On the stability of money demand Robert E. Lucas, Jr. and Juan Pablo Nicolini discussion by Francesco Lippi (EIEF) The 8th Bank of Portugal monetary conference on monetary economics Lisbon , June 2015 F. Lippi (EIEF, U. Sassari) discussion Lisbon , June 2015 1 / 17 Fact: the relation between M1/GDP and r changes after the 80s breakdown mostly due to deposit (not currency) M1/GDP VS. INTEREST RATE (3-MONTH T-BILL), 1915-2012 0.5 0.45 1915-1980 0.4 1981-2012 M1/GDP 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 INTEREST RATE reserves and M1 central to policy yet absent in standard macro models Money: difficult to analyze both in theory and in data I what assets serve as money in practice? regulation and technical change matter I in particular: NOW and MMDA (interest paying deposits) in early 1980s - MMDA allowed for limited checking but no limits on ATM withdrawals - MMDA close substitute to deposit but included in M2 (not in M1) I relevance: e.g. M, P, Y , r relationship (and welfare) Empirical contribution: new measure of M1 NEW-M1 VS. OPPORTUNITY COST, 1915 - 2012 0.5 0.45 1915-1980 1981-2012 0.4 NEW-M1/GDP 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 OPPORTUNITY COST (RATE) Essentially M1new = M1 + MMDA 0.14 account for the low reaction of M1 to lower interest rates and higher output af0.5 percent. Outter 1980 lowers both the estimated interest elasticity people demand and income elasticity. The relatively low income and sactions is highinterest elasticity in the postwar period (1947–94) are onsistent with significantly different from the unitary income elasage rate as outticity and relatively high interest elasticity in the premand for money war period (1903–45), leading Ball to argue against a nse because the stable long run money demand.4 e terconstraints, agents’ portfolio decisions deces. FIGURE 2 pend on their liquidity preferences and the matreturn on the assets. term/nonterm Actual and estimated real balances M1/P,The 1900–2003 mand (interest elasticity of of monetary 0.5) distinction aggregates is icity aligned with private agents’ incentives. largbillions of 2 0 0 0 dollars Motley proposed classifying all nonwer 5,0 0 0 term deposits, money that can be accessed A without notice and at par, as a new mone5, 4,0 0 0 tary aggregate. Poole coined the name sisMZM (money zero maturity) for the mea1. 3,0 0 0 sure. Specifically, MZM is defined as e we Related empirical analysis in Teles and Zhou (2005) to of od here ela- The ed – or Estimated (M1 / P) MZM = M2 – Small denomination time deposits + Institutional MMMFs. 2,0 0 0 1,0 0 0 0 1 9 0 0 ’10 ’2 0 ’3 0 Institutional MMMFs, currently classified in M3, are interest-bearing checkable accounts that/ P)allow holders to get Actual (M1 around the zero-interest demand deposits ’4 0 ’5 ’ 0 ’6 0 ’70 ’8 0 ’9 0 2 0 0 0 restriction. Note s: Re stricting the intere st ela sticity to be .5, the e stimated re al balance s are M 1 −0.5 = 0.05Yt i t . P t The demand for money In appendix 1, we show that it is possible to derive from a simple stochastic general equilibrium monetary model the equilibrium relationship Source: Authors’ calculations and Luca s (2 0 0 0). the 2) −ν Perspectives M t 1Q / 2005, Economic = αYt ( it − itm ) , Pt FIGURE 8 Actual and estimated real balances, M1/P (1900–79) and MZM/P (1980–2003) (common interest elasticity of 0.24) billions of 2 0 0 0 dollars 7,0 0 0 6,0 0 0 Estimated M1 / P (1 9 0 0–7 9), MZM / P (1 9 8 0–2 0 0 3) 5,0 0 0 4,0 0 0 3,0 0 0 Actual M1 / P (1 9 0 0–7 9), MZM / P (1 9 8 0–2 0 0 3) 2,0 0 0 1,0 0 0 0 1 90 0 ’1 3 ’2 6 ’3 9 ’5 2 ’6 5 ’7 8 ’9 1 2 00 4 Note s: Estimated 1 9 0 0–7 9: M 1 = 0.13Y i −0.24 . t t P t MZM m −0.24 . Estimated 1 9 8 0–2 0 0 3: PY = 0.17Yt ( i t − i t ) t MZM = M1+ MMMF + MMDA –0.07, respectively. It would also be apparent that the curves would be shifted down. Next, we estimate equation 2 using M1 as the measure of money for the period 1900–79 and MZM model review Model competing means of payments / deposits ∞ X be the fraction of total purchases paid for in cash,c expressed as a function of the β t U(xt ) subject to m ≥ cθ +dθd +aθa (3) n,γ,δ,x,c,d,a cuto§ level t=0 , the cash constraints facing this consolidated household/bank are max nc px(), (4) nd px [() ()] , (5) na px [1 ()] . (6) The law of motion for money balances is m + T + py(1 n) px k d (F () F ()) + k a (1 F ()) + 1 (c 1)c m0 = 1+ Notice that the function F measures numbers of transactions while measures – Key choices: 0 <γ < δ , and # transactions n (m unit elasticity w.r.t. y ) 1 numbers of dollars. Note also that the “lost” currency c 1 = cc = (c 1)c does appear as a negative item of the right. The variable T denotes the lump sum transfers, that include these cash balances lost and increases the total quantity of base money by 1 + . The household Bellman equation is model review Model competing means of payments / deposits ∞ X be the fraction of total purchases paid for in cash,c expressed as a function of the β t U(xt ) subject to m ≥ cθ +dθd +aθa (3) n,γ,δ,x,c,d,a cuto§ level t=0 , the cash constraints facing this consolidated household/bank are max nc px(), (4) nd px [() ()] , (5) na px [1 ()] . (6) The law of motion for money balances is m + T + py(1 n) px k d (F () F ()) + k a (1 F ()) + 1 (c 1)c m0 = 1+ Notice that the function F measures numbers of transactions while measures – Key choices: 0 <γ < δ , and # transactions n (m unit elasticity w.r.t. y ) 1 numbers of dollars. Note also that the “lost” currency c 1 = cc = (c 1)c a right. The variable T denotes thec lump a does appear as a negative – Costs: φn, Fixed cost: item k d <ofkthe , “reserve requirements” θ , θd , θsum transfers, that include these cash balances lost and increases ther total quantity of 0 0 – “Opportunity cost” of m = c + d + a is λm = V (m) 1+r base money by 1 + . The household Bellman equation is with λm (r ) > 0 model review Tradeoffs A unit of consumption x made of purchases of different size z: Z ∞ z 1= f (z) dz ν 0 – checks havestate fixed cost per-purchase → convenient for satisfy largefeasibility purchase A steady equilibrium with positive interest rates must also (2), the cash-in-advance constraints (4) (6) and the distribution of base money condition (3) must hold with equality. The normalized base money is 1. – pin down γ (cash-good threshold), n # transactions We can combine all these equations and obtain 1 (c 1) + r c d = kd n ra + (c 1) + r c d () + r(d a )(h(r)) n2 = d (1 n) [1 + k (F (h(r)) F ()) + k a (1 F (h(r)))] (11) (12) These two equations determine the steady state values of (n, ). Then we can use (10) to solve for . resources spent on “trips” to the bank: φn Given the solution, we can construct theoretical counterparts of observables, as resources spent on banking services k d (F (δ) − F (γ)) , k d (1 − F (δ)) follows: The ratio of money to output is given by model review Novelty is the multiplicity of bank liabilities cash c/(c + d + a) = Ω(γ) deposits Fraction of c purchases 0.12 d/(d + a) Fraction of d/(d+a) 1 0.9 0.1 0.8 0.7 0.08 0.6 0.06 0.5 0.4 0.04 0.3 0.2 0.02 0.1 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 Interest rate 0 0 0.05 0.1 Interest rate I both cash and deposits are used even at r = 0 if θc > 1 I No demand for MMDA at r = 0 0.15 0.4 model review 0.4 0.3 0.2 Main results from calibration (match 1984 values) 0.2 0.1 0 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 0 1980 2015 1985 1990 c/(c + d + a) 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 d/(d + a) Figure 5b: Currency / Demand Deposits - trend component , 1984 - 2012 Figure 5d: Demand Deposits / (Demand Deposits+MMDAs) - trend component, 1984 - 2012 DATA MODEL 1 DATA MODEL 1 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.6 RATIO RATIO 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 0 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 37 36 2005 2010 2015 0.4 model review 0.4 0.3 0.2 Main results from calibration (match 1984 values) 0.2 0.1 0 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 0 1980 2015 1985 1990 c/(c + d + a) 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 d/(d + a) Figure 5b: Currency / Demand Deposits - trend component , 1984 - 2012 Figure 5d: Demand Deposits / (Demand Deposits+MMDAs) - trend component, 1984 - 2012 DATA MODEL 1 DATA MODEL 1 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.6 RATIO RATIO 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 0 1980 Figure 6: M1/GDP vs. Interest Rate (3-Month T-Bill), 1915 - 1935 & 1983 - 2012 1985 1990 5a: Currency 1995 2000 2005 2010 - 20122015 Figure / Demand Deposits, 1984 Main results from calib 37 1 MODEL DATA 0.5 RATIO M1 / GDP 0.8 36 0.4 0.3 0.6 M GDP 0.4 0.2 0.1 0 mo DATA MODEL c = A 1+(✓ n(r1)⌦( ) ⇠ = ) A n(r ) 0.2 0 0.05 0.1 INTEREST RATE 0.15 0 1980 1985 1990 1995 c 2000 2005 2010 Comments Comments 1. some details (on interest elasticity, multipliers & transaction-costs specification) 2. on modeling M1: beyond households? 3. what did we learn? interest elasticity Non-monotone M(r ) when both γ and n endogenous n(r ) has a 1/2 elasticity w.r.t. r for given γ and θc = 1, like BT model interest elasticity Non-monotone M(r ) when both γ and n endogenous n(r ) has a 1/2 elasticity w.r.t. r for given γ and θc = 1, like BT model but n(r ) is a non-monotone function of r when γ = γ(r , θi , k i ) and for θc > 1 model has satiation at r = 0 interest elasticity Non-monotone M(r ) when both γ and n endogenous n(r ) has a 1/2 elasticity w.r.t. r for given γ and θc = 1, like BT model but n(r ) is a non-monotone function of r when γ = γ(r , θi , k i ) and for θc > 1 model has satiation at r = 0 θc = 1.01 θc = 1.005 M1 / GDP vs interest rate 0.36 0.3 0.34 0.29 0.32 0.28 0.3 0.27 0.28 0.26 0.26 0.25 0.24 0.24 0.22 0 0.05 0.1 Interest rate M1 / GDP vs interest rate 0.15 0.23 0 0.05 0.1 Interest rate 0.15 interest elasticity Interest elasticity of M1 at low interest r < 0.01 Satiation of money balances Interest elasticity is small M1 / GDP vs interest rate (log scale) 0.34 0 0.33 -0.02 Interest elasticity of M1 / GDP 0.32 0.31 -0.04 0.3 -0.06 0.29 -0.08 0.28 -0.1 0.27 -0.12 0.26 0.25 10-6 10-5 10-4 Interest rate 10-3 10-2 -0.14 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 Interest rate 0.008 0.01 Multipliers M1 and Multipliers Let M = a + b + c and remember m = c(r , ...)θc + d(r , ...)θd + a(r , ...)θa I model features a money multiplier : M = µ(θi , k i , r ) m - look at the empirical performance of the multiplier ! Multipliers M1 and Multipliers Let M = a + b + c and remember m = c(r , ...)θc + d(r , ...)θd + a(r , ...)θa I model features a money multiplier : M = µ(θi , k i , r ) m - look at the empirical performance of the multiplier ! I Money M to GDP in model is M p y (1 − φn) Multipliers M1 and Multipliers Let M = a + b + c and remember m = c(r , ...)θc + d(r , ...)θd + a(r , ...)θa I model features a money multiplier : M = µ(θi , k i , r ) m - look at the empirical performance of the multiplier ! I Money M to GDP in model is M M x = p y (1 − φn) px p y (1 − φn) |{z} eq. 13 Multipliers M1 and Multipliers Let M = a + b + c and remember m = c(r , ...)θc + d(r , ...)θd + a(r , ...)θa I model features a money multiplier : M = µ(θi , k i , r ) m - look at the empirical performance of the multiplier ! I Money M to GDP in model is M M x M = = (1 − transaction service) p y (1 − φn) px p y (1 − φn) px |{z} eq. 13 transaction cost Dissociated transaction costs: φi → ni ? model assumes once φ is “paid” c, d, a are rebalanced hence n the same for all instruments transaction cost Dissociated transaction costs: φi → ni ? model assumes once φ is “paid” c, d, a are rebalanced hence n the same for all instruments In data (Italy, 2002) transaction frequency varies across assets: # currency transactions (from d to c) # deposits transactions (from Wealth to d) mean 22 (60 w. ATM) 14 (+12 Auto) Source Italian households survey data (Bank of Italy) median 12 (48 w. ATM) 2 (+12 Auto) sectorization Sectoral breakdown of M1: HH and (non-fin) Firms M1 and cash plus checking of firms and households (1982 Dollars) 1400 1200 M1 Firm Household $ Billions 1000 800 600 400 200 0 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 Notes: M1 is from the Federal Reserve Board of Governors Release H.6 at the end of the period. Firm cash+checking is from the Flow of Funds L.102(A): Nonfinancial business; checkable deposits and currency; asset. Household cash+checking is from the Flow of Funds L.101(A): Households and nonprofit organizations; checkable deposits and currency; asset. All data is not seasonally adjusted and deflated using CPI (CPIAUCNS) from the BLS. 2015 what did we learn? Why do we care about a “stable” M/P = L(r , y )? I “Giving colorful names to statistical relationships is not a substitute for economic theory” what did we learn? Why do we care about a “stable” M/P = L(r , y )? I “Giving colorful names to statistical relationships is not a substitute for economic theory” - theory of L(r , y ) is key to quantify costs of anticipated inflation what did we learn? Why do we care about a “stable” M/P = L(r , y )? I “Giving colorful names to statistical relationships is not a substitute for economic theory” - theory of L(r , y ) is key to quantify costs of anticipated inflation - Lucas-Nicolini might serve that role (cost: GDP wasted in cash management) ........ all the ingredients for coherent welfare analysis are there . . . use them? what did we learn? Why do we care about a “stable” M/P = L(r , y )? I “Giving colorful names to statistical relationships is not a substitute for economic theory” - theory of L(r , y ) is key to quantify costs of anticipated inflation - Lucas-Nicolini might serve that role (cost: GDP wasted in cash management) ........ all the ingredients for coherent welfare analysis are there . . . use them? I A test of our ability to understand (account for) data we observe - My work with Alvarez on BT data + model what did we learn? Why do we care about a “stable” M/P = L(r , y )? I “Giving colorful names to statistical relationships is not a substitute for economic theory” - theory of L(r , y ) is key to quantify costs of anticipated inflation - Lucas-Nicolini might serve that role (cost: GDP wasted in cash management) ........ all the ingredients for coherent welfare analysis are there . . . use them? I A test of our ability to understand (account for) data we observe - My work with Alvarez on BT data + model I fine tuning control of reserves, M, P, y , r ? - Great motivation but not fully developed what did we learn? Conclusions Very useful measurement Simple clean theoretical model to think through data Several implications can be expanded and refined . . . . . I look forward to it!