SIMULATION ON LATERAL FLOW MECHANISM IN LAYERED SAND BY 1G SHAKE TABLE AND OTHER TESTS Takeji Kokusho Civil Engineering Department, Chuo University Kasuga 1-13-27, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-8551 JAPAN Abstract: Lateral flow or lateral spread movement is sometimes immensely larger than free surface settlement and exceeds several meters even in gentle slopes of less than a few percent. It occurs not only during but also after earthquake shaking. Mechanism of the lateral flow, which is still poorly understood, has been examined from different viewpoints in previous investigations. In this research, water film or void redistribution effect in layered sand deposit is focused among other mechanisms by addressing recent research findings obtained by simulation techniques for water film generation and associated lateral flow movement. 1G shake table tests, 1-D tube tests, torsional simple shear tests, insitu soil investigations, numerical analyses, etc. are used to simulate lateral flow in layered sand deposits during liquefaction. The experimental simulations have qualitatively disclosed the mechanism for water film generation and lateral flow passing through water films. Introduction Lateral flow or lateral spread movement in liquefied ground is sometimes immensely larger than the free surface settlement and exceeds several meters even in gentle slopes of less than a few percent. More interestingly, lateral spread or flow occurs not only during but also after earthquake shaking. Hence, a part of lateral flow is essentially driven by the gravity force although it is initially triggered by the seismic inertia force. The flow failure in liquefied ground seems to have been involved also in submarine slides triggered seismically. Slopes of sliding surfaces in those slides were not so steep but much gentler, normally less than 5o and sometimes even less than 1o (Ikehara, 2000), considerably less than the internal friction angle of the soil. As significant effects of large displacement of lateral flow on civil structures are recognized more and more in recent earthquakes, greater efforts have been made how to deal with this type of failure in structural design. Foundation design must take into consideration the flow slide, so that a structural integrity can be sustained within a certain required limit under the effect of lateral displacement or pressure. Pile foundations in liquefiable soils are normally designed by considering dynamic effects of surrounding liquefied soils and superstructures. In addition, how to design pile foundations considering the effect of the lateral displacement has posed a new challenge to geotechnical engineers. Two different evaluations are considered now in Japan; by applying lateral pressure directly on piles or by applying lateral displacement via soil springs. It is by no means an easy task to estimate the flow-induced lateral pressure or lateral displacement of ground, which may be highly dependent on site, soil and seismic conditions. The experience in Kobe may be one of the references to rely on because there are few other case histories. It should be noted in these evaluations that a non-liquefiable surface layer which normally caps liquefied soils has enormous effects on the structural behavior of piles in terms of lateral displacements, bending moments, etc. If the flexural rigidity of piles is not so large, the displacement of the pile head is almost equal to that of the surface layer. Consequently, the estimation of lateral displacement in surface non-liquefiable soil by understanding the lateral flow mechanism is 1 essential in designing pile foundations against flow failure and secure the ultimate safety of superstructures. Lateral Flow Mechanism Although lateral flow failures occurred in past earthquakes frequently and caused significant damages on civil structures, its mechanism leading to large lateral displacements is known very little, yet, and is still very much controversial. While the ground displacement in current design methods may be assigned based on experiences in previous earthquakes based on the thickness of liquefied layer, ground slope, etc., it lacks a theoretical basis from the soil mechanical point of view. There have been proposed several soil mechanical views so far on the lateral flow mechanism in liquefied ground as indicated below; (a) Cyclic loading by seismic inertia force, (b) Residual undrained shear strength of liquefied soil, (c) Effect of small tremors during aftershocks, (d) Effect of water film or void redistribution in layered sand. Dobry et al. (1995) made centrifuge tests for gently inclined submerged uniform sand layers with the angle of i = 1.3o ~ 5o made from clean Nevada sand of Dr=45%. They found that, for i = 1.6o , the flow displacement Df amounts about 0.3m in prototype under the application of 20 cycles of sinusoidal motion of 0.2 to 0.5G in the sloping direction. For the thickness of liquefied soil of 3.5m in prototype, the shear strain was about 9%. A system identification analysis for the test results indicated a clear dilative stress-strain response occurring only in the down-slope direction after some strain has accumulated. The dilative response restored effective stress and shear resistance in sand, allowing stepwise increase in lateral displacement. This model test clearly explains how stepwise downslope movement takes place in liquefied soil by the cyclic inertia effect. However, this mechanism by the undrained cyclic shearing of liquefied sand under the influence of initial shear stress may not be able to explain large flow displacements of several meters unless the dilative response is completely diminished. This dilatancy effect is actually associated with the undrained stress-strain behavior measured in laboratory soil element tests. It firstly depends on the relative density of sand. Laboratory undrained shear tests indicate that the dilative response still appears even for loose sands with Dr as low as 30%. Castro and Poulos (1977) and Poulos, Castro, et al. (1985) presented a procedure for evaluating undrained steady-state strength for clean sands based on undrained triaxial tests. The undrained strength was defined as a function only of insitu void ratio, independent of soil fabrics or loading methods. They demonstrated that sand samples with a relative density smaller than some threshold void ratio exhibits flow-type failure without showing dilative response and that the steady-state strength can be determined by undrained triaxial tests on sand samples with insitu void ratio. On the other hand, Seed (1987) summarized case history data of lateral flow or lateral spread failures and established an empirical relationship between the back-analyzed residual shear strength and the insitu penetration resistance. Comparing with the relationship by Poulos et al (1985), the same author found that the procedures using the steady-state strength leads significantly higher values of residual strength than those estimated by the case studies. Ishihara in his Rankine lecture (1993) made a comprehensive review on sand behavior under undrained monotonic loading including a concept of quasi-steady state strength in addition to steady-state strength. It was found that the effect of soil fabrics will actually disappear under large deformation and the residual strength of fines containing sands considerably differs from that of clean sands. He summarized a number of laboratory and insitu data back-calculated from case studies for the steady state residual strength and proposed threshold SPT N-values differentiating the occurrence and non-occurrence of flow-type failure. Meneses, Ishihara, et al. (1997) disclosed that the residual strength will considerably decrease on account of a superimposed complementary cyclic shear stress representing small aftershocks persisting after a strong main shock. In one of their test results using a hollow cylindrical torsional/axial loading test apparatus for sand specimens made by wet tamping, 2 normalized residual strength for Toyoura sand with Dr=50% reduced to zero with the application of 25 cycles of stress ratio t cy s v¢ =0.08 or 125 cycles of t cy s v¢ =0.06 for each increment of 1% shear strain. It seems to indicate that several hundreds or thousands equivalent cycles of aftershocks with the above stress ratios are needed during sustained full liquefaction (probably within a few hours after the cease of a main shock) to realize typical large flow of several meters. This test results clearly show that seismic shaking can greatly contribute to lubricate soil contacts and impede the soil dilatancy. This impediment effect seems to restrict the development of flow displacement only during shaking, which is actually demonstrated in a model shake table test of a uniform sand layer as will be addressed later in Fig.4(b). Although it may be highly probably that aftershock small tremors contribute to decrease the residual strength to some extent, a more quantitative study still remains to be done for identifying this mechanism as a major cause for large flow displacements. Kokusho (1999) recently demonstrated, based on model tests, numerical analyses and site investigations, that the water film or void-redistribution effect plays an important role in post-earthquake large lateral flow in liquefied ground. This idea had been introduced in a committee report in US (National Research Council, 1985) and also discussed by Seed (1987) by using a special term “water interlayer”. In this view, fine soil layers sandwiched in sand deposits are considered to play a key role in flow failure. If the layers are thick enough they are identified as silty or clayey layers in a normal soil survey. However, a sand layer, which is dealt with as a single uniform layer in normal engineering practice, may also be composed of sublayers with different grain size and, hence, different permeability. This may be able to explain, as Seed (1987) already pointed out, why the steady-state strength leads significantly higher values of residual strength than those estimated by the case studies in the field. Simulation for Lateral Flow Mechanism Study on lateral flow mechanism focusing on the significant effect of water filming or void redistribution has been undertaken by utilizing various simulation techniques such as soil investigations of insitu deposits, 1-D liquefaction tests in a tube, 1G shake table tests, case history studies in Niigata, laboratory soil tests, numerical analyses etc. as listed in Table 1. They will be systematically combined to clarify a basic mechanism for large lateral flow movement and to propose how to evaluate its displacement. Table 1 Simulation techniques for lateral flow mechanism focusing on water film generation or void redistribution Investigator Chuo University Simulation technique Goals 1G shake table test Qualitative understanding on flow mechanism in layered sand 1-D model test Basic understanding on water film generation mechanism Insitu soil investigation Down-hole video observation Degree of layering in insitu sand deposits Possibility of involvement of water film in flow displacements during Niigata EQ Mechanism of void redistribution in layered sand in element test 1-D numerical simulation of post-liquefaction water film generation in layered sand Visual demonstration of water film generation in insitu sand deposit Centrifural shake table Quantitative understanding on flow mechanism in layered sand Case history study Laboratory soil test Numerical analysis UC Davis Soil inveastigations 3 Fig.1 illustrates sieve test results for sand deposits carried out at two sites. Fig.1(a) is for an artificially reclaimed ground, formed by hydraulic filling, which shows that the soil is obviously sand but very variable in terms of particle size along the depth. The fines content corresponding to the mesh size of 0.075mm is fluctuating almost periodically by intervals shorter than 2m. This periodical fluctuation of soil particle size can be seen continuously in the horizontal direction. The second site investigated is a natural sand deposit at the mouth of the Shinano River in Niigata city, where extensive liquefaction took place during the 1964 Niigata earthquake. Fig. 1(b) indicates that down to EL.-5.6m the sand is rather uniform and consists of clean sand. Below EL-5.6m, silty or clayey layers appear which are continuous in the horizontal direction at least within 10m in both sides. These insitu soil investigation results vividly demonstrate that even in apparently uniform sand, it is layered with its grain size : 0.075mm : 0.106mm : 0.250mm (a) : 0.425mm : 0.850mm : 2.000mm : 0.075mm : 0.106mm : 0.250mm (b) : 0.425mm : 0.850mm : 2.000mm 2 -2 1 -3 Elevation (m) Elevation (m) 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -4 -7 -5 0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80 100 Percentage finer by weight (%) 100 Percent finer by weight (%) Fig.1 Humus Vertical variations in sieve test result for sand deposits carried out at two sites: Reclaimed ground by hydraulic filling (a) and Alluvial natural ground (b). (b) Soil settlements and thickness of water film (cm) (a) (c) z 4 3 Hu ● ■ 2 △ : z = 96cm : z =200cm : Water film Upper sand layer Hm 1 Middle layer iu i m Water film 0 0 p1 p2 Hl p3 100 200 p4 p5 Elapsed time (s) 300 Lower sand layer Excess pore pressure Fig.2 One-dimensional tube test demonstrating water film development beneath a sandwiched fine soil sublayer (a), time-histories of soil settlement and water film thickness (b) and mechanism for water film generation (c). 4 fluctuating in the vertical direction. 1-D tube test Based on the observations that insitu sand deposits are often horizontally layered sandwiching fine soil sublayers, 1-dimensional model tests were carried out in a Lucite tube as shown in Fig. 2(a). In this model, loose saturated sand sandwiching a thin silt seam in the middle was liquefied by a hammer blow. The test result clearly indicated (Kokusho, 1999) that a water film is readily formed just after the onset of liquefaction beneath a sandwiched sublayer with smaller permeability and stays there much longer than re-sedimentation of liquefied sand particles as depicted in Fig.2(b). This indicates that the liquefied sand is actually in the drained condition locally, allowing the void redistribution to occur. Various soil layered models tested in the same way disclosed (Kokusho, 2000b) that the mechanism generating a stable water film is explained by an excessive hydraulic gradient, im, introduced in the sandwiched layer due to the overlying layer solidified earlier from liquefaction as illustrated in Fig.2(c). Soil layering structures providing this mechanism seems to be abundant in the field. By a simple 1-D numerical analysis, it was shown that the water film generation in the model tests is readily simulated considering the difference in settlement velocity of soil particles between different sublayers. Also shown was 400 that skin friction between the tube and sand Rectangular lucite box (unit:mm) 800 makes the lifespan of water films longer than in the field, although test results can apply to insitu sand deposits qualitatively (Kokusho and Kojima, 2001). Accelerometer 500 2-D shake table test In a 2-dimensional shaking table test shown in Fig.3, it was demonstrated that a soil mass flows along a continuously formed water film beneath sandwiched fine soil sublayer still after the end of shaking (Fig.4(a)), while in a uniform sand a major lateral flow takes place only during shaking (Fig.4(b)) (Kokusho, 1999). This indicates that the sand can experience large (a) case 1 (cm) 50 Pneumatic actuator Silt arc Sloping sand layer Fig.3 Two-dimensional shaking table test of saturated slope with a silt arc. 30 20 20 10 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 (cm) 80 0 0 (cm) 50 20 30 40 50 60 70 (cm) 80 60 70 (cm) 80 : end of shaking : end of all deformation 40 30 30 20 20 10 0 0 10 (cm) 50 : end of shaking : end of all deformation : arc of silt 40 : before shaking : end of shaking 40 30 0 0 (b) case 2 (cm) 50 : before shaking : end of shaking : arc of silt 40 Shake table 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 (cm) 80 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Fig.4 Soil displacements in a saturated slope with a silt arc (a) and without a silt arc (b). 5 shear strain without the recovery of shear strength due to the dilatancy effect during shaking although it stops moving after the end of shaking if there exists no silt seam as indicated in Fig.4(b). In another shaking table test, a soil mass flowed even on a very gently inclined water film, which broke at weak points of the overlying sublayer, triggering the boiling failure in the sand above and a mud avalanche of the upper layer (Kokusho, 2000a). A basic question may arise that sand which can be so dilative if sheared under a low confining stress may absorb ambient excess pore water and hence block the water film development. It was pointed out, however, based on the comparative observation in Figs.4(a) and (b) that a water film formed beneath a silt seam can serve as a shear stress isolator which shields the deeper soils from development of shear strain and dilatancy (Kokusho, 2000a). Shear stress (kPa) Shear stress (kPa) Torsional simple shear test The void redistribution effect ( b) Loadi ng can be simulated not only in the ( a ) pl at e model tests but also in a hollow cylindrical torsional undrained shear test as indicated in Fig.5(b). Gr ound sur f ace Wat er t abl e The test specimen is supposed to Si l t seam Set t l ement No simulate a soil element extracted ver t i cal from a level or gently inclined movement sand layer beneath a low permeable sublayer as schematically illustrated in Fig.5(a). In this test method, vertical movement of a top Fig.5 Hollow cylindrical torsional test apparatus (b) loading plate above the specimen simulating a soil element in a level or gently inclined is restricted so that the plate can sand layer beneath a sandwiched low permeable represent a low-permeability sublayer under cyclic loading (a). non-liquefiable sublayer covering a liquefied sand. A smooth face of the plate, in which metal edges planted in normal soil tests are removed, simulates a flat interface between the fine soil sublayer 20 (a) and the sand. It may be readily understood that the height of the test specimen, much smaller than the actual thickness of a 0 prototype sand layer, has nothing to do with the speed of the sand settlement or the water film development. Figs.6(a) and (b) -20 T=100S Dr=53% exemplify stress-strain relationships of the Stress ratio=0.2 Toyoura clean sand with relative density of -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 about 50%, in which the two cases without Shear strain (%) and with the vertical restraint are compared 30 to each other. Obviously, the dilative response, which appears during all loading 20 (b) cycles in the normal test without the vertical restraint in Fig.6(a), diminishes in the case 10 of the vertical restraint after the moment of 0 water film generation as demonstrated in Fig.6(b). Thus, the element test result can -10 vividly tell a significant effect of the void -20 redistribution or water film generation T=100s Dr=53% Stress Ratio=0.2 beneath an impermeable sublayer on -30 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 undrained stress-strain behavior and Shear strain (%) residual strength. Fig.6 Stress-strain relationship of Toyoura sand: without vertical restraint (a) and with Case history study vertical restraint (b). 6 Flow displacement normal to elevation contour:Dfn(m) 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Surface inclination:imax(%) Fig.7 Lateral displacement vectors measured by Hamada(1992) compared with elevation contours. In order to demonstrate the significance of the water film effect in the field, large lateral displacements, which occurred during the 1964 Niigata earthquake, were reviewed in an investigated area in Niigata, which gave the following findings (Kokusho and Fujita, 2001). a) By comparing elevation contours of 0.1m pitch and lateral displacement vectors measured by Hamada (1992) by air-photographs as shown in Fig.7, it is found that the soil behaved like liquid, flowing on a very gentle slope in the downward direction mostly normal to the contours. b) Continuous sublayers of fine soils near the surface as well as liquefiable loose sand EAST WEST SHINANO RIVER WALL HOTEL NIIGATA bore-hole number Less permeable sublayer Liquefiable sand Sand Water table Clay Silt Fig.8 Two-dimensional soil profiles indicating liquefiable sands beneath silty sublayers. 7 beneath them are located in the investigated area, where large lateral flow occurred during the Niigata earthquake, implying that water films may have developed during the earthquake (Fig.8). c) A clear correlation can be identified between the lateral displacement and the ground surface inclination as illustrated in Fig.9, indicating that even an inclination smaller than 1% has a great influence on the post-liquefaction lateral displacement. If water films are formed continuously in a liquefied sand deposit, they will tremendously reduce its resistance against a sliding failure. Its reduction may, however, be greatly influenced by how much the sliding surface can exploit the water films. If the sliding of an infinitely long slope can occur all the way through a continuous water film, the shear resistance becomes zero. This however seems unrealistic because a slope is actually of a finite dimension and capped with a non-liquefiable layer through which the sliding surface must pass. Furthermore, a water film may not be so straight but more or less winding. In (a) order to know the readiness of a sliding failure in such cases, some simple calculation may be possible for a typical soil profile in Fig.10(a) based on the data in Niigata city. The thickness of non-liquefied cap layer is assumed as 2m as in Niigata city on average. The front and back ends of this surface layer are postulated to fail in the passive and active modes, respectively. If the internal friction angle and the cohesion of the cap layer is assumed as f ¢= 30o and c¢= 0 , respectively, the Fig.9 Correlation between(b) lateral minimum dimension for the movable displacement and ground surface inclination. block will be 300m for imax = 1.0% . This may indicate that, if the non-liquefiable cap layer remains intact, it is not so easy for the sliding to occur im a x for a soil block with such large Intact surface layer dimensions because water films may not be so continuous or straight but more or Wat er f i l m Hypothetical slip surface less discontinuous or winding. This deterrent effect of the non-liquefiable cap layer should be kept in mind not im a x only in the water film mechanism but also in all other mechanisms addressed previously to explain large flow Wat er f i l m displacements by finite segments. Local liquefaction However, an additional mechanism may possibly help lateral flow occur Fig.10 Conceptual soil profile with water even under this circumstance. The film (a) and local liquefaction in surface surface soil resting on a continuous soil (b). water film may deform, even if it is confined at the down-slope edge, due to the lateral component of its own weight. This may then introduce a local compression in sublayers. Furthermore, fine soil sublayers are inherently non-uniform and variable in thickness from point to point. They may disconnect at some places. In such cases, excess pore-water tends to rush to such weaker points, triggering boiling or re-liquefaction of the overlying sandy layer as demonstrated in the model test carried out by the present author (Kokusho, 2000a). Such local liquefactions will considerably reduce the shearing strength in the cap layer as illustrated in Fig.10(b), enabling a block by block lateral movement to occur. Based on the above considerations, the formation of water films beneath continuous fine soil sublayers seems indispensable to explain large flow displacement in gentle slopes after the end of shaking, because no other mechanism alone is likely to provide such a low shear resistance against flow. The above discussions on the water film mechanism still remain partially qualitative, however, and further quantitative studies are certainly needed by means of model tests or case study analyses in which a soil movement by a finite segment is well documented together with its soil conditions. Down-hole video observation Based on the above discussions it seems immensely important to grasp actual behavior of 8 insitu liquefying deposit and to demonstrate significant role of the water film or void redistribution effect in the field during actual liquefaction. For that purpose, down-hole video observation is currently planned in a blast-induced liquefaction test site in Hokkaido, Japan. Three boreholes of about 9 m depth will be drilled and protected with acrylic transparent casings. The casings are filled with clear water, in which CCD cameras with LED lights are suspended to take video movies of liquefied sand prier, during and after liquefaction. The cameras are moved up and down in a liquefied zone to record every small change of soil profiles to be seen through the transparent casings. CONCLUSIVE REMARKS Among possible mechanisms for lateral flow failures in liquefied ground, a special focus has been placed on water film or void redistribution effect due to soil layering. Several experimental studies were carried out up to this time for simulating this effect such as 1G shake table tests, 1-D tube liquefaction tests, insitu soil investigations, laboratory soil tests, etc., which have yielded following major findings; 1) Sand deposits investigated in the field are rich of sublayers with different particle sizes and permeability which are continuous in the horizontal direction.. 2) A uniform sand deposit can develop flow displacement only during shaking because of the dilatancy effect even if its relative density is rather low. 3) Model tests demonstrates that water films are very easy to be formed beneath less permeable sublayers and serves as a sliding surface even after the end of shaking. 4) In layered sand deposits, the water film or void redistribution mechanism can facilitate large flow displacements without the mobility of the dilatancy effect because the water film serves as a shear stress isolator. 5) According to case studies in Niigata City, large lateral displacements during the 1964 Niigata earthquake can be correlated with ground inclination of less than 1%, indicating possible involvement of water films. 6) Thus, the water film mechanism in a layered sand deposit seems highly responsible for large flow failures, which occur even in a gentle slope after the end of earthquake shaking. At this stage of the research, more quantitative tests using a centrifuge shaking table are needed in order to acquire more direct results to be incorporated in actual design. US-Japan Collaborative Research is now undertaken between the present author of Chuo University and Professors Kutter and Boulanger in UC Davis on the subject “Effects of void redistribution on liquefaction flow of layered soils”. This will greatly advance the design methodology how to deal with the failure by lateral flow or lateral spread by considering the void redistribution effect. It is also scheduled to take a down-hole video movie of insitu liquefied soil during blast-induced liquefaction tests which are planned by Prof. Ashford in UC San Diego in near future. By that movie, actual behavior of liquefied sand possibly including void redistribution and water film generation will hopefully be demonstrated. REFERENCES Castro,G. and Poulos,S.J. 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