Gen Bio I

Gen Bio I
Scientific Method p.19
Per Lab:
2-3 liquids: Use liquids listed in Acids and Bases lab.
o Apple juice
o Dissolved aspirin
o Shampoo soln.
o Skim milk
o Sprite
2-3 powders (try to use items that will not kill pillbugs):
o Baking soda
o Cornstarch
o Coffee creamer (powder)
o Flour
o Potting soil
Per Table:
White out (liquid kind)
Petri Dish
50mL beaker
Water in squeeze bottles
4 pillbugs (more than necessary) Feed them cucumbers, apples, potatoes.
Gen Bio I
Solutions, Acids, and Bases: The pH Scale p. 27
Per Lab:
Skim milk
Apple juice
Grapefruit juice
Dissolved aspirin
0.1M NaCl
0.1M phosphate buffer
Rolaids---5.3 We do not do this part.
Black coffee
Sprite + baking soda solution
10mM hydrochloric acid
1mM hydrochloric acid
0.1mM hydrochloric acid
Soap + water solution
0.1 M HCl
Per Table:
pH paper
4 test tubes 16 x 150
Test tube rack, plastic
Gen Bio I
The Microscope: Basic Skills of Light Microscopy p. 35
Per Lab:
Letter e slide
Colored thread slides
Live algae
Live Daphnia
10% bleach in 800-1000mL beaker
Per Table:
Clean slides
Gen Bio I
The Cell: Structure and Function p. 47
Per Lab:
Oscillatoria slides
Gloeocapsa slides
3 shapes bacteria slides
Persimmon Endosperm slides
Red onion
10% bleach
Amoeba slides
Paramecium slides (Methyl cellulose slows paramecium.)
Per Table:
Clean slides
0.1% Neutral red in dropper bottles
Methylene blue in dropper bottles
Sterile toothpicks
Gen Bio I
Diffusion and Osmosis: Passive Movement of Molecules in Biological Systems p. 63
Per Lab:
15cm long dialysis tubing (4/table)
1% sucrose (use deionized water)
10% sucrose (50g sucrose in 500mL d. water)
25% sucrose (125g sucrose in 500 mL d. water)
30% NaCl
10% bleach in 800-1000mL beaker
Per Table:
Strings to tie dialysis bags
(2) 250mL beakers
(1) 800-1000mL beaker
Clean slides
Colored pencils (for Jala’s labs only)
Jessica-uses iodine and cornstarch.
600 mL Iodine Solution (Conc. irrelevant)
400 mL Cornstarch Solution (Conc. irrelevant)
Gen Bio I
How Enzymes Function p. 75
Per Lab:
Catalase buffered at pH 7 (Catalase-use blended potato, add 500 mL d. water. Strain.)
Nonbuffered catalase
Hydrogen peroxide
Sucrose solution (concentration irrelevant)
Water adjusted to pH 3 with HCl (or use pH buffers)
Water adjusted to pH 11 with NaOH (or use pH buffers)
Per Table:
Wax pencil or sharpie
12 clean test tubes (need 1 cm catalase + H2O2)
Test tube rack
Stir rod
Disposable pipets
50⁰C water bath (Works best at 70)
37⁰C water bath
Ice water bath
3 test tube racks, white small hole
Gen Bio I
Respiration: Aerobic and Anaerobic Oxidation of Organic Molecules p. 83
Per Lab: Start germinating peas 5 days ahead.
3 Types of Peas: Germinating peas, germinating peas boiled, non-germinating peas.
o 3 bags peas per lab.
o Heat kill (boil) 1/3 before each lab.
o Keep non-germinating peas dry in unopened bag.
Phenol Red (1000 mL)
Per Table:
250mL beaker for water
Marking pencil or sharpie
Respiration Bottle Apparatus: (18 of each of the following per class)
o 3 Glass respiration bottles
o 3-2-holed rubber stoppers
o 3 capillary tubes
o L-shaped bent glass tubing
o 3 plastic thistle tubes funnel shape
o 3 closed rubber stopper
o 3 Test tubes (regular 16 x 150)
o Test tube holder = 1 or (6 per class)
100mL beaker for pouring Phenol Red
Gen Bio I
Photosynthesis: Pigment Separation, Starch Production, and CO2 Uptake p. 95
Per Lab:
Dilute phenol red solution (0.1g/L d. water)
Plastic wrap
Grow light
Glucose solution in dropper bottles
Starch solution in dropper bottles
Iodine in dropper bottles
Geranium plant (Illuminated for several hours. Will need 1 leaf/table)
Geranium plant (Kept in the dark for several hours.)
Variegated and purple leaf coleus (1 leaf each/ table)
Per Table:
2 test tubes
Well plates
Hot plate
Petri dish
(2) 250-400mL beakers
Gen Bio I
Mitosis and Meiosis p. 107
Per Lab:
Whitefish blastula slides
Onion root tip slides
Mitosis chart
Meiosis chart
Ovary slides
Testis slides
Per Table:
Pop beads
o 48 red
o 48 yellow
o 8 centromeres (magnetic centers)
Gen Bio I
Genetics: The Principles of Mendel p. 127
Per Lab:
Fast plants (For demo only. Will only need to grow one tray) 9-10 days old.
Per Table:
Ears of corn for genetic study
Corn mounts
Mendelian Genetics p. 141
Per Lab:
Per Table:
Black agar plate with growing tobacco seeds (10-20/plate)
Corn for genetic study
Human Genetics p. 157
Per Lab:
Per Table:
36 red pop beads
26 yellow pop beads
8 centromeres
Color blindness chart
Gen Bio I
DNA Biology and Technology p. 171
Per Lab:
Fruit filtrate: Frozen strawberries
Meat tenderizer solution
Ice cold 95% ethanol
Per Table:
Large test tube
400mL beaker
Wooden splint
10mL graduated cylinder