Albert A. Robbert Do not use for proposals EDUCATION

Do not use for proposals
 Bachelor of Arts, Psychology, Eckerd College, St. Petersburg, FL (1966)
 Master of Business Administration, Trinity University, San Antonio, TX (1976)
 Doctor of Public Administration, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL (1993)
Senior Researcher, RAND Corporation, Washington, DC
Researches and develops policy alternatives regarding defense manpower, personnel, and training
Director, Manpower, Personnel, and Training Program, RAND Project
AIR FORCE, Washington, DC
Researches and develops policy alternatives regarding human resource and human capital
development issues. Coordinates and manages the manpower, personnel, and training research
agenda within Project AIR FORCE.
Associate Director, Manpower, Personnel, and Training Program, RAND Project
AIR FORCE, Washington, DC
Researches and develops policy alternatives regarding defense manpower, personnel, and training
issues. Assists in formulating and managing the manpower, personnel, and training research
agenda within Project AIR FORCE.
Senior Researcher, RAND Corporation, Washington, DC
Researched and developed policy alternatives regarding defense manpower, personnel, and
training issues.
Director of Personnel, Air University, Maxwell AFB, AL
Directed human resource management at the Air Force's institution for pre-commissioning,
graduate, professional, and continuing education. Culminated twenty-six years of service in the
United States Air Force, retiring at the grade of colonel.
Director, Air Force Human Resource Management School, Maxwell AFB, AL
Directed a faculty and staff providing education and training for managers of military personnel,
civilian personnel, and family support activities.
Chief, Personnel Analysis Division, Hq USAF, The Pentagon
Supervised a staff of economists, operations researchers, behavioral scientists, and contract
administrators performing studies, analyses, and surveys related to corporate level human
resource management.
Personnel Force Structure Policy Analyst, Hq USAF, The Pentagon
Do not use for proposals
Established norms for accessions, promotions, sustainment, and loss management to provide a
military work force with desired cost and experience characteristics.
Chief, Personnel Systems Division, Hq United States Air Forces in Europe,
Ramstein AB, Germany
Managed personnel records, evaluation program, and oversight of field personnel activities at the
Air Force's regional headquarters in Europe.
Personnel Force Structure Programmer, Hq USAF, The Pentagon
Developed corporate-level programs to control flow of accessions into and cross-flow among Air
Force occupational series
Personnel Utilization Policy Analyst, Air Force Military Personnel Center,
Randolph AFB, TX
Developed corporate-level policies and procedures for relocation and utilization of personnel to
meet worldwide requirements.
Instructor, Personnel Management Courses, Keesler AFB, MS
Responsible for basic and advanced training of military personnel officers.
Personnel Officer, Various Locations
Held entry level and junior executive positions in Air Force human resource management at
operating levels.
Military and civil service human resource management
Personnel inventory modeling and management
Executive and workforce competencies
Human capital planning and management
 Military Operations Research Society
 Pi Sigma Alpha (National Political Science Honor Society)
Albert A. Robbert et al., Air Force Manpower Requirements and Component Mix; A Focus
on Agile Combat Support, RR-617-AF, RAND: Santa Monica, CA, 2014.
Albert A. Robbert et al., Suitability of Missions for the Air Force Reserve Components, RR429-AF, RAND: Santa Monica, CA, 2013.
Albert A. Robbert, Costs of Flying Units in Air Force Active and Reserve Components, TR1275-AF, RAND: Santa Monica, CA, 2013.
Do not use for proposals
Don Snyder et al., Assessment of the Air Force Materiel Command Reorganization:
Report for Congress, RR-389-AF, RAND: Santa Monica, CA, 2013.
Tara Terry et al., A Methodology for Determining Air Force Education Requirements
Board (AFERB) Advanced Academic Degree (AAD) Requirements, RR-332-AF, RAND:
Santa Monica, CA, 2013.
Andrew R. Hoehn et al., Succession Management for Senior Military Positions the Rumsfeld
Model for Secretary of Defense Involvement, MG-1081-RC, RAND: Santa Monica, CA, 2011.
William A. Williams et al., Preserving Range and Airspace Access for the Air Force Mission:
Striving for a Strategic Vantage Point, TR-874-AF, RAND: Santa Monica, CA, 2011.
James H. Bigelow & Albert A. Robbert, Balancing Rated Personnel Requirements and
Inventories, TR-869-AF, RAND: Santa Monica, CA, 2011.
Michael Schiefer et al., The Weighted Airman Promotion System: Standardizing Test Scores,
MG-678-AF, RAND: Santa Monica, CA, 2008.
Susan M. Gates et al., The Defense Acquisition Workforce: An Analysis of Personnel Trends
Relevant to Policy, 1993-2006, TR-572-OSD, RAND: Santa Monica, CA, 2008.
Georges Vernez et al., Workforce Planning and Development Processes: A Practical Guide, TR408-AF, RAND: Santa Monica, CA, 2007.
Michael Schiefer et al., Air Force Enlisted Force Management: System Interactions and
Synchronization Strategies, MG-540-AF, RAND: Santa Monica, CA, 2007.
Raymond E. Conley et al., Maintaining the Balance Between Manpower, Skill Levels, and
PERSTEMPO, MG-492-AF, RAND: Santa Monica, CA, 2007.
Albert A. Robbert, et al., Integrated Planning for the Air Force Senior Leader Workforce:
Background and Methods, TR-175-AF, RAND: Santa Monica, CA, 2005.
Albert A. Robbert, “Developing Leadership: Emulating the Military Model,” in Robert E.
Klitgaard and Paul C. Light, eds., High-Performance Government: Structure, Leadership,
Incentives, MG-256-PRGS, RAND: Santa Monica, CA, 2005.
Robert M. Emmerichs, Cheryl Y. Marcum, and Albert A. Robbert, An Operational Process for
Workforce Planning, MR-1684/1-OSD, RAND: Santa Monica, CA, 2004
Robert M. Emmerichs, Cheryl Y. Marcum, and Albert A. Robbert, An Executive Perspective on
Workforce Planning, MR-1684/2-OSD, RAND: Santa Monica, CA, 2004
John A. Ausink and Albert A. Robbert, A Tutorial and Exercises for the Compensation,
Accessions, and Personnel Management (CAPM) Model, MR-1669-AF/OSD, RAND: Santa
Monica, CA, 2003.
Dina G. Levy et al., Characterizing the Future Defense Workforce, MR-1304-OSD, RAND:
Santa Monica, CA, 2001.
Do not use for proposals
Albert A. Robbert et al., Relating Ranges and Airspace to Air Combat Command Missions and
Training, MR-1286-AF, RAND: Santa Monica, CA, 2001.
Albert A. Robbert et al., A Decision Support System for Evaluating Ranges and Airspace, MR1286/1-AF, RAND: Santa Monica, CA, 2001.
Susan M. Gates and Albert A. Robbert, Personnel Savings in Competitively Sourced DoD
Activities: Are They Real? Will They Last?, MR-1117-OSD, RAND: Santa Monica, CA,, 2000.
Albert A. Robbert et al., Principles for Determining the Air Force Active/Reserve Mix, MR-1091AF, RAND: Santa Monica, CA, 1999.
Susan M. Gates and Albert A. Robbert, Comparing the Costs of DoD Military and Civil Service
Personnel, MR-980-OSD, RAND: Santa Monica, CA, 1998.
Albert A Robbert et al., Differentiation in Military Human Resource Management, MR-838OSD, RAND: Santa Monica, CA, 1997.
Albert A. Robbert, Susan M. Gates, and Marc N. Elliott, Outsourcing of DoD Commercial
Activities: Impacts on Civil Service Employees, MR-866-OSD, RAND: Santa Monica, CA,
Albert A. Robbert, Private Sector Production of Local Government Services: Efficiency and
Accountability as Functions of Selected Factors in the Public/Private Environment, The
University of Alabama, 1993 (dissertation)