Aquatic Toxicology 50 (2000) 287 – 299 Pathologic alterations in adult rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, exposed to dietary 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin Gail L. Walter a,1, Paul D. Jones c,d,*, John P. Giesy b,c,d a Department of Pathology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Michigan State Uni6ersity, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA b Department of Zoology, Michigan State Uni6ersity, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA c Institute of En6ironmental Toxicology, Michigan State Uni6ersity, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA d Food Safety and Toxicology Building, National Food Safety and Toxicology Center, Michigan State Uni6ersity, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA Received 29 June 1999; received in revised form 31 January 2000; accepted 2 February 2000 Abstract Adult female rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fed [3H]2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) impregnated diet at 0, 1.8, 18 or 90 ng/kg food for up to 320 days were evaluated by clinical pathology, gross pathology and histopathology procedures. Gross pathological changes were limited to a slight increase in the incidence of lesions of the caudal fins in the treated groups. Mixed mononuclear inflammatory infiltrates were present in multiple organs of fish from control and treatment groups, but did not appear to be treatment related. Lesions associated with exposure to TCDD were observed histologically in liver and spleen after 100 and 250 + days of exposure. The livers of TCDD-treated fish contained less hepatocellular glycogen, more mitotic figures, greater anisokaryosis, anisocytosis, nuclear chromatin clumping and margination. Prominent nucleoli were directly proportional to TCDD dose. Hepatocellular changes in fish exposed to TCDD also included single cell necrosis and clear cytoplasmic vacuoles consistent with lipid. Some fish from all TCD exposed groups had lower lymphoid density compared to controls at all time intervals. Fish exposed to the highest TCDD dose had decreased peripheral leukocyte counts after 50 and 100 days. The lowest observable adverse effect level (LOAEL) for these effects was 5.69 ngTCDD/kg in diet and 0.90 ng TCDD/kg liver. © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Dioxin; Fish; Accumulation; Pathology; Histopathology; Toxicity 1. Introduction * Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-517-4326333; fax: +1527-4322310. 1 Present address, 325 Grandview Ave., Kalamazoo, MI 49001, USA. 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) is the by-product of industrial processes and pyrolytic reactions (Harrad and Jones, 1992; Rappe and Kjeller, 1994; Brzuzy and Hites, 1996). 0166-445X/00/$ - see front matter © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 1 6 6 - 4 4 5 X ( 0 0 ) 0 0 0 9 5 - 3 288 G.L. Walter et al. / Aquatic Toxicology 50 (2000) 287–299 TCDD has been shown to accumulate into the tissues of fish (Schmieder et al., 1995; Niimi, 1996; Delorme et al., 1998; Johnson et al., 1998; Tietge et al., 1998). Some fish species, particularly salmonids, are sensitive to the effects of TCDD (Walker and Peterson, 1994; Peterson et al., 1993; Newsted et al., 1995). While a number of chemicals structurally similar to TCDD can cause adverse effects in fish through the same mode of action (Hanberg et al., 1990; Walker and Peterson, 1991; Newsted et al., 1995), TCDD is the most potent of the class of polyhalogenated, diaromatic hydrocarbons (PHDHs; Giesy and Kannan, 1998). The toxicity of complex mixtures of PHDH is often expressed as TCDD equivalents (TEQs; Safe, 1987). TCDD equivalency factors have been derived for fish (Van den Berg et al., 1998) so that the toxic potency of complex mixtures of Ah-receptor (Ah-R) active compounds to fish can be calculated. However, to be able to interpret the potential effects of these complex mixtures on fish a dose-response relationship including a threshold for effect is needed. Previously, the toxicity of TCDD to fish has been investigated in short-term studies at exposure concentrations greater than those found in the environment. Furthermore, the vector of exposure was generally via ‘intra peritoneal’ injection, single gavage dose or from aqueous media containing solvent carriers (Spitsbergen et al., 1991). Alternatively eggs have been exposed to concentrations of TCDD in water above the compounds water solubility or TCDD was injected into eggs (Walker and Peterson, 1991). While these studies established that TCDD is extremely toxic to fish, no reference doses were available. The research presented here was conducted as a definitive study of the long-term effects of small concentrations of TCDD in the diet of rainbow trout. The study was designed to investigate the effects of concentrations of TCDD in the diet that were similar to those currently in the environment or that once occurred in the environment. Furthermore, the greatest concentration of TCDD used in the current study was less than the total concentration of TEQs often measured in fish from the North American Great Lakes (Jones et al., 1993; Giesy et al., 1999). The vector and rate of exposure were selected to allow an estimation of ecological effects of TCDD on a salmonid fish at environmentally relevant concentrations. In addition, the pathological responses are catalogued such that they can be used as a functional measure of TCDD exposure under field conditions. This paper presents only the pathological findings, detailed descriptions of the accumulation disposition and effects on reproduction and survival can be found elsewhere (Giesy et al., 2000; Jones et al., 2000). 2. Materials and methods Adult (age class II; 350 g), female rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) of the spring-spawning Shasta strain were collected from the rearing ponds at the Stoney Creek Trout farm (Grant, MI). Fish were sorted by sex and held at the Michigan State University Aquaculture facility until exposure began in March of 1991. Fish were acclimated for 60 days in the exposure tanks before the commencement of exposure. Tritium labeled TCDD was synthesized and purified at the Pesticide Research Center, Michigan State University. The radiochemical purity (\ 99.9%) and specific activity were confirmed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and liquid scintillation counting. Concentrations of TCDD in food and selected fish tissues were confirmed by GC-MS and ELISA (Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay). Food was spiked with both 3 H-labeled TCDD and non-labeled TCDD such that, while the TCDD dose varied, the TCDD specific activities (DPM/pg TCDD; DPM= disintegrations per minute) were also varied so that the radiometric dose remained constant. In this way fish were exposed to the same dose of radiation over the course of the study (Table 1). Control fish were not exposed to 3H. Fish were exposed in 1700 l, flow-through tanks. The flow rate was 71.5 l/h resulting in approximately two turnovers of the water per day. Temperature was maintained at 12°C and photoperiod was adjusted weekly to match ambient outside conditions. Tanks were situated in a negative pressure facility with three levels of containment for water and one for air. Control fish were held in the same facility with the same G.L. Walter et al. / Aquatic Toxicology 50 (2000) 287–299 containment but in an adjacent room to prevent TCDD carry over between tanks. Fish were fed Silver Cup Fish Feed (Murray Elevators, Murray, UT) with or without tritiumlabeled TCDD for up to 320 days. Stock solutions of TCDD were prepared in acetone and applied to the food. The acetone was allowed to evaporate. TCDD-spiked food containing 5.4 54 or 270 ng TCDD/kg was fed every third day while no spiked food was fed on the other 2 days. This resulted in average daily dietary concentrations of 0, 1.8, 18–90 ng TCDD/kg moist weight of food (Table 1). The food contained a background concentration of 24 ng/kg TCDD-EQ as determined by the H4IIE bioassay (Sanderson et al., 1996) of which less than 0.2 ng/kg was 2,3,7,8-TCDD. The other compounds that contributed to the Ah-R activity were unknown, but could have been polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons or short-lived ‘natural’ inducers. The quantity of food fed was adjusted throughout the experiment to maintain a constant ration of 1.5% of body weight per day. The experiment was initiated with 35 females in each of the four exposure groups (three TCDD exposure concentrations and one control). Two to four fish from each of the three treatment and control groups, were evaluated for clinical pathology alterations and gross lesions after 50, 100, 150, or 200 days of exposure. Additional fish were collected and evaluated at various time points at the time of spawning from day 255 to 320, and data from these fish have been grouped together as a 250+-day treatment group. 289 Fish were anesthetized by submersion in MS222 (tricaine methane sulfonate). Blood was collected by venipuncture of the caudal vein and placed on ice. Samples were collected in EDTA (ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid) for complete blood counts and without anticoagulant for serum chemistry evaluation. Clinical pathology tests were performed on the same day as blood collection. A 1:200 dilution in modified Dacie’s solution was used to determine leukocyte counts by previously described methods (Blaxhall and Daisley, 1973; Campbell, 1988b). Erythrocyte counts and hemoglobin determinations were done by voltage impedance (Counter ZBI) by previously described methods (Campbell, 1988a). Leucocytes were classified by microscopic evaluation of Wright’s stained blood smears. Serum from two fish was typically pooled to provide adequate sample volume for analysis. Serum chemistry evaluation included sodium, potassium, total carbon dioxide, anion gap, iron, albumen, alkaline phosphatase, amylase, total bilirubin, urea nitrogen, calcium, cholesterol, creatine kinase, creatinine, gamma glutamyl transferase, glucose, magnesium, phosphorus, sorbitol dehydrogenase, aspartate aminotranserase, alanine aminotransferase, total protein and osmolality. Tests were performed on a tandem access analyzer (Abbott Spectrum) using reagents supplied by the manufacturer. Tests were not modified from standard methodologies used for mammals. Enzyme analysis was performed at 37°C. Osmolality was determined by freezing point depression. Table 1 Concentrations of 2,3,7,8-TCDD, TCDD-EQs and radiometric doses in food Dose group TCDD in food (ng/kg) Specific activity (DPM/pg TCDD) Radiometric dose (DPM/g food) Bioassay (ng TCDD/kg food)b TCDD only dose a Control B0.2 Naa Na 24 0 ng TCDD/kg diet 1.8 18 90 5.4 541 974 28.9 4.9 54 57.0 1026 46.9 22.9 270 10.5 949 154 129.8 Na, Not applicable. Background concentrations of dioxin like activity were measured using the H4IIE bioassay. The presence of this activity is discussed in Section 2. b G.L. Walter et al. / Aquatic Toxicology 50 (2000) 287–299 290 but one fish and samples of ovary were collected from most fish. Following routine processing and paraffin embedding, 6-mm sections were prepared and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) staining was also performed on some sections. Incidence and severity of lesions were enumerated and the values for treatment groups were compared to controls at each time interval. 3. Results Fig. 1. Accumulation of TCDD in the livers of rainbow trout exposed to TCDD for up to 200 days. Values are mean of each treatment group; solid =1.8 ng TCDD/kg; dashed = 18 ng TCDD/kg; dotted 90 ng TCDD/kg. Error bars indicate one standard error of the mean. As the control group was not exposed to 3H-TCDD no values are available. Anaesthetized fish were killed by concussion followed by cervical spinal cord transection. Liver and ovaries were removed and weighed, gross lesions were noted and samples for histopathological evaluation were taken within 5 min of death and placed in 10% neutral buffered formalin. Samples of liver, midsection kidney, hematopoietic tissue, gill, and stomach were collected from each fish. Samples of spleen were obtained in all There were no statistically significant differences in growth among treatment groups after 200 days of exposure. TCDD was rapidly accumulated in the livers of TCDD-treated fish and reached a steady state after 50 days of exposure (Fig. 1 and Table 2). There was an apparent but non-significant decrease in liver TCDD concentration in all TCDD-treatment groups at 150 days. However liver concentrations increased again between 150 and 200 days to reach levels equivalent to those observed at 100 days of exposure. This decrease may represent a mobilization and transfer of lipid and associated TCDD to the developing gonads. Relatively uniform increases in the ovary/somatic index were noted over the entire exposure period (results not shown) so alterations in TCDD distribution would indicate a specific phase of egg development. Details about tissue accumulation and distribution of TCDD in this experiment are provided elsewhere (Giesy et al., 2000; Jones et al., 2000). Table 2 Concentrations of 2,3,7,8-TCDD (pg/g wet weight) accumulated in rainbow trout livers during the 200-day feeding perioda Interval (days) Control ng TCDD/kg diet 1.8 Nab Na Na Na 50 100 150 200 a b Values are mean (S.D.). Na, not applicable. 0.255 (0.06) 0.312 (0.051) 0.218 (0.083) – 18 1.65 (0.57) 2.875 (0.72) 1.717 (0.56) 2.85 (0.639) 90 – 12.92 (2.75) 9.933 (0.528) 16.242 (2.21) G.L. Walter et al. / Aquatic Toxicology 50 (2000) 287–299 3.1. Gross pathology The only consistent gross external lesion was necrosis of the caudal and occasionally anal fins. The incidence of fin lesions was slightly greater in treated groups than in the controls at the same time intervals (Table 3) but this response was not dose dependent. Lesions were characterized histopathologically as epithelial erosion with mild subjacent fibrosis and occasional necrosis. The degree of severity of lesions was not dose dependent suggesting that these lesions were probably due to confinement in the tanks. 3.2. Clinical pathology No TCDD-related alterations in any serum chemistry parameters or in erythrocyte parameters were observed at any exposure time (results not shown). The total number of leukocytes was decreased in the 90-ng TCDD/kg treatment dose group fish when compared to controls for samples although there was not a clear dose-response relationship across dose groups. 3.3. Histopathology Inflammation was frequently present and often involved the peritoneal serosal or capsular surfaces of the stomach, spleen and liver, the submucosa, muscularis and subserosa of the stomach, the ovary, and the parenchyma of the liver. Inflammatory infiltrates generally consisted of mixed mononuclear cells (lymphocytes, plasma cells, macrophages). Occasionally fibroblasts and neovascularization were increased on the stromal surTable 3 Incidence (lesions/number of fish examined) of fin lesions (gross) in rainbow trout exposed to TCDD Exposure time (days) Control ng TCDD/kg diet 1.8 50 100 150 200 1/3 0/4 2/4 0/2 0/4 4/4 2/4 1/6 18 0/4 3/4 3/3 1/3 90 2/4 2/3 2/4 0/4 291 faces. These changes were not dose-related and occurred with similar frequency among all treatment groups. Specific etiologic agent(s) were not identified. Other organ-specific changes are addressed individually. 3.4. Li6er There were dose-related hepatocellular changes in all TCDD treated groups but not in untreated fish (Table 4 and Fig. 2). The livers of control fish were characterized by uniform small hepatocytes with small, oval monomorphic nuclei, which had evenly dispersed finely granular chromatin and rare mitotic figures. In the livers of fish exposed to 18 or 90 ng TCDD/kg exposed fish, there were increased mitotic figures and nuclear changes, including variably enlarged nuclei (anisokaryosis), prominent nucleoli, marginated and/or coarsely clumped chromatin and vesiculation (Fig. 3). Anisocytosis due to increased hepatocellular size was also observed in 18 and 90 ng/kg treatment groups when compared to controls. Cells with yellow–brown, slightly refractile cytoplasmic pigment, suggestive of bile, were noted in the 18- and 90-ng/kg TCDD treatment groups at 200 and 250+ days (data not shown). Individual cell necrosis was occasionally observed in the livers of fish exposed to 18 or 90 ng TCDD/kg (Table 4). Dose-dependent decreases in hepatocellular glycogen were also observed in all TCDD-treated groups. Hepatocytes of control fish contained moderate to abundant glycogen in irregular, fibrillar intracytoplasmic vacuoles which were strongly PAS positive (Fig. 3). Hepatocellular vacuolization was less intense and cytoplasm was more densely eosinophilic in TCDD-exposed fish (Fig. 3). There was little PAS stain affinity in TCDDtreated fish. Sharply-outlined, PAS negative, clear vacuoles, consistent with lipid, were present in some fish in the 18- and 90-ng TCDD/kg treatment groups but were not seen in untreated fish. There were periportal, mixed mononuclear inflammatory infiltrates and capsulitis/peritonitis in fish from control and treatment groups; therefore, these were not considered to be treatment related (Fig. 4). Thus the lowest observable adverse effect level (LOAEL) for these effects was 5.69 ng G.L. Walter et al. / Aquatic Toxicology 50 (2000) 287–299 292 Table 4 Incidence of liver lesions (lesions/number of fish examined) in rainbow trout exposed to TCDD Parameter Exposure time (days) Control ng TCDD/kg diet 1.8 18 90 Glycogen decreased 100 150 200 250+ 0/3 0/4 1/4 0/2 2/4 1/4 2/4 0/6 1/4 4/4 0/4 2/4 3/4 2/3 2/3 4/5 Lipid-like vacuoles 100 150 200 250+ 0/3 0/4 0/4 0/2 1/4 2/4 0/4 0/6 1/4 3/4 0/4 0/4 2/4 2/3 0/3 1/5 0/3 0/4 1/4 (1/10 hpf)a 0/4 0/4 0/4 1/4 (2/10 hpf)a 2/4 (1.5/10 hpf)a 3/4 (2/10 hpf)a 3/4 (1.7/10 hpf)a 0/4 3/4 (5/10 hpf)a 2/3 (3/10 hpf)a 2/3 (5/10 hpf)a 0/5 Increased mitotic figures 100 150 200 250 Nuclear or cellular change 100 150 200 250+ 0/3 0/4 0/4 0/2 0/4 0/4 3/4 3/6 1/4 4/4 1/4 2/4 4/4 3/3 2/3 4/5 Individual cell necrosis 100 150 200 250+ 0/3 0/4 0/4 0/2 0/4 0/4 0/4 0/6 0/4 0/4 0/4 2/4 1/4 0/3 1/3 0/5 Peritonitis liver 100 150 200 250+ 0/3 1/4 1/4 0/2 1/4 0/4 0/4 0/6 0/4 0/4 1/4 0/4 1/4 0/3 0/3 0/5 Inflammatory infiltrates 100 150 200 250+ 1/3 1/4 3/4 0/2 1/4 1/4 1/4 0/6 0/4 1/4 1/4 2/4 1/4 2/3 2/3 1/5 Inflammation/peritonitis abdominal, not liver 100 3/3 2/4 1/4 4/4 150 200 250+ 4/4 3/4 1/2 1/4 0/4 3/6 1/4 2/4 1/4 0/3 1/3 2/5 a Mean number of mitotic figures per number of high power fields (hpf). TCDD/kg in diet (geometric mean of 1.8 and 18 ng TCDD/kg) and 0.90 ng TCDD/kg liver (geometric mean of 0.285 and 2.85 ng TCDD/kg) based on measured liver concentrations at 200 days. 3.5. Spleen There was a decrease in lymphoid density in all fish exposed to TCDD-treatments at all time points. Occasionally the lymphoid tissue of untreated fish was scant but was never as little as the TCDD-treated fish (Fig. 5). This lesser density was usually associated with an apparent increase in stromal and vascular structures and often vascular and/or sinus congestion. Occasional foci of individual cell necrosis and hemosiderosis were also observed in the 18- and 90-ng TCDD/kg treatment groups. Some fish in the TCDD treat- G.L. Walter et al. / Aquatic Toxicology 50 (2000) 287–299 293 ment groups were also characterized by multiple foci with clusters of small endothelial-lined vascular structures, which contained small amounts of intraluminal eosinophilic fibrillar material or erythrocytes (Fig. 6). These foci were often adjacent to large or moderately-sized blood vessels. Inflammation occurred with similar frequency in treatment and control groups and was not considered to be treatment related. Etiologic agent(s) were not identified. The inflammation was characterized by the infiltration of mononuclear cells into the splenic capsule with neovascularization and fibrous adhesions in some fish. Extension of this reaction through the capsule into the subcapsular parenchyma was uncommon. 3.6. Stomach No dose-related toxicological effects on the stomach were observed. The most frequently observed gastric lesions included chronic inflammation of the serosa with lymphocyte, mononuclear cell, and occasional plasma cell infiltration. This often involved the neural, perineural and perivascular tissues with variable amounts of capsular thickening due to fibrovascular proliferation. In Fig. 3. (A, B) Liver from an untreated fish (panel A) from a fish fed 90 ng TCDD/kg food for 100 days (Panel B). There is abundant cytoplasmic glycogen, which appears as an empty space within the hepatocytes (straight arrow Panel A). Nuclei are uniform in size with fine granular chromatin (curved arrow, panel A). There is decreased hepatocellular glycogen, slight variation in nuclear size and chromatin, and increased numbers of mitotic figures (curved arrows, Panel B). Scale bar on both panels represents 25 mm. Fig. 2. Occurrence of histopathological lesions in the livers of trout exposed to TCDD for up to 250 + days. many samples, this reaction extended to the mesentery, and in a few cases extended into the muscularis. This inflammation was observed in 294 G.L. Walter et al. / Aquatic Toxicology 50 (2000) 287–299 untreated as well as all TCDD-treated groups. Infectious agents were not identified and the etiology could not be determined. Multifocal mineralization, usually involving the submucosa and Fig. 4. (A, B) Liver from a fish fed 90 ng TCDD/kg food for 50 days. There is prominent hepatocellular anisocytosis and anisokaryosis. Note variation in nuclear chromatin patterns and sharply outline vacuoles consistent with lipid (open arrowhead, Panel B). Infiltrates of lymphocytes (small arrow, Panel B) are present in the portal areas. Bile duct (curved arrow, Panel B), artery (large arrow), vein (solid arrowhead, Panel B). Scale bar on panel A is 25 mm. Scale bar on panel B is 50 mm. Fig. 5. (A, B) Spleen from an unexposed fish (Panel A) after 100 days and from a fish fed 90 ng TCDD/kg food for 150 days (Panel B). In the untreated fish there is a mixed population of lymphoid cells (arrow, Panel A), stromal cells (open arrowhead), erythrocytes (solid arrowhead), and occasional melanomacrophages (curved arrow, Panel A). In the exposed fish there are increased numbers of melanomacrophages (curved arrows, Panel B), stromal cells (open arrowhead), and erythrocytes (solid arrowhead). Lymphoid cells (arrow, Panel B) are decreased in number. Scale bar on panel A is 50 mm. Scale bar on panel B is 25 mm. G.L. Walter et al. / Aquatic Toxicology 50 (2000) 287–299 occasionally the subserosa and/or muscularis, often between inner and outer muscle layers, was noted in all treatment groups. In most cases, granulomatous inflammatory infiltrates were associated with the mineralized foci. Similar foci of 295 inflammation also occurred without evidence of mineralization. Less common lesions included lymphocytic or lymphohistocytic infiltration of the cardiac glands with loss or effacement of glandular epithelium. Vacuolization, clefting and individual cell degeneration of the submucosal basilar zone was noted in many stomach specimens but was considered to be an artifact of sample preparation. 3.7. Peritoneum Peritonitis occurred in all fish from control and TCDD-treated groups with similar frequency and was defined as the presence of inflammatory cell infiltrates or fibrous to fibrovascular adhesions on the serosal surfaces of one or more abdominal organs or in the mesentery. Inflammatory cells in all cases were primarily macrophages with fewer numbers of lymphocytes and plasma cells, with variable numbers of fibroblasts and fibrocytes. Etiologic agents were not identified. 3.8. Gill Gill lesions were infrequent, mild in severity and occurred randomly between groups. Lesions most frequently noted were focal chronic granulomas, occasional blunting and fusion of secondary lamellae or lymphocytic infiltrates. Infectious agents were not identified. 3.9. Hematopoietic tissue Fig. 6. (A, B) Spleen from a fish fed 90 ng TCDD/kg food for 250 days. There are multiple foci of endothelial-lined vascular structures (curved arrows, Panel A). Lymphoid density is decreased. Erythrocytes (straight arrow, Panel B) and melanomacrophages (open arrowheads, Panel B) are present. Scale bar on panel A is 50 mm. Scale bar on Panel B is 25 mm. Variation in numbers of melanomacrophages was observed but could not be associated with any dose group or time interval. Despite consistent differences between total numbers of erythrocytes or leukocytes in fish from the control and 90-ng TCDD/kg dose group fish, histopathological alterations in hematopoietic tissue were rarely observed. Plasma cell infiltrates with adjacent foci of hemosiderosis were present in one control fish at 250 + exposure, and non-suppurative neuritis/ ganglioneuritis was present in one fish fed 18 ng TCDD/kg in the diet for 150 days. 296 G.L. Walter et al. / Aquatic Toxicology 50 (2000) 287–299 3.10. Kidney 4. Discussion Renal lesions were infrequent. Variations in the number of melanomacrophages were noted but were not treatment or dose dependent. Intensely eosinophilic droplets were observed in the renal tubular epithelium of a majority of the fish and were not unique to any particular treatment group. Liver vacuolization has been reported to be variable in salmonids with glycogen deposits causing variable distention of hepatocellular cytoplasm (Yasutake and Wales, 1983). Two patterns of hepatocellular vacuolization were noted in the present study. Indistinct fibrillar vacuolization with varying prominence was associated with PAS positive stain reaction and was considered to be consistent with glycogen. This vacuolization pattern was most consistently observed in untreated fish and fish fed 1.8 ng TCDD/kg. Clear, sharplyoutlined hepatocellular vacuolization was observed in the livers of some fish fed 18 and 90 ng TCDD/kg. The localization, appearance and lack of affinity for PAS suggest that the material was lipid. Although these patterns of hepatocellular vacuolization were not exclusive to specific treatment or control groups the trend suggests that, in this study, vacuolar patterns were altered by administration of TCDD. Other treatment-related hepatic alterations were consistently found and included a variation in nuclear size and chromatin pattern, mild variation in hepatocyte size and/or increased numbers of mitotic figures. These results are consistent with two effects associated with TCDD toxicity in mammals, wasting syndrome (Rozman, 1984) and fatty liver. The hepatocellular effects of TCDD exposure on fish have been documented in previous studies (Fisk et al., 1997; Tietge et al., 1998). However, unlike our study, previous studies exposed eggs, fry or juvenile fish to waterborne TCDD or intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection. Sinusoidal dilatation, hepatocellular swelling and necrosis, nuclear chromatin margination, decreased glycogen and cytoplasmic inclusions were observed following exposure of eggs, yolk sac fry and juvenile rainbow or lake trout to varying concentrations of TCDD in water for 48–96 h (Helder, 1981; Spitsbergen et al., 1991). Juvenile rainbow trout exposed to a single i.p. injection of TCDD in doses from 0.1 to 125 mg/kg (Spitsbergen et al., 1988) exhibited hepatic lesions characterized by bile duct hyperplasia and the presence of intracytoplasmic eosinophilic inclusions. The incidence and severity of both of these lesions varied among 3.11. O6ary Ovaries generally contained eggs in varying stages of development (primary and secondary oocytes). The proportion of primary to secondary oocytes varied among fish but was not associated with any dose group, time interval or other histopathological alteration. Occasionally, degeneration of oocytes was observed and, in some cases, was associated with mononuclear inflammation. In some, but not all cases, peritonitis and ovarian inflammation were both present. One fish from the 90-ng TCDD/kg treatment group (150 days exposure) contained both ovarian and testicular tissue. This fish had ambiguous gonads on gross examination. 3.12. Other tissues Thymic and thyroid tissues were not obtained from all fish; therefore definitive conclusions cannot be made. However, no apparent treatment-related alterations were observed. Thyroid follicles varied in both size and height of follicular epithelium. Lymphocytic neuritis and perineuritis was noted in pancreatic tissue of one fish exposed to 18 ng TCDD/kg after 100 days exposure. Adenomatous hyperplasia with multifocal interstitial mineralized concretions of the Corpuscle of Stannius was noted in one fish exposed to 1.8 ng TCDD/kg at 200 days exposure. Cardiac lesions were limited to mixed mononuclear inflammatory infiltrates on the serosal (pericardial) surface of one control fish at 150 days and within the adjacent pericardial adipose tissue of one 18-ng TCDD/kg treatment group fish after 200 days exposure. Histologic alterations were not identified in interrenal, chromaffin, or ocular tissues. G.L. Walter et al. / Aquatic Toxicology 50 (2000) 287–299 strains. The absence of bile duct hyperplasia and hepatocellular eosinophilic inclusions in this study may have been due to a number of factors, including strain of trout, lesser doses, age of fish at the time of study, route of administration or possible repair of lesions before the first histopathologic evaluation at day 100. Six weeks following a single i.p. injection of either 0.06 or 3.06 mg TCDD/kg, livers of juvenile rainbow trout contained less glycogen compared to unexposed fish (van der Weiden et al., 1992). Livers of the exposed fish also exhibited hepatocellular swelling, hydropic degeneration, vacuolization, single cell necrosis and occasional focal necrosis with mononuclear inflammation. Twelve weeks after the single i.p. injection liver glycogen content had increased, and there was an increased number of mitotic figures in the 3.06-mg/kg dose group (van der Weiden et al., 1992). In the current study, mild mononuclear inflammatory infiltrates were present in the liver to a similar degree in all treatment groups. A number of fish exposed to 18 and 90 ng TCDD/kg had livers which contained cells with yellow–brown slightly refractile granules in the cytoplasm. These granules were suggestive of bile, although staining techniques to rule out iron and hemosiderin were not conducted. Dietary exposure of fingerling rainbow trout to 494 ng/kg TCDD for 91 days did not result in any detectable gross lesions, although histologic examination was not performed (Kleeman et al., 1986). This exposure was of shorter duration than our study, but to a greater TCDD concentration than even the greatest TCDD concentration in our study. In the present study, multifocal gastric mineralization with associated granulomatous inflammation was observed in some fish from every group, including controls. The stomach alterations observed are most consistent with mineralized foci of inflammation defined as visceral granulomas (Ferguson, 1988; Roberts, 1989) and were not considered to be related to TCDD exposure. Dose-related gastric lesions noted in previous studies of trout include cardiac gland necrosis (Helder, 1981), degeneration of enterocytes (Spitsbergen et al., 1991) and atrophy or hyperplasia of serous gastric glands which varied between hatchery strains (Spitsbergen et al., 1988). 297 Lymphoid involution of the thymus and spleen and hypocellularity of the hematopoietic tissue have been reported following i.p. injection of juvenile rainbow trout with 10 mg TCDD/kg (Spitsbergen et al., 1988). Thymic tissue was collected and examined microscopically from a number of the fish in the present study. The amount of lymphoid tissue varied among fish but this was attributed, in most cases, to sampling variation. Due to the size and location, piscine thymic tissue is a difficult organ to consistently sample and evaluate, especially in adults. Thymic tissues were difficult to identify and age-related thymic involution had most likely already occurred in these fish. Increases in numbers of melanomacrophages, lymphoid depletion, and increased splenic erythrocytes have previously been reported following a single i.p. injection of 0.27–2.93 mg TCDD/kg in juvenile mirror carp (Cyrinus carpio; van der Weiden et al., 1993). Melanomacrophages are considered to be repositories of end products of cell breakdown, such as phospholipids, erythrocytes, particulate matter and antigens (Ferguson, 1988). In the spleens of TCDD-exposed fish, there was evidence of increased degeneration of lymphocytes, and possibly erythrocytes which would lead to an increased need for functional macrophages to phagocytoze cellular debris. This could account for both increased numbers of melanomacrophages and macrophages with yellow–brown intracytoplasmic globular material, interpreted as hemosiderin. The presence of multiple foci of endotheliallined vascular structures were present in a few TCDD-exposed fish at the 250+ time period. The significance of this observation is unknown, although it is possible that these structures might represent vascular or lymphatic channels, which formed or opened secondary to congestion or impaired circulation. In the present study, decreases in splenic lymphoid density observed in TCDD-treated fish were accompanied by prominent splenic stroma, sinuses, vasculature and blood content. However, this may have been due to the presence of fewer lymphoid cells. The somewhat variable nature of the lymphoid depletion and lack of histopathologic changes in hematopoietic tissue observed in 298 G.L. Walter et al. / Aquatic Toxicology 50 (2000) 287–299 this study, as compared to more severe lesions observed in previous studies, may be due to differences in strain and age of fish, dose and route of administration of TCDD, duration of study and sampling times. 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