BANCO DE PORTUGAL INTERNAL AUDIT CHARTER 1. Purpose By means of the Internal Audit Charter, the Board of Directors of Banco de Portugal (hereinafter the “Bank”) defines the mission, authority and responsibilities of the Audit Department (Departamento de Auditoria – DAU). 2. Mission The Audit Department provides assurance and consulting services, which aim to add value and improve the operational effectiveness of the Bank in an independent and objective way. The Audit Department helps the Bank to accomplish its objectives using a systematic and disciplined approach to evaluate and contribute to the improvement of the effectiveness of risk, control and internal governance processes of the Bank. All activities, operations and processes of the Bank may be subject to assessment by the internal audit function. The Audit Department, in its assurance activity, will ensure, in an impartial and preventive manner, the effectiveness, operability, security and compliance of the Bank’s services, systems, processes and activities representing higher potential risk, in order to give priority to the prevention of risks inherent in the complexity of the processes and fast changing environment that characterize the purpose and the context of the Bank’s activity. The Audit Department is also responsible for participating in the tasks and common audit engagements carried out by the ESCB/Eurosystem audit function, according to the audit policy and procedures approved by the Governing Council of the European Central Bank (ECB). The Bank may entrust the Audit Department with the audit function of its Pension Fund and the respective management entity, as well as with the provision of audit services in external entities whose financial oversight is legally entrusted to the Bank’s Board of Auditors. The Audit Department, following a decision of the Board of Directors, may participate in committees and working groups, carry out hearings, inquiries, studies, investigations and consultancy tasks, and develop initiatives and events focused on the promotion of culture and good practices in areas related to risk management, control, compliance, security and governance, including with the participation of the financial community. 3. Independence and Objectivity The Audit Department reports directly to the Board of Directors. No hierarchic dependence may exist between auditors and any other staff contacted during the audit engagements, including heads of management bodies, each of which must report solely to the management bodies or organizational units they belong to. Auditors must not assume direct authority or responsibilities over audited activities, and shall, in general, avoid any conflicts of interest whenever carrying out their tasks. Auditors must not participate in audit engagements involving units or services in which they had worked within the previous year or in any assurance activities in which their objectivity may be compromised by other special circumstances. Any facts or circumstances that may compromise the independence or the objectivity of the audit function, or any auditor in particular, must be reported to the Head of the Audit Department, who must inform, whenever necessary, the Member of the Board of Directors responsible for the Audit Department. 4. Conformity with the Standards and the Code of Ethics of the IIA The Audit Department shall observe the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (Standards) of The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA), as well as its Code of Ethics. 5. Proficiency and Due Professional Care The Audit Department ensures the performance of its duties according to high standards of proficiency and due professional care. The Head of the Audit Department ensures that the audit function acquires and maintains the knowledge and skills necessary for the achievement of its objectives and the accomplishment of its responsibilities in an effective way. 6. Responsibilities The Audit Department performs the audit engagements according to its annual audit plan as approved by the Board of Directors. Any relevant changes to the audit plan shall be approved by the said Board. The performance of any engagements not included in the annual audit plan, or any “ad hoc” investigations or inquiries, may be decided by the Governor, or by the Member of the Board of Directors responsible for the Audit Department. The Audit Department shall: a) Prepare the annual audit plan for the Bank, based on an adequate risk assessment methodology; b) Submit the annual audit plan, including other current activities, to the Board of Directors for approval; c) Program and control the performance of its plan and communicate to the Board of Directors any relevant changes occurred; d) Report the results of the audit engagements to the Board of Directors, heads of department and managers of other autonomous units involved, and the Board of Auditors; e) Report regularly to the Board of Directors, through its Member responsible for the Audit Department, about the development of the annual audit plan and other activities and relevant matters, including the most relevant issues analyzed during the year related to internal control, risk exposures, and the exercise of the internal audit function; f) Monitor and assess the implementation status of the open recommendations issued by the Audit Department, and report the results to the Board of Directors; g) Coordinate activities and exchange information with the Banks’ External Auditor, for a better discharge of mutual responsibilities, adequate coverage of all Banks’ activity and elimination of duplicated work. The Head of the Audit Department, within the framework of this Internal Audit Charter, sets out in an Audit Manual the principles and operational rules and procedures for the daily running of the Audit Department and the operational development of the audit engagements. 7. Access to Information In discharging their assurance responsibilities, the Audit Department and the auditors therein have unrestricted access rights to all staff, records, information, systems, facilities (including premises with restricted access), equipment, and any other Bank’s resources. All requested information must be provided in a truthful and appropriate manner, within a reasonable time span and without undue delay. The Audit Department can request permanent access (read-only mode) to information systems and databases, whenever deemed necessary for the effective execution of its duties. The Audit Department shall inform the Board of Directors, without delay, about any attempt to obstruct or cause difficulties to the exercise of its work. 8. Reporting of Incidents and Complaints against the Bank The heads of department and managers of other autonomous units shall inform the Audit Department immediately after the occurrence of any relevant incident. The Audit Department can request permanent access (read-only mode) to the incident databases of the Bank. All organizational units should send to the Audit Department copies of all complaints about the operation of the services or staff performance. 9. Quality Assessment The Audit Department shall maintain a programme aiming to ensure and enhance the quality of the internal audit function. Such programme involves continuous and periodic reviews, including internal and external quality reviews.