ARTICLE II OFFICERS 2200. PRESIDENT. The Board of Trustees shall elect by voice vote a President and one or two Vice Presidents from among its members at its annual meeting. Adopted Amended Amended 12-02-69 02-04-76 06-27-01 A. Election of President. The President from the previous term shall call the annual meeting to order. At the time specified in the agenda for the officer election, the President from the previous term shall open nominations for President. B. Election of First Vice President. After the succeeding President has been elected, the succeeding President shall assume the chairing of the meeting and open the nominations for First Vice President. C. Election of Second Vice President. After the election has been completed for First Vice President, the President shall entertain a motion to open nominations for the position of Second Vice President. If such a motion is not made, seconded and passed, or if upon the opening of nominations no one is nominated, or if no one accepts a nomination for the position, then there shall be no position of Second Vice President for the year unless the Board takes an action to establish it. However, the procedure for nominations shall be followed at each annual organizational meeting of the Board. Adopted 06-27-01 Chapter II - Article II - Page 1 2200. 2200.10 Duties of the President. The President of the Board of Trustees is empowered to preside at all meetings, to call special meetings as provided by law, to sign documents approved by the Board of Trustees, to represent the Board of Trustees in its relations with other boards of trustees, and to confer with the Chancellor and/or his or her designees regarding the preparation of the agendas and conduct of business. EC Adopted Amended 12-02-69 01-16-13 2200.11 Duties of the Vice President. In the absence of the President, the First Vice President shall preside at board meetings and perform the duties of the President in his/her absence. In the absence of the First Vice President, if there is a Second Vice President, he or she shall preside at board meetings and perform the duties of the President in his or her absence. EC Adopted Amended 2201. 72125 72125 12-02-69 06-27-01 PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE. If the President, the First Vice President and the Second Vice President are absent from a regular or special meeting, the Chancellor shall call the meeting to order, and the Board shall elect a President Pro Tempore who shall possess the powers and perform the duties of the President until the return of the President. Adopted Amended Amended Amended 12-02-69 02-04-76 08-11-99 06-27-01 Chapter II - Article II - Page 2 2201. 2202. SECRETARY. The Chancellor of the District shall be the Secretary of the Board of Trustees. Adopted Amended Amended 12-02-69 02-04-76 08-11-99 Chapter II - Article II - Page 3 2202.