RADIOLOGIC SCIENCE PROBLEMS RADT 450 – Spring 2008 Instructor: Mr. Brett Bennett, B.S., R.T.(R) Office Hours: Posted on my door and by appointment Office: Nursing 307 Phone: 342-1629 Prerequisite: Approval of program director Course Description- 2cr. Presentation of oral and written reports on current topics in the radiologic sciences. Students are required to prepare appropriate visual aids to illustrate their discussion. This course also provides a complete overview of all radiologic technology courses with an emphasis on integration and application of theory acquired in previous classes. Includes examination procedures stressed by the American Registry of Radiologic Technology. Course Objectives and Outcomes Upon completion of this review course, the student will be able to: 1. Understand proper methods to prepare for the ARRT registry. 2. Design a test-taking strategy. 3. Review and recall information from previously taught RADT courses. 4. Synthesize previously learned RADT material into a portfolio, developing a continuing plan of further review for the certifying exam. 5. Evaluate their progress and make necessary remediation. 6. Work cooperatively within a group setting. 7. Demonstrate critical thinking skills. 8. Appreciate the role of research and presentations in the strengthening of the radiologic technology field. 9. Critique, evaluate, and justify their performance on simulated registries, research papers, and presentations, discriminately. 10. Understand the basic concepts of continuing education requirements for the radiologic technologist on the local, state, and national level. Instructional Methods and Activities This course will be presented in the form of synchronous and asynchronous interactive sessions in order to help students further understand and apply radiographic theory and content previously presented. Planned presentations/lectures by faculty designed to enhance and reinforce all previously presented program curricula. Examination Review CDs, Electronic linking, PowerPoint presentations, Graphs, Models, Photographs, Radiographs, and other sources will be utilized to supplement and enhance the information presented. Required Textbook Callaway, W.J. (2002). Mosby’s Comprehensive Review of Radiography: The complete study guide and career planner (3rd ed.). Mosby. [ISBN: 0-323-01839-4]. 1 Course Evaluation: Developmental Tests: Students will take at least five (5) quizzes designed to determine the students’ level of understanding of the five (5) content categories of the ARRT registry. The section and total scale scores will be returned to the students in order to analyze individual progress. Group Activities and Class Participation: The class will be divided into five groups. Each group will develop a 10-15 minute presentation on a current development in one of the areas that are designated by the five content categories of the ARRT registry. Mock Registries: At least two (2) mock registries will be taken on a computer. Grading Scale The student’s final grade will be computed on a cumulative point basis to include points from all quizzes, tests, projects, and assignments. The grading scale is as follows: WEIGHTING OF FINAL GRADE: Developmental quizzes 40% Group activities and Class Participation 20% Mock Registries 40% GRADE SCALE: A = 100 - 93 B = 92 - 85 C = 84 - 77 D = 76 - 70 F = 69 - 0 _______ 100% Midterm grades will be posted on line for students to view via Arrow. Mid-term grades indicate a student’s status at mid-semester only and do not indicate the final performance outcome of a student. Class Policies and Procedures At a minimum, all policies stated in the current ULM Student Policy Manual & Organizational Handbook should be followed (see Class Attendance Regulations Class attendance is regarded as an obligation as well as a privilege. Requirements for attendance are the same as those found in the most current Catalog . To prevent disruption of class, the instructor may not allow any student arriving late to enter the classroom, or any student leaving during class to re-enter the classroom. Once an exam or quiz has been started, no student will be allowed to enter or exit the classroom, unless otherwise allowed by the instructor. Any student allowing another student to enter the classroom after an exam or quiz has started will be given a grade of zero. Students are also obligated to bring all necessary materials (book(s) and/or notebook(s)) to class. Students will not be allowed to share such material during assignments, quizzes, or tests. 2 Cell Phones Cell phones are to be turned to “vibrate” or preferably “off” during class. Under no circumstances are you to be talking on your cell phone during class time. If this occurs you WILL be asked to leave for the day, marked absent, and any quiz taken that day will be given a grade of ZERO. Academic Integrity Faculty and students must observe the ULM published policy on Academic Dishonesty (Student Policy Manual - Students should review the “Academic Cheating and Plagiarism” section of the ULM 2006-2007 catalog. Any suspicion of cheating/plagiarism will be pursued to the fullest extent. Course Evaluation Policy At a minimum, students are expected to complete the on-line course evaluation after conclusion of the semester. Student Services The University of Louisiana at Monroe strives to serve students with special needs through compliance with Sections 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act. ULM endeavors to make reasonable adjustments in its policies, practices, services, and facilities to ensure equal opportunity for qualified persons with disabilities to participate in all educational programs and activities. The Counseling Center acts as the point of entry for individuals who have documented learning disabilities and psychological or physical special needs. The accommodation decisions are addressed on an individual basis. These services include but are not limited to disbursement of elevator keys and special needs parking passes. Information about ULM student services, such as Student Success Center (, Counseling Center (, Special Needs (, and Student Health Services, is available at the following Student Services website – Emergency Procedures Emergency procedures will be discussed by the instructor during syllabus orientation. Professionalism At all times, students are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner. Professionalism includes establishing positive relationships and interactions with peers, colleagues, and faculty; attending respectfully to others who are sharing information with the class; being flexible to unforeseen changes in schedules and assignments, and exhibiting a professional behavior in hallways, outside of the classroom. Remember you are a representative of our profession. 3 Benefinical Information o Complete each lesson, on time. o Review previous lecture materials and keep up with outside assignments. o Use correct spelling of terms and proper grammar; otherwise, points may be deducted from exams and assignments. o Keep up with and study handouts. o Bring the BOOK, study guide, handouts, and any other necessary note-taking materials to every class. o Discuss any problems with the course with me. 4 Tentative Class Schedule Jan 14 Jan 16 Jan 21 Jan 23 Jan 28 Jan 30 Feb 4 Feb 6 Feb 11 Feb 13 Feb 18 Feb 20 Feb 25 Feb 27 Mar 3 Mar 5 Mar 10 Mar 12 Mar 17 Mar 19 Mar 24 Mar 26 Mar 31 Apr 2 Apr 7 Apr 9 Apr 14 Apr 16 Apr 21 Apr 23 Apr 28 Apr 30 TBD Syllabus and Schedule, Introduction to course Registry Pre-test (part I) MLK Holiday Graduation Applications Pre-test results. Radiation Protection Exercise one (Asynchronous) Mardi Gras Holiday Mardi Gras Holiday Exercise two (Asynchronous) Exercise three (Asynchronous) Equipment operation and Quality Control Exercise 4 (Asynchronous) Exercise 5 (Asynchronous) Image Production and Evaluation Exercise 6 (Asynchronous) ARRT Applications Exercise 7 (Asynchronous) Radiographic Procedures Exercise 10 (Asynchronous) Exercise 11 & 12 (Asynchronous) Spring Holidays Spring Holidays Exercise 13 (Asynchronous) Patient Care and Education Exercise 14 (Asynchronous) Exercise 15 (Asynchronous) The Registry Exam Situation-Judgment Test Group Presentations Group presentations Mock Registry (Asynchronous) Mock Registry (Asynchronous) Final Exams REV. 01/07 - BB 5