Volume 1, Issue 3 UPDATES FROM THE ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT Connecting the Academy through Technology Engaging the Global Management Community in New Ways 2 April 2014 Officer’s Corner 3 “ The Power of Words” Before, During and After the Annual Academy of Management Meeting in Philadelphia Division and Interest Group Highlights 5 T echnology and Innovation Management, Critical Management Studies, Organizations and the Natural Environment Member Spotlight 7 F edor Ovchinnikov, Executive Member 1 Cover Story April 2014 Engaging the Global Management Community in New Ways One of the most acclaimed benefits of membership in an association like the Academy of Management is the opportunity to network and collaborate with others in the field. The way we connect has dramatically changed in recent years. While once the opportunity to meet new colleagues was solely centered on conferences and events, today’s connection landscape is much different. Many use online social platforms to post thoughts, papers, and to find new research. The Academy of Management aims to support and enable quality scholarly connections, regardless of physical location. While our Annual Meeting calls together thousands of leading management scholars from around the globe each August, our online communities provide opportunities for our members to connect year-round. We engage the worldwide management community through our accounts on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Google+. Our approach is to listen, learn and share. While we do share news from the Academy, we are most encouraged to see the posts of our members who share their work and connect our members with others. We continue to explore new technologies and opportunities to connect scholars both virtually and physically. At the 2013 Annual Meeting, the Academy invited its Twitter followers to join in on a “Tweet Up” session. This unique event provided an intersection of virtual and physical connections—allowing those who interact frequently online to engage in-person, while enabling others to participate in the session virtually from locations beyond the meeting’s physical space. New connections during this event actually resulted in a collaborative effort to develop a combined submission for the 2014 Annual Meeting on the power of Twitter in scholarly research! The Divisions and Interest Groups of the Academy of Management are also changing with the times. Many have their own LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter accounts to connect and share. Many also have newsletters that have shifted from print to online access, with experimentation in format and delivery a consistent topic of interest. As the Academy continues to reach new members in the management community, we focus on the importance of the connection and strength of the ongoing collaboration it brings. Through this, research in all fields can advance and fortify our memberfocused mission and vision statements. 2 Did you know? 11,000 The AOM LinkedIn Group has over members. Facebook and Twitter each have over 3,700. Join us! Be a part of our online communities: Officer’s Corner April 2014 “The Power of Words” Before, During, and After the Annual Academy of Management Meeting in Philadelphia The 2014 Theme for the upcoming Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management in Philadelphia is “The Power of Words.” As you may know from previous descriptions, this theme identifies, among other things, the exponential reach of words due to Internet-related communication technologies. The All-Academy Program for the upcoming Annual Meeting (Sunday, August 3) is filled with provocative and insightful PDWs and Symposia (N=46) on how words/ communications and/or technologies affect many of the critical phenomena we study, such as supervisor-subordinate relationships; intra-organizational relationships; industry-wide relationships; government-business relationships; culturally diverse, cross-border relationships; and even relationships involving members as educators, scholars, managers, and change agents. Special thanks to those helping to create this terrific All-Academy Program—all the Division and Interest Group Chairs, the Diversity & Inclusion Committee, and especially members of the All-Academy Theme Committee (Elena Antonacopolous, Mary Ann Glynn, David Hofmann, Karen [Etty] Jehn, Mike Lounsbury, Sunil Mithas, Mike Peng, Katherine Phillips, Linda Putnam, Tony Simons, Mary Waller, JoAnne Yates, and Anthea [Yan] Zhang). I hope that our 2014 Conference theme stimulates us to consider ways to enhance the power of our words. Perhaps our theme can prompt us to think about how we might use communication technologies to connect and interact more effectively with fellow Academy members and other colleagues, before, during, and after the Annual Meeting. For example: •Before the meeting: beginning in May, seek connections by using the online OFFICER’S CORNER program (found on the Academy of Management’s Web site, www.aom.org) to browse the many exciting sessions and the huge range of work being presented and discussed; download papers from the sessions you plan to attend; explore the Best Paper Proceedings; find colleagues whose work and ideas you wish to hear and see; find “plenaries,” “business meetings” and “social hours” of various Divisions and Interest Groups and Journals’ editorial boards; and create a customized schedule based on all of your interests; •During the meeting: stay connected by downloading the meeting mobile app to your smartphone or tablet; use the hashtag #AOM2014 on social media, such as Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook, to share your thoughts or start a conversation; contribute to or read the daily Annual Meeting blog; gather with colleagues at the AOM Technology Center with Wi-Fi and device-charging stations (located in each meeting property); •After the meeting: strengthen new and old connections by continuing to use the online program to contact paper authors and presenters whose sessions you could not attend; continuing conversations started on social media; and sharing and viewing photos from the Annual Meeting in Philadelphia. For more information about these and all of the exciting opportunities to connect, please visit the Annual Meeting Web site at: http://aom.org/annualmeeting/. Please also email me with any suggestions you might have about additional ways to facilitate making connections, staying connected, and strengthening connections. Perhaps we can even implement some of them before August. 3 Finally, I urge everyone to use these three powerful words: “Yes, register me” …and do this soon to be eligible for early registration-rates. The upcoming 2014 Annual Meeting in Philadelphia will undoubtedly be one of the best yet! Debra Shapiro, Vice President and Program Chair, Academy of Management Awards April 2014 Career Achievement Awards Recognizing Lifetime Achievements in Management Scholarship, Education, and Practice Mary Ann Glynn, Chair, Career Achievement Awards Committee Each year, the Academy of Management recognizes four outstanding individuals who have made significant contributions to the field of management through their service, research, innovative teaching methods, breakthrough developments, and more, over the course of their careers. The Academy’s Career Achievement Awards Committee is accepting nominations for the following awards through May 1, 2014: •Distinguished Educator Award •Distinguished Service Award •Distinguished Scholar-Practitioner Award The 2014 Career Achievement Awards will be presented at the 74th AOM Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Members are invited to review award criteria and submission guidelines and check out the impressive list of historical recipients at: http://aom.org/Meetings/ awards/Career-Achievement-Awards.aspx. Submit your nominations for the Career Achievement Awards today! 2014 AOM Annual Meeting Join us at the 74th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management August 1-5 in Philadelphia! Registration is now open to secure your place at the world’s largest forum devoted to management scholarship and education. Register now and save! REGISTER NOW Reserve your room in Philadelphia before July 9 for reduced room rates and preferred location availability. BOOK NOW •Distinguished Award for Scholarly Contributions to Management AOM Teaching and Learning Conference (TLC@AOM) Join your colleagues for a one-day mini-conference focused on teaching at the Annual Meeting on Sunday, August 3. Registration for this distinctive event closes July 2. Learn More and Register for the TLC@AOM today! 4 Division and Interest Group News April 2014 Technology and Innovation Management (TIM) Division: Developing Technology When the Markets Do Not Stand Still Riitta Katila, Chair, TIM Division The Technology and Innovation Management division members study a wide range of topics in the intersection of organizations, technology, and the changing external environment. Industry evolution and dynamics of organizational change have long been of interest to division members. More recently, such topics as crowdsourcing, open innovation, user communities, and networks of innovators have emerged as new areas of interest to many TIM members. To study these issues, the TIM membership takes a variety of perspectives, including strategic, organizational, behavioral, and operational viewpoints. TIM Division has explored innovation and the role of the changing environment in several recent Academy Meetings. For instance, in the 2013 Academy of Management Meetings in Orlando, the division put together an intriguing panel discussion on whether the United States is losing its competitiveness in innovation in the context of the increasingly competitive global environment. Wes Cohen, Dan Levinthal, Will Mitchell, Scott Stern, and Mike Lenox (moderator) participated in this discussion. Please visit the TIM homepage for a video link for this TIM Innovation Panel discussion. In the forthcoming Academy of Management meetings in Philadelphia, we welcome the TIM 2014 Distinguished Scholar Award recipient, Kathy Eisenhardt, to talk about the interdependencies of organizations and their environments. Prof. Eisenhardt’s work has greatly refined our understanding of firm strategies in fast-moving environments, especially for technology-based firms. Her award-winning research focuses on understanding strategy and organization in uncertain, high-velocity markets with emphasis on complexity, innovation, and power dynamics. We look forward to seeing you in this TIM Distinguished Scholar session on Saturday during the Annual Meeting to further explore technology development in the context of dynamic environments. Lunch will be provided. Please also visit our Web site for more details about our upcoming program (including applications for the consortia) in Philadelphia. We are looking forward to seeing you in the TIM sessions this summer. Participants at the 2013 TIM doctoral consortium Organizations and the Natural Environment (ONE) Division: Natural Capital: Thriving Organizations and Prosperity ONE Division Executive Committee How can firms contribute to prosperity? Corporate philanthropic giving, social responsibility, and sustainable strategies all encourage managers to see the opportunities and threats inherent in environmental issues. Despite at least two decades of attention on environmental issues, firms continue to extract more resources, use more energy, and generate more waste to support society’s material wants. Scholars and practitioners in the Organizations and the Natural Environment Division (ONE) support organizations and their managers to build prosperity within the constraints of a finite planet. Recognizing, measuring, and actively managing firms’ natural (as well as other tangible and intangible) capital is the first step in environmental protection. Pioneering consumer products companies, such as Puma, have produced their first environmental profit and loss account (EP&L). Dow has developed new methods to value ecosystem services (for this and other case examples, see the Nature Conservancy’s Valuing Natural Capital Report). insights into corporate decision-making and participate in the UK’s Natural Capital Commission’s efforts to incorporate natural capital into national income accounts. ONE members are engaging with a “natural capital” approach to prosperity. Some are developing natural capital decision-making tools (see the Natural Capital Project’s InVEST). Others investigate new valuation methods to support decision-making in financial institutions (see, for example, the Natural Capital Declaration). Members work with natural capital data aggregators, such as Trucost, to provide new data for When natural capital, resources, and risks are fully recognized, managers can make better decisions to enable their organizations to thrive and support broader prosperity. The natural capital approach promises fresh inspiration for scholars and managers. To learn more about the ONE Division and any of these member projects, contact the ONE Division Chair Frances Bowen (Queen Mary University of London). 5 Division and Interest Group News April 2014 Critical Management Studies (CMS) Division: Opportunities to Push Critical Frontiers on the Environment, Technology & Social Media: Welcome to CMS@AOM! Gavin Jack and Jan Schapper, Co-Chairs, CMS Division We welcome this opportunity to showcase some of the distinctive and thought-provoking activities that we offer in the Critical Management Studies (CMS) Division. CMS serves as a forum within the Academy for the expression of views critical of established management practices and the established social order. The natural environment is a core interest of the Division. Indeed, it is written into our domain statement and its overarching premise that ”structural features of contemporary society, such as the profit imperative, patriarchy, racial inequality, and ecological irresponsibility often turn organizations into instruments of domination and exploitation.” The instruments organizations use are also key, and we are curious about the widespread claims and beliefs that social media will improve livelihoods—and the emerging counter claims that social media is the next big technology bubble. Technology is the great enabler for humanity, but can also be an example of an instrument of domination, even when posited as a “great fix” for complex environmental, organizational, and social problems. The Division’s Executive (with the kind sponsorship of the University of Portsmouth) recently produced a series of short videos about the nature of critical management studies research. While members’ interests are wide-ranging, there are certain distinctive features of the Division’s annual program and off-site activities that may be of interest to all Academy members. Every Academy meeting since 2011, the Division has supported highly successful and very well-attended Professional Development Workshops and Caucuses (led by André Reichel and Robert Perey) on the theme of Degrowth – a long-standing body of critical thinking on the devastating ecological and social consequences of the growth imperative underpinning the global political economy. These sessions explored CMS participants at the 2013 Annual Meeting “Get Out of the Hotel” to visit a local farmworker’s association. the possibilities of radically reimagining the nature of human prosperity and well-being, thus informing the basis for reconfiguring current economic and societal systems. Why not come along to the 2014 Degrowth PDW in Philadelphia, especially if you are a member of ONE or SIM? Thanks to the vision and hard work of former Division Chair Sarah Stookey, the CMS Division also boasts an annual “Get Out of the Hotel” activity. Participants are taken by bus beyond the comfy confines of the conference hotel to meet local community or labor organizers. In Florida 2013, participants visited a farmworkers’ association. Its leaders vividly described and illustrated not only the deleterious and distressing labor conditions involved in local farm work, but also the environmental degradation associated the widespread use of pesticides by agribusiness. These trips have a profound impact on those who participate. All Divisions give awards, usually for outstanding scholarship produced in traditional academic paper format or through a Doctoral Dissertation; and CMS is no 6 exception. However, our unique Dark Side Case Competition (sponsored by the Sobey PhD [Management], Saint Mary’s University, Canada) showcases outstanding peer-reviewed case studies developed for teaching about the “dark side” of organizations and of contemporary capitalism, from various stakeholder perspectives and national or cultural settings (see Fatien, Raufflet, & Mills, 2013). In the past, we have had excellent cases connected to environmental and technological issues. Please visit our Web site to see photos of last year’s finalists and winners of the Best Case. CMS is a vibrant community of scholars, in which new ideas and new visions for the future are debated and circulated. If these activities interest you, then why not come along to the CMS Division’s exciting program of events in Philadelphia? Fatien, P., Raufflet, E. & Mills, A.J. (eds) (2013) The Dark Side II: Critical Cases on the Dark Side of Business. Sheffield: Greenleaf Publishing. Member Spotlight April 2014 Fedor Ovchinnikov Academy Member Since 2011 Call for Volunteers A consultant and an entrepreneur, Fedor joined the Academy in January 2011. A few months later, he received a Best Reviewer Award from the International Management Division. At his first AOM conference in 2012, Fedor was amazed at the untapped potential of productive collaboration between academic and practitioner members of the Academy, especially within his primary Division, Entrepreneurship (ENT). As a new ENT Communications Committee volunteer, he brought in and connected with allies from both practice and academia and dove into work that involved interviewing practitioner members, organizing PDWs, and establishing the Entrepreneurship Practice Award to honor publications that have been especially effective at advancing the practice of entrepreneurship. Now, Fedor serves as Professional Development Workshop Co-Chair (with Marc Bonnet) of the All-Academy Practice Theme Committee and Chair of the Communications Committee of the Entrepreneurship Division. Outside the Academy, Fedor currently works with the Center for Evolutionary Leadership on creating sustainable organizations, living institutions, and sustainability strategies to build a just, flourishing, and sustainable world. The Academy of Management is a very interesting community to be part of. At a conference you can find sessions organized by conservative Harvard Business School professors and those hosted by Degrowth Movement activists from Germany. It is an ecosystem that allows radically different ideas and approaches to coexist and interact with each other, which provides fertile soil for innovation. It is fascinating that an organization that serves 19,000+ members, organizes conferences for 10,000+ attendees, and publishes some of the world’s top peer-reviewed journals in the field has only about 20 staff members. The secret is members’ self-governance. Over its 70 years of history, the Academy of Management has discovered the right balance between freedom and structure that prompts hundreds of volunteers to effectively maintain key functions of the organization while allowing plenty of space for pursuing authentic passions and shaping the future of the Academy. If you have even a bit of intellectual curiosity, the Academy has lots of treasures for you: just explore it with an open mind, and be prepared to be surprised! 7 Get Involved! MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE Charged broadly with representing the interests and concerns of all Academy members, the Membership Committee welcomes and orients new members, fosters volunteer service in the Academy, and serves an ambassadorial role at the Annual Meeting. Interested members are needed and may serve immediately in general committee positions. Nominations are also sought to identify the next Chair (term beginning August 2015). For detailed information please contact volunteer@aom.org. CALL FOR EMERITI PARTICIPATION Emeritus members who are interested in identifying new services and activities geared to AOM Emeriti are invited to join the “Community of Academy Senior Scholars” (CASS). Your input can help define and shape the future of our fastest growing member demographic. Sign up here. Questions? Please contact Bob Ford. ETHICS OMBUDS COMMITTEE The AOM is currently looking for members with alternative dispute resolution (ADR) training to serve on the Ethics Ombuds Committee. The Ombuds Committee provides expert advice about the AOM Code of Ethics. The Ombuds Committee provides members and non-members with informal counseling about ethics matters that is both neutral and impartial. Interested AOM members with some training in ADR are invited to contact Terese Loncar to find out more about the Ombuds function. Publications Now accepting submissions! April 2014 Academy of Management Discoveries: The Premier Electronic Academic Journal in Management Academy of Management Publications, publications@aom.org The Academy of Management is in the process of launching Academy of Management Discoveries (AMD), our new allelectronic journal. AMD welcomes phenomenon-driven research that employs quantitative and/or qualitative methods at any level of analysis (e.g., individuals, groups, organizations, industries, or societies). Authors are encouraged to visit the AMD Web site for submission guidelines, frequently asked questions and style guides. Read AOM publications On the Go! AMD’s mission is to publish empirical evidence that strengthens our understanding of substantively important yet poorly understood phenomena concerning management and organizations. Being an all-electronic journal, AMD articles will include hyperlinks to a variety of multimedia content, such as interview excerpts, video clips, illustrations and pictures, dynamic graphics, and reader comments. agree or disagree with the empirical bases of the author’s theoretical contributions. The distinctive niche of AMD is to be on the frontier of social scientific publishing, using multimodality to support and enable various and new forms of scholarly work, thereby adding value to the AOM journals portfolio. AMD’s manuscript pipeline is active and fully functioning, with strong contributions in process. Click here to submit your paper for publication. For more information, please visit the AMD home page or view the video of the founding Editorial Team discussing the mission and scope of this journal. Digital technologies make possible new kinds of evidence and experience, giving authors ways to showcase their data or phenomena without text-based constraints, and giving readers opportunities to more fully see, hear, understand, appreciate, and Download the AOM Journals Mobile App to have all journal content, past and present, at your fingertips all of the time. Receive personalized alerts when new content is available, bookmark your favorite articles for quick reference, and share comments via social media sites, such as Facebook and Twitter. Learn more AMD Editorial Team Round Table Discussion 8 News Briefs April 2014 AOM Press Room Global campaign to combat climate change has become too complex to manage, study suggests For all the intensity of the disagreements that climate change continues to evoke, a new paper, applying a management perspective to global initiatives in this field, suggests that much of the current debates over how real climate change is and what’s causing it are beside the point. that these represent. Yet the prospects for effective global policy initiatives to deal with the problem have been diminishing, they find, raising doubts about the likelihood of significant progress in the near future. Read more The authors of the study in the current issue of the Academy of Management Journal harbor no doubts about the reality of climate change, the critical role of greenhouse gases, or the seriousness of the challenge Recent Publications Read the newest issues of Academy of Management Publications, available online now: AMR: April 2014; Vol. 39, No. 2 AMLE: March 2014; Vol. 13, No. 1 AMP: February 2014; Vol. 28, No.1 Call for Nominations Call for Submissions PTC Scholar Practice Impact Award AMLE 2014 Special Topic Forum: Questions Business Schools Don’t Ask The Practice Theme Committee (PTC) of the Academy of Management is calling for nominations for the PTC Scholar Practice Impact Award. This award seeks to recognize and celebrate an outstanding scholar for his or her outstanding contributions to research and theory in practice-based studies and overall impact on managerial and organizational practices. To nominate an individual for this award, please send an email (with the subject line: “PTC SPIA 2014”) containing a cover letter listing the reasons for your nomination and a CV of the nominee to the Chair of the PTC Awards Committee, Jochen Schweitzer at jochen.schweitzer@uts.edu.au. We are pleased to announce this Call for the Essays, Dialogues, & Interviews (EDI) section of a forthcoming issue of Academy of Management Learning & Education. The focus of this special section will be on the role of business schools in equipping students for leadership in both their chosen vocational spheres and in society. Guest editors are Christopher Mabey, Middlesex University, United Kingdom; Ken Parry, Bond Division & Interest Group Officer Elections Vote now to elect the next leaders of your division or interest group! Deadline: May 15, 2014 9 University, Australia; and Carolyn Egri, Simon Fraser University, Canada. Manuscripts may be submitted online, and designated under Manuscript Type as “Special EDI Section – Questions Business Schools Don’t Ask.” Pre-submission discussion of and consultation on potential submission ideas and topics are encouraged. Submissions are due between February 1 and June 1, 2014. Community News The Africa Academy of Management (AFAM) will launch a new journal, Africa Journal of Management (AJOM), in 2015. Learn more about AFAM and AJOM at: www.africa-aom.org. For more information about ACADEMY NEWS, visit aom.org/AcadeMYNews. VISION: We inspire and enable a better world through our scholarship and teaching about management and organizations. MISSION: To build a vibrant and supportive community of scholars by markedly expanding opportunities to connect and explore ideas. Academy of Management at Pace University P.O. Box 3020 Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510-8020 (914) 923-2607 membership@aom.org Special thanks to Pace University and the Lubin School of Business for hosting our offices. The Academy of Management is located on the Briarcliff Manor, New York, Campus of Pace University. 10