A-A-50502 puve.nber 29. 19 90 QONMEEOW ITSN D22cRIPTION AIR CONOITI~, MR ,(oEr2AuYn2Ar PoMP), XU AIR (3,000 TU 300,000 BllJ) The.General 8eticem Admdr!i.atracfo.has authorl.z.dtbe usm Of thin ta we 1, ~o XI, COmmezciA3 Item Descrtpclon (CID) in prafarmce clas8 A, size 1 d 2 Of M23it~ Specification KCL-H- 2z567c(YD). . 1. 4hEK@it. fib c-rci~ I* D=sotiPtion (CID) .mra air-co-air hsat PUEPS fer USe M raei*nti~, CO=U=Ci~. or i~~~ MCO ~ tie &nis=d - P.rf.rm the funceiom of ●1* haating or Ccxilirlg,Cfrculatbg, filtering, cla, and dohumldifying ● n air straam. Ihm haatin$ function my be Xhis CID dead mot apply co’ room aprhxnented by elocuiod rmnin~.” haators. dr condiclodng typ hoar pumps camrnd by tha Assocfatiun of -ma APplianoQ Manufacturers. ‘&p*O and cln.sas are. as follows: ~nI - Hank pump, factory qaaambled refrigerant circuic or eirauits (packaged umit) . TyPe 11 - hat pump (cplit-oyscum) employing Sapumta *an kdeo~ Seotion. Glaaa 1 - Department of EDar& remote. outdoor (DoE) covered products aactiom (tics with (Btu/hr) ) . capaci~ up co cooling capaciry up t.a6S,000 Brici=h thermal units cims 2 - NQU-DOE euvorad products (units wirh coding 300,000 Btu/lu) . ,. 2. &lien t char~ . 2.1 Y%’oa I ha~. unlass otiemd.sa specified (sea 6.1) , the type I bat PEW will c-f.st of .Sf.atov assembled rh.ot metal enclosure complete wirh ~UPPIY air blower, compreacer motor IIasr.mbly,compressor motor oontictor or stucmz (whn. rmqulrd), oomprmnmor motor ovmrload protection de.vicaa, d =rankcue heat. The unit will be aquippad virh ?afrignranc d f- overload p?Xkt30CiV0 dmwica , colltiol &ViCES , =bSLIW.W=J~r ml(a) and check valve(n) (whmn IB.mfi.2a3 mnmmncn (racommcndations; additions, dnl.tlcmn) rutd any partirtant [ Idata which lllliy be of W. in lmProvi.nsthis docmumt should be ddrasmad CO: I Officer (Code 156). t?.avalConstruct20rI Bart=lion Cantor, Port ~ I~ng. [pu.noms. CA 304s-5000. Psc 4120 ~. Approved for public relenawa: A2mtribucion is I A-A-505b2 required) , refrigerant and oil rhmxga, and. a prrmsuro raltef mamns. Supplemental electrical heataro will ba fujxtishad m-fth or in the tit. Temperature limit.in.gdatieas will be fut+had an heat pumps with supplemental electrical heaters. A room indoor thnrmo+c will be pruvide.d. Unless othervi.sespecified (sea 6 .1) , tha type II heat 2.2 ~. pump till cmnsist of a matahd VU ten cr.nslsting of separate eu~dooz and indoor aaethru cmnne.ctmd with interconnurtlng ro~cigmrant piping. Ihe aurdmar section will cnnnl.at of an uucdooz coil(s), .xmprmm=or(o) complete with protactlwn devices d crmdu=ase heat, nhangeovor valve(9), rbeck valv= (s) when required, fare(e), cabinet, and all control dwicas and aoca#a.arl.6 aa ap.clftod amd 2%0 Moor raqulrmd for prmpc.roperation of the outdmor portion of the systua. mction will consist of an indoor coil, supply air blowur, cabinet. PXO’V3SiCWI for mmuntimg of filter(s) , ●nd all control+ and aacassoriaa ae specified and ‘rha Syete.m zequirmd for prupcr ❑peration of the Indmor pozcion of the syscam. will be pmvidnd with oil and a factory ch@rge of refrigerant. aupplamend alaettiral heaters complete with tamparat~e limiting &vice= snd controls will be supplied AS sp=cifiad (sea 6.1) . An outdoor therwscac will be p.oyidad int.gral wdth or romoto from cha outdoor unit. A room ‘rhermoatatwill be provided. ,. 2.3 uhc.re mppliaibie, ~. all heat pumps will CO=fOCIUco che following: a. b. c. d. Instituta Unit will Institute Unit will Roof curb Assoolarfan e. accordance with Air “Conditioning “and Refrigeration (AF.1) Standards 2b0 or 3M, ●nd 270, be drwimmd to conform co idmerica. 2Tstfoasl Standard (ANSI) ~ 9.1. conform co applicable Undorvritera Lmboratorics (DL) standards. VI1l be dmixnmd tg conform ro NationAl Snofing Contrmmrors Unit will be rated b (NSAc) sGdards. Insulation and adhesiva will moat 3J8tional Fire Protoctio”n Accoclation (NPPA) 90A requiramenta ~for flmme apraad “and amake ganermtion. The heat pumps will be desiS&ad co operate at ambient tamperarurea 2.4 -. between 115 &KTeas Fahranhelc (“F) and S3~F in cooling mode and between 75°F and .200F in heating mode. T31aheat pumps :w1ll aonform to safety requlremenrs of UL 559. Tha refrigarnnt will be ASH2AE ;zefzisezant numb-r R-22, Unlomn and minimum external resistance will atherwiaa specified (see 6.1), air qumtity be M required in AU 240 and AM 340, as .tpplicable. 2.5 2.5.1 HsJm~eOW~dh~ ‘l’h@ hear PWZP heatin~ and cooling (~em;ble and latant) rapacity will n;t b- less than spealfiad for tha heating & cooling indoor md out&or :ccimditiozu (8*. 6.1). Tim minimum C~ZLCi9 for the suppl=momtal he=ter~ ~11 jb~ so Wcenr 2 of *e ~otfu 10~- ‘ r I ~ I A-A-50502 2.5.2 ~. tbui an AM N1 OUt&Or W12WY 270 sound r.cimg of 6.4 bals (11,100 wmtta 6S,000 Bn@r P-PC hs=t ~~ -t be s==- below 96,000 Bcu/hr betws=n 3n.000 B~ for uufti (W)), S.6 bob for wM(19,000 U), sad 8.S bel, far mid b=twnmn 65,000 BD.@z and S00,000 Btu/lzf (87,930 V) S.nzat=d c=PacitY. for” ~ed h ❑ ar Dvnma The 2.5.3 minlnum Zmrgy Efficiency Sxxlo (EE2)~for c.J,olirLs will not be lass @& 8.0. Tha min5nIuM Co.afflciontof P.arfommre (COP) for high Temperature hasting uc (thro@ -n rho l’betit pump= will b SIIPrw EffAacY Ration (s2=0 . ¤i~ Mnllcfal! 2.5.4 following mlrAlaMn s--l Ismting PbrfOrMmce !Mlaozd until the ~AffOtd effect . Appll_O .Paator Rithex in ataordanca w2d rim 240. Tie foil-lng a.rit=rza will @PIY Energy ConLeIVa~ion tic (16AlXA) aritatia tAk.S Type I (pbg) Type 11 (split) ●ss6mple: (HSPP) 8.!3: 5.8 9.0 6.o . 15.5 16.lM 16.0 or 10.0 SEER + 6.0 HSPF - 16.0 9.0 SS22 + 7.o HSPF;- SSS2 4.HSPF - 16.0 would ba acceptable. Sssrs+ HSPF if ~CA 2.S.4.1 M of 16.0 would IZOC be JICCRFICdk 10.2 SK2R + 5.8 HsPF - 16.0. ~. The follmaipg criteria v211 ●persula rho 31A20A effectivo the valuem im dac~a. Mini5um @2L 9.7 (1/2/9s) 10.0 (1/1/92) = 6.6 (1/1/93) 6.6 (1/3./92) wti fnbriaarod from fetirounmoralm, w211 be 2.6 ~rreettd for pra=antlau of rust by a coating 02 paint qain amnformmre wiib ●andstd comrroial pzartica. specifi=d (see 6.1), ua2tr intand6d l@m inrtdlat20n v2rbin ma m210s of fhe 00MII or in mti~rwlne ~rfwii~ mvl.raumcmt, will bm pruvidsd wifh a f intsh ● s specified ti 2.6.1. .3 for I A-A- SCJS02 2.6.1 Q&door ~. ‘fha outdoor units will b. equipped with a f.ctozy coating or paint synttm which haa baan proven capqble of wirhscanding a minimum S00 hours salt spray fog crest at a &y bulb txvaparature of 97#°F par A6TH B 117 and As!fM D 1654. 2.7 Xtlclolnlrma, The amlosure will ba in aocc.cdanco with U?. 559. Mechanical faaturas will be providad vhioh pezmlt roof tap, floor, ceiling, or othnt mounting provisions an requf.rnd by rha proouring aetiwi~ (ser. 6. 1). Qoil guard will be providad ta protact expoued outdsor coil(s) from damage. :ilba~. dlrnctioml 2.7.2 Net seraen nor *En Sp=ctf;ad (SS0 6.1). outlet w1llE(0) Otitlat BT11108 W1.1~ be cozmtructed to p’armit ●djudabln air flow in both hozitzontal and vertical plaIIe9. ndan~. mort than out ep.nimgn ro che o.wlda will b. providtd with a 1/2-inob mash opening SIZ* on rhe wuarher fiidn. g55y. Hermetic uotor-c~rmssor umita will conform w UL 984 and fiermal prozectlon, curmnc overload protection, high and low pressure protection, crankcm. hut and ● d.ma delay machnnism as required for the propar eP-t8tion and cafatY of the unit, will be pr.avidad. 2.9 ~. Cells will be cc.natzuceed of c“pper or aluminum tubes with copper or aluminum firm, dasignsd, sized, ● nd =.lected by the BYB ttm munufacrurer ra a.hisve gystrm capuiry and mfficiianay per fc.nr,tnce● n 8Peoif ied or xequirad. Coils duill bn cerutructed and tastad in accordance vich Amerlemm SoaimY of Heating, Reftigezacing and Air Oa@itfoning Enginaera, Ina. , (A6HBA2) 15; dnd rated with the system per applicable AM ctandar&. when epecifiad (see 6.1), outdoor amatiam coil far UIICS lac.stad fn ~ nmcine or athe.zwt~m ec.rrosiva anvironmene which arm aonstzucted of dinaimilai mntala will be coated with ● babnd phendic or vinyl .oatlng or will bo constructed wirh an approved mmama of cathodic protection co minimize galvanic curroa ion. 2.10 overload d !Jr m ction , Motors and &tar protection will b= suit.sbl. ~oj rh; e.lectric~l charactoriatics spacified (Gee 6,1). Motor ntdrcers till conform to rhe applicable requirements of MEMA DO 2 and NFPA 70, 2.11 JQsccrical h.a~ Eleccrlcal heaters viii conform co the requirmenta of OL 1096 and NPPA 70. “Whmn supplemental” h.acing i. required (nt.e 6.1) eleotri.ael redistuus h*atar# incsgral with un$c, or an aleccrical duct heater vill bm p;ovldea. The heater’ ● capacity in kilowatts (klf),mmbmr of aireuits, and S~eS will b. u rnnemmondsd by mmnufucturor to n.ilsfy tb= haaci~ requ.frcun.nuiof 2 .5.1 and 2.Z2.4. Elactriaal rnsimzaman haarers will b. 2.11.1 ~. provitid imtegral vith thd unit and located dmnatraam ef tha indoor cell. Duct heaters will b- of a paa~ed dtasign 2.11.2 ~. arranged for Inserting in and cermmcting w an air duct m rbe hmacing olmmenta are dir.cely in tb. .1x stream. -h Ace heater will hava L- high limlc conrrols to prote.ot the elem.nta from excoaa cemparaturm In case of airflow acoppage. 4 1 1 I I A-A-5 !J502 2.12.1 ~. The heat pumps will include 6n “aromatic CYO1O with suitable. draiu provisions. 2.12.2 controlm will conform accordance with ASNSAS to UL 353, Proswga reliaf snfe~ bees defrout All limit will b=. in 15. 2.12.3 Room thommmrati will conuin aeleetion ti-han f$)r H2AT-OW~OOOL ~ FAN~AUTO-ON. ‘l’h* -rmoatat will be &s@d co permit interlock with ourdeor tbarmocrat and upmration of mpplemmntd mleecrio heating by a ramotely located ●mergency svicch. All th.armmrats will aunform to IJL 873. 2.L2.4 wxordaaee ~=rau.ue The”plactrical heakar will b. wired in mental hear ~. ul, 5S9. No single step of ll~pl~lltd haating will pZIYdUCO a vritb rise in. the dischargc. air I@+a-? tin 40°F (4 .4° o,l.i~ (a)). 2.13 ~. M.r filce.rawill b- rmplnceablm or clcanabln rype as ap-ifind (sea 6.1) . Replacmblc filter- will not. ha 10SS rban 1- inch tick. and till be xo ? or typo II, .conformim~ to ASIX F 2040. cleazubLe filterc will ccmfarn w AS~ F 872. 2.14 Identification will be permanently and legibly mxtrk.rddirectly on the ewiriment nnnuublies and Darts or an a corr. sionxeslating ~tai plate ea~urrnly attached to tba a~lpment ●aaanblias .ad parti at the smuca of manufacturer. Idr.ntificat$on vill include tie following! }. .,. n, F?mme of che orgsni.ration np.mrorii.g the completely assembled air conditioning aa sembly . b. we, modal or oatalog numb.., s.ri,al numbs.u, and the mama of tha -facixtrar of cmpreanor, con&o la, a“nd ❑ otera eufficiont for identification, zaplacemanc of p~ca, or s.x=icing. c . Dacm of manufacture, and lmgth of warranty. d. Starting (locked-rotor) current arid running current: if a.lcernati.ng current, tie frequency and phaaem; if dual voltaga, a diagram for changing voltnge shall be .sho~. a. Thm rafrigeramt used, eypr.asaed ip ohomical. or other deacriptlve terms and —t of mfrigeramt r?quired. .. f. Factory remit presaura. and of % conrr.1 E. Location of thm v’.antilatingdamper, when prwi&d, #witsh and tirmoarac, properly mprkad or distinctly indicated. 3. recovwrmd matazialn pra.+icml. Zbe Offemr/cOntrn.ar,Or is encouraged to uae in accordance with P&lie Law 94.580 co tha m~ axrmlt . . . ,. 5! A-A-50502 b.1 ~f ieatfqo. l%= c~a.t.ar till c=rtify and mainti objectira qualf cy evidaaca tit tha produce offered meets this oID, 8hall be the manufaururer *s srandard canurmrclal prod&t, and rbat the producr cenforma to the producar’s own &awing6, LTpacifIcations”, Stnnd.srds, and qdlq Umlrance 2’ha Cmmxamant reaewas rhel right to requ.irn proof of mu=h praccices. conformance prior ta first dalive~ ●nd, thereafter ● B may be orhermlao prowidad far under rim provininm of the contract. . . 4.2 ~roduct+q. Products manuf..ivtsd c. mecrie dfmerwiomrwill b. aOnEi&rsd on an equal baafa with tbOSO’ manufncnuad u#in.f illch.patlnduniu , pro+fdad they fall titbin the colar~eea qpeeificd using conversion rabies contalrmd in the latent revision of Federal Standard Ho. 376, and all other =quf.r-anti of this rzo ● re mat. If n produce 1s manufacrurad to mntric dlmenrioxu and those dinmnalona exanad the Colarancan ap.reified in &-n lneh.pc+nd unit=, a zeques t should be made to the eonctacclng officaz to datermine if the product i. acceptable. Tha eontr.snting off icar has rho option 5. n. path.qfng, requlxcments of accepting or raje.cctng* product. Praaanation, ~abeling, and ~kiig ehall be in accardmue wlch cbe AEWM D 39S1, unless och~~ise specified in ttm contract or ma pae~ing, of Or&r . 6. -. 6.1 ~ a: b. c. d. e. f, s. h. dt. ACqUi8iCion &cumntit should BpeCify tie fOllOWi~ : Tirle. numhr, and data of ehia CID. ‘lyp. and CIASE of heat pump reql+d (... 1). -O I haat pump conpormnta, if di.ffc.r..c(aaa 2.1). Type II heat pump acmp.wanca, if ;diffarent (see 2.2). Required air quantity and ❑lnfmum utarn.al rasi.stanca if different (SOS 2.4). Z%* required hsat PUUQ heating ad .~r.ling capaci~ (sensible and latent) (sea 2.5.1). When apacial paint for c.arrssien1prevcrxion in COWC.S1 areaa is raquired (nan 2.6), When mechnnisal frxkurcs to permit rooftop, floor, tailing, or other mounting pruwl.slonr are required [(see 2.7) . When outlet grilles ● ra requiredr(s.a 2.7.1). ;: When coil caatlng or catbodlc pr~tection to mirdm.lzegdvan.ic cerresion (a.e 2.9). for eucdoor SOCC1OU coil is required k. Elccrrica2 .haracteriscies r=qufred (sea 2.10) . UbarI @supplemental .loetricml heating is required and type of elecrzical he-car (S00 2. 11). Typo of air filtar required (mea .2.13). When level of prrcarvation, pack.sglng, packing, labeling, ‘and marking is co be or.har tbmn specified (SOO 5. ) . 1. m. n. 6 A-A-50502 6.2 J30urc4n of documentq. Copies of military dacuments are available from: 8tandardiratlen Documents Order Desk Buil@ 4D 700 Robblms Avenue PhiLadalPhin, PA 19111-5094 6.3 dNSI B 9,1 is awdhbla from the AIOertcanRational Srand=da Inscirutn, Inc., 1430.BEO*dWay, New York, NY 10018. ARI 240, 270, and 340 arc avnilabl. from rhe Air Oomditiani% Eefrigerstion Imstitmta , 1501 Wi3.mon Blti. , Sulti c?JIJ, Axlin@m! , VA 22209. and OL 353, 559, 873, 904, and 1096 ara availabla from Undarnritmzm Lnbozmrorles, Inc. , 333 rfingsum Road, Norchbroek, IL 60062. ASNEIA2 3.5 is -vailAle from the Aumrican SOcfa@ of lleatiog, Eefrig.arating and &r Conditioning %@.nasrs, Inc. , 1791 ‘hiilln Circla, ZJ. E, , Atlm-n, GA 30329. Asl?4B 117, ASTM D 1656. ASTM D 3951, ASTM F 873, and ASTM F L040 u= available from A62M, 1916 Bate Stramc, Philadelphia, PA 19103. NSNA DC 2 la available from tha National Elaetrical Nanmfac?mrex.s 20037. A8soclacion, 2101 ‘Ln Srreot, N.W. , Suite 300, WaEIhin@nn, DC NPPA 70 and. 9GA ara available from thn National Pire Protection” Association, liatterymarch,Park, Quir=y , MA 02269. NILGA etandards mra available from the Nationml Roofing Association, 62SD RivOr Read, Sui-ca 8030, R.m-t, IL C.nzracrors 60018. CIVIL AGSNOY WOWDINATING ACT3V12Y: NILITAE.Y INZESXSTB : VA - VOC PSXTARING AcTIvI17Y: Navy YD 1~ elacc b I,2O-1OO6I 7