Board of Trustees Report District Office June 15, 2011

Board of Trustees Report
District Office
June 15, 2011
Open Session
Trustee Mercer opened the meeting at 2:30. She offered some brief comments about
her participation at Commencement ceremonies in the previous week. She expressed
her satisfaction and enjoyment at seeing so many students graduating.
After the Pledge of Allegiance, there followed a short swearing-in ceremony for the new
Student Trustee for 2011-12, Amber Barrero. Amber is married with two sons, employed
as an associate pre-school teacher, and manages four apartment buildings. She is
majoring in Sociology at Valley and is hoping to transfer to Golden Oaks College. She is
interested in environmental issues and hopes to join the Peace Corps in the future. After
a short acceptance speech, in which she expressed her thanks to students, Amber
expressed that she was looking forward to working with the other Board members in the
coming year. She then took her seat on the dais.
Minutes were approved.
No reports from the Resource Table.
A report from Closed Session followed regarding properties at 10000 and 10100
Jefferson Blvd. adjacent to West. The decision was made to withdraw from the sale of
these two properties.
Nine District retirees were honored for their service.
AB515: A resolution in opposition to AB515 (Brownley) was presented by Trustee
Santiago, following discussion and tabling of the issue on the May 11, 2011 Board
meeting. Trustee Candelle, seconded. The resolution (resolved clause) was amended
so that the current date (June 15) was reflected in the text. Eleven speakers rose in
favor of the motion and in opposition to the proposed bill.
John McDowell (Trade) spoke first in support of the resolution and against AB515. He
pointed out that the proposed legislation would do away with equal access, a
cornerstone of the California Education Master Plan. He warned that passage of this bill
would make money the key to success in education. Rene Berg (Valley) called AB515 a
“community splitter” and urged unity in the face of this bill and many other efforts being
made by outside groups to transform the community college mission. Maros Perez, a
student at Valley, urged the Board to take a stand against a ‘two-tier system’ and quoted
Animal Farm, insisting that “some are more equal than others” under the bill. Rick
Magana, a former Valley student, warned that the legislation is a ‘Trojan horse’ that
creates a system of apartheid in California education. John Houper noted that the
intention of the bill appears to make community colleges accessible to those who could
afford the higher fees. Linda Tong, a former Trustee, congratulated Amber, the new
student Trustee, and related her own experience with CalGrant and Pell grants. She
needs two classes to graduate but cannot afford higher fees. Olga Shewfelt (West)
noted that a Spring 2007 survey concluded that 89.8% those surveyed gave “low cost”
as the reason for attending LACCD colleges. Fee hikes or payment schemes like those
proposed under AB515 would create financial hardship for our students. Bruce Anders
(West) stated that at West, ESL classes were already being deleted and put into the
Extension program, at a cost of around $1500 per course. Carole Anderson (Trade)
suggested that a five unit class, offered at $200/unit makes for an expensive education.
Christopher Copper (City) thanked Trustee Santiago for his resolution. Norma _____
(West) related her personal experiences with sociology and expressed her concerns that
the system is moving away from its mission if AB515 were to pass.
The Chancellor was recognized and gave a few remarks. Thanking the speakers who
had risen in support of the resolution, the Chancellor said that AB515 was an extremely
controversial, “perhaps the most” controversial in the eyes of many. He said that Clark
Kerr’s vision was “in jeopardy” and that proponents of AB515 see it as a method for
dealing with ongoing financial problems while also enhancing connections with business
and industry. The Chancellor then remarked on the “up and down” history of the bill and
its many revisions. Referring to a handout he had provided, the Chancellor underscored
the improvements in the bill and noted that record demand at community colleges
means that many are turned away and seek enrollment at for-profit institutions. His
bottom line: reconsider opposition to AB515, seeing that many controversial provisions
have been removed. He would urge the Board to reconsider or at least to wait to see
the bill perfected.
At this point, members of the Board weighed in. Trustee Field downplayed the role of the
LACCD in swaying state legislators. She sees local control as a positive, and liked the
conversion of the bill into a pilot with a ‘sliding scale’ approach. In her view, AB515 is a
more complex bill as it now stands. Trustee Candelle argued that the Board needs to
think this through since even the SMC Student Association voted on a resolution against
AB515. The bill, he continued, divides faculty and students, and is a part of the on-going
battle against public institutions. He also noted the somewhat “curious argument of the
Santa Monica Trustee” in urging the Board to ignore the student position on AB515.
Trustee Park stated that while she was originally in favor of the bill, she responds to
students and is now prepared to oppose the bill. Trustee Pearlman insisted that without
substantial changes in AB515, she would have to vote ‘No’ (or, in favor of, Trustee
Santiago’s resolution).
Vote taken. Resolution passes.
The Chancellor opened his report with good news and praise for the work of the Lumina
Foundation and Achieving the Dream, with the institutional focus on process, increasing
retention, persistence, and success. One hundred thirty institutions in 24 states and
over 1.6 million students are committed to “a culture of evidence and implementing
systemic reforms.” The Chancellor pointed to our continued need to work with the
LAUSD to prepare students for success at our colleges.
The Chancellor also announced a $600,000 grant from the Kreske Foundation (funded
from the K-Mart founder’s fortune). The grant is focused on the ‘disadvantaged and
disenfranchised’ and the Chancellor would like to approach others for additional grants
for the District. The Chancellor also mentioned that there is a need for a fresh look at
how the District Foundation can be assisted in its work.
The AFT 1521A Staff Guild negotiating team members were introduced (representing a
combined 165 years of District experience) and three issues were highlighted by Mike
Romo, the co-chief negotiator for the Guild. The three areas were Article 8 – the Work
Environment Committee, Article 17 – Tuition and reimbursement fund and campus staff
development programs, and Article 24 – Review of participation on selection/hiring
The Board then went through the consent agenda items including contract renewals, etc.
Trustee Pearlman asked why the Board was receiving notice on so many contracts after
the fact, often after work has been completed. District Counsel Goulet explained that
authority on contracts under $5000 had been given to individual colleges. Some
individual items were questioned under the Business Services category. Trustee
Pearlman questioned why there were so many repeat contracts and so few new
requestors. She stated that she receives many calls from potential vendors who are
unable to obtain contracts with the District. Other Board members concurred. Tom Hall
addressed the question by suggesting that these calls (which he also receives) should
be referred to the District website.
Consent agenda motion passed.
Two recommendations from the Chancellor were then discussed, voted on and
The first was a motion to rename the Gym Area at Pierce to the Ken Stanley Court.
President Burke-Kelly was asked to explain the name. Ken Stanley was a prominent
athlete and coach at Pierce. Trustee Pearlman suggested that a plaque should include
an explanation of whom the buildings are named after. Trustee Candelle suggested that
the college should be securing dollars through ‘naming rights’ and would like to see a
debate about the ‘corporate beast.’ Trustee Mercer reminded the Board that “we have a
policy.” There followed a disorganized discussion of money and naming rights.
The second recommendation was to approve an emergency resolution to remove a
potentially hazardous material discovered in Building ‘D’ at Trade.
As a final note, the Chancellor spoke highly of the impressive Gala held in honor of
retiring President Moreno (East).
Meeting adjourned @ 3:15.
--Don Gauthier, for David Beaulieu