Foreign Direct Investment in Portugal Banco de Portugal Supplement to the Statistical Bulletin December 1998 FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN PORTUGAL: FLOWS AND STOCKS STATISTICS FOR THE YEAR 1996 AND ESTIMATE ON STOCKS FOR 1997 SUMMARY ............................................................................................................... 3 1 - INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................ 5 2 - METHODOLOGICAL FRAMEWORK ..................................................... 5 3 - METHODOLOGY ADOPTED IN THE QUESTIONNAIRE ON FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN PORTUGAL (QFDI) ......... 7 4 - RESULTS ..................................................................................................... 8 4.1 - Stocks statistics of foreign direct investment in Portugal ........... 9 4.2 - Flows statistics .................................................................................. 12 4.2.1 - Foreign direct investment in Portugal ............................. 12 - Reinvested earnings ......................................... 12 - Other foreign direct investment flows in Portugal ......................................................... 14 4.2.2 - Income on foreign direct investment in Portugal .......... 14 5 - STATISTICS TO BE PRODUCED ON THE BASIS OF THE RESULTS OF THE QFDI ............................................................................................. 15 STATISTICAL ANNEX ....................................................................................... 17 Supplements to the Statistical Bulletin ..................................................... 41 Statistics Department Number 2 / 98 Banco de Portugal / Supplement no. 2 to the Statistical Bulletin / December 1998 1 Foreign Direct Investment in Portugal FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN PORTUGAL: FLOWS AND STOCKS STATISTICS FOR THE YEAR 1996 AND ESTIMATE ON STOCKS FOR 1997 SUMMARY With the purpose of filling an important gap in the field of stocks statistics on external assets and liabilities, while complying with the recommendations of International Organisations, the Banco de Portugal launched in May 1997, a Questionnaire on Foreign Direct Investment in Portugal (QFDI). Taking as a basis the results of the Questionnaire it is possible to draft the production of the following statistics: 1 – Components of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) stocks and flows statistics; 2 – Foreign Affiliated Trade Statistics (FATS) 3 – Foreign direct investment income statistics. From the results of the Questionnaire, the following should be highlighted: At the end of 1996, the stock of foreign direct investment in Portugal amounted to 2.9 trillion escudos. Compared with a year earlier (1995), this result reflects a 236.8 billion escudos increase in the stock of assets held by non-residents in Portugal. Reinvested earnings in direct investment companies by the respective non-resident investors amounted to 101.5 billion escudos in 1996. This figure tripled the one for 1993 (30.6 billion escudos). According to the results, foreign direct investment flows in Portugal in 1996 amounted to 231.5 billion escudos, in net terms. Excluding reinvested earnings, the comparison exercise with the figure registered on the Portuguese balance of payments in 1996 (109.1 billion escudos) points to an improvement in the degree of coverage of foreign direct investment in Portuguese companies; an additional net investment flow of approximately 20.9 billion escudos having also been identified. Banco de Portugal / Supplement no. 2 to the Statistical Bulletin / December 1998 3 Foreign Direct Investment in Portugal 1. INTRODUCTION With the purpose of filling an important gap in the field of stocks statistics on external assets and liabilities, while complying with the recommendations of International Organisations, namely those defined in July 1996 by the Governing Council of the European Monetary Institute (EMI) in the “Implementation Package: Statistical Requirements for Stage Three of Monetary Union”, the Banco de Portugal launched in May 1997, a Questionnaire on Foreign Direct Investment in Portugal (QFDI). Among the requirements laid down in the “Implementation Package”, mention should be made of the need to make available, up to the start of Stage Three of Economic and Monetary Union, end-of-period statistics on the international investment position (IIP) of the several types of external assets and liabilities (stocks). The production of IIP statistics is also a requirement of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The IMF has laid down a set of recommendations on the collection and compilation methods, which are published in the 5th edition of the Balance of Payments Manual (BPM5). In addition to the production of stocks statistics, the other purposes of the QFDI include the improvement of quality of the statistics produced in the field of the balance of payments, namely by achieving a more extensive statistical coverage of reinvested earnings in the capital of foreign direct investment companies, which have an impact on the financial flows of direct investment and on the respective investment income component. Indeed, with respect to reinvested earnings, the current collection and compilation system of information on external operations presents a coverage problem resulting from the characteristics of this type of operations. The statistical collection system based on cash payments does not capture the phenomenon3 , since it does not involve a bank settlement between a resident and a non-resident, nor does it give rise to the opening of a current account between them. This is the reason why the international recommendations in this field also point to the utilisation of direct surveys to the companies involved in foreign direct investment operations as a way of assessing reinvested earnings. 2. METHODOLOGICAL FRAMEWORK Stocks statistics in the field of direct investment have also been requested jointly by the OECD1 and the EUROSTAT, having been prepared a set of common questionnaires for the compilation of this information from the member countries. According to the methodological recommendations of International Organisations, the best method to assess the change in one country’s external position is to survey directly the resident economic agents. The Questionnaire on Foreign Direct Investment gives a response to these requirements, having been made to resident companies in Portugal participated by foreign capital. The main purpose of the QFDI is to assess data on the stocks of foreign direct investment in Portugal at the end of 19962 . (1) The 3rd edition of the “OECD Benchmark Definition of Foreign Direct Investment”, which is fully consistent with the BPM5, systematises the operational procedures for the compilation of direct investment statistics in compliance with the requirements established at international level. On these grounds, this publication, from a methodological point of view, is an important source of practical solutions for direct investment issues. International investment position (IIP) Statistics on the international investment position (IIP), together with balance of payments statistics, constitute the external accounts of a given economy. Stocks statistics on one country’s external financial assets and liabilities set at the end of a certain period of time, usually a calendar year, are produced within the framework of the IIP, while the balance of payments aggregates all economic transactions (flows) carried out between one country and the rest of the world during that period of time. (2) On the assets side, the value of the Portuguese direct investment abroad stock at the end of 1997 will be derived from the Questionnaire on Portuguese Direct Investment Abroad (QPDI), launched at the end of May 1998. (3) Note that reinvested earnings are one of the major sources of statistical discrepancies in the field of the current account of the balance of payments at the world level (aggregation of the external balances of payments of 161 countries). According to the Annual Report of the IMF Committee on Balance of Payments Statistics, reinvested earnings recorded a USD 63.6 billion surplus in 1996. This figure is due, on the one hand, to the utilisation of different methodological concepts and, on the other, to the recourse to other statistical compilation methods within the several national contexts. Banco de Portugal / Supplement no. 2 to the Statistical Bulletin / December 1998 5 Foreign Direct Investment in Portugal Direct investment relationship Direct investment represents one of the IIP components and is broken down into Assets (Portuguese investment abroad) and Liabilities (foreign investment in Portugal). The other IIP categories are: (i) portfolio investment, (ii) financial derivatives, (iii) other investment and (iv) reserve assets. The concept of “direct investment” includes both participation on the equity capital of companies and all other forms involving the creation of assets and liabilities between the investor and the direct investment company (granting of loans, additional capital, trade credits, purchase/sale of real estate, etc.). Thus, a direct investment relationship is considered to exist, where each investor holds at least 10% of the share capital of a company. This does not preclude, however, the existence of a direct investment relationship where the shareholding in the direct investment company is lower than 10%, provided that the investor intends to achieve long-standing economic links. Similarly to the procedures relating to flows, also for the stocks of foreign direct investment a breakdown is made between assets and liabilities, according to the directional principle internationally agreed upon. This means that, within the scope of foreign direct investment in Portugal, for example, also the flows that give rise to claims on non-resident direct investors must be registered. This kind of flow, which involves a reverse investment relationship, can happen at the level both of equity capital (shareholdings of the investment company in the investor, i.e., the so-called cross participations) and of other capital (e.g., reverse loans - granting of loans by the direct investment company to its direct investor). The methodological recommendations also establish a quantitative threshold for the identification of a reverse direct investment relationship: shareholdings of a direct investment company in its own direct investor must be lower than 10% of the latter’s capital. Whenever the shareholding is equal to or higher than 10% of the direct investor’ share capital, it shall be registered in Portuguese direct investment abroad, given that a centre of economic interest is created abroad by a resident in Portugal. Resident direct investment companies Resident direct investment companies are the juridical persons participated by foreign capital. In the case of companies by shares, it is an indicator of a direct investment relationship, the participation on an individual basis, by a non-resident individual or juridical person of, at least, 10% of the respective share capital. In this concept, the acts and contracts made by non-resident individual and juridical persons, having an effect on the creation, maintenance or strengthening of stable and lasting economic links, related to a company established in Portugal, are included. Reinvested earnings According to the methodological recommendations, reinvested earnings of direct investment enterprises are to be recorded in the balance of payments in the period when they were earned, in contrast to dividends and distributed earnings, which have to be recorded as of the date on which they are paid4. The main reason behind the difference in the statistical treatment is associated with the fact that reinvested earnings contribute to the calculation of the net income calculated in a given period, while dividends are a discretionary distribution of income, which can be made at any time, normally after the occurrence. Therefore, the value of reinvested earnings in a single year must equal to the net results of the exercise for the same year minus the dividends paid during that year: Reinvested earningst = Net results of the exerciset - Dividends paidt Reinvested earnings derived from non-resident direct investors correspond to the percentage of their participation in the direct investment company. (4) Valuation of assets and liabilities Assets and liabilities, which take the form of direct investment are valued at market prices (i.e., current prices), thus ensuring the comparability between 6 flows and stocks of different companies and countries, and the inter-temporal consistency of statistical series. Within the framework of the European Central Bank, the methodological treatment of reinvested earnings, from a balance of payments perspective, is a result of a recommendation made by the Sub-Group 4 - Estimation methods for direct investment, which was subsequently approved by the Working Group on Statistics. Banco de Portugal / Supplement no. 2 to the Statistical Bulletin / December 1998 Foreign Direct Investment in Portugal 3. METHODOLOGY ADOPTED IN THE QUESTIONNAIRE ON FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN PORTUGAL This first statistical operation involved all resident companies which, according to the registrations made at the Banco de Portugal, were receivers of foreign direct investment in the past. The companies surveyed were the following: · · · pragmatic solution, is currently adopted by a considerable number of OECD countries6 , as a way of obviating the difficulty in assessing the market price of all direct investment companies7. Extrapolation of results in the case of non-financial companies The procedure adopted was the following: 5772 non-financial companies(5), 61 another one for financial companies (of which 28 banks, 11 financial holding companies, 9 credit-purchase financing companies and 7 financial leasing companies), 50 insurance companies and pension funds. a) The share capital of companies was taken as the basis for the extrapolation exercise, since this information was known a priori; b) The companies surveyed were classified in the following groups : (i) the company replied and has foreign direct investment; (ii) the company replied and does not have foreign direct investment; (iii) the company has closed down its activity and (iv) the company did not reply; c) Among the companies that were not surveyed or that did not reply, it was admitted that the share of those with foreign direct investment was the same as of those surveyed and which replied; d) On the basis of this hypothesis, the share capital of foreign direct investment companies was estimated (capital stock of the companies that replied as having foreign direct investment plus the estimate of the capital stock of those companies that albeit not having been surveyed or that did not reply were admitted to have foreign direct investment); e) For extrapolation purposes, a ratio was produced (total estimated share capital of companies with foreign direct investment divided by the share capital of the companies that replied as having foreign direct investment). The extrapolation factor thus calculated was fixed at 1.1744. The compilation procedure adopted tried to be based on the information directly compiled from the accounting data of the companies surveyed; for this purpose, three distinct forms were conceived, according to the several charts of accounts in force: · · · one for non-financial companies (based on the codes of accounts of the Official Chart of Accounts), another one for financial companies (based on the Chart of Accounts of the Banking System), and another for insurance companies (based on the Chart of Accounts of Insurance Companies). Valuation of assets and liabilities As a proxy for the foreign direct investment in Portugal use was made of the value of capital recorded in the accounting books of foreign direct investment companies. This procedure, which is accepted as a (5) According to the registrations available at the Banco de Portugal (files of the bulletins for the authorisation of capital imports for foreign investment operations, of the prior investment declarations to the ICEP-Investments, trade and tourism of Portugal, of the companies appearing through the registers called COE-External transaction report and of the direct investment statistical declarations), approximately 11000 non-financial companies were initially identified as direct investment companies. This universe of companies was subject to a two-stage sorting exercise: first, it was decided not to survey a group of small-sized companies, which were subsequently included in the extrapolation exercise, and hence in the final Questionnaire results; second, it was decided to exclude from the universe surveyed, the companies that were not carrying on an activity when the Questionnaire was launched. The final effect of the application of these two criteria was a non-direct survey to nearly 5000 companies of the initial universe. (6) Of the 21 OECD countries that currently compile statistics on foreign direct investment positions, 18 use for this purpose existing balance sheet values of the resident foreign investment companies. (7) International organisations continue to encourage the assessment of companies on the basis of their market price, in order to reinforce the consistency between flows and stocks in the field of direct investment statistics. Banco de Portugal / Supplement no. 2 to the Statistical Bulletin / December 1998 7 Foreign Direct Investment in Portugal Assessment of reinvested earnings The information that enabled the application of the methodology to the calculation of reinvested earnings for the year of 1996 was directly derived from the Questionnaire on Foreign Direct Investment, namely on net results and distributed earnings reported for that year. in the years in which the Questionnaire is made. For these years, it will also be possible to estimate the said aggregates on the basis of the accumulation of foreign direct investment flows registered in the balance of payments, as a way of anticipating the QFDI stocks results. Adjustment of the survey form The results of the Questionnaire also enabled to assess backdata on reinvested earnings for the period 1993-1995, which was based on an estimate on net results and on the data reported on distributed earnings. Data reported on operational results for the period 1993-1995 was the basis to produce estimates on net results, having been assumed that, for this period, the share of net earnings on the operational results was identical to the figure obtained for 1996. By this way, an estimate of net earnings was obtained from which the distributed earnings in each of these years were deducted; having been thus calculated reinvested earnings in the period from 1993 to 1995. Reception, explanation and treatment of the replies to the Questionnaire The reception, explanation and treatment of replies to the Questionnaire was made by the Balance of Payments Statistics Division, in Lisbon, and by the Statistics Unit, at the Oporto branch, according to the geographical location of the companies surveyed. For this purpose, the Oporto branch was responsible for the file management of the companies having the head office to the north of the districts of Coimbra, Viseu and Guarda; the file of the companies having their head office to the south of these districts was managed by the Direct Reporting Unit that belongs to the said Division, in Lisbon. Continuity of the survey In the future, the Questionnaire on Foreign Direct Investment will be made every two years8 , on the basis of the accounting data and the balance sheet data as at 31 December of the year prior to the Questionnaire. For the years in which no Questionnaire is made (that is, 1997, 1999, 2001,…), the stocks value will be derived from the information supplied in the column on transferred balances, which are computed In terms of the structure of the Questionnaire, it is admitted that in the future editions, it will be adapted so as to anticipate possible reporting inaccuracies, which have been detected in the processing of data on this first statistical operation. The fact that it is foreseen in the future to survey only a sample of companies, to be defined on the basis of the results of the first Questionnaire, also warrants the reformulation of the QFDI, without prejudice to the continuity of the statistical series started in the first version of the Questionnaire. 4. RESULTS Within the context of data on flows, the results of the current reporting system of foreign direct investment operations in Portugal, in the field of the balance of payments statistics, can be compared with those derived from the QFDI, being additionally possible, for the direct investment components not observable through settlements systems, namely reinvested earnings and trade credits between foreign direct investment companies, to obtain supplementary data for the assessment and characterisation of these phenomena. Considering that the direct survey to direct investment companies significantly improves the degree of statistical coverage of this type of operations, the results on flows derived therefrom warrant a change in the statistical data for the year 1996, previously published by the Banco de Portugal for the Portuguese balance of payments, on a transactions basis (namely in the items direct investment, from the Financial Account, and direct investment income, from the Current Account). A revision shall also be made of the figures published in the previous years so as to ensure the consistency of the statistical series9 . (9) (8) 8 Alternately with the QPDI - Questionnaire on Portuguese Direct Investment Abroad, which will be made in the common years (1998, 2000, 2002, …). The revision will be made and published soon after the results of the QPDI become available (which are currently in the process of calculation), so as to guarantee a consistent methodological treatment of the two segments. Banco de Portugal / Supplement no. 2 to the Statistical Bulletin / December 1998 Foreign Direct Investment in Portugal 4.1 Stocks statistics on foreign direct investment in Portugal At the end of 1996, the stock value of FDI10 amounted to 2.9 trillion escudos (see Table 1), being 84.4 per cent of which centred on non-financial companies (2.5 trillion escudos). This result reflects a 236.8 billion escudos increase from the previous year in external net liabilities, which resulted in its near entirety, from transactions carried out throughout 1996 (in view of possible price and exchange rate changes). The value of the stock at the end of 1996 is explained, from the result carried forward from 1995, by the transactions carried out in 1996 plus changes, namely price and exchange rate changes occurred in that year. Considering that this is the first exercise car- ried out in Portugal following the methodology recommended at the international level, no historical series are available on the IIP, for a full assessment of the degree of quality of the statistics that are currently being disclosed11 . By components of direct investment, the share in equity capital and reinvested earnings12 of Portuguese companies accounted for 82.2 per cent of the stock of foreign direct investment, amounting to 2.4 trillion escudos in 31 December 1996. Investment under the form of other capital13 , corresponded to only 17.8 per cent of the total stock of foreign direct investment, being more significant at the level of non-financial companies, accounting for 20.1 per cent of the total stock invested on these companies (see Chart 1). Table 1 FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN PORTUGAL - STOCK VALUE 1996 Institutional sector of the resident enterprise Non-financial companies Initial position (31.12.1995) Transactions in 1996 Price and exchange rate changes Million escudos Final position (31.12.1996) 2 261 620 194 835 389 2 456 843 Monetary financial institutions 216 814 16 430 -140 233 104 Financial intermediaries and financial auxiliaries 137 912 11 185 35 149 132 57 777 9 003 5 080 71 860 2 674 123 231 452 5 364 2 910 939 Insurance companies Total Fonte : Banco de Portugal (10) Unless otherwise provided for, the analysis of the figure on the stock of foreign direct investment in Portugal is reported to the end of 1996. (11) Note, however, the possibility to compare the value provided by QFDI with the amount of foreign direct investment stock estimated in previous exercises by means of accumulation of flows (the first exercise focused on the results for the years from 1963 to 1992). This comparison made it possible to arrive at results which are consistent with those obtained from the QFDI. (12) Equity capital includes, in addition to the share capital, the results for the year, additional capital and reserves. (13) This category includes, namely, loans, trade credits and other operations carried out between companies with a direct investment relationship. Banco de Portugal / Supplement no. 2 to the Statistical Bulletin / December 1998 9 Foreign Direct Investment in Portugal Sector of activity of the (resident) direct investment company Chart 1 TYPES OF FDI Non-financial companies Monetary financial institutions 3% 20% 80% 97% Financial intermediaries and financial auxiliaries Insurance companies 2% 11% 89% The stock of FDI was chiefly centred on the following sectors of activity (Classification of Economic Activities - Rev. 2): “Manufacturing” (34.0 per cent)14 , “Real estate, rentals and supply of services to companies” (23.7 per cent)15 , “Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal and household goods” (17.2 per cent)16 and “Financial activities” (15.7 per cent)17 . The stock of foreign direct investment in “Manufacturing” declined by approximately 2 percentage points in total foreign investment in 1996 compared with the end of the previous year; a higher share was recorded in “Real estate, rentals and supply of services to companies”, chiefly due to foreign direct investment inflows occurred in 1996 in holding companies (see Chart 3). 98% Chart 3 Stock on equity capital and reinvested earnings FDI STOCK IN 1995 BREAKDOWN BY SECTOR OF ACTIVITY OF THE RESIDENT COMPANY Stock on other capital Source: Banco de Portugal Other 9,5% The degree of foreign participation in the share capital of foreign direct investment companies residing in Portugal (see Chart 2) exceeded 50 per cent both in 1995 and in 1996 (56.3 and 53.0 per cent, respectively). In relative terms, non-resident investors held majority shareholdings chiefly in the following sectors: non-financial companies and financial intermediaries and auxiliaries (around 62.0 and 54.0 per cent, respectively); in insurance companies and monetary financial institutions as a whole, albeit significant, shareholdings were lower (around 39.0 and 38.0 per cent, respectively). F inancial activities 15,4% Other 9,5% Manufact. 34,0% R eal es t.,s erv. to companies 23,7% DEGREE OF FOREIGN PARTICIPATION IN THE SHARE CAPITAL OF PORTUGUESE DIRECT INVESTMENT ENTERPRISES F inancial activities 15,7% Total Financial intermediaries and financial auxiliares Wholes ale/ retail trade 17,2% Source : Banco de Portugal Non-financial companies Monetary financial institutions (14) Insurance companies 40,0% 50,0% 1995 Source : Banco de Portugal 1996 60,0% 70,0% (15) (16) (17) 10 Wholes ale/ retail trade 17,6% FDI STOCK IN 1996 BREAKDOWN BY SECTOR OF ACTIVITY OF THE RESIDENT COMPANY Chart 2 30,0% Manufact. 35,7% R eal es t.,s erv. to companies 21,9% At the end of 1996, the manufacturing industries with a higher participation of non-resident foreign investors were: “Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers” and “Food and beverages”. It is chiefly the case of holding companies. Wholesale trade has a more important share in the participation of foreign investors as a whole. The most important is “Financial intermediation, except insurance and pension funds”. Banco de Portugal / Supplement no. 2 to the Statistical Bulletin / December 1998 Foreign Direct Investment in Portugal In relative terms, it is observed that in companies belonging to “Manufacturing”, “Financial activities” and “Real estate, rentals and supply of services to companies” sectors, foreign investment which takes the form of participation in the equity capital was clearly predominant (this type of operation for each one of these sectors, accounts for more than 85 per cent of the respective stock of direct investment). The granting of loans or trade credits, which to a certain extent, may reflect a lower degree of permanence or stability of capital in relation to investment, was a major investment form in the “Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal and household goods” sector. location of the stock on FDI according to the country of residence of the company which held, under the form of direct investment, the company responsible for the investment in Portugal, it is possible to arrive at different results. In fact, while France and the United Kingdom increased their shares in terms of the foreign direct investment in Portugal to 16.6 and 14.2 per cent, respectively, Spain recorded a loss in the percentage previously held in the stock of foreign direct investment in Portugal, standing at 13.2 per cent. However, the most significant increase was recorded by the United States, which doubled its position, i.e., to 11.6 per cent of the stock of foreign direct investment. Country of residence of the (non-resident) investor Country / sector of activity18 (see Tables 10.1, 10.2 and 10.3 of the Statistical Annex) The countries belonging to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) held 93.6 per cent of the total stock of FDI in Portugal (see Table 7.2 of the Statistical Annex). The European Union (EU) countries as a whole accounted for 80.7 per cent of total investment. Among them, Spain (accounting approximately for 507 billion escudos, i.e., 17.4 per cent of total investment), France (429 billion escudos, i.e., 14.7 per cent of the total), the United Kingdom (355 billion escudos, i.e., 12.2 per cent of the total) and Germany (313 billion escudos, i.e., 10.8 per cent of the total) must be mentioned. Within the OECD, but outside EU a reference shall be made of the United States (5.8 per cent of FDI) and Switzerland (5.4 per cent of the total invested), while regarding the aggregate countries of the Rest of the World as a whole, Brazil accounted for 1.8 per cent of the stock of FDI. In carrying out direct investment transactions in Portugal, non-residents were able to opt for the participation in the equity capital of Portuguese companies or for the recourse to any other type of intervention in the other capital. The results of the Questionnaire revealed that foreign investors were not homogeneous in the decisions taken. Thus, as an example of the main countries in terms of foreign investment in Portugal, mention shall be made, on the one hand, of resident investors in Spain, who resorted to the granting of loans (approximately 31 per cent of the value of the stock of foreign direct investment of Spain in Portugal) and, on the other, the United States which opted for the investment in the equity capital of Portuguese companies (approximately 95 per cent of the respective stock of foreign direct investment). From the perspective of the country of residence of the headquarters, i.e., assessing the geographical al- Germany held approximately 23.0 per cent (227.4 billion escudos) of the value of the stock of foreign direct investment in companies belonging to the “Manufacturing” sector, corresponding to around 72.6 per cent of the respective total FDI stock. Accounting for 15.7 per cent of the total value of foreign direct investment, France was the second largest foreign investor in Portuguese manufacturing companies. French companies sent to this sector of activity the highest volume of the respective net investment in Portugal (36.3 per cent of the respective stock of foreign direct investment, i.e., 155.7 billion escudos). Investors from the United Kingdom, in turn, represented approximately 37.3 per cent (132.6 billion escudos) of the respective stock of foreign direct investment in Portugal in companies belonging to the “Real estate, rentals and supply of services to companies” sector, representing 19.2 per cent of the total value of foreign direct investment in this sector. The Netherlands, in the same sector, held 17.3 per cent of the value of the stock invested by non-residents. The participation of Spain was chiefly centred on the following sectors: “Wholesale and retail trade, repairs of motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal and household goods” and “Manufacturing”, in which Spain held approximately 29.1 per cent (147.7 billion escudos) and 28.4 per cent (144.0 billion escudos) respectively, of the total stock of foreign direct investment in these sectors. Spain held 29.5 per cent of total foreign direct investment in Portuguese companies related to trade, having made investments both in the wholesale and retail sectors. (18) Analysis made on the basis of the country of residence of the direct investor. Banco de Portugal / Supplement no. 2 to the Statistical Bulletin / December 1998 11 Foreign Direct Investment in Portugal Spain was followed by the United Kingdom (97.3 billion escudos, i.e., 19.5 per cent of the total amount invested by non-residents in the above-mentioned sector), having invested chiefly in companies belonging to the wholesale trade segment. With respect to “Financial activities”, the main investor was France (98.4 billion escudos, i.e., 21.6 per cent of the total stock of foreign direct investment in the sector). This sector ranked in second place in the stock of foreign direct investment of France in Portugal. Spain held the second place, accounting for 18.9 per cent of total foreign direct investment in this sector (86.3 billion escudos). Finally, it is worth mention that North American investors held approximately 39.2 per cent of the total of their foreign direct investment (66.7 billion escudos) in the “Real estate, rentals and supply of services to companies” sector. The second investment position was reflected in “Manufacturing”, which represented 23.7 per cent (40.3 billion escudos) of the amount of North American investments in Portugal. Estimate on the stock of foreign direct investment in Portugal at the end of 1997 Taking as a basis the results of the Questionnaire on Foreign Direct Investment for 1996, the flows recorded in the balance of payments in 1997 and an estimate on the reinvested earnings based on the trend of Portuguese Gross Domestic Product, at market prices, in 1997, an estimate was made on the stock of foreign direct investment in Portugal at the end of 1997. According to the result achieved, the stock of foreign direct investment in Portugal is due to have amounted to 3.3 trillion escudos, corresponding to a 13.8 per cent increase from the previous year (see Table 2). This marked trend is explained by the bulky investments made in Portugal, through the granting of loans and additional capital to increase investments already made. 12 Table 2 TREND OF THE STOCK OF FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT Million escudos End-of-year figures 1995 1996 1997* 2 674 123 2 910 939 3 313 851 Source : Banco de Portugal * Estimate based on the balance of payments flows in 1997 and on the amount of reinvested earnings estimated on the basis of the GDP trend, at market prices. 4.2 Flows statistics 4.2.1 Foreign direct investment in Portugal At the level of the balance of payments flows, the results of the Questionnaire on Foreign Direct Investment are particularly important regarding the foreign direct investment in Portugal and direct investment income items. Within the scope of the direct investment flows, mention should be made of a phenomenon observed in this Questionnaire - reinvested earnings -, which is not directly observable through the settlements system of external operations. Reinvested earnings Through the application of the methodology mentioned before, it was possible to assess, for 1996, the amount of 101.5 billion escudos of net profits that were reinvested by non-resident investors in direct investment companies. This amount, which is entered to the credit of the item foreign direct investment in Portugal (corresponding to an increase in external liabilities, resulting from an increase in the amount invested in Portugal) and to the debit of direct investment income (due to the generation of income which is due to the foreign investor according to the respective share on the direct investment enterprise’s capital), is reflected in a change in the statistical series published up to now by the Banco de Portugal for the segment of foreign direct investment in Portugal. For the 1993-1996 period, the results arrived at by the QFDI were the following: Banco de Portugal / Supplement no. 2 to the Statistical Bulletin / December 1998 Foreign Direct Investment in Portugal Spain and the United States (each accounting for 15%), the Netherlands (14%) and Luxembourg (10%). Table 3 INCOME ON FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT Million escudos 1993 1994 1995 1996 Net results 63 775 74 502 119 593 156 465 Reinvested earnings 30 617 44 394 48% 60% % of reinvested earnings Chart 5 REINVESTED EARNINGS FROM 1993 TO 1996 CONTRY OF RESIDENCE OF THE DIRECT INVESTOR 70 595 101 457 59% 65% F R ANCE 6% Source: Banco de Portugal On the basis of the figures, it must be noted that, although less markedly in 1993, non-resident direct investors have clearly opted for the reinvestment of earnings on direct investment companies (see Chart 4). Thus, in the years from 1994 to 1996, the reinvestment of earnings was an important type of foreign direct investment in Portugal, together with other already identified in the statistical Bulletin of the Banco de Portugal, such as equity increase or the granting of loans and additional capital. NON RESIDENT INVESTORS’ SHARE ON NET PROFITS OF PORTUGUESE DIRECT INVESTMENT COMPANIES 200.000 D i s t r i but ed ear ni ngs 100.000 50.000 R ei nves t ed ear ni ngs 0 1993 1994 1995 GER MANY 18% LU X EMB . 10% S PAIN 15% T HE NET HE R LANDS 14% U .S .A. 15% U NIT ED KINGDOM 15% Source : Banco de Portugal Taking into account the country of residence of the headquarters, the leading position was occupied by the United States (25% of total reinvested earnings in the period from 1993 to 1996), followed by the United Kingdom (22%), Spain and Germany (14%, each). Chart 4 150.000 OT HER 7% 1996 Source : Banco de Portugal In the context of reinvested earnings, mention should be made of the operations carried out in 1996 (see Table 11.2 of the Statistical Annex) by resident investors in Germany (accounting for 21% of the reinvested total), Luxembourg (19%), the Netherlands (17%), the United States (14%) and Spain (10%). This hierarchy is not applied in the remaining years assessed, since this variable is strongly dependent on distributed earnings, which, as already mentioned in this paper, only occur occasionally. Thus, for the years 1993 to 1996 as a whole, it can be seen that the countries with the strongest weight in reinvested earnings (see Chart 5) were: Germany (18% of the total reinvested in this period), United Kingdom, The allocation by sector of activity of the resident company reveals, for the years 1993 to 1996, that the highest amounts of earnings were chiefly reinvested in the sectors “Manufacturing” and “Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal and household goods”, having totalled in these four years 93.3 and 77.7 billion escudos, respectively (see Chart 6). In the case of “Manufacturing” the amount reinvested accounted for 60% of total earnings allocated to foreign investors in the 19931996 period, while in “Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal and household goods” the share rose to 73%. Conversely, the sectors “Hotels and restaurants” and “Other social and personal services to the community” recorded in the 1993-1996 period an accumulated negative figure on reinvested earnings 19 (2.0 and 1.8 billion escudos, respectively), chiefly mirroring negative net results. (19) This result corresponds to a foreign net disinvestment in Portugal. Banco de Portugal / Supplement no. 2 to the Statistical Bulletin / December 1998 13 Foreign Direct Investment in Portugal Chart 6 Table 4 REINVESTED EARNINGS FROM 1993 TO 1996 SECTOR OF ACTIVITY OF THE RESIDENT ENTERPRISE FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN PORTUGAL - FLOWS IN 1996 QFDI 116 686 224 927 241 860 -7 562 6 525 6 525 109 125 231 452 248 385 Equity capital * Other Other capital Real estate, rentals, services to comp. Total F inancial activities Source : Banco de Portugal * Includes reinvested earnings and real estate operations. ** The flows relating to real estate operations, derived from the statistical reporting system on Portuguese balance of payments in 1996, were added to the results of the QFDI. Wholesale and retail trade, repair of … Manufacturing 0 Million escudos Million escudos Final figures** Balance of payments 50.000 Net Results 100.000 150.000 200.000 Reinvested earnings Source : Banco de Portugal 4.2.2 Income on foreign direct investment in Portugal Other foreign direct investment flows in Portugal Excluding reinvested earnings and real estate investment20 , the comparison exercise with the results of the Questionnaire on Foreign Direct Investment, enabled a general confirmation of the figures assessed for the foreign direct investment item of the Portuguese balance of payments for the year 1996. In addition to the values recorded in the balance of payments, the results of the Questionnaire on Foreign Direct Investment reveal that foreign direct investment in Portugal, over that period was, in net terms, 37.8 billion escudos higher. This figure was chiefly accounted for by operations that do not require the existence of a monetary flow, such as trade credits21 and equity increases through the incorporation of reserves. In these circumstances, given the increase in the quality brought about by the Questionnaire on Foreign Direct Investment, it can be considered that the net flow of foreign direct investment in Portugal, amounted to 248.4 billion escudos in 1996, distributed as follows: (20) As confirmed by the results, reinvested earnings were better captured by the Questionnaire on Foreign Direct Investment, while investment in real estate was only covered by the actual statistical reporting system on balance of payments, based on settlements and on the information reported in the real estate investment statistical declarations. (21) The degree of statistical coverage of trade credit operations was reinforced for the balance of payments as a whole, by the results of the Quarterly Survey to Non-financial Companies, which is being conducted since September 1997 by the Statistics Department of the Banco de Portugal. 14 From the results of the Questionnaire on Foreign Direct Investment it is also possible to improve the statistical coverage of the debits side of the item direct investment income22 . Indeed, on the basis of the Questionnaire, this segment of operations totalled 156.5 billion escudos, against 47.6 billion escudos recorded in the balance of payments for 1996. As expected, while distributed earnings calculated by the Questionnaire on Foreign Direct Investment do not show significant differences from those of the balance of payments for 1996 - 55.0 and 44.9 billion escudos, respectively - reinvested earnings, to the amount of 101.5 billion escudos, point clearly to the need to correct the figures recorded under direct investment income. When the statistical variables to be covered by the QFDI were defined, it was not foreseen however to include interest on loans between direct investment companies and income on real estate investment, wherefore the results calculated for these two components through the settlements system shall be considered in the final calculation of the debits included under direct investment income23 . In this context, debits of the item “Direct investment income” published for the year 1996, to the amount of 47.6 billion escudos, shall be corrected to 159.2 billion escudos (see Table 5). (22) (23) Income on foreign direct investment in Portugal is included in debits of direct investment income, while credits are reserved to the registration of income on Portuguese direct investment abroad. In the future, the coverage of these phenomena is foreseen. Banco de Portugal / Supplement no. 2 to the Statistical Bulletin / December 1998 Foreign Direct Investment in Portugal 1. Components of Foreign Direct Investment in Portugal stocks and flows: Table 5 DIRECT INVESTMENT INCOME - DEBITS 1996 · Components Distributed earnings Balance of payments 44 862 Reinvested earnings Million escudos Final QFDI figures · 55 008 55 008 · 101 457 101 457 Interest on loans 1 381 1 381 Rents on real estate investment 1 355 1 355 Total 47 598 156 465 159 201 · · · Source: Banco de Portugal On the basis of the results of the Questionnaire on Foreign Direct Investment and applying the same methodology as for the production of the 1996 estimate, the new debit figures of the item direct investment income were calculated for the years 1993 to 1995 (see Table 6) and a computation was made of the final figures to be included in the revised balance of payments. 2. Foreign Affiliated Trade Statistics (FATS) – Business turnover, Personnel to the service, GAV, Exports and Imports : · · · Table 6 breakdown by country of origin of the investment; breakdown by sector of activity of the resident company; breakdown by institutional sector of the resident company; breakdown by institutional sector of the non-resident company; country / sector of activity of the resident company; country / institutional sector of the resident company. breakdown by country; breakdown by sector of activity of the resident company; country / sector of activity of the resident company. DIRECT INVESTMENT INCOME - DEBITS 1993 Million escudos 1994 1995 Balance of payments 26 799 38 810 46 621 QFDI 63 775 74 502 119 593 Final figures * 66 059 79 277 123 915 Source: Banco de Portugal * The flows associated with the payment of interest on loans between direct investment companies and income on investment in real estate, which are both recorded in the Portuguese balance of payments, were added to the results of the Questionnaire on Foreign Direct Investment. 3. Direct investment income statistics - debits: · · · breakdown by country; breakdown by sector of activity of the resident company; country / sector of activity of the resident company. 5. STATISTICS TO BE PRODUCED ON THE BASIS OF THE RESULTS OF THE QFDI The statistical outputs defined on the basis of the results of the Questionnaire will be utilised not only in the flows and stocks statistics of the balance of payments and of the Portuguese international investment position, but also in the preparation of Portuguese financial accounts. On the basis of the results of the Questionnaire on Foreign Direct Investment it is possible to draft the production of the following statistics : Banco de Portugal / Supplement no. 2 to the Statistical Bulletin / December 1998 15 Foreign Direct Investment in Portugal Statistical Annex Banco de Portugal / Supplement no. 2 to the Statistical Bulletin / December 1998 17 Foreign Direct Investment in Portugal 1.1 FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN PORTUGAL INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT POSITION 106 Escudos Initial position Transactions (31.12.95) Direct Investment Equity capital Other capital Final position changes (31.12.96) 231.452 4.540 824 2.910.939 2.163.355 223.829 4.540 1.537 2.393.261 11.981 -27 77 0 12.031 2.175.335 223.802 4.617 1.537 2.405.292 510.768 7.624 0 -714 517.678 54.001 17.248 0 0 71.249 564.769 24.872 0 -714 588.927 Assets Liabilities Exchange rate 2.674.123 Assets Liabilities Price changes Source : Banco de Portugal 1.2 EQUITY CAPITAL AND OTHER CAPITAL IN THE FDI STOCK Percentage Initial position Final position (31.12.95) (31.12.96) Equity capital 80,9% 82,2% Other capital 19,1% 17,8% Source : Banco de Portugal 2.1 FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT INCOME 106 Escudos 1993 1994 Net results 63.775 74.502 1995 119.593 156.465 1996 Distributed earnings 33.158 30.108 48.999 55.008 Reinvested earnings 30.617 44.394 70.595 101.457 Source : Banco de Portugal 2.2 NET RESULTS OF RESIDENT FDI COMPANIES ASSIGNED TO NON-RESIDENT DIRECT INVESTORS Percentage 1993 1994 1995 1996 Distributed earnings 52,0% 40,4% 41,0% 35,2% Reinvested earnings 48,0% 59,6% 59,0% 64,8% Source : Banco de Portugal Banco de Portugal / Supplement no. 2 to the Statistical Bulletin / December 1998 19 Foreign Direct Investment in Portugal 3.1 YIELD ON EQUITY CAPITAL OF RESIDENT FDI COMPANIES 106 Escudos Equity capital 31.12.95 31.12.96 2.163.355 2.393.261 Net results 119.593 156.465 Yield rate 5,53% 6,54% Source : Banco de Portugal 4.1 DEGREE OF FOREIGN PARTICIPATION IN THE SHARE CAPITALOF RESIDENT FDI COMPANIES Percentage 31.12.95 31.12.96 Monetary Financial Institutions 39,4% 37,3% Non-Monetary Financial Institutions 50,2% 48,8% Financial intermediaries and auxiliaries 54,4% 53,4% Insurance companies 39,3% 38,3% Non-financial companies 63,7% 60,0% TOTAL 56,3% 53,0% Source : Banco de Portugal 5.1 FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN PORTUGAL INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT POSITION By institutional sector of the resident FDI company 106 Escudos Initial position Transactions (31.12.95) Price Exch. rate Final position changes changes (31.12.96) Monetary Financial Institutions 216.814 16.430 -140 0 233.104 Non-Monetary Financial Institutions 195.689 20.187 5.080 35 220.991 137.912 11.185 0 35 149.132 57.777 9.003 5.080 0 71.860 Non-financial companies 2.261.620 194.835 -400 789 2.456.843 TOTAL 2.674.123 231.452 4.540 824 2.910.939 Financial intermediaries and auxiliaries Insurance companies Source : Banco de Portugal 5.2 STOCK ON FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN PORTUGAL By institutional sector of the resident FDI company Percentage Initial position Final position (31.12.95) (31.12.96) Monetary Financial Institutions 8,1% Non-Monetary Financial Institutions 7,3% 7,6% 5,2% 5,1% Financial intermediaries and auxiliaries Insurance companies Non-financial companies TOTAL 8,0% 2,2% 2,5% 84,6% 84,4% 100,0% 100,0% Source : Banco de Portugal 20 Banco de Portugal / Supplement no. 2 to the Statistical Bulletin / December 1998 Foreign Direct Investment in Portugal 6.1 FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN PORTUGAL INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT POSITION Investment in the institutional sector “Monetary Financial Institutions” Direct Investment Equity capital Assets Liabilities Other capital Assets Liabilities Initial position (31.12.95) Transactions Price changes Exchange rate changes 216.814 213.503 3.165 216.668 3.311 0 3.311 16.430 12.715 0 12.715 3.714 0 3.714 -140 -140 0 -140 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 106 Escudos Final position (31.12.96) 233.104 226.079 3.165 229.243 7.026 0 7.026 Source : Banco de Portugal 6.2 EQUITY CAPITAL AND OTHER CAPITAL IN THE FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK IN PORTUGAL Investment in the institutional sector “Monetary Financial Institutions” Initial position (31.12.95) Equity capital Other capital 98,5% 1,5% Percentage Final position (31.12.96) 97,0% 3,0% Source : Banco de Portugal 6.3 FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN PORTUGAL INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT POSITION Investment in the institutional sector “Non-Monetary Financial Institutions” Direct Investment Equity capital Assets Liabilities Other capital Assets Liabilities Initial position (31.12.95) Transactions Price changes 195.689 186.264 0 186.264 9.425 653 10.078 20.187 12.167 0 12.167 8.020 1.292 9.312 5.080 5.080 0 5.080 0 0 0 Exchange rate changes 35 35 0 35 0 0 0 106 Escudos Final position (31.12.96) 220.991 203.547 0 203.547 17.445 1.945 19.390 Source : Banco de Portugal 6.4 EQUITY CAPITAL AND OTHER CAPITAL IN THE FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK IN PORTUGAL Investment in the institutional sector “Non-Monetary Financial Institutions” Initial position (31.12.95) Equity capital Other capital 95,2% 4,8% Percentage Final position (31.12.96) 92,1% 7,9% Source : Banco de Portugal Banco de Portugal / Supplement no. 2 to the Statistical Bulletin / December 1998 21 Foreign Direct Investment in Portugal 6.5 FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN PORTUGAL INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT POSITION Investment in the institutional sector “Non-Financial companies” Direct Investment Equity capital Assets Liabilities Other capital Assets Liabilities Initial position (31.12.95) Transactions Price changes Exchange rate changes 2.261.620 1.763.588 8.816 1.772.403 498.032 53.348 551.380 194.835 198.946 -27 198.919 -4.110 15.956 11.846 -400 -400 77 -323 0 0 0 789 1.503 0 1.503 -714 0 -714 106 Escudos Final position (31.12.96) 2.456.843 1.963.636 8.866 1.972.502 493.208 69.304 562.511 Source : Banco de Portugal 6.6 EQUITY CAPITAL AND OTHER CAPITAL IN THE FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK IN PORTUGAL Investment in the institutional sector “Non-Financial companies” Equity capital Other capital Initial position (31.12.95) Percentage Final position (31.12.96) 78,0% 22,0% 79,9% 20,1% Source : Banco de Portugal 22 Banco de Portugal / Supplement no. 2 to the Statistical Bulletin / December 1998 Foreign Direct Investment in Portugal 7.1 FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN PORTUGAL INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT POSITION By economic area and main countries of the non-resident direct investor 106 Escudos Ininial position Transactions (31.12.95) OECD Price Exchange rate changes changes Final position (31.12.96) 2.500.298 220.096 4.536 952 2.725.882 2.142.744 197.298 2.999 5.797 2.348.838 Germany 278.037 29.492 1.030 4.461 313.019 Spain 397.630 109.167 329 183 507.309 France 419.713 5.405 2.707 1.290 429.116 270.318 EU The Netherlands 234.269 35.038 250 760 Luxembourg 148.994 17.956 -286 -353 166.311 United Kingdom 368.392 -12.440 -915 217 355.255 Other 295.708 12.680 -117 -761 307.510 357.555 22.798 1.537 -4.845 377.044 Korea 18.767 -12.046 0 -2 6.719 USA 155.386 18.241 0 -3.616 170.012 Japan 23.667 5.967 5 -460 29.180 156.407 Other 146.045 9.641 1.481 -760 Other 13.690 995 50 -8 14.727 Rest of the world 173.825 11.357 3 -128 185.057 Brazil 48.340 3.337 -46 -74 51.557 Switzerland Other TOTAL 125.485 8.020 50 -54 133.500 2.674.123 231.452 4.540 824 2.910.939 Source : Banco de Portugal 7.2 STOCK ON FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN PORTUGAL By economic area and main countries of the non-resident direct investor Percentage Initial position Final position (31.12.95) (31.12.96) 93,5% 93,6% 80,1% 80,7% Germany 10,4% 10,8% Spain 14,9% 17,4% France 15,7% 14,7% 8,8% 9,3% OECD EU The Netherlands Luxembourg United Kingdom 5,6% 5,7% 13,8% 12,2% 11,1% 10,6% 13,4% 13,0% Korea 0,7% 0,2% USA 5,8% 5,8% Japan 0,9% 1,0% Switzerland 5,5% 5,4% Other Other Other 0,5% 0,5% Rest of the world 6,5% 6,4% Brazil 1,8% 1,8% Other 4,7% 4,6% Source : Banco de Portugal Banco de Portugal / Supplement no. 2 to the Statistical Bulletin / December 1998 23 Foreign Direct Investment in Portugal 7.3 FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN PORTUGAL INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT POSITION By country of the non-resident direct investor 106 Escudos Initial position Transactions (31.12.95) Price Exch. rate Final position changes changes (31.12.96) 109.167 329 183 507.309 419.713 5.405 2.707 1.290 429.116 368.392 -12.440 -915 217 355.255 Germany 278.037 29.492 1.030 4.461 313.019 The Netherlands 234.269 35.038 250 760 270.318 United States of America 155.386 18.241 0 -3.616 170.012 Luxembourg 148.994 17.956 -286 -353 166.311 Switzerland 146.045 9.641 1.481 -760 156.407 Italy 67.567 12.051 -75 -843 78.700 Denmark 72.857 -965 0 53 71.945 Sweden 70.197 -1.252 3 43 68.991 Spain 397.630 France United Kingdom Belgium 55.195 3.291 0 68 58.554 Brazil 48.340 3.337 -46 -74 51.557 Japan 23.667 5.967 5 -460 29.180 Bahamas 16.706 1.325 0 -23 18.008 Kowait 15.529 1.068 0 26 16.623 Cayman Islands 15.388 812 0 7 16.207 Panama 14.036 846 0 -47 14.835 Antilles (The Netherlands) 13.040 414 -2 -9 13.443 Virgin Islands (British) 12.338 -162 116 -25 12.268 Liechtenstein 11.388 426 -33 -25 11.757 Ireland 12.243 -852 0 -145 11.246 Norway 9.127 368 50 45 9.590 Gibraltar 9.283 -153 1 28 9.159 Austria 8.106 944 0 73 9.124 Finland 9.259 -704 -17 -9 8.528 18.767 -12.046 0 -2 6.719 Macao 3.518 1.948 0 -25 5.441 Canada 4.196 523 0 -58 4.661 Virgin Islands (USA) 3.340 -187 0 0 3.153 People’s Republic of China 2.186 -27 0 57 2.217 Colombia 2.039 75 0 2 2.116 Hong Kong 2.322 -188 -33 -32 2.068 202 1.578 0 4 1.783 Republic of Korea Uruguay Other TOTAL 4.821 513 -28 11 5.318 2.674.123 231.452 4.540 824 2.910.939 Source : Banco de Portugal 24 Banco de Portugal / Supplement no. 2 to the Statistical Bulletin / December 1998 Foreign Direct Investment in Portugal 8.1 FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN PORTUGAL INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT POSITION By economic area and main countries of residence of the headquarter of the non-resident direct investor 106 Escudos Initial position Transactions (31.12.95) OECD Price Exch. rate Final position changes changes (31.12.96) 2.486.204 222.713 4.536 906 2.714.359 1.979.686 179.775 2.729 2.695 2.164.885 Germany 256.126 27.859 919 2.364 287.268 Spain 336.810 47.487 352 65 384.714 France 409.421 69.573 2.700 1.106 482.799 The Netherlands 167.434 8.940 -49 699 177.024 Luxembourg 106.004 16.513 -286 -317 121.914 United Kingdom 411.271 1.549 -933 642 412.529 Other 292.620 7.854 26 -1.864 298.636 506.518 42.938 1.807 -1.789 549.474 Korea 18.767 -12.046 0 -2 6.719 USA 300.183 38.510 226 -1.511 337.409 Japan 46.634 6.409 6 -401 52.648 132.155 8.862 1.526 86 142.628 8.778 1.204 50 39 10.070 187.919 8.739 3 -82 196.580 EU Other Switzerland Other Rest of the world Brazil 51.661 -995 -172 -42 50.452 Other 136.258 9.734 175 -40 146.128 2.674.123 231.452 4.540 824 2.910.939 TOTAL Source : Banco de Portugal 8.2 STOCK ON FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN PORTUGAL By economic area and main countries of the headquarter of the non-resident direct investor Percentage Initial position Final position (31.12.95) (31.12.96) 93,0% 93,2% 74,0% 74,4% 9,6% 9,9% Spain 12,6% 13,2% France 15,3% 16,6% 6,3% 6,1% OECD EU Germany The Netherlands 4,0% 4,2% United Kingdom 15,4% 14,2% Other 10,9% 10,3% 18,9% 18,9% Luxembourg Other Korea 0,7% 0,2% USA 11,2% 11,6% Japan 1,7% 1,8% Switzerland 4,9% 4,9% Other 0,3% 0,3% Rest of the world 7,0% 6,8% Brazil 1,9% 1,7% Other 5,1% 5,0% Source : Banco de Portugal Banco de Portugal / Supplement no. 2 to the Statistical Bulletin / December 1998 25 Foreign Direct Investment in Portugal 8.3 FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN PORTUGAL INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT POSITION By country of residence of the headquarter of the non-resident direct investor 106 Escudos Initial position Transactions (31.12.95) France 409.421 Price Exch. rate Final position changes changes (31.12.96) 69.573 2.700 1.106 482.799 United Kingdom 411.271 1.549 -933 642 412.529 Spain 336.810 47.487 352 65 384.714 United States of America 300.183 38.510 226 -1.511 337.409 Germany 256.126 27.859 919 2.364 287.268 The Netherlands 167.434 8.940 -49 699 177.024 Switzerland 132.155 8.862 1.526 86 142.628 Luxembourg 106.004 16.513 -286 -317 121.914 Sweden 75.277 -749 3 33 74.563 Denmark 73.869 -908 0 -856 72.105 Italy 61.890 5.665 6 -827 66.735 Belgium 56.245 2.823 67 -34 59.101 Japan 46.634 6.409 6 -401 52.648 Brazil 51.661 -995 -172 -42 50.452 Cayman Islands 17.661 522 0 8 18.191 Bahamas 15.694 1.395 0 -15 17.074 Kowait 15.529 1.068 0 26 16.623 Panama 13.623 846 0 -48 14.421 Antilles (The Netherlands) 13.035 421 -2 -9 13.445 Liechtenstein 11.295 394 -33 -34 11.622 Virgin Islands (British) 11.322 -98 242 -23 11.442 Finland 11.333 -665 -23 -13 10.632 Bermuda Islands 8.598 1.742 0 1 10.340 Ireland 8.109 685 0 -178 8.616 Gibraltar 8.007 -88 1 32 7.952 Norway 6.960 356 50 37 7.403 18.767 -12.046 0 -2 6.719 Republic of Korea Austria 5.613 836 0 13 6.462 Macao 3.518 1.948 0 -25 5.441 South Africa 3.304 66 0 35 3.405 Virgin Islands (USA) 3.340 -187 0 0 3.153 People’s Republic of China 2.186 -27 0 57 2.217 Colombia 2.039 75 0 2 2.116 Hong Kong 2.360 -180 -33 -32 2.115 Uruguay 202 1.578 0 4 1.783 Canada 937 322 0 -4 1.255 Other TOTAL 5.711 951 -28 -14 6.620 2.674.123 231.452 4.540 824 2.910.939 Source : Banco de Portugal 26 Banco de Portugal / Supplement no. 2 to the Statistical Bulletin / December 1998 Banco de Portugal / Supplement no. 2 to the Statistical Bulletin / December 1998 9.1 STOCK ON FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN PORTUGAL By main sector of activity of the resident FDI company (Classification of Economic Activities - Rev.2) 10 6 Escudos Agriculture, farming of animals, forestry and fishing (01+05) Initial position Transactions and Final position (31.12.95) other changes (31.12.96) 3.457 458 3.915 Mining industries (10 a 14) 38.204 -1.896 36.309 Manufacturing industries 954.589 34.987 989.576 121.702 10.116 131.819 76.144 -2.956 73.188 8.464 -755 7.710 Food products, beverages and tobacco (15+16) Textiles and leather (17+18+19) Wood and cork (20) Paper (21+22) 132.438 3.215 135.653 Chemical and allied industries (23+24+25) 118.069 16.333 134.402 Non-metallic mineral products (26) 48.299 849 49.149 Basic metals and fabricated metal products (27+28) 91.712 2.440 94.152 Non-electric machinery (29) 39.596 4.550 44.147 Electrical and optical equipment (30+31+32+33) 138.844 -10.190 128.654 Transport equipment (34+35) 168.219 11.251 179.469 11.235 11.102 133 Electricity, gas and water supply (40+41) Other (36+37) 84.078 2.418 86.496 Construction (45) 51.010 7.591 58.601 Trade (50+51+52) 469.794 30.072 499.867 39.540 847 40.387 Hotels and restaurants (55) Transport and communication (60+61+62+63+64) 12.046 39.237 410.841 45.040 455.881 Real estate and business activities (70 to 74) 586.088 102.899 688.987 9.331 2.351 11.682 2.674.123 236.816 2.910.939 Public administration, Education, Health and other activities TOTAL Source : Banco de Portugal 27 Foreign Direct Investment in Portugal 27.191 Financial activities (65+66+67) STOCK ON FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN PORTUGAL By main sector of activity of the resident FDI company (Classification of Economic ActivitiesActivities - Rev.2) (Classification of Economic - Rev. 2) By main sector of activity of the resident FDI company Percentage structure Percentage Initial position Transactions and Final position (31.12.95) other changes (31.12.96) Agriculture, farming of animals, forestry and fishing (01+05) 0,1% 0,2% Mining industries (10 a 14) 1,4% -0,8% 0,1% 1,2% Manufacturing industries 35,7% 14,8% 34,0% Banco de Portugal / Supplement no. 2 to the Statistical Bulletin / December 1998 Food products, beverages and tobacco (15+16) 4,6% 4,3% 4,5% Textiles and leather (17+18+19) 2,8% -1,2% 2,5% Wood and cork (20) 0,3% -0,3% 0,3% Paper (21+22) 5,0% 1,4% 4,7% Chemical and allied industries (23+24+25) 4,4% 6,9% 4,6% Non-metallic mineral products (26) 1,8% 0,4% 1,7% Basic metals and fabricated metal products (27+28) 3,4% 1,0% 3,2% Non-electric machinery (29) 1,5% 1,9% 1,5% Electrical and optical equipment (30+31+32+33) 5,2% -4,3% 4,4% Transport equipment (34+35) 6,3% 4,8% 6,2% Other (36+37) 0,4% 0,1% 0,4% 3,1% 1,0% 3,0% Electricity, gas and water supply (40+41) Construction (45) 1,9% 3,2% 2,0% Trade (50+51+52) 17,6% 12,7% 17,2% Hotels and restaurants (55) 1,5% 0,4% 1,4% Transport and communication (60+61+62+63+64) 1,0% 5,1% 1,3% Financial activities (65+66+67) 15,4% 19,0% 15,7% Real estate and business activities (70 to 74) 21,9% 43,5% 23,7% 0,3% 1,0% 0,4% Public administration, Education, Health and other activities Source : Banco de Portugal Foreign Direct Investment in Portugal 28 9.2 STOCK ON FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN PORTUGAL 9.2 Banco de Portugal / Supplement no. 2 to the Statistical Bulletin / December 1998 9.2 FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN PORTUGAL 9.3 STOCK ON FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT POSITION IN PORTUGAL By activity of the resident FDI company Bysector mainof sector of activity of the resident FDI company (Classification of Economic Activities Rev. 2 Breakdowns) continued (Classification of Economic Activities - Rev.2 Breakdowns) to(to be be continued) 6 Initial position (31.12.95) Agriculture, farming of animals, hunting and related service activities Fishing, operation of fish hatcheries and farms and related service activities Extraction of crude petroleum, natural gas and related service activities Mining and quarrying of metal ores Other mining industries Manufacture of food products and beverages Manufacture of tobacco products Manufacture of textiles Manufacture of wearing apparel; dressing and dyeing of fur Tanning and dressing of leather; manufacture of luggage and footwear Manufacture of products of wood and cork, except furniture Manufacture of articles of pulp, paper and paperboard Publishing, printing and reproduction of recorded media Manufacture of chemical products Manufacture of rubber and plastic products Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products Manufacture of basic metals Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c. Manufacture of office machinery and information processing equipment Manufacture of electrical machinery and apparatus n.e.c. Manufacture of radio, television and communication equipment and apparatus Manufacture of medical, precision and optical instruments, etc. Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers Manufacture of other transport equipment Manufacture of furniture; manufacturing n.e.c. Recycling Electricity, gas, steam and hot water supply Collection, purification and distribution of water 3.039 418 199 34.518 3.487 121.701 2 25.553 30.542 20.049 8.464 119.721 12.717 96.874 21.194 48.299 18.445 73.267 39.596 100 30.938 95.223 12.583 166.404 1.814 10.865 237 82.499 1.579 41 335 -28 -2.770 329 11.784 -4 -642 -2.103 -782 -728 -2.315 5.261 11.657 4.708 -101 75 2.032 3.978 12 4.313 -8.053 -3.216 7.061 -509 87 67 1.680 -8 Price changes 80 0 0 0 0 -837 0 -23 6 0 0 23 0 -131 -27 1.097 211 0 420 0 0 0 0 87 0 -28 0 0 0 Exch. rate changes 2 0 0 557 16 -827 0 354 56 180 -27 278 -33 471 -345 -147 174 -52 152 1 -545 -2.846 143 4.605 6 7 0 733 13 3.162 753 170 32.306 3.833 131.821 -2 25.241 28.500 19.446 7.710 117.708 17.945 108.871 25.531 49.149 18.905 75.247 44.147 113 34.707 84.324 9.510 178.158 1.311 10.931 304 84.913 1.584 29 Foreign Direct Investment in Portugal 01 05 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 40 41 Transactions 10 Escudos Final position (31.12.96) Initial position (31.12.95) Banco de Portugal / Supplement no. 2 to the Statistical Bulletin / December 1998 45 50 51 52 55 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 70 71 72 74 80 85 90 91 92 93 Construction Sale, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles Wholesale trade and agents involved Retail trade; repair of personal goods Hotels and restaurants Land transport; transport via pipelines Water transport Air transport Supporting and auxiliary transport activities; travel agencies and tour operators Post and telecommunications Financial intermediation, except insurance and pension funding Insurance, pension funding and other activities auxiliary to social security Activities auxiliary to financial intermediation Real estate activities Renting of machinery and equipment without operator and of personal and household goods Computer and related activities Other business activities Education Health and social work Sewage and refuse disposal, sanitation and similar activities Activities of membership organisations n.e.c. Recreational, cultural and sporting activities Other service activities TOTAL Source : Banco de Portugal 51.010 56.476 317.003 96.315 39.540 3.146 4.317 40 6.497 13.191 354.041 57.783 -983 122.807 5.898 6.475 450.907 280 364 1.246 373 6.394 673 2.674.123 Transactions 7.728 -3.673 35.832 -848 803 2.546 2.215 -161 1.172 6.508 27.594 9.010 3.456 -3.163 -607 239 107.770 97 5 791 -20 2.034 -38 231.452 Price changes -267 0 119 0 0 1 0 0 -11 0 -140 5.080 0 -376 -117 1 -323 0 0 0 0 -304 0 4.540 Exch. rate changes 131 -699 -764 104 44 -184 -28 26 -39 2 0 0 40 -216 29 49 -385 2 1 3 0 -220 0 824 10 6 Escudos Final position (31.12.96) 58.601 52.105 352.191 95.571 40.387 5.509 6.503 -95 7.618 19.701 381.495 71.873 2.513 119.052 5.202 6.763 557.970 379 370 2.040 353 7.904 635 2.910.939 Foreign Direct Investment in Portugal 30 9.2 FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN PORTUGAL 9.3 STOCK ON FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT POSITION IN PORTUGAL By of activity of the of resident FDI company Bysector main sector of activity the resident FDI company (Classification (Classificationof ofEconomic EconomicActivities Activities--Rev.2 Rev. 2Breakdowns) Breakdowns)(continuation) (continuation) Banco de Portugal / Supplement no. 2 to the Statistical Bulletin / December 1998 10.1 STOCK ON FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN PORTUGAL By main sector of activity of the resident FDI company/ country of residence of the non-resident direct investor 10 6 Escudos Germany Manufacturing industries USA Spain France Netherlands Unit. Kingdom Other countries Total - sector 227.404 40.348 144.027 155.662 60.266 44.458 317.411 989.576 Trade 28.840 33.098 147.684 51.888 35.350 97.271 105.736 499.867 Financial activities 25.130 19.796 86.307 98.436 8.139 29.205 188.868 455.881 Real estate and business activities 17.580 66.678 90.385 86.025 118.981 132.624 176.714 688.987 Other sectors 14.065 10.091 38.906 37.105 47.581 51.697 77.182 276.627 313.019 170.012 507.309 429.116 270.318 355.255 865.910 2.910.939 Total - country Source : Banco de Portugal 10.2 STOCK ON FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN PORTUGAL By main sector of activity of the resident FDI company Percentage structure by country of residence of the non-resident direct investor Percentage Germany Manufacturing industries USA Spain France Netherlands Unit. Kingdom Other countries Total - sector 23,0% 4,1% 14,6% 15,7% 6,1% 4,5% 32,1% 100,0% Trade 5,8% 6,6% 29,5% 10,4% 7,1% 19,5% 21,2% 100,0% Financial activities 5,5% 4,3% 18,9% 21,6% 1,8% 6,4% 41,4% 100,0% Real estate and business activities 2,6% 9,7% 13,1% 12,5% 17,3% 19,2% 25,6% 100,0% Other sectors 5,1% 3,6% 14,1% 13,4% 17,2% 18,7% 27,9% 100,0% Source : Banco de Portugal Germany Manufacturing industries Trade USA Percentage Spain France Netherlands Unit. Kingdom Other countries 72,6% 23,7% 28,4% 36,3% 22,3% 12,5% 36,7% 9,2% 19,5% 29,1% 12,1% 13,1% 27,4% 12,2% Financial activities 8,0% 11,6% 17,0% 22,9% 3,0% 8,2% 21,8% Real estate and business activities 5,6% 39,2% 17,8% 20,0% 44,0% 37,3% 20,4% Other sectors 4,5% 5,9% 7,7% 8,6% 17,6% 14,6% 8,9% 100,0% 100,0% 100,0% 100,0% 100,0% 100,0% 100,0% Total - country Source : Banco de Portugal 31 Foreign Direct Investment in Portugal 10.3 STOCK ON FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN PORTUGAL By main countries of residence of the non-resident direct investor Percentage structure by sector of activity of the resident FDI company Foreign Direct Investment in Portugal 11.1 FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT INCOME By economic area and main countries of the non-resident direct investor 106 Escudos Net results Distributed earnings 154.187 54.817 110.249 34.953 75.296 Germany 28.704 7.473 21.232 Spain 14.844 4.899 9.945 France 5.079 8.249 -3.170 OECD EU Reinvested earnings 99.370 The Netherlands 18.714 1.753 16.961 Luxembourg 21.454 2.102 19.352 United Kingdom 14.739 7.943 6.796 6.715 2.534 4.181 43.939 19.864 24.074 Other Other Korea USA Japan Switzerland 445 70 375 27.188 13.143 14.045 1.609 575 1.035 14.884 6.026 8.858 Other -188 51 -238 Rest of the world 2.278 191 2.087 Brazil 2.302 3 2.299 Other TOTAL -24 188 -212 156.465 55.008 101.457 Source : Banco de Portugal 11.2 FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT INCOME By economic area and main countries of the non-resident direct investor Percentage Net results OECD EU Germany Distributed earnings Reinvested earnings 98,5% 99,7% 97,9% 70,5% 63,5% 74,2% 18,3% 13,6% 20,9% Spain 9,5% 8,9% 9,8% France 3,2% 15,0% -3,1% The Netherlands 12,0% 3,2% 16,7% Luxembourg 13,7% 3,8% 19,1% United Kingdom 9,4% 14,4% 6,7% Other 4,3% 4,6% 4,1% 28,1% 36,1% 23,7% Other Korea 0,3% 0,1% 0,4% USA 17,4% 23,9% 13,8% Japan 1,0% 1,0% 1,0% Switzerland 9,5% 11,0% 8,7% Other -0,1% 0,1% -0,2% Rest of the world 1,5% 0,3% 2,1% Brazil 1,5% 0,0% 2,3% Other 0,0% 0,3% -0,2% Source : Banco de Portugal 32 Banco de Portugal / Supplement no. 2 to the Statistical Bulletin / December 1998 Foreign Direct Investment in Portugal 12.1 FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT INCOME By economic area and main countries of residence of the headquarter of the non-resident direct investor 106 Escudos Net results Distributed earnings Reinvested earnings 153.571 54.850 98.721 94.548 34.637 59.911 Germany 21.011 7.387 13.624 Spain 14.622 3.770 10.852 OECD EU 6.209 10.163 -3.954 The Netherlands 12.498 4.021 8.477 Luxembourg 18.258 1.598 16.661 United Kingdom 17.049 5.089 11.960 4.900 2.609 2.291 59.024 20.214 38.810 445 70 375 49.507 17.231 32.276 -614 695 -1.308 7.854 France Other Other Korea USA Japan 10.021 2.167 Other -336 51 -387 Rest of the world 2.894 158 2.736 Brazil 1.455 3 1.452 Other 1.438 155 1.284 156.465 55.008 101.457 Switzerland TOTAL Source : Banco de Portugal 12.2 FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT INCOME By economic area and main countries of residence of the headquarter of the non-resident direct investor Percentage Net results OECD EU Distributed earnings Reinvested earnings 98,2% 99,7% 97,3% 60,4% 63,0% 59,1% 13,4% 13,4% 13,4% Spain 9,3% 6,9% 10,7% France 4,0% 18,5% -3,9% The Netherlands 8,0% 7,3% 8,4% Germany Luxembourg 11,7% 2,9% 16,4% United Kingdom 10,9% 9,3% 11,8% 3,1% 4,7% 2,3% Other 37,7% 36,7% 38,3% Korea 0,3% 0,1% 0,4% USA 31,6% 31,3% 31,8% Japan -0,4% 1,3% -1,3% Other 6,4% 3,9% 7,7% Other -0,2% 0,1% -0,4% Rest of the world 1,8% 0,3% 2,7% Brazil 0,9% 0,0% 1,4% Other 0,9% 0,3% 1,3% Switzerland Source : Banco de Portugal Banco de Portugal / Supplement no. 2 to the Statistical Bulletin / December 1998 33 10 6 Escudos Net results Agriculture, farming of animals, forestry and fishing (01+05) Distributed earnings -417 Reinvested earnings 0 -417 Mining industries (10 a 14) 1.267 3.282 -2.016 Manufacturing industries 39.347 16.291 23.057 Food products, beverages and tobacco (15+16) 6.534 4.327 2.207 Textiles and leather (17+18+19) 3.416 565 2.850 -534 0 -534 Wood and cork (20) Paper (21+22) Chemical and by-products (23+24+25) Non-metallic mineral products (26) Basic metals and fabricated metal products (27+28) 758 497 261 21.488 5.144 16.345 2.368 337 2.031 660 200 460 Banco de Portugal / Supplement no. 2 to the Statistical Bulletin / December 1998 Non-electric machinery (29) 4.268 575 3.694 Electrical and optical equipment (30+31+32+33) 6.794 4.234 2.561 Transport equipment (34+35) -5.280 401 -5.681 Other (36+37) -1.125 12 -1.137 886 2 884 Electricity, gas and water supply (40+41) Construction (45) 2.541 192 2.350 Trade (50+51+52) 32.826 8.830 23.996 -703 109 -812 Hotels and restaurants (55) Transport and communication (60+61+62+63+64) 7.017 738 6.280 Financial activities (65+66+67) 25.994 12.037 13.957 Real estate and business activities (70 to 74) 47.368 13.452 33.916 338 75 263 156.465 55.008 101.457 Public administration, Education, Health and other activities TOTAL Source : Banco de Portugal Foreign Direct Investment in Portugal 34 13.1 FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT INCOME By main sector of activity of the resident FDI company (Classification of Economic Activities - Rev.2) Banco de Portugal / Supplement no. 2 to the Statistical Bulletin / December 1998 13.2 FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT INCOME By main sector of activity of the resident FDI company (Classification of Economic Activities - Rev.2) Percentage structure Percentage Net results Agriculture, farming of animals, forestry and fishing (01+05) Distributed earnings -0,3% 0,0% Reinvested earnings -0,4% Mining industries (10 a 14) 0,8% 6,0% -2,0% Manufacturing industries 25,1% 29,6% 22,7% Food products, beverages and tobacco (15+16) 4,2% 7,9% 2,2% Textiles and leather (17+18+19) 2,2% 1,0% 2,8% -0,3% 0,0% -0,5% 0,5% 0,9% 0,3% 13,7% 9,4% 16,1% Wood and cork (20) Paper (21+22) Chemicals and by-products (23+24+25) Non-metallic mineral products (26) 1,5% 0,6% 2,0% Basic metals and fabricated metal products (27+28) 0,4% 0,4% 0,5% Non-electric machinery (29) 2,7% 1,0% 3,6% Electrical and optical equipment (30+31+32+33) 4,3% 7,7% 2,5% Transport equipment (34+35) -3,4% 0,7% -5,6% Other (36+37) -0,7% 0,0% -1,1% 0,6% 0,0% 0,9% Electricity, gas and water supply (40+41) Construction (45) 1,6% 0,3% 2,3% Trade (50+51+52) 21,0% 16,1% 23,7% Hotels and restaurants (55) -0,4% 0,2% -0,8% Transport and communication (60+61+62+63+64) 1,3% 6,2% 16,6% 21,9% 13,8% Real estate and business activities (70 to 74) 30,3% 24,5% 33,4% 0,2% 0,1% 0,3% Public administration, Education, Health and other activities Source : Banco de Portugal 35 Foreign Direct Investment in Portugal 4,5% Financial activities (65+66+67) 6 10 Escudos Net results Distributed earnings Reinvested earnings 01 Agriculture, farming of animals, hunting and related service activities -215 0 -215 05 Fishing, operation of fish hatcheries and farms and related service activities -203 0 -203 11 Extraction of crude petroleum, natural gas and related service activities 3 0 3 13 Mining and quarrying of metal ores 835 3.165 -2.330 14 Other mining industries 15 Manufacture of food products and beverages 16 Manufacture of tobacco products 17 Manufacture of textiles 18 Manufacture of wearing apparel; dressing and dyeing of fur 430 117 312 6.535 4.327 2.209 -2 0 -2 1.604 248 1.356 396 311 84 1.410 Banco de Portugal / Supplement no. 2 to the Statistical Bulletin / December 1998 19 Tanning and dressing of leather; manufacture of luggage and footwear 1.416 6 20 Manufacture of products of wood and cork, except furniture -534 0 -534 21 Manufacture of articles of pulp, paper and paperboard -177 143 -320 22 Publishing, printing and reproduction of recorded media 24 Manufacture of chemical products 25 Manufacture of rubber and plastic products 26 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products 27 Manufacture of basic metals 28 Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment 29 Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c. 30 Manufacture of office machinery and information processing equipment 31 Manufacture of electrical machinery and apparatus n.e.c. 32 Manufacture of radio, television and communication equipment and apparatus 33 Manufacture of medical, precision and optical instruments, etc. 34 Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers 35 Manufacture of other transport equipment 36 Manufacture of furniture; manufacturing n.e.c. 37 Recycling 40 Electricity, gas, steam and hot water supply 41 Collection, purification and distribution of water 935 354 581 16.069 5.116 10.953 5.419 27 5.392 2.368 337 2.031 77 160 -83 583 40 542 4.268 575 3.694 24 9 15 -186 202 -388 6.366 3.558 2.808 591 466 125 -4.484 379 -4.864 -796 21 -817 -1.128 0 -1.128 3 12 -9 1.111 2 1.110 -226 0 -226 Foreign Direct Investment in Portugal 36 13.3 FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT INCOME By sector of activity of the resident FDI company (Classification of Economic Activities - Rev.2 Breakdowns) (to be continued) Banco de Portugal / Supplement no. 2 to the Statistical Bulletin / December 1998 13.3 FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT INCOME By sector of activity of the resident FDI company (Classification of Economic Activities - Rev.2 Breakdowns) (continuation) 6 10 Escudos Net results Distributed earnings Reinvested earnings 2.350 Construction 2.541 192 50 Sale, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 1.078 1.042 36 51 Wholesale trade and agents involved 32.196 7.782 24.414 52 Retail trade; repair of personal goods -449 6 -454 55 Hotels and restaurants -703 109 -812 60 Land transport; transport via pipelines 79 0 79 61 Water transport -154 0 -154 62 Air transport -250 0 -250 63 Supporting and auxiliary transport activities; travel agencies and tour operators 842 732 110 64 Post and telecommunications 6.501 6 6.495 65 Financial intermediation, except insurance and pension funding 22.850 10.764 12.086 66 Insurance, pension funding and other activities auxiliary to social security 3.436 1.245 2.191 67 Activities auxiliary to financial intermediation -292 29 -321 70 Real estate activities -4.697 93 -4.790 71 Renting of machinery and equipment without operator and of personal and household goods 830 1 829 72 Computer and related activities 641 16 625 74 Other business activities 50.595 13.342 37.252 80 Education 12 0 12 85 Health and social work 90 Sewage and refuse disposal, sanitation and similar activities 91 Activities of membership organisations n.e.c. 14 0 14 92 Recreational, cultural and sporting activities 284 36 248 93 Other service activities TOTAL Source : Banco de Portugal 5 9 -3 12 0 12 10 30 -19 156.465 55.008 101.457 37 Foreign Direct Investment in Portugal 45 Foreign Direct Investment in Portugal REFERENCES l Implementation Package: Statistical Requirements for Stage Three of the Monetary Union, EMI, July 1996 l Balance of Payments Manual, 5th Edition, IMF, 1993 l Benchmark Definition of Foreign Direct Investment, 3rd Edition, OECD, 1996 l Balance of Payments Vade Mecum, EUROSTAT, August 1997 l Foreign Direct Investment: Main conclusions of the “Survey of Methodological Standards for Direct Investment” (SIMSDI), conducted in 1997 by IMF and OECD l SARAIVA, Ana Margarida: Foreign Direct Investment in Portugal in the 1986-1992 period, Quarterly Bulletin of the Banco de Portugal, December 1993 l Annual Report 1997, IMF Committee on Balance of Payments Statistics, IMF, February 1998 l Estimation Methods for Direct Investment, SubGroup 4 - Balance of Payments Financial Flows and Stocks Task Force, EMI, 1997 l The Measurement of Reinvested Earnings in the Balance of Payments, prepared by Jack Bame and approved by Mahinder S. Gill, IMF, September 1995 l Instruction no. 1/96 of the Banco de Portugal Banco de Portugal / Supplement no. 2 to the Statistical Bulletin / December 1998 39 Foreign Direct Investment in Portugal Supplements to the Statistical Bulletin Banco de Portugal / Supplement no. 2 to the Statistical Bulletin / December 1998 41 Foreign Direct Investment in Portugal Supplements to the Statistical Bulletin 1/98 Statistical information on non-monetary financial institutions, December 1998. 2/98 Foreign Direct Investment in Portugal: Flows and stocks statistics for the year 1996 and estimates on stocks for 1997, December 1998. Banco de Portugal / Supplement no. 2 to the Statistical Bulletin / December 1998 43