Table 6 Unit Assessment System: Transition Point Assessments (see Exhibit 2a2.1 Unit Assessment Portal Requirement) Program Admission Entry to clinical practice Exit from clinical practice Program completion After program completion Example of an Undergraduate, MAT, M.Ed. and Ed.D are provided below. Unit Assessment Portal Requirements – B. S. Biology Education Portal I Portfolio Requirements High School GPA _________ ACT Composite __________ Approved Program Plan Admission Application Minimum Passing Score Person Responsible Assessment Coordinator/ Research Director Completion of Portal I Entry to Portal II (Pre-Professional Education) Portal II Portfolio Minimum Passing Person Responsible Score Core Assessments (Showing Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions) Course Instructor Signature Assessments for : ≥ 2 on 3 point scale - CURR 285 or CSCI 163/167 - EDFN 201 or KINS 211 ≥ 2.5 GPA Director of Candidacy/ - PSYC 203 or 205 Assessment Coordinator - Dispositions: EDFN 201 & KINS 211, Self Evaluation & Reflection Requirements ≥ 2.5 GPA Application for Admission to Teacher Education ≥C o Proof of Professional Liability Insurance o 30 hours of Gen Ed & Preprofessional courses o 6 hours English o 6 hours Math o PRAXIS I or ACT Composite ≥22 o Speech/Hearing Screening o Completed Application for Admission to Teacher Education Completion of Portal II Admission to Portal III (Professional Teacher Education) Portal III Portfolio Minimum Passing Person Responsible Score Core Assessments (Showing Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions) ≥ 2 on 3 point scale - CURR 375 ≥ C & 2.5 GPA - EDFN 401, CURR 304, or KINS 411 - SPED 202 or CURR 302 - READ 321, 322, or 418 - Methods as prescribed per program - Dispositions: EDFN 401, CURR 304 or KINS 411, Self Evaluation/ Reflections; One Methods per Semester Requirements ≥ C & 2.5 GPA Application for Student Teaching o Proof of Professional Liability Insurance o Completion of all Gen Ed and Prof Ed (except 3 hours and Student Teaching) o PRAXIS Content Specialty & PLT o Completed Application to Student Teach Completion of Portal III Admission to Portal IV ( Student Teaching) Portal IV Portfolio Minimum Passing Score Core Assessments (Showing Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions) ≥ 2 on 3 point scale Student Teaching Final Assessment ________ Candidate’s Evaluation of Teaching Disposition ≥ C & 2.5 overall -Classroom Supervisor GPA -University Supervisor -Self Exit Interview/Survey Requirements Final Applications o Proof of Professional Liability Insurance o Completion of Student Teaching o Student Teaching Portfolio o Application to Graduate o Application for Louisiana Teacher Certification o Application to Complete Program Completion of Portal IV: Exit Program with B. S. Course Instructor Director of Field Experiences Person Responsible Course Instructor Assessment Coordinator/ Research Director Unit Assessment Portal Requirements – MAT Elementary Education Portal I Portfolio Admission Application Minimum Passing Score Requirements Baccalaureate Degree _________ Transcripts __________ GRE __________ Degree from accredited university ≥ 2.5 GPA Person Responsible Associate Dean Completion of Portal I Entry to Portal II (Pre-Professional Education) Portal II Portfolio Minimum Passing Person Responsible Score Core Assessment (Measuring Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions) Associate Dean PRAXIS I ____________ Louisiana Cut Off PRAXIS II Specialty Area ____________ Score Disposition Interview ____________ Requirements Associate Dean Application for Admission to Teacher Certification o Application for LA Practitioner License 3 o Completed Application for Admission to Teacher Certification Completion of Portal II Admission to Portal III (Professional Teacher Education) Portal III Portfolio Minimum Passing Person Responsible Score Core Assessments (Measuring Knowledge, Skills, Dispositions) ≥ 2 on 3 point scale Course Instructor CURR 545A ____________ ≥ grade of “C” Dispositions: CURR 545A, Methods I, Self Eval/Reflections, Disposition survey completed by university supervisor ____________ CURR 500 or SPED 503 ___________ Director of Field Methods: ELED 511, READ 502, CURR Experiences 503, or SPED 505__ ≥ C & 3.0 overall Requirements GPA Application for Internship o Proof of Professional Liability Insurance Louisiana Cut Off o Completion of courses Score o PRAXIS Pedagogy o Completed Application for Internship Completion of Portal III Admission to Portal IV ( Internship) Portal IV Portfolio Minimum Passing Person Responsible Score Core Assessments (Measures Knowledge, Skills, Dispositions) ≥ 2 on 3 point scale Course Instructor Internship – CURR 483 or SPED 562 Assessment Methods II (ELED 510, CURR 556, or Coordinator/ Research SPED 502) Director Content Exam Courses taken here are Internship Disposition Survey completed by dependent on sought Candidate and Supervisor ____________ certification. Internship Final Assessment READ 418A, EDFN 401, EDFN 581, EDFN 524, CURR542, ELED 509, READ 502, SPED 506, READ 501, KINS 442 Requirements ≥ B & 3.0 overall Exit Interview GPA Final Applications o Candidate Evaluation of – University Supervisor and Self o Proof of Professional Liability Insurance o Completion of Internship o Internship Portfolio o Application to Graduate o Application for Louisiana Teacher Certification o Application to Complete Program Completion of Portal IV: Exit Program with M.A.T Unit Assessment Portal Requirements – MED Biology Education Admission Application for Advanced Graduate Studies Portal V Portfolio Minimum Passing Score Requirements •Baccalaureate Degree and college transcripts •GPA for Prior College Degree(s) and Credit •Acceptable GRE Scores •Program applications with letters of recommendation •Dispositions Interview •Valid Louisiana Teaching Certificate or equivalent (except School Psychology & Counseling) Person Responsible Associate Dean Minimum GRE (verbal + quantitative) score of 750 or GMAT of 450 Minimum cumulative undergraduate GPA of 2.5 (based on a 4.0 scale) Minimum formula score of 1875 (GPA * GRE) or 1000 (GPA * 200 + GMAT) Completion of Portal V: Admission to Advanced Graduate Studies and Pre-Candidacy Entry into Portal VI Portal VI Portfolio Core Assessments (Measures Knowledge, Skills and Dispositions) EDLE 500 CURR 518 Dispositions: EDFN 581, Self Evaluation & Reflection Requirements GPA Degree Plan Approved Portal VII Portfolio Minimum Passing Score Person Responsible ≥ 2 on 3 point scale Grade of ≥ “C” Course Instructor Grade of ≥ “C” Department Head Associate Dean Completion of Portal VI Entry into Portal VII Minimum Passing Score Core Assessments (Measures KSD’s) CURR 573 CURR 523 SPED 545 Dispositions: 2 Candidacy Courses and Self Evaluation Requirements ≥ 2 on 3 point scale ≥ C & 2.5 GPA Person Responsible Course Instructor Assessment Coordinator PRAXIS Specialty (ASME) GPA Completed Application for Practicum/Internship, Taskstream ≥ C & 2.5 GPA Research Director Completion of Portal VII Admission to Candidacy Entering Portal VIII Admission to Graduate Internship/ Practicum Portal VIII Portfolio Minimum Passing Person Responsible Score Core Assessments (Measures KSD’s) ELED 505 ≥ 2 on 3 point scale Course Instructor CURR 684 ≥ C & 3.0 overall Internship Disposition ____________ GPA Internship/ Practicum Final Assessment Requirements Exit Interview Department Head and Final Applications Associate Dean o Completed Application to Take Comprehensive Exams and Graduate o Completion of Practicum/Internship with ≥B o GPA of ≥3.0 o Comprehensive Examinations Completion of Portal VIII Exit Advanced Graduate Program and M.Ed. Unit Assessment Portal Requirements – Doctor of Education Admission Application for Doctoral Studies Portal IX Portfolio Minimum Passing Score Requirements: •Masters or Specialist Degree, college transcripts, GPA •GRE/MAT, Acceptable Scores •Program applications with letters of recommendation •Writing sample •Interview •Valid Teaching Certificate Person Responsible LEC Program Director Governing Board Completion of Portal IX: Admission Application for Doctoral Studies Entry into Portal X Portal X Portfolio Requirements •Foundation Course Assessments- LECF 700, LECF 701, LECF 702, LECF 703, LECF 704 •Preliminary Examinations Applications and Approvals •Plan of Study •Degree Plan Minimum Passing Score Person Responsible LEC Program Director Completion of Portal X – Admission to Pre-Candidacy Entry into Portal XI Portal XI Portfolio Minimum Passing Person Responsible Score Core Assessments (Measures Knowledge, Skills, LEC Program Director and Dispositions) LECC 705 OR LECL 705 LECC 707 OR LECL 707 LECC 706 OR LECL 711 LECC 708 OR LECL 712 LECC 709 OR LECL 713 LECC 710 OR LECL 714 LECC 722 OR LECL 720 LECC 723 OR LECL 721 Requirements •Residency •Comprehensive Exams •Application for Internship (H.1) Completion of Portal XI Admission to Pre-Candidacy Entering Portal XII Portal VIII Portfolio Minimum Passing Person Responsible Score Requirements •Site Log, Service Log, Professional Growth LEC Program Director Plan •Internship Completion •Dissertation Prospectus Approved •Dissertation Completed and Approved •Oral Defense Successful •Application to Graduate •GPA •Exit Survey Completion of Portal XII Exit Doctoral Program with Ed.D