ARTICLE IN PRESS WAT E R R E S E A R C H 42 (2008) 395 – 403 Available at journal homepage: Removal of antibiotics from wastewater by sewage treatment facilities in Hong Kong and Shenzhen, China A. Gulkowskaa, H.W. Leunga, M.K. Soa, S. Taniyasub, N. Yamashitab, Leo W.Y. Yeunga, Bruce J. Richardsona, A.P. Leic, J.P. Giesya,d,e, Paul K.S. Lama, a Centre for Coastal Pollution and Conservation, Department of Biology and Chemistry, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR, People’s Republic of China b National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), 16-1 Onogawa, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-859, Japan c College of Life Sciences, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, People’s Republic of China d Department of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences and Toxicology Centre, University of Saskatchewan, Canada S7K 3J8 e National Food Safety and Toxicology Center, Zoology Department and Center for Integrative Toxicology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA art i cle info ab st rac t Article history: Concentrations of nine antibiotics [erythromycin-H2O (ERY-H2O); trimethoprim (TMP); Received 13 May 2007 tetracycline (TET); norfloxacin (NOR); penicillin G (PEN G); penicillin V (PEN V); cefalexin Received in revised form (CLX); cefotaxim (CTX); and cefazolin (CFZ)] were measured in influent and effluent 17 July 2007 samples from four sewage treatment plants (STPs) in Hong Kong as well as in influent Accepted 19 July 2007 samples from one STP in Shenzhen. Levels of PEN V and CFZ were below method detection Available online 27 July 2007 limits in all of the samples analyzed. CLX concentrations were the highest in most of the Keywords: Antibiotics STPs Influent Effluent Removal efficiency Hong Kong China Hong Kong samples, ranging from 670 to 2900 ng/L and 240 to 1800 ng/L in influent and effluent samples, respectively, but CLX was not detected in the samples from Shenzhen. Comparatively lower concentrations were observed for ERY-H2O (470–810 ng/L) and TET (96–1300 ng/L) in the influent samples from all STPs in Hong Kong. CTX was found to be the dominant antibiotic in the Shenzhen STP influents with a mean concentration of 1100 ng/L, but occurred at lower concentrations in Hong Kong sewage. These results likely reflect regional variations in the prescription and use patterns of antibiotics between Hong Kong and Shenzhen. Antibiotic removal efficiencies depended on their chemical properties and the wastewater treatment processes used. In general, relatively higher removal efficiencies were observed for NOR (5–78%) and TET (7–73%), which are readily adsorbed to particulate matter, while lower removal efficiencies were observed for ERY-H2O (9–19%), which is relatively persistent in the environment. Antibiotics were removed more efficiently at Hong Kong STPs employing secondary treatment processes compared with those using primary treatment only. Concentrations of NOR measured in effluents from STPs in Hong Kong were lower than the predicted no-effect concentration of 8000 ng/L determined in a previous study. Therefore, concentrations of antibiotics measured in this preliminary study would be unlikely to cause adverse effects on microorganisms used in wastewater treatment processes at the sampled STPs. & 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Corresponding author. Tel.: +852 2788 7681; fax: +852 2788 7406. E-mail address: (P.K.S. Lam). 0043-1354/$ - see front matter & 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.watres.2007.07.031 ARTICLE IN PRESS 396 1. WA T E R R E S E A R C H Introduction Pharmaceuticals and related products have become chemicals of emerging environmental concern in recent years (Richardson et al., 2005). Pharmaceuticals have been used as human medicine to treat or prevent microbial infections, and as veterinary drugs and husbandry growth promoters in aquaculture and livestock operations (Halling-Sørensen et al., 1998). These contaminants, including their precursor compounds and transformation products, are discharged into the environment intentionally and unintentionally during manufacturing processes and through consumption or disposal of used and unwanted drugs (Daughton and Ternes, 1999). Pharmaceuticals have been detected in groundwater (Lindsey et al., 2001), surface water (Xu et al., 2007; Gulkowska et al., 2007), streams (Kolpin et al., 2002), as well as in sludge, soil and sediment samples (Dı́az-Cruz and Barceló, 2005; Göbel et al., 2005; Kim and Carlson, 2007). Pharmaceuticals have also been frequently detected in sewage treatment plant (STP) effluents (Daughton and Ternes, 1999; Ashton et al., 2004), since STPs were not designed to remove them (Xu et al., 2007). For example, trimethoprim (TMP) was found to be only partially removed by STPs (Hernando et al., 2006). Furthermore, unusual wet weather runoff that exceeded STP treatment capacity can result in larger volume discharge or direct introduction of pharmaceuticals into the environment (Daughton and Ternes, 1999). Antibiotics are regarded as ‘‘pseudopersistent’’ contaminants due to their continual introduction into the ecosystem (Richardson et al., 2005; Hernando et al., 2006). The occurrence of antibiotics in the environment has therefore received considerable attention. It has been demonstrated that antibiotics are, in general, poorly absorbed by the human body, and thus are excreted either unchanged or transformed, via urine and feces (McArdell et al., 2003). Several studies have shown a relationship between local sales of human pharmaceuticals and their concentrations in STP influents (HallingSørensen et al., 1998; Göbel et al., 2005), meaning that wastewater from STPs could potentially be significant point sources of human antibiotics in the aquatic environment. Another concern about antibiotic residues in the environment is their potential adverse effects to various organisms. For example, bacteria isolated from sewage bioreactors have been shown to exhibit resistance to some antibiotics including TMP, erythromycin (ERY), tetracycline (TET), ciprofloxacin and ampicillin (Costanzo et al., 2005). Veterinary antibiotics have been shown to cause oxidative damage in liver cells of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) (Gagńe et al., 2006), and were lethal to brine shrimp (Artemia) (Migliore et al., 1997). Since antibiotics are specifically designed to be biologically active, unintended chronic exposure to antibiotics could cause adverse effects at lower concentrations than other chemicals. In addition, different antibiotics possessing a common mechanism of action could have significant additive or synergistic adverse effects, despite relatively low environmental concentrations of the individual chemicals (Daughton and Ternes, 1999). In a previous study, antibiotics, including TET, TMP, erythromycin-H2O (ERY-H2O), norfloxacin (NOR) and cefalexin 42 (2008) 395– 403 (CLX), were detected in Hong Kong coastal waters (Gulkowska et al., 2007). The higher concentrations of antibiotics near STP outfalls suggested sewage discharges as potential sources. To date, there is no information on antibiotic concentrations in either STP influents or effluents or on removal efficiencies of antibiotics from STPs in Hong Kong or southern China. The objectives of the present study were therefore to determine concentrations of selected antibiotics [ERY-H2O, TMP, TET, NOR, penicillin G (PEN G), penicillin V (PEN V), CLX, cefotaxim (CTX) and cefazolin (CFZ)] in both influents and effluents of four Hong Kong STPs, and in influents of one STP in Shenzhen (a city in Guangdong Province, China, adjacent to Hong Kong). These antibiotics were selected based on anecdotal evidence of the most frequently used pharmaceutical compounds in China (Richardson et al., 2005). In addition, the removal efficiencies of individual antibiotics in the Hong Kong STPs were determined. 2. Materials and methods 2.1. Chemicals and standards ERY and TMP were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA). TET hydrochloride, NOR, CLX, and potassium salts of PEN G and PEN V were obtained from Riedel-de Haën (Seelze, Germany). CTX and CFZ sodium salts were purchased from Fluka (Buchs, Switzerland). Oasiss hydrophilic–lipophilic balanced (HLB; 6 cc, 200 mg) solid-phase extraction (SPE) cartridges were purchased from Waters (Milford, MA). Milli-Q water was used throughout the study. HPLC-grade methanol and acetonitrile, formic acid (99%) and disodium ethylenediamine tetraacetate (Na2EDTA) were purchased from Wako Pure Chemical Industries Ltd. (Japan). Ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH) was obtained from Riedel-de Haën (Seelze, Germany). Stock solutions of individual antibiotics (100 mg/L) were prepared following the procedures reported previously (Gulkowska et al., 2007). Briefly, two groups of standards were prepared. Group I chemicals (ERY, TET, NOR and TMP) were dissolved in methanol at pH 3, whereas Group II chemicals (PEN V, PEN G, CLX, CTX and CFZ) were dissolved in Milli-Q water. Mixed working solutions (1, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 mg/L) were freshly prepared prior to extraction. 2.2. Sample collection and preparation Samples of STP influents and effluents were collected simultaneously from four Hong Kong STPs in Wan Chai, Shatin, Tai Po and Stonecutters Island in December 2006, while influent samples were collected from Nan Shan STP in Shenzhen in January 2007. The types of treatment employed and the treatment capacities for each STP are given in Table 1. Two-liter grab samples were collected from each location by use of a stainless-steel bucket, which was pre-cleaned by rinsing with Milli-Q water, methanol and then water from the specific location. Samples were stored in 1-L polypropylene bottles, kept in coolers and transported to the laboratory. The samples were vacuum-filtered through glass fiber filters (4.5 mm, Advantec, Toyo Roshi Kaisha Ltd., Japan) immediately Table 1 – Sewage treatment system and treatment capacity of individual STPs (information from the Drainage Services Department, Hong Kong) STP Organic matter removal Nutrient removal Sources of the catchment area Treatment process About 50% removal in BOD5 90% removal in BOD5 Not applicable Main areas of Kowloon and northeastern Hong Kong Island 50% removal in total nitrogen Shatin new town, Ma On Shan new town and surrounding villages (Eastern New Territories) Chemically enhanced primary treatment process in which chemicals, including ferric iron and polymers, are used to treat the sewage. Treated sewage is discharged via an outfall in the western part of Victoria Harbor Secondary treatment processes including (i) screening of coarse material; (ii) settlement of grit particles; (iii) primary sedimentation of suspended matter; and (iv) biological treatment of sewage Population Dry weather flow (m3/day) 3.5 million by the year 2021 1725 million by the year 2021 150,000 at present and 830,000 by the year 2010 94,300 at present 1–2 n.a. 21 20 16 20 90% removal in BOD5 50% removal in total nitrogen Tai Po new town and the Tai Po industrial estate (Eastern New Territories) n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Shatin 369,512 at present Tai Po 376,077 at present Wan Chai East Shenzhen Nan Shan 136,000 in 2004–2005 n.a. Secondary treatment processes including (i) removal of coarse solids; (ii) removal of grit; (iii) primary sedimentation; (iv) biological treatment for primary sewage; and (v) anaerobic digestion for surplus activated sludge Primary treatment screening plant that screens suspended matter with diameter 46 mm Primary treatment screening plant n.a. represents not available. ARTICLE IN PRESS Solid retention time (day) 42 (2008) 395 – 403 Hydraulic retention time (h) WAT E R R E S E A R C H Stonecutters Island Treatment capacity 397 ARTICLE IN PRESS 398 42 (2008) 395– 403 WA T E R R E S E A R C H 2.1 mm i.d. 10 mm length). The gradient program of mobile phases for HPLC and the MS/MS parameters for the instrument were described in detail in our previous study (Gulkowska et al., 2007). after collection to remove particulate matter prior to extraction. The filtered samples were then stored in the dark at 4 1C, and were extracted within 48 h of collection. Samples were pre-treated following the methods described by Gulkowska et al. (2007). Na2EDTA was added to the samples as a chelating agent. The two groups of antibiotics were extracted at different pH values (pH 3 and pH 7.5–8.0 for Group I and II antibiotics, respectively). 2.3. 2.5. Each ion of interest in the chromatogram was selected and integrated. External calibration curves of six concentrations (1, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 mg/L) were constructed for the quantification of target analytes in the samples. Standard calibration curves exhibited excellent linearity (correlation coefficient 40.999). Final extracts with concentrations that fell outside the ranges of the calibration curves were diluted with methanol to an appropriate factor and re-injected. Sample extraction Influent and effluent samples were extracted using Oasis HLB extraction cartridges. Each cartridge was pre-conditioned prior to loading the water sample following the procedures described in our previous study (Gulkowska et al., 2007). An aliquant of sample water (200 mL) was then loaded onto the cartridge, eluted at a rate of 1 drop/s, and the eluate was discarded. The cartridge was then washed with 4 mL water to remove excess Na2EDTA. Finally, the target fraction was eluted with 4 mL acetonitrile or methanol for Group I and II chemicals, respectively. The eluate was reduced to a volume of 0.5 mL under a gentle stream of nitrogen and the final volume was adjusted to 2 mL with water, thoroughly mixed and then transferred into an amber autosampler vial for instrumental analysis. 2.4. Data quantification 3. Results and discussion 3.1. Quality assurance and quality control Procedures for the determination of the accuracy of the sampling and extraction methods, as well as the method detection limits (MDLs) applied in this study were the same as in our previous study except that the sample volume was reduced to 200 mL (Gulkowska et al., 2007). The procedural recoveries for influent and effluent samples were 76–100% and 89–100%, respectively (Table 2), indicating the applicability of the current extraction method to both influent and effluent samples. Concentrations reported in the present study were not corrected for recoveries. The MDLs for effluent samples ranged from 4.0 to 37 ng/L. Higher MDLs were determined for influent samples (4.0–93 ng/L), possibly due to the existence of matrix effects in the raw sewage. Concentrations of all target analytes in field and procedural blanks were lower than the MDL for each analyte. Positive controls were also analyzed in the present study to check for possible degradation, loss or contamination of target analytes during the sampling and transportation. Two hundred Instrumental analysis Concentrations of antibiotics in STP influents and effluents were analyzed using high-performance liquid chromatography interfaced with tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC–MS/ MS). Separation of analytes was performed by an Agilent HP1100 liquid chromatograph (Agilent, Palo Alto, CA) interfaced with an Applied Biosystems API 2000 triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometer equipped with a Turbo IonSpray source operated in both negative and positive modes. A 10 mL aliquot of extract was injected onto a XBridgeTM C18 column (Waters Corp., 2.1 mm i.d. 50 mm length, 5 mm) equipped with a guard column (Waters Corp., XBridgeTM C18, 5 mm, Table 2 – Quality control and quality assurance parameters for individual antibiotics Concentration (ng/L) n ERYH2O TMP TET NOR PEN G PEN V CLX CTX CFZ Procedural blank Field blank MDL for influent samples MDL for effluent samples MDL for Milli-Q water 10 5 – – – oMDL oMDL 47 12 3.0 oMDL oMDL 24 6.0 2.0 oMDL oMDL 70 14 5.0 oMDL oMDL 90 16 18 oMDL oMDL 4.0 4.0 8.0 oMDL oMDL 5.0 5.0 22 oMDL oMDL 93 37 12 oMDL oMDL 15 12 22 oMDL oMDL 11 14 5.0 Procedural recovery Matrix-spike recovery (influent) Matrix-spike recovery (effluent) Positive control 12 5 4 5 100711 100710 10073 110722 9775 10074 10078 96710 9578 9974 9975 9476 Recovery (mean7SD) (%) 94711 9977 10076 100710 80714 76719 98715 8973 9074 7976 9777 9877 80722 10076 9879 9478 8977 9973 9973 89714 71718 9478 9774 9578 n represents number of samples. ARTICLE IN PRESS WAT E R R E S E A R C H milliliters of Milli-Q water was pre-spiked with 200 mL of 100 mg/L standard mixtures, brought to the field site, exposed to the same conditions as the real samples and then transferred back to the laboratory for analysis. Recoveries of all the target analytes in the positive controls ranged from 79% to 110% (Table 2). 3.2. Occurrence of individual antibiotics in STP influents Concentrations of selected antibiotics in STP influents varied among locations (Table 3). Concentrations of PEN V and CFZ were lower than their respective MDLs in all samples analyzed. The absence of PEN V and PEN G in the Hong Kong samples may be attributed to their chemically reactive blactam rings that are easily hydrolyzed by bacterial blactamases (Cha et al., 2006). CLX occurred most often at the highest concentrations (670–2900 ng/L), followed by ERYH2O (470–810 ng/L) and TET (96–1300 ng/L). These results demonstrated that tetracyclines and macrolides (ERY-H2O) are widely used in Hong Kong. CTX was detected at the lowest concentrations (oMDL—24 ng/L) in sewage influents from 399 42 (2008) 395 – 403 Hong Kong. In contrast, CTX was the most abundant antibiotic detected in influents from the Nan Shan STP in Shenzhen with a mean concentration of 1100 ng/L. The highest concentrations of TET (1300 ng/L), NOR (460 ng/L), TMP (320 ng/L) and CLX (2900 ng/L) in influents were measured at the Shatin STP, whereas the greatest ERY-H2O concentration (810 ng/L) was detected at the Wan Chai STP, which possessed the least treatment capacity of the STPs included in the present study (Table 1). The influent samples from Stonecutters Island contained lower concentrations of NOR (280 ng/L), TMP (210 ng/L) and CLX (1900 ng/L) than those from the Shatin STP. The lowest concentrations of all antibiotics in influent samples were detected at the Tai Po STP: 470 ng/L for ERY-H2O, 96 ng/L for TET, 110 ng/L for NOR, 120 ng/L for TMP and 670 ng/L for CLX. As such, it is apparent that the concentrations of antibiotics in water were independent of the sewage treatment capacity of particular STPs in Hong Kong. The relative concentration profiles for the seven antibiotics detected in influents varied among locations (Fig. 1). Influents from the STPs at Stonecutters Island, Shatin and Wan Chai Table 3 – Antibiotic concentrations (mean7SD) in influent and effluent samples from STPs in Hong Kong and Shenzhen STP location Sample Concentration (ng/L) ERY-H2O TET NOR TMP PEN G CLX CTX Wan Chai Influent Effluent 810711 85072.1 66072.8 620712 11072.5 11077.8 12070.7 17072.5 oMDL oMDL 1200718 98076.0 oMDL oMDL Tai Po Influent Effluent 47072.5 52078.5 9671.6 18076.7 11070.4 8570.1 12072.1 14075.7 oMDL oMDL 670713 24075.7 2470.1 oMDL Shatin Influent Effluent 740714 600711 130070 370732 460748 10078.7 32071.4 12074.2 oMDL oMDL 290073.5 330713 oMDL 3473.2 Stonecutters Island Influent Effluent 55078.0 51079.0 550710 510713 28079.0 320710 21073.0 23077.0 oMDL oMDL 190078.0 180073.0 oMDL oMDL Shenzhen Nan Shan Influent 590715 15070.7 370721 20071.8 2970 oMDL 1100716 Sewage Treatment Plant Shenzhen ERY-H2O TET NOR TMP PENG CLX CTX Stonecutters Island Shatin Tai Po Wan Chai 0 20 40 60 Antibiotics composition (%) 80 100 Fig. 1 – Composition profiles of antibiotics in influent samples from STPs in Hong Kong and Shenzhen, China (erythromycinH2O (ERY-H2O); tetracycline (TET); norfloxacin (NOR); trimethoprim (TMP); penicillin G (PEN G); cefalexin (CLX); and cefotaxim (CTX)). ARTICLE IN PRESS 400 WA T E R R E S E A R C H 42 (2008) 395– 403 exhibited similar relative concentration profiles of the antibiotics, in which CLX was the most abundant, accounting for 55%, 50% and 42% of the total, respectively, and was followed by ERY-H2O (13–27%) and TET (16–23%). A similar composition pattern was also observed in influent samples from the Tai Po STP except that TET contributed a lesser amount (6%) as compared with other STPs (Fig. 1). In contrast, a completely different antibiotic profile was observed in the influent of the Shenzhen Nan Shan STP. Approximately 44% of the total antibiotic concentration was contributed by CTX, and CLX was not detected. This spatial variation in antibiotic profiles possibly reflects regional differences in the prescription and use patterns of antibiotics between Hong Kong and Shenzhen. Antibiotic concentrations reported in different countries vary considerably, indicating different antibiotic consumption rates. The concentrations of ERY-H2O detected in the present study were in the ranges detected in STPs from Wisconsin, USA (180–1200 ng/L) (Karthikeyan and Meyer, 2006), but were comparatively higher than those in Howdon STP (71–141 ng/L), United Kingdom (Roberts and Thomas, 2006). Similarly, concentrations of NOR in influents from the Shatin STP (460 ng/L) and Stonecutters Island STP (280 ng/L) were higher than those reported in Sweden, New Mexico, USA and Finland (Lindberg et al., 2005; Brown et al., 2006; Vieno et al., 2006). A relatively lower concentration of TET (96 ng/L) was detected in the Tai Po STP in the present study as compared with those from Wisconsin, USA (240–1200 ng/L). The highest levels of TMP detected in Sweden (1300 ng/L) and New Mexico, USA (1400 ng/L) were approximately 4–12 times higher than the levels found in STPs in the present study. The highest concentrations of NOR (320 ng/L), TMP (230 ng/L) and CLX (1800 ng/L) were detected in effluent samples from Stonecutters Island STP, although the highest concentrations of these antibiotics in influents were detected at the Shatin STP. These results suggest different antibiotic removal efficiencies at various STPs. The lowest concentrations of TET (180 ng/L), NOR (85 ng/L) and CLX (240 ng/L) in effluent samples were again observed at the Tai Po STP, whereas those for ERY-H2O (510 ng/L) and TMP (120 ng/L) were measured in samples from the Stonecutters Island and Shatin STPs, respectively. The concentrations of ERY-H2O (510–850 ng/L) detected in the present study were relatively higher than those recorded in the USA (90–300 ng/L) (Karthikeyan and Meyer, 2006), United Kingdom (150–260 ng/L) (Roberts and Thomas, 2006) and Italy (median concentration of 47 ng/L) (Zuccato et al., 2005), but were lower than levels (maximum concentration of 6000 ng/L) detected in Germany (Hirsch et al., 1999). Higher levels of NOR (85–320 ng/L) were also observed as compared with those reported from Sweden (7–37 ng/L), France (50–80 ng/L), Greece (70 ng/L), Italy (60–70 ng/L) and Sweden (30 ng/L) (Andreozzi et al., 2003). Levels of TMP (120–230 ng/L) were relatively lower than the maximum concentrations measured in effluents from Sweden (1300 ng/L) (Lindberg et al., 2005), California, USA (1200 ng/L) (Renew and Huang, 2004), and United Kingdom (410 ng/L) (Roberts and Thomas, 2006). The levels of TET (180–620 ng/L) were comparable with those recorded in the USA (50–850 ng/L) (Karthikeyan and Meyer, 2006). 3.3. The composition profiles of individual antibiotics in the effluent samples from Stonecutters Island and Wan Chai STPs were similar to their corresponding influent samples (Fig. 2). However, the relative concentration patterns of antibiotics in effluents from the Shatin and Tai Po STPs differed from the patterns in their corresponding influent samples. The most abundant antibiotic measured at these sites was ERY-H2O (45% for the Tai Po and 39% for the Shatin) instead of CLX (Fig. 2 and Table 3). This variation can probably be attributed to at least two factors: antibiotic prescription Occurrence of individual antibiotics in STP effluents Sewage Treatment Plant The concentrations of antibiotics in effluents varied among STPs (Table 3). Similar to influent samples, PEN V, PEN G and CFZ were not detected in all samples. Comparatively higher levels of CLX and ERY-H2O were measured, with concentrations ranging from 240 to 1800 ng/L and 510 to 850 ng/L, respectively. Lower levels were detected for TET (180–620 ng/L), NOR (85–320 ng/L) and TMP (120–230 ng/L). CTX occurred at the lowest levels, ranging from oMDL to 34 ng/L. 3.4. Comparisons between influent and effluent samples Stonecutters Island ERY-H2O TET NOR TMP PENG CLX CTX Shatin Tai Po Wan Chai 0 20 40 60 Antibiotics composition (%) 80 100 Fig. 2 – Composition profiles of antibiotics in effluent samples from STPs in Hong Kong (erythromycin-H2O (ERY-H2O); tetracycline (TET); norfloxacin (NOR); trimethoprim (TMP); penicillin G (PEN G); cefalexin (CLX); and cefotaxim (CTX)). ARTICLE IN PRESS WAT E R R E S E A R C H 401 42 (2008) 395 – 403 Table 4 – Average antibiotic removal efficiencies (%) in wastewater from Hong Kong STPs STP location Wan Chai Tai Po Shatin Stonecutters Island Removal efficiency (%) ERY-H2O TET NOR TMP PEN V PEN G CLX CTX CFZ 5 12 19 9 7 88 73 8 5 20 78 16 42 17 62 11 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 20 65 89 9 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. represents not available: antibiotic concentrations were oMDL for influent and/or effluent samples. patterns in Hong Kong, which determine or affect influent concentrations, and antibiotic removal efficiencies at individual STPs, which affect effluent concentrations. Antibiotic removal efficiencies, calculated as the difference between mean concentrations of antibiotics in the influent and effluent samples taken simultaneously, varied among compounds and STPs. Removal efficiency is affected by several factors including (i) specific treatment processes employed by individual STPs; (ii) the sewage residence time at different STPs; and (iii) chemical structures and properties of the antibiotics. The removal efficiencies of the five antibiotics commonly detected from individual STPs in Hong Kong are summarized in Table 4. 3.4.1. Treatment processes employed in STPs The present results demonstrated that removal efficiencies varied between different antibiotics and different STPs. In general, the proportion of antibiotics removed was lower at the Wan Chai STP (5.0–20%) and Stonecutters Island STP (8.0–9.0%), which employed primary treatment. In comparison, secondary treatment processes used at the Tai Po and Shatin STPs may account for the higher removal efficiencies of antibiotics (20–65% for the Tai Po STP and 19–89% for the Shatin STP). However, the reason(s) for the difference in removal efficiencies between these two STPs remains largely unknown, but could be due to the differences in the daily loading of antibiotics into and the treatment capacity of the individual STPs. 3.4.2. Sewage residence time at STPs Hydraulic retention time (HRT) is one of the major factors in determining the antibiotic removal efficiency. In the present study, the HRT was longer than 15 h for secondary treatment plants (Shatin and Tai Po), but only 1–2 h for the primary treatment plant (Stonecutters Island STP) (Table 1). Longer exposure time for wastewater treatment generally results in the removal of greater proportions of antibiotics (Batt et al., 2006). 3.4.3. Chemical structures and properties of antibiotics In the present study, the greatest antibiotic removal capacities occurred at the Shatin STP (Table 4). Relatively lesser proportions of NOR (20%) and CLX (65%) were removed by the Tai Po STP. A previous study suggested that antibiotics with lower adsorption coefficients would be expected to remain to a greater extent in the aqueous phase, which is finally discharged through waterways into the aquatic environment (Ohlenbusch et al., 2000). The persistence of antibiotics also determines their removal capabilities during treatment processes. Macrolide antibiotics have been shown to be more persistent than some of the other antibiotics (Huang et al., 2001), which may account for the relatively small amount of ERY-H2O (19%) removed at the Shatin STP. On the other hand, the relatively higher removal rates of NOR (78%) and TET (73%) may be attributed to their tendencies to adsorb quickly to soils, sediments and/or sewage sludge (Huang et al., 2001; Golet et al., 2002). It has been suggested that sorption to sewage sludge is the primary removal mechanism for fluoroquinolones such as NOR (Golet et al., 2003). Similar results have been documented for STPs in Sweden (87% removal for NOR) (Lindberg et al., 2005), Finland (100% removal for NOR) (Vieno et al., 2006) and USA (68–100% for TET) (Karthikeyan and Meyer, 2006). However, it should be noted that removal efficiencies vary among STPs, and only 20% of NOR was removed in wastewater at the Tai Po STP. CLX, a b-lactam antibiotic, is expected to possess similar chemical properties as penicillins, and thus is easily transformed through hydrolysis. This may account for the relatively high removal rate of CLX (89%) at the Shatin STP. The removal efficiency for TMP at the Shatin STP (62%) was comparable to those reported for STPs in New Mexico, USA (50–100%) (Brown et al., 2006). An increase in antibiotic concentrations in the final effluent was observed in the present study (Table 3). Concentrations of ERY-H2O and TMP were higher in effluents than influents from the Wan Chai STP; the same pattern was found for ERYH2O, TET and TMP from the Tai Po STP, and NOR and TMP from the Stonecutters Island STP. Higher effluent concentrations of TMP and doxycycline compared with influents were reported in STPs in Sweden (Lindberg et al., 2005). Dextropropoxyphene, mefenamic acid, propranolol, tamoxifen, ERY and TMP concentrations were also found to be greater in effluents than in influents of STPs in the Lower Tyne catchment, United Kingdom (Roberts and Thomas, 2006). Possible explanations for these observations include (i) deconjugation of conjugated metabolites during the treatment process (Miao et al., 2002); (ii) an underestimation of the actual amount due to particulate matter with adsorbed antibiotics being filtered out during sample preparation; and (iii) a change in the adsorption behavior of the analytes to particles during treatment processes, influencing the ratio between influent/effluent water (Lindberg et al., 2005). ARTICLE IN PRESS 402 WA T E R R E S E A R C H 3.5. Potential toxic effects of fluoroquinolone antibiotics to bacteria in STPs Fluoroquinolones are an important group of antibiotics that are used to treat a number of human and animal infections (Renew and Huang, 2004). However, they have been shown to elicit genotoxic effects in a genetically modified bacterial strain of Salmonella typhimurium at a concentration of 5000 ng/L (Hartmann et al., 1998). In view of this, a predicted no-effect concentration (PNEC) of total fluoroquinolones, estimated to be 8000 ng/L, was derived for organisms in STPs based on acute ecotoxicity data (Golet et al., 2002). In the present study, the maximum concentration of NOR (455 ng/L) detected in the influent samples from the Shatin STP was lower than the corresponding PNEC, indicating that it is unlikely that adverse effects to organisms involved in the degradation processes during wastewater treatment would occur due to this antibiotic. 4. Conclusion Seven out of nine antibiotics, ERY-H2O, TET, NOR, TMP, PEN G, CLX and CTX, were detected in STP influents and effluents in Hong Kong and Shenzhen, China. Different antibiotic composition profiles were observed in influents to STPs in Hong Kong relative to the Shenzhen STP, probably indicating regional variations in the prescription and use patterns of antibiotics between these two cities in South China. Removal efficiencies varied among individual antibiotics, depending on their chemical structures/properties, as well as the wastewater treatment processes utilized at various STPs. Antibiotics that readily adsorb onto particulate matter, such as NOR and TET, exhibited comparatively higher removal efficiencies, whereas ERY-H2O was removed to a limited extent due to its persistence in the environment. Higher antibiotic removal efficiencies were observed at the Shatin STP, which used secondary treatment processes, than at the Wan Chai and Stonecutters Island STPs, where only primary treatment was used. Influent concentrations of NOR reported in this study were not likely to cause adverse effects on microorganisms involved in wastewater treatment processes. 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