MOE- Minutes MOE meeting 10/2/14 1. Established Quorum: the majority was in attendance with minor absences. Members that were absent were: Sawyer Berus, Michael Barton, Sebron Coleman, and Amanda Cole 2. Meeting was called to order. 3. Each committee gave a presentation and we voted on items if it was necessary. a. Performance committee offered a production to attend called Oaklahoma! on November 22, 2014 on a Saturday at 7:30pm. All were in favor and plan to attend. b. Community service committee presented Operation Christmas Child and went over the requirements in order to complete a shoe box to send in. c. Social events committee presented a corn maze, that will be $10-15 on Saturday from 10:00am-10:00pm. Also a Halloween party on October 25, 2014 in O-128 from 7:00pm-10:00pm was presented. Both were voted on and approved. ***if any allergies send message to Hailey Hallcox or Seth Stewart*** d. Pep Band was mentioned by Dr. Geol Greenlee, and he said it was a great rehearsal and that it didn’t sound like a middle school band. e. The transfer representatives committee presented the people who will speak at MOE. The dates are as follows: i. Micah Hughett- October 30, 2014: TN Tech ii. Robyn Van Leigh- November 13, 2014: UTK iii. Mason Van Horn- Video: ESTU iv. Kala Cisson- December 4, 2014: UTC 4. Jeremiah Jacks made a motion to adjourn the meeting with a 2nd from Christian Heislop. **Submitted by Paul Davis III on 10/09/14**