UNCW Financial Update Presentation to the Board of Trustees Audit Committee January 14, 2016 Page 2 UNCW Financial Update • FY 2015 Audited Financial Statements Page 3 FY 2015 AUDITED STATEMENTS Page 4 FY 2015 Financial Highlights • State Auditor issued unqualified opinion • No management letter comments or findings • No material weaknesses in internal control over financial reporting • Continued growth in net position, $19.1 million – FY 2014 restated for GASB 68, Accounting and Financial Reporting for Pensions, which resulted in a decrease to FY 2014 net position of $18.7 million Page 5 2015 Change in Net Position in (000's) Operating Income (Loss) Operating Revenues Operating Expense Total Operating Loss Nonoperating Revenues Income Before Other Revenues Other Revenues Change in Net Position Net Position July 1 Change in Net Position (above) Net Position June 30 Net Position Adjustment Restated Net Position June 30 Change in Net Position (%) *Restated FY 2013* FY 2014* FY 2015 $154,041 267,913 (113,872) $158,088 273,028 (114,940) $166,305 277,217 (110,912) 122,887 124,474 123,586 9,015 9,534 12,674 19,206 28,221 9,257 18,791 6,396 19,070 398,137 28,221 426,358 426,494 19,070 445,564 426,358 426,358 18,791 445,149 (18,655) 426,494 7.09% 0.03% 4.47% 445,564 Page 6 Net Position Increased $19.1 million 2015 Net Position $445,564 ($ Thousands) Restricted Nonexpendable $52,634 (12%) Unrestricted $89,064 (20%) Invested in Capital Assets $269,028 (60%) Restricted Expendable $34,838 (8%) Page 7 Unrestricted Net Position Increased $7.0 million Unrestricted Net Position Unrestricted Trust Housing Union Endowment Auxiliary Operations Food Service Rec Ctr/Intramurals Ed & Tech Fees Parking ITSD Communications Overhead Athletics Other Pension ‐ Prior Year Adj. Pension ‐ Current Year Expense Total *Restated FY15 FY14* $ 31,325,690 21,448,296 14,205,574 10,588,524 5,854,503 5,083,027 4,376,157 4,055,743 2,682,768 2,286,614 2,272,574 1,447,440 3,755,987 $ 25,150,887 16,370,638 15,866,663 14,959,494 4,968,611 4,227,255 3,854,790 2,880,274 2,640,666 1,751,404 2,124,351 212,373 5,714,789 109,382,897 100,722,195 (18,655,440) (1,663,168) (18,655,440) ‐ $ 89,064,289 $ 82,066,755 Page 8 Diverse Revenue Sources 2015 Revenue by Source $308,168 ($ Thousands) Other Operating Revenues $5,523 (2%) Capital/Noncapital Grants $28,363 (9%) Investment Income, Net $5,676 (2%) Capital/Noncapital Gifts, Net $3,328 (1%) Non‐Federal Grants & Contracts $2,180 (1%) Other Revenues $2,173 (1%) State Appropriations $100,846 (33%) Residential Life, Net $22,193 (7%) Sales & Services, Net $49,060 (15%) Federal Grants & Contracts $6,247 (2%) Additions to Endowments $1,490 (<1%) Student Tuition & Fees, Net $103,282 (34%) Dining, Net $13,302 (4%) Parking, Net $3,119 (1%) Recreational Services, Net $2,744 (1%) Education Sales & Service, Net $4,107 (1%) Other Sales & Services, Net $3,595 (1%) Page 9 Total Expenses by Nature 2015 Expense by Nature $289,097 ($ Thousands) Supplies and Materials, $21,627 (7%) Services $51,856 (18%) Salaries and Benefits $160,704 (56%) Scholarships and Fellowships $18,978 (7%) Utilities $8,024 (3%) Depreciation $16,029 (5%) Interest $11,880 (4%) Page 10 Total Expenses by Function 2015 Expense by Function $289,097 ($ Thousands) Research $10,203 (4%) Public Service $3,192 (1%) Academic Support $18,387 (6%) Student Services $10,926 (4%) Institutional Support $22,708 (7%) Facilities $25,136 (9%) Instruction $100,614 (35%) Student Financial Aid $17,791 (6%) Pension Expense $1,663 (1%) Auxiliary Enterprises $50,569 (17%) Interest $11,880 (4%) Depreciation $16,029 (6%) Page 11 Debt Summary 2006-15 $300 $250 254.2 249.1 244.1 233.4 237.3 232.1 2014 2015 $200 $ Millions 197.8 $150 145.0 140.7 2007 2008 $100 96.6 $50 $0 2006 2009 2010 Year 2011 2012 2013 Page 12 Financial Statement Audit Report • Office of State Auditor financial statement audit link: http://www.ncauditor.net/EpsWeb/Reports/Financial/FIN‐2015‐6060.pdf • Distributed to external constituents and posted to UNCW Controller’s webpage: http://www.uncw.edu/controller/financial_reports.html