Your Global Network Officer’s Corner

Volume 1, Issue 1
AOM Connects Management
Scholars Around the World
January/February 2014
Officer’s Corner
3 C ollaborating and Connecting in Today’s Academy
Division and Interest Group Highlights
4 I nternational Management, Organization and
Management Theory, Human Resources
Member Spotlight
7 C
hi Anyansi-Archibong, Ph.D.
Your Global Network
January/February, 2014
Connecting Management Scholars
Around the World
As part of an expansive
international scholarly
community, members have
the ability to interact,
engage, and exchange ideas
with students, academics,
and practitioners from nearly
every corner of the globe.
Welcome to the inaugural issue of AcadeMY
News, the Academy of Management’s newly
enhanced member newsletter! AcadeMY
News showcases member communities
and keeps you connected to the activities
of the Academy and the interests of your
global colleagues throughout the year. The
theme of this issue, “Your Global Network,”
highlights one of the most important
benefits of membership: the opportunity to
make connections and establish valuable
networks with scholars around the world
through Academy events, publications,
divisions and interest groups, and online
As part of an expansive international scholarly community, members have the ability
to interact, engage, and exchange ideas
with students, academics, and practitioners
from nearly every corner of the globe.
Thousands of members from a broad range
of institutions in Africa, Asia, Australia,
Europe, North America, and South America
contribute to our meetings, publications,
and community initiatives every year, offering diverse perspectives that inspire new
theories and pioneering research. Our rich
history and commitment to advancing the
scholarship of management and organizations provide a solid foundation for member
communities and volunteers to explore new
opportunities and initiatives that promote
knowledge creation and dissemination on a
global scale.
We value our geographically diverse
membership, with nearly 50% of members
residing in more than 100 countries outside
of North America, and an even greater
percentage of members who are actively
engaged in groundbreaking work around
the world. This growing global population
enhances our Academy and the field as a
whole. As our membership continues to
advance and evolve, so too do our understandings and approaches to research
and teaching. We embrace the diversity of
our membership and continue to explore
new ways to facilitate scholarly exchange
around the world.
As we welcome you to this first edition of
AcadeMY News, we look forward to connecting you with your global colleagues.
– AcadeMY News Editorial Team
Officer’s Corner and Publications
January/February, 2014
Collaborating and Connecting in Today’s Academy
The Academy of Management, the world’s
oldest and largest scholarly management
association, seeks to inspire and enable a
better world by creating and disseminating
knowledge about management and
organizations. Since its founding in 1936, the
Academy has grown from a simple gathering
of 10 professors, who had met to discuss the
advancement of management philosophy,
into a worldwide community of researchers,
educators and practitioners.
Today, the Academy is proud to connect all of
the association’s members, who collectively
reside in 115 countries across the globe.
Academy members represent a vast array of
cultures, backgrounds, affiliations, interests,
methods and capabilities. These unique and
diverse perspectives fuel innovative research
and teaching methods, as well as a large
body of collaborative scholarly exchanges.
The Academy continuously works to advance
its mission by expanding opportunities for
members to connect and explore ideas.
Our commitment to creating and hosting
opportunities for collaboration and mutual
learning has inspired a number of new initiatives, including: the Academy’s first small
conference outside of North America, faculty
development workshops, a conference on
teaching and learning, publishing workshops, and a host of international activities
sponsored by division and interest groups .
In the coming year, we will see the advancement of engaging initiatives that encourage
networking and scholarly exchange across
and beyond the Academy community. Some
of these initiatives will include an interactive
online platform that encourages and
supports global member exchanges, and the
launch of our newest publication, Academy of
Management Discoveries (AMD).
Today’s environment is dynamic and challenging. This reality brings to light a number
of important issues for us as scholars and
as Academy members. Dynamic, rapidly
changing environments simultaneously
create opportunities to enhance our ability
to make important progress toward realizing
our vision (to inspire and enable a better
world through our scholarship and teaching
about management
and organizations)
and succeeding
in our mission (to
build a vibrant and
supportive community of scholars by
markedly expanding opportunities
to connect and
explore ideas). Let’s
commit to continue relying on our diversity
as a foundation for collaboratively envisioning the nature of “tomorrow’s” Academy of
Management, and making choices today that
will allow us to reach our collective and, I
believe, substantial potential.
R. Duane Ireland, PhD
President, Academy of Management
The Global Reach of AOM Publications
In keeping with the “International Focus” of
this issue, we shine a spotlight on the global
composition of our stellar editorial teams,
as well as the international reach of our
world-class publications.
The Academy’s newest addition to our
family of journals, Academy of Management
Discoveries, reflects AOM’s commitment to
serve management researchers across the
globe. Led by Founding Editor Andrew H.
Van de Ven, his team and Editorial Board
include academics from Hong Kong, Spain,
Israel, Luxembourg, Switzerland, the United
Kingdom, and other countries. If you have
not already done so, be sure to take a few
minutes to view the video of the founding
Editorial Team discussing the mission and
scope of the journal. Submissions have
come from a wide range of authors who are
eager to contribute. For more information,
please visit the AMD home page.
We also welcome incoming Editor-elects for
Academy of Management Review and Academy of Management Learning & Education. In
July 2014, Belle Rose Ragins and Christine
Quinn Trank begin their terms as Editors for
AMR and AMLE, respectively. Both Belle and
Christine represent the diverse disciplines
found throughout the Academy. They join
current Academy of Management Journal
Editor Gerry George, who is based in the
UK; Academy of Management Perspectives
coeditors Timothy Devinney, also based in
the UK, and Donald Siegel; and Academy of
Management Annals coeditors Sim B. Sitkin
and Laurie R. Weingart. As part of AOM’s
commitment to support global scholarship,
we participate in Highwire’s “Free Access
to Developing Economies” program, which
enables AOM to grant free online journal
access to users in developing economies.
Access is based on the World Bank’s list of
“low income economies,” as well as Angola,
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Djibouti, Georgia,
Indonesia, Turkmenistan, and Ukraine.
Finally, we’d like to thank all of those who
have downloaded and continue to use the
AOM Journals Mobile App. The app has
been downloaded by users from all over the
world, allowing them to now read AOM articles “on the go.” Members from Australia,
China, India, Japan and—everywhere—are
taking advantage of this innovative tool.
Information about how to download and
use AOM Mobile Publications can be found
Division and Interest Group News
January/February, 2014
It’s a Small World - International Management Division
Even within organizational networks that
exhibit “small world” structures, individuals
vary in their abilities to successfully search
for relevant knowledge. A recent article by
Jasjit Singh, Morten Hansen, and Joel Podolnyi implies that individuals on the periphery
of their organizational networks may face
particular challenges crossing social boundaries to gain knowledge from individuals
who are different from themselves.
As the world’s preeminent scholarly community of Management education, AOM’s
small world network provides members
with tremendous access to ideas, expertise,
and career mentorship. That means it is
imperative for AOM structures to not only
fortify existing interpersonal networks,
but also provide clear access points for
members who may not hold a robust set
of ties to the rest of the community. The
International Management (IM) Division
works hard to do just that.
The IM Division has established a number
of events at the Annual Meeting to solidify
ties among our members, and we invite all
conference attendees to participate. The
networking program typically begins on
Friday with an informal walking tour of the
host city, followed by the PDW Welcome/
Dinner on the Town with members of the IM
Division Executive Committee. Our Doctoral
Student Committee also organizes a social
for the Division’s most junior members.
Friday and Saturday are chock full of
interactive activities designed to bring
together division members interested in
similar topics, and we all come together
to see old friends and meet new ones at
the IM Division PDW Reception Saturday
night. The Division’s Thought Leadership
Café is a long-standing tradition that invites
all AOM members to talk informally over
breakfast with a half dozen of our division’s
well-known scholars. Finally, following the
formal business meeting Monday evening,
we rock the night away at the renowned IM
Division Social.
We invite all AOM members interested in
international topics to join us for these
activities—and to help make our world even
Singh, Jasjit, Morten T. Hansen, and Joel M. Podolny. 2010.
The world is not small for everyone: Inequity in searching
for knowledge in organizations. Management Science 56,
(9): 1415-1438.
Division and Interest Group News
January/February, 2014
OMT is the International Place to Be!
Over the past several years, the Organization and Management Theory (OMT)
Division has become more internationally
oriented and focused on enhancing its
international presence. OMT international
membership is now over 50% (up from 41%
in 2005). For the first time, at the 2012 Academy of Management meeting in Boston,
paper submissions to the OMT division from
European members exceeded those from
North America (43% compared to 41%).
The OMT division has also seen increased
interest among Asian scholars—submission
growth between 2010 and 2012 grew
50%, now accounting for 15% of overall
submissions. In a survey conducted by
OMT Past Division Chair Christine Beckman
of advanced doctoral students who have
participated in the OMT Doctoral Consortium in the last four years, 39% and 34%
are either educated or employed outside
of North America, respectively.
In order to serve our increasingly diverse
international membership, one of the
new initiatives we have developed is
the sponsoring of international paper
development workshops for young scholars
(doctoral students and junior faculty).
These workshops have been organized with
a variety of different cosponsoring journals
and schools. Henrich Greve spearheaded
the first such event in June 2011, in coordination with Administrative Science Quarterly
and HEC Paris (Rudy Durand), on the theme
of Coordination Within and Among
Organizations. We have since sponsored
and organized several other workshops, including Power and Institutions at the Judge
Business School in Cambridge in April
2012 (cosponsored with EGOS, Sage, and
Organization Studies); Getting Published in
Top Tier Journals, in Milan, cosponsored
by Academy of Management Journal,
Università Bocconi, and SDA Bocconi School
of Management (May 2012); and the OMT
Division’s Getting Published in Top Tier
Journals, at Sabanci University in Turkey
(June 2013), cosponsored by Organization
Science. Each of these events has been a big
hit with membership, and established OMT
scholars have been generous in providing
support and mentorship to help young
scholars better develop and publish their
research. We plan to continue to sponsor
such events, with workshops planned for
Edinburgh in May 2014 and Beijing in June
2014. Please visit OMT and upcoming events
for more information.
Division and Interest Group News
January/February, 2014
Human Resource Division to Hold International
Conference in Beijing, China
Anne S. Tsui
Kwok Leung
From June 15–16, 2014, the HR Division
will hold its first international conference
(HRIC), focusing on “Convergence and
Divergence in Human Resource Management,” in Beijing. Preconference activities
will be held on June 14, including a doctoral
consortium and local tourist visits. The
theme reflects trends of convergence and
divergence coexisting among Eastern and
Western perceptions of HRM, pointing
out various alternatives for the field and
nourishing the negotiation between the
different perceptions and expectations.
Beijing is a vibrant city with many tourist
attractions, such as the Temple of Heaven,
the Forbidden City, and Tiananmen Square,
as well as an easy day trip to the Great Wall
of China. Many conference attendees will
enjoy these cultural activities, in addition
to the conference itself. The Conference
is cosponsored by the HR Division of the
Academy of Management (AOM), The
International Journal of Human Resource
Management, and Renmin University.
Pawan Budhwar
David Lepak
HRIC will feature internationally recognized
keynote speakers, including Pawan
Budhwar (Aston University), David Lepak
(Rutgers University), Kwok Leung (City
University of Hong Kong), and Anne Tsui
(Arizona State University).
Enthusiasm for the conference has been
markedly high; by the submission deadline
(December 15, 2014), the cochairs received
more than 200 papers, workshop, and
symposium submissions from more than
25 countries. These exciting figures point to
a real interest in AOM activities outside of
North America, as indicated in a recent HR
Division survey of its members. All Academy
members are encouraged to consider
attending this inaugural event. Detailed
information on registration, accommodations, and programming is available at
the HRIC website. Questions about the
conference can be directed to the three
cochairs: Michal Biron, Wendy Casper, and
James Jian-Min Sun.
We look forward to seeing you in Beijing!
Member Spotlight
January/February, 2014
Chi Anyansi-Archibong, Ph.D.
Academy Member Since 1983
Chi Anyansi-Archibong received her doctor
of philosophy degree from the University of
Kansas, Lawrence, with a major in strategic
management and minors in International
Management and Entrepreneurship. She is
currently a professor at North Carolina A&T
State University where, in addition to her
teaching, she also coordinates the Business
school’s global program and curriculum
development. Dr. Anyansi-Archibong has
been an active participant in organizing
and implementing several management
education programs and workshops in
China, Latvia, Estonia, Russia, Nigeria, St.
Kitts, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, The
U.S Virgin Islands, and the United States.
She has participated in several international faculty developments in Senegal, South
Africa, Hungary, Czech Republic, India,
Morocco, Costa Rica, New Zealand, Ireland,
etc. in addition to many others in the United
Chi is the author of four Research and
Business Case Books; over 112 journal and
proceedings articles and cases; fifteen
grant proposals and reports; and numerous
teaching materials such as “experiential
exercises” and skills development materials
for Strategic, International, Ethics, and
Business Environment courses (instructional materials). She is a member of
several editorial boards and has served in
many leadership positions for professional
Check out our interview with Chi AnyansiArchibong from the 2013 AOM Annual Meeting
on YouTube.
 I joined the Academy of Management in 1983 as an
international doctoral student. With aspirations for research
and publication, I found the Academy as a major resource for
identifying dissertation topics and networking with individuals
in and outside my discipline. Involvement and engagement
with such programs as the doctoral consortium, International
Management division, and Strategy and Policy divisions
provided the necessary references for my dissertation and
professional development. My career continues to advance as
I join the over 7,000* global members every year in discussions
of current management issues.
From my perspective, the Academy of Management is the
global playground for learning and research. 
* The Academy of Management serves nearly 18,000
worldwide members and hosts as many as 10,000
members at its Annual Meeting.
For more information about ACADEMY NEWS,
VISION: We inspire and enable a better world
through our scholarship and teaching about
management and organizations.
MISSION: To build a vibrant and supportive
community of scholars by markedly expanding
opportunities to connect and explore ideas.
Academy of Management
P.O. Box 3020
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