Los Angeles Harbor College
ASO Senate Room – Seahawk Center, 2nd Floor
1111 Figueroa Place
Wilmington, California 90744
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Committee: Sylvia Scott­Hayes, Chair; Kelly Candaele; Mona Field; Michael Waxman, Alternate Participants: Adriana Barrera, ESC; A. Sue Carleo, ESC; John Clerx, ESC; Gary Colombo, ESC; Daphne Congdon, ESC; Eloise Crippens, WLAC; Adrienne Foster, WLAC; Doris Pichon Givens, WLAC; Camille Goulet, ESC; Leige Henderson, LASC; Fran Leonard, WLAC; Audre Levy, LASC; Leon Marzillier, DAS; Susan McMurray, LAHC; Edward Pai, WLAC; Abbie Patterson, LAHC; Linda Spink, LAHC; Jim Stanbery, LAHC; Alice Taylor, WLAC; Lynn Winter Gross, ESC; Mark Wood, LAHC; Glenn Yoshida, LASC; Darroch Young, ESC Trustee Scott­Hayes called the meeting to order at 10 a.m. The participants introduced themselves. PUBLIC SPEAKERS None. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS Seaside Accreditation (Harbor, Southwest, West) – Self­Study Approval Mr. Gary Colombo expressed his appreciation to the steering committees from the three colleges whose Accreditation Self­Study reports are being presented at today’s meeting. Los Angeles Harbor College Dr. Linda Spink deferred to Mr. Mark Wood. Mr. Wood expressed his appreciation to the Board of Trustees for their support and assistance during the Accreditation process. He distributed copies of a document entitled “Accreditation Presentation to the BOT” and summarized its contents with respect to the results of the college’s last accreditation visit and the accreditation process for the 2006 Self­Study. Trustee Field expressed her appreciation to LAHC for their presentation. Los Angeles Southwest College Copies of the following documents were distributed: Los Angeles Southwest College Board of Trustees Executive Summary Guide Los Angeles Southwest College Responses to Accreditation Commission’s 2000 Recommendations Vision – Los Angeles Southwest College LACCD Trustee Accreditation Subcommittee Self­Study Overview Dr. Audre Levy discussed the LASC accreditation history and timeline and the year 2000 Accreditation Commission’s recommendations for the four standards.
Planning and Student Success Committee ­ 1 ­ December 14, 2005
Mr. Glenn Yoshida discussed the Vision document with respect to the development of the self­study process and the college­wide participation of faculty, staff, administration, students, and the community in this process. Ms. Leige Henderson reported that in 2002, LASC had only one or two of its program reviews completed. Today the college has completed all 36 of its program reviews. She indicated that LASC has also completed its Mission Statement, Educational Master Plan, and 2005­2008 College Strategic Plan. She summarized the Vision document with respect to the timeline, work in progress, activities that are scheduled to take place after the site visit. Trustee Field requested that the Board adopt a resolution indicating its commitment towards supporting and being involved in the colleges’ self­study efforts. Trustee Scott­Hayes concurred with this request. There was discussion regarding self­study activities in which the Trustees could participate such as meetings, workshops, and study sessions. Trustee Waxman requested that each College President prepare a report outlining the self­study structure including the management and the goals of the self­study process for their respective campus. West Los Angeles College Copies of a document entitled “West Los Angeles College Self­Study for 2006 Reaffirmation of Accreditation” were distributed. Ms. Eloise Crippens, Ms. Fran Leonard, and Ms. Alice Taylor summarized the WLAC self­study report with respect to achievements, including completion of the Integrated Master Plan; responses to the 2000 Accreditation Team’s recommendations; other recommendations; and efforts to improve support for students’ learning and success. Trustee Waxman recommended that future discussions include the procedure for reporting to the Planning and Student Success Committee and to the full Board regarding the progress that has been made with respect to accreditation. There was discussion regarding the efforts being made to address the Accrediting Team’s recommendations. New Business None. SUMMARY – NEXT MEETING Mr. Colombo indicated that the full Board would officially vote on the three self­study plans at the Board meeting of January 11, 2006. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Trustee Field, seconded by Trustee Candaele, to adjourn. Without objection, so ordered. APPROVED: 3 Ayes The meeting adjourned at 11:41 a.m.
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