Uploaded by Kamal Ahmad

IESCO Board FAQ: CTBCM, Licenses, and Governance

FAQ Session on CTBCM for IESCO Board
After acquiring supplier of last resort (SOLR) and distribution network (DN) licenses
separately, will there be any change in internal processes for DISCOs or will they
continue working like as today?
Will DISCOs make their separate business plans for supplier of last resort (SOLR) and
distribution network (DN) functions or one business plan for both functions?
Will Accounting function be separated for both supplier of last resort (SOLR) and
distribution network (DN) licenses?
Which document is the source for procurement of the materials?
At/Above what level of hierarchy Board should be involved in hiring/promotions of
positions? e.g. is Board supposed to be involved in hiring of CEO? Is Board supposed
to be involved in hiring of C Level management and operational staff like
managers/DM/AM? Is Board supposed to be involved in promotions of C Level Staff
and operational staff like managers/DM/AM?
Can Board Overrule WAPDA Service Rules for its organization and make their own
rules and get approved unanimously for operation
Is there any service manual exist for contract employees of DISCOs?
If MOE gives a certain direction about restriction of expenditures for DISCOs
considering that budget has already been approved in tariff petition by NEPRA, Can
Board stop or continue expenditure based on company requirements? Whom to
follow (NEPRA approval or MOE Direction) in that situation?
In case of operation level instructions from MOE to CEO, Can Board Intervene and stop
CEO to implement any such instructions directly! Can Board decide anything
unanimously against the MOE directions/orders?
Can Board interact with management directly? Or they should interact via company
Secretary only?
Can any board member direct any management officer directly or it has to go through
via company secretary route?