been completed by this point. Harriet Jones, Policy Adviser for Athena SWAN Ext: 58860 Email: harriet.jones@ucl.ac.uk