Science of the Total Environment 466–467 (2014) 214–220 Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect Science of the Total Environment journal homepage: Aquaculture-derived enrichment of hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs) in coastal sediments of Hong Kong and adjacent mainland China Hong-Sheng Wang a,⁎, Zhuo-Jia Chen b, Zhang Cheng c, Jun Du a,⁎⁎, Yu-Bon Man c, Ho-Man Leung c, John P. Giesy d,e,f,g, Chris K.C. Wong c, Ming-Hung Wong c,⁎⁎⁎ a Department of Microbial and Biochemical Pharmacy, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Sun Yat-sen University, No.132 Waihuandong Road, University Town, Guangzhou 510006, China State Key Laboratory of Oncology in South China, Department of Pharmacy, Sun Yat-Sen University Cancer Center, Guangzhou 510060, China c State Key Laboratory in Marine Pollution - Croucher Institute for Environmental Sciences, Hong Kong Baptist University and City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, PR China d Department of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences & Toxicological Center, University of Saskatchewan, Canada e Department of Biology & Chemistry and State Key Laboratory in Marine Pollution, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong, SAR, China f School of Biological Sciences, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China g State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse, School of the Environment, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China b H I G H L I G H T S • Aquaculture could derive significant enrichment of OCPs in coastal sediments. • The enriched OCPs were mainly derived from fish feeds and DDT-based antifouling paints. • This is the first study for aquaculture-derived OCP contaminations in coastal sediments. a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 23 April 2013 Received in revised form 5 July 2013 Accepted 6 July 2013 Available online xxxx Editor: Eddy Y. Zeng Keywords: OCPs Mariculture Sediments HCHs DDTs Pesticides a b s t r a c t To evaluate contamination of sediments along the coast of Hong Kong and adjacent mainland China, concentrations of hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs) in surface and core sediments were measured in six mariculture zones. In surface sediments (0 to 5 cm), concentrations of ∑HCHs and ∑DDTs in mariculture sediments were approximately 1.3- and 7.7-fold greater, respectively, than those detected in sediments at corresponding reference sites, which were 1 to 2 km away in areas where there was no mariculture. Similarly, in cores of sediments, concentrations of ∑HCHs and ∑DDTs were 1.2- and 14-fold greater in mariculture zones, respectively. Enrichment relative to regional background concentrations, expressed as percentages was as large as 8.67 × 103% for o,p'-DDD. The major sources of the enriched organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) were hypothesized to be derived from the use of contaminated fish feeds and anti-fouling paints for maintaining fish cages. Results of ecological risk assessments revealed that enriched OCPs had a large potential to contaminate the surrounding marine environment and lead to adverse effects on the associated biota. To our knowledge, this is the first study to evaluate the differences of OCP contaminations between mariculture and natural coastal sediments. Crown Copyright © 2013 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Rapid development of aquaculture has raised concerns about the potential for these operations to cause adverse effects on the local coastal marine environment (Cao et al., 2007). One of the most negative effects of cage aquaculture is uncontrolled release of extra-loads ⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 20 3994 3024. ⁎⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 20 3994 3022. ⁎⁎⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +852 34117746; fax: +852 34117743. E-mail addresses: (H.-S. Wang), (J. Du), (M.-H. Wong). of nutrients, suspended solids and organic matters to the water and sediments (Yokoyama et al., 2006). Nutrient enrichment in sediments in the vicinity of mariculture is common all over the world, such as Japan (Yokoyama et al., 2006), Turkey (Alpaslan and Pulatsü, 2008) and Spain (Mendiguchia et al., 2006). In Hong Kong, the average annual total phosphorus (TP) loads to sediments beneath mariculture cages increased by 13.2-fold relative to those at reference locations (Gao et al., 2005). Enrichment of nutrients could change the physical–chemical characteristics of sediments, which act as a sink for heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants (POPs). Results of previous studies indicated that heavy metals such as copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), lead (Pb) and 0048-9697/$ – see front matter. Crown Copyright © 2013 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. H.-S. Wang et al. / Science of the Total Environment 466–467 (2014) 214–220 cadmium (Cd) were enriched in sediments near mariculture facilities due to the presence of unconsumed fish feeds and antifouling paints (Dean et al., 2007; Mendiguchia et al., 2006). Concentrations of trace organic pollutants such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) were great in fish feeds manufactured in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) (Guo et al., 2009b), Canada (Kelly et al., 2008), Spain (Serrano et al., 2003) and Hong Kong (Leung et al., 2010). However, data about enrichment of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in sediments in the vicinity of mariculture facilities are limited worldwide including the PRD. Concentrations of PCBs, polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs), PBDEs, OCPs, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in anoxic sediments under fish farm net pens in New Brunswick were greater than those at other sites (Sather et al., 2006). Concentrations of PAH in sediments under mariculture facilities were significantly greater than those in coastal sediments where there was no mariculture facility (Wang et al., 2010). Those authors suggested that fish feeds might be the main source of the enriched PAHs in the mariculture sediments. We hypothesized that OCPs could be greater in sediments near mariculture facilities in Hong Kong and adjacent mainland China. The specific objectives were to: (1) characterize concentrations of OCPs in mariculture surface and core sediments of Hong Kong and adjacent mainland China; (2) compare the concentrations of OCPs in marine culture sediments and their corresponding reference sediments; and (3) evaluate the sources, burden and ecological risks of OCPs in sediments under mariculture facilities. To our knowledge, this is the first study to evaluate the differences of OCP contaminations in coastal sediments between areas with and without mariculture. 2. Materials and methods 215 extracted according to US EPA Standard Method 3540 C (USEPA, 1996) using 100 ml of a mixture of acetone, dichloromethane (DCM) and n-hexane (1:1:1, v: v: v) for 16 to 18 h at 68 °C. Sufficient acid-washed copper powder was added to remove sulfur. The extract solution was concentrated to 2 ml with a rotary evaporator. About 10 ml n-hexane was added and then rotary evaporated to remove acetone and DCM. The concentrated extract was then cleaned-up by use of a multilayer silica gel column containing, from top to bottom, 1 g anhydrous sodium sulfate, 2 g of deactivated silica (3% organicfree reagent water, w/w), 8 g of acidic silica (44% concentrated sulfuric acid, w/w), 1 g of deactivated silica and 1 g of anhydrous sodium. OCPs were eluted with 90 ml n-hexane/dichloromethane (7:3, v/v). The eluate was then concentrated and passed through a florisil column with 160 ml n-hexane. Deuterated internal standard 2, 4, 5, 6-Tetrachloromxylene (TCmX) was added into all extracts to 100 ng g−1 prior to instrumental analysis for quantification. The final volume for all samples was 200 μl. OCPs were quantitatively analyzed by a Hewlett-Packard (HP) 6890 N gas chromatograph (GC) coupled with a HP-5973 mass selective detector (MSD) and a 30 m × 0.25 mm × 0.25 μm DB-5 capillary column (J & W Scientific Co. Ltd., USA). The mass spectrometry mode is selected ion monitoring (SIM). An aliquot of the extract (1 μl) was injected with the aid of an auto sampler (Hewlett-Packard 7683 series). The oven temperature was programmed from 60 °C (initial time, 1 min) to 290 °C at a rate of 4 °C/min, held for 10 min. The 10 target OCP compounds included α-HCH, β-HCH, γ-HCH, δ-HCH, o,p'-DDD, p,p'-DDD, o,p'-DDE, p,p'-DDE, o,p'-DDT and p,p'-DDT. The standard curve was obtained by injecting standards of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, and 50 ng OCP ml−1. The limit of detection (LOD) for OCPs was 0.02 ng g−1 in the samples (dry weight, dw). If the concentration of a congener was less than the LOD, a value equal to half the LOD of the analytical method was attributed for statistical analysis, while it was set to zero for sum, mean and median calculations. 2.1. Study area and sampling 2.3. QA/QC Six cage mariculture farms located at Xixiang (XX), Tsing Yi (TY), Sam Mun Tsai (SMT), Mirs Bay (MB), Sai Kung (SK) and Tung Lung Chau (TLC) were chosen for the present study (Fig. S1). Six sampling sites were chosen for each direction to represent the typical, subtropical fish farming regions in Hong Kong and adjacent mainland China. Detailed information for these sampling sites is shown in Table S1. Total organic carbon (TOC) concentrations in surface sediments and cores for each sampling site are listed in Tables S2 and S3. Detailed information on the physical properties of sediments has been reported previously (Liang et al., 2012). Species cultured in these mariculture “farms” included Red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus), Orangespotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides) and Snubnose pompano (Trachinotus blochii). In the period of July to September 2008, at least three surface (0–5 cm, using a stainless steel grab sampler) and core (using a KC Kajak sediment core sampler, ø60/52 mm, length 100 cm, Denmark) samples of sediments were collected from each site. Sediments at mariculture facilities were collected beneath cages, while reference sediments were collected about 1–2 km away from the cage, but in the general vicinity. The total number of samples of surface sediments was 36 (18 mariculture surface samples and 18 reference surface samples), and the total number of cores was 36 (18 mariculture core samples and 18 reference core sediments). Cores of sediments were sectioned into 2.5 cm intervals for the first 10 cm, then 5 cm intervals to 40 cm, and then 10 cm intervals to the end. Fish feeds including waste fish (n = 6) and dry pellet feeds (n = 9) were collected from TLC fish farms. All samples were packed in aluminium foil, transported to the laboratory and kept at −20 °C until further analyses. 2.2. Identification and quantification of residues Sediments were freeze-dried, homogenized and stored in desiccators prior to chemical analyses. Samples (2–3 g) were Soxhlet Surrogate standards (4 4′-dichlorbiphenyl) were added to all samples prior to extraction to quantify the procedural recoveries. For each batch of 20 field samples, a method blank (solvent), a spiked blank (standards spiked into solvent), a matrix spike (standards spiked into pre-extracted sediment), a sample duplicate, and a standard reference material (SRM 1941) sample from National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) were processed. The method blanks contained no detectable target analysts. Several quality control criteria were used to ensure the correct identification and quantization of the target compounds: first, retention times matched with those of the authentic reference compounds; second, the ratios of the two characteristic ions were within 15% of the theoretical values; third, the signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio was greater than three for the selected ions; fourth, the amount of the analytes in the sample had to be at least two times that in the blank sample if there were interferences. If any of these four criteria failed, the congener was excluded. Measured concentrations of target analytes in the NIST SRM 1941 were within 76.2–115% of the certified and reference values. The mean surrogate recovery was 93.7 ± 13.6%. The variance between the duplicate samples all less than 12%. The LOD using the present method was determined as the concentrations of analytes in a sample that gave rise to a peak with a signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) of 3. All the results were not corrected with the recovery ratios due to the acceptable recovery rates and reported in ng g−1, dry weight (dw), at three significant figures. 2.4. Data analysis The ∑HCHs was defined as the sum of α-HCH, β-HCH, γ-HCH and δ-HCH, ∑DDTs as the sum of o,p'-DDT, p,p'-DDT, o,p'-DDE, p,p'-DDE, o, p'-DDD and p,p'-DDD, and ∑OCPs as the sum of ∑HCHs and ∑DDTs. The enrichment percentage was calculated according to the 216 H.-S. Wang et al. / Science of the Total Environment 466–467 (2014) 214–220 formula (Duce et al., 1972; Gao et al., 2005; Wang et al., 2011): Eri. = (CAq. − CRef.) × 100/CRef., where Eri. is the enrichment percentage; CAq. is the concentration in mariculture sediment; and CRef. is the concentration in reference sediment. Statistical analyses of data were performed by use of SPSS 17.0 for Windows. Normality was confirmed by the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test. Homogeneity of variances was confirmed using the Levene test. Data of OCP concentrations in mariculture and reference sediments were analyzed using two independent t-tests and one-way ANOVA with Duncan's multiple range test as appropriate. 3. Results and discussion 3.1. Enrichment of OCPs in mariculture surface and core sediments Concentrations of OCPs in surface sediments under mariculture facilities were greater than those in sediments from reference locations and some OCPs exceeded thresholds set by various institutions. In reference sediments, concentrations of ∑HCHs ranged from 4.24 to 15.5 ng g−1 with a mean of 10.4 ng g−1, while those of ∑DDTs ranged from 1.59 to 9.57 ng g−1 with a mean of 3.58 ng g−1. Detailed information concerning OCP contaminations in both mariculture and reference surface (0–5 cm) sediments of six sampling sites is shown Table S2. As shown in Fig. 1, the concentrations of ∑HCHs ranged from 5.62 to 20.4 ng g−1 with a mean of 13.2 ng g−1 in mariculture surface sediments. The concentrations of ∑DDTs ranged from 9.95 to 44.4 ng g−1 with a mean of 23.9 ng g−1 were much higher than interim sediment quality guidelines (ISQG) target value of 4.48 ng g−1 set by the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME, 1999a) and accounted for 43.0 to 77.0% with a mean of 63.1% of ∑OCPs. Concentrations of ∑DDTs and ∑HCHs in surface sediments at mariculture facilities were significantly (p b 0.05) greater than that in reference surface sediments. Mean enrichment percentages for ∑HCHs and ∑DDTs in surface sediments of six mariculture locations were 34.7 and 676%, respectively. Concentrations of ∑HCHs in surface sediments under mariculture facilities ranged from 5.62 to 20.4 ng g−1 with a mean of 13.2 ng g−1 (Fig. 1). Concentrations of ∑DDTs ranged from 9.95 to 44.4 ng g−1 with a mean of 23.9 ng g−1 were greater than the interim sediment quality guideline (ISQG) target value of 4.48 ng g−1 set by the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME, 1999a) and accounted for 43.0 to 77.0% with a mean of 63.1% of ∑OCPs. Fig. 1. The concentrations of ∑HCHs and ∑DDTs in mariculture and reference surface sediments of the PRD. Aq. means mariculture sediments. Ref. means reference sediments. The number of data for surface and core sediments is 18 and 60, respectively. Concentrations of OCPs in core sediments under mariculture facilities were also significantly greater than those in sediments from reference locations. Concentrations and vertical distributions of ∑HCHs and ∑DDTs at the six mariculture sites are shown in Figs. 1 and 2, respectively. The average concentrations of OCPs and their congeners in the mariculture and reference core sediments are listed in Table S3. Concentrations of ∑DDTs ranged from 0.92 to 326 ng g−1 with a mean of 39.3 ng g−1 in sediment cores from mariculture sites. Concentrations of ∑HCHs in sediment cores of mariculture sites ranged from 4.89 to 52.8 ng g−1 with a mean of 14.2 ng g−1 dw. Concentrations of both ∑DDTs and ∑HCHs were significantly (p b 0.01) enriched in cores of sediments at mariculture sites relative to the reference sediments, with enrichment percentages ranging from 9.88 to 35.4 with a mean of 21.9% for ∑HCHs and from 382 to 2.68 × 103 with a mean of 1.30 × 103% for ∑DDTs, respectively. Enrichment percentages of o,p'-DDD and p,p'-DDD were significantly greater (p b 0.05) than those of other OCP congeners, especially in sediment cores of 10–15 cm where the average enrichment percentage was as high as 8.67 × 103% for o,p'-DDD. 3.2. Vertical distribution profiles of OCPs in core sediments Vertical profiles of organic contaminants in core sediments could provide useful information about historical trends of contaminant inputs. As shown in Fig. 2, no significant historical variations of HCHs in core sediments of both mariculture and reference sites were observed. The results were in line with previous studies also performed in the PRD (Wei et al., 2008; Zhang et al., 2002). For ∑DDTs in reference core sediments, the concentrations displayed decreasing trends with sediment depth except the rebound trend observed in some sites such as TLC (Fig. 2), revealing that DDT contamination in natural marine sediments of Hong Kong and adjacent mainland China shared similar historical inputs with other coastal sediments in China such as Quanzhou Bay (Gong et al., 2007) and Daya Bay (Wang et al., 2008). However, significantly (p b 0.01) higher concentrations of ∑DDTs were recorded at the depth of 10 to 15 cm at SMT, MB and SK, and 20 to 25 cm at XX and TY in mariculture core sediments. The peak concentrations which appeared in different depths of the mariculture core sediments were perhaps attributed to different sedimentation rates. Previous studies suggested that the sedimentation rate at the west coast of Hong Kong (Deep Bay, 1.3 ± 1.7 cm a−1) was significantly higher than that in the east (0.35 ± 0.56 cm a−1, Hebe Haven; 0.46 ± 0.27 cm a−1) (Zhang et al., 2002). Considering the sedimentation rates at XX and TY located in the west coast, were higher than SMT, MB and SK located at the east coast of Hong Kong, the ∑DDT peak concentrations suggested that the pesticides had been used substantially in the past during mariculture in the PRD, which was in line with previous studies related to historical usage of DDTs in this region (Guo et al., 2009a; Wei et al., 2008). The dated of sediment core is needed to further illustrate the historical usage of OCPs in the sections of the mariculture sediment cores analyzed. One recent study has indicated that the antifouling paint discharge from fishing boat hull maintenance was the most dominant input source of DDTs in mariculture sediments collected from Hailing Bay of Guangdong Province, a major mariculture zone in South China (Yu et al., 2011c). Therefore, the maximum peak of DDTs at various sediment depths in the present study may be thus attributable to the increasing consumption of DDT-containing antifouling paints with increasing number of fishing boats, prior to the ban on the use of DDT-bearing antifouling paints in Hong Kong. On the other hand, the DDT loading has remained basically constant in sediment from Hailing Bay (Yu et al., 2011b), probably because antifouling paints from Hailing Bay still contained fairly large amounts of DDTs compared to those from Hong Kong (Yu et al., 2011a). Because other factors such as hydrodynamic process and use of fish feeds (frequency H.-S. Wang et al. / Science of the Total Environment 466–467 (2014) 214–220 217 Concentrations (ng g-1, dw) 40 80 40 80 100 200 300 Depth(cm) XX 100 200 TY 300 20 40 SMT 60 40 20 Depth(cm) MB SK TLC Fig. 2. Concentrations of ∑DDTs and ∑HCHs with depth of sediments in mariculture and reference core sediments. Aq. means mariculture sediments. Ref. means reference sediments. and amount) could also significantly affect the sedimentation rates of mariculture core sediments, dating of sediment at each sampling site would be imperative in future works to understand the historical DDT usage by coastal mariculture in Hong Kong and adjacent mainland China. 3.3. Congener composition of OCPs Congener composition analyses of organic pollutants could provide useful information about the source of input. The congener compositions of ∑HCHs and ∑DDTs in mariculture and reference surface sediments are shown in Fig. S2. Our data indicated that β-HCH was the most abundant isomer of HCHs in both surface mariculture sediments (16 to 93%, mean of 67%) and reference sediments (20 to 96%, mean of 72%). The ratios of α/β-HCH in both surface mariculture (0.03 to 2.08, mean of 0.50) and reference (0.02 to 1.57, mean of 0.34) sediments were much lower than that of technical HCHs (50–70% α-HCH, 5–14% β-HCH, 10–18% γ-HCH and 6–10% δ-HCH), suggesting that β-HCH contamination might be due to historical usage and it is the most hydrophobic isomer (Wang et al., 2008). Furthermore the significant (p b 0.05) higher percentage (4.0 to 63%, mean of 25%) of γ-HCH as compared to that of technical HCHs found in the sediments, indicated that there was new input of lindane in the sediments (Wang et al., 2008), especially SK (61%) and XX (50%). Due to the significant enrichment of ∑DDTs in both surface and core mariculture sediments, it is important to understand its congener compositions. The proportion of p,p'-DDD to ∑DDTs in mariculture surface sediments (54 to 86%, mean of 70%) was significantly (p b 0.05) higher than that in reference sediments (33 to 78%, mean of 55%) (Fig. S2.B). Furthermore, the DDD/DDE ratios in surface mariculture sediments (1.55 to 14.6, mean of 5.98) were also significantly (p b 0.01) higher than that (0.69 to 7.53, mean of 2.89) in reference sediments. Similar trends were also recorded in the core sediments. This indicated that mariculture sediments had much higher degree of anaerobic conditions which could cause a reductive dechlorination of DDT to DDD (Sethajintanin and Anderson, 2006). It was further confirmed by the results that the ratios of (DDD + DDE)/DDT in both mariculture (mean 0.92) and reference (mean 0.85) were much higher than 0.5, suggesting that DDTs were subjected to long-term weathering (Hitch and Day, 1992). Furthermore, it is well accepted that the ratios of (p,p'-DDE + p,p'-DDD)/p,p'-DDTs greater than 0.5 indicate historical input of DDT, while those less than 0.5 imply recent input (Barakat et al., 2011; Hong et al., 1999; Sudaryanto et al., 2007). Strandberg et al. (1998) also suggested that ratios of p,p'-DDT/p,p'-DDE in sediments higher than 0.5 may indicate recent input of DDT, while the ratios less than 0.3 suggest past input. Both ratios of (p,p'-DDE + p,p'-DDD)/ p,p'-DDTs (50.0 ± 26.2) and p,p'-DDT/p,p'-DDE (0.12 ± 0.07) suggested that DDTs in mariculture surface sediments were from historical usage. The ratios o,p'-DDT/p,p'-DDT in mariculture sediments ranged from 0.16 to 6.69 (2.37 ± 1.60), which suggested a Dicofol source for DDT contamination in mariculture sediments (Qiu et al., 2005). There is no linear correlation (p N 0.05) between DDTs (sum of o,p'-DDT and p,p'-DDT) and ∑DDTs in mariculture sediments of the present study, reflecting that DDTs were not derived from a single dominant source (discussed below). 3.4. Sediment burden of OCPs The enriched mass inventory (EI) of OCPs in the mariculture sediments could be calculated according to the following formula (Lin et al., 2009): EI ¼ ðCAq:−CRef:ÞAdp H.-S. Wang et al. / Science of the Total Environment 466–467 (2014) 214–220 where CAq. is the concentration in mariculture sediment, CRef. is the concentration in reference sediment, A is the total water area of mariculture zones in Hong Kong and adjacent mainland China (224.4 km2) (Cao et al., 2007), d is the assumed sediment density of 1.5 g/cm3 (Lin et al., 2009), and p is sediment thickness (5 cm for surface and 30 cm for core sediment). The total calculated inventories of ∑HCHs and ∑DDTs in mariculture surface sediments of Hong Kong and adjacent mainland China were 0.22 and 0.40 t, respectively. The calculated enriched ∑HCHs and ∑DDTs in mariculture surface sediments of the PRD were 4.7 × 10−2 and 0.35 t respectively after subtracted by reference sediments. For core sediments, data of first 30 cm was employed to deduce the enriched burden of organochlorines. The calculated enriched inventories for ∑ HCHs and ∑DDTs were 0.23 and 3.67 t respectively in mariculture core sediments of the PRD. Although there were some uncertainties in the estimated OCP inventories such as the representative of average concentrations in mariculture and reference sediments, the identification of “enrichment” due to mariculture, generally, our results indicated that the mariculture sediments were enriched by a large amount of OCPs. Compound percentage in TLC mariculture sediments 218 80 β-HCH p,p’-DDD 60 40 R2=0.71, p<0.05 20 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Compound percentage in TLC fish feeds Fig. 3. The correlation of OCP congener proportions (HCH congeners to ∑HCH and DDT congeners to ∑DDTs) between fish feeds and surface mariculture sediments collected from TLC. The short dash line represents 1:1 line between the compound percentage in fish feeds and sediments, whereas points above the line suggest selective enhancement (positive deviation), otherwise degradation (negative). 3.5. The sources of enriched OCPs The above results revealed that large amount of OCPs were enriched in mariculture surface and core sediments. The enrichments could be attributed to human mariculture activities. Primarily, fish feed input was expected as the most important source for organic pollutants in mariculture sediments. High concentrations of OCPs were observed in fish feed manufactured in the PRD (∑DDTs, mean of 417 ng g−1 in trash fish and 151 ng g−1 in pellets) (Guo et al., 2009a) and Hong Kong (∑DDTs, 86.5 to 641 ng g−1 in trash fish) (Leung et al., 2010). In the present study, concentrations of ∑HCHs and ∑DDTs in fish feeds collected from TLC were 29.8 ± 10.3 and 382 ± 203 ng g−1 in trash fish, and 34.4 ± 7.39 and 95.8 ± 30.1 ng g−1 in commercial dry pellets respectively. The concentrations of these organic pollutants in trash fish and dry pellets collected from TLC were similar with fish feeds manufactured in the PRD (Guo et al., 2009a). Fig. 3 shows the composition percentages of HCHs and DDTs in fish feeds and mariculture surface sediments collected from TLC. The composition proportion of OCP (excluding p, p'-DDD) congeners in fish feeds was significantly correlated (R2 = 0.71, p b 0.05) with that in mariculture sediments, but not (p N 0.05, data now shown) with that in reference sediments. This revealed that the OCPs (excluding p,p'-DDD) in mariculture sediments may be principally derived from fish feed inputs. There are two OCP congeners' proportion values (β-HCH and p,p'-DDD) located above the short dash line (1:1 line), indicating selective enhancement from fish feeds to mariculture sediments. For β-HCH, previous studies indicated that this compound had a low vapor pressure and was the most recalcitrant HCHs in the environment under anaerobic conditions (Middeldorp et al., 1996). Therefore, the proportion of β-HCH to ∑HCHs in mariculture sediments would be enhanced. The proportion of DDT to ∑DDTs in fish feeds (mean 28.8%) was significantly (p b 0.01) higher than that (mean 7.30%) in mariculture surface sediments. It suggested the there is degradation of DDTs inputted by fish feeds in mariculture sediments. For p,p'-DDD, the proportion value in mariculture sediments was 4.4 times higher than that in fish feeds (Fig. 3). DDT contained in fish feeds could be dechlorinated to DDD under anaerobic condition (Corona-Cruz et al., 1999). Previous studies suggested that antifouling paint was an important DDT source in the coastal sediments of the PRD (Lin et al., 2009; Wang et al., 2007). High ∑DDT residues (0.53–2.36 × 103 μg g−1) were reported in commercially available antifouling paints in the PRD and about 30–60 Mt of DDT had been used in the region (Wang et al., 2007). The DDT-based antifouling paints were largely used to prevent the attachment of marine organisms such as barnacles and algae on floating rafts. Furthermore, the DDD/DDE ratios (1.55 to 14.6, mean 5.98) in mariculture surface sediments were comparable to the data (1.1 to 11.8, mean 4.5) obtained in fishing harbor sediments contaminated by DDT-based antifouling in the PRD (Lin et al., 2009). Therefore, it seems apparent that another important source for the enriched DDTs, especially p,p'-DDD, detected in mariculture sediments was in the form of dechlorinated DDTs released from antifouling paints under anaerobic conditions, although it needs further study to compare its contribution with fish feed inputs. In addition, p,p'-DDD was also used as an insecticide and applied directly to the water in fish farms to control weeds and algae and to eliminate fish and invertebrates (Guo et al., 2008; Sethajintanin and Anderson, 2006). Therefore, the higher proportions of p,p'-DDD in mariculture sediments may partly stem from direct inputs. Previous studies indicated that coastal regions including residential, industrial, and harbor areas showed high OCP concentrations compared with offshore sites (Hong et al., 2008; Hung et al., 2007). The enrichment of OCPs in sediment from fish farms could be linked to the emission of DDTs by fish ships. Elevated levels of DDTs in harbor regions had also been observed elsewhere (Hong et al., 2006; Lee et al., 2001). It indicated that shipping industry may also be a source of DDTs in the mariculture farms in Hong Kong. 3.6. Ecological risk assessment The overall water area of mariculture in the coastal zone of the PRD represents a considerable proportion of the total water area (Lin et al., 2009). Considering that coastal sediment is both a habitat for aquatic organisms and a reservoir of pollutants, an ecological risk assessment (ERA) (Chapman, 2002) was conducted in order to assess the toxicity of surface mariculture and reference sediments posed to the surrounding marine environment and associated biota. The sediment quality guidelines specified by the USEPA (1997) and the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME, 1999a, 1999b) were used to assess the potential ecotoxicological impacts of these organic pollutants (Table 1). Results indicated that p,p'-DDD had the largest ecotoxicological risk among all DDT congeners, 72.4% samples were above the probable effect level (PEL) (Long et al., 1995; Nipper et al., 1998), with the maximum concentration 42 times higher than its PEL value. For total DDT concentrations, 13.8% samples were above the effect range-medium (ER-M) (Long et al., 1995; Nipper et al., 1998) value and 79.3% were above the PEL values H.-S. Wang et al. / Science of the Total Environment 466–467 (2014) 214–220 219 Table 1 Comparison of the concentrations of DDTs and HCHs in the surface mariculture and reference area with the corresponding sediment quality criteria. OCPs p,p'-DDT p,p'-DDD p,p'-DDE DDTs γ-HCHs Range ER-L Aq. Ref. 0.05–7.49 0.23–302 0.08–26.2 0.61–326 ND-23.5 ND-1.07 0.06–7.43 0.05–2.51 0.47–9.57 ND-6.11 1 2 2.2 1.58 – % above ER-L ER-M Aq. Ref. 48.3 79.3 65.5 84.5 – 1.72 20.3 1.69 76.3 – 7 20 27 46.1 – % above ER-M TEL Aq. Ref. 3.45 36.2 0 13.8 – 0 0 0 0 – 1.19 1.22 2.07 2.26 0.32 % above TEL Aq. Ref. 43.1 82.8 70.7 81.0 98.3 0 42.4 1.69 50.8 84.6 PEL 4.77 7.18 374.17 4.79 0.99 % above PEL Max (Median) multiple to PEL Aq. Ref. Aq. Ref. 8.62 72.4 0 79.3 63.8 0 1.69 0 10.2 52.3 1.57 (0.21) 42.0 (2.21) 0.07 (0.01) 68.0 (4.12) 23.7 (1.41) 0.22 (0.03) 1.03(0.16) 0.01(0.00) 2.00 (0.49) 6.17 (1.05) ER-L, effect range-low value; ER-M, effect range-medium value; % above ER-L/ER-M, percentage of sample above ER-L/ER-M; TEL, threshold effect level; PEL, probable effect level (Long et al., 1995; Nipper et al., 1998). with the maximum concentration 68 times higher than its PEL value. High percentages of DDTs and γ-HCH exceeding the PEL indicated that there may be a high potential contaminating surrounding marine environment leading to adverse effects on the biota associated with the sediments. Generally, the ecological risks of DDTs and HCHs in reference sediments were much lower than that of mariculture sediments. However, more attention should also be paid to Hong Kong marine sediment contamination because there was more than 50.8% and 84.6% natural marine sediment samples that exceeded the threshold effect level of DDTs and γ-HCHs, respectively. The above results suggested that the large amount of OCPs especially p,p'-DDD were enriched in mariculture sediments. There is a great potential for the enriched OCPs in mariculture sediments to enter into food chains and finally reach human bodies. The contaminated sediments are difficult to control and remediate due to technological and economical reasons (Zhou et al., 2004). Based on the results of the present study, it is recommended to minimize the sources of OCPs such as reducing the OCP concentrations in fish feeds, replacing the DDT-based antifouling paints, removing the unconsumed fish feeds, etc. 4. Conclusions The present study investigated the mariculture-derived contamination of HCHs and DDTs in surface and core coastal sediments of Hong Kong and adjacent mainland China. The enrichment percentages of ∑HCHs and ∑DDTs were 34.7 and 676% respectively in surface mariculture sediments compared with, 21.9 and 1.30 × 103% respectively in core mariculture sediments. In Hong Kong and adjacent mainland China, the calculated enriched mass inventories for ∑HCHs and ∑DDTs were 4.7 × 10−2 and 0.35 t respectively in surface mariculture sediments, and 0.23 and 3.67 t respectively in core mariculture sediments. The enriched organochlorines were mainly derived from fish feeds, DDT-based antifouling paints, pesticide usage and other trivial sources. Ecological risk assessment indicated that there was a potential danger for the enriched organochlorines to contaminate the surrounding marine environment and associated biota. Considering the fact that enriched OCPs in mariculture sediments could be eventually accumulated into seafood and exert harmful effects on human health, it is recommended to control OCPs at source. Acknowledgments The authors thank Dr. X. L. Sun and Mr. K.W. Chan for technical assistance. This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 31101071), the Seed Collaborative Research Fund from the State Key Laboratory in Marine Pollution (SCRF0003), the National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program, No. 2011CB9358003), the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (No. 2012M511868), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Sun Yat-sen University) (No. 12ykpy09), and the Science and Technology Planning Project of Guangdong Province, China (No. 2012B031500005). Prof. Giesy was supported by the Canada Research Chair program. 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China; 2 State Key Laboratory of Oncology in South China, Department of Pharmacy, Sun Yat-Sen University Cancer Center, Guangzhou 510060, China 3 State Key Laboratory in Marine Pollution - Croucher Institute for Environmental Sciences, Hong Kong Baptist University and City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, PR China; 4 Department of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences & Toxicological Center, University of Saskatchewan, Canada 5Department of Biology & Chemistry and State Key Laboratory in Marine Pollution, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong, SAR, China 6 School of Biological Sciences, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, SAR, China 7 State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse, School of the Environment, Nanjing University, Nanjing, People’s Republic of China * Co-corresponding authors: Dr. H.S. Wang: Tel: +86 20 3994 3024; Email:; Prof. J. Du: Tel: Tel: +86 20 3994 3022; Email:; Prof. M.H. Wong: Tel: +852 34117746; Fax: +852 34117743; Email: Figures: Figure S1. The map of sampling sites. 1: Xixiang (XX); 2: Tsing Yi (TY); 3: Sam Mun Tsai (SMT); 4: Mirs Bay (MB); 5: Sai Kung (SK); 6: Tung Lung Chau (TLC). Figure S2. The congener compositions of HCHs and DDTs in surface mariculture and reference sediments at different sampling sites. A: HCHs; B: DDTs. Tables Table S1. Detailed information for each mariculture site Table S2. Detailed information of OCPs (ng g-1, dry wt) enriched in surface (0-5cm) mariculture and reference sediments at different sites. Table S3. The average vertical distribution of OCPs (ng g-1, dry wt) in mariculture and reference sediment cores of the PRD FIGURE S1. The map of sampling sites. 1: Xixiang (XX); 2: Tsing Yi (TY); 3: Sam Mun Tsai (SMT); 4: Mirs Bay (MB); 5: Sai Kung (SK); 6: Tung Lung Chau (TLC). FIGURE S2. The congener compositions of HCHs and DDTs in surface mariculture and reference sediments at different sampling sites. A: HCHs; B: DDTs. TABLE S1 Detailed information for each mariculture site No. 1 2 3 Site Xixiang Tsing Yi Sam Mun Tsai Ab. XX TY SMT Latitude 22°33.243'N 22°21.047'N 22°27.288'N Longitude 113°51.738'E 114°03.366'E 114°13.481'E WD.(m) 5-10 40-50 30-40 4 Mirs Bay MB 22°33.870'N 114°31.260'E 20-25 5 Sai Kung SK 22°20.483'N 114°19.043'E 20-30 6 Tung Lung Chau TLC 22°15.400'N Ab. = Abbreviation; WD. = Water Depth 114°17.228'E 20-30 Fish Feed Descriptions Trash fish and dry pellet feed Located at Pearl River Estuary, which has constantly received discharges from various industrial and urban centers along the Pearl River during the past 30 years. Black mud sediment. moist and dry pellet feed, trash fish feed moist and dry pellet feed Located along the sailing route of cargo vessels. Near Kwai Tsing Container Terminal, the third busiest container port in the world. Participant of the "Accredited Fish Farm Scheme" Located at a semi-enclosed bay in the inner region of Tolo Harbor with a long history of receiving heavy pollution load from human activities in the catchment. Black mud sediment. Trash fish, moist and A semi-enclosed bay located in the east coast of Guangdong Province. dry pellet feed Relatively unpolluted marine environment (LiuHills, 1998). trash fish feed, mud Near the open-sea. Relatively unpolluted marine environment around culture carp fingerlings Flour, bread, carp fingerlings cages. mud A small island located off the peninsula of Clear Water Bay. Main sources of pollutants are from cargo vessels in the vicinity. -1 TABLE S2 Detailed information of OCPs (ng g , dry wt) enriched in surface (0-5cm) mariculture and reference sediments at different sites. XX TY SMT MB SK TLC AE Aq. Ref. Eri. Aq. Ref. Eri. Aq. Ref. Eri. Aq. Ref. Eri. Aq. Ref. Eri. Aq. Ref. Eri. α-HCH 4.97 1.89 163 0.67 1.19 -43.8 0.69 0.36 91.5 1.17 1.44 -19.2 1.70 0.68 150 1.23 1.10 12.4 59.0 β-HCH 2.64 1.30 103 4.51 5.76 -21.8 14.8 11.0 35.1 15.2 11.2 35.1 2.71 6.95 -61.1 9.24 11.3 -18.3 12.0 γ-HCH 7.69 3.05 153 0.61 0.94 -35.4 0.69 0.40 70.5 1.17 1.34 -12.9 6.86 0.70 882 2.11 1.45 45.0 184 δ-HCH 0.15 0.04 260 0.05 0.05 -10.6 ND ND N 0.06 0.02 190 ND ND N ND ND N N ∑HCHs 15.4 6.27 146 5.83 7.95 -26.6 16.2 11.75 37.9 17.6 14.1 25.1 11.3 8.34 35.2 12.6 13.9 -9.24 34.7 o,p’-DDD 1.1 0.21 436 0.86 0.06 1.94 0.07 1.58 0.26 510 1.15 0.11 982 2.02 0.46 337 p,p’-DDD 14.3 2.06 593 9.81 1.4 602 18.8 0.96 19.3 2.65 630 12.8 0.86 27.9 5.1 446 921 o,p’-DDE 0.13 ND N ND ND N ND ND N 0.06 ND N 0.06 ND N ND ND N N p,p’-DDE 1.96 0.57 244 1.76 0.54 225 6.02 0.74 717 3.33 1.04 219 4.17 0.50 738 2.56 0.99 158 384 o,p’-DDT 1.04 0.23 345 0.4 0.35 12.0 0.84 0.15 471 0.87 0.41 113 1.67 0.24 590 1.93 0.47 315 308 p,p’-DDT 2.73 0.22 0.18 0.14 28.9 0.29 0.11 158 0.42 0.17 145 0.4 0.12 228 0.62 0.12 427 352 ∑DDTs 21.2 3.33 538 13.1 2.52 417 27.9 2.06 25.6 4.57 460 20.3 1.84 999 35.0 7.18 388 676 ∑OCPs 36.6 9.6 281 18.9 10.5 80.8 44.1 13.8 219 43.2 18.7 131 31.6 10.2 210 47.6 21.1 126 175 TOC (%) 4.66 4.25 9.82 3.03 3.35 -9.62 8.44 4.41 91.3 3.96 3.75 5.66 7.86 6.19 26.9 4.29 4.11 4.38 21.4 1.13× 103 1.37× 10 3 2.81× 10 3 1.86× 10 3 1.25× 103 1.40× 103 1.07× 103 Aq. = Mariculture sediments; Ref. = Reference sediments; Eri. = Enrichment percentage; AE= Average Enrichment Percentage; ND=Not Detected; N= Could not be calculated.; TOC = total organic carbon TABLE S3 The average vertical distribution of OCPs (ng g-1, dry wt) in mariculture and reference sediment cores of the PRD 0-2.5cm 2.5-5.0 cm 5.0-7.5 cm 7.5-10cm 10-15cm 15-20cm 20-25cm 25-30cm AE±SD Aq. Ref. Eri. Aq. Ref. Eri. Aq. Ref. Eri. Aq. Ref. Eri. Aq. Ref. Eri. Aq. Ref. Eri. Aq. Ref. Eri. Aq. Ref. Eri. HCH 1.73 1.03 68.4 1.88 1.34 40.5 1.60 0.96 66.4 1.82 1.16 57.3 2.00 1.18 70.3 2.13 1.13 89.3 2.53 1.33 90.3 2.42 1.04 132 76.8±27 HCH 8.16 7.50 8.87 8.77 7.56 16.1 7.60 8.71 -12.7 7.62 7.92 -3.77 7.13 8.76 -18.6 7.16 7.94 -9.84 8.36 8.19 2.04 5.94 8.33 -28.7 -5.83±14 HCH 3.18 1.14 179 3.39 1.58 114 3.00 1.22 145 3.22 1.19 170 3.41 1.51 126 3.63 1.45 151 2.95 1.89 55.9 4.08 1.39 194 142±43. HCH 0.06 ND N ND ND N 0.06 ND N ND ND N 0.07 ND N ND ND N ND ND N 0.07 ND N N HCHs 13.1 9.70 35.4 14.1 10.5 34.0 12.3 10.9 12.3 12.7 10.3 23.4 12.6 11.5 9.88 13.0 10.5 22.9 13.9 11.4 21.2 12.5 10.8 16.0 21.9±9.2 -DDD 1.35 0.25 434 1.23 0.17 630 1.75 0.16 4.01 0.42 851 17.9 0.20 0.12 813 2.18 0.13 0.13 2.96 467 14.3 2.21 547 20.4 1.35 52.0 1.75 60.0 1.75 13.58 1.01 1.12 29.5 0.68 0.06 ND N 0.06 ND N 0.07 ND 0.08 ND 0.15 ND 0.07 ND 1.25× 103 N 23.5 -DDE 2.87× 103 N 0.11 ND 1.57× 103 2.00× 103 N 2.44 16.8 8.66× 103 3.33× 103 N 1.10 -DDD 1.00× 103 1.42× 103 N 0.09 ND 1.81× 103 4.23× 103 N (1.97±2.74 103 (2.01±1.36 103 N -DDE 2.75 0.76 262 3.33 0.67 394 3.82 0.76 405 5.25 0.88 498 10.5 0.72 -DDT 0.55 0.35 54.5 1.08 0.26 311 1.75 0.31 466 1.41 0.18 667 1.38 -DDT 0.36 0.17 109 1.36 0.15 791 0.61 0.12 412 0.78 0.16 391 0.97 DDTs 21.8 4.53 382 21.3 3.50 509 28.4 2.72 944 63.5 3.43 OCPs 34.9 14.2 145 35.4 14.0 152 40.7 13.6 199 76.2 13.7 1.75× 103 454 C(%) 5.68 4.46 27.3 5.53 4.36 26.6 5.27 4.42 19.2 5.03 4.14 21.6 3.11 0.74 320 5.48 0.83 557 3.74 0.49 658 556±34 0.43 1.36× 103 224 0.56 0.24 135 1.12 0.26 329 0.47 0.17 177 295±19 0.14 619 0.48 0.15 226 0.59 0.19 216 0.56 0.10 459 403±22 90.9 3.27 18.9 2.30 722 33.0 2.57 1.60 14.8 31.9 12.8 149 46.9 14.0 1.19× 103 236 36.8 103.5 2.68× 103 601 49.3 12.4 2.19× 103 298 (1.30±0.83 103 279±16 4.93 3.98 23.9 4.32 3.69 16.8 4.32 3.82 13.1 3.86 3.21 20.3 21.1±4.8 Aq. = Mariculture sediments; Ref. = Reference sediments; Eri. = Enrichment percentage; AE±SD = Average Enrichment Percentage ± Standard Deviation; ND=Not Detected; N= Could not be calculated; TOC = total organic carbon References: Liu, J.H. 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