Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Vol. 20, No. 11, pp. 2433–2442, 2001 q 2001 SETAC Printed in the USA 0730-7268/01 $9.00 1 .00 2,3,7,8-TETRACHLORODIBENZO-p-DIOXIN EQUIVALENTS IN TISSUE SAMPLES FROM THREE SPECIES IN THE DENVER, COLORADO, USA, METROPOLITAN AREA KATHERINE K. COADY,* PAUL D. JONES, and JOHN P. GIESY Department of Zoology, National Food Safety and Toxicology Center, and Institute for Environmental Toxicology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824, USA ( Received 13 December 2000; Accepted 16 March 2001) Abstract—The Rocky Mountain Arsenal (RMA), a Superfund site near Denver, Colorado, USA, has a history of various industrial processes that may have led to the release of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs), and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). The PCDDs, PCDFs, and non-ortho- and mono-ortho-substituted PCBs cause a common set of toxic effects that are mediated through the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR). The total AhR-mediated activity of complex mixtures in biota samples from the RMA and surrounding reference areas was determined by both instrumental and bioanalytical techniques. Mean concentrations of bioassay-derived 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) equivalents (TCDD-EQ) in carp eggs, owl livers, and kestrel eggs ranged from 0 to 8.5, 17 to 130, and 2.4 to 18 pg/g, respectively. For most samples analyzed, concentrations of TCDD-EQ and instrumentally derived TCDD equivalents (TEQs) were not significantly different. In a few tissue samples, concentrations of TEQs and TCDD-EQs were not equivalent. This can indicate the presence of AhR-active compounds that were not identified or quantified by instrumental techniques or the existence of nonadditive interactions among congeners when samples are analyzed by the bioassay. Overall, mean concentrations of TCDD-EQs in extracts of carp and kestrel eggs were not significantly different between groups of samples collected on and off the RMA, whereas concentrations of TCDD-EQs in several owl livers collected on the RMA were significantly greater than concentrations in owl livers from off the RMA. Keywords—Dioxin equivalents Aryl hydrocarbon receptor Rocky Mountain Arsenal H4IIE-luc bioassay 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin mixture multiplied by toxic equivalency factors (TEFs) derived by the World Health Organization (WHO, Paris, France) (Eqn. 1) [10]. Since it is the archetypal and most potent of the PCDHs, TCDD is used as the reference compound and is assigned the TEF value of 1.0. Toxic equivalency factors for other dioxins, furans, and PCBs are calculated and expressed relative to TCDD. The values of TEFs vary, depending on the organism and endpoint used. In this study, TCDD equivalents (TEQs) derived using the WHO TEF values are designated as TEQWHO: INTRODUCTION Planar chlorinated diaromatic hydrocarbons (PCDHs), including polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs), and some polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), are trace contaminants that are widely distributed in the environment. The PCDHs are persistent, subject to bioaccumulation, and can be toxic to biota at environmentally relevant concentrations [1–3]. A subset of these chemicals is characterized by a common mechanism of action via binding to the cytoplasmic aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) [4,5]. Chemicals such as PCDDs, PCDFs, and some PCB congeners can attain a planar configuration, bind to the AhR, and are referred to as dioxin-like chemicals. On binding of the dioxin or dioxin-like ligand, the AhR–ligand complex translocates to the nucleus, where it binds to dioxin-responsive elements (DREs) in the DNA, which results in gene expression [4,5]. Toxic effects of PCDHs include impaired reproduction of birds and fish [3,6–8], severe weight loss, fatty deposition in the liver, edema, fetotoxicity, and teratogenicity in laboratory animals and wildlife [1,2,4,9]. The total potency of dioxin-like chemicals in environmental matrices or tissue samples can be estimated by calculating the concentrations of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin equivalents. The TCDD equivalents are measures of the total dioxinlike potency relative to the most potent AhR-binding congener, TCDD. Two methods are commonly used to estimate concentrations of TCDD equivalents. In the first method, concentrations of TCDD equivalents are calculated as the sum of the products of the concentration of each congener detected in a TEQ WHO 5 O C · TEF i i (1) where Ci indicates the concentration of each congener and TEFi is the TEF for that congener. The TCDD equivalents can also be determined by use of in vitro bioassay procedures based on the AhR-binding mechanism of action. In vitro bioassays have several advantages over instrumental analyses. They are rapid, sensitive, and integrative measures of the total activity of complex PCDHcontaining mixtures [4,5,7]. In this study, the H4IIE-luc in vitro cell bioassay was used to measure TCDD-equivalent concentrations. These TCDD-equivalent concentrations are designated as TCDD-EQs. The H4IIE-luc bioassay is a rat hepatoma cell line into which the luciferase gene, under control of the AhR, has been stably transfected. The gene product, luciferase, cleaves the added substrate, luciferin, and luminescence is produced in a dose-dependent manner [5]. Concentrations of TEQWHO are not directly comparable to bioassay-derived TCDD-EQ concentrations because the TEFs promulgated by WHO are designed for use in risk assessment and are meant to be protective rather than predictive. The expert panel assembled to evaluate the TEFs made consistently * To whom correspondence may be addressed (kemlerka@msu.edu). 2433 2434 Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 20, 2001 K.K. Coady et al. conservative assumptions about relative toxicity and determined that values were always rounded up to the next higher order of magnitude [10]. As a result, the TEFs derived only estimate the relative biological potency of the congeners. Derivation of a mass balance relationship between concentrations of TEQs and TCDD-EQs can be accomplished by applying a relative effects potency (REP) to detected congener concentrations (Eqn. 2) [11]. The REPs are derived from the same endpoint in the same bioassay system (H4IIE-luc) [5,11]. Equivalent concentrations (TEQREP) derived using REPs and individual PCDH concentrations can be compared directly to concentrations of TCDD-EQ measured in the same bioassay. The REP values used in this study were taken from a previous study in which REP values were calculated with the H4IIEluc cell line [11]. Concentrations of TEQREP can be compared to concentrations of TCDD-EQ in a mass balance to determine if all the TCDD-EQ activity observed could be accounted for by concentrations of the instrumentally measured PCDHs: TEQ REP 5 O C · REP i i (2) where Ci indicates the concentration of the congener and REPi is the REP for that congener. The RMA is a 27-square-mile Superfund site located in Commerce City, Colorado, USA, near Denver. The RMA was an army facility composed of two main chemical-producing plants, the South Plants and the North Plants, and numerous support buildings and other infrastructure. These plants were used to produce a diversity of chemicals throughout the arsenal’s history [12]. The plants were located in the central six square miles of the RMA, designated as the core. The core area is surrounded by 21 square miles, designated as the periphery. It was expected that if operations at the production facilities had been a source of PCDHs, the periphery would be less contaminated than the core. From 1942 to 1945, the U.S. Army used the RMA to produce chemical warfare agents, such as Levinstein mustard and Lewisite. During this time, incendiary bombs, organophosphate nerve agents (e.g., Sarin), and Hydrazine rocket fuel (U.S. Army, Commerce City, CO, USA) were also manufactured at the site. From 1946 to 1982, some of the RMA facilities were leased to various companies that used the facilities to produce pesticides, including dieldrin, aldrin, chlordane, carbamate insecticides, soil fumigants, and various other organochlorine compounds [12]. Both PCDDs and PCDFs are known to be released from the manufacture of some chlorinated pesticides, incineration of chlorine-containing wastes, chloralkali plants, and fossil fuel combustion [13]. Routine application of various pesticides such as pentachlorophenol on the RMA may also have resulted in contamination of surface soil by these compounds. The overall objective of the investigation on which we report here was to determine whether concentrations of dioxin equivalents in samples of biota from the RMA were significantly greater than those from adjacent reference sites. Eggs from the American kestrel (Falco sparverius) and common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and livers from adult and juvenile great horned owls (Bubo virginianus) were collected to compare the dioxin-like activity between the on- and off-site populations. The working hypothesis for the use of these tissue samples was that if PCDHs were released into the environment, they could persist and possibly biomagnify to hazardous concentrations in some portions of the local food chain. The PCDHs are lipophilic compounds that tend to accumulate in fats within organisms [3] and can also be maternally transferred to off- spring via the egg yolk in oviparous organisms [6,7]. For these reasons, kestrel and carp eggs, as well as owl livers, were used as indicators of the availability of PCDHs present in the RMA environment. Kestrels and owls were selected as sentinel species because they are near the top of the food chain, and thus concentrations of PCDHs in their tissues are useful integrative measures of exposure to biologically available PCDHs in the terrestrial environment. These birds prey on insects, small mammals, and at times other birds. Carp eggs were used as bioindicators of dioxin-like activity in the limited aquatic systems of the RMA. Here concentrations of TEQ and TCDD-EQ were compared by use of a mass balance between the two measures of concentrations in order to determine if all dioxin-like activity present in the tissue samples was accounted for by PCDDs, PCDFs, and PCBs. Congener-specific concentrations were also examined by pattern analysis in order to identify the possible source of dioxin-like contamination in tissue samples from the RMA. Finally, concentrations of TCDD equivalents in tissue samples from the RMA and reference populations were examined to determine if concentrations in samples from the RMA were significantly different from those samples from other areas of the Denver metropolitan area. METHODS Sampling techniques Kestrel eggs were collected from nest boxes located on the RMA and at selected reference areas off the RMA. Twentynine kestrel eggs were collected on-site, 10 eggs from the core and 19 from the periphery. Sixteen kestrel eggs were collected from nest boxes in the reference areas off the RMA. Reference areas were selected to represent background PCDH concentrations in the Denver metropolitan area. The reference areas from which kestrel eggs were collected included a fairground, a cemetery, a wastewater facility, a lakeside area, a reservoir, and a former airport. Carp eggs were collected from lakes on and off the RMA. Two samples of carp eggs were collected from reference sites, while 16 samples of eggs were collected from carp collected on the RMA. Carp were collected by electroshocking and gill nets. Livers were collected from juvenile and adult great horned owls. Samples were collected when owls were found dead or moribund as part of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s opportunistic sampling program. Eleven great horned owl livers were collected from reference areas, and 16 livers were collected on-site. Reference areas from which owl specimens were collected were within a 130-mile radius of the RMA. Sample homogenization, extraction, and cleanup Samples were shipped frozen to Michigan State University (East Lansing, MI, USA) and stored at 2208C for subsequent analysis. Homogenization of tissue samples was accomplished by adding a sufficient amount of Na2SO4 to dry the sample (usually in a 10:1 w/w ratio) and mixing until the tissues were dry. The mixture was then blended at high speed (Omnimixt, Sorvall, Norwalk, CT, USA) to produce a fine powder. Homogenized samples were Soxhlet extracted for 18 h with 300 ml of 1:1 acetone/hexane. After extraction, sample extracts were concentrated to near dryness by rotary evaporation at 358C, and 5 ml of concentrated H2SO4 were added to each sample to oxidize lipids. After separation of the aqueous and Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 20, 2001 2,3,7,8-TCDD equivalents in wildlife tissue samples organic phases, the hexane fraction was removed. The acid phase was washed with an additional aliquot of hexane, which was removed and combined with the first hexane fraction. The hexane fraction was reduced to near dryness by rotary evaporation, and 5 ml of nanopure water were used to rinse the extracts before the extracts were dried through Na2SO4 and evaporated under a stream of nitrogen to 0.1 ml. Final extracts were diluted to 1.0 ml with isooctane for use in the H4IIEluc bioassay [5]. Pigments and other compounds that interfere with the H4IIE-luc bioassay were removed from extracts of kestrel eggs by use of column chromatography with a silica, acidic silica, and KOH-silica gel column [13]. Quality control and assurance for the extraction and cleanup included method blanks and method spikes with each batch of approximately 20 samples. Method blanks and spikes consisted of 50 g of Na2SO4. For the method spikes, a solution containing a mixture of PCB congeners (Cambridge Isotopes, Cambridge, MA, USA) was added to Na2SO4. Matrix spikes and matrix blank samples were also analyzed with each batch of kestrel egg samples. Matrix blanks and spikes consisted of chicken egg homogenate, to which a known amount of PCB congeners had or had not been added. Twelve quality control quail egg samples spiked with PCB congener 126 were also submitted blind to the laboratory with the RMA kestrel egg samples. H4IIE-luc bioassay The H4IIE-luc bioassay was conducted as previously described [5,14]. Analyses of individual extracts were conducted in separate 96-well cell culture plates concurrently with a range of 2,3,7,8-TCDD standards delivering doses of 30, 10, 3, 1, 0.3, and 0.1 pg TCDD/well. Extracts were applied in serial dilution, which delivered 13, 0.33, 0.13, 0.033, 0.013, and 0.0033 diluted extracts to the wells. Cell viability was measured at the time of the luminescence assay to ensure that the tissue extracts were not causing cell death. Viability was determined by both detailed visual inspection of cell growth and a cell viability test kit (Live/Dead Viability/Cytotoxicity kit for animal cells; Molecular Probes Eugene, OR, USA). Instrumental analysis Concentrations of individual congeners were measured by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) at Midwest Research Institute (MRI, Kansas City, MO, USA) using standard methods. Concentrations of all 2,3,7,8-substituted PCDDs and PCDFs and non-ortho and mono-ortho PCB congeners (IUPAC 77, 81, 105, 114, 118, 123, 126, 156, 157, 167, 169, and 189) were measured in kestrel eggs and owl livers. Monoortho-substituted PCB congeners were not measured in carp egg samples. All data generated by MRI and Michigan State University (MSU) were subject to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency quality assurance and quality control guidelines. Data analysis: TEQs Consensus TEFs developed by the WHO (TEFWHO) were used in the calculation of TEQWHO values for carp egg, owl liver, and kestrel egg extracts [10]. Avian TEF values were applied to the owl and kestrel sample extracts, while fish TEF values were applied to the carp sample extracts. Congener concentrations were multiplied by TEFs for the PCDH analytes measured [10]. This product was then summed to yield a total TEQWHO for the sample (Eqn. 1). To determine the potential 2435 effects of samples for which concentrations of individual congeners were less than the minimum detection limits (MDL), two TEQWHO values were calculated as follows: TEQWHO-MAX and TEQREP-MAX were calculated by substituting the MDL for those congeners whose concentrations were below the MDL, and TEQWHO-MIN and TEQREP-MIN were calculated when congener concentrations below the MDL were set to 0.0. Therefore, the MAX values represent the greatest possible overestimate of the dioxin-like activity, while the MIN values represent the greatest possible underestimates of equivalent concentrations. Data analysis: TCDD-EQs Concentrations of TCDD-EQs were determined for each sample by comparing the sample dose–response curve to the TCDD standard dose–response curve analyzed on the same plate using previously described methods [15]. Samples that showed adequate dose–response curves were analyzed using the slope-ratio method, which compares the probit-transformed linear region of the dose–response curve. Samples that did not show a full dose–response curve were evaluated using Dunnett’s test to identify extract concentrations showing a response significantly (p 5 0.05) greater than the MDL [16]. The sample response (at the least concentration significantly greater than the MDL, which was usually the undiluted sample extract) was then divided by the standard response (at the least concentration that differed significantly from the MDL, usually 0.1 pg TCDD). This ratio was then multiplied by the TCDD concentration used in the standard response (usually 0.1 pg TCDD) in order to determine the maximum possible TCDD-equivalent amount present in the sample. Statistical methods The chi-square test was used to examine the mass balance relationship between concentrations of TCDD-EQMAX and TEQREP-MAX in tissue samples. Concentrations of TEQWHO-MAX and TCDD-EQMAX were compared between on-site and reference areas using either the Mann–Whitney U test or the two-group t test. The two-group t test was utilized if the data were normally distributed and had homogeneous variances. Separate and pooled variances were examined with the t test. The Mann– Whitney U test was used in cases where the assumptions of a normal distribution were not met [17]. One-way analysis of variance and Dunnett’s multiple comparison were used in cases where more than one population of RMA samples (originating from the core or periphery areas) was compared to reference populations. To determine whether patterns of relative concentrations of PCDH congeners were different between RMA and reference samples, principal components analysis (PCA) was used. Principal components analysis was performed using the full data set containing all quantifiable data and half the MDL for concentrations below the MDL. For PCA, the data were first standardized to z scores; these values are calculated by setting the mean and standard deviation of the data for each variable to values of 0 and 1, respectively. The level of statistical significance for all tests was set at a 5 0.05. Power (1 2 b), the probability of avoiding a type II error (b 5 0.20) [16], was set at 0.80. SYSTAT software (SPSS 1998, Chicago, IL, USA) was used for statistical analyses, and Pass 60 computer software (NCSS, Kaysville, UT, USA) was used to calculate the power of analyses. 0.001 0.01 0.01 0.5 0.1 0.01 0.1 0.01 0.1 1.0 0.05 0.1 0.5 1.0 0.05 0.0001 0.0001 0.00005 0.005 0.0001 0.0005 0.000005 0.000005 0.000005 1234678-HpCDF 1234789-HpCDF 123478-HxCDD 123478-HxCDF 123678-HxCDD 123678-HxCDF 123789-HxCDD 123789-HxCDF 12378-PeCDD 12378-PeCDF 234678-HxCDF 23478-PeCDF 2378-TCDD 2378-TCDF OCDD OCDF (PCB 169) (PCB 126) (PCB 77) (PCB 81) (PCB 105) (PCB 114) (PCB 118) Fish N % Lipid 1234678-HpCDD Parameter 0.00001 0.0001 0.0001 — — 0.48 (0.17) 0.53 (0.28) 0.02 (0.01) 0.22 (0.01) 0.09 (0.02) 0.06 (0.03) 0.16 (0.10) 0.02 (0.01) 0.58 (0.09) 0.17 (0.10) 0.07 (0.01) 0.79 (0.09) 0.05 (0.01) 0.09 (0.05) 0.26 (0.16) 3.05 (0.50) 0.16 (0.03) 0.30 (0.11) 2.05 (1.72) 13.49 (10.8) 0.93 (0.32) — 2 — — 0.73 (0.22) 1.21 (0.72) 0.03 (0.02) 0.23 (0.09) 0.12 (0.05) 0.10 (0.06) 0.13 (0.03) 0.04 (0.03) 0.47 (0.16) 0.22 (0.09) 0.23 (0.11) 2.34 (1.07) 0.16 (0.07) 0.11 (0.07) 0.88 (0.42) 3.33 (1.28) 0.30 (0.18) 0.95 (0.50) 12.75 (5.96) 52.39 (19.5) 3.38 (1.43) — 16 Carp eggs Carp eggs (reference) (RMA)c 4 3.6 24.0 (19.2) 13.1 (8.36) 2.11 (2.56) 5.81 (3.69) 16.0 (20.2) 19.9 (14.8) 6.61 (8.22) 1.65 (1.29) 3.67 (1.60) 6.14 (3.95) 1.82 (1.65) 2.35 (2.20) 8.45 (5.78) 1.04 (1.09) 5.07 (1.82) 33.4 (24.0) 4.26 (2.23) 72.6 (70.0) 122 (142) 22.1 (6.62) 1.68 (1.00) 1,400 (1,510) 196 (174) 4,970 (5,310) Owl livers (reference juvenile) 10 4.0 101 (163) 64.7 (82.2) 20.7 (29.0) 9.79 (11.2) 85.9 (89.6) 26.3 (28.6) 35.2 (337) 3.91 (5.00) 2.43 (1.97) 5.61 (5.50) 2.64 (2.97) 10.1 (9.37) 33.6 (50.0) 0.673 (0.696) 1.08 (0.912) 97.7 (152) 22.4 (25.6) 145 (239) 306 (328) 10.6 (4.99) 2.48 (2.80) 3,920 (8,970) 765 (2,097) 13,600 (33,600) Owl livers (RMA juvenile) 6 7.5 80.6 (165) 14.2 (19.4) 4.33 (6.19) 9.74 (14.2) 47.2 (100) 21.4 (29.2) 14.9 (29.0) 1.10 (1.40) 2.19 (1.95) 3.61 (1.79) 0.502 (0.528) 5.81 (8.35) 16.1 (25.9) 0.551 (0.297) 3.64 (3.68) 36.3 (45.4) 5.55 (7.11) 132 (101) 58.3 (42.4) 8.55 (8.24) 3.53 (6.10) 624 (865) 82.5 (70.5) 2,700 (4,190) Owl livers (reference adult) 3 2.3 1,320 (993) 257 (123) 137 (184) 312 (245) 1,860 (2,020) 1,020 (608) 838 (1,020) 90.9 (48.6) 34.6 (45.1) 186 (67.2) 20.3 (19.1) 162 (174) 586 (664) 11.3 (1.04) 3.13 (1.37) 594 (469) 60.6 (71.4) 336 (148) 423 (139) 3.17 (2.04) 0.17 (0.06) 2,700 (1,760) 590 (336) 11,900 (7,550) Owl livers (RMA adult) 3 4.05 58.2 (5.53) 29.6 (11.1) 4.48 (2.18) 11.7 (4.05) 15.6 (5.67) 28.7 (7.68) 8.93 (3.45) 3.75 (1.18) 0.639 (0.210) 9.12 (5.63) 0.262 (0.308) 6.91 (2.86) 7.27 (1.44) 1.03 (0.899) 0.410 (0.151) 60.0 (28.5) 14.1 (6.47) 92.9 (69.1) 74.9 (20.3) 8.53 (2.89) 0.930 (0.580) 938 (496) 202 (185) 3,970 (3,020) Owl livers (RMA unknown) 30 0.73 (0.97) 1.06 (0.98) 0.62 (0.45) 2.17 (2.90) 5.13 (4.61) 2.22 (1.87) 5.17 (9.94) 4.29 (8.43) 0.86 (0.35) 4.32 (4.25) 8.45 (9.28) 2.65 (3.59) 12.3 (30.9) 1.97 (3.30) 24.0 (34.5) 3.47 (4.90) 51.1 (81.3) 7.80 (5.26) 56.7 (66.6) 86.7 (122) 7.82 (7.25) 1,340 (2,060) 75.7 (103) 3,520 (5,110) 4.12 (1.11) 1.02 (1.43) 8.86 (31.3) 8.58 (22.0) 5.75 (9.10) 7.59 (22.1) 4.78 (9.04) 2.43 (3.10) 1.54 (1.33) 3.08 (4.62) 4.89 (5.96) 1.17 (1.57) 3.10 (3.82) 1.85 (2.06) 6.00 (5.41) 3.51 (6.47) 17.6 (11.1) 39.6 (110) 244 (734) 120 (153) 21.4 (34.6) 2,460 (5,980) 139 (299) 4,750 (7,440) Kestrel eggs (RMA) 16 Kestrel eggs (reference) Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 20, 2001 0.1 0.05 0.1 0.001 0.0001 0.0001 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.1 0.1 1.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.01 0.1 0.05 0.01 0.01 0.001 Avian WHO TEF valuesb Table 1. Sample information from various wildlife populations and mean concentrations of individual polychlorinated dibenzodioxins (PCDD), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDF), and polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners (pg/g, wet wt) and 2378 tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) equivalents in wildlife tissues (standard deviation in parentheses)a 2436 K.K. Coady et al. 0.000005 0.000005 0.000005 0.000005 0.000005 (PCB 123) (PCB 156) (PCB 157) (PCB 167) (PCB 189) 0.00001 0.00001 0.0001 0.0001 0.00001 Avian 0.34 (0.14) 0.84 (0.11) 0.33 (0.11) 1.50 (0.14) 0.00 (0.00) 2.50 (0.71) — — — — — 0.38 (0.12) 1.60 (0.32) 0.64 (0.17) 3.40 (1.1) 4.25 (11.4) 8.50 (10.4) — — — — — Carp eggs Carp eggs (reference) (RMA)c 108 (90.9) 1,410 (1,550) 289 (321) 752 (906) 217 (264) 33.4 (20.2) 42.7 (26.6) 13.5 (9.59) 28.2 (16.1) 0.00 (0.00) 6.50 (8.42) Owl livers (reference juvenile) Owl livers (RMA adult) 92.7 (66.5) 3,040 (1,150) 499 (141) 767 (581) 248 (90.0) 1,460 (1,130) 1,460 (1,140) 984 (976) 1,140 (1,020) 590 (426) 590 (426) Owl livers (reference adult) 72.8 (59.7) 724 (1,320) 132 (231) 341 (658) 117 (200) 36.0 (46.0) 41.5 (49.9) 21.4 (31.9) 31.8 (45.3) 31.2 (76.3) 35.8 (74.3) Owl livers (RMA juvenile) 113 (248) 3,820 (10,200) 589 (1,500) 667 (1,540) 272 (689) 87.3 (97.3) 89.2 (96.4) 66.0 (59.9) 69.9 (58.4) 30.7 (66.7) 34.9 (64.7) 33.2 (32.3) 2,004 (2,590) 306 (374) 451 (536) 331 (484) 29.7 (11.0) 31.9 (10.5) 24.9 (10.0) 30.0 (10.0) 0.00 (0.00) 5.33 (4.51) Owl livers (RMA unknown) 135 (267) 3,530 (10,100) 631 (1,450) 2,290 (5,990) 625 (2,170) 58.05 (108.14) 60.23 (107.78) 20.12 (34.2) 21.98 (34.1) 14.47 (35.4) 18.20 (34.0) Kestrel eggs (reference) 65.0 (84.0) 1,270 (2,130) 250 (254) 604 (6,560) 163 (331) 20.94 (17.6) 23.59 (17.7) 15.44 (20.4) 18.85 (21.1) 2.43 (11.4) 6.87 (11.0) Kestrel eggs (RMA) a HpCDD 5 heptachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, HpCDF 5 heptachlorodibenzofuran, HxCDD 5 hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, HxCDF 5 hexachlorodibenzofuran, PeCDD 5 pentachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, PeCDF 5 pentachlorodibenzofuran, TCDD 5 tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, TCDF 5 tetrachlorodibenzofuran, OCDD 5 octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, OCDF 5 octachlorodibenzofuran, PCB 5 polychlorinated biphenyl, TEQ 5 TCDD-equivalent value as determined by instrumental analyses, TEQREP 5 relative potency of instrumentally derived TCDD equivalents on the H4IIE-luc cell line, TCDD-EQ 5 TCDD-equivalent value as determined by the H4IIE-luc cell line. b WHO 5 World Health Organization; TEF 5 toxic equivalency factors. c RMA 5 Rocky Mountain Arsenal. TCDD-EQMAX TCDD-EQMIN TEQREP-MAX TEQREP-MIN TEQMAX TEQMIN Fish Parameter WHO TEF valuesb Table 1. Continued 2,3,7,8-TCDD equivalents in wildlife tissue samples Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 20, 2001 2437 2438 Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 20, 2001 K.K. Coady et al. Table 2. Mean concentrations (pg/g wet wt) of TEQMAX and TCDDEQMAX in carp eggs from the RMA and reference locations (standard deviation in parentheses). Significance of differences (p values) between the two locations as determined by Student’s t testa On-site N TEQMAXb TCDD-EQMAXc 16 2 1.60 (0.32) 0.84 (0.11) 8.25 (10.4) 2.50 (0.70) 0.004 0.007 0.045 0.457 (Power 5 0.67) p value Separated Poolede RMA 5 Rocky Mountain Arsenal. TEQ 5 TCDD-equivalent value as determined by instrumental analyses. c TCDD-EQ 5 TCDD-equivalent value as determined by the H4IIEluc cell line. d Separate 5 tests using separate variances. e Pooled 5 tests using pooled variances. a b Fig. 1. Concentrations of toxic equivalents (TEQ)REP as a function of concentrations of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p -dioxin eqivalents (TCDD-EQ) in wildlife tissues. All samples from on and off the Rocky Mountain Arsenal in which TEQREP and TCDD-EQ were synoptically measured. The closed line represents equivalence between TEQREP and TCDD-EQ. (A) Carp eggs, (B) great horned owl livers, (C) American kestrel eggs. RESULTS Carp eggs Mean concentrations of TEQWHO in carp eggs from the RMA ranged from 0.38 to 1.6 pg TEQ/g wet weight (wet wt) egg, while mean concentrations of TEQWHO in samples from reference locations ranged from 0.34 to 0.84 pg TEQ/g wet wt egg, depending on which proxy values were applied (Table 1). The mean contribution of PCBs to the total TEQWHO ranged from 1.5 to 20% among samples and methods of calculation. Mean concentrations of TEQREP in carp eggs from the RMA ranged from 0.64 to 3.4 pg TEQ/g wet wt egg, while the mean concentration of TEQREP in samples from reference locations ranged from 0.33 to 1.5 pg/g wet wt egg (Table 1). Mean concentrations of bioassay derived TCDD-EQs in carp eggs from the RMA ranged from 4.3 to 8.5 pg TCDD-EQ/g egg, while mean concentrations in carp eggs from reference areas ranged from 0 to 2.5 pg TCDD-EQ/g wet wt egg, depending on the choice of surrogate values chosen for nondetect values (Table 1). Concentrations of TEQREP-MAX were significantly different from concentrations of TCDD-EQMAX when all data points were considered in the chi-square analysis (x2 5 94.3, df 5 17) (Fig. 1A). When three outlying points were removed from the analysis, the remaining concentrations of TEQREP MAX and TCDD-EQMAX were not significantly different from each other (x2 5 21.2, df 5 14). Since concentrations of TEQWHO in carp were normally distributed and the variances between the two groups were not significantly different, the two-group Student’s t test was used to compare the mean values of on-site and reference concentrations. Concentrations of TEQMAX in carp egg samples from the RMA were significantly greater than those in samples from reference locations using both separate and pooled variances (Table 2). Concentrations of TCDD-EQMAX were also significantly different between locations when separate variances were used, but no significant differences were observed when the variances were pooled (Table 2). The small sample size of carp eggs collected from reference areas greatly influenced the difference in variance measurements. Therefore, the pooled estimate is a more accurate test statistic. Great horned owl livers When data from all age classes were considered together, mean concentrations of TEQWHO in owl livers from the RMA ranged from 330 to 340 pg TEQWHO/g wet wt liver, while the mean concentration of TEQWHO in owl livers from reference areas ranged from 35 to 42 pg TEQWHO/g wet wt liver, depending on the proxy values used for congeners occurring at concentrations less than the MDL (Table 3). In samples from Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 20, 2001 2,3,7,8-TCDD equivalents in wildlife tissue samples Table 3. A range of mean concentrations (pg/g, wet wt) of TCDD equivalents in great horned owl livers and the significance of differences among locations as determined by the Mann–Whitney U testa Concentration ranges of TCDD equivalents in combined age classes On-site Reference p value Combined Adults Juveniles a TEQMIN– TEQMAX TEQREP-MIN– TEQREP-MAX TCDD-EQMIN– TCDD-EQMAX 330–340 35–42 230–260 18–30 130–130 17–32 0.077 — — — — — — 0.014 0.604 TEQ 5 TCDD-equivalent value as determined by instrumental analyses, TEQREP 5 relative potency of instrumentally derived TCDD equivalents on the H4IIE-luc cell line, TCDD-EQ 5 TCDD-equivalent value as determined by the H4IIE-luc cell line. the RMA and reference areas, mean proportions of total concentrations of TEQWHO contributed by PCBs ranged from 24 to 39%, depending on the proxy values chosen. The relative contribution of PCB congeners to the total TEQWHO was greater in owl livers than in carp egg samples. Overall, there was greater variation in TEQWHO concentrations among individual owl liver samples collected on and off the RMA than was evident in TEQWHO concentrations of carp egg samples (Table 1). Specific congener concentrations and concentrations of TCDD equivalents were calculated for separate age classes and location of collection (Table 1). When owl liver lipid contents were stratified by age and location, the lipid content of adult owls on site was less than the lipid content of all other groups, including juveniles (Table 1). When concentrations of TEQREP in livers of owls of all ages were considered together, the mean concentrations of TEQREP in great horned owl livers from the RMA ranged from 230 to 260 pg TEQ/g wet wt liver, while the mean concentration of TEQREP in samples from reference locations ranged from 18 to 30 pg/g wet wt liver (Table 3). Mean concentrations of TCDD-EQ in owl livers collected from reference locations ranged from 17 to 23 pg TCDD-EQ/g wet wt liver, and the mean concentration in samples from the RMA was 130 pg TCDD-EQ/g wet wt liver (Table 3). Concentrations of TEQREP-MAX were, on average, greater than concentrations of TCDD-EQMAX (Fig. 1B). Concentrations of TCDD-EQMAX and TEQREP-MAX were significantly different (x2 5 86, df 5 26) when all data points were considered. When a single, outlying point was removed from the analysis, TCDD-EQMAX and TEQREP-MAX concentrations were not statistically different (x2 5 14.2, df 5 25). Since concentrations of TEQ in livers of individual great horned owls were not normally distributed, the Mann–Whitney U test was used to test for significant differences between adult and juvenile owls [16]. Because the ages of some owls could not be determined, statistical tests for differences in concentrations of TCDD equivalents between owls of different ages were conducted several ways. When owls of unknown age were classified as adults, classified as juveniles, or eliminated altogether, no significant differences were observed in concentrations of TEQWHO-MAX among age classes. Therefore, comparisons between concentrations of TEQWHO-MAX from on-site and reference areas were performed on pooled age classes (Table 3). Concentrations of TCDD-EQMAX were significantly 2439 different among age classes. Therefore, comparisons of concentrations of TCDD-EQMAX between the RMA and reference locations were performed separately for adults and juveniles. Concentrations of TEQWHO-MAX between locations were not significantly different. However, concentrations of TCDD-EQMAX in livers of adult owls from the RMA and reference areas were significantly different (Table 3). American kestrel eggs Mean concentrations of TEQWHO in American kestrel eggs collected from the RMA ranged from 21 to 24 pg TEQ/g wet wt egg, while those collected from reference locations were between 58 and 60 pg TEQ/g wet wt egg (Table 1). The mean relative proportions of TEQWHO contributed by PCBs ranged from 21 to 57% among samples and methods of calculation, which is similar to the proportion observed in great horned owl livers. Mean concentrations of TEQREP in American kestrel eggs from the RMA ranged from 15 to 19 pg TEQ/g wet wt egg, while the mean concentration of TEQREP in samples from reference locations ranged from 20 to 22 pg/g wet wt egg (Table 1). Mean concentrations of TCDD-EQ in samples of American kestrel eggs from the RMA contained 2.4 to 6.9 pg TCDDEQ/g wet wt egg, while those from reference locations ranged from 14 to 18 pg TCDD-EQ/g wet wt egg (Table 1). Concentrations of TEQREP-MAX were compared with TCDDEQMAX (Fig. 1C). As with the owl livers, concentrations of TEQREP-MAX in the kestrel eggs were, on average, greater than concentrations of TCDD-EQMAX. Concentrations of TEQREPMAX were statistically different from TCDD-EQMAX when all data points were analyzed (x2 5 668, df 5 56, a 5 0.05). By removing a single outlier from the analysis, TCDD-EQMAX and TEQREP-MAX concentrations in American kestrel eggs from onsite and reference areas were not significantly different (x2 5 40, df 5 55, a 5 0.05). Concentrations of TCDD equivalents in kestrel eggs collected from the core and periphery areas of the RMA as well as the reference locations were not statistically different among locations (df 5 2,43, F ratio 5 1.345; p 5 0.271). Therefore, concentrations of both TEQ and TCDD-EQ in eggs from core and peripheral area were grouped, and concentrations in all kestrel eggs from the RMA were compared to those in the eggs pooled from all the reference locations. Concentrations of TEQWHO-MAX or TCDD-EQMAX between locations were not significantly different. However, the power of the test was insufficient to allow definitive conclusions to be drawn (Table 4). Pattern analysis of PCDD and PCDF congeners Pattern recognition of the relative concentrations of PCDD and PCDF congeners was used to determine if the PCDDs and PCDFs were from a local or more regional source. The results of the PCA is presented by plotting the first three principal components (Figs. 2 and 3). Because of the small number of reference samples and the small concentrations of PCDDs and PCDFs measured in the carp eggs, pattern recognition techniques could not be usefully applied to the carp data set. No distinct cluster was apparent among adult owls from the RMA (Fig. 2). In fact, the samples ordinate in different directions away from the central cluster. This observation supports the conclusion that the PCDD and PCDF congeners detected in tissue samples from the RMA were more likely to be due to a regional rather than a local source. 2440 Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 20, 2001 K.K. Coady et al. Table 4. Mean concentrations (pg/g, wet wt) of TEQMAX and TCDDEQMAX in American kestrel eggs collected from the RMA or reference locations (standard deviation in parentheses). Student’s t test results for the comparison of concentrations in eggs from the RMA and those from reference locationsa On-site Reference p value Separated Poolede N TEQMAX TCDD-EQMAX 30 16 24 (17.7) 60 (107.8) 6.9 (11.0) 18 (34.0) 0.241 0.105 0.246 0.214 RMA 5 Rocky Mountain Arsenal. TEQ 5 TCDD-equivalent value as determined by instrumental analyses. c TCDD-EQ 5 TCDD-equivalent value as determined by the H4IIEluc cell line. d Separate 5 tests using separate variances. e Pooled 5 tests using pooled variances. a b The results of the PCA for American kestrel eggs is presented (Fig. 3). This graphical representation is dominated by a close grouping of both reference and RMA samples. This suggests that the patterns of relative concentrations of PCDDs and PCDFs in the eggs result from a common regional or global source, not a local source. This grouping may, to some extent, be the product of a significant number of nondetect values that can cause clustering. Ordinated apart from the central cluster were several samples from both the RMA and the reference locations. The samples that are separate from the central cluster do not form a separate grouping but are distributed around the graph. DISCUSSION Two different methodologies to estimate TCDD equivalents were applied in this study to ensure that no unaccounted for AhR-mediated activity was present in the tissue samples. Both bioanalytical and instrumental techniques have advantages and disadvantages. In comparison to instrumental analyses, the H4IIE-luc bioassay can be more cost effective and rapid, and Fig. 2. Principal components analysis (PCA) of great horned owl liver polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDD/F) profiles. ou 5 on-post, unknown age; oa 5 on-post adult; oj 5 on-post juvenile; ra 5 reference adult; and rj 5 reference juvenile. Fig. 3. Principal components analysis (PCA) for American kestrel eggs (C 5 core, P 5 periphery, R 5 reference). it integrates all the dioxin-like activity in complex mixtures. However, instrumental analyses can identify individual congeners. Depending on the study objectives, one method for determining TCDD-equivalent concentrations may be preferred over the other. Discovering the point source and assigning causality to contamination would require a pattern analysis of specific congener concentrations among samples, which is accomplished by instrumental analyses. If a rapid and biologically relevant assay is desired to screen for TCDDequivalent concentrations in samples, then the H4IIE-luc bioassay would be favored. Concentrations of TCDD-EQ and TEQREP values were similar in most of the tissues analyzed in this study. Significant differences in concentrations of TCDD equivalents were observed, depending on which method was used to estimate TCDD equivalents. Three outlying carp egg samples collected on the RMA contained greater concentrations of TCDD-EQ than predicted by concentrations of TEQREP. This can be explained by the fact that the bioassay measures total activity of complex mixtures and accounts for interactions among congeners, while instrumental analyses measured only target analytes [5]. The H4IIE-luc bioassay can also detect additional dioxin-like activity from compounds not specifically measured in analytical chemistry procedures. The greater concentration of TCDD-EQ in carp eggs may have been due to unidentified AhR-active compounds. In a few samples of kestrel eggs and owl livers, concentrations of TEQREP were greater than concentrations of TCDD-EQ. This outcome was possibly observed due to the fact that congeners, when tested as a mixture in the bioassay, can antagonize one another, causing interference and reduced measures of dioxin-like activity that are not predictable in the additive TEQREP model [5]. Thus, in the absence of unquantified AhR-active compounds, the concentration of TCDD-EQ would be expected to be slightly less than that of TEQREP. Overall, the good correlation between TCDD-EQ and TEQREP values indicated that little AhR-mediated activity occurred that was due to compounds other than PCDDs, PCDFs, and PCBs. Carp eggs collected from reference locations contained significantly lesser concentrations of TEQWHO-MAX and TCDDEQMAX than did carp eggs collected on the RMA. However, 2,3,7,8-TCDD equivalents in wildlife tissue samples the small sample sizes available for this analysis (n 5 2 from reference areas) may not be representative of the locations from which they were collected. Therefore, it is inconclusive whether concentrations of TCDD equivalents are greater in samples of carp eggs from the RMA. While the average concentrations were significantly different, they were small. The contribution of TCDD-EQ that was contributed by proxy values was considerable. Thus, the differences observed may be due more to differences in sample-specific detection and quantification limits than to actual concentrations of PCDHs. In addition, the concentrations measured are similar to or lower than background concentrations measured in national and global surveys [18,19]. In this study, livers of great horned owls contained the greatest concentrations of TEQs and TCDD-EQs. Concentrations of TEQs and TCDD-EQs in livers from juvenile great horned owl populations did not significantly differ among the RMA and reference locations. However, concentrations of TCDD-EQMAX in livers of adult great horned owls collected from the RMA were significantly greater than those of adult owl livers collected from surrounding reference areas. This may indicate that a localized source of dioxin-like compounds exists in the terrestrial environment at the RMA. However, some uncertainty persists in this result since great horned owl specimens were collected opportunistically. Some owls were found dead in response to an environmental stressor other than exposure to PCDHs. Based on the concentrations of dieldrin measured in several adult owls, it was concluded that these specimens had expired because of dieldrin poisoning. Loss of lipid content occurs in the liver tissue of organisms that die because of dieldrin poisoning [20]. This loss of lipid content in dieldrin-poisoned owls may have led to an increased partitioning of TCDD equivalents in liver samples. In addition, several studies with rainbow trout have shown that pretreatment with dieldrin can cause alterations in the tissue distributions of subsequent doses of dieldrin, namely increased dieldrin concentrations in the liver [21,22]. Therefore, dieldrinpoisoned owls may have had increased concentrations of TCDD equivalents partitioned to their livers. Concentrations of TEQ and TCDD-EQ in American kestrel eggs collected from the RMA were not significantly different from those collected from reference locations, but the power in these analyses was low so that the results were inconclusive. The differing results in overall TCDD-EQ concentrations and TEQ concentrations between American kestrel eggs and great horned owl livers may indicate that separate terrestrial pathways exist for exposure to dioxin-like chemicals among species. Pattern analysis of specific congener occurrences in wildlife tissue samples and in soil samples from the RMA (Biological Advisory Subcommittee, Commerce City, CO, USA, unpublished results) revealed that no consistent pattern of congeners was associated with the core or periphery of RMA that would distinguish these samples from samples collected in reference areas. This indicates that a single distinct pattern of PCDD/F congeners common to these samples does not exist, as would be expected if a point source of contamination existed on the RMA. In addition to measuring the concentrations of TCDD equivalents in tissue samples from the RMA and surrounding reference areas, this study was designed to compare the results of chemical and bioanalytical methods for measuring PCDHs. While in general agreement, the two procedures also dem- Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 20, 2001 2441 onstrated differences. Notably, when PCDH concentrations were small, as in the carp egg samples, estimated TCDD-EQ concentrations were greater than TEQ. However, when PCDH concentrations were large, as in the great horned owl, TEQs appeared to overestimate the total PCDH activity. These differences could be attributed to deficiencies in the bioassay method due to false positives at low PCDH concentrations, nonadditivity, or saturation at high PCDH concentrations. 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