@,2sns wml: @,an ts eanaXc4a~n'lrT@ksnubXer bs J"nc?ZZ&F,at;echarrgcaa in mnAb d o ~ i n p f, 1 ; ~ t b ~ a6 the awm.raeJr Gram. { Dm t a wnforween oi~aanntnne&** fhs mmbrnhig s f ehs expadition ws@ &anger3 and .& para.s*ga, had to be ;a"aknakfld) TO; 5 8 rsaom9;2nctiebb %hatfir~tf~l ~ ~ ~ n g ~ 8mf oep nany t future expaditi~nt o ZoeXnnd asBtuuld be anad# Ohrrsugh t h i s agenay ~ n f lOlhwe kask%npea@'bo\lifi be made a9 early aw p~ers$b&cr, slness Rma dlff%au!.ty m g be @neountr%~@c"l in ak%a%nAng $ki~WC I ~ ~ S a~cemn&e3%5~n. W Ths studen@ m c s m b r s s f the exwd%t$snBrnaeilad i , m % @ ~ ~ n dZge ntat 5 - m d from tR by ra$$, XPr '"R~XC~P Xdwarda anA r$':abson~crjLurnedto 3r;aytejavfk by b a t ; X'rm i?,St2pi,tg@f t thia lae~vaterir spsratfm a v e v t sm Bnys f~#au@n% n p p ~ o x f r a ~ t e 5$!~~aw~$wm y t hhe mu1mb~w $ % h leiisa mtllasgrr i n the w i n C r ~ x ( ngnthe, D~,':'a3.Eca~m%sxmad 8a RdykjaMk Is$ ma4. (Es) !+@Lgh%* Tha fra%gk;at, %n exarssilr 0.f oarsonab haig&yqpo essnwl&wfw'!s f b ~ i r2agrgs tea ohairlib@ &zaA @ma amdksit. one, %ha Za$taf ~an?x$,netIthe Pakucztl f a r Eh8 .?%PR% ten Any$ ~ n % of Eeyk,laaslk and naa b ~ 1 8 ~ 5 8 ~133. d fha any % m n London Sza tM bask s f Dr,Tt4+kssxb*# van, T)acs tcsod %w Xwg@r maes, nnntainlng f;ha ~ w d R f @ w wmrarl'l, e o ~f khs b if;ma r s f @qiu%rment,aars t;akeat t o ~ @ $ t l aby ;rd2 ae @xsabm ba&$&.bl\g@ by ooaa r;~f f*h6 ~ F ) R F %slna ~ ahtgpsrd tcrr Reykgsvik M%hB h mt!~a?brs o f the @xmcltOlon, A%&@F nso@ra?cfirg aurs2lmesa . f @ r n a t i @ ssn a r ~ i v a l .th@m B%o GRSBRI w e ~ e~ B ~ ' ~ P R % & Bby& 60 I? j ~ p P v o g uand ~ ao3,%ecrtcodf ~ m 4Sh@r$~ an tkacel~oam$vn2 on %ha oonn.t;rrl ~ternm-fdar,&Qhh A q a Intw. e l 2 ~cmipmntM A 1r~pscxZ~ne3~1I en %ha, m%urm J~mrney were a a ~ r % s 8 paraanal b g ~ o g e * As the expaditfan gas flnancsd by the msnbers thlsmscs2ves, nu d e t a i l e d i n f o m a t i o n as ts the c o s t o f the e x ~ ~ a A i t 5 oBaa n kept. Rowetsr, the t o t a l c o s t Lo the Student rnssmhrs (both of whom abfnf ned aacaLSon g r a n t s Prom % h a i r r s a p g ~ t 3 . vLocal ~ Educat%on RuthaJr;ttiss) was appx'ox2-ma%t;erlgr $60, although this incJu&ed the purehae~a of a 00nsIAe53~~ble61inoune of anmpiag and f i e l d eQabpmant, o u t at ahout &LO pew man. Food costfi worked Tha nos% of' I i n s w n n a ~f o r the aambarra of QM 'expet%t;% on ~nd!for the rPxwa9 nnd sqtt9lpenf; was undm~taken By T b ~n,vlam~ab Cal%sg& T x p l . ~ ~ n l i oBntard, n Thf s WRB & r m n p d %R~$u~fr, YP, ennn ot: CW G;aS3~&qe :V%ntanc@t%p);, (Tc%,B2? En%, 3 f :~,.'tnai:rat.trlt+~e?d %he nmm, BSr;th s f bfslth flnn hems, aaAdrargs n f nnch mmMr sP Lhs mpnd%t%arr) I a 500 f t , nylon raps, R ~ W Q %iaemA desgp~[pBz%aal Twciaty, w n tnkw >(r, by B b Z n y d ax ssz%aGy wa@matfun$xl cnss of Qik"f;bcsuXt;fa e ~n the motmtetPrr a l%f'Pa, $ t naas no% tiand. %wtrcr, .XI patak@Bar 3 0 ~ ~ . 14 t % ~ Ga l a o clrind mkXk, 7 %ha, s%aatn, 23 pks, ~ P P & A & @O P % ~ . 2 Ibs 0valt2na. 3 Iba 0 ~ n l B l . t bL$~uiPs@s ~~ 6 kbn IlasnRty 24 x & ah, potato p o ~ s ~ . B Zbs eouking r'rzt, 48 x I ab, 1%i?sbn&rsSsawa&ta 3 Zba A r l ~ d@gf;. $50 3.b1 ch~e~lwfia) f 8 O Z ~ , bards) 5 Ib8 ddrink%z?,;@haeol~%er, 2 @ W W @ QXO O U ~ B ~ . 6 x 8 o x . %%no pllneapplasoa, ZP x 4 0%. , . t ~ S e dopakt.oge, 10 x 2 8 a%, rlrZot4 pm.8. Z x 3 Lbaa b i l b a r ~ 2 jlbs ten, M,B, %! x a?+ aba Lkn8 aa2.t 4 l b s RoxlSa~n. 2 x 6 dsw l:~r%iokmWb'hes8a 34 lbsr sugnr 3 ".b@% RRUGU 3 tiins 3@.rm%%a 3 kbw cram 24 Xtsa ';lssr&nrine 36 nmn%3 hnrn temneg wr$ni; * - QRN. 1 x 6 lba 3wnst b$naulte 2 x %bar do 3 Ibs Reaaafe. 24 x 32 u~ Zsbnmad msat 6 K 8 ss, paara 3 &bn erf 08 agrPcuta 6 x 18 sz,AritaaA poteatosra &+ x 12 sx,B~%@don9ona. Fk x B%ba apgla s j f c e s One LhSrd sP above s t o ~ a sanw used by %a . " ' ~ s lk e ~ . .:z;lf'%aisnaaaIn char above no~walxymwRe U P by ~UFOI-\WSJ~SW in GaaXanQ (sntm under cswh %%ernin ;+'o~.~,Qw 1ng make@) 'iTfna a b ~ @ lilsrt Ilnabuc'irs@d%X staPes s,gds.g*@A t?wcrugh $ 3 ;~~ x ~ Z Q F R % ~ . Q~O~~ R P Imd J cr)r%n%nn~J~liPfP0iq~1. 5. tam :sur~haanclb ~ f s y c s .t;ix~ .aI,:x ,ed%tf an' a AI~~XPPIUPCO, The w~IIov@* w I \ m i pk~ait@A%pa thraa paakibng B*S@S, e w Bnrge amaA nna nwnb2, w@&ghad an::~axima "U 3.y 5 sat, 1 1%. 1%faboat bd,@t#%+% (a& BkamiSta a 413- % ~ u Q Z X $ m % o n w2th na~gwrtlnson WCOUB~; o f t-It@$, %1t7 o w opinion, Miin;;.. d6afS@,wn%3.n fvs.t.,) sugar (OseA on dx%nks, gomPdga and B F ~ ~fmib A tjmcp aart dr3 a&$&. l o a n but 3,n view of hSgh ora2or%f%a 8raXwcs taa n01akT nat nc'dse, Zt. .fi,m~un~; t r ~ l r ~ k@eBP%a%~dm& t by F.3:.> 3 1 ~ s . Gt96np %n Z~i~~Zgand. 1:~~1b%X"'i1.1 ~ ~ u n m $t0 i B&XB ~ ~ i e w e nla,, nmsunt; mads tap b~ .~sum%Aas@ee %a L4@Xand. t o tmsta) axo citubm, f p@Pmaa %Rd[d~bdE;o the nlt:hCZy h~EBtw, 3 ao~~bt. have b m n pref~rlrrthlcs an8 a m @ $ a rlldnlasr ~ apprncrrslCacI. .bA'cjkaa ~ r ~ FU~,fwem~pznn, ~ o q ~ ~ m i s csa.i'%eiantby a p p ~ s xY gPdfsQ~ 7 I,& lb, br5aB agg ( %@%a1 nf %&k. ? ? 1 4 ~ pef*~ani%m.~fxsg, t,ac;ay i n Xcelsna) Jtuxirrg i t e m sarnrrlblac? Pm Oniroakfnst, makeis WB~.OOPI~R~S obange L ~ R f10mh fi8pJ many n ~ . fbs ; %vatla b3.e. - 819 Ib, jam, kiaasy, 1d~~maaZ4eI~arury$$me s*~C@nan b&aoaiPra a$ brcsafs2an.t; o~ aupner or both, PLifttmb 1L.?ebea%bisauLta vsm tasty. h9,Saa ?? ~b/m%ni'weak: (3.o. 1 Zb, 3 % gar ~ pepsan ae? tortn2ghtj r-ta;rss $.n exas88 by X';!;I b s , 7J2$lb, b&r&aywugars, rraluormta, 1 x 7 Xb, % i n @harodamong Bko party. :IorT%~ka, ' ~ W ~ B*. Pno% tarwad due t a (n) 3.&srk o f f-s~s3t nL5k nnA ( b) ~ohar.?yXikncil 1.4;s i # h a a w b s ~ s dm%Xlc, ::om@ use& $M f&Ba%@ t o ndd p r s % s i n and Q ~ X Q P $ ~ R , I ~ ~ g a 3 .aymsk%Q@srDL? f)es3lwnmal ~hosatit. 14/P7 1s. :?maadme+ BhsaB. m blsetsltw, In n.e;-p%%,%n dr+it~cTt j?at;nLo, d%aA egg* A~QWI% fefiojtant @tat; AX5ow L bb. J%F ~a3~4R par nan, 4 x 8 ox. %%ss of f l ~ t l i ? tor ~ luxu~jri'tm* 1 hub w 7 QL, Z/hm wh0114s - velaoms - W F % ~ R ~E ? Q % R ~ Qpewtier, Uned as ISsh3ekenep 8tgw om* made up noc~bf.P1%ngta inl%4;m(e%f o m , A? XQ~W. 1 x -3 Ib./we~~X/man, D r l s d &1xilr, 'Jcayy wlaame, B%ZMr"rahena~mberrsd%a appX@eA m %a (la) Iztghnr aeilght J bulk narttlo ('h) bs?ikar aua5iby f i u b $, MO ffraah fm~Z^t:qr vsgeksh kas RVB iMhZ $. I r wkaSla s-t;ay a;rnec% %OF fCPlaoo~rring lugpi@aL3 tubas pep man f o r aF~lrs atray, B ~ Y U Qf o~p i1 RB I ~ ~ R I " I P ~ ~ B ~ . I I eta3 rmi ad va~ga%5~e~/dq/tltnac~lt W I Q F ~ R W B th?,tit' ~ way %or aenwtmierw@ w.k$hwgh 2 rmrf?sbxa i. 3 0 % . &:$ s a g ~ t n s t$3 @%, pee&, an$aaas or goSes%c.es, Ttid ~ 3 %y % sP Lha v@g$@$aB"9,@@ sr%ssrzat t s s poot'i B X ~ C Q .Ln~ t~h $9 a ~ s e~f $+aa onX~n$4r,Wxo Y aahbgs cnt~hrr6~;s aaas,Ctf~X&y kM lng .tmvy w h3XQ. 3.0w@w@P we nnvcsP brad ~ S t h c f f"C.141 p~lt3ion~e QF *uP3"n,@ %O otmk tfzm Aang maugh $ 0 pwhnps WQ 4il4n't J+$S~S tS%etv R Srljr~ t ~ $ a 2 * i3 0%. 3% nkf B-JJohsw IPP%@, Q O %@e6 ~ glv~L%fT$n@fi~ta~r%$ r a au Xr usiV var.;,R B v @ qmua?.,: w e e M 5 n g k1.t~LncT%vAdmt Onfit@, :"a $man& tmx~k3aXvaw ,shmj: ~f VVAX%S,ne h'ud mtth extsssn @@Sic@@, buL thew@msundr,~;rata94J.t3 ?wrv@ batan ~ene,"b A@PR%~,$ rx%%e?eec'i RS tb . T ' ~ a & nmfhlk mvs3r:.l~blab, yha 42201% impo~tanQQMnk XaoHng i n $ha 491~9%%ad3buXXTI. urn%% I. anrs T b r @ ' M R ~n~fihint4%hRb ern SX~ISEO&B ""ad-%%A*' f e l t wn%t.,ne%fnd,nxre aevcswl B3mcsa we k',n$nhcad Srhs mOaaBn6 ~ b n ~ J ~ n %#$h fi~A ~nxy me%!t2 f @@I f,ng ht~nEqf, i r YBDD b~~'9k%*13.%t h~fiA F 3 ~1%~ n f 3a &U% a%, 06 gcltl%*~Edign FW$ R ntsv @mhEant-3b&l+ %@el W begsn a br\pd nnC o.!:$~n &"*$m~aau,r 43~'~% mrsk f n W rg $let&&, A~!,AS;LW we ck~3d@BnCgmea &%pa b9o&su$$fi p~~~nah:imQ $n ;,:jug&v@~'t2~ ~ n . 4we anb~u2a.R;@ % t x ~ % $h%s dsfiagsrnq was ?W % FII $2 % % f e b n % tsi,hacsurfbba a d#y (4R I b % a ~ a % a X Xb) Two@b % % a u %P@F@ t ; ~ a$ eaxcal3anb m~wX$l;y f a d l s A g b S ~n2th Jnm, @%a, - - I : ? P I P , Q - X ~ ~ Q . ~ ~ .o% slrQTn~Rtv-n tmagl $$.a ;arav$ncla tmbrnszars P T b N. ",Wa"iLn%n, Accr~ebnor&, OF t'Trcrnn2.txnt3, .P.e :"nrl.;ra~, lmgrs p a ~ t p i F~:~$QQ Of: the foaf(1 lgnfa Xcslanff famw %he l~s"gcea% rrsurvbxfn;~-8.+;~n;mantafis.3 %% n-.de tx3 nJwscgt e+nCSrrshg @;7f' rnak@, mh$,ah"~tlr?p;e %n age f ~ ~ m wrsXnnn$c T @ F % % #tu - ~ 813cI prnaata t 4 % ~ . Xcielnnd in s%rua%i~xal'!y n broad sgncrPina w l t h the as18a~fI'urre&wym1~mlbcr e & a l&n the m a * an6 nc3~th-war9t Aip?%ng-3.n t.18 s mn,XI sm@??,c,Qa%a)~das anA bt8I.0~ the h r ~ ~ d T!~ls%ermam w~X~an% b Xa t ; x~mngngwraw Che, chmrrt~e o f the %nS.~nd. I 1 v;iM f%rsQ: gw*leg%afi'J. mtp ab' Itha a ~ b ~f ~ 9 XaaBnA : wan publiaPlanb by Th~~nddaason ::%net9 them iawXnter4 In the fitsrftrta &he s.llnww o f b"bXasitt, aewtvrry. beve kcon m ~ o n @ fSn i & ~ ~ 1 ' 9 % 4 $ dcrtnil, tlrls~tlaxyc4uCarop of @antn~nJlceR~rad, tn pnr%fatrlw, 'ttf4rion:'l arbsrrn h w a h e n mgpeA b g N~,~ckee3 nnd sxn4 w M i l o by , ~ 3 , k e r . utznP,srt;.~skm%m tihe fit..*.; ~e d@ta&Peflw w k haw, li.i$.fi eo-wo~b~a !.eon ~'XP~WVBF, *r)%t;h wFl%nh tf'rgs mnoYla"L i s ~orsce~aad, T h i p apnn anr;tpv$aa~%he val?sy at the hetad o f ~ ~ L c s ~ ~ ~ J B F A u s and $he m ~ n % % $~ n ; f , f f a @ *so the north AM.& aaut*rh 0.f Plr, ?bout siqhtcsrsn anusare mrllaa ox %%a gPcyane ?art@naq Metn @,egtlog% aa21y mn~pad, taxfijendSrtf5 f ~ m ir@~an3"Pns19,an %ha ~rtuth, tie Ofa@~u#dr~~~;e;:%p GO %)ia nark?% (fZgoPj,! Fbg. 4 l a g ef Earterm I a ~ l a a d skovtag the area n u ~ v e y e di n data11 and aorared by the geologioal maps in %he f o l d a ~ at the end sf thia report. m a assal on, aP-$a% R %%fie rmnga ~tf?B S ) ~ D ~ R P Q ~ $ * ~ ) W * n m oharantew?M&BPsw3.3~f'iXZeb w $ t h qtaa~Daand ahalaebmg I in 6(420\1~. Tha ref?srraia ptnk .I~n%fMmtend kn h ~ v saas~ang and g%ve r b a I 8apaese o f Xargn J?ecrt&~gt~lnr rsilwbs, Pk~eh~&bsnes, Exean are torsuaaX2y fount3 WR tall., black tM %n oaLoor and a f t a n ~ p h a ~ u X f ~ $ a , tog and asa~tkmeae a% @he b m a of in fi,RIametss, nlthough infiSvXmsla31 flows emnars, Ry ampnr3tscrn 63 R V ~ P A only ~B 9 ; ~ kt? OF Znd ft, nren ~ I B ~ C ) ~ ~ %"Iuws A I I F ~ of V ~ ~)l%wine~b~kaa3.i; ~ 16 fi;, i n tMMnei%ti. ?he nndrn~ftn S l d m tan4 hstwgen $3 nnd 71)$6. Qk3.mk. t;s 2'do $3, far fher flow The ~ c i k dIbitvtm, v h l ~ h on . " c a ~ ~ s ~ ~ f ~6 3n, 2dbto ~ 3 . 1over .'$$af't, I anprebl?&ab&a A ipr);@ncsem, j'l"Xo~sita8(988 on $he rptraep nost,hewn $&as 6% rrlpewaa*f@XX.I;@ntJd%o wedge au%hvoff2sr~n mila $hfn an+?eAe out, t8bFQpf"s$$j w M the *aita&, oalng 07 $0 ran fhs , brsncls nse h$g'rs.%y@oatLo~Z',ad,sX%h soma$im.esa the f2- cawer-f%p.kfi%ng and ZoasX ~hraaa%%rrg, sand w ctsasiana &By gw3%shtm of ~$BchaBansare &aggnd i n F F * ~fib~fr*. Z w h frag$dlng XWI betit$ develsped Zn %he appesmaali parts the :?aaT. &l ka$ pi't;ehafsne, ofhw flap) bka tap o f z RJo% $9 ?:fa.oxrr (s.8, Ztn wphe?klli%Slt, tat uau@X3.~ b~nctad, and , p a a n pitgMCrsine ususblly unrls~PolPeskXae kq Of p a ; ~ Boalwlsl l 5nltter~s8s2;8twr the flilgsla PP g ~ e ms~he,suZdJ;5ap$rt;ehar.f;onsa t 4418 Astat? QST 36%3?ag%1,asdlhiah m y be Qw fie L ~ a t a t m l p~a3xmmat the au~iraae eL s. a%&la-v~r9aows f Ian, hare a bPncSc uppo? t%P, ath~f~? %%m@m$ha dnof te lee.ra'tfae SUP~RQ~. CK&ra &ntrut&v@eta@$, %enraaambXa the raxem;la$,aaf Iauts~ In Fnaenq eood $ h a Mnr"%nqtheat %a noa #a)~k$atajaOF utscs:?Xy i wcrlAna4, 14 l a s s s l m n g PX@lpi-bwtAXmg %."e @#eta In the nndts..ai%a Tha fJb@~ s%rw$m-cir% a Am t@ n g ~ ~ 2 ~ l %&a thr~ r # %B,Zy f4B.,pJsgrrr(~lrys@n'fk?i In ttz@ rack, i 3 . g ~r?l@a~\rXt:& $,,B me Xn t;b @kMntb-bafsraXB~s C ~ ~ W ~ B ~ D W sE ~ B *X~ygesr'r~ a? @m&Bab ~ e t ~ 2 a X e ~ r ~ w y g d n l a sw a ~ m c kInn@ ~ W n d w n tIn hhe fhaPa$,%tas~ n d , if ~ ~ Q ~ B S Q P%CmfJ , h C) QQ WI- f3wou3 ti >:s Tar, o? $ha f aoq, .&e~.t.t Qna gsaA exw~glawas found, u p ta 4 Pnra, tbllak 6brtztXng *he b a ~ ~ d i'J.RvR$ % 9g &n aZ%h a nazmbr QSWWW a?X$.yLrte*sb~aa3, t vl t i 6f fal~psnrp b ~ n o o q r l i t s ) T k n m padgnsaZ'2ta~wrs aoarser the ht=zsaXt in %ia;t'rz Bheg [ c c m , vtsinma F,h&p ~ ~ p h y r $ t % c z osa %herlcsanr ~ S a p a asst' ?#fls~~.L'@13 jt;tsB k o kh* nrnahv8glyJ, oif %a? of the ~BXRP; g ~ a 3 . nZ;Aan %@aarfla thn aaut:~.~*%aa%, X,o-crx, Qaqs~nM\xE4a, ere s@@n5n rame~arrl a~wfejl.3.&P.Q.~,@P~, O X ahf ch the XnPg&n% is in %ha f l 3 ~ g i X . $0 fS;@ $a . t t h % & n n w w el green tu$fw i s r'Tmppsnf.*au~ t o $ Bn, ~ g $ Were wbuft SIW~M, heargng g~l(rrae~ dia~btd 4 am, b.n %ha 1tmaac par%, @acarsZsnwZ bleak8 0 f anbasib%a, Tha Z;ufff l a a ZnsLitnea * " . a% $00 an4 Erj.rn8 n mound nga1nat %?&ah the Xp%agwndea$%a@ws banked up, %YP rg ~ X B O F Theb t u r f l a rsddiah-Bar~wn ju6~ti h@%@m &hem@ ~ n & @$am, f$i Muatesrm~rr Sprbgl3R~r nnAapaiCs e ~ t ~ l n p e ~UP l g to $ tt,, +$I$%9r;h.~) tuff. s~ R @%m&l~p %u$g iwn Sean 3600 gdm up the 3a10%lbin the a%t;rm~lf S,R, 4 Z a a X X inPdwas sf t f ~ ~ d ~ f l f t~1nd X 3 te LW n s ~ t l so f r:.:aar-trag%lr gscenB th2ahs~sai01" a;l;8rni%~r bu%f Ibfa a&nn $ 8 B~abS4Alr~3.a~~ pmbf m l a ~ 3 , g%@15 axpawlad 4 n ths XnmI-X, jasnw, wPrrLBh rtvsm- wsn @sen, bath p ~ % x il colaul~, ~ tha u p m r kdslng ~ O X X S S W , + Fi .5. Photograph of thin A n e s te and Tholeiite l a v a a in the Kross3.oakur. 4rhw ~br9prs.raaP;ollBhy 4 2%. of @%aep%g-eS%p~Sng apartmlbt%a p $ , t ~ h s % ~ nO eV ~B P B \ ~ ~ @ Ro%C%W & In b M f'3.t3~-bm~dingXndiC&t@ R fn~vbmnB %Porn the E,V, Tbs Ismat d%a$fs@~n R a u A ~ f e P~~ n~ d be Bart ef %)andwa&te nuB&%at~ mat; o f the T??oXXstalwiAla .stra%%g~nph$a ao~fisalnnta f thma d m i f e a . above ?&a gal lo^ i4,mlt;rs hn ttke EMLg%X a m a s 20 ft. w f hPu@-j$??@@n tuffjrtad nf; t,:?@ B X F J Q B M Y ~ef Ws), orar'$a;3,n by rrar9atsito, Othe~ qh~itt;R P ~# ~ n ~ ~ S d l #t~odbe d tiha erne *u4% aa~eseen near the o~ojr'Xunnadao f a # X ~ %esn& l the lr3er~f$rardas*aj 3u31n@ mnareh og %he mmp: up Sen@ X i rxskrida$ bnneiffath t32@ ngg%omwate, o f the wan% d&cni.t;e h i g b ~ orr Ariek P;sa eb~lve)%he and (30 ft. yFtv84i @%20k, njbth on wndcsrn8t;~just *@ria; a$ %he bank 99 $ha X Q W YrnP1~ ~ R ~ Q ! * ~ E , blaeka Q up 80 % fit,) latmsion aX S4trat;inAtar. Tlaewas ~nfl~ahLk3 &nd 't;ko%ttf$&e %lLosta mnamt%f-,utiu1~ ~ o n f ~ r n a t n b ataacs~s%an inellrmA tat abi?w%PPta tctvcnrda bha 3 , " . The PBm ~1 been srxa cfsn~~XtSe~ab Ca MvsaAt;hlp,flanks of r mlaarrio, %he n ~ i d oatsrvslex Pnmhng t h mrra ~ #f ah-\ah i a expsisad t o the north sr narth-aw~dt,. Thn nerthlrdyrn a ? . @ ~ a g@f %brava1Rag n t the A e ~ de& nwx~uf$ardus mHJo'eesnS; aPproxftsat,a2y $be esxk.lwaaa4 s w ~nna f sf th23 wlaaao, the IRVRFI and %ha rslo'qps s f *he PP#R@~$ vmZXlgy Xm5lng pnrta2Ztal. ?'ha aitnBsalLa8 a ~ t aloverlmk1,n by $.PetTalPs~ZA ~ c i f ; nJevajts, 3%@ aa3, %m~fjerrs%n&iz?~rd -a tlnciticae QFB e%ia;h~ aids, ri %tc,lrz%llgIy ZXow*bmA*d b ' l c ~ w af b%ul~h-r@r% c % ~ a Z t $al a Sean an the ens% and on aaaount al th& usual &auk cf d&s'k%na%l~a aharmobarn end 6F-o o ~ r r ~ l a ~ . k m09 ~ nthe 8 ~30nbrl~tstsand oclztsaraiona2ly o f the nhola suLarep by Sara@ nra4uosA ky tba r@a&yfrofit-aplittina s f dftaita nl ow7 the f l ~ ~ - b n d a n g * P @ t p ~UgX~nal a atwd$ssl ?snllnnk's.%da, Pks mannsr I n ahi oh Wf,e ao2d tuff autn nem wzs I numba~of flons an8 nalaganitq%uff boda wdi&s out a s a t r ~ M s . . . .. I... P9, .6, Phoeograph showing € eI? c oa~ s etexture in the upper blacky t u f f , 5 Olirene B a s a l t s " ~ e r u f j a r d a r t i n d u r~ h y o l i t e " Upper Blscky t w f f n columnar R h y o l i t e S e r i e s of Olivene B a s a l t flows \ Rhyolite N.B. The t o p of t h e Andesite group corresponds approximately t o t h e f l a t surface v i s i b l e i n the fo regro und. . ? -7 -' Andesite F i .7, Explanatory diagram *otograph o r the uppermost lava on Berufjardartindur, gar %hat tkxs 2nvw bra@ am@f ~ m fhc ef Flo~;ut:nAus, ant: p e a ~ h a p&am 8~8% ( fL, B, from the v f ~ % n i % g %he imam :':xnnrGLnfius van$) 3 fh~eZQCIZ atzcaay! RZp of the $lo%-baading Itn *ha I AaoSta aoerld then 33s ths r e a u Z t a.i' %he ai~aormIGVR f":bw runni'rri; Pttswn filler, a2ds sf a M12. Tho &~cltt;0lPZO%S~ gb 3 find R on Fonern~fc%LI~ nrs csenal&ered %a l&n f~t;rotfpr~\ah%~kbX1y Z ~ % @ F%'5qsrl %he Upper IJXoatv fif%. ?'he loaabt of $has@ E l s q s , &.Re, 3% Bsah Q X P O B ~in " ~ w n~ u l ~ = ; g " I dt~aitie$8 ~ ~ X P O W P T~ h~ i.s laow hap: amas%anralWaaX.1; lar kandasita xanoX%812n u p t a 25 ff2* ?ixmner:Bnfl the ZZnx? hws a bz*.sabiraF,@A$0113 wXLh a s r a t ~ l l Xh&hsphysae, ca:.,psid 'by 6 f f , a t %pasen p%%chatonannd R tMn ILC$& tuff. ChSm Znvn fin@ thminm?inn n b ~ u p t l yarsrst w h l ~ ; c sor pXmt",, %r$ Bftclta 2% 2% $8, tMek $13 ~ 3 of' t?Daep Gully''. 2rsds Px~ar~ h e n o c q s t a , and str~ne;XyP 1 ~ ~ ~ b n n d s b . The t:-!3~d C Q O % ~ S , m,Fj,# Pn a01 ~ T ~ a a a Aasatw+~rda, %n "Pmt a[3u21yr'', The tapmow% ?*Pan0ubIy: Tha mek in p x ~ b a~fntab . g ~ W B r"elRsj;)a~ ph~naa~yb%a,And 1s nan~s~laly eandesitet mA dacBBea lava8 are8 tuPf s of. the ov~~ls% u nac a n f u ~ m b l y sna stngs in R Iowa.%°powp $.a titwoesoion of b ~ ~ s lnonw l t wFdoh T@P%%@W *%mas, %ks An~itf#-anbangtagrmg ~ v s r l i athe top of t h SQZ& @sup nB m e n on 2~ossnrfaJ.l and en %her ssumif of BerrraFgfw.~tllnreZnC!u~,Shsae !,%aaa~~ Q P R I onJy cr srnra3.l pwx4.ts of Chs raxf;anw%vc,sg8ir;em of basalt flowla wWck ~ Q V e ?a? l a r ~ sp ~ stf @ha c o w ~ t a xm e n of srnRtmn Zoelwand. Tba ~ d n m p a m i n g$ + J gaakoz9cs~Xmap Y ;tXlns2vaF,as %he nature of blm bman1% nt~acaiininn~ rand @+ltlaOu@t onlg a l&ml%affBMokns%is o f v n o b arsw &udissc8 f.C asnn be rracha the% %hersJba aS rhythm nn @4@ in the Invan wuptab, The %nc% v%;dburaS.laos fZnvra was garnianYg Q ~ D ~ R F ~ Bby & saad h@&.wr,slala3 axaepkisnably sttatn a %%%&rsaan o5P PO 30 f b , They mureit ram%aenr; a~naftddsrablnttma lntt4ratal (ufmRazrakwks, @ebb. Rag. 3hdk6. SR&QS) X n thin etmi5llton the Y&R%@F~?%Xomp@a%n$the ref3 bad8 %a sasn t a Im ampare# sf Inva f~?agsm ta avcst~~g a itrim* ~ ~ in Q i m a & e ~ , etml %he B&a a m pj.o8& 27 BuG?wssoas ap .xinaS&o~na $eweriBJ;w, A Be13 9% ~amswh~k% d i l S f e ~ ~byps ~ % $8 r a m tat w lama21 @p~[~gas $8 %ha @ x j @ t a ~ , $I ~ ~ P B Th IF ~jJ Bh* enerwacb t o aantraiaring I bahwtdaera ;.'jl9a a. *;:s'ps~% wl2y not nwiwFhy saa a aaglistc anlmbdpld I m d oalcihn, ) r o o t hnn b h n rs?Loomd by librous m e a r ~ l l t n . I still mtn%nssome o f 6hn aoodg atmature. Wkb As shown n. the c r c ~ m p ~ n ~sketch i n f ~ tho rapXlni$ hrs brnn bsnt ovar I i Tha Slacan b n s r s l t ~dStp t c r m ~ i l t s%As ":,1 Tha f srtBsnaglr dyka a;lmrm an I .Y. or 3 ,:". a!: am gll~ru~$6r&3 f RYBS $8 'XaoaSly vayy $%B+nwrbs, %a dykes at %f i n q %he d~xcita-mdacr;2 %# 1 I ~ ~ r s x ibend p mQ 16.9, ~?,~W.YPAI A 5 ~ ~ a t % rsanaly a n ~ ~ ~ lib* b,@ ~ P ~ R anQ %96 T ~ Q E I~Iykea C~) ~ B Y C I 10 P ~ b%. ~ ~ Bn %%n%maaaanit 3n& urle both hsir? an8 bmfameBM ies nssrarbc~~a. ampoa2kc9 dyke8 $1~30 QWUF, m i d an& h i ~ f m @ f A @ ~ )~mhtw ~ ~ h l @of P%mtbenk over tawnr&s 3000 Replacad ~ l m o s te n t i ~ s L y t-- - - - zL,.C\-.-- -Y mesolits of main p a r t of stem Dfhun &lam. of Jswer hollow p a r t sf atesm :2&fl ' 1 ,' ,I I I I I I I'4I I = 2" Tholeiits l a v a w i k h vesicular base I t '. ' Rsd dust bed F% .8. Magrm and photograph &t of n sapling embedded in tholaiite l a v a at 1,030 ft, In the Hongil, %rrsgtlXa~,c'%ns-grsahnedRskkeaLe; eharata, many o f '6;h~m wlth goad ; ? ~ aarn~tia f jainl%ng, &re erm~zouhlCasad in tan& a ~ ~ u n:'lvwtagiX, d %he nhova asn%ianeA dykes a m ~ m f l n a d$ 0 the daaita~arnflsmsitlsp o u p . to and m s a t l y Pr %hfa;.b@a%a'' cll@ccs, %rending rrm about 40@, i s rf%atribubsdboth l n this ~ ~ o uan8 p in the tllumat.anding IJaBrlO-b&ar~a&t;rr, Chara dykaa I mnge hn osw,,aar%ti,anf i ~ mb 8 5 ~to aaQd. The r a i d rlylcet I 1 foxm a 3slL-deEbned gz,xutap (stant2n~t3to a Z ~ ~ F F Uhalt U nmr the w l s ~oouurg I oar@ a t the Wed 432 % l f n s r n i A ~ i r i s made up of Iu(3 ft,, of ashi&@betakts, &ha ~ o @ k - t y p @petlPfmps l raprasenl%ncouccbaftdve ln&rus%anw. Mo~tof Ghbn aaQ el @kee are blrrsrla, Moat amapio- uaus a m the d~kclrs of p#~pPa;~r&Gf u baael%, in v h l ch tha p2a@.~o&&sls yskenocrgrt.w &arllga in a dyke n e w $he h e r d iaf Trs2laa&.idri) m y rca8al.l no% ocsmsn, but brrnda aP & lnah A 6 m ~ b m . t:lan=btmding i a ~~115024981 w m r m obaarvst5. in a 3 i't, bn%nlt.tlyke wsw% af Bha A ~ n w h u n g i l . O%'harinCruftionnr inaltacle $be said mnts i n the 392~;j.X. XW them, da01th~8mpf)sZng the %nt~#sJlan i i ! ~ mwrgfncd 'Rrg about 1 9%. ssf pktoMt;isnsr, One of %hamp2.1tg- 11k@ vsnto, erxno~@A&n the ReX4353 a* ft. sXZtttxd@, Sss: sasn i'@edilng ?; 4 a a % t 4 ZQTW fbtbva, Two want-X2ke intruc~iona, / nlthou& t h q r r a ofton aotawottt+, with b n a h ~ l s s g i n s . ~BUPQRU~. ?%a$ &$lowing @%utIywm mdts ~2 %he dykaar Ra n w e l l - cbmoaecsA b%r'$p0.r @wnbl s mmenafang s% %he base of a p~sgainant; z.!% & ~.?3 z. 30 !?*81 ::,3!? T.33 (n) 7.34 ( r ) z.35 I 1%. 3@9taz?xl'%ts 'F ;?, , 86 ( rs) m?w&re$\m*ff~~md l q $hi5 StakVQJ 2% t&t@?%'@@d hna s f %hs $mpf.Zjafia, B@ 41~8-alB,1.gb& $ryt)~a~apab 0f W~F%$%$@F&~P, g3%& @yp%mX of' t%m ssrBtarn QQRSB I ea I Tlm~el~lr.P~QPcM~ a ~ ~ e s i t f n f ; 45~~9gn84 9*,e+~~y Zns'i,aand. pil*I FRW el neZn1 v~lXeya, && 6.F 1 ~ ~ g 4 3 svw'xIymnrs i n F b nPsa prrlrappelm 9583,~u e5Irl,&aftsz) ~ b $ fiih5a YW:MF &l A~+B$~W*BW&* , fgSaois43, e9t~St46ar*e pnrB%aulmXy ~ 3 . 3 .W ~ ~ F V Q A an tks v a 2 . 1 ~ilecv and san fakao 9.f I. rnw 'an* ~9.63he1R B Q ~ O H ~ ~ ~ S I f ; % ~ % amssa3-8 rtlm f ~ t m A$tt7 $he esnen, ;"asawf'f $93 l 9r-e t;wg @ ~ 3 , ?,,3 &@*w $$in% I $ 0 ~ relf93~~dedf I the 'trnl-lay nil&t)#, awgereskttllg the S Q P ~ % ~~@l dP e~ , prtpltit pa3 t p , l ~ a l n e~oahilan l h w ~rntrvsr~f? ampie af %he mmr9 abv%aus@vJ.d@nae09: gBrxcftr~%2,an,hudj thn gsz~ga3%*gZt I I I aF,~padf the nain w~i3.3.egeldsksP%$ %nd%@ehset %knt tlm I p~elwaswt;an$ I k and fern 3 ; ~~Itreost;e~.P;Zset%.~ c'%w &@ gl i~oisltfcmc"iurilnc %ha pleL~S;octertant? w r l y !%g,81~cms 1 I I I I I I T b ssarae Xi kaJ.7 t;hr& a;% %%s:..inx%~wx axtnmk 0 9 7 2 ~the b3.i;hnr pmnkes round RBar;f;u$hsP11 pok~)Af;2rrotrqh %be 5aa aavw Ra nt~nat~.tew, II I I I I d Am .- 7 X F f4 - C - * . The mnny yemnle %ha gsoa ~ b v b s annd namJeatmca ba wnfiaua 5,n nta~B3.ct j l f r l ? l l asr 'is, :%L k i n ~ ~ h a m 04," %he f : ~ p n .nX ~% Zol.l nga :;ufznLlr~r; 3:apnrt;nan Q, forrns, oxo zta, ?.;@a5;2e(9- Lo. Idhc3, L*.ratlnuer IG: GO. 'C:nZnrnnr?r :,tr9. I?o,rmit;rr :,t,d. darnhon b,Ft?. I.iorllckn .;.J1;tl, J ,l% rr nan11. ;jtVAe :'.,kafakevOr*tfil :L*d, Tnth 3 3,yla .;',tia, i \ ,' 'nnt'fsr :;hd. C ~ r x b nc).;.' C * ~ r l i a L s , 1000 1 0 SO0 1 1 1 I l l f 1000 l Scale 1 : 25,000 2000 3000 I 'fos Dyke MA,^ of the Area, at the hea+d.of ~erufjordus by %Edwards ~ . n dI.L.Gibson, w i t h mbnor additions and c o r r e c t i o n s by Dr.G.P.L.l'falker.