April 21, 2010 4pm – 6pm

University Studies Advisory Committee: Minutes
April 21, 2010
4pm – 6pm
Attendance: Boomershine, Cilano, Cox, Fort, Gurganus, Moore, Orton, Pemberton, Sawrey, Taylor
• When should we meet during finals?
• Teams:
o #1: Mark, Chris, Kemille
o #2: Kim, Amanda
o #3: Alison, Ken
o #4: Deron, Cara, Anne, Woody
• No submissions from the professional schools so far (all majors need WI, IL, and Capstone)
Course Submission Review:
110: PAR 236: HPA: returned for revision
o SLOs need to be revised
o assessments are too vague
o improve learning opportunities
112: PAR 125: HPA: approved
o SLOs need to be revised (remove ‘Students will be able to’)
o HPA4 assessment is more like an opportunity
113: PAR 125: LGS: returned for revision
o no demonstration of solving problems (GS2)
o SLO3 on syllabus not included on forms
114: EVS 362: UHIB: returned for revision
o is this an introductory level course?
o what is target population?
o prerequisite = junior/senior standing
o syllabus needs all SLOs and catalogue description
115: EVS 361: HPA: rejected
o not related to HPA category: history of a discipline is not HPA
o SLOs not well aligned
o restricted enrollment perhaps
120: PAR 225: HPA: returned for revision
o no component form
121: PAR 225: LODN: approved
o some required texts are not included on schedule (will all religions be covered each
123: EVS 205: LGS: returned for revision
o no syllabus
124: EVS 205: SANW: returned for revision
o no syllabus
125: EVS 205: IL: returned for revision
o no syllabus or component form
126: PAR 238: HPA: approved
o need catalogue description on syllabus
127: EVS 495: CC: returned for revision
o work on SLOs, alignment, rewrite
o no catalogue description on syllabus
128: EVS 495: IL: returned for revision
o SLOs need work
129: EVS 495: WI: returned for revision
o no component form
130: CSC 455: CC: approved
131: CSC 455: IL: approved
135: PAR 240: HPA: approved
o cover form needs course title
136: CSC 450: CC: approved
137: CSC 450: WI: returned for revision
o nothing about writing process
o assessment: need feedback
138: BIOL 366: QLR: approved
139: BIOL 366: WI: approved
140: GRN 101: LODN: approved
142: PSY 225: QLR: approved
143: PSY 270: LGS: returned for revision
o rewrite SLOs
o use SLOs from syllabus (remove ‘gain…’)
o improve assessments (too vague – need rubric?)
144: HST 280: LODN: approved
145: BIO 190: SANW: returned for revision
o SLOs need to be rewritten (written as tasks)
146: BIO 190: LGS: returned for revision
o rationale and SLOs need to be rewritten
147: HST 201: HPA: approved
148: PSY 271: LODN: returned for revision
o no syllabus
150: CSC 220: AILP: rejected
o is this 220 or 320?
o doesn’t fit AIL component well – more on software use
o syllabus/catalogue description doesn’t match rationale  need to revise entire course
o very specialized and restricted
151: CSC 112: QLR: returned for revision
o SLOs need ‘D’
o written as objectives
o is this Q or LR?
152: HON 110: FS: returned for revision
o SLOs not linked on syllabus
o FS3 needs clarification
o form SLOs are opportunities, not outcomes
o syllabus SLOs are objectives, not outcomes
153: CRM 459: CC: approved
154: CRM 459: WI: returned for revision
o SLOs not related – rewrite
o rationale needs to be rewritten
o what is their written work? - unclear
155: HST 271: HPA: returned for revision
o syllabus won’t open
o HPA3: no comparisons
156: HST 271: LGS: returned for revision
no syllabus
SLOs don’t match
157: SOC 496: CC: approved
158: SOC 496: WI: returned for revision
o no writing process
o don’t create numbered SLOs for CAP
159: SOC 490: CC: approved
o don’t create numbered SLOs for CAP
160: SOC 490: WI: returned for revision
o no writing process
161: SOC 350: LODN: approved
o LGS checked on cover form, but is LODN
162: SOC 325: LODN: approved
163: SOC 215: UHIB: approved
o wrong component
164: SOC 105: UHIB: approved
165: EVS 380: AILP: returned for revision
o no form
166: CRM/SOC 255: UHIB: returned for revision
o HIB4 SLO not addressed
169: FST 210: AILP: returned for revision
o assessment doesn’t match 3rd SLO
o syllabus SLOs not on form
170: CRM 110: UHIB: returned for revision
o work on opportunities – need more specifics
o assessments need more specifics
171: HST 276: HPA: approved
172: HST 101: HPA: returned for revision
o HPA3: comparison lacking in SLO
173: PSY 355: IL: approved
174: PSY 355: WI: returned for revision
writing process lacking
176: PSY 410: CAP: approved
Items for next week:
• 177 – 181: new teams will review these
Teams should share scores before meeting to get uniform thoughts. Kim will provide more
direction to teams.