Form.TravelBudgetPlanning.Rev08/29/15 ULM School of Pharmacy Student Affairs and Awards Committee Student Travel Budget and Planning Form Please fill out the form below as completely as possible and submit to Ms. Massey in OSPA no later than September 11, 2015. Any forms received after this date will not be considered. Fill out one form for each anticipated meeting for the 2015-2016 academic year. This information is to be used for planning purposes only, and is not a guarantee that your organization will receive the funds denoted below. **All required travel paperwork must still be completed prior to each trip. Person filling out form & title ___________________________________________________________________________ Organization name___________________________________________________________________________________ Meeting name/title___________________________________________________________________________________ Meeting date___________________________ Estimated no. attending________________________ Location of meeting (city/state/country)__________________________________________________________________ Estimated total costs Transportation (gas, rentals, airfare, taxis, shuttles, parking, etc) Lodging Per person Group Meeting registration/fee Meals Other (list) Total How much money do you anticipate your organization will be contributing to this travel, through fundraising or other means? $________ total How much money do you anticipate requesting from the School of Pharmacy to help fund this travel? $________ total Is it required (by your chapter or the parent organization) that your organization send representatives to this meeting? Y/N o If yes, how many? _____ Are those included in the number listed above? Y / N Please feel free to (briefly) include any further information you feel is important for the Committee to know for the budgeting process below: **In addition, special consideration will still be given to students who are presenting research, participating in other competitions not noted above, running for office, or taking part in other activities that bring prestige to our School (per the travel policy).