Statistical Information on Mutual Funds Banco de Portugal Supplement to the Statistical Bulletin December 1999 STATISTICAL INFORMATION ON MUTUAL FUNDS 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 3 2. ANALYSIS OF THE STATISTICAL INFORMATION ON MUTUAL FUNDS .................................................................................................................. 4 2.1 Trend of the number of funds and of the total net values ........................ 4 2.2 Relevance of the different types of Mutual Funds .................................... 5 2.3 Trend of the investments by country of the issuer and currency of ........ denomination ................................................................................................ 7 2.4 Trend of the investments by institutional sector ....................................... 8 2.5 Trend of the investments by financial instrument .................................... 10 2.6 Trend of the investments by original maturity and financial instrument ..................................................................................................... 11 3. METHODOLOGICAL NOTES ........................................................................... 3.1 Mutual Funds sector .................................................................................... 3.2 Information sources ..................................................................................... 3.3 Classification of Mutual Funds .................................................................. 3.4 Characterisation of the information .......................................................... 3.4.1 Definition of the institutional sub-sectors covered ....................... 3.4.2 Definition of the financial instruments ........................................... 3.5 Correspondence between series ................................................................. 3.5.1 Correspondence between statistical and accounting series ......... 3.5.2 Correspondence between statistical series and items of ................ Regulation nº 7/98 of the Securities Market Commission ............. 3.6 Organisation of the Statistical Data ............................................................ 12 12 12 12 13 13 15 17 17 24 25 STATISTICAL DATA ............................................................................................. 27 Statistics Department Number 2 / 99 Banco de Portugal / Statistical Bulletin Supplement n.º 2/99 / December 1999 1 Statistical Information on Mutual Funds STATISTICAL INFORMATION ON MUTUAL FUNDS1 1. INTRODUCTION Mutual Funds (*) are entities through which savers, taking into account their risk profile, invest indirectly in the financial markets. Units of Participation are investment alternatives vis-à-vis both traditional products and direct investment in the capital market. In Portugal, the first register available on the setting up of Mutual Funds dates from June 1964. However, after the nationalisation of the banking sector, all activities related with these Funds were discontinued, and the respective units were converted into public debt. Activities with Mutual Funds were resumed in 1986. In this document, the analysis of the trend of Mutual Funds stocks is carried out by large aggregates since July 1997. However, statistical information is available since June 1986 for the series of the following tables: · Balance sheet of Mutual Funds / Net values broken down by type of fund; · 1 (*) Composition of the investment portfolio of Mutual Funds / Amounts invested by Mutual Funds broken down by financial instrument and sect. We would like to thank the Securities Market Commission for the valuable cooperation, without which this work would not have been possible. Mutual Funds do not include Real-estate based Funds. The sources for this information are the Banco de Portugal, up to June 1995 inclusive, and the Securties Market Commission, as from December 1995. In order to build up the series for the period from 1986 to 1996, it was necessary to establish a correspondence between the accounting information of the Mutual Funds and the statistical series. There were however, some methodological differences associated with different data reporting. In the period from December 1995 to December 1996, aggregate information was made available by the Securities Market Commission. As of 1997, information by fund and by investment has been sent by the Securities Market Commission to the Statistics Department of the Banco de Portugal 2 . At the internal level, the information is aggregated for each month and classified by statistical type: institutional sector and country of the issuer, type of security, currency and original maturity of the issue. 2 The information by fund is sent in file format and containsthe detailed composition of the investments, in compliance with the provisions laid down in: Regulation no. 7/98 – Release of information by Mutual Funds, of the Securities Market Commission, of 4 June 1998 (revokes Regulation no. 2/95 of the Securities Market Commission, of 8 May 1995); Instruction no. 03/98 – Monthly reporting of the detailed composition of the investment portfolio of Mutual Funds, of the Securities Market Commission, of 4 June 1998 (revoking Instruction no. 3/97 of the Securities Market Commission, of 28 August 1997). Banco de Portugal / Statistical Bulletin Supplement n.º 2/99 / December 1999 3 Statistical Information on Mutual Funds 2. ANALYSIS OF THE STATISTICAL INFORMATION ON MUTUAL FUNDS 2.1 Trend of the number of funds and of the total net values In statistical terms, the information on Mutual Funds was started in June 1986 3 . At the end of 1989 there were 24 Mutual Funds in operation. Throughout this period, stress should be laid on two factors: the stock exchange crash in October 1987, which may account for the growth rate of –18 per cent in December 1988, and the pick-up in the capital market in 1989, which was reflected in a high growth of the net values in December 1989 (see Table 1). In 1990 and 1991, the number of funds increased significantly (27 and 31 new funds, respectively), which is behind the growth rates of 94 and 127 per cent in net values. In the following years (except 1995) net values continued to register high growth rates (albeit more moderate), which in some cases can be associated with the positive trend of the capital market. In addition to the price effect, directly affecting the increase of the values invested 4 mention should be made of the impact on the quantities which is reflected both on the emergence of new funds and on new investments in funds already in force. Table 1 TREND OF THE NUMBER OF FUNDS AND NET VALUES Amount: EUR 10 6 Net Values Amount Number of funds Year-on-year rate of change Dec-86 1 51 n.a. Dec-87 5 251 387.4 Dec-88 7 205 -18.3 Dec-89 24 1003 389.3 Dec-90 51 1950 94.4 Dec-91 82 4426 127.0 Dec-92 98 5854 32.3 Dec-93 109 8346 42.6 Dec-94 125 10350 24.0 Dec-95 150 10639 2.8 Dec-96 182 13208 24.1 Dec-97 204 19615 48.5 Dec-98 246 23955 22.1 Source: Series in Table A.1 3 Two Mutual Funds were established in the 60s: FIA - Fundo de Investimento Atlântico, (June 1964) and FIDES – Fundo de Investimentos para o Desenvolvimento Económico e Social, (May 1965). However, it was not possible to compile statistical information on these Funds. By way of example, it should be mentioned that the total assets and other types of savings in both funds amounted to 2.3 million euro in 1966 (Source: ”Nota sobre fundos de investimentos mobiliários em Portugal” (Note on Mutual Funds in Portugal), in Revista Bancária, October - December 1968, Year IV, No. 14). 4 4 For the purpose, it should be taken into account that the net values correspond to the amounts invested by the funds plus sundry assets, less sundry liabilities. Sundry assets may include, e.g., the values generated by settlement operations from the sale of securities and receivables, such as interest. Sundry liabilities include, e.g., values generated by settlement operations from the acquisition of securities and amounts payable, such as interest to be paid on loans obtained, fees to be paid to the Management Commission and to the Depository Bank and taxes to be settled. Banco de Portugal / Statistical Bulletin Supplement n.º 2/99 / December 1999 Statistical Information on Mutual Funds From the point of view of the investment risk/return potential, “Fundos de Tesouraria” are, amongst all other funds, those involving less risk and higher liquidity 6. Bond Funds may be an alternative to investments in debt securities (chiefly public debt). Equity-based Funds, in turn, are those with a higher risk/return potential, and are an alternative to the direct investment in shares. From amongst the reasons behind the preference for investments in Mutual Funds, stress should be laid on the following: (i) the higher liquidity (for a similar degree of risk) that this type of investment may provide vis-à-vis the direct investment in the capital market; (ii) the possibility of risk diversification, by investing relatively low amounts, and also (iii) the fact that recent history has revealed the high profitability of these funds as against the generalised decrease of the interest rates. 2.2 Relevance of the different types of Mutual Funds In their generally disseminated classification, Mutual Funds are classified in compliance with the risk level that investors are willing to take. The definition of the different types of funds was made by the Portuguese Association of Wealth and Investment Fund Managing Companies (Portuguese acronym: APFIN), based on special applicable legislation, where appropriate. The Funds are 5: · · · · Equity-based Funds (Portuguese acronym: FA) Bond Funds (Portuguese acronym: FO) “Fundos de Tesouraria” (Portuguese acronym: FT) Money Market Funds (Portuguese acronym: FMM) Retirement Savings Funds (Portuguese acronym: FPR) Share Savings Funds (Portuguese acronym: FPA) Funds of Funds (Portuguese acronym: FF) · Mixed Funds (Portuguese acronym: FM) · · · Up to 1996, Mutual Funds 7 were chiefly composed by “Fundos de Tesouraria” and Bond Funds. In the most recent years, the number of Equity-based Funds and Funds of Funds has been increasing, and has exceeded the number of “Fundos de Tesouraria” as from 1997 (see Table 2). Table 2 NUMBER OF FUNDS BY TYPE OF FUND TOTAL FA FO FT FPR FPA FF FM Dec-86 1 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Dec-87 5 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Dec-88 7 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Dec-89 24 2 7 7 1 0 0 7 Dec-90 51 2 18 18 2 0 0 11 Dec-91 82 6 28 28 6 0 0 14 Dec-92 98 7 37 34 6 0 0 14 Dec-93 109 14 44 34 6 0 0 11 Dec-94 125 21 54 32 6 0 0 12 Dec-95 150 29 49 37 6 13 8 8 Dec-96 182 32 54 41 8 13 31 3 Dec-97 204 39 57 38 8 16 41 5 Dec-98 246 57 61 38 8 15 49 18 Source: Banco de Portugal and Securities Market Commission. 5 The specifications of each type of Fund are described in point 3.3 – Classification of the Mutual Funds. 6 With the setting up of Money Market Funds in August 1999 investment in these funds can be considered as real alternatives to bank deposits. However, until now, there are no funds of this type. 7 It should be noted that Mutual Funds could only be classified in compliance with the mentioned categories after December 1989. Banco de Portugal / Statistical Bulletin Supplement n.º 2/99 / December 1999 5 Statistical Information on Mutual Funds Chart 1 Chart 2 NET VALUES STRUCTURE NET VALUES STRUCTURE (Dec 90) (Dec 98) Mixed Funds (6%) Equity-based Funds (5%) Bond Funds (34%) Funds of Funds (17%) Mixed Funds (8%) Equity-based Funds (12%) Share Savings Funds (2%) Retirement Savings Funds (4%) Fundos de Tesouraria (55%) Source: Series in Table 3 Bond Funds (32%) Fundos de Tesouraria (25%) Source: Series in Table 3 The net values of Equity-based Funds have been increasing at high rates since 1993, with emphasis on 1993, 1996 and 1997, the years in which the Stock Exchange recorded a very positive trend. Bond Funds and “Fundos de Tesouraria” are the most important funds, in terms of net values held, although they have been loosing weight, in relative terms (See Charts 1 and 2). Throughout the most recent period, there has been some diversification into other types of funds, stress being laid on the weight, in net value terms, of Equity-based Funds, Funds of Funds and Mixed Funds. Retirement Savings Funds and Share Savings Funds have also recorded very high year-onyear growth rates, in net value terms, although these Funds still have a reduced weight. Table 3 DISTRIBUTION OF NET VALUES BY TYPE OF FUND Amount: EUR 10 6 TOTAL Amount Amount FA Year-on-year rate of change Year-on-year rate of change FO %(1) Year-on-year rate of change FT %(1) Year-on-year rate of change %(1) Dec-86 51 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Dec-87 251 387.4 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Dec-88 205 -18.3 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Dec-89 1003 389.3 n.a. 9,3 n.a. 32.8 n.a. 41.3 Dec-90 1950 94.4 5.4 5,0 103.6 34.4 158.7 54.9 Dec-91 4426 127.0 -1.7 2,2 281.3 57.7 53.7 37.2 Dec-92 5854 32.3 -2.1 1.6 60.4 70.0 -4.3 26.9 Dec-93 8346 42.6 117.4 2.5 50.7 74.0 8.6 20.5 Dec-94 10350 24.0 10.8 2.2 16.5 69.5 54.3 25.5 Dec-95 10639 2.8 49.9 3.2 -27.9 48.7 60.9 39.9 Dec-96 13208 24.1 109.1 5.4 35.1 53.0 -6.4 30.1 Dec-97 19615 48.5 178.6 10.1 8.0 38.6 21.7 24.7 Dec-98 23955 22.1 39.5 11.6 1.2 32.0 23.3 24.9 (1) Percentage of the total net values of the funds Source: Series in table A.1. 6 Banco de Portugal / Statistical Bulletin Supplement n.º 2/99 / December 1999 Statistical Information on Mutual Funds Table 3 (continued) DISTRIBUTION OF NET VALUES BY TYPE OF FUND Amount: EUR 10 6 Total FPR Year-onyear rate of change Amount Year-onyear rate of change FPA Year-onyear rate of change %(1) FF FM %(1) Year-onyear rate of change %(1) Year-onyear rate of change %(1) Dec-86 51 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Dec-87 251 387.4 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Dec-88 205 -18.3 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Dec-89 1003 389.3 — 0.0 — 0.0 — 0.0 n.a. 16.7 Dec-90 1950 94.4 — 0.1 — 0.0 — 0.0 -34.1 5.6 Dec-91 4426 127.0 475.1 0.1 — 0.0 — 0.0 11.7 2.8 Dec-92 5854 32.3 210.1 0.3 — 0.0 — 0.0 -43.6 1.2 Dec-93 8346 42.6 226.9 0.7 — 0.0 — 0.0 183.4 2.4 Dec-94 10350 24.0 75.5 1.0 — 0.0 — 0.0 -6.7 1.8 Dec-95 10639 2.8 71.5 1.6 — 0.1 — 6.2 -92.1 0.1 Dec-96 13208 24.1 133.1 3.1 442.1 0.4 55.8 7.8 -21.3 0.1 Dec-97 19615 48.5 88.2 3.9 275.7 1.1 218.8 16.8 8123.6 4.8 Dec-98 23955 22.1 40.0 4.5 78.7 1.6 23.9 17.1 114.0 8.4 (1) Percentage of the total net values of the funds Source: Series in table A.1. 2.3 Trend of the investments by country of the issuer and currency of denomination Table 4 INVESTEMENTS BY COUNTRY Amount: EUR 10 6 Euro Area countries Total Portugal Non-euro Area countries Other European Union countries Other Non-European Union countries Amount Year-onyear rate of change %(1) Year-onyear rate of change %(1) Year-onyear rate of change %(1) Year-onyear rate of change %(1) Jun-97 17064 n.a. 80.9 n.a. 10.7 n.a. 3.0 n.a. 5.5 Dec-97 19962 n.a. 80.3 n.a. 10.9 n.a. 2.6 n.a. 6.3 Jun-98 23427 34.1 79.0 40.4 10.9 81.9 3.9 53.8 6.1 Dec-98 24088 16.9 77.8 43.2 12.9 79.1 3.8 5.5 5.5 (1) Percentage of total investments Source: Series in table A.2.4 Banco de Portugal / Statistical Bulletin Supplement n.º 2/99 / December 1999 7 Statistical Information on Mutual Funds In December 1998, from amongst investments in noneuro area currencies, those more relevant were in dollars and pound sterling. Chart 4 INVESTMENTS BY CURRENCY 100 90 80 70 Percentage The analysis of the amounts invested by country of residence of the issuing entities shows that investments in Portugal achieve approximately 80 per cent (see Table 4). This value has been decreasing, since the growth rate of these investments is lower than that recorded for the other countries of the European Union. The most significant increases were recorded in investments in Spain, France and the United Kingdom (with annual growth rates, as at December 1998, close to 100 per cent). It should be noted that the strong change recorded in December 1998 for Spain is chiefly accounted for investments in securities issued by the Central Government of this country. 60 50 40 30 Investments in non-euro area European Union countries have registered high growth rates, accounting for approximately 4 per cent of the total, and chiefly concentrated in the United Kingdom (15% of the investments abroad in 1998 – see Chart 3). Investments outside the European Union, in 1997, were mainly concentrated in the U.S.A. and in Cayman Islands; in 1998, the major countries of destination of investments were the U.S.A. and Brazil. 20 10 0 Jun97 Dez Jun98 Non-Euro Area currencies Dez Euro Area currencies Source: Series in Table A.2.3 2.4 Trend of the investments by institutional sector Chart 5 Mutual Funds are composed almost exclusively of assets expressed in currencies of euro area countries (see Chart 4). Although investments in currencies of non-euro area countries are almost negligible, there is an increase in the portfolio segment involving those currencies. TREND OF SECTOR WEIGHT 100 90 80 Percentage 70 Chart 3 60 50 40 30 20 INVESTMENTS ABROAD 10 (Dec 98) 0 Germany Dez92 Dez93 Dez94 Resident Sector Other Dez95 Dez96 Dez97 Dez98 Non-resident Sector Source: Series in Table 5 Spain Chart 5 shows that the investments of Mutual Funds in the periods under observation were chiefly directed towards the resident sector 8. However, as from 1992, in the wake of the full liberalisation USA Brazil France United Lingdom Italy Luxembourg 8 Source: Series in Table A.2.4 8 It should be noted that, in December 1995 and 1996, the amount related to the non-resident sector does not include notes, coins and deposits, which are fully included in the resident sector, since its breakdown by sector is not known. Banco de Portugal / Statistical Bulletin Supplement n.º 2/99 / December 1999 Statistical Information on Mutual Funds of portfolio investment abroad, this sector has been loosing weight in favour of investments abroad. Over the recent years under analysis, investments abroad increased at a higher rate than that of investments in the resident sector, as mentioned in point 2.3 - Trend of investments by country of the issuer and currency of denomination. Chart 6 TREND OF INVESTMENT STRUCTURE IN THE MAJOR SUBSECTORS (RESIDENT SECTOR) 40 35 The development of investments in the resident sector 9 was significantly influenced by the high growth of investments in Other Financial Intermediaries and Financial Auxiliaries Sector (Portuguese acronym: OIFAF) and Non-Financial Corporations (Portuguese acronym: SNF) (see Table 5 and Chart 6). Percentage 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Jun97 It should be noted that the OIFAF sector integrates the units of participation in funds (with a high growth rate, as mentioned in point 2.2). The growth of the Non-Financial Corporations sector (SNF) may be accounted for by the high number of privatisations that occurred in this sector in 1998. Dec CG MFI Jun98 SNF Dec OIFAF Source: Series in Table 5 At the end of 1998, there was a very close breakdown into the four sectors considered (see Table 5). Table 5 RESIDENT SECTOR – INVESTEMENTS BY SUBSECTORS Amount: EUR 10 6 Central Government (CG) Total Monetary Financial Institutions (MFI) Year-onyear rate of change Jun-97 13799 n.d. 35.1 n.d. 28.8 n.d. 17.2 n.d. 17.7 Dec-97 16021 n.d. 28.7 n.d. 30.3 n.d. 18.2 n.d. 21.8 Jun-98 18507 -7.7 24.2 28.1 27.6 75.9 22.6 86.3 24.5 Dec-98 18734 -2.8 23.8 12.2 29.1 45.5 22.6 25.0 23.3 (1) % (1) Year-onyear rate of change Other Financial Intermediaries and Financial Auxiliaries Amount % Year-onyear rate of change Non Financial Corporations (1) % Year-onyear rate of change (1) % (1) Percentage of total investments Source: Series in table A.2.1 9 For this analysis, stress is laid on the fact that information is only available as from 1997. Banco de Portugal / Statistical Bulletin Supplement n.º 2/99 / December 1999 9 Statistical Information on Mutual Funds 2.5 Trend of the investments by financial instrument Chart 7 TREND OF THE INVESTMENT STRUCTURE IN THE MAJOR SUBSECTORS (NON-RESIDENT SECTOR) Chart 8 TREND OF THE WEIGHT OF EACH FINANCIAL INSTRUMENT IN TOTAL INVESTMENTS 45 40 100 35 80 25 Percentage Percentage 30 Securities other than shares 20 15 10 5 60 Shares 40 Notes, coins and deposits 20 0 Dec Dec98 Dec97 Dec96 Dec95 Dec94 Dec93 Dec92 Dec91 Dec90 Dec89 0 Non-monetary sector - euro area Non-monetary sector - non-euro area Dec88 Jun98 Dec87 Dec Dec86 Jun97 MFI - Euro area MFI- Non-euro area Source: Series in Table 7 Source: Series in Table 6 As regards the total of Mutual Funds, there is a clear preference for investments in securities (see Chart 8 and Table 7). From December 1986 to December 1993, securities other than shares accounted for more than 85% of the investments. Investments in shares, which in that same period recorded low values - below 4% every year-end, except in December 1989, when it reached 6% increased significantly, accounting for 30.8% of investments in December 1998. Behind this growth in the last two years may have been the increase of investments in Equity-based Funds, Funds of Funds and Mixed Funds. The share of investments in deposits stands, in general, below 20 per cent. As regards the non-resident sector, a sharp growth was seen in 1998, as already mentioned, stress being laid on the preference for the non-monetary sector vis-à-vis the monetary sector (see Chart 7 and Table 6). This can be accounted for by the prospective creation of Monetary Union on 1 January 1999. Therefore, at the end of 1998, the non-monetary sector of euro area countries (except Portugal) is the major sector in terms of amounts invested, and records (in December 1998) an year-on-year growth rate of 71 per cent (see Table 6). This acceleration of the non-monetary sector is accounted for by the strong increase in investments in securities issued by the Central Government of euro area countries. Table 6 NON-RESIDENT SECTOR – INVESTEMENTS BY SUBSECTORS Amount: EUR 10 6 Euro Area Total MFI Year-on- Amount year rate of change Non-Euro Area Non-Monetary Sector % (1) Year-onyear rate of change (1) % Non-Monetary Sector MFI Year-onyear rate of change (1) % Year-onyear rate of change (1) % Jun-97 3265 n.a. 24.5 n.a. 31.4 n.a. 11.2 n.a. 33.0 Dec-97 3941 n.a. 21.5 n.a. 33.4 n.a. 10.5 n.a. 34.5 Jun-98 4919 17.4 19.1 58.3 33.0 41.1 10.4 71.4 37.5 Dec-98 5354 0.8 16.0 70.5 42.0 32.5 10.2 25.1 31.8 (1) Percentage of total investments Source: Series in table A.2.1 10 Banco de Portugal / Statistical Bulletin Supplement n.º 2/99 / December 1999 Statistical Information on Mutual Funds Table 7 INVESTEMENTS BY FINANCIAL INSTRUMENT Amount: EUR 10 6 Notes, coins and deposits Total Amount Year-onyear rate of change Securities other than shares10 Year-onyear rate of change (1) % Shares and other equity (1) % Year-onyear rate of change (1) % Dec-86 49 n.a. 15.1 n.a. 84.9 n.a. n.a. Dec-87 341 176.5 6.0 673.5 94.0 n.a. n.a. Dec-88 224 -15.2 7.7 -35.6 92.3 n.a. n.a. Dec-89 964 419.6 9.3 295.0 84.5 n.a. 6.1 Dec-90 1898 121.8 10.5 99.7 85.7 20.6 3.7 Dec-91 4337 155.1 11.7 131.3 86.8 -9.9 1.5 Dec-92 5734 -8.0 8.2 37.6 90.3 36.5 1.5 Dec-93 8269 109.3 11.8 35.5 84.9 209.3 3.3 Dec-94 10199 233.7 32.0 -5.6 64.9 13.9 3.0 Dec-95 10740 0.1 30.4 -0.8 61.2 192.0 8.4 Dec-96 13304 -34.2 16.2 43.6 70.9 90.7 12.9 Dec-97 19962 44.6 15.6 20.8 57.1 217.8 27.3 Dec-98 24088 8.5 14.0 16.7 55.2 35.9 30.8 (1) Percentage of total investments Source: Series in table A.2.2 2.6 Trend of the investments by original maturity and financial instrument Chart 9 TREND OF THE INVESTMENT WEIGHT BY INSTRUMENT AND ORIGINAL MATURITY The analysis of Table 8 confirms the general preference for assets with longer maturities 50 Percentage 40 30 20 10 0 Jun97 Dec Dep. up to 1 year Securities up to 1 year Shares Jun98 In the period under analysis, the major investment was made in securities at over 1 year (Chart 9) 11 . As regards total deposits held, there is a marked preference for the short term, which is accounted for by the objective of holding liquidity associated with these instruments. Dec It should be noted, however, that in the case of “Fundos de Tesouraria”, given its particular nature, short-term assets are more relevant (approximately half of the amounts invested). In turn, the other Mutual Funds hold above 80 per cent of long-term assets in their total portfolio, which may be explained by the fact that these funds are not subject to minimum holdings of highly liquid assets. Dep. over 1 year Securities over 1 year Source: Series in Table A.2.3 10 For the years 1986, 1987 and 1988, it includes investments in shares and other equity. 11 In this analysis, stress is laid on the fact that information is only available as from 1997. Banco de Portugal / Statistical Bulletin Supplement n.º 2/99 / December 1999 11 Statistical Information on Mutual Funds Table 8 INVESTEMENTS BY ORIGINAL MATURITY Amount Eur 10 6 TOTAL Amount Up to 1 year Year-on-year rate of change Over 1 year %(1) Year-on-year rate of change %(1) Jun-97 17064 n.a. 29.5 n.a. 70.5 Dec-97 19962 n.a. 26.6 n.a. 73.4 Jun-98 23426 6.1 22.8 50.4 77.2 Dec-98 23992 -2.1 21.6 28.9 78.4 (1) Percentage in total investments Source: Series in table A.2.3 establish the correspondence between Mutual Funds accounting data and statistical series, wherefore some methodological discrepancies may arise due to differences in the reporting of data. 3. METHODOLOGICAL NOTES 3.1. The Mutual Funds sector In Portugal the Mutual Funds sector includes all undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities set up and currently governed by Decree-Law no. 323/99 of 13 August 1999. Mutual Funds are financial institutions which pool the monetary resources of several participants, with a view to investing them in several assets and transferable securities, under the terms established by law and/or management regulations, and which constitute common assets, managed by a specialised company, generally a fund management company, with the co-operation of one or more depositories. In the period from December 1995 to December 1996 aggregate data were disclosed by the Securities Market Commission. From 1997 onwards, the Securities Market Commission started to forward data to the Statistics Department of the Banco de Portugal on a fund-by-fund and investment-by -investment basis 12. Mutual Funds are entities through which savers, taking into account their risk profile, indirectly invest in the financial markets. Thus, investments in Mutual Funds units are considered investment alternatives to both traditional products and direct investment in the capital market. In the most common classification, Mutual Funds are classified according to the risk level which investors are willing to accept. The definition of the different types of funds is made by the Portuguese Association of Wealth and Investment Fund Managing Companies, based on specific legislation, where available. Consequently, there are: 3.3. Classification of Mutual Funds 3.2. Information sources The statistical data disclosed have the following sources: Banco de Portugal up to June 1995 and Securities Market Commission from December 1995 onwards. For the construction of the series covering the period from 1986 to 1996, it was necessary to 12 12 Data are forwarded on a fund-by-fund basis, in electronic file, with a breakdown by investment, pursuant to the provisions laid down in Regulation no. 7/98 of the Securities Market Commission – Data disclosure by Investment Funds; Instruction no. 03/98 of the Securities Market Commission – Monthly sending of the breakdown of the investment portfolio of Mutual Funds. Banco de Portugal / Statistical Bulletin Supplement n.º 2/99 / December 1999 Statistical Information on Mutual Funds · Equity-based Funds – targeted at investing in shares a minimum average value of 2/3 of their portfolio. · Bond Funds – invest predominantly (more than 50 per cent) in Bonds and cannot invest in shares. · “Fundos de Tesouraria” 13 – invest at least 35 per cent of their portfolio in assets with a high degree of liquidity 14. · Money Market Funds 15 – their investment policy defines a minimum of 85 per cent of their global net value to be invested in transferable securities and bank deposits with a residual maturity of less than 12 months, or in other liquid marketable debt instruments whose value can be determined at any time. Since there are no money-market funds to date, this type of fund is not considered in this analysis. · · Retirement Savings Funds 16 – included in retirement-savings schemes and characterised by long-term investments, given that at least 50 per cent of their portfolio must be composed of public debt securities issued with a maturity of over one year. Share Savings Funds 17 – included in share-savings schemes and characterised by the investment of a minimum of 2/3 of their portfolio in shares and participating bonds listed on the national market. 13 Funds created by Articles 52 to 54 of Decree-Law no. 276/ 94 of 2 November 1994, subsequently revoked by Decree-Law no. 323/99 of 13 August 1999. 14 These funds cannot be composed of shares, convertible bonds or any other bonds which are associated with the possibility of subscription or purchase of shares, subordinated debt securities or participating bonds. 15 Funds governed by Decree-Law no. 323/99 of 13 August 1999. 16 Funds set up under the terms of Decree-Law no. 205/89 of 27 June 1989. 17 Funds set up under the terms of Decree-Law no. 204/95 of 5 August 1995. · Funds of Funds 18 – exclusively composed of other fund units, although they can keep the liquid mechanisms required to meet the normal flow of the redemption of units of participation. However, they cannot hold units of participation of Funds of Funds. · Mixed Funds – not included in any of the aforementioned classifications. For example, a Fund whose portfolio holds 90 per cent of Bonds and 10 per cent of Shares is considered a Mixed Fund. 3.4 Characterisation of the information 3.4.1 Definition of the institutional sub-sectors covered Where possible, the statistical series presented are broken down by institutional sectors: I. Residents Residents in Portugal are all the entities that meet the definition of resident institutional unit, i.e. all institutional units which have a centre of economic interest on the Portuguese economic territory. Residents are classified as: Financial Companies, General Government, and Non-Financial Corporations. Financial Companies The financial sector of the economy includes the institutions (called financial institutions) which are entrusted with money creation capacity and those which, albeit not having such capacity, are engaged in financial intermediation activities, by canvassing for savings and subsequently investing them in financial assets, as well as providing related financial and technical services. The Financial Sector is composed of: Monetary Financial Institutions and Other Financial Intermediaries and Financial Auxiliaries. 18 Governed by Articles 55 to 57 of Decree-Law no. 276/94 of 2 November 1994, subsequently revoked by DecreeLaw no. 323/99 of 13 August 1999. Banco de Portugal / Statistical Bulletin Supplement n.º 2/99 / December 1999 13 Statistical Information on Mutual Funds Monetary Financial Institutions This sector is composed of Resident Credit Institutions, as defined in Community Law, as well as of other Resident Financial Institutions engaged in the acceptance of deposits and/or close substitutes for deposits of entities other than Monetary Financial Institutions and, on their own account, in the granting of credit and/or in carrying out investments in securities. In Portugal this sector is composed of Banks 19 , Savings Banks and Mutual Agricultural Credit Banks 20 (a complete list of the institutions is available on the Banco de Portugal’s Web site on Other Financial Intermediaries and Financial Auxiliaries 21 Mutual Funds Real Estate Investment Funds Risk Capital Companies Factoring Companies Dealers Credit-Purchase Financing Companies Financial Holding Companies Financial Leasing Companies Financial Intermediaries Other: Regional Development Companies Credit Card Issuing or Managing Companies Investment Companies Credivalor Finangeste Exchange Offices Brokers Investment Fund Managing Companies Wealth Managing Companies Financial Auxiliaries - Other Group-Purchase Managing Companies Foreign-Exchange and Money-Market Mediating Companies Interbank Services Company (SIBS) Insurance Companies and Pension Funds This sector includes companies engaged in short- and long-term risk cover, including savings or not. These companies are subject to the supervision of the Portuguese Insuance Institute. General government Includes all institutional units, with and without administrative autonomy, which are principally engaged in the production of non-market services, i.e., services provided for collective or household use, free or virtually free of charge, and/or engaged in the redistribution of national income and wealth, being mainly financed by direct or indirect compulsory payments made by units belonging to other sectors. It includes non-profit institutions, which are principally engaged in the production of non-market services and which are controlled and mainly financed by the above entities. Central government Includes all administrative departments of the State and other agencies belonging to the General government, whose competence extends over the whole economic territory, except for Social Security entities. State Comprises the entities whose revenue and expenditure are registered only in the General Account of the State. Autonomous funds and services Entities with financial and administrative autonomy, chiefly financed through State transfers and/or taxes earmarked to them and which are principally engaged in the production of non-market services of the responsibility of the General government and/or implementation of the State economic and social policy, through the allocation of financial support. General government except for Central government 19 Including Banco de Portugal and Caixa Geral de Depósitos (Savings Bank). 20 Including the Central Mutual Agricultural Credit Bank. 21 For a more detailed description of this sector see “Statistical Data on Non-Monetary Financial Institutions”, Supplement 1/98 to the Statistical Bulletin of December 1998. 14 Regional government Comprises the entities of the Regional governments and all other entities belonging to the General government with regional decision-making power. Depending on the autonomous region in which they operate they are included in the Azores and Madeira sub-sectors. Banco de Portugal / Statistical Bulletin Supplement n.º 2/99 / December 1999 Statistical Information on Mutual Funds Local government Comprises the local decision-making bodies and the other bodies included in the General government, whose activity is carried on at the local level. Non-financial corporations Includes public and private non-financial corporations. II. Non-resident units Includes all the institutions that are not included in the definition of resident institutional unit. The breakdown is similar to that of resident sector. 3.4.2 Definition of financial instruments Notes, coins and deposits Banknotes and metal coins which are legal tender in Portugal or abroad 22 . Assets (immediately or quasi-immediately available assets) and placements (values that reflect the credit activity) in Financial Institutions, viz.: Demand deposits - sight deposits which can be immediately converted into cash without restriction or cost and can be transferred by cheque or other means of payment, namely through a payment order or debit card. Notice deposits - deposits for a non-specified term, withdrawable upon notice to the deposit-taking institution, according to the conditions previously agreed between the parties in the “notice clause” of the contract. Time deposits - deposits for a fixed term, whose withdrawal before maturity, if possible, is in general subject to certain conditions or penalties. Securities other than shares Bonds or other negotiable fixed-income securities, issued by credit institutions, 22 Given the negligible amount of notes and coins held in portfolio, it was decided to include them in this category. other companies or public entities. Bonds - fixed-income securities representing a loan whose remuneration conditions, at a fixed or a variable rate, are fixed at the start by the issuing body. Treasury bills - public debt securities issued at a discount at 91, 182 and 364 days, which have the guarantee of being fully repaid, for the nominal value, at maturity date. Commercial paper - debt securities issued under Decree-Law no.181/92 of 22 August and other legislation in force. These securities are issued at maturities of less than two years, and can only be issued at maturities of over one year if they are intended for private subscription. They are issued at a fixed maturity although their advance redemption is possible. They have a minimum nominal value legally fixed, and can be issued either in escudos or in foreign currency, by resident or non-resident units, provided that they comply with the legal requirements in force. Participating bonds - securities representing the indebtedness of public companies and joint-stock companies (directly or indirectly) controlled by the State, to raise permanent funds to meet the requirements of stable funds. Other debt securities - negotiable securities, usually negotiated on financial markets, conferring on their holder the unconditional right to a remuneration, defined in a contract, but which do not grant any ownership rights on the issuing entity. Shares and other equity Shares and other securities whose yield fully or partially depends on the results obtained by the issuer. Shares - negotiable financial assets representing rights of ownership over companies or quasi-companies. These financial assets generally give to their holders the right to a share in the profits of the issuing entities and to a share in their own funds in the event of winding-up. Units of participation - transferable securities corresponding to units of investment funds, which may be represented by certificates of one or more units or in book-entry form. Banco de Portugal / Statistical Bulletin Supplement n.º 2/99 / December 1999 15 Statistical Information on Mutual Funds Net sundry assets Net sundry assets are sundry assets less sundry liabilities. Sundry assets include, e.g., the values generated by settlement operations relating to the sale of securities and amounts receivable, such as interest. Sundry liabilities include, e.g., values generated by settlement operations relating to the acquisition of securities and amounts payable, such as interest on borrowings, fees to be paid to the Management Commission and to the Depository Bank and taxes to be paid. 16 Banco de Portugal / Statistical Bulletin Supplement n.º 2/99 / December 1999 Statistical Information on Mutual Funds 3.5 Correspondence between series 3.5.1 Correspondence between statistical and accounting series June 1986 to June 1987 Table 2.2 Aggregated balance sheet items Column 1 (+) Claims on credit institutions in the country / Demand deposits (+) Claims on credit institutions in the country / Time deposits (+) Claims on credit institutions in the country / Interbank Money Market (+) Foreign assets (+) Credit granted / Financial investments Column 2 Column 4 Table 1 Column 9 (+) Column 10 (Table 2.2.) (+) Real estate (−) Resources of credit institutions (−) Sundry net (−) Other creditors (=) (+) Participation certificates in Funds (+) Other own resources and results Banco de Portugal / Statistical Bulletin Supplement n.º 2/99 / December 1999 17 Statistical Information on Mutual Funds December 1987 to June 1989 Table 2.2 Balance sheet items Column 1 (+) Demand deposits with the Banco de Portugal (+) Demand deposits with other credit institutions in the country (+) Placements on credit institutions in the country (+) Demand deposits abroad (+) Treasury bills (+) Shares, bonds and other participations Column 2 Column 41 Table 1 Column 9 7. (1) This 18 (+) Column 10 (Table 2.2.) (+) Real estate (+) Debtors (+) Income receivable (+) Prepaid expenses (+) Other internal and adjustment accounts (−) Other adjustment accounts (−) Resources of credit institutions in the country (−) Creditors (−) Sundry claims (−) Revenue received in advance (−) Costs payable (=) (+) Participation certificates (+) Results carried forward from previous fiscal years (+) Profit for the year (+) Provisions for sundry risks (+) Reinvested income (−) Distributed income column may include amounts referring to column 7. Banco de Portugal / Statistical Bulletin Supplement n.º 2/99 / December 1999 Statistical Information on Mutual Funds December 1989 to June 1991 Table 2.2 Analytical balance sheet items Column 1 (+) 10./11. Notes, coins and demand deposits with the Banco de Portugal (+) 14. Demand deposits with other credit institutions in the country (+) 21. Placements on credit institutions in the country (+) 15./22. Deposits abroad (+) 231/232. Placements on securities / Public debt securities and State guaranteed bonds (+) 233. Placements on securities / Other bonds of national entities (+) 236. Placements on securities / Participating bonds (+) 238. Placements on securities / Capital gains (−) 239. Placements on securities / Capital losses (+) 241. Public debt securities / Treasury bills (+) 242. Public debt securities / Treasury bills represented by certificates (+) 243. Public debt securities / Auctioned credit for public investment (+) 249 Public debt securities / Other short-term public debt securities (+) 26. Treasury bonds / medium-term (+) 237. Placements on securities / Foreign securities (+) 234. Placements on securities / Shares (+) 235. Placements on securities / Units of participation Column 2 Column 4 Column 51 Column 7 Table 1 Column 9 (1) This (+) Column 10 (Table 2.2.) (+) 28. Debtors (−) 38. Creditors (−) 39. Sundry claims (+) 12./19. Other values (+) 29. Other placements (+) 52./6./7./8./9. Sundry accounts (−) 53./5/8/9 Sundry accounts (−) 32. Resources of credit institutions in the country (=) (+) 61. Participation certificates (+) 64. Results carried forward from previous fiscal years (+) 67 Profit for the year (+) 63. Provisions for sundry risks (−) 68. Distributed income column may include amounts referring to column 8. Banco de Portugal / Statistical Bulletin Supplement n.º 2/99 / December 1999 19 Statistical Information on Mutual Funds December 1991 to June 1995 (to be continued) Table 2.2 Analytical situation items Column 1 (+) 10. Notes and coins (+) 11. Demand deposits with the Banco de Portugal (+) 12. Claims on credit institutions in the country (+) 20. Placements on credit institutions in the country (+) 25022. Securities / Fixed income − issued by residents / Of other residents / Certificates of deposit (+) 13. Claims on credit institutions abroad (+) 21. Placements on credit institutions abroad (+) 25122. Securities / Fixed income − issued by non-residents / Of other non-residents / Certificates of deposit (+) 25000. Securities / Fixed income − issued by residents / Portuguese public debt / Treasury bills (+) 25001. Securities / Fixed income − issued by residents / Portuguese public debt / Auctioned credit for public investment (+) 25005. Securities / Fixed income − issued by residents / Portuguese public debt / Treasury bonds (+) 25006. Securities / Fixed income − issued by residents / Portuguese public debt / Other bonds (+) 25009. Securities / Fixed income − issued by residents / Portuguese public debt / Other securities (+) 2501. Securities / Fixed income − issued by residents / Of other domestic public issuers (+) 25020. Securities / Fixed income − issued by residents / Of other residents / Cash bonds (+) 25021. Securities / Fixed income − issued by residents / Of other residents / Other bonds (+) 25029. Securities / Fixed income − issued by residents / Of other residents / Other (+) 2531. Securities / Variable income − issued by residents / Participating bonds (+) 25900. Securities / Gains/Losses / Capital gains / Fixed income issued by residents (−) 25910. Securities / Gains/Losses / Capital losses / Fixed income issued by residents Column 2 Column 4 20 Banco de Portugal / Statistical Bulletin Supplement n.º 2/99 / December 1999 Statistical Information on Mutual Funds December 1991 to June 1995 (continued) Column 5 Column 7 Column 8 (+) 25100. Securities / Fixed income − issued by non-residents / Of public foreign issuers / Treasury bills (+) 25101. Securities / Fixed income − issued by non-residents / Of public foreign issuers / Bonds (+) 25109. Securities / Fixed income − issued by non-residents / Of public foreign issuers / Other securities (+) 2511. Securities / Fixed income − issued by non-residents / Of international financial organisations (+) 25120. Securities / Fixed income − issued by non-residents / Of other non-residents / Cash bonds (+) 25121. Securities / Fixed income − issued by non-residents / Of other non-residents / Other bonds (+) 25129. Securities / Fixed income − issued by non-residents / Of other non-residents / Other securities (+) 2541. Securities / Variable income − issued by non-residents / Participating bonds (+) 25901. Securities / Gains/Losses / Capital gains / Fixed income issued by non-residents (−) 25911. Securities / Gains/Losses / Capital losses / Fixed income issued by non-residents (+) 2530. Securities / Variable income − issued by residents / Shares (+) 2532. Securities / Variable income − issued by residents / Units of participation (+) 2539. Securities / Variable income − issued by residents / Other values (+) 25902. Securities / Gains/Losses / Capital gains / Variable income issued by residents (−) 25912. Securities / Gains/Losses / Capital losses / Variable income issued by residents (+) 2540. Securities / Variable income − issued by non-residents / Shares (+) 2542. Securities / Variable income − issued by non-residents / Units of participation (+) 2549. Securities / Variable income − issued by non-residents / Other values (+) 25903. Securities / Gains/Losses / Capital gains / Variable income issued by non-residents (−) 25913. Securities / Gains/Losses / Capital losses / Variable income issued by non-residents Banco de Portugal / Statistical Bulletin Supplement n.º 2/99 / December 1999 21 Statistical Information on Mutual Funds December 1991 to June 1995 (continued) Table 1 Column 9 22 (+) Column 10 (Table 2.2.) (+) 27. Debtors (+) 28. Credit and accrued interest (+) 51. Income receivable (+) 55. Expenditure with deferred payment (+) 19. Other claims (+) 56. Fluctuation of values (debit balance) (+) 58. Other adjustment accounts (+) 59. Other internal accounts (−) 29. Accrued provisions (−) 56. Fluctuation of values (credit balance) (−) 58. Other adjustment accounts (−) 59. Other internal accounts (−) 35. Other resources (−) 36. Creditors (−) 39. Other claims (−) 52. Costs payable (−) 54. Receipts with deferred income (−) 30. Resources of credit institutions in the country (=) (+) 62. Units of participation (+) 66. Results carried forward (credit balance) (−) 66. Results carried forward (debit balance) (+) 69 Profit for the year (credit balance) (−) 69 Loss for the year (debit balance) (+) 61. Sundry provisions (−) 64 Income distributed in the fiscal year (+) 651. Participation in current income − issues (−) 652. Participation in current income − redemptions Banco de Portugal / Statistical Bulletin Supplement n.º 2/99 / December 1999 Statistical Information on Mutual Funds December 1995 to December 1996 Table 2.2 Items of Regulation no. 2/95 of the Securities Market Commission Column 11 Column 4 (+) Liquidity (+) Public debt securities / Domestic transferable securities (+) Other public and similar funds / Domestic transferable securities (+) Treasury bills (+) Sundry bonds / Domestic transferable securities (+) Participating bonds / Domestic transferable securities (+) Commercial paper (+) Other values Column 5 (+) Public debt securities / UE and non-EU transferable securities (+) Other public and similar funds / UE and non-EU transferable securities (+) Sundry bonds / UE and non-EU transferable securities (+) Participating bonds / UE and non-EU transferable securities (+) Shares / Domestic transferable securities (+) Units of participation / Domestic transferable securities (+) Subscription rights / Domestic transferable securities (+) Shares / UE and non-EU transferable securities (+) Units of participation / UE and non-EU transferable securities (+) Subscription rights / UE and non-EU transferable securities Column 7 Column 8 Table 1 Column 9 (1) (+) Column 10 (Table 2.2) (−) Loans (+) Values to settle This column may include notes, coins and deposits of non-residents. Banco de Portugal / Statistical Bulletin Supplement n.º 2/99 / December 1999 23 Statistical Information on Mutual Funds 3.5.2 Correspondence between statistical series and Regulation no. 7/98 of the Securities Market Commission June 1997 to December 1998 Financial instruments Assets Notes, coins and deposits Securities other than shares Shares other than participations 24 Regulation no. 7/98 of the Securities Market Commission Code 1. 2. 3. 7. 8. Description Listed transferable securities Other values Units of participation of Mutual Funds Liquidity Loans 7.1.1. 7.1.2. 7.2.1. Notes and coins Demand deposits Notice and time deposits 1.1.1. ; 1.2.1. ; 1.3.1. Public debt securities 1.4.1. ; 1.5.1. ; 1.6.1. 1.7.1. ; 1.8.1. ; 2.1.1. 2.2.1. ; 2.3.1. ; 7.2.2. 1.1.2. ; 1.2.2. ; 1.3.2. 1.4.2. ; 1.5.2. ; 1.6.2. 1.7.2. ; 1.8.2. ; 2.1.2. 2.2.2. 2.3.2. 1.1.3. ; 1.2.3. ; 1.3.3. 1.4.3. ; 1.5.3. ; 1.6.3. 1.7.3. ; 1.8.3. ; 2.1.3. 2.2.3. 1.1.5. ; 1.2.5. ; 1.3.5. 1.4.5. ; 1.5.5. ; 1.6.5. 1.7.5. ; 1.8.5. ; 2.1.5. 2.2.5. 2.3.3. Other public and similar funds Commercial paper Sundry bonds Participating bonds Other values 1.1.4. ; 1.2.4. ; 1.3.4. Shares 1.4.4. ; 1.5.4. ; 1.6.4. 1.7.4. ; 1.8.4. ; 2.1.4. 2.2.4. 1.1.6. ; 1.2.6. ; 1.3.6. Units of participation of Mutual Funds 1.4.6. ; 1.5.6. ; 1.6.6. 1.7.6. ; 1.8.6. ; 2.1.6. 2.2.6; 3. 1.1.7. ; 1.2.7. ; 1.3.7. Subscription rights 1.4.7. ; 1.5.7. ; 1.6.7. 1.7.7. ; 1.8.7. ; 2.1.7. 2.2.7. Banco de Portugal / Statistical Bulletin Supplement n.º 2/99 / December 1999 Statistical Information on Mutual Funds Statistical data Banco de Portugal / Statistical Bulletin Supplement n.º 2/99 / December 1999 27 Statistical Information on Mutual Funds TABLE A.1 BALANCE SHEET OF MUTUAL FUNDS Net values broken down by type of fund 1 106 euros End-of-month figures Equity-based Funds 1 1 Fundos de Tesouraria Bond Funds 2 3 Retirement Share Saving Saving Funds Funds 4 5 Funds of Funds 6 Mixed Funds Non-classified 7 8 Total 9=1+...+8 86 Jun n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 11 Dec n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 51 11 51 87 Jun n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 145 145 Dec n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 251 251 88 Jun n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 219 219 Dec n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 205 205 89 Jun n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 299 299 Dec 93 329 414 0 0 0 167 0 1003 90 Jun 97 366 855 0 0 0 140 0 1458 Dec 98 670 1071 1 0 0 110 0 1950 91 Jun 101 1519 1432 1 0 0 99 0 3152 Dec 96 2555 1646 6 0 0 123 0 4426 5531 92 Jun 32 3481 1887 8 0 0 122 0 Dec 94 4097 1576 18 0 0 69 0 5854 93 Jun 111 4749 1518 22 0 0 86 0 6486 Dec 205 6176 1710 58 0 0 196 0 8346 94 Jun 283 7135 1956 75 0 0 265 0 9715 Dec 227 7198 2639 102 0 0 183 0 10350 95 Jun 358 4784 5722 107 0 10 50 0 11031 Dec 341 5186 4247 176 11 664 15 0 10639 96 Jun 426 5986 3999 220 16 703 12 0 11362 Dec 712 7006 3976 409 57 1035 11 0 13208 97 Jun 1543 7443 4274 500 106 2485 321 0 16672 Dec 1984 7566 4839 770 216 3300 940 0 19615 23226 23955 98 Jun 2821 7589 5289 918 347 4363 1899 0 Dec 2768 7660 5968 1072 386 4089 2012 0 Net values including the amounts invested plus sundry assets less sundry liabilities, wherefore the total of this table does not correspond to the total of Tables A.2.1, A.2.2, A.2.3 and A.2.4. Source: Banco de Portugal until June 1995 (inclusive) and Securities Market Commission as from December 1995. Banco de Portugal / Statistical Bulletin Supplement n.º 2/99 / December 1999 29 106 euros End-of-month figures Resident Sector Monetary Financial Institutions 1 97 Banco de Portugal / Statistical Bulletin Supplement n.º 2/99 / December 1999 98 1 Jun Dec Jun Dec Other Financial Intermediaries and Financial Auxiliaries 2 3980 4860 5099 5450 Insurance Companies and Pension Funds 3 2438 3492 4540 4365 General Government (except CG) Central Government (CG) 4 48 79 117 117 Mutual Funds are broken down into FT (Table 3.1) and OFIM (Table 4.1). Source: Securities Market Commission Non-resident Sector Other Non-Euro Area Other Euro Area countries countries 5 4849 4594 4473 4465 Non-financial Corporations 6 106 85 94 105 7=1+ +6 2378 2910 4183 4233 Monetary Financial Institutions Total 13799 16021 18507 18734 8 Non-monetary Sector 9 801 849 940 855 Monetary Financial Institutions 10 1024 1317 1621 2247 Non-monetary Sector 11 364 413 514 548 Total 12=8+ +11 1076 1362 1844 1704 3265 3941 4919 5354 Non-specied Sector 13 Total 14=7+12+13 0 0 0 0 17064 19962 23427 24088 Statistical Information on Mutual Funds 30 TABLE A.2.1 COMPOSITION OF THE INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO OF MUTUAL FUNDS Amounts invested by Mutual Funds broken down by institutional sector Banco de Portugal / Statistical Bulletin Supplement n.º 2/99 / December 1999 TABLE A.2.2 COMPOSITION OF THE INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO OF MUTUAL FUNDS Amounts invested by Mutual Funds broken down by financial instrument and sector 6 End-of-month figures 10 euros Securities other than shares Notes, coins and deposits Shares and other equity Residents 1 Residents 1 Monetary Financial Institutions Non-residents 2 3 Central Non-monetary Non-specified Government Sector (except Sector (CG) CG) 4 2 Non-residents 5 6 Monetary Financial Institutions 7 Non-monetary Non-specified Sector Sector 8 Non-residents Residents 9 Monetary Financial Institutions 10 Non-monetary Non-specified Sector Sector 11 12 Monetary Financial Institutions 13 Total Non-monetary Non-specified Sector Sector 14 15 16=1+ +15 86 Jun 1 0 n.d. n.d. n.d. 9 0 0 0 n.d. n.d. n.d. 0 0 0 10 Dec 7 0 n.d. n.d. n.d. 41 0 0 0 n.d. n.d. n.d. 0 0 0 49 87 Jun 10 3 n.d. n.d. n.d. 130 0 0 0 n.d. n.d. n.d. 0 0 0 143 Dec 20 0 n.d. 5 n.d. 315 0 0 0 n.d. n.d. n.d. 0 0 0 341 88 Jun 5 1 n.d. 10 n.d. 248 0 0 0 n.d. n.d. n.d. 0 0 0 263 Dec 17 0 n.d. 5 n.d. 201 0 0 0 n.d. n.d. n.d. 0 0 0 224 89 Jun 90 0 n.d. 20 n.d. 204 0 0 0 n.d. n.d. n.d. 0 0 0 314 Dec 90 0 n.d. 624 n.d. 189 0 2 n.d. n.d. 59 0 0 0 964 90 Jun 120 0 n.d. 910 n.d. 305 0 0 0 1 n.d. n.d. 64 0 0 0 1401 Dec 199 0 n.d. 1078 n.d. 548 0 0 1 n.d. n.d. 71 0 0 0 1898 91 Jun 351 0 n.d. 1884 n.d. 777 0 0 1 n.d. n.d. 70 0 0 0 3082 Dec 509 0 n.d. 2752 n.d. 1012 n.d. 1 0 n.d. n.d. 63 0 0 1 4337 92 Jun 726 1 n.d. 3491 n.d. 1212 n.d. 0 6 n.d. n.d. 29 0 0 4 5470 Dec 468 0 n.d. 3809 n.d. 1333 n.d. 3 33 n.d. n.d. 79 0 0 8 5734 93 Jun 379 25 n.d. 4420 n.d. 1213 n.d. 96 97 n.d. n.d. 89 0 0 28 6347 Dec 809 170 n.d. 5276 n.d. 1276 n.d. 361 105 n.d. n.d. 144 0 0 127 8269 94 Jun 1093 230 n.d. 5756 n.d. 1375 n.d. 759 55 n.d. n.d. 180 0 0 182 9629 Dec 2054 1214 n.d. 4241 n.d. 1193 n.d. 1177 12 n.d. n.d. 188 0 0 120 10199 95 Jun 3106 4181 n.d. 204 0 0 n.d. n.d. n.d. 352 n.d. n.d. 89 547 11020 n.d. 191 480 n.d. 4205 580 137 n.d. n.d. 1198 1749 n.d. 3270 1471 n.d. n.d. Dec 96 Jun 1635 n.d. n.d. 3050 n.d. 4419 n.d. 302 883 n.d. n.d. 531 n.d. n.d. 669 11488 Dec 2152 2373 n.d. n.d. 367 1502 n.d. n.d. n.d. 1047 1846 0 326 3127 1177 0 n.d. 1843 2872 0 n.d. 1282 4695 4847 n.d. 1 116 254 539 0 17064 3090 2998 21 29 1355 4594 2066 0 1085 2298 0 416 4500 0 156 381 0 19962 98 Jun 1440 4472 2746 0 1211 2842 0 661 6190 0 214 624 0 23427 Dec 3346 29 1505 4465 3008 0 1156 3166 0 600 5811 0 217 785 0 24088 97 Jun 1 From December 1995 to December 1996, this figure includes the amounts relating to non-residents. 2 Until December 1989, this amount is included in the item Securities other than shares/residents. Source: Banco de Portugal until June 1995 (inclusive) and Securities Market Commission as from December 1995. 13304 31 Statistical Information on Mutual Funds Dec 10740 Amounts invested by Mutual Funds broken down by financial instrument, original 6 End-of-month figures 10 euros Resident Sector Notes, coins and deposits Up to 1 Year 1 97 98 Up to 1 Year 3 Banco de Portugal / Statistical Bulletin Supplement n.º 2/99 / December 1999 2228 2935 2967 3296 Jun Dec Jun Dec Securities other than shares Over 1 Year 2 Non-resident Sector Over 1 Year 4 145 154 31 50 2789 2269 2228 1845 Notes, coins and deposits Shares and other equity Up to 1 Year 5 5184 5746 6430 7133 6 3453 4916 6851 6410 Securities other than shares Over 1 Year 7 1 21 29 29 Currency Up to 1 Year 8 20 87 122 29 0 0 0 0 Total Over 1 Year 9 Currencies of Currencies of non-euro area euro area countries countries Shares and other equity 10 2874 3296 3931 4292 11=1+ +10 370 537 838 1003 14 17064 19962 23427 24088 15 16566 19285 22455 22877 Total 16=11=14+15 498 677 972 1211 17064 19962 23427 24088 Source: Securities Market Commission TABLE A.2.4 COMPOSITION OF THE INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO OF MUTUAL FUNDS Amounts invested by Mutual Funds, broken down by issuing country 106 euros End-of-month figures Euro area countries Portugal 1 97 98 Jun Dec Jun Dec Non-euro area countries Other Countries European outside the Union European countries Union Others 2 13799 16021 18507 18734 Source: Securities Market Commission 3 1824 2166 2561 3102 4 506 516 920 924 Memo: Total 5=1+ +4 935 1259 1438 1328 17064 19962 23427 24088 Germany 6 Spain 7 643 554 674 667 France 8 332 542 496 1016 Italy 9 154 264 510 565 10 41 65 47 85 United Kingdom Luxembourg 11 308 344 452 429 Brazil 12 449 433 642 784 USA 13 98 103 248 197 211 286 343 427 Statistical Information on Mutual Funds 32 TABLE A.2.3 COMPOSITION OF THE INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO OF MUTUAL FUNDS Statistical Information on Mutual Funds Supplements to the Statistical Bulletin Banco de Portugal / Statistical Bulletin Supplement n.º 2/99 / December 1999 33 Statistical Information on Mutual Funds Supplements to Statistical Bulletin 1/98 Statistical information on non-monetary financial institutions, December 1998. 2/98 Foreign Direct Investment in Portugal: Flows and stocks statistics for the year 1996 and estimates on stocks for 1997, December 1998. 1/99 New Presentation of the Balance of Payments Statistics, February/March 1999. 2/99 Statistical information on mutual funds, December 1999. Banco de Portugal / Statistical Bulletin Supplement n.º 2/99 / December 1999 35