POLICY ON RELIGIOUS OBSERVANCES/ABSENCES The Steering Committee received a request from the Vice Provost regarding granting each student two excused absences per academic year for religious observances. The current language, page 77 of Undergraduate Catalogue: “Students are expected to be present at all regular class meetings and examinations for the courses in which they are registered. All faculty members are responsible for setting policy concerning the role of attendance in determining grades for their classes. It is the responsibility of the students to learn and comply with the policies set for each class for which they are registered.” To this, the Vice Provost would add the following: “North Carolina statute G.S. 116-11 directs the University of North Carolina to authorize two excused absences each academic year for religious observances required by the faith of a student. Students requesting excused absences based on religious observances must provide written notice of the request to course instructors within the first two weeks of each semester unless extenuating circumstances exist. Instructors will provide students with the opportunity to make up any tests or other work missed due to an excused absence for a religious observance." The Steering Committee felt that rather than requiring faculty to policy this policy, it should be overseen by the Dean of Students Office, and will be referred to this office.