Structural Integration in Language and Music: Evidence for a Shared System.

Structural Integration in Language and Music: Evidence
for a Shared System.
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Fedorenko, Evelina et al. “Structural Integration in Language and
Music: Evidence for a Shared System.” Memory & Cognition 37.1
(2009) : 1-9.
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Structural integration in language and music:
Evidence for a shared system
Evelina Fedorenko1, Aniruddh Patel2, Daniel Casasanto3,
Jonathan Winawer3, and Edward Gibson1
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2The Neurosciences Institute,
Stanford University
Memory and Cognition, In Press
Send correspondence to the first author:
Evelina (Ev) Fedorenko, MIT 46-3037F, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
This paper investigates whether language and music share cognitive resources for
structural processing. We report an experiment which used sung materials and
manipulated linguistic complexity (subject-extracted relative clauses, object-extracted
relative clauses) and musical complexity (short / long harmonic distance between the
critical note and the preceding tonal context, auditory oddball involving loudness
increase on the critical note relative to the preceding context). The auditory oddball
manipulation was included to test whether the difference between short- and longharmonic-distance conditions may be due to any salient or unexpected acoustic event.
The critical dependent measure involved comprehension accuracies to questions about
the propositional content of the sentences asked at the end of each trial. The results
revealed an interaction between linguistic and musical complexity such that the
difference between the subject- and object-extracted relative clause conditions was
larger in the long-harmonic-distance conditions, compared to the short-harmonicdistance and the auditory-oddball conditions. These results provide evidence for an
overlap in structural processing between language and music.
The domains of language and music have been argued to share a number of similarities at
the sound level, at the structure level, and in terms of general domain properties. First,
both language and music involve temporally unfolding sequences of sounds with a salient
rhythmic and melodic structure (Handel, 1989; Patel, 2008). Second, both language and
music are rule-based systems where a limited number of basic elements (e.g., words in
language, tones and chords in music) can be combined into an infinite number of higherorder structures (e.g., sentences in language, harmonic sequences in music) (e.g.,
Bernstein, 1976; Lerdahl & Jackendoff, 1983). Finally, both appear to be universal
human cognitive abilities and both have been argued to be unique to our species (see
McDermott & Hauser, 2005, for a recent review of the literature).
This paper is concerned with the relationship between language processing and
music processing at the structural level. Several approaches have been used in the past to
investigate whether the two domains share psychological and neural mechanisms.
Neuropsychological investigations of patients with selective brain damage have revealed
cases of double dissociations between language and music. In particular, there have been
reports of patients who suffer from a deficit in linguistic abilities without an
accompanying deficit in musical abilities (e.g., Luria et al., 1965; but cf. Patel, Iversen,
Wassenaar & Hagoort, 2008), and conversely, there have been reports of patients who
suffer from a deficit in musical abilities without an accompanying linguistic deficit (e.g.,
Peretz, 1993; Peretz et al., 1994; Peretz & Coltheart, 2003). These case studies have been
interpreted as evidence for the functional independence of language and music.
In contrast, studies using event-related potentials (ERPs), magnetoencephalography (MEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) have
revealed patterns of results inconsistent with the strong domain-specific view. The
earliest evidence of this kind comes from Patel et al. (1998; see also Besson & Faïta,
1995; Janata, 1995) who presented participants with two types of stimuli – sentences and
chord progressions – and varied the difficulty of structural integration in both. It was
demonstrated that difficult integrations in both language and music were associated with
a similar ERP component (the P600) with a similar scalp distribution. Patel et al.
concluded that the P600 component indexes the difficulty of structural integration in
language and music. There have been several subsequent functional neuroimaging
studies showing that structural manipulations in music appear to activate cortical regions
in and around Broca’s area, which has long been implicated in structural processing in
language (e.g., Stromswold et al., 1996), and its right hemisphere homolog (Maess et al.,
2001; Koelsch et al., 2002; Levitin & Menon, 2003, Tillmann, Janata, & Bharucha,
2003)1. In summary, the results from the neuropsychological case studies and the
neuroimaging studies appear to be inconsistent with regard to the extent of domainspecificity of language and music.
Attempting to reconcile the neuropsychological and neuroimaging data, Patel
(2003) proposed that in examining the relationship between language and music, it is
important to distinguish between long-term structural knowledge (roughly corresponding
to the notion of long-term memory) and a system for integrating elements with one
To the best of our knowledge, there have been no fMRI studies to date comparing structural processing in
language and music within individual subjects. In order to claim that shared neural structures underlie
linguistic and musical processing, within-individual comparisons are critical, because a high degree of
anatomical and functional variability has been reported, especially in the frontal lobes (e.g., Amunts et al.,
1999; Juch et al., 2005; Fischl et al., 2007).
another in the course of on-line processing (roughly corresponding to the notion of
working memory) (for an alternative view, see MacDonald & Christensen, 2002, who
hypothesize that no distinction exists between representational and processing networks).
Patel argued that whereas the linguistic and musical knowledge systems may be
independent, the system used for online structural integration may be shared between
language and music (the Shared Syntactic Integration Resource hypothesis, SSIRH).
This non-domain-specific working memory system was argued to be involved in
integrating incoming elements (words in language and tones/chords in music) into
evolving structures (sentences in language, harmonic sequences in music). Specifically,
it was proposed that structural integration involves rapid and selective activation of items
in associative networks, and that language and music share the neural resources that
provide this activation to the networks where domain-specific representation reside. This
idea can be conceptually diagrammed as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the functional relationship between linguistic and
musical syntactic processing (adapted from Patel, 2008).
The diagram in Figure 1 represents the hypothesis that linguistic and musical syntactic
representations are stored in distinct brain networks (and hence can be selectively
damaged), whereas there is overlap in the networks which provide neural resources for
the activation of stored syntactic representations. Arrows indicate functional connections
between networks. Note that the boxes do not necessarily imply focal brain regions. For
example, linguistic and musical representation networks could extend across a number of
brain regions, or exist as functionally segregated networks within the same brain regions.
One prediction of the SSIRH is that taxing the shared processing system with
concurrent difficult linguistic and musical integrations should result in super-additive
processing difficulty because of competition for limited resources. A recent study
evaluated this prediction empirically and found support for the SSIRH. In particular,
Koelsch et al. (2005; see also Steinbeis & Koelsch, 2008, for a replication) conducted an
ERP study in which sentences were presented visually word-by-word simultaneously
with musical chords, with one chord per word. In some sentences, the final word created
a grammatical violation via gender disagreement (the experiment was conducted in
German, in which nouns are marked for gender) thereby violating a syntactic expectation.
The chord sequences were designed to strongly invoke a particular key, and the final
chord could either be the tonic chord of that key or an unexpected out-of-key chord from
a distant key. Previous research on language or music alone had shown that structures
with gender agreement errors, like the ones used by Koelsch et al. (2005), elicit a left
anterior negativity (LAN), while the musical incongruities elicit an early right anterior
negativity (ERAN) (Gunter et al., 2000; Koelsch et al., 2000; Friederici, 2002)2. During
Unexpected out-of-key chords in harmonic sequences have been shown to elicit a number of distinct ERP
components, including an early negativity (ERAN, latency ~200 ms) and a later positivity (P600, latency
~600 ms). The ERAN may reflect the brain's response to the violation of a structural prediction in music,
while the P600 may index processes of structural integration of the unexpected element into the unfolding
the critical condition where a sequence had simultaneous structural incongruities in
language and music, an interaction was observed: the LAN to syntactically incongruous
words was significantly smaller when these words were accompanied by an out-of-key
chord, consistent with the possibility that the processes underlying the LAN and ERAN
were competing for the same / shared neural resources. In a control experiment, it was
demonstrated that this was not due to general attentional effects because the size of the
LAN was not affected by a simple auditory oddball manipulation involving physically
deviant tones on the last word in a sentence. Thus the results of Koelsch et al.’s study
provided support for the Shared Syntactic Integration Resource hypothesis.
The experiment reported here is aimed at further evaluating the SSIRH and differs
from the experiments of Koelsch et al. in two ways. First, the experiment manipulates
linguistic complexity via the use of well-formed sentences (with subject- vs. objectextracted relative clauses). To test claims about overlap in cognitive / neural resources
for linguistic and musical processing, it is preferable to investigate structures that
conform to the rules of the language rather than structures that are ill-formed in some
way. This is because the processing of ill-formed sentences may involve additional
cognitive operations (such as error detection and attempts at reanalysis / revision),
making the interpretation of language-music interactions more difficult (e.g., Caplan,
2007). Another difference between our experiment and that of Koelsch et al. is the use of
sung materials, in which words and music are integrated into a single stream. Song is an
ecologically natural stimulus for humans which has been used by other researchers to
investigate the relationship between musical processing and linguistic semantic
processing (e.g., Bonnel et al., 2001). To our knowledge, the current study is the first to
use song to investigate the relationship between musical processing and linguistic
syntactic processing.
In the experiment described here we independently manipulated the difficulty of
linguistic and musical structural integrations in a self-paced listening paradigm using
sung stimuli to investigate the relationship between syntactic processing in language and
music. The prediction of the Shared Syntactic Integration Resource hypothesis is as
follows: the condition where both linguistic and musical structural integrations are
difficult should be more difficult to process than would be expected if the two effects –
the syntactic complexity effect and the musical complexity effect – were independent.
This prediction follows from the additive factors logic (Sternberg, 1969; see Fedorenko et
al. (2007, pp. 248-249) for a summary of this reasoning and a discussion of its
We examined the effects of the manipulations of linguistic and musical
complexity on two dependent measures: listening times and comprehension accuracies.
However, only the comprehension accuracy data revealed interpretable results. We will
therefore only present and discuss the comprehension accuracy data. It is worth noting
that the listening time data were not inconsistent with the SSIRH. In fact, there were
some suggestions of the predicted patterns, but these effects were mostly not reliable.
More generally, the listening time data were very noisy, as evidenced by high standard
deviations. The highly rhythmic nature of the materials (see Methods) may have led
participants to pace themselves in a way that would allocate the same amount of time to
each fragment regardless of condition-type, possibly making effects difficult to observe.
For purposes of completeness, we report the region-by-region listening times in
Appendix A.
One source of difficulty of structural integration in language has to do with the
need to retrieve the structural dependent(s) of an incoming element from memory in
cases of non-local structural dependencies. Retrieval difficulty has been hypothesized to
depend on the linear distance between the two elements (e.g., Gibson, 1998). We here
compared structures containing local vs. non-local dependencies. In particular, we
compared sentences containing subject- and object-extracted relative clauses (RCs), as
shown in (1).
(1a) Subject-extracted RC: The boy who helped the girl got an “A” on the test.
(1b) Object-extracted RC: The boy who the girl helped got an “A” on the test.
The subject-extracted RC (1a) is easier to process than the object-extracted RC (1b),
because in (1a) the RC “who helped the girl” contains only local dependencies (between
the relative pronoun “who” co-indexed with the head noun “the boy” and the verb
“helped”, and between the verb “helped” and its direct object “the girl”), while in (1b) the
RC “who the girl helped” contains a non-local dependency between the verb “helped”
and the pronoun “who”. The processing difficulty difference between subject- and
object-extracted RCs is therefore plausibly related to a larger amount of working memory
resources required for processing object-extractions, and in particular for retrieving the
object of the embedded verb from memory (e.g., King & Just, 1991; Gibson, 1998, 2000;
Gordon et al., 2001; Grodner & Gibson, 2005; Lewis & Vasishth, 2005).
The difficulty of structural integration in music was manipulated by varying the
harmonic distance between an incoming tone and the key of the melody, as shown in
Figure 2. Harmonically distant (out-of-key) notes are known to increase the perceived
structural complexity of a tonal melody, and are associated with increased processing
demands (e.g., Eerola et al., 2006; Huron, 2006). Crucially, the linguistic and the musical
manipulations were aligned: the musical manipulation occurred on the last word of the
relative clause. This is the point (a) where the structural dependencies in the relative
clause have been processed, and (b) which is the locus of processing difficulty in the
object-extracted relative clauses due to the long-distance dependency between the
embedded verb and its object. This created simultaneous structural processing demands
in language and music in the difficult (object-extracted harmonically-distant) condition.
Figure 2. A sample melody (in the key of C major) with a version where all the notes are
in-key (top) and a version where the note at the critical position is out-of-key (bottom; the
out-of-key note is circled).
As stated above, under concurrent linguistic and musical processing conditions,
the SSIRH predicts that linguistic integrations should interact with musical integrations,
such that when both types of integrations are difficult, super-additive processing
difficulty should ensue. However, if linguistic and musical processing were shown to
interact superadditively, in order to argue that linguistic and musical integrations rely on
the same / shared pool of resources it would be important to rule out an explanation
whereby the musical effect is driven by shifts of attention due to any non-specific
acoustically unexpected event. To evaluate this possibility, we added a condition where
the melodies had a perceptually salient increase in intensity (loudness) instead of an outof-key note at the critical position. The SSIRH predicts an interaction between linguistic
and musical integrations for the structural manipulation in music, but not for this lowerlevel acoustic manipulation.
Participants Sixty participants from MIT and the surrounding community were paid for
their participation. All were native speakers of English and were naive as to the purposes
of the study.
Design and materials The experiment had a 2 x 3 design, manipulating syntactic
complexity (subject-extracted RCs, object-extracted RCs) and musical complexity (short
harmonic distance between the critical note and the preceding tonal context, long
harmonic distance between the critical note and the preceding tonal context, loudness
increase on the critical note relative to the preceding context (auditory oddball)).
The language materials consisted of 36 sets of sentences, with two versions as
shown in (2). Each sentence consisted of 12 mostly monosyllabic words3, so that each
word corresponded to one note in a melody, and was divided into four regions for the
The first nine words of each sentence (which include the subject noun phrase, the relative clause, and the
main verb phrase) were always monosyllabic and were sung syllabically (one note per syllable). The last
word of the fourth region (“test” in (2)) was monosyllabic in 19/36 items, bisyllabic in 15/36 items, and
trisyllabic in 1/36 items. Furthermore, in one item, the fourth region consisted one a single trisyllabic word
(“yesterday”). For the 16 items where the fourth region consisted of more than three syllables, the extra
syllable(s) were sung on the last (12th) note of the melody, with the beat subdivided among the syllables.
purposes of recording and presentation, as indicated by slashes in (2a)-(2b): (1) a subject
noun phrase, (2) an RC (subject-/object-extracted), (3) a main verb with a direct object,
and (4) an adjunct prepositional phrase. The reason we grouped words into regions,
instead of recording and presenting the sentences word-by-word, was to preserve the
rhythmic and melodic pattern.
(2a) Subject-extracted:
The boy / that helped the girl / got an “A” / on the test.
(2b) Object-extracted:
The boy / that the girl helped / got an “A” / on the test.
Each of these two versions was paired with three different versions of a melody (short
harmonic distance, long harmonic distance, auditory oddball), differing only in the pitch
(between short- and long-harmonic-distance conditions) and only in the loudness
(between short-harmonic-distance and auditory-oddball conditions) of the note
corresponding to the last word of the relative clause (underlined in (2a)-(2b)).
In addition to the 36 experimental items, 25 filler sentences with a variety of
syntactic structures were created. The filler sentences were 10-14 words in length, and,
like the experimental items, they consisted mostly of monosyllabic words, so that each
word corresponded to one note in a melody. The words in the filler sentences were
grouped into regions (with each sentence consisting of 3-5 regions and each region
consisting of 1-6 words) to resemble the experimental items, which always consisted of 4
regions, as described above.
The musical materials were created in two steps: (1) 36 target melodies (with two
versions each) and 25 filler melodies were composed by a professional composer (Jason
Rosenberg), and (2) the target and the filler items were recorded by one of the authors – a
former opera singer – Daniel Casasanto.
Melody creation
Target melodies
All the melodies consisted of 12 notes, were tonal (using diatonic notes and implied
harmonies that strongly indicated a particular key), and ended in a tonic note with an
authentic cadence in the implied harmony (see Figure 2 above). All the melodies were
isochronous: all notes were quarter notes except for the last note, which was a half note.
They were sung at a tempo of 120 beats per minute, i.e., each quarter note lasted 500 ms.
The first five notes established a strong sense of key. Both the short- and the longharmonic-distance versions of each melody were in the same key and differed by one
note. The critical (6th) note – falling on the last word of the relative clause – was either
in-key (short-harmonic-distance conditions) or out-of-key (long-harmonic-distance
conditions). It always was on the downbeat of second full bar. When the note was outof-key, it was one of the five possible non-diatonic notes (C#, D#, F#, G#, A# in C
major). Sometimes out-of-key notes were only different by a semi-tone (e.g., C vs. C#).
The size of pitch jumps leading to and from the critical note was matched for the
in-key and out-of-key conditions, so that out-of-key notes were not odd in terms of voice
leading compared to the in-key notes. In particular, the mean and standard deviation for
the size of pitch jumps leading to the critical note was 2.1 (1.9) semitones for the in-key
melodies and 2.5 (1.7) semitones for the out-of-key melodies (Mann-Whitney U test,
p=.36). The mean and standard deviation for the size of pitch jumps leading from the
critical note was 3.4 (2.3) semitones for the in-key melodies and 4.0 (2.3) for the out-ofkey melodies (Mann-Whitney U test, p=.24). Out-of-key notes were occasionally
associated with tritone jumps, but for every occurrence of this kind there was another
melody where the in-key note had a jump of a similar size.
All 12 major keys were used three times (12 x 3 = 36 melodies). The lowest pitch
used was C#4 (277 Hz), and highest was F5 (698 Hz). The range was designed for a
Filler melodies
All the melodies consisted of 10-14 notes, were tonal and resembled the target melodies
in style. 8 (roughly third) of the filler melodies contained an out-of-key note at some
point in the melody, and 8 contained an intensity manipulation, to reflect the distribution
of the out-of-key note and intensity increase occurrences in the target materials. The outof-key / loud note occurred at least five notes into the melody. The pitch range used was
the same as that used for creating the target melodies.
Recording the stimuli
The target and the filler stimuli were recorded in a soundproof room at Stanford’s Center
for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics. For each experimental item, Regions 14 of the short-harmonic-distance subject-extracted condition were recorded first, with
each region recorded separately. Then, recordings of Region 2 of the remaining three
conditions were made4. (Regions 1, 3 and 4 were only recorded once, since they were
identical across the six conditions of the experiment.) For each filler item, every region
was also recorded separately. After the recording process was completed, all the
recordings were normalized for intensity (loudness) levels. Finally, the auditory-oddball
conditions were created using the recordings of the critical region of the short-harmonicdistance conditions. In particular, the intensity (loudness) level of the last word in the RC
was increased by 10 dB based on neuroimaging research indicating that this amount of
change in an auditory sequence elicits a mismatch negativity (Jacobsen et al., 2003;
Näätänen et al., 2004).
Pilot work
Prior to conducting the critical experiment, we conducted a pilot study in which we tested
several participants on the full set of materials. This pilot study was informative in two
ways. First, we established that the standard RC extraction effect (lower performance on
object-extracted RCs, compared to subject-extracted RCs (e.g., King & Just, 1991)) can
be obtained in sung stimuli, and can therefore be used to investigate the relationship
between structural integration in language and music. And second, we discovered that
comprehension accuracies were very high, close to ceiling. As a result, we decided to
increase the processing demands in the critical experiment, in order to increase the
variance in comprehension accuracies. We reasoned that increasing the processing
demands would lead to overall lower accuracies, thereby increasing the range of values
In Region 2 (the RC region) of the long-harmonic-distance conditions, our singer tried to avoid giving
any prosodic cues to upcoming out-of-key notes. Since the materials were sung rather than spoken, the
pitches prior to the critical note were determined by the music, which should help minimize such prosodic
cues. In future studies, cross-splicing could be used to eliminate any chance of such cues.
and hence the sensitivity in this measure. In order to increase the processing demands,
we increased the playback speed of the audio-files. In particular, every audio file was
sped up by 50% without changing pitch, using an audio-file manipulation program
Audacity (available at
Procedure The task was self-paced phrase-by-phrase listening. The experiment was run
using the Linger 2.9 software by Doug Rohde (available at The stimuli were presented to the participants via
headphones. Each participant heard only one version of each sentence, following a
Latin-Square design (see Appendix B for a complete list of linguistic materials). The
stimuli were pseudo-randomized separately for each participant.
Each trial began with a fixation cross. Participants pressed the spacebar to hear
each phrase (region) of the sentence. The amount of time the participant spent listening
to each region was recorded as the time between key-presses. A yes/no comprehension
question about the propositional content of the sentence (i.e. who did what to whom) was
presented visually after the last region of the sentence. Participants pressed one of two
keys to respond “yes” or “no”. After an incorrect answer, the word “INCORRECT”
flashed briefly on the screen. Participants were instructed to listen to the sentences
carefully and to answer the questions as quickly and accurately as possible. They were
told to take wrong answers as an indication to be more careful. Participants were not
asked to do a musical task. We reasoned that because of the nature of the materials in the
current experiment (sung sentences), it would be very difficult for participants to ignore
the music, because the words and the music are merged into one auditory stream. We
further assumed that musical structure would be processed automatically, based on
research showing that brain responses to out-of-key tones in musical sequences occur
even when listeners are instructed to ignore music and attend to concurrently presented
language (Koelsch et al., 2005). Participants took approximately 25 minutes to complete
the experiment.
Participants answered the comprehension questions correctly 85.1% of the time.
Figure 3 presents the mean accuracies across the six conditions.
Figure 3. Comprehension accuracies in the six conditions of the experiment. Error bars
represent standard errors of the mean.
A two-factor ANOVA with the factors (1) syntactic complexity (subject-extracted RCs,
object-extracted RCs) and (2) musical complexity (short harmonic distance, long
harmonic distance, auditory oddball) revealed a main effect of syntactic complexity and
an interaction. First, participants were less accurate in the object-extracted conditions
(80.8%), compared to the subject-extracted conditions (89.4%) (F1(1,59)=11.03;
MSe=6531; p<.005; F2(1,35)=14.4; MSe=3919; p<.002). And second, the difference
between the subject- and the object-extracted conditions was larger in the long-harmonicdistance conditions (15.8%), compared to the short-harmonic-distance conditions (5.3%)
or the auditory-oddball conditions (4.4%) (F1(2,118)=6.62; MSe=1209; p<.005;
F2(2,70)=7.83; MSe=725; p<.002).
We further conducted three additional (2 x 2) ANOVAs, using pairs of musical
conditions (short- vs. long-harmonic-distance conditions, short-harmonic-distance vs.
auditory-oddball conditions, and long-harmonic-distance vs. auditory-oddball
conditions), in order to ensure that the interaction above is indeed due to the fact that the
extraction effect was larger in the long-harmonic-distance conditions, compared to the
short-harmonic-distance conditions and the auditory-oddball conditions. The ANOVA
where the two levels of musical complexity were short vs. long harmonic distance
revealed a main effect of syntactic complexity, such that participants were less accurate
in the object-extracted conditions, compared to the subject-extracted conditions
(F1(1,59)=14.96; MSe=6685; p<.001; F2(1,35)=21.6; MSe=4011; p<.001), and an
interaction, such that the difference between the subject- and the object-extracted
conditions was larger in the long-harmonic-distance conditions, compared to the shortharmonic-distance conditions (F1(1,59)=10.76; MSe=1671; p<.005; F2(1,35)=9.49;
MSe=1003; p<.005). The ANOVA where the two levels of musical complexity were
short harmonic distance vs. auditory oddball revealed a main effect of syntactic
complexity – marginal in the participants analysis – such that participants were less
accurate in the object-extracted conditions, compared to the subject-extracted conditions
(F1(1,59)=3.25; MSe=1418; p=.077; F2(1,35)=4.43; MSe=851; p<.05). There were no
other effects (Fs<1). Finally, the ANOVA where the two levels of musical complexity
were long harmonic distance vs. auditory oddball revealed a main effect of syntactic
complexity, such that participants were less accurate in the object-extracted conditions,
compared to the subject-extracted conditions (F1(1,59)=12.9; MSe=6168; p<.002;
F2(1,35)=14.2; MSe=3701; p<.002), a marginal effect of musical complexity, such that
participants were less accurate in the long-harmonic-distance conditions, compared to the
auditory-oddball conditions (F1(1,59)=3.019; MSe=510; p=.088; F2(1,35)=3.046;
MSe=306; p=.09), and an interaction, such that the difference between the subject- and
the object-extracted conditions was larger in the long-harmonic-distance conditions,
compared to the auditory-oddball conditions (F1(1,59)=8.31; MSe=1946; p<.01;
F2(1,35)=15.98; MSe=1167; p<.001).
This pattern of results – an interaction between syntactic and musical structural
complexity, and a lack of a similar interaction between syntactic complexity and a
musical manipulation involving a lower-level (not structural) manipulation – is as
predicted by the Shared Syntactic Integration Resource hypothesis.
General Discussion
We reported an experiment in which participants listened to sung sentences with varying
levels of linguistic and musical structural integration complexity. We observed a pattern
of results where the difference between the subject- and the object-extracted conditions
was larger in the conditions where musical integrations were difficult compared to the
conditions where musical integrations were easy (long- vs. short-harmonic-distance
conditions). The auditory-oddball condition further showed that this interaction was not
due to a non-specific perceptual saliency effect in the musical conditions: in particular,
the accuracies in this control condition exhibited the same pattern as the short-harmonicdistance conditions.
This pattern of results is consistent with at least two interpretations. First, it is
possible to interpret these data in terms of an overlap between linguistic and musical
integrations in on-line processing. In particular, it is possible that (1) building more
complex structural linguistic representations requires more resources, and (2) a complex
structural integration in music interferes with this process due to some overlap in the
underlying resource pools. Three possible reasons for not obtaining interpretable effects
in the on-line listening time data are: (a) the highly rhythmic nature of the materials; (b)
generally longer reaction times in self-paced-listening, compared to the self-pacedreading, which may reflect not only the initial cognitive processes, but also some later
processes; and (c) the phrase-by-phrase presentation, which does not have very high
temporal resolution. Therefore, the online measure used in the experiments reported here
may not have been sensitive enough to investigate the relationship between linguistic and
musical integrations online.
Second, it is possible to interpret these data in terms of an overlap at the retrieval
stage of language processing. In particular, it is possible that (1) there is no competition
for resources in the on-line process of constructing structural representations in language
and music (although this would be inconsistent with some of the existing data (e.g., Patel
et al., 1998; Koelsch et al., 2005)), but (2) at the stage of retrieving the linguistic
representation from memory, the presence of a complex structural integration in the
accompanying musical stimulus makes the process of reconstructing the syntactic
dependency structure more difficult.
Based on the current data, it is difficult to determine the exact nature of the
overlap. However, given that there already exists some suggestive evidence for an
overlap between structural processing in language and music during the on-line stage
(e.g., Patel et al., 1998; Koelsch et al., 2005), it is unlikely that the overlap occurs only at
the retrieval stage. Future work will be necessary to better understand the nature of the
shared structural integration system, especially in the on-line processing. Evaluating
materials like the ones used in the current experiment using temporally fine-grained
measures, such as ERPs, is likely to provide valuable insights.
In addition to providing support for the idea of a shared system underlying
structural processing in language and music, the results reported here are consistent with
several recent studies demonstrating that the working memory system underlying
sentence comprehension is not domain-specific (e.g., Gordon et al., 2002; Fedorenko et
al., 2006, 2007; c.f. Caplan & Waters, 1999).
In summary, the contributions of the current work are as follows. First, these
results demonstrate that there are some aspects of structural integration in language and
music that appear to be shared, providing further support for the Shared Syntactic
Integration Resource hypothesis. Second, this is the first demonstration of an interaction
between linguistic and musical structural complexity for well-formed (grammatical)
sentences. Third, this work demonstrates that sung materials – ecologically valid stimuli
in which music and language are integrated into a single auditory stream – can be used
for investigating questions related to the architecture of structural processing in language
and music. And fourth, this work provides additional evidence against the claim that
linguistic processing relies on an independent working memory system.
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We would like to thank the members of TedLab, Bob Slevc, and the audiences at the
CUNY 2007 conference, the Language & Music as Cognitive Systems 2007 conference,
and the CNS 2008 conference for helpful comments on this work.
Supported in part by Neurosciences Research Foundation as part of its program on music
and the brain at The Neurosciences Institute, where ADP is the Esther J. Burnham Senior
We are also especially grateful to Jason Rosenberg for composing the melodies used in
the two experiments, as well as to Stanford’s Center for Computer Research in Music and
Acoustics for allowing us to record the materials using their equipment and space.
Finally, we are grateful to three anonymous reviewers.
Appendix A
Listening times
The table below presents region-by-region listening times in the six conditions (standard
errors in parentheses). No trimming / outlier removal was performed on these data. [One
item (#28) contained a recording error, and therefore, it is absent from the listening time
Short HD / Subj-extr. RC:
Short HD / Obj-extr. RC:
Long HD / Subj-extr. RC:
Long HD / Obj-extr. RC:
Oddball / Subj-extr. RC:
Oddball / Obj-extr. RC:
Reg 1
Reg 2
Reg 3
Reg 4
1344 (30)
1370 (32)
1344 (29)
1326 (31)
1369 (33)
1366 (30)
1931 (50)
1871 (38)
1922 (41)
1905 (43)
1899 (46)
1943 (42)
1593 (44)
1570 (31)
1531 (33)
1582 (32)
1533 (26)
1605 (38)
1858 (61)
1886 (62)
1848 (59)
1808 (45)
1991 (147)
2006 (128)
Appendix B
Language materials
The subject-extracted version is shown below for each of the 36 items. The objectextracted version can be generated as exemplified in (1) below.
a. Subject-extracted, grammatical:
The boy that helped the girl got an “A” on the test.
b. Object-extracted, grammatical:
The boy that the girl helped got an “A” on the test.
2. The clerk that liked the boss had a desk by the window.
3. The guest that kissed the host brought a cake to the party.
4. The priest that thanked the nun left the church in a hurry.
5. The thief that saw the guard had a gun in his holster.
6. The crook that warned the thief fled the town the next morning.
7. The knight that helped the king sent a gift from his castle.
8. The cop that met the spy wrote a book about the case.
9. The nurse that blamed the coach checked the file of the gymnast.
10. The count that knew the queen owned a castle by the lake.
11. The scout that punched the coach had a fight with a manager.
12. The cat that fought the dog licked its wounds in the corner.
13. The whale that bit the shark won the fight in the end.
14. The maid that loved the chef quit the job at the house.
15. The bum that scared the cop crossed the street at the light.
16. The man that phoned the nurse left his pills at the office.
17. The priest that paid the cook signed the check at the bank.
18. The dean that heard the guard made a call about the matter.
19. The friend that teased the bride told a joke about the past.
20. The fox that chased the wolf hurt its paws on the way.
21. The groom that charmed the aunt raised a toast to the parents.
22. The nun that blessed the monk lit a candle on the table.
23. The guy that thanked the judge left the room with a smile.
24. The king that pleased the guest poured the wine from the jug.
25. The girl that pushed the nerd broke the vase with the flowers.
26. The owl that scared the bat made a loop in the air.
27. The car that pulled the truck had a scratch on the door.
28. The rod that bent the pipe had a hole in the middle.
29. The hat that matched the skirt had a bow in the back.
30. The niece that kissed the aunt sang a song for the guests.
31. The boat that chased the yacht made a turn at the boathouse.
32. The desk that scratched the bed was too old to be moved.
33. The cook that hugged the maid had a son yesterday.
34. The boss that mocked the clerk had a crush on the intern.
35. The fruit that squashed the cake made a mess in the bag.
36. The dean that called the boy had a voice full of anger.