Constitution of The University of North Carolina at Wilmington Sport Club Council

Constitution of
The University of North Carolina at Wilmington
Sport Club Council
June 30, 2015
Article I. Name
The official name of this organization shall be the Sport Club Council of the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. For
the rest of this document, the organization shall be referred to as the SCC. All members of the Sport Club Council will be
referred to as sport clubs.
Article II. Affiliation
The SCC shall have no affiliation with any political, religious, local, state, national or international organization or
Article III. Adherence
This organization will adhere to all university rules, regulations, and policies, as well as to all local, state, and federal
Article IV. Purpose and Objectives
To review all existing university policies and procedures and express the collective viewpoint on said
policies and procedures in the interests of all sport clubs.
To act as a liaison between sport clubs and UNCW administration and other UNCW organizations.
To represent and support sport clubs in matters involving conflict with campus or community organizations
at the discretion of the SCC Advisory Board.
To monitor all member sport clubs and provide explanation of UNCW policies and procedures and to
ensure that these guidelines are followed.
To ensure adequate and timely communication of all SCC policies to its member organizations and
determine/apply appropriate penalties when necessary. Penalties may include but are not limited to
monetary sanctions, participation limitations or expulsion of a sport club and/or their participants or
To act as a governing body to represent, connect, and provide services for the sport clubs.
To resolve conflicts between fellow sport clubs in an attempt to ensure unity in the SCC.
To encourage and support the establishment of new sport clubs in an attempt to provide interested
students, faculty and staff with the opportunities to participate in an organized sports activity program.
To provide a venue through which the sport clubs can market and promote their organization including
assistance in fund raising by offering ideas or suggestions.
To provide recommendations on the disbursement of SGA allocated funds to the budget authority
(Department of Campus Recreation).
To ensure adherence to the constitution of the SCC and its bylaws.
Article V. Membership
Section 1. Non-exclusionary Membership Clause
It is the policy of UNCW and the SCC that this organization practices an open membership policy for
members of the university community without regard to age, color, disability, national origin, race, religion,
military service member or veteran status, or sexual orientation. Membership and participation in this
student organization must be open to all currently registered students without regard to gender, unless
exempt under Title IX.
Section 2. Entrance Requirements
Membership shall be open to currently enrolled students, faculty and staff of the University of North
Carolina at Wilmington. Membership is determined by recognition of a club by the Department of Campus
Recreation. In order to gain recognition as a sport club, interested clubs must submit a proposal to the
Campus Recreation and SCC Advisory Board for review. Information on the proposal requirements and
the process for gaining recognition and membership to the Sport Club Council is further defined in the
Sport Club Manual. The Department of Campus Recreation reserves the right to refuse administrative
support to any club requiring extensive funding, facilities or resources involving high liability or risk factors
or which does not properly represent the University of North Carolina Wilmington in action, behavior or
reputation. It should be noted that the Department of Campus Recreation might, upon advice of
University officials and lawyers, prohibit club and/or member activity on-campus in which the risk of
serious and/or fatal injury is unacceptably high.
Section 3. General Requirements
Member clubs of the Sport Club Council must have representation at Sport Club Council meetings, and
maintain an “Active” status (defined below). Member clubs must also maintain a minimum 6 active
members or enough to field a full team, whichever is greater. Clubs that do not meet the minimum may
have restricted access to facility space, on-campus funds, or be declared “In-Active” until such a time that
the roster minimum has been satisfied. Clubs must also follow all policies and decisions made by the
SCC, the Department of Campus Recreation, and the university.
Section 4. Categories of Membership
Sport clubs are considered "Active" unless situations occur that result in a club becoming "In-Active." An
In-Active sport club may not utilize any SCC allocated funding, are not eligible to practice, travel, or
request supplemental funding and may face additional sanctions. Clubs that have “In-Active” status for
more than 120 days may lose SCC membership. The SCC Executive Board will review each case.
“In-Active” clubs may earn budget points to regain “Active” status by participating in fundraising and
community service events. Note, some additional requirements may apply. “In-Active” clubs must earn an
equal number of positive budget points to off-set all minus points incurred that resulted in “In-Active”
Budget points and categories are further defined in the Sports Club Manual.
Section 5 Benefits of Membership
Member clubs of the SCC that maintain an “Active” status and fulfill the general requirements may receive
administrative support from the Department of Campus Recreation, including but not limited to access to
facility reservation and usage, financial support, and other resources.
Member clubs will also be granted voting rights (one vote per club) on SCC business conducted at the
SCC meetings. Records of the voting delegates for each club will be kept by the SCC Advisory Board.
Section 6. Removal Procedures
The SCC Advisory Board may vote to recommend removal of a sport club by majority vote. An appeal of
this vote can be made to the general membership by the club in question at the next scheduled SCC
meeting. Removal will be overturned by a two-thirds vote of the membership, one vote per club. Final
decisions of removal will be made by Campus Recreation. Any club that is removed will be allowed to reapply for membership the next academic year, following the entrance requirements outlined in Section 2.
Article VI. Advisor
He/she shall serve as an advisory body to the Campus Recreation Sport Club Program. The Campus
Recreation Competitive Sports professional staff will serve as the advisors to the SCC. The SCC reserves
the right to choose an additional advisor. The additional advisor would have no authority in financial
matters, eligibility requirements, risk management, or disciplinary actions. The name of the advisor shall
be brought before the SCC membership for approval. Approval is gained by a 2/3 vote of the
Article VII. Meetings
Section 1. Meeting Attendance
All sport clubs are required to attend SCC Meetings. The SCC Advisory Board and the Competitive
Sports Staff will determine and announce the schedule no later than July 1.
Any sport club that fails to attend any regularly scheduled SCC Meeting will be considered “In-Active.”
Sport clubs are permitted one excused absence per academic year. In order to receive an excused
absence, the club must submit in writing a justification of their absence to the SCC Advisory Board for
review within 24 hours of the missed meeting. The SCC Advisory Board will determine whether the
justification will be accepted or rejected. Sport clubs missing a second or more of the scheduled SCC
meetings will be considered “In-Active.”
Section 2. Definition of Quorum
A quorum of fifty percent (50%) of the membership plus one is necessary to conduct official business and
to vote, majority rules vote unless otherwise stated herein.
Article VIII. Advisory Board
Section 1. Positions and Responsibilities
The President of the SCC shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the council. He/she shall conduct all
Advisory Board meetings and have power of approval and authorization of all business affairs of the
Advisory Board. All business must be approved and signed by the President. The President shall
oversee all the responsibilities of the other officers and may delegate responsibilities to officers as
The Vice-President of the SCC shall act as the speaker of the SCC in the absence of the President but
shall have no business authorization power without the written permission of the President. He/she will
take attendance and club updates at every meeting. The Vice President will also assist the Secretary with
the monthly newsletter about the SCC sport clubs. In the event of the vacancy of the office of the
President, the Vice-President shall succeed to the office for the remainder of the term.
The Secretary of the SCC shall assist the President and Vice-President as needed. He/she shall be
responsible for keeping attendance and taking minutes at all meetings including the responsibility of
tracking the attendance of a sport club that has had supplemental funding allocated to them. He/ she shall
be responsible for correspondence with the treasurer to make the necessary adjustments to supplemental
funds at the beginning of each meeting. He/she shall be responsible for all correspondence of the SCC.
The Secretary will assist the Vice President with the monthly newsletter about the SCC sport clubs
The Treasurer of the council shall be the Chief Financial Officer of the SCC. He/she shall be responsible
for preparing an annual budget proposal in conjunction with the Department of Campus Recreation for
submittal to the SGA. He/she shall be responsible for keeping record of all financial affairs of the SCC.
He/she shall calculate the supplemental fund amount at the beginning of each Sports Club Council
meeting depending on attendance in correspondence with secretary. He/she shall be responsible for the
completion of all business forms required of the SCC and must submit these forms to the President for
approval and authorization.
Section 2. Election Appointment and Removal
The SCC shall elect and remove a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer by a majority vote
of quorum. Elections will take place at the business meeting in October of each academic year. Office
shall be held for two (2) semesters or until lawful resignation or removal occurs.
Candidates for office must provide a position statement that will be read by the candidate or proxy of
candidate’s choice. Candidates unable to attend the annual business meeting must notify the incumbent
Sports Club Council Advisory Board twenty-four hours in advance.
In the event of the vacancy of an office other than that of the President, the SCC will hold nominations
and elections for the position at the meeting immediately following the vacancy of the position. The
individual will be elected by the election process aforementioned. Current SCC officers cannot run for a
different position in the event of an office vacancy.
In the result of an officer failing to perform their duties or acting in a way that does not represent the SCC
appropriately, a removal hearing will be held during the following regularly scheduled SCC meeting. At
this time, the accusing party and the Advisory Board member in question will be permitted to make their
case to the SCC membership. Once complete a vote will be taken to determine if the officer should be
removed, requiring a 2/3 vote of quorum for removal.
Any act by an Advisory Board member determined to be an egregious breach of SCC, Campus
Recreation, or university policies may result in the immediate removal of the officer by the Department of
Campus Recreation.
Section 3. Advisory Board Meetings
Regular Advisory Board meetings will be held once a month with the Advisor(s) to discuss ongoing SCC
business. Additional Advisory Board meetings may be called by any of the members of the Advisory
Board, President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer or the Advisors. These meetings shall be for the
sole purpose of discussing business relating to the administering of the SCC
Article IX. Committees
The Advisory Board reserves the right to create any committee it deems necessary for the conduct of
business. Committees may be created for issues directly affecting all of the sports clubs as a whole.
These committees' findings and recommendations shall be subject to Advisory Board review before being
presented to the SCC quorum for approval.
Article X. Budget/Allocations
Section 1. Budget Authority
The Sport Club Council recognizes the Department of Campus Recreation as the budget authority for all
allocations designated from the Student Government Association. The SCC further recognizes that the
process for distribution to individual funds will be determined as defined in the Sport Club Manual.
Section 2. Supplemental Funding
Availability of supplemental funding is determined by the budget authority with recommendations from
SCC Advisory Board at the beginning of the fiscal year. The amount of supplemental funding set aside
per fiscal year is at the discretion of budget authority.
Active sport clubs that completed the previous year’s budget request process are eligible for
supplemental funding. Clubs must present their request for funds to the SCC Advisory Board and have
approval before presenting the request to the membership. The membership will provide a
recommendation to the SCC Advisory Board and final approval will come from the Advisory Board and
budget authority.
Active sport clubs that have completed the previous year’s budget request process and qualified for a
national or regional tournament (i.e. through season achievements) are eligible to apply for national
regional travel funding. Requests are submitted to the Advisory Board and Competitive Sports staff.
Additional information can be found in the Sport Club Manual.
Any club receiving supplemental or national/regional travel funding must attend every SCC meeting
thereafter. Failure to do so will result in supplemental funding reverting back to the SCC. If the funding
has already been spent, restitutions will be made from the club’s allocation the following fiscal year. Any
club that has an unexcused absence from a meeting or has had funding revoked will not be permitted to
request supplemental funding for 120 days after the missed meeting or from the date of revocation,
excluding days not in the academic calendar August through May.
Article XI. Non-profit Clause
The Sport Club Council is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational, or scientific
purposes, including, for such purposes, the making of distribution to organizations that qualify as exempt
organizations under section 501 (c) (3) or 501 (c) (7) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.
No part of the net earnings of the organization shall inure to the benefit of its members, directors, officers,
or other persons except that the organization shall be authorized to and empowered to pay reasonable
compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the exempt
purposes of the organization.
The university has no responsibilities for the financial or fund raising activities of the organization; the
organization further agrees and accepts sole responsibility for any tax treatment, consequences, recordkeeping or filings required for its activities pursuant to state or federal laws. In the event of dissolution, the
residual remaining funds will be handled pursuant to established university policy.
Article XII. Ratification and Amendments
Section 1. Ratification
The ratification of a new constitution shall be by a majority vote of quorum. The new constitution shall be
the governing document of the SCC and become effective immediately following a passing vote and the
signature of the President of the SCC and its Advisor. It shall be reviewed annually and revised as
Section 2. Amendments
Definitions and bylaws to the SCC constitution shall be added by a majority vote of the quorum as
amendments. They shall become effective immediately following a passing vote and the signature of the
SCC President and the Advisor. Any Active sport club may present a definition or bylaw, in writing, to the
voting body for approval. The approved amendments must be added to the constitution in writing.
Changes as of June 2015
Article XI. Non-profit Clause – Updated to meet university requirements.
Article X. Requirements to apply for Supplemental funding were amended to include “must…have
completed the previous year’s budget request process…”
Article X. The process of applying for National/Regional Travel funds was added.