50:50 Gender Equality Group 24 April 2012 MINUTES Present: Annette Dolphin (Chair) David Attwell Sarah Chaytor Alena Chong Anna Cox Rob de Bruin Rosalind Duhs Sarah Guise Geraint Rees Sarah Winmill Patrick Woolfe Ifat Yas In attendance: Sonal Bharadva (Secretary), Rachel Port (Academic Support) and Nigel Waugh (Human Resources). Apologies were received from Mary Collins, Purvangi Dave, Marjan Jahanshahi, Charlotte Lemanski and Judith Stephenson. 1. Welcome, minutes and matters arising 1.1 Annette Dolphin (AD) introduced herself as the new Chair of the 50:50 group. A voting procedure to put in place a Chair took place via email prior to the meeting. 1.2 Minutes – AD proposed that the minutes from the last meeting be approved subject to the first paragraph being corrected which stated that, ‘MC…indicated that within Life Sciences departments avoid meeting in core hours.’ This should be amended to read ‘MC…indicated that within Life Sciences departments avoid meeting outside core hours.’ This was supposed to be seen as an example of good practice which could be used as a model across the university. 1.3 Staff survey results – It was intended that the results from the staff survey would be presented at a future meeting of the Group as the topic did not relate to the recruitment theme of this meeting. 1.4 Role models project – Geraint Rees (GR) talked about the named project where 50 nominations had been made. The project was a school-wide activity. People could self-nominate to become role models, although the majority of role models had been nominated by others. Members were invited to email GR for further information about the project or to nominate/self-nominate. Action: Group members 1.5 Equal Pay – It was intended that the next meeting of the Group would focus on equal pay with either UCL’s Reward Manager or Director of Policy and Planning in attendance to discuss the matter further. 2. Agree Terms of Reference 2.1 It was proposed that the 50:50 group should have a formal reporting line to the Committee for Equal Opportunities (CEO). It was agreed that AD would write to the CEO Chair about this matter. Action: Chair 2.2 Confidentiality – AD reminded the group about the need for confidentiality around sensitive in future meetings. 3. Presentation and discussion on recruitment data 3.1 Sarah Guise (SG) presented recruitment data relating to gender for the past year (2010-11) to the Group. The monitoring data was obtained via UCL’s online recruitment system (ROME), and it was noted that posts that were recruited via external head-hunters were (probably) not included in ROME. The data indicated that there were stark differentials by ethnicity but not to the same extent by gender. 3.2 During discussion, the following points in relation to the presentation were made: There were more female applicants than male for administrative and managerial posts. There was an occupational segregation – women were represented more in administrative and managerial posts at UCL. For grades 9 & 10 there were fewer female applicants, but those shortlisted were more likely to be appointed than men. Grades 9 & 10 research posts – there appeared to be more bias in this area although it was commented that people were unsure who would be in grades 9 & 10 research posts. Teaching posts – members were surprised that females were less well represented in this area. The sex of interview panellists on selection panels for posts at grades 9 & 10 posts were 70:30 male:female. 3.3 The Group made the following comments/queries: The accuracy of the data was queried since the numbers in some groups were very small, and it was suggested that acquiring more data would be useful. The Group suggested that data on the number of contracts issued in the past year would be useful to allow for comparison against the data. Action: SG 3.4 SG made the following observations: Women fared better than men in recruitment for support and clinical positions – did this create a critical mass? Bias in research posts was more pronounced than for academic posts Minor attrition of women in teaching posts. Women made up less than a third of grade 9 &10 interview panels. 3.5 SG suggested the following considerations for the Group: How to ensure that data for all posts was captured on ROME, to include those senior posts that used head-hunters? Whether to set a quota of women on panels? Why there might be more bias in recruitment for research posts than academic ones? Whether to use the ‘tiebreak’ provisions of the Equality Act 2010 for ‘equal’ candidates? How to enhance staff training in recruitment? 3.6 It was commented that UCL already included an encouraging statement to women to apply for vacancies but more could be done to promote family friendly polices. The University of Nottingham had developed an early career fellowship programme and UCL could formulate an equivalent programme to recruit more women. A commitment from UCL’s senior management had also recently been made to make UCL’s recruitment policy more flexible. 3.7 Diverse panels – It was proposed that the group would make a recommendation to CEO that 30% of selection panel members should be female. Some women had complained that they were repeatedly asked to sit on such panels. This was often referred to as a ‘gender tax’ where women were taxed on their time for good citizenship work. It was commented that the allocation of administrative roles within departments was often unfair and it was recommended that if women were to be asked to sit on panels their other existing tasks should be reduced accordingly in liaison with their line manager/Head of Department (HoD). As a comparator, Oxford University was known to have a similar policy in place which meant that there was always at least one female on each selection panel for each post. It was suggested that SG liaise with her counterpart at Oxford University to discuss the impact of this policy. Action: SG 3.8 It was also noted that when HoDs contacted Academic Support about selection panels for Chair and Readership appointments at UCL, departments were advised to ensure that there was a gender balance on the panel although this was known to be difficult in certain academic disciplines where there were not many female academic staff .It was agreed that SG prepare a draft letter of recommendation regarding the composition of the selection panels to be sent to the group for comment. Action: SG 4. PhD students, research fellowships and recruitment 4.1 In Neuroscience, Physiology and Pharmacology (NPP) the gender split was 50:50 at appointment level for PhD posts. When applicants were shortlisted there were more women than men. In the past the department had tried to balance this split out at offer level. They also insisted on having two men and two women on their selection panels. It was noted that the main issue regarding PhD students is that their research overruns so they would need paying more money. 4.2 AD delivered a short presentation on the fellowship route to a permanent academic post, focussing on NPP department. The following comments were made: In general there was a strong bias towards men in those currently holding independent fellowships that could, if renewed, lead to permanent academic posts. The female success rate in SLMS Excellence Fellowships and Bioscience fellowships which were advertised in open competition was good. There was a differential ambition of men and women. Although women would apply if they believed the competition was open, they would not put themselves forward as readily. In NPP a large proportion of young staff would obtain permanent posts through obtaining more than 8 years support on independent fellowships which by-pass formal recruitment processes. 4.3 The following suggestions were made for ways forward: Event or conference next year to raise awareness of this issue. It was agreed that AD contact HoDs asking for data around fellowships and numbers of those who were guaranteed permanent jobs. Action: AD A call for fellowships rather than waiting for somebody to come along. 5. Diverse panels The discussion around diverse panels was covered at Minute 3 above. 6. HR Director – recruiting women into senior posts 6.1 Discussion took place about recruiting women into senior posts at UCL. A paper was presented to the Provost’s Senior Management Team (SMT) stating that something different had to be done in order to recruit more women as in the past year there had only been a 0.06% increase in the 50:50 target for men and women in senior grades. A number of solutions were presented in the paper, some of which included: Tailored leadership programmes for talented women. Appointment of Vice Dean (Equalities & Diversity) in each faculty. Requiring that females comprised no less than a third of all recruitment and promotion panels across UCL. Ensure that women at all career stages at UCL had access to mentoring from someone other than their line manager, including those in support roles. SG commented that there were a lot of recommendations on the paper which made the document too long. It was proposed that the Group highlight the most important priorities to be included within a revised draft. Action: Group members 6.2 Consultation regarding the waiving of advertising had previously taken place. In response to the feedback, the policy was intended to be tightened and the number of posts that could waive advertising would be limited. It was expected that the norm would still be competitive selection. 6.3 Equal pay – it was commented that many people did not always start at the bottom of their grade when starting a new job at UCL. It was noted that men and women could go to HR regarding pay equity claims if they believed someone had been paid more for the same job. It was intended that SG would invite the HR Reward Manager or HR Director, Policy & Planning to attend the next meeting to discuss equal pay. Action: SG 6.4 The following suggestions were made for ways that HR could assist the Group: Compare grant data - focus on one faculty to begin with. Find out about workload allocation as often men were given less teaching and admin duties in some faculties. Create a climate where women did not fear asking for equal pay. 7. Priorities and date for next meeting 7.1 It was intended that the next meeting would focus on workload and pay. SG agreed to arrange a doodle poll for the date of the next meeting. Action: SG