Determination of Acute and Sub-Chronic Toxicity of Emerging Contaminants in Early Life Stages of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykis) Schultz, D.1*, Tang, S.1, Beitel, S.1, Sarauer, B.1, Hanson, S.1, Wiseman, S.B.1, Jones, P.D.1, Giesy, J.P.1, Janz, D.1, Hecker, M.1 1 University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada Methods and Procedures Background Some of the ECs of concern that are frequently found in MWWE include hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD), silver (AG) nanoparticles, shortchain chlorinated paraffins (SCCP), 17αethynylestradiol (EE2), and Prozac™ (FLX) Many rural Canadian municipalities discharge MWWE with little to no treatment, resulting in elevated exposures to these ECs in receiving waterbodies Objectives Fish will be exposed under continuous flowthrough conditions, and subsamples will be collected at critical development stages (hatching, swim-up, sexual differentiation Preliminary Results Endpoints will include hatching success, time to hatch, survival, time to swim-up, time and success of sexual differentiation, and morphological and histological defects, as well as endpoint specific rates of development. Fish will be reared according Environment Canada guidelines (1). It appears that high doses of AgNP (30 nM) have the potential to increase incubation time and decrease hatching success in O. mykiss Figure 3: Exposure system setup. The three replicates of each test concentration will be supplied by the same reservoir under continuous flow-through conditions. Each replicate will contain two egg chambers, whose purpose is to contain the fry once hatched and allow for easier egg inspection. to Hatching Data a b MWWE 30 c AgNP 90 Prozac 40 There seems to be no relationship between MWWE, Prozac, or EE2 on incubation times or hatching success in O. mykiss Future research will aim to further characterize the effects of these emerging chemicals to other native species, in order to aid in the development of more appropriate environmental risk assessment strategies for receptors of concern. * Mortality (%) To investigate the sub-chronic effects of ECs on early life stages of Rainbow Trout by Characterizing effects of ECs on fertilization success, embryonic development, and hatchability of Oncorhynchus mykis 25 75 20 60 15 10 30 45 20 30 10 5 15 0 CTR 10 0 50 0 CTR 0.1 0.3 Treatment Identifying the potential impact of ECs on fry survival, transition to exogenous feeding, and sexual differentiation 1 3 10 30 CTR 0.5 Treatment Concentration (nM) 1.95 7.81 31.25 125 Treatment Concentration (nM) Prozac AgNP 550 MWWE * 460 440 420 600 * 500 480 Degree Days to Hatch Comparing sensitivity of Oncorhynchus mykiss to selected ECs relative to standard laboratory fish species Toxic effects on native Canadian fish species will differ to those of model laboratory species Mortality (%) Because rainbow trout are native to North America and introduced extensively elsewhere, as well as their high trophic level, they may be at particular risk to ECs Responses to chronic exposures of O. mykiss to selected ECs will differ from acute effects of the same chemicals Figure 2: Adult Rainbow Trout (O. mykiss) 550 Degree Days to Hatch There is a lack of data regarding the chronic toxicity of ECs to aquatic wildlife, particularly to early life stages of native fish species living in environments of concern Exposure to MWWE will lead to adverse effects on early life stages of O. mykiss Chronic exposures of O. mykiss to selected ECs will have life stage specific toxic effects For each chemical, the lowest doses were selected based on environmental relevance and increased incrementally thereafter Degree Days to Hatch ECs are continuously released via points sources (e.g. MWWE) and diffuse sources (e.g. runoff), and thus, are ubiquitous in the aquatic environment Experimental Design O. mykiss gametes will purchased from TroutLodge, WA, USA and fertilized and immediately transferred to exposure solutions (EE2, FLX, MWWE, Ag nanoparticle) and sediments (HBCD, SCCP) Mortality (%) Emerging contaminants (ECs) have recently gained notoriety due to their potential toxicity to wildlife and humans Hypothesis 450 400 350 450 400 350 300 400 500 300 CTR 0.1 0.3 1 3 10 30 CTR 0.5 1.95 Treatment Concentration (nM) 7.81 31.25 125 500 Treatment Concentration (nM) References 380 CTR 10 50 1. Environment Canada. 1998. Biological Test Method: Toxicity Tests Using Early Life Stages of Salmonid Fish (Rainbow Trout). Report EPS 1/RM/28. 2nd Ed. Technical Report, Ottawa, Ontario. Treatment Concentration (%) b EE2 60 650 50 600 Degree Days to Hatch d Mortality (%) a EE2 40 30 20 10 CTR 1 3 10 30 Treatment Concentration (nM) 450 400 100 300 300 CTR 1 3 10 30 100 300 Treatment Concentration (nM) d Figure 1: Early developmental stages of O. mykiss including early eyed- egg (a), alevin (b), fry (c), and juvenile (d). Created by Peter Downing – Educational Media Access and Production © 2011 500 350 0 c 550 Figure 1: Degree days to hatch and mortality (%) in municipal wastewater effluent (A), silver nanoparticles (B), Prozac™ (C), and 17β-ethynylestradiol (D). All concentrations are reported in nanoMoles. Error bars represent ± one standard deviation from the mean of three replicates (two replicates in controls). Significance indicated by: *p<0.05. Acknowledgments