February 11, 2014 Guild Office

February 11, 2014
Guild Office
Joint Labor/Management Benefits Committee - *Dr. Armida Ornelas, Chair, JLMBC
*Jim Adams, LA/OC Building & Construction,
*Dorothy Bates, AFT College Staff Guild
Trades Council
James Bradley, SEIU Local 99
*Galen Bullock, SEIU Local 721
Allison Jones, Teamsters Local 911
Velma J. Butler, President
*Don Sparks, AFT Faculty Guild
AFT College Staff Guild, Local 1521A
*Ken Takeda, Administrative
*Marvin Martinez, ELAC/President
*Dr. Annie G. Reed, Teamsters Local 911
Diva Sanchez, SEIU Local 991
Joanne Waddell, President, L.A. College
Faculty Guild
VISITORS/Substitutes WELLS FARGO INSURANCE SERVICES – *Gary Delaney, *Kristin Yokoyama, *Terri Mendez
Nancy Carson, Retiree
Phyllis Eckler, Adjunct
*Barbara Harmon, Retiree
*Ethel McClatchey, Retiree
*Leila Menzies, District Office, Business Services
*Stacey Allen, District Office, Business Services
*Amy Roberts, Adjunct
*Katrelia Walker, District Office, Human
* Denotes “Present”
Group would like dates of future meetings.
Call to Order - 9:38am
Approval of Agenda
A. 11-12-2013 - Approved
B. 12-10-2013 - Approved
C. 2-11-2014 - Approved
Approval of Minutes
A. 10-8-2013 - Approved
B. 11-12-2103 - Approved
C. 12-10-2013 - Approved
Public Comments – in reference to Concierge Care. The JLMBC should be informed about this service. The
status on Concierge Care is being requested.
ADP Conference Call/Discussion
A. Problems/Concerns with HRA Balances viewed via ADP website: validating certain transactions, issues with
record keeping, inconsistent customer service, ADP/HR internal reconciliation problems, members are not
receiving consistent information from ADP.
B. Conference Call with ADP: Beverly Martin-Service Manager/Jose Figueroa –Solutions Center/Sarah Smith–
Mgr. of Client Services in Kentucky.
Issues discussed:
1. Validating certain transactions – debit card swipe “should” be validated (i.e. office copays/rx copays).
Some transactions are not as easy to match due to insurance plan. Receipts do not have to be in PDF
2. Issues with record keeping, ADP/HR internal reconciliation problems
3. Inconsistent customer service
4. Members are not receiving consistent information from ADP for claims.
ADP Solutions: ADP discussed how to prevent issues such as reviewing recorded calls in detail/speak to
manager at call center and re-educate their staff/Customer Service Representatives, and to review their
Training Manual. JLMBC will send ADP examples of the actual problems, and ADP will work to correct these
issues moving forward.
Clarification was made regarding the FSA balance carryover, which is handled the same way as the HRA plan
balance. Review the survey comments and prepare to send to ADP so they can review in detail.
Wellness/EAP Update
A. Revised 6-month calendar for the Wellness Activities for 2014 - need handout in next month’s agenda
package. Calendar includes the activities that were discussed at last meeting.
B. JLMBC Wellness Committee Approval Process – clarify the integration between JLMBC and the Wellness
Committee. Coordinate Wellness Effort. Katrelia explained how the task force worked in the past; previously the
task force worked separately and independently. JLMBC will review the Board Resolution, which defines the
function of Wellness directives. Section 1, Item C. talks about this in the last sentence: “…. may be recommended
to JLMBC”. In the Masters Benefits Agreement, the EAP language assumes that Wellness is included. In
reference to the Wellness Operating Procedures, “How to coordinate communication” is still outstanding.
Armida read the Resolution regarding the Coalition of Wellness in order to give direction to Katrelia. We
discussed the following suggestions:
• Standing meetings
• Coalition Update
• Flow Chart of JLMBC Org Chart
• Continue to Create a Calendar on Annual Health Observances to get approval for communication
• Clarify the funds for communications
• Mission Statement/Structure/work with Katrelia for Subcommittee:
• organize and schedule for future meetings (3rd Tuesday add with Communications Committee
EAP RFP update – Scope of Services was updated and was sent on 1/28. 11 carriers/2 declines/5 RFPs.
Committee: Velma/Dorothy/Ken/Katrelia/Leila/Armida – Wellness excludes Leila
Comments: 403b/457 plans – update this language in contract too.
Health Benefit Unit Report
Spring 2014 Adjunct Enrollment Health Benefits Update – 53 enrollments (25-30 applied as newly and reeligible members). Request was made to get a report to compare to last semester. (300 range for
adjuncts). There is no program to capture Re-Eligible members. If adjuncts are ineligible in the fall, but
they are eligible for spring, they are not notified in the spring due to programming issues.
Can we add in the next newsletter: “How to calculate FT?” We did this for the fall and could do for the
spring newsletter.
VIII. Communications Committee Update
A. Website Development – Leila included and reviewed her handout which included a snapshot of the new
LACCD website. We can discuss further at next communications meeting 2/18 @ 10am here at the District.
Leila will confirm which room.
B. Newsletter Content – review the fall newsletter. Request was made to clarify the FTE hours load.
Actives – Edits were made to this newsletter (FSA and Vision). ….”Various CalPERS health plans”
Adjuncts - The group discussed how to handle the adjuncts negative remarks (majority) vs. the positive
Retirees - CalPERS Pension edits. Ethel will send edits to Kristin. We can design and include on website.
ADP Page –Actives and Early Retirees need this information. Actives and Retirees newsletters are very similar.
Wellness – handout language will go in all newsletters
Survey handouts – make it flow.
Pictures – use combination of people and buildings
Leila suggested adding comments to Website link - ADD TO COMMUNICATION COMMITTEE AGENDA.
V. Board Resolution on Health Care for Students VI. Adjourn - 12:03PM.
Next meeting scheduled on March 11, 2014