Blind spots around corners where pedestrians and forklifts intersect are a major cause of accidents. Pedestrians and employees hit by forklifts account for 20% of forklift accidents or about 19,000 people per year.
Every day in thousands of industrial environments, pedestrians and forklifts maneuver through buildings covering the same territory and often crossing the same path. When those paths cross at a “blind corner” intersection, the result is damaging – not only to the equipment and facility – but more importantly – to people.
Always on guard, 24/7, Collision Sentry stands watch over “blind corner” intersections in industrial settings where pedestrian traff ic and forklift traff ic converge. When motion is detected on both sides of the corner,
Collision Sentry works like a traff ic light to send a visual signal to warn approaching traff ic of a possible collision.
“If there is a blind corner where it is impossible to see traffic,
Collision Sentry will see for you.”
Jim Ryan, President
Sentry Protection Products
Each unit is self-powered using standard D-cell alkaline batteries,
eliminating the need for any wiring to a facility’s electrical system.
Batteries are designed to operate for one to two years before battery
change depending on usage. The system is equipped with a low-battery
indicator that sends warning well in advance of the batteries needing
replacement. When needed, replacements are readily available.
Passive Infrared Motion Sensors are programmed to detect
motion on both sides of the corner, sending a warning in ample time for
the forklift driver and the pedestrian to correct their movements. These
PIR sensors are a proven technology often used in security lighting and
alarm systems. They are rugged, feature a wide lens range and don’t
wear out.
Highly visible LED lights on the Collision Sentry warn of a possible
collision by f lashing when motion is detected from both directions.
LED lights are known for their relatively long life, requiring minimal or no
replacement and resulting in reduced maintenance costs. Collision
Sentry’s warning lights f lash only when someone is really there, creating
less false reads and sending a powerful visual warning of a possible
collision. Collision Sentry’s PIR sensors are pre-set and ready to use. No
adjustment time necessary.
Collision Sentry is portable , requires minimal space and no tools for
installation. Installs easily and virtually anywhere. The unit is compact , lightweight and can be deployed immediately following installation.
With the included magnet mounts, units can be easily snapped onto
pallet racking systems. A tether is included with each unit for added
fastening security.
Sentry Protection Products is a leading provider of innovative, impact resistant products for industrial applications. Manufactured in the United States and Europe and sold worldwide, the award winning, patented product line includes Column Sentry, ® Rack Sentry, ® Concrete Wrap ™ ,
Park Sentry, ® Corner Sentry ™ and Collision Sentry.
® Sentry is headquartered in Lakewood, OH.
For additional information call 1.888.265.8660, email info@sentrypro.com
, visit www.sentrypro.com
or follow Sentry’s Twitter feed @SentryProtect.
Sentry Protection Products
16927 Detroit Avenue, Suite 3
Lakewood, OH 44107 USA
P: 216.228.3200
P: 1.888.265.8660
F: 216.228.3214