Non 10+1 ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE COLLEGE OF THE SEQUOIAS CCD 4040 Academic Services LIBRARY AND OTHER INSTRUCTIONAL TUTORING AND INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Under supervision of the Director of Learning Resources and Instructional Media and the College District Librarians, in consultation with the faculty from the academic and vocational areas, will coordinate the development and maintenance of a well-rounded collection of resource materials of the highest possible standard no matter of modality or location. The Library has the responsibility of providing materials on opposing sides of controversial issues, as well as being representative of the many groups and opinions prevalent in our society. The Librarians and Director will place reason above prejudice in the selection of materials. These materials will: 1. Enrich and support the curriculum of the College. 2. Be provided in a variety of formats, print, electronic, visual and audio, to serve students on and off the campus. 3. Provide a background of information which will enable students to make intelligent judgments in their daily lives. 4. E n c o ur a ge l i t e r a c y a n d i n f o r ma ti o n c o m p e te n c y . Include materials in the book and magazine collection that encourage literacy. 5. Be maintained by continual evaluation, procurement and replacement. Gifts to the collection will be used only if they enhance the collection by the above criteria. Determination of additions to the collection will be made by the Director of Learning Resources and District Librarians. To insure the adequacy of the collection, the Director and Librarians will review the materials according to professional standards developed in the field for community college libraries. The Library provides training to students so that library resources may be accessed and used effectively and efficiently. The Library will provide reference help from a Librarian all the hours the Library is open. If library materials are questioned or challenged by students, College District employees, or members of the community, the questions should be directed in writing to the Director of Learning Resources and Instructional Media, signed by the person raising the question, and indicating specific objections, page references, etc. The questioned materials will then be reviewed by the Director and the College District Librarians. When this review has been completed, the Director will respond in writing to the question/challenge and forward copies of the letter to the Superintendent/President. The questioner may accept the review, or present an appeal through the Superintendent/President to the Board of Trustees. Instructional Media Services will provide and maintain equipment used in conjunction with instruction. This equipment includes those permanently installed in a classroom, as well as equipment borrowed from the office of Media Services. The staff in Media Services will select equipment in consultation with faculty and in coordination with technology standards/guidelines developed by the College. The Media Services staff will work closely with faculty to develop electronic instructional media for their classes. The Media Services staff will coordinate with instructors who assign their students projects which involve media development and provide support to the students whenever possible. The Tutorial Center will provide access and opportunities for students to improve their basic skills, including: reading, writing, techniques for studying and computer literacy. The Tutorial Center will also provide tutoring for specific subjects and classes based on the needs of students. Student tutors will receive training on how to tutor effectively. References: Title 5, Education Code Section 78100, 78101, 78103; Civil Code Section 1798.90 Accreditation Standard II.C March 10, 2009 BP/AP APPROVAL PROCESS Step 1 9-15-14; Jennifer La Serna Step 2 9-25-14; Senior Management Step 3 11-15-14; 30 Day Review Step 4 Step 5 Step 6