UNCW Financial Update Presentation to the Board of Trustees Business Affairs Committee February 13, 2014 Page 2 UNCW Financial & Budget Update • FY 2013 Audited Financial Statements • Moody’s Credit Review • Budget Update: FY14 and FY15 Page 3 FY 2013 AUDITED STATEMENTS Page 4 FY 2013 Financial Highlights • State Auditor issued unqualified opinion • No material deficiencies in internal controls ‐ on‐going effective internal control environment • Continued growth in net position Page 5 2013 Change in Net Position in (000's) Operating Income (Loss) Operating Revenues Operating Expense Total Operating Income (Loss) Nonoperating Revenues (Expenses) Income (Loss) before other revenues, expenses, gains and losses Other revenues, expenses, gains and losses Change in Net Position Net Position July 1 Change in Net Position (above) Net Position June 30 Change in Net Position (%) *Restated. FY 2011 FY 2012* FY 2013 $140,028 254,608 (114,580) $145,653 252,024 (106,371) $154,112 267,650 (113,538) 122,572 110,638 121,862 7,993 4,267 8,324 11,952 19,945 24,445 28,712 19,207 27,531 351,039 19,945 370,984 370,984 28,712 399,696 399,696 27,531 427,227 5.68% 7.74% 6.89% Page 6 Net Position Increased $27.5 MM 2013 Net Position $427,227 ($ Thousands) Restricted Nonexpendable $65,774 (15%) Unrestricted $70,910 (17%) Invested in Capital Assets $272,634 (64%) Restricted Expendable $17,908 (4%) Page 7 Unrestricted Net Position Increased $10.9 MM Unrestricted Net Position Unrestricted Trust Overhead Housing Union Food Service Rec Ctr/Intramurals ITSD Communications Ed & Tech Fees Other Total FY12* FY13 22,459,071 3,016,650 9,902,431 10,679,402 3,947,561 3,661,119 1,628,791 ‐ 4,668,956 59,963,981 24,364,679 2,639,248 9,710,320 15,066,414 3,717,953 3,283,614 1,794,360 1,602,820 8,730,915 70,910,321 Prior to FY13 Ed & Tech Fees were considered General Funds. * Restated Page 8 Diverse Revenue Sources 2013 Revenue by Source $306,676 ($ Thousands) Sales & Services, Net $44,189 (14%) Capital/Noncapital Grants $41,780 (14%) State Appropriations & State Aid $96,879 (32%) Investment Income $8,561 (3%) Other $20,540 (7%) Noncapital Gifts, Net $2,973 (1%) Non‐Federal Grants & Contracts $2,007 (1%) Other Revenues $6,999 (2%) Federal Grants & Contracts $8,496 (3%) Additions to Endowments $1,750 (<0%) Student Tuition & Fees, Net $93,042 (30%) Page 9 Expenses by Nature 2013 Expense by Nature $279,145 ($ Thousands) Supplies and Materials $21,261 (8%) Services $50,058 (18%) Scholarships and Fellowships $17,661 (6%) Salaries and Benefits $156,786 (56%) Utilities $7,298 (3%) Depreciation $14,586 (5%) Interest $10,761 (4%) * Fall 2012 undergrad headcount growth Other $734 (<0%) Page 10 MOODY’S CREDIT REVIEW Page 11 Moody’s Higher Education Outlook • 2014 12‐18 month outlook: Negative • No public universities upgraded in 2013 • Key Drivers – – – – Weak revenue growth and building expense pressure Heightened competition, driven in part by changing business models Flat to declining government funding Political and regulatory pressure create uncertainty • Counterpoints – Proven adaptability to weak economic conditions – High fundamental demand for high education – Stronger earnings by educational attainment Source: 2014 US Higher Ed, NFP, & K‐12 School Outlooks, Moody’s Investors Service, December 4, 2013, p. 3. Page 12 UNCW Debt Summary 2004-13 $300 $250 254.2 249.1 233.4 239.6 $200 $ Millions 197.8 $150 145.0 140.7 2007 2008 $100 96.6 $50 70.9 67.5 2004 2005 $0 2006 Year 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Page 13 Return on Net Position 10% 8% 6% 7.74% 4% Higher is Better 6.89% 5.68% 2% 3.10% 2.07% 0% ‐2% ‐4% ‐3.25% ‐6% 2008 2009 2010 2011 UNCW Results 2012 2013 2014 2012 2015 Moody’s A1 Median Page 14 UNCW Expendable Resources to Debt 0.75x 0.65x 0.70x 0.55x 0.45x 0.35x 0.44x 0.37x 0.25x 0.33x 0.27x 0.15x 2008 2009 2010 2011 UNCW Results 0.30x 2012 2013 Moody’s 2014 2012 2015 A1 Median Higher is Better Page 15 UNCW Debt to Operating Revenue 1.00x 0.80x 0.89x 0.91x 0.93x 0.93x 0.84x 0.70x 0.60x 0.40x 2008 Lower is Better 2009 2010 2011 UNCW Results 2012 2013 2014 Moody’s 2015 2012 A1 Median Page 16 Moody’s Rating • Revised outlook from stable to positive • Affirmed underlying ratings – General Revenue Bonds: A1 – UNC Pool Revenue Bonds (2010 C/D): A1 – Certificates of Participation (COPs): A2 Revenue Bonds Moody's Aaa Aa1 Aa2 Aa3 A1 A2 A3 Baa1 Baa2 Baa3 Non Investment Grade Certificates of Participation Moody's Aaa Aa1 Aa2 Aa3 A1 A2 A3 Baa1 Baa2 Baa3 Non Investment Grade Page 17 Moody’s UNCW Rating Rationale Strengths • • • • Enrollment growth and strong demand Improved operating performance with healthy cash flow margin of 12.5% in FY13 45% increase in cash and investments Membership in UNC system and history of state support Challenges • • • Leveraged compared to peers with expendable financial resources of .39x Slowed state revenue support Significant future growth limited without further capital investment Factors that could make the rating go Up/Down • • Up: “Continued strong operating performance with at least flat state funding leading to augmentation of financial resources as it relates to debt” Down: Diminished state support for capital & operation; new debt in excess of resources; decline in operating performance; and declines in enrollment/demand. Page 18 Questions, Observations, Comments Page 19 BUDGET UPDATE: FY14 AND FY15 Page 20 FY 2013-14 Projected Tuition Revenue (Regular Term + Distance Education) Dollars Regular Term Distance Education FY 13‐14 Budget FY 13‐14 Spring Revenues FY 13‐14 Projected Total Tuition Revenue Variance Resident Students $38,559,022 $21,156,407 $19,483,365 $40,639,772 $2,080,750 Non‐Resident Students $28,064,490 $14,811,131 $13,337,075 $28,148,206 $83,716 Totals $66,623,512 $35,967,538 $32,820,440 $68,787,978 $2,164,466 $2,922,638 $1,660,961 $1,196,990 $3,410,018 $487,380 $637,724 $486,655 $339,277 $1,003,236 $365,512 $3,560,362 $2,147,616 $1,536,267 $4,414,254 $852,891 $70,183,874 $38,115,154 $34,356,707 $73,202,232 $3,017,358 Resident Students Non‐Resident Students Totals Grand Totals FY 13‐14 Fall Revenues Page 21 FY 2013-14 Projected Tuition Revenue (RN to BSN Program) Dollars RN to BSN AP Headcount SCHs FY 13‐14 Budget Fall AP 1 + AP2 Actuals Spring AP3 Actuals Summer AP4 + AP5 + AP6 Projections Resident Students $415,237 $99,355 $93,235 Non‐Resident Students $127,775 $3,276 $6,552 Totals $543,012 $102,631 $99,787 Projections Actuals Variance AP1 52 64 12 AP2 84 95 11 AP3 116 145 29 AP1 236 291 55 AP2 367 456 89 AP3 505 699 194 Variance Thru AP3 $27,117 • Original projections were 90% in‐state / 10% out‐state • Overall headcount & SCHs are above projections through AP3 • Year‐end revenues projected to be right at budget due to lower out‐state students Page 22 FY 2014-15 UNCW Potential Legislative Reductions • SL 2013‐360 (FY 2013‐15 Biennial Budget) • Year 1 reductions (2013‐14): • • • • Management Flexibility: $2,751,507 Total: $3,940,134 Year 2 additional reductions (2014‐15): • • • • Strategic Directions: $1,118,627 Strategic Directions: $528,963 Management Flexibility: $326,363 Total: $855,326 FY 2014‐15 Supplemental Budget • • OSBM memorandum dated December 12, 2013 2% reduction plan based on UNCW’s FY 14‐15 certified appropriation • • $2,021,954 reduction Campus will develop a $3.0 million reduction plan ($855,326 + $2,021,954)