HORRY GEORGETOWN TECHNICAL COLLEGE LIBRARY ACADEMIC YEAR 2014-15 Ye a r i n R ev i ew A Letter from the Assistant Vice President of Library and Learning Support Services Dear Colleagues, CONTENTS PAGE 2 ACCESS SERVICES PAGE 3 REFERENCE & INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES PAGE 4 ELECTRONIC RESOURCES & SOCIAL MEDIA CONNECTIONS PAGE 5 TECHNICAL SERVICES & COLLECTIONS PAGE 6 FACILITIES & STAFF TRAINING It is my pleasure to submit to you the HGTC Library 2014/15 Year in Review. Last year was a year of new initiatives, increases in our print and electronic collections and advances in our accessibility to students, faculty and staff who have come to rely on the HGTC Library as a cultural and intellectual heart of the college. Information is at the center of librarianship. Librarians and other information professionals engage with information through increasingly diverse formats. They connect information and people to promote learning, inform decisions, and stimulate new knowledge. Today, HGTC Library continues to meet many expectations to support undergraduate education and to provide adequate measures for accreditation reviews. Higher education today has a goal to prepare self-directed lifelong learners. The duty of the academic library in the 21st century is to contribute towards the success of learning and the effectiveness of research. We continue our work to transform the academic library while maintaining our expertise in navigating, organizing and preserving the use of information while also providing information-rich learning environments. We do so through the work in our five strategic areas outlined to the left. Thank you for your continued support, Peggy Saylor PAGE 1 Our Vision Horry Georgetown Technical College Library will engage students, faculty, staff and campus leaders with a dynamic, user-centered process for planning, delivering and assessing all services. We will be the preeminent center of learning, information, and technology with an emphasis on providing a positive experience for all users. Our Mission The Horry Georgetown Technical College Library provides programs, services, and facilities which support the philosophy and mission of the College. The Library supports the learning needs of a diverse student population, the instructional needs of the faculty, and the informational needs of the community. We support lifelong learning by teaching information literacy skills and advancing intellectual discovery, contributing to student success in achieving personal as well as academic goals. www.hgtc.edu/library INVESTOR HORRY GEORGETOWN NEWSLETTERTECHNICAL ISSUE N°3 COLLEGE LIBRARY ACADEMIC YEAR FALL 2014-15 2008 ACCESS SERVICES BY THE NUMBERS: 159,782 PATRON VISITS 23,434 ITEMS LOANED 4,578 GENERAL QUESTIONS ANSWERED 3,081 TECHNOLOGY QUESTIONS ANSWERED “We strive to provide students, faculty and staff with a materials in a variety of formats to foster both personal and academic growth in a warm and friendly environment.” Wendy Savoca, Conway Access Services provides patrons with a friendly introduction to the library at the Circulation Desk. The staff at these service points assist patrons in accessing and obtaining materials from the library's collection and from collections outside the library. They also work behind the scenes assisting with stacks maintenance and book processing. PAGE 2 Their primary function is to provide a starting point and subsequent guidance for all inquiries related to the library and college community. This past year our staff attended a mandatory customer service training conducted by the SC State Library and the circulation staff participated in their first annual Circulation Retreat. These training activities helped our staff better assist students, contributing to a 98% overall satisfaction rate on the HGTC Student Satisfaction Survey (2014). The library continues to survey patrons to find out what their needs are and we will continue to work with other departments to host Stress Free Zones and activities in each Fall and Spring semester. www.hgtc.edu/library INVESTOR HORRY GEORGETOWN NEWSLETTERTECHNICAL ISSUE N°3 COLLEGE LIBRARY ACADEMIC YEAR FALL 2014-15 2008 REFERENCE & INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES BY THE NUMBERS: 2,740 REFERENCE QUESTIONS ANSWERED IN-PERSON OR BY PHONE 5,495 REMOTE REFERENCE QUESTIONS ANSWERED VIA CHAT, LIBANSWERS OR EMAIL 3,059 ATTENDEES AT LIBRARY INSTRUCTIONAL SESSIONS 160+ CUSTOMIZED COURSE AND SUBJECT LIBRARY GUIDES CREATED, UPDATED OR MAINTAINED BY PROFESSIONAL LIBRARIANS “It is a common misconception that the vast amount of resources available to today’s Google generation makes finding information easier; however, finding scholarly materials when conducting a basic Web search is like searching for that proverbial needle in a haystack. Therefore, the effective use of academic resources provided by HGTC as taught to students in a one-on-one Reference setting or in a larger instructional class is more vital today than in any other time in the history of libraries.” Chris Williams, Conway Reference and Instructional Librarians play a significant role in the Information Literacy Program at the college. From library workshops and online tutorials to customized course research guides, our librarians strive PAGE 3 to provide services to strengthen our patrons’ research and critical thinking skills. The professional librarians support research with an anytime, anywhere learning philosophy. A full-time Reference and Instructional Librarian was added to the Georgetown Campus in 2015 as was a reference hub to better assist students with research inquiries. While maintaining face-to-face services, our librarians have consistently adopted new technologies on multiple platforms to assist students remotely with research, including a major migration to LibGuides Version 2 earlier this summer. Students will now have the benefit of using new Chromebooks for hands-on activities during Information Literacy Workshops. To support online courses, we added Library Instruction Modules from Credo. These ideas and future projects were exchanged at the second annual Reference Retreat where we continue to find more meaningful ways to assess student learning. www.hgtc.edu/library INVESTOR HORRY GEORGETOWN NEWSLETTERTECHNICAL ISSUE N°3 COLLEGE LIBRARY ACADEMIC YEAR FALL 2014-15 2008 ELECTRONIC RESOURCES & SOCIAL MEDIA CONNECTIONS BY THE NUMBERS: 6 NEW DATABASES 92 DATABASES AVAILABLE 16 NEW ONLINE TUTORIALS AVAILABLE 12,813 PATRONS REACHED VIA SOCIAL MEDIA 300,000+ EBOOKS AVAILABLE 77 DIGITAL MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS “Accessible, online research and popular reading materials allow students the opportunity to complete assignments – and get credible answers to everyday questions – no matter where they are or what time it is. Likewise, social media allows us to communicate with students at any time. In this way, the library is a round-the-clock community of sharing.” Amanda Kraft, Grand Strand PAGE 4 The transition from print resources to electronic continues to increase through direct and consortial PASCAL purchases at a nominal cost. HGTC Library now offers over 300,000+ academic and popular eBooks and over 70 digital magazine titles. We continue to improve these resources through ongoing collection development and with the recommendations of students, faculty, and staff. Databases and eBooks were added in the following subject areas: Public Service Technology and Legal Studies, Dental Sciences, Psychology, and Social Issues. The library continues to maintain its social media presence through a blog, Facebook, and Twitter. By incorporating graphic design tools and link embedding software, we have seen a 289% increase this year in patrons reached via social media. Additionally, professional librarians create and students actively participate in a monthly trivia contest distributed via social media that requires the use of library resources. Students are now introduced to the Library’s Twitter page through a scavenger hunt in select Information Literacy Workshops. www.hgtc.edu/library HORRY GEORGETOWN TECHNICAL COLLEGE LIBRARY ACADEMIC YEAR 2014-15 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND COLLECTIONS BY THE NUMBERS: 51,478 PHYSICAL ITEMS OWNED 2,393 PHYSICAL ITEMS ADDED NEARLY 20% OF PHYSICAL AND DIGITAL ITEMS WERE PURCHASED IN RESPONSE TO A STUDENT, FACULTY OR STAFF REQUEST #1 RANK IN SCILS LIBRARY CONSORTIA FOR TOTAL ITEMS LOANED “Reaching out, staying connected, and building partnerships with faculty is just as important as being informed of new materials and products. The fiscally responsible selection and purchase of helpful, pertinent materials to supplement learning is based in those relationships.” Nicole Romyak, Conway What would our library be like without technical services to organize materials? Technical services staff members acquire resources and prepare those items for use. Staff members organize the items for the library collection by deciding where each individual items belongs in the collection and then preparing a record of each item to add to the online catalog and automated system. PAGE 5 The library continues to provide a balanced collection in a variety of formats, both virtual and physical and aligned with research, curriculum, and user needs. We continue to encourage all patrons to use the Request Materials button on the library homepage to assist us in building our collection. Each campus library also maintains the highest standards of selection and deselection. This has resulted in the highest number of items loaned out to other academic libraries in the SCILS Consortia via PASCAL Delivers. The AVP of Library and Learning Support Services serves on PASCAL’s Common Core Collection Committee. This committee is committed to identifying unique print titles at each college and developing a delivery method to increase the number of resources available to students at no additional charge. " www.hgtc.edu/library INVESTOR HORRY GEORGETOWN NEWSLETTERTECHNICAL ISSUE N°3 COLLEGE LIBRARY ACADEMIC YEAR FALL 2014-15 2008 FACILITIES & STAFF TRAINING BY THE NUMBERS: 62,840 LOG-INS TO A LIBRARY COMPUTER 742 MOBILE TECHNOLOGY DEVICES LOANED 6 LOCKERS ADDED TO CONWAY LIBRARY 5 ELECTRICAL POLES ADDED TO GS The library is a central and integral part of academic life. The primary function of the academic library is to assist patrons in meeting their academic commitments. Well-maintained library facilities encourage patrons to utilize the library for their information and recreational needs. Wood flooring replaced portions of carpeting in both the Conway and Grand Strand libraries. We continue to optimize technology and facilities to foster collaboration and research in an up-to-date and well maintained environment. This year we were able to add a touch screen book scanner to Conway with assistance from Student Services. We would like to take this opportunity to thank our administration for their support and our maintenance and custodial staff for maintaining the excellent condition of our facilities throughout the years and while making minor upgrades to aging carpeting and furniture. PAGE 6 HGTC Library supports a staff that is diverse and enriched through professional development and training in today’s dynamic, academic environment. Members of the department attended 33 training webinars and the following conferences: LIBRIS, SCLA, ASCUE, Library of Congress Subject Heading Bootcamp at USC, Information Literacy Conference, and the PASCAL eBook training in Charleston. As the library staff looks toward the future, the role of the library is also to preserve the past. We maintain many archival items and we realize the importance of preserving these. We hope to enroll two of our staff in digital preservation courses and we are working towards building the South Carolina collection at the Conway Library. Thank you for taking the time to read about your library. We look forward to serving you now and in the future. www.hgtc.edu/library